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Thirteen ordinary members of the general public cohabitate in isolation from the rest of the world for a chance to win $500,000. All with the all-knowing, all-seeing eyes of Big Brother watching over them...

All 37 of them. 

Visit the BB5 Reference Page to see who is in the house!

Recaps by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, GSNN

Julie Chen
Creator: John deMol
EP: Arnold Shapiro, Allison Grodner
Packager: Shapiro-Grodner Productions, Endemol USA
Airs: Tuesdays & Saturdays at 9:00pm ET and Thursdays at 8:00pm ET on CBS

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 

"Double Dare" - August 7

To say that this is not been the best 2 weeks for the Horsemen may be the understatement of the series. First Holly goes, then Scott goes, and now with Nakomis/Jennifer/whatever she wants to call herself winning the HOH, it seems inevitable that Jase, the self-proclaimed head of the Horsemen, will be up next.

Jase, who thought that Scott was the person who saved Adria (although we know that it was Drew, not Scott, who held the power), and who has already seen his pseudo girlfriend walk out the door, storms out of the room. Diane was stunned by Jase's actions, and she tells the rest of the group that it's only a game.

Jase, who realizes that his butt has a bulls-eye firmly placed upon it, is trying to play the sides off immediately and tells Marvin that Karen voted to keep Scott, but Marvin did the math and he's not buying what Jase is selling. Jase goes back to the group and tries to tell Adria that she's a liar, but Marvin accuses Jase of lying to him, reminding him that he said he was going to save Marvin. "Well, now I'm here, so why aren't you happy?" Everyone else, seeing that as an opportunity, jumps on Jase, who probably wishes that he didn't open his mouth.

We do a rewind of the twin segment, and the silliness that ensues when Natalie comes out. If Jase wasn't on the block before - he is now, as he called out Adria and her twin shows up. "I'm sitting there just cussing this girl out. My worst nightmare happens when I look over my shoulder and another one of her just pops into the equation. Seriously, how much of a jackass am I?" Well, you were a jackass long before that point, Jase.

Michael says that it changes the game - and Will says that he has to be shaking in his boots because he is a marked man. He most certainly is, especially because of 1. he is considered as Scott's lackey, and 2. when Jase, Drew, Michael, and Marvin all get eliminated at the same time at the HOH. Will even did a victory dance when that happened, because according to him, that's when his side won.

The victor gets the spoils, as she sees the spread in her room. She gets her pet cow, her Garfield pillow and pictures of home. What she also gets - a picture of her dad, who is also Michael's dad. Marvin takes one look at it and goes, "Yep, that's your daddy." Michael held on to the picture and he doesn't want to let it go. Jennifer gives him the picture and he tells her that it's awesome. Michael tears up again as we all have to say AwwwwwBarf.

Next up - it's Queer Eye for the Straight Guy as Will plays fashion consultant for the male house guests. He tells Jase to put on a coat to mask his armpits stains and accuses Marvin of looking like the leather guy from the Village People (ouch!). Nakomis has too much leather while Diane needs to get out of 1985.

Someone who feels like returning to 1985 is Jase, who concedes that it's over. He wants to give up as he talks to Cowboy, but he isn't giving up. He reminds Michael that Drew is hanging with Diane and he tells Cowboy that he wants to go home, but Michael, who admits that they need another Big Brother twist, refuses to give up. He may want to rethink that as Drew, who really wanted to get rid of Jase because of his influence decided to secede from the Horsemen and join Diane. Diane reminds him that she, Adria and Natalie stuck up for him, and we can see the seeds of a new alliance being born. Hmmmm...

Jase may really want to rethink the not giving up idea as Diane and Marvin talks strategy. Reminded that Jase can take himself off via veto, they ask Nakomis to put themselves up on the block. Therefore, all 6 of them can win the veto, take one of them off, and put Jase on. That way, Jase will be on the block without any way of saving himself and everyone else can vote him off. Part of me thinks that it's an excellent idea and I'm actually wondering why no one else thought of this sooner. The other part of me thinks that it's very, very risky to do that and if one thing goes awry, then that's one big apple cart that's going to be overturned.

One of those bad apples is the aforementioned Jase, who decides to use the other staple of this sort of genre playing, "If you can't make them love you, make them hate you, so you can be taken to the end." He says that second place is $50,000, with an outside shot at $500,000. What does making them hate you mean? Well, including what he has already done to this point, this also includes him walking around the house with a sign telling them that he is available and banging on whatever household item that he has available. He thinks that people may think it's funny - but he thinks he may also be sewing a few seeds in there.

Well, that is food for thought - and some more food for thought is the food competition, which this week features hundreds of pies around a rotating picnic table. Whatever is in the pie is what the group eats for the week, but not everyone will be eating the food. In addition to the HOH, only 5 other people will be eating the food - and those people will be the ones who find one of 5 'eat' cards hidden in the pie. There is another catch - There is one 'Steal' card that allows someone to steal an Eat card from someone. Everyone who doesn't wind up with an "eat' card will be eating Peanut Butter and Jelly for the week.

The Eat cards go to Marvin, Natalie, Diane, Cowboy... and Natalie, who finds a second card. Everyone thinks that she will give the card to her twin, but instead she gives it to... Diane, who was surprised with the generosity. The person with the 'Steal' card is... Will, who is torn between using it or not. He does decide to use it... on Diane. You wonder if subconsciously, those alliance lines are being drawn...

Getting PB&J is Drew, Diane, Adria... and Jase, who is wondering what else can go wrong. "I am waiting for the big anvil in the sky to come take me out." They do finish off the day on a happy note, though, as they decide to have a PIE FIGHT!

Nakomis knows that she is the only smoker in the house, as she started when she was 14. She tries to be courteous to everyone as she excuses herself when she lights one up. She talks to Diane as they talk about quitting and share a group hug. Painted in a less flattering light is Michael, who according to Marvin, "busts up the English language on a daily and on a minute type basis." He screws up vinegar (vavinegar), pronunciate (promounciate), comfy (confty) and he tries to pronounce McClintock as a John Wayne movie - and he can't. "My favorite movie would have to be Lonesome Dove."

Will and Karen talk about their favorite moves. Next on the block for them is Jase, then Drew, then the twins. Nakomis joins in and explains the 6 finger plan - put TWO decoys on the block, then they all pick someone who will use the veto, take one of the decoys off, and then replace the decoy with someone who they REALLY want off. That person that they want off, as we all know, is Jase. That prevents Jase from having the opportunity to save himself.

The problem with Jase is that he doesn't know that, as he appeals to Nakomis. He told her that he was lying and that he is actually someone else. He says that he really didn't like Scott and that they only bonded for alliance sake. "I have no alliance - I'm just by myself." Jase is laying it on thick, and he thinks that Nakomis is buying what she's selling. Little does he know...

The nominations are at hand, and Nakomis's decision is going to be really easy this time. She has to select the people that she can trust - but at the same time, she has to select the people that if something goes wrong, they don't lose a core member of her alliance. She decides that... Jase is safe. She says that he's had a rough week, and that although everyone may be kicking her ass later, he is safe. He gives Nakomis a hug and he obviously has no clue as how miserable his life could really be...

Also safe? Karen, Natalie, Michael, Adria, Will and Drew. Diane and Marvin on the block. Nakomis tells Diane that her relationship makes her nervous, while Marvin makes everyone nervous. All of them should be getting Academy Award nominations, because Jase buys it hook, line and sinker. Jase - "I think I dodged another bullet." Nakomis - "I didn't buy any of Jase's story and I don't think anyone else did either." Will - "This will be the sweetest revenge in Big Brother history."

Jase thinks that he is a cat with 9 lives, but I think the butcher has brought 8 cleavers with him. Join Chico on Tuesday as he brings the knife sharpener with him.

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