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my name is Lee
and I'm
addicted to game shows.
It all started when I was young, I guess
I would climb the
stairs of my house and wait for Rod Roddy (God rest his soul)
to scream "Come on Down!" Like the contestant that never was,
I would sprint down the stairs and sit in my own contestants
my living room couch.
written by Lee DiGeorge |
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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied.
Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander.
Episode 7 - "Celebrity
Turn-Off" (August 4)
My loyal readers, thank you for dealing with my slight
break! Unfortunately, life gets in the way of life, game
shows, and the pursuit of happiness.
Now, to pick up where I left off:
Welcome to another episode of the DiGeorge Files. Two
weeks ago, I left you with an easy question: Do game
shows with just celebrities work? According to the
wonderful chart on the website, you answered correctly!
No, they don't. During this DiGeorge files, you will get
a very angst ridden rant about one of the worst "game
shows" ever
Never saw Tattletales? Don't read any further. I would
absolutely hate to ruin an untainted mind by exposing
them to this absolute trash. However, if you're the type
of person who loves looking at a train wreck
here you
Imagine an overly smarmy Bert Convy. Imagine a game show
that people win money JUST for being in the audience!
Imagine a game show where there is no skill involved.
Bert would ask Newlywed Game type questions to B level
celebrities, seeing if their spouses would be able to
correctly predict that answer.
The Newlywed Game worked on many different levels. Bob
Eubanks is a fantastic host, whereas Convy isn't quite
stellar. However, the game failed for a greater reason
than the host.
If you were looking for celebrity gossip, there are many
different places to get it. To put it in the guise of a
game show, though? It gives the genre a bad name. The
celebrities looked lethargic and angry that they agreed
to play this stupid game.
The Newlywed Game asked similar questions, but the home
viewers were watching REAL PEOPLE answer questions.
These people had a nice prize at stake
they didn't want
to look like an ass on national television. Otherwise,
when they returned home, the neighborhood knew their
and they had nothing to show for it.
Instead, on Tattletales, we see celebrities who are used
to making asses out of themselves on a regular basis.
They aren't playing for anything
no matter what, no one
Tattletales made it through four seasons in the 1970s
and 1980s, winning one daytime Emmy. I say, my loyal
readers, we all get together and put on a terrible show
during the daytime. Even if we only make it one season
we can still win an Emmy!
For next time, please answer the following question:
Please e-mail me with your thoughts.
Until next time, peace out, cub scouts!
Lee never sat in the banana section. You can send him
tickets at |
Previous Episodes
July 18 - Deal Me In
July 10 - Charles vs. Charles
July 2 - GSN's Major Mistake
June 25 - The Legend of Barker
June 18 - The Greatest Moment Ever Stunk
June 11 - The Greatest Champion Ever
Opinons expressed in The DiGeorge Files do not necessarily
reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its
parent partner, Stormseeker Digital. |