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Thirteen ordinary members of the general public cohabitate in isolation from the rest of the world for a chance to win $500,000. All with the all-knowing, all-seeing eyes of Big Brother watching over them...

All 37 of them. 

Visit the BB5 Reference Page to see who is in the house!

Recaps by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, GSNN

Julie Chen
Creator: John deMol
EP: Arnold Shapiro, Allison Grodner
Packager: Shapiro-Grodner Productions, Endemol USA
Airs: Tuesdays & Saturdays at 9:00pm ET and Thursdays at 8:00pm ET on CBS

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 

"Double Eviction Night: Days 63-65" - September 4

Adria joins Natalie and Will in the jury house, but soon she realizes that she isn't the only one. Last time, Drew won the HOH, and chose his nominees. Tonight, the results, the Veto, and the vote to see who is next out the door. Not only that, there will also be a new HOH. That said, expect most of the getting-to-know-you bits to be cut.

First, we revisit Adria's firebrandish exit. "It was probably the worst eviction I've been through yet," Karen notes. Marvin sums up his argument that "(Adria) came into this house lying and deceiving everyone else." Nakomis is glad that Marvin stood up, because now he's standing out. And all she can do now is blend in (especially given the fact that she hasn't colored her hair in about a week).

Then we revisit the HOH, won by Drew... or was it? Karen admits to throwing the game, as Drew gets his letters from home in the HOH room. Diane gets hot over Ben's picture. "I think him and Drew in the same room could be too much hotness for me." You know, if you and Lindsey were to start dating Drew and Ben... it would be way too confusing!

But back to business, as Drew and Cowboy discuss nominations. Cowboy makes it clear that he does not want to be a pawn, instead nominating one of the gurlz to take his place against Marvin. "Is it good to keep him around?" Drew asks him. "I don't want him to be around. My ass will be up before them girls." Drew doesn't want any harsh feelings, but Michael reminds him that it's a game and that people are going to get hurt.

Drew tells Karen that he wants Marvin gone. She can't handle his arrogance, especially given the fact that Marvin wanted to take Michael off and put Drew on, "just to get a taste of the block." Diane knew of this, yet did not come to Drew about it. Enter lovers' spat #2. Diane walks out crying, still defiant that she didn't hear anything of that "joke".

Nomination time has come again, as Drew wrestles with a tough decision. In the end, it's Marvin and Diane (our humblest apologies for anyone who caught our mistake in the reference pages -- we had mistakenly marked Karen for eviction. We know now that is not the case). Drew sees Marvin as a threat. Drew sees Diane as untrustworthy. "I have no idea what's going on right now." Diane tells Marvin that she is not on the block as a pawn. Diane asks Drew if he still trusts her, yes or no. Drew just says "Hold on."

They meet in the HOH room. "Hopefully by doing this, it'll make people think that we're not as close as they think. And I think that we need to stop sleeping in the same bed as each other." Diane still thinks Drew doesn't trust her. He believes that acting naturally is better than just plain acting, prompting her to ask: "What did I do to deserve this?" So they trust each other... even though they don't. You know what, sod Ben and Lindsey. This is confusing enough.

Diane protests that if anyone wins the veto, they should not use it.

VETO COMPETITION: Bounceback Skeeball

Six ramps, six balls, simple, right? Except that the balls must be bounced into the targets, not rolled. Fastest time wins. Diane wins the veto with a time of 1:20, nine seconds faster than Drew.

Marvin reads the plan to get him out, although Diane vehemently denies it. "Whatever you do, no problem. All this don't mean nothing." So now we go right to the usage... or the lack thereof. Marvin has absolutely no reason, telling her to save herself or don't. She will, for her own personal reasons. As a replacement, Drew nominates Nakomis. So there goes the trust that the rest of the house has for Diane, and already she has put a giant mark on her back. Marvin line of the night, possibly for the last time: "For me to stay in the game, it'll take an act of God AND an act of Congress." That said, it's time for final words:

Marvin: It's been good getting to know you. Hopefully when I get out of here, I can get my own sitcom, on CBS, and if you vote for me, I'll get you a part on it.

Nakomis: You all know how I am as a player and a person. Follow your hearts. Do what you want.

Now to the vote. The vote to evict is two:
Michael: MARVIN

"By a vote of 3 to 0, Marvin, you are evicted from the Big Brother House." No bad blood, he'll just holla at them later. Took it like a man. It should be noted that this eviction is NOT live. Anyway, Marvin was hoping that Michael would be put him up. But them's the break. About the exchange with Adria: "I think she had it easy to get in the game. Don't tell me you had it tough." He'll be on the Tuesday edition of House Calls at 

Meanwhile, prior to HOH, we notice that there are an abundance of dotted lines in the house, or, for those who aren't hip to the Fantastic Four, some things are missing. Let me imagine for a bit... "How the hell am I supposed to play chess without a chessboard?"

HOH COMPETITION: Ready, Set, Gone!

Eight jump-in questions on items that have been secretly snatched from the house. Each question is worth a point. Most points wins. Wrong answer? Gonzo. Like the metal pear-looking... thing.

1) Without this item, it's hard to check your opponent (Chessboard, Michael right).
2) If you want to put your feet up and relax... (Ottoman, Diane right).
3) This piece of art looks good enough to eat (Pear sculpture, Michael right).
4) You could get cold feet without this item (Restroom carpet, Nakomis right).
5) If you don't use this item, you could be caught with your pants down ("Occupied" sign, Karen right)
6) Even though this items spins... (Lazy Susan, Diane right).
7) Two items were removed and then replaced. Which item was replaced first? (Toaster, Diane wrong, Nakomis right)
8) Some in the house miss swimming through this item (The coral, Nakomis wins)

But what will become of the houseguests now that Nakomis is in power again? We'll see Tuesday. Holla at your boy.

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