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Thirteen ordinary members of the general public cohabitate in isolation from the rest of the world for a chance to win $500,000. All with the all-knowing, all-seeing eyes of Big Brother watching over them...

All 37 of them. 

Visit the BB5 Reference Page to see who is in the house!

Recaps by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, GSNN

Julie Chen
Creator: John deMol
EP: Arnold Shapiro, Allison Grodner
Packager: Shapiro-Grodner Productions, Endemol USA
Airs: Tuesdays & Saturdays at 9:00pm ET and Thursdays at 8:00pm ET on CBS

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 

"Eviction Night: Scott vs. Marvin" - August 5

Last time, Jase foiled Diane's power with one veto and one hell of a dramatic monologue. Tonight, either Marvin or Scott will walk the Losers' Mile as a result of said dramatic monologue. And we'll find out if Natalie and/or Adria managed to survive the last three days without being discovered.

But first, we go live to day 35 at homebase. Julie, therefore ruining any dramatic subtext I was able to write into this recap, informs us that tonight, Adria and Natalie will enter the house in tandem, and play for the $500,000 as two people, not one.

How will that affect the Four Horsemen's future? It won't, but I thought that would make a decent segue way into this... Scott and Marvin discuss who going home tonight. Scott is guaranteed three votes from Jase, Drew, and Cowboy. They still need one more vote, but who's?

Scott says to Diane that he owes her one for the last week at HOH. Then as soon as he leaves, she does the gun-to-own-head motion. Marvin gives the same kudos to Diane, who just says to "Have faith in me." Of course, being up on the block, it's hard to do.

Meanwhile, the ladies, including Jennifer, with the new pink hair, are dispelling notions that the guys saved Adria, when it was really the ladies' doing. The guys discuss the same thing, and Scott's being all pissy because he's not getting all the information he wants, apparently. Scott demands a straight answer about his safety, and all of a sudden, I can hear "Flagpole Sitta" in the background... You know, "Paranoia, paranoia, everybody's comin' to get me..."

Adria meets Scott and Jase to discuss the above paragraph, having it escalate into a shouting match once Diane enters the conversation. All while the ladies (and yes, Will counts as a lady now) discuss counter strategy, thinking that Adria has switched gears about Scott. And all of a sudden, she's now the swing vote. The non-Horsemen decide to cut Adria off IF she saves Scott, thinking that will hurt her the most.

Checking in with the houseguests... reveals nothing that we haven't seen before. The HOH competition, Jase's haircut, Jase's going mad, Adria's past week, Karen talking about Larry. Then we go to the vote from the Diary Room, where Jase and Michael vote for Marvin, while Karen and Jennifer vote for Scott.

Second order of business: Adria and Natalie. But first (damn, Julie!), we go to Diane and Drew, as we hear from their siblings about their budding showmance. "They're not trying to be too cutesy with it," Ben (Drew's brother) says. "I know her very well. I know she really likes him," Lindsey (Diane's sister) says. "I think Drew's too good for her." Then we see the picture of the two sisters together again... Wouldn't mind those two switching off from time to time. Lindsey and Ben both give Adria and Natalie props for faking the whole house out. In defense, it doesn't take much to fake those people out...

Diane's in the HOH Room, and we're talking about being the first female HOH, Jase's veto, the secret of the Spyscreen, and her "special" relationship with Drew. She wants to see anyone but Cowboy or Jase win HOH tonight. Back in the Diary Room, Will votes for Scott, and Drew votes for Marvin. Adria is still the swing... and a target alongside Natalie. "I vote to evict... *giggle* It's just not flying off my tongue." You honestly didn't think you were going out that easy, did you?

Well, we can give you... a BIT of solace. First off, Scott and Marvin's final words.

Scott: "Cowboy, you're one of my best boys, and I'm going to miss our times in the bathtub (he prefaces this by saying "I like women"). Jase, your craziness. I love you, brother. Drew, I appreciate all you've done. And the rest of you, if I'm gone, just remember the Savage."

Marvin: "Uh, ditto. Thank y'all who voted for me to stay, and if you didn't, well, the good die young. Y'all'll live on forever, and I'll come back and haunt you in your dreams." He gives shouts to the producers. It's now eviction time. Julie, take it. "By a vote of 4-3, Scott... you are evicted from the Big Brother House."

Jase: "IT'S ON, SCOTT!" Save it for the HOH, bro! Time for the post-game with Julie, as Jase heads to the bath again. A still shocked Scott, who said "I'm not good at goodbye's, so I'll just say hello one last time," discusses how the Horsemen had, then lost the power, how Holly's vote might have saved him, how BAD he lied, and any regrets. "I regret lying. I try to make things right, and I think I just took the game too far." We get the goodbye montage, including the reference to a) Holly's dismissal last week, and b) the upcoming "shocker". Scott knew that from the eyes. And you know, if he called her on that, that would've been one less bell to answer, one less egg to fry. His reaction? "Natalie's probably gone."  But for now, Scott's gone. He'll be on "House Calls" tomorrow. If you want to check that out, it's 1pm ET on

Natalie, meanwhile, awaits the call in the Diary Room. Julie reenters with news of this week's HOH, but first, the reveal. She asks outgoing HOH Diane how many players have been playing this game. "Thirteen?" WRONG! Fourteen. "Oh, shoot!" Michael says. Well, one thing's for sure, dude... It ain't Holly, so stop saying her name. Here's houseguest #14 now!

Enter the "OMGWTFBBQCBSMSNBCGSNN" squeals. And now Jase and Will are hugging! This... is so wrong. Okay, back to the HOH...

HOH COMPETITION: Home is Where the Answer Is

True-false quiz on the house. Have you been paying attention? Five haven't, as Marvin, Michael, Jase, and Drew take a seat... Now if YOU've been paying attention, you'll notice the irony of this round. The game's all about observation, yet Julie fails to observe Natalie's incorrect answer. She lives on for another round. After another round, Nakomis gets the HOH Room keys for the week. If you're expecting something to come about it for Michael, I'll just say "I doubt it."

Next time, more repercussions of Adria and Natalie's reveal. Now, if you'll excuse me...

"I'm not sick,  but I'm not well... And I'm so hot... 'Cause I'm in hell...."

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