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Thirteen ordinary members of the general public cohabitate in isolation from the rest of the world for a chance to win $500,000. All with the all-knowing, all-seeing eyes of Big Brother watching over them...

All 37 of them. 

Visit the BB5 Reference Page to see who is in the house!

Recaps by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, GSNN

Julie Chen
Creator: John deMol
EP: Arnold Shapiro, Allison Grodner
Packager: Shapiro-Grodner Productions, Endemol USA
Airs: Tuesdays & Saturdays at 9:00pm ET and Thursdays at 8:00pm ET on CBS

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 

"Let Chips Fall/Phone Home - The Double Album: Days 56-58" - August 31

Last time, Marvin's week continued on a high note, not only scoring a role on "The Young & The Restless", but outscoring Michael's putting skills and winning the HOH for a second time. Who's going to be scored for eviction as a result? And will the Veto play a scoring role as well? The answers in 60 minutes or less... or they're free.

We pick up after Natalie's eviction and the subsequent HOH. And what does Marvin do to celebrate? Strip down to his jocks and jump into the pool with Michael! He notes that we're pretty much down to everyone's chummy, we're all friends, and it's all about may-the-best-person-win. Riiiiight.

The Gurlz of the house have a lunch meeting, talking about a "funny feeling" that Marvin's pretty much a wild card. They say that if he was smart, he'd put up Nakomis and Diane, "for the mere fact of getting one of the people who sway votes in the house." If he wanted to do the most damage, he'd put up Diane and Drew. Cowboy and Adria are also mentioned as also-rans, while Karen is just playing under the radar. Should be an interesting day tomorrow.

But today, it's back to the HOH room, where Marvin is greeted not by Van Halen's 1984... but by Prince's 1999. And oh, Michael's not jealous, although, you know, Latimer's won HOH twice and he hasn't touched the keys but to scrape up the pieces of his shattered pride. Marvin also gets a letter from the "gang" back in Conway.

Yeah, you'd think that with letters, a starring role, HOH, and Prince, why Marvin's having the Best Week Ever (TM), But he's not done yet, friends. He wants job security, and he scores it through an "oops, I just made a deal with Marvin" deal with Diane. "I would rank her as one of the most powerful players in the house." That only leaves Adria and Cowboy as "not on Diane's side." Could be trouble for one, if not both.

Nakomis has eighteen piercings. I only have one. Left ear. And she goes to fetish balls as a dominatrix... A real freak we're dealing with, you can tell.

Elsewhere, the concrete prison, as a result of last week's luxury challenge, is transformed into a home gym. No, an ACTUAL one, with freeweights and everything. Speaking of free weights, it's time to lighten the load a little. With everyone on edge about which direction Marvin is going to go, probables include Adria, Drew, and Michael. Citing the usual gamesmanship token, Marvin withdraws the keys of Adria and Michael, although he does allude to Michael as being a little safer than Adria in this particular case. But in a sense, it's a matter of respect, as now each of them has a chance to prove themselves in the veto competition.

Michael heads to the HOH Room, as Marvin reassures him that he is safer than he knows, and that Marvin was actually looking ahead to the Veto in his selections, citing Will's earlier mission statement ("To get those two bitches out").

Michael tells Adria what he knows, which she responds with "I'm not stupid." This coming from a woman who thought that karma was a voluptuous actress. Okay. Once again, Adria starts casting for tomorrow's Veto Comp, this time with Karen, who says that she's been on a cold streak and that she would be scared to use it to either spare or screw Adria ("Oooooh, bad for me here.").

The next day, Diane lets Drew know of her deal with Marvin. Nakomis lets Karen know of said deal. Karen doesn't see the good in it, as it's a promise that she didn't want her to make.

Later, Big Brother has this week's America's Choice... 

Who would you like to see win a T-Mobile phone call from home?

The answer in a moment. Michael wants to hear from April and Chase. Drew would hear from Ben. Karen wants to hear from Larry. Adria wants to hear from Lenny. But who'll answer the phone? (*T-Mobile tones sans Catherine Zeta-Jones*). "Hello?" It's Drew...

"Michael?" It's for you, Cowboy. Sure enough, it's April and Chase. She got the job. Chase got the teacher they wanted and a place on the soccer squad. Blubbering ensues. Chase gets the phone now to talk to his favorite houseguest. More blubbering ensues. They want Michael to come home a winner, so they can get married as soon as possible (she can't wait until December).

And one message from dad: "If you don't stop crying, he's going to put his foot up your butt. Real bullriders don't cry that much." Big thanks to you, America. You made the right call. Literally.

Back to game matters, as Adria is STILL trying to curry Karen's favor. Karen says she will try, but she still doesn't know if she would use it. "Being scared like that is what's going to get her kicked out next week," Adria says.


Marvin picks Drew, Michael picks Cool Beans Nakomis, and Adria goes with Karen. So it's off to get dressed in jumpsuits and goggles, because tonight's the nice we break the ice... or at least slowly melt the ice with Super Soakers. Frozen inside a giant ice block is a veto medallion. Frozen elsewhere inside is a T. Melt the T first, and you can ditch the water gun for a saltshaker, some alcohol et al.... you know, tools! But melt the medallion first, and you get the Power of Veto.

The degeneration of events: water shooting begat running out of ammo. Running out of ammo begat banging with your gun. Banging begat "Hey! There's a pool!". "Hey, there's a pool" begat more water shooting.  Water shooting begat water pouring. And then Adria grabs the T... as Karen grabs the veto, just as Michael broke his gun.

But the question is still, will Karen use the veto? Adria would like an idea as to what Karen's going to do. But the thing is, Karen's afraid of making an enemy of six friends. If she saves Adria, she will be forever grateful, if you follow.

Each person will get one more say so. Adria says that she has had interesting commitments, and she would love the chance to be saved. Michael pretty much respects Karen's decision, but gives her the "Cowboy Veto Dance". But, to no avail.

"Winning the veto kinda lets me become aware of the serious nature of having anything that is the key to someone's fate. I, as a person, do not feel comfortable choosing one of you over to come off the block. I respect the nominations and will not use the veto."

So Thursday, either one twin or one Cowboy will join Will and Natalie in the Jury House. It could be pretty close...

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