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Because fandom is NOT a spectator sport...

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May 29, 2007

Jason:  Oh boy.
Joe:    Mmmmm, Krispy Kremes
Chico: That's goooood eating!
Gordon: And these shows coming up are goooood viewing...or maybe not. That's your decision as we play Push...or...Flush!
Jason:  Alright!
Gordon: We start with 2 shows that have already premiered.

Mondays & Tuesdays at 8p ET

Jason:  Very disappointing with the Pedigree attached. Nothing we haven't seen before...films, votes, challenges. FLUSH.
Don:    Doesn't seem that interesting to me.  Flush.
Chico: I can sum this up in two words. Boooooo...ring. Boring. We're gonna flush it.
Joe:    America voted....flush
Gordon: Oh look. It's American Idol goes to the movies. That being said, I do want to see what they can do. I'm sure I will flush it after week 1 of the Box Office, but I will give it the benefit of the doubt. PALTRY Push.
Chico: Almost a clog. Dammit, Gordon
Gordon: Sorry.
Joe:    Spielberg working on a series just makes me want Animaniacs back
Chico: I agree with that, Joe.
Gordon: Next one...

Wednesdays at 8p ET

Joe:    There's no reason to expect a drop-off from the last season or two.  PUSH
Don:    From what I saw, this could be a good season.  Push.
Jason:  This is good TV. PUSH.
Chico: I tried to get involved in it, but I couldn't do it. That being said, I liked the first 2 seasons and there's no reason why I won't like this one. Push
Joe:    Fwiw Chico, I can't get into it either, but it's still good telly-o-vision.
Chico: I do think the show has promise. I'm going to try to get into it this year, but I'm not making any promises.
Joe:    I'm better with audio critiques than visual, which is why I tend
towards Idol, but that's for another time
Gordon: Oh look. It's American Idol hits the dance floor. It is good dancing, but I'm waiting to see if we get nothing but pop dancers this season. Still...push. It's unanimous. (Small trumpet sound) What say ye for...

Premieres May 31

Gordon: Shiver Ye Timbers?
Joe:    I'd rather watch Ninja Warrior than Pirate Master, but I'll give a push on pedigree
Chico: Being a ninja man myself, I'm not truly against all things have to do with Pirates. I'm certainly not against what Mark Burnett can do with it. Push.
Jason:  This is going to be the biggest bomb of the season. Survivor on a ship. FLUSH.
Gordon: We all made fun of him when he presented 5th grader. That being said, I agree with Jay on this one. We don't need backstabbing on EVERY Mark Burnett reality show. Flush.
Don:    Arr.  I see a sinking ship.  Flush.
Chico: I will give Burnett the benefit of the doubt, but if the show makes me like ninjas more than I already do, I'll be turning on it in a minute.
Joe:    If these Pirates are worse than the baseball team, I swear...
Gordon: Next one...the first of Jay's type of shows....

Food Network
Premieres June 3

Jason:  You are SO right. This is my type of show. I will be covering this show for a reason. The challenges work, the people who are on it are there to win, and I love the production values. And Marc Summers is a damn good producer.
This is  A HUGE PUSH for me.
Chico: They haven't screwed it up so far. Push
Don:    It's worked so far.  Push.
Joe:    Marc Summers=PUSH
Gordon: Summers is a very underrated producer. And I like the shows that preach positivity over negativity. Push. (Small case sound) Unanimous! Now the second sort of cooking show...

Premieres June 13

Jason:  This is another great show, which I haven't seen, but heard a lot of good things. A great partner to NFNS. Push.
Chico:  Same Old Show. Same old Flush
Gordon: I like the show. Push, but I'm waiting for them to award the grand prize to the best chef, instead of the person that everyone likes.
Chico: The Next Food Network Star is basically doing what Top Chef is doing, but The Next Food Network Star is doing a better job at it.
Don:    I'll say push.
Joe:    I'll push
Gordon: Only Chico stops this from a third straight Unanimous vote. Next one...

Premieres June 4

Joe:    It should be better than last year, which was pretty decent.  I'll push, and it's not just because I'm going to be recapping it (hopefully)
Chico:  I must say that I didn't see a problem with it last year. I don't see a problem now. Push.
Jason:  Another Good gambling show. Better than UBT anyway. PUSH.
Gordon: I see a major problem with it - celebrities. Shannon Elizabeth aside, these celebs that they got concern me. Flush.
Don:    Push.  I liked last season, so I think I'll like this one, too.
Gordon: I'll like it once the celebrities are gone. Last one for this show...

Premieres June 6

Joe:    It's back? Why? Flush
Don:    I'm really surprised that this got a second season.  Flush.
Jason:  George Foreman cant save this...FLUSH.
Chico: I think we have a case of Sophomore Slump. It happened to Joe Millionaire, it happened to The Swan. I think it's going to happen here. FLUSH
Gordon: I HATED the first season. they are going to change the format, but I don't think it's going to help. Flush. We FINALLY have a CLOG. 1....2...3.....
Everyone:   PLUNGE!
Joe:    Full House
Gordon: And with that, the segment is over. But don't worry - we'll finish this up on our Season Starter... in two weeks. We wind up this season - and Episode #150 - after this.

(You can't have a 150th Episode without the Grizzlebee's Summer Menu! We have the World Series of FlapJacks, Pirate Pasta and our famous Who Wants to be a SuperHero Sandwiches! All served in new location in Hell's Kitchen! Grizzlebees! You wish you had less fun!)

Chico: Wheeeeee
Jason:  Sounds yummy.
Gordon: What else is yummy? The Big Finish! On The Lot - will any of the movies be good?
Jason:  Sorry  no.
Joe:    Doubt it, but there may be one
Chico:  I hope so. God I Hope so.
Don:    Maybe one or two, but I'm not holding my breath.
Chico: These are supposed to be independent film-makers, and these ideas are usually better than the studios.
Gordon: Playmania: Jeff will get better...won't he?
Jason:  We hope.
Joe:    Probably
Don:    Hopefully.
Chico: Hey - Shandi got better. So Jeff can too, right? Right?
Jason:  Sure.
Joe:    Playmania got better, too, so that may have contributed.
Gordon: Deal Or No Deal ends in June. Will we see anything good here or was it all used up in Sweeps?
Chico: Used up in sweeps.
Jason:  Used.
Don:    Used up.
Joe:    They don't have anything good to begin with
Jason:  We would  have heard something by now.
Gordon: Something that never gets used up - the mail!
Jason:  yes!
Gordon: Our first letter from Erskine Thompson . Thanks, Erskine!

From: Erskine Thompson

"TPIR" is obviously in a class by itself. It's a throwback, if you will, to television from 30 years ago. Consider that the show is played almost EXACTLY the same as it was when it debuted, and attempts to "modernize" the show (see 1994 syndicated version) failed miserably. Some will point to Davidson, some will point to presentation.

I think the fans will give it a chance. Network execs? Maybe not, but I want to think that if they weren't going to give the show a fair shake, they (a) wouldn't be putting so much effort into a host search, and (b) would have already announced that the show would end with Barker's last show, so as to squeeze every possible dime out of his retirement. People will watch and TiVo like never before for his last show...can you imagine if it was a "very special series finale?"

Gordon: Thanks Erskine. Althought it would be fitting if Barker closed the show down, the networks would never allow it to happen. There's just way too much money at stake
Joe:    Agreed.  Instead, we get all this hubbub about swapping deck chairs on the Titanic
Jason:  I still think it would be the best idea. I am not confident with the way they have been handling the search.
Chico: Nobody wants to think about Bob leaving. It won't surprise me if it came to that conclusion. Networks like audiences and ratings to be handed to them on a silver platter. I don't think they are ready to throw in the towel just yet.
Gordon: We'll have to wait and see. Finally, it's Jason 'Stat Boy' Wuthrich!

From: Jason Wuthrich

I spotted more errors in last week's Idol topic than you've had in the last few shows.  Blake is 25, not 22, and Ashley's last name is Ferl, not Perl.  But you did have the year for "I Believe in You and Me" right.  And I don't have MyNetwork TV, so they won't be munching my brain.

Gordon: Apparently, something's been munching on Chico's brain.
Joe:    And his cable line :P
Chico: Oh, shut up.
Gordon: And that wraps up this show. A special thanks to Jason, Don and Joe for joining us this evening.
Jason:  Thank you. May I say one thing?
Gordon: Yes you may - after I saw that we love your mail, and to please send us a lot of it at The floor is yours, Jay.
Jason:  I would like to say thank you to everyone here at WLTI, the people who have been here before, during and after the 150 episodes. It is amazing that we have a voice in an industry that we love to death. We may criticize, not to be mean, but to improve the shows we watch. I thank you guys for allowing me to be a small part of that.
Chico: Hear here.
Gordon: Thanks Jason. That pretty much wraps up our opinions and wraps up the show. For everyone, this is Gordon Pepper, wishing you all a pleasant Game Over. And...for the 150th time...
Everyone:   Spread the Love!


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