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Previous Episodes (Season 17)
December 31 - 2007 Year In Review/Push or Flush (1)

January 7 - This Was Supposed to Be Our Week Off!/Say Wha?/Push or Flush (2)

January 14 - Take Four Capsules/Good News, Bad News/Push or Flush (3)

January 21 - Happy Birthday, Chico!/What Were You Thinking?/Push or Flush (4)

January 28 - The Truth Is Out There/Would You Could You?/Push or Flush (5)

February 4 - Groundhog Day/6 Things We Think You Should Know/Push or Flush (6)

February 11 - Kill the Toilet/Roleplay/Trios

February 18 - A Soapbox Where My Heart Used to Be/Infiltration/Accuracy or Idiocy

February 25 - My Dad Is Better Than... What?/Vs./Welcome to Hollywood

March 3 - A Bitter Pill/March Madness/We the Jury

March 10 - Chasing Daylight (Savings)/Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews/What's My Zinger?

March 17 - One Fine Day to Be Nude/What Your TiVo Says About You/Welcome to Hollywood

March 24 - Giiiive Meeee Your Money!/Play the Percentages/WLTI Theatre

March 31 - Poker for Geeks/Infiltration/Who's Your Daddy?

April 7 - Going Green/The Good, the Bad & The Ugly/List Abuse

April 14 - No Talent/Paula vs. Simon/15 Shades of Wrong

April 21 - The World is Just Awesome/Ask the Doctor/Place Bets Now

April 28 - Jason Is a Bonehead/Hit the Button Win a Cookie/Five Good Reasons

May 5 - Half a Million Big Ones/Categories/Should and Will

May 12 - Crash & Burn/Higher/Lower/What If...

May 19 - Finale Fever/WLTI's VS./Buen Trato

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 17.22: Episode #200
May 26

Jason: No glove, no love kids.
Joe: I'm allergic to Penicillin, and I don't want Sponge Bob Gonorrhea Pants.
Chico: Remember... you will become MY problem. I can't stand problems.
Gordon: And you don't want to go to Dr. Chico. I hear he loves applying enemas.
Jason: YOW!
Chico: Okay, welcome back. Earlier, I alluded to the Brainvision hamsters coming back later to unveil our newest little contraption
Jason: Yes you did
Chico: And now, it's time... Hamsters... remove the blanket.
Gordon: Uh Chico...They're not moving.
Chico: ... Hamsters... CHEESE!
Gordon: ...And there they go.
Jason: What is that?
Chico: *hamsters start scuttling, removing the blanket to reveal*... the SuperToilet 200.
Joe: *fweet*
Gordon: OOOOOOOOOOOh. Aaaaaaaah
Chico: With the commemorative plaque.
Jason: Shiny.
Don: Nice.
Chico: "We the Brainvision Hamsters Can Has Dedication for 200 Episodes of Happy Game Show Talking Time.. Please don't Eat Us Eve"
Jason: They speak!
Gordon: Barely.
Jason: How cute.
Chico: ... We can fix the wording. But first, though. It's Push or Flush time. You know how this works.
Jason: Let's do it.
Chico: Starting with...

Tuesdays 8p ET

Chico: The second season is promising more... stuff.
Gordon: I don't care what you guys say. I love this show. Push.
Jason: I hate the show with a passion, but it's like a train wreck you can't not look. PUSH.
Joe: Pastry, it may hit a snag with too much
Chico: Give the people what they want. PUSH. I could care one way or the other depending on the questioning. But you know.
Don: It's done well so far, and I don't see its momentum letting up. Push.
Jason: There are a lot of "OH NO!" moments on it, which are just too damn good to turn away.
Chico: Four pushes, one pastry. PUSH
Joe: Maybe if it came with (well deserved) chemical castrations we'd like it more
Gordon: You all flushed it last time (except me). What happened?
Jason: We watched the show...we understand WHY it works.
Chico: Sorry, Lauren.. you will forever be that show's poster child. Next...

Sundays 8p ET

Chico: It's Password. It's Regis. It's for a million bucks. It's on a Sunday night. Does not get any more old school than that.
Joe: It's not Password as we know it, but it'll be a decent enough game by itself. Push
Jason: It's Fremantle and they are bastardizing the baby. FLUSH.
Gordon: I'm concerned. Visibly concerned. But Ill push it, because of Regis. are;y. Pastry Push.
Jason: This show is going to a get a good first look and then nothing.
Chico: It's on CBS, and I doubt they're going to let some pencil pushers mess with THEIR baby. I'll give it a pastry.
Don: Pastry. I do like Password, and Regis is cool, but I'm a bit unsure if the new format will work out well enough.
Joe: The promos make me slightly more optimistic. it feels like the way a game show should be.
Chico: I guess I'm kinda torn after Temptation.
Jason: I am not...I am not going to get kicked in the nads twice.
Chico: I approach everything with a grain of salt now.
Gordon: (gives salt shakers to Chico and Jason)
Chico: Okay, that's a PUSH, but barely. Thank you, Gordon. Next...

Sundays 9p ET

Chico: It's a proven winner. PUSH.
Don: PUSH.
Joe: Pedigree push.
Jason: Hold on...I am going to Pastry this...and I hate to do this.
Gordon: Pastry. They need to do a much better job of contestant background checking.
Jason: They have had a TON of problems with background checks. This show I love to death...but come couldn't find out if a guy is 39...or 43? or Joshua Adam Garcia?
Chico: But it's still a PUSH, so...Next up...

Mondays 8p ET

Gordon: Is the toilet big enough to stick a mole down there?
Chico: One of the smartest reality shows is back in action.
Gordon: As much as I like The Moment of Truth - that's how much I dislike the Mole. Flush.
Jason: I am going to give it a jiggle (a pastry flush). I don't feel right about this.
Chico: I'm hoping ABC learned a lesson from the original run. Otherwise, we're going to have a big stinker. But it's in Dancing's spot, so I'll pastry.
Joe: One thing's for sure, they are fricking lost. Pastry.
Chico: No, that's on Wednesday, Joe. :-)
Gordon: Http://
Joe: I was in the movie theater watching pretty much nothing but the same Mole advert over and over. They are fricking lost
Chico: Which movie was that?
Joe: Speed Racer. It's what we get for showing up 45 minutes early
Chico: Ah. Haven't seen it yet. Will, though... eventually.
Joe: It's aight, dawg.
Chico: Okay. Next..

Mondays 10p ET

Don: FLUSH. I don't see this being any good.
Joe: The only way it'd be worse was that it was based on the movie and not the musical. Flush.
Jason: Sorry dude...Broadway doesn't sell...didn't for Grease..won't do it here...FLUSH.
Joe: MTV+Broadway=error
Chico: It's got two strikes against it. 1) IT's a music oriented show on MTV. 2) IT's a Broadway talent competition. FLUSH.
Gordon: It's got one thing going for it.
Jason: Which is?
Gordon: They aired Legally Blonde: The Musical on the show. It scored almost a 12. People will watch this. Push.
Chico: I sense epic fail
Gordon: I dont. The ratings when they shows the musical confirmed it. In fact, Grease: You're The One That I Want may have drawn better numbers on MTV than on NBC.
Joe: I sense fail, but not epically. I give it the season
Chico: Speaking of fail...

June 8

Gordon: Now THIS... would be epic fail...or at least epic retread. Flush.
Chico: Honestly, folks. Do we NEED another dance show?
Joe: NO
Jason: Not here. FLUSH.
Don: Nah. FLUSH.
Joe: You know what, I think I'll.......FLUSH
Chico: One... two... three.. four... five flushes. Big clog.
Jason: Time for the first one...of the new toilet...ONE...
Gordon: TWO...
Chico: THREE!
Everyone: PLUNGE!
Gordon: Weeeeeeeeee
Jason: Wow...that toilet is good!
Joe: Class 5 Flushing Power!
Chico: And it freshens itself!
Jason: We need it after what we saw this past winter. Smells like lavender
Chico: Awesome power.
Don: Awesome.
Chico: Three more for this round.

June 9

Chico: Same show, new network.
Jason: If its the same show...MAJOR PUSH.
Joe: Not sure it's ready for the Big 4. Here's hoping. Push
Chico: I'll use Joe's term here... Pedigree Push.
Gordon: Pastry. I don't know if this is going to sell during the Summer.
Don: As long as it doesn't get screwed up... Push.
Joe: Can't imagine it getting screwed up, but you never know with the bigger audience
Gordon: A show like this is only as good as the talent and how they are marketed.
Chico: Guess we'll have to see when the cast is announced.
Gordon: During season 1 of Nashville Star, it was perfect. The more recent ones, they only wanted under 30, which didn't turn out so good.
Jason: We know Billy Ray is host
Chico: They go through hosts like Spinal Tap goes through drummers.
Jason: Jewel is mentor/judge along with John Rich of Big and Rich
Gordon: And of Gone Country.
Chico: Next up...

June 11

Chico: Di-ar-rhe-a.. (clap-clap-clapclapclap)
Joe: Can we just plunge now?
Don: I'm with Joe. FLUSH IT HARD.
Jason: Can the Tigers eat one of the C-listers....please? FLUSH.
Gordon: ...I'm rooting for the Tigers. FLush.
Chico: Let's plunge now. ONE!
Gordon: TWO
Jason: THREE
Everyone: PLUNGE!
Gordon: Weeeeeeeeeee
Jason: Damn, that's good flushing.
Chico: When did we become U2, Joe?
Joe: :P
Chico: Okay, last one before the next season...

June 17

Chico: A pint-sized singer won season 1...A ventriloquist won season 2...Just goes to show you that ANYTHING can happen.
Jason: Trust me when you see this...this season is going to be HOT. Major PUSH.
Joe: Are all the principal cast the same?
Chico: Yes.
Don: It'll be big. PUSH.
Chico: Big PUSH
Gordon: Push that bad boy
Chico: Big PUSH *fanfare* So we have the first nine. We'll finish it up in the next season. Meanwhile, we'll get to your e-mails in the Big Finish, NEXT!

(Announcer: Chico Alexander, you and Gordon Pepper have just completed your 200th episode of We Love to Interrupt! What're you going to do next?


This season, try out the new Guaca-mole dip, the America's Got Tater Salad with Nashville Star Anise, and for dessert, the Legally Blondie. Grizzlebee's.. You'll wish you had LESS fun!)

Jason: They are such a good sponsor
Gordon: They are, you know. And with that, we go to THE BIG FINISH! The Mole - worth watching?
Don: I hope so.
Jason: Not for me
Chico: I'll give it a go.
Joe: Good for surfing
Gordon: What about The Moment of Truth?
Chico: Why not? Nothing else is on
Don: Sure, I'll watch.
Joe: No thanks
Gordon: No more Idol. What are you gong to do with your new free time?
Chico: Guess I'll go out somewhere. See the outside world or something.
Joe: Same thing I did while it was on, not watch Idol
Chico: Okay, let's get to the mailbag. First up, from NYGIANTSFAN422..


Hey guys, I was wondering who will be the new Match Game host when is on TBS? I hope it's not Mike Burger

Chico: Okay, thanks for writing. First off. Cut Mike Burger some slack. It's hardly his fault that the writing sucked on Match Game 98. We know that Match Game can work in the here and now. GSM proved that. They had decent writers. GET THEM for the show.
Jason: Agreed.
Gordon: I don't think it was his fault at all. Or the writing. You had celebrities that were paying for laughs and not the game.
Chico: And seriously, no jokes about Bush, penises, and ... well, those are the two going-points, aren't there?
Gordon: I'd say you can add Paris and Britney in there
Chico: Gotcha.
Gordon: Everything that starts with P. Presidents. Paris, Penises.
Joe: Ponies?
Chico: Ponies are fine.
Gordon: Let's pony up to the next email.
Chico: Next up, our good friend Rob Hoffmann. Thanks, Rob!

FROM: Rob Hoffmann

Hello, boys! (Hail, President Skroob!)… wait, wrong movie. :-) I’m sending this now so I can congratulate David Archuleta before he wins… if Cowell’s blatant pimping for Archuleta didn’t do it...the fact that David Cook just didn’t really hit the one big moment that he needed to steal the show did.

And that leads to my 200th Episode Viewer’s Choice request: How would you tweak American Idol for its 8th season?

Gordon: Oopsie.
Chico: Good question... Gordon?
Gordon: I think you improve the show by...and we said this already...showing us more contestant. Wednesday's show is complete filler. Less filler. More relevancy.
Jason: Agreed.
Gordon: Make. Us. Care.
Joe: Prime Directive: This show is a competition about people singing
Gordon: Show us more people
Chico: Show us more singing. Next year's results shows will be 30 minutes. So there's a start
Gordon: Call up and ask the contestants/judges? lame. Worthless questions. We learn nothing. We don't care about who kissed Simon 40 years ago or if David Cook is single.
Joe: Also, Rob's prognosticating needs a little work, but hindsight is 20/20
Chico: Heh. Okay, one more mail...and it's from Jason 'Stat-Boy' Wuthrich...

FROM: Jason Wuthrich

Congratulations on 200, guys. I have a special virtual present for Gordon: a CY$0.69 gift certificate to Bed, Bath and Beyond.

By the way, here's an indication of how Idol has grown over the years: David Cook's 12-million vote margin was more than what Kelly Clarkson received in victory six years ago.

Gordon: Yay!
Chico: Get a coffee mug, G!
Jason: ROFL
Chico: Seriously, though. That's why Jason Wuthrich is the stat boy
Gordon: Thanks Stat-Boy!
Chico: Okay, that'll do it for us here. Joe, Jason, and Don... thank you as always for your insight. You were SPLENDID as always!
Jason: Thank you for allowing me to be part of this for so long.
Joe: Here for 100, Here for 200, let's hope there's 300
Don: It's always a fun time here.
Chico: And thanks to you out there for reading. As we've said before... without you, we're nothing.
Gordon: Thanks to everyone who supported us for the past 200 episodes. And thanks again for a great season.
Gordon: For everyone, this is Gordon Pepper, as I say game over, spread the love, and see you for Season 18!
Chico: Yay!