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Previous Episodes (Season 17)
December 31 - 2007 Year In Review/Push or Flush (1)

January 7 - This Was Supposed to Be Our Week Off!/Say Wha?/Push or Flush (2)

January 14 - Take Four Capsules/Good News, Bad News/Push or Flush (3)

January 21 - Happy Birthday, Chico!/What Were You Thinking?/Push or Flush (4)

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 17.4
January 28

Chico: This is Chico Alexander, and I have something to say.. Cheerleaders in Dallas... they don't know much.
Jason: Was that a shock to you?
Chico: Nah, not really.
Gordon: And apparently, neither do Dallas Quarterbacks
Chico: Oh. Burn.
Jason: Jessica Simpson: Football Cooler.
Gordon: But the Moment of Truth is...we're going to have a lot of fun today
Chico: Damn skippy. From somewhere in America, the truthiness edition of WLTI... is... ON!
Gordon: From somewhere in Ty Keck's Massage Parlor, we'll start up the fun. Starting with our Brookynite, Mr. Jason Block.
Jason: Greetings.
Chico: And our visiting lecturer from Buzzerblog University, Alex Davis.
Alex: Thank you, love being here as always
Jason: Hey Alex.
Alex: Hello, Mr. Block.
Gordon: We'll start the show with the most controversial show snce...well, the last time critics heralded the end of Western Civilization.
Chico: Okay, now it's truth time. The question: Did you enjoy watching other people squirm playing "The Moment of Truth"?
Alex: I enjoyed it. It was a bit of a guilty pleasure
Jason: Hell no. I found it to be foul and morally repugnant.
Chico: But how did you really feel, J?
Jason: Ha ha.
Gordon: I agree with...Alex??!!?!?
Alex: lol, I know!
Chico: That's crazy.
Jason: No wonder why it's so damn cold :-)
Chico: Okay, for those playing along at home, America got its first glimpse of the import "The Moment of Truth". The game is simple: 21 questions, each one more probing than the last, on their way to $500,000. To win, just tell the truth based on a polygraph test. Thoughts, gentlemen?
Alex: It wasn't nearly as bad as critics made it seem. I'm sure it'll get edgier, but it was far from the end of civilization
Jason: I honestly thought it got sleazy and smarmy right away. And it will get worse. I know it. What the hell is fair game?
Chico: Yes, it is smarmy. It is sick. It's definitely not for the squeamish. That said... it's a pretty slick affair.
Jason: It's basically Without Prejudice...without all the high pretense.
Gordon: I agree.
Chico: And to address your concern, Block, they reportedly did go with one of the tamer episodes. And we all know what happened to Without Prejudice. I liked it. I'm confident I was the only one.
Gordon: I liked Without Prejudice as well. The problem was that the show may have been a bit too cerebral for that audience. Let's talk about the hosting. I thought Mark L. Walberg was the perfect host for this sort of show. You needed someone who would be a soothing influcence, yet smarmy
Chico: Smarmy yet smooth... That's... umm... quite a paradox, there.
Alex: I'd like to commend them on hiring Mark L. Walberg. He definitely added an aura of warmth to the show. I think without him it would have seemed a bit too much.
Chico: Me, I'm glad to see Mark Walberg working again.
Jason: I disagree. I felt Walberg was channeling Maury Povich before he revealed that the girl who was trying to find out who the father was for the 20th time was wrong...again.
Chico: Heh.
Gordon: Maury would have been an excellent choice as well, but Walberg is a great choice.
Alex: He was definitely channeling Russian Roulette Mark here, not On The Cover Mark; which was for the best.
Chico: You don't want On the Cover Mark hosting this show. You'd rather have the smart-alecky type... Especially when you have to fly off the handle.
Alex: He can save On The Cover Mark for Trivial Pursuit
Gordon: Lets look at this from 2 angles. First the game itself. I think we all agree there's no gameplay, and any show that's relying on an item that's less than 90% accurate (and isn't allowed as courtroom evidence) is crappy gameplay.
Everyone: Agreed.
Gordon: Now lets look at the conversial aspect of the show.
Jason: This is the definitiion of "How much will a man/woman whore themselves out and ruin their family for $500,000?"
Alex: Exactly. Part of some enjoyment for me was "Are they really going to say that for just $25,000?"
Chico: What's that old saying? "You don't know who you are until all hell breaks loose?" Welcome to all hell breaking loose.
Gordon: How much of you do you really want to let the world know?
Jason: The Power of 10 on steroids to a degree.
Chico: The Power of 10 reduced to one American. And three of his friends who may OR may not want to know the answer. That's what a safety button is for.
Gordon: Usually, I would destroy the show in a second. When I have reviewed other shows, I have panned them because as the contestant, you are causing other people discomfort for your own benefit - like the 25 Million Dollar Hoax, for example. There's 2 reasons why I won't. 1. The Safety Button. If the family doesn't WANT to know the answer, they hit the button. But more importantly is #2. Everyone knows what they are getting themselves into. And I mean EVERYONE.
Chico: Everyone?
Gordon: The contestant certainly does, as they are asked the questions in advance. If they don't think they can handle it, they can quit. The family knows that for $500,000, the person isn't going to be asked questions like 'What is your favorite ice cream flavor?' Whoever is going to be in the chair will say a lot of stuff that their friends and family won't like the answer to. The family is there by choice. No one is bringing a gun to their head and making them play. No one is forcing them to be part of something they don't know (like the $25 Million Dollar Hoax)
Chico: Or that show with the Fiance.
Gordon: Or that show with the fiance. Catia the fiance said it the best, when she was asked to tell Ty to quit. 'I want to know the answers'. You may not like what you are going to hear, but you will know the answers. So yes, everyone is very aware of what they may face.
Chico: The one thing I don't get... there was a questino about touching a client inappropriately... You all remember that.
Jason: yes.
Alex: Yes
Chico: The player in the chair said he didn't do it... That answer was... FALSE. Now HERE's the part where that less than 90 percent comes in. That sort of thing can easily be proven. With documents and such.
Gordon: True. And lets not forget that people can fool a lie detector. Let's also point out that the detector is the faultiest with very emotional people. So if your heart is racing that you could win $500,000, that's the time when the lie detector is going to be faultiest the most.
Jason: And you saw Catia turn away when he kissed her.
Chico: I saw that.
Jason: You knew the relationship was done.
Gordon: I agree. I think that says it all right there. But lets say you are Catia. Aren't you glad that you know that the person you are married to isn't sure about the relationship and has groped women behind your back?
Chico: Define "Grope". :-)
Alex: lol
Gordon: He ADMITTED that he doesn't want kids because he's unsure about the relationship. You can't blame that on the lie detector.
Chico: Nope. That was a free admission.
Alex: If anything it saved problems that may have arisen later in the relationship, which I guess can be positive in some bizarre sick twisted way?
Jason: Not for me. You can blame the show totally for their relationship going boom.
Gordon: I don't think it's the shows fault at all.
Chico: I have this feeling that it was going to go boom sooner or later.
Alex: I really don't think it went boom. They went on knowing that stuff like this was going to be brought up. They knew there would be really uncomfortable situations like this.
Gordon: I agree with Chico. I think it was going to go boom. I think the relationship had issues. I think what the show did was to bring them to light that much quicker.
Alex: Yes
Gordon: And for the most part, I don't think that it's 'destroying a relationship; For example with Ty. If it is true that he's been touching women inappropriately or done stuff that Catia may not want, then maybe the relationship SHOULD be destroyed.
Chico: I'm usually a good read on this sort of thing. Okay. Time to grade... Good: Mark Walberg seems a solid fit. Bad: the capacity of the game mechanic to be faulty.

C- B- F B- C-

Jason: I will it sum it up this way. Fox and Mark Darnell have brought "the end of Western Civilization" on game show land. If this is a trend for game shows. Count me out. I don't want to see people whore themselves out for $500,000. Worst show of 2008. F.
Gordon: Walberg is a great fit, and this is certainly water cooler conversation as promised. People have whored themselves out for $500,000 before on any game show.
Chico: Big Brother, anyone?
Gordon: (DING) This, unlike Big Brother, gives you something to think about.
Jason: But Big Brother at least has a semi-competent game mechanic.
Chico: I seriously don't think that this is a portent of things to come...
Gordon: Could you go over and be put in a Lie Detector for $500,000? I think that either the truly virtuous or the truly morally decrepit will win. And in either case, it will be fun to watch
Chico: But for me, I wouldn't want to put $500,000 on something that's less than 90% accurate. I'll go C-. If only for that darned threshold. Mark Walberg saves it big.
Alex: I'll go a B-. Enjoyable show with a great host, but I just think the gimmick might get really old after a bit.
Gordon: I dont think the gimmick will get old at all. Not with everyone having a different story to tell. I do penalize it severely for the lie detector though. You can't give out $500,000 based on a device which is not 100% accurate.
Chico: Wow. Gordon and I ... agree?
Gordon: Not exactly. A for watchability. D for gameplay. That averages out to a B- for me as well. It's not a great game by any means, but it achieves it's purpose.
Jason: Sorry guys, I am so not with you on this.
Chico: That's because we're cheeky bastards. :-)
Alex: haha, we are
Chico: Average comes out to a C-, by the way.
Jason: ok
Chico: One review down, one to go. We had contestants telling the truth, now... truthfully.. anyone here like country music?
Jason: I do.
Alex: I can't lower my hand far enough
Gordon: I can deal with it in small doses
Chico: Anyone here like celebrities?
Jason: at times.
Gordon: I can also deal with THAT in small doses
Chico: How about celebrities singing country music?
Jason: uh.....ok
Gordon: That, I can deal with
Chico: That's the premise of CMT's new long-form, "Gone Country". Basically put, the likes of Julio Iglesias Jr, Dee Snider, Diana Degarmo, Carnie Wilson, Maureen McCormick (yes, Marcia Brady), Sisqo, and Bobby Brown... singing something country.
Gordon: You have a set of singers from all sorts of musical genres - except country
Chico: I watched it last night thinking "Oh god, another But Can They Sing"...
Gordon: I had that same thought
Chico: Cardinal sin around these parts, I know, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Gordon: ...yeah, what Chico said.
Chico: It's like Nashville Star meets Last Comic Standing.
Gordon: This isn't about a bunch of people singing a country song and having the audience vote on it.
Jason: I didnt see it.
Chico: It's truly about "trying to make it in the biz."
Gordon: I would say more like Nashville Star meeting Celebreality. Producer John Rich takes these people and will have them compete not just in vocal chops but in events that will help countrify them.
Chico: So you have good players... a good host... and an interesting premise...
Gordon: I liked the fact that the singers were taking it seriously.


Chico: So agreed. A-. This is what "But Can They Sing" and/or Celebrity Rap Superstar should've been.
Gordon: I agree with that sentiment. And the singing competitions would have been better in this format. I don't like all of the silly competitions, but I think that as a reality show, this is going to be good. This gets a solid B.
Chico: And that averages out to a B+. And if you don't get the CMT, it repeats right away on MTV2.
Gordon: Definitely a show to check out.
Chico: Gotta love that Viacom hierarchy.
Jason: ok
Gordon: Also gotta love an Amazing Race with 3 couples that were fun to root for.
Chico: Okay, Gordon. I got one question... How did you know TK & Rachel were going to take it?
Gordon: Because I'm a smartie pants.
Jason: Cause he has skillz like that.
Gordon: That's right, boyyyyeeeee
Chico: We were all but ready to give it to Ron & Christina.
Gordon: Well, you and Jay were.
Jason: Thats true.
Gordon: And here's why I knew better than to do that. May I have a Big Board, please?

What to Expect on the Amazing Race Finale

1) Expect something physically strenuous
2) Expect something mental that covers the entire Race
3) Speed > directions
4) Be prepared

Gordon: The Subject Matter: What to expect on The Amazing Race Finale. We've seen 12 of these by now. You should pretty much know what you are going to get - and who it should favor.
Chico: I think I have rule #1: the favorite going in seldom wins.
Gordon: Not necessarily. A number of times, the favorite has won. 1. Expect something physically strenuous.
Jason: The ice glacier. This time around.
Chico: That ice glacier... that was something to be feared.
Gordon: Right, They have had that before. In Amazing Race 1, you had to climb an ice wall. Also in Alaska.
Chico: Right.
Gordon: Where does the advantage go to?
Jason: Youth.
Gordon: Bingo. Which is the only team with 2 youths?
Jason: TK and Rachel
Chico: TK & Rachel, the two dirty hippies.
Gordon: #2. Expect something mental that covers the entire race. So someone (or both) have to undertake a challenge that encompasses the entire adventure.
Jason: Which is how one family drove off in a GMC truck.
Gordon: Again, who does that favor?
Jason: The Young
Chico: TK & Rachel. The list of 10 items from each of the 10 legs?
Gordon: Right. #3. With almost no language barrier to deal with, speed is now a greater ally than directions.
Chico: Again, youth being served.
Gordon: Right. That's what cost Frank and Margarita in Amazing Race #1. They wasted way too much time in trying to quiz a cabbie on directions. Most of the time, every cabbie will know where they are going.
Chico: I would imagine that it's pretty easy to find a cab in NYC.
Gordon: Though in Alaska, that wasn't necessarily the case, but again, these are assumptions you make before the episode starts, not during the episode. But here's what set TK and Rachel up better than the other teams. #4. If you're a fan of the show, you know these things are coming, so prepare yourself. During post-season interviews, TK and Rachel, who are fans of the show, knew the last challenge would be an encompassing one, so they brought a journal and wrote in it. Neither of the other 2 teams did that. That may have been what gave TK and Rachel the million.
Chico: Oh yeah. If you can't change your memory, change your habits and all that.
Gordon: So unlike the other legs, this leg emphasizes strength, smarts, and speed, and gives the youths a clear advantage, and THAT'S why TK and Rachel were able to make up the deficit and win.
Chico: One thing I don't get... And that's Ron... you're picking NOW to say "I love you" to your daughter? ... On second thought, now I get it.
Gordon: Better late than never
Chico: True. Moving onwards and upwards... Big question. San Diego... Charleston... did we see this year's Idol yet? Did we see the winner yet, daddy?
Gordon: We definitely saw a lot of good talent down there.
Jason: Maybe. David Archuleta. Unreal. Young and talented.
Gordon: Funny. I sort of mentioned his name on last week's show, didn't I?
Chico: Yes you did.
Jason: Yes.
Chico: You thinking top 24?
Gordon: I think he's a lock for the Top 24. And his Star Search experience will help him not be another Sanjaya or Jordin
Chico: What about Michelle and Jeffrey from SC? I think at least one of them could crack it.
Jason: Not sure
Gordon: I think Michelle is toast. Jeffrey could be good, but he has to mature quickly.
Chico: So anyone else from San Diego you like? I'm thinking the Australian dude... and the chick whose sister wants to meet Oprah and Obama.
Gordon: She was really good. She had a great gimmick, but a great voice to boot. I hope she can deal with the pressure.
Chico: And the downright scariest audition this week... Alberto Hurtado, the samurai fan man. With the eagle on his chest.
Gordon: He was definitely scary
Chico: Let's not talk about him anymore. Instead, let's have a moment... for the ladies.
Jason: Ok :-)
Chico: Anyone see Wednesday night's DoND?
Gordon: I did
Chico: Brittany Lewzader returned with six MDCs in play.
Gordon: And I'm going to do something that Jason is going to like
Chico: What'cha gonna do, Pepper?
Gordon: I'm going to add the asterisk. Brittany won $471,000*. * = Won it on Steroid-inflated cases. Hows that, Jay?
Jason: Sounds good.
Chico: Here's the kicker... She could've had $625,000*.
Jason: lol
Chico: She played on with $1m x2 and $400. The offer was $625,000*. Then she opens up another $1m.
Jason: And then leaves.
Chico: So she's left with a final offer of... $471,000*. Banker lowballed.
Gordon: In her defense, I would have done the exact same thing
Alex: I would have too
Gordon: You knock out the $400, and then you have nothing left but MDC's
Chico: Actually, no I wouldn't've. Because if you look at the numbers... You're putting up $625,000 to win another $375,000.
Chico: Not worth it, I think
Jason: Nope.
Chico: The risk is greater than the reward.
Gordon: No. You're putting up $150,000 to win $375,000. If you hit a MDC, you dont drop to 0. You dop to around $500,000.
Chico: I'm strictly playing the board. Offers are variable.
Gordon: So am I
Jason: I am noticing that.
Gordon: If there's a mDc left and $400 left, Youre not going to get a deal of $0.
Chico: Of course not.
Gordon: So youre not putting up $625,000
Chico: But you rarely get arithmetic mean.
Gordon: but you know what you will be getting - around. You wont be lowballed to $300,000 either. With a MDC and $400, you'll get anything from $450,000-$525,000
Jason: Thats about right, G.
Chico: Something like that, yeah.
Gordon: So you put up $150,000 for an extra $325,000. I'll take the shot.
Chico: Especially with two big cases.
Gordon: You mean two big cases*
Jason: Exactly. *. yes :-)
Chico: Yeah, forgot about the *. Very important.
Alex: The Million Dollar Mission interestingly makes the game a bit harder than anything, I've noticed.
Chico: Alex actaully brings up a big point. Does the MDM make the game harder?
Gordon: No.
Gordon: If anything, it will make it easier to progress down in the game
Alex: Really? I think it makes it harder and will lead to many more tiny wins than anything else.
Gordon: The only thing it does do is eliminate the safety net.
Alex: You're chasing that million and have no other figures to go for, especially now.
Gordon: So lets say you have 10 MDCs on the board
Chico: Not outside the realm of possibility.
Gordon: The next highest amount - $10,000. It will be easier to go further In the game, because the chances of you holding 2 MDC's to the end will be greater. The shift point will be when you only have 1 MDC left, because then there's zero margin for error. You lose that one and you will not have a lot to go home with.
Chico: So the more MDCs in play, the more the game becomes important. The mental game, that is.
Gordon: Right
Chico: To borrow a title from a GSN show... How much is enough?
Gordon: Exactly. Then again, if you lose the Top 10 high amounts in play, then you won't walk home with anything good, either. So no, it doesn't make it harder. Just makes the prize amounts steroid-inflated.
Chico: So it once again comes down to Vegas philosophy. Get in, ride the wave, get out. The game doesn't change, then, does it?
Gordon: Exactly. nothing changed there, only we add a *. That's it.
Chico: Ah, the ever-important *.
Gordon: So Brittany wins $471,000*. What was in her case?
Chico: $400.
Gordon: So a great deal* made by Brittany then
Jason: Yup. *
Chico: Will you add a * to a class filled with Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders?
Gordon: I'll add ( ), which was the amount of brain matter in their heads.
Chico: We start, of course, with a player... Brian Galdos. Brian is a big fan of the Dallas Cowboys, so 5th Grader Elementary busses in a class of world-famous Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.
Jason: nice.
Chico: If you know of the world-famous Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, you know that they're up there with the Laker Girls in terms of sports cheerer hotness.
Gordon: Oh, they are nice, all right. Nice and brain-dead. Can I have a Big Board please?

What I Learned from the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders

1) Spiders are insects
2) A room that's 13 x 7 is 105 square feet
3) The singular form of lice... Lice
4) There are 49 states over the Tropic of Cancer

Gordon: The subject: Things I learned from the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders
Jason: Oh boy, lol
Chico: Do tell, Prof. Pepper.
Gordon: #1. Spiders are insects
Chico: That answer is.... FALSE. Insects have six legs, spiders have eight.
Jason: Spiders are arachnids.
Gordon: #2. A room that's 13 by 7 has 105 square feet.
Chico: That answer is... FALSE.
Jason: That's 91 square feet
Gordon: #3. The singular form of Lice is...lice
Chico: That answer is... FALSE. It's actually "Louse".
Jason: Very good.
Gordon: #4. There are 49 states over the Tropic of Cancer.
Jason: Aren't there like none?
Gordon: Actually, that one is true. And that's the ONLY one that all of the cheerleaders got right.
Chico: This is actually the question that stymied Brian to drop out with $50,000. Can anyone name the oddball?
Gordon: (locked in)
Jason: Alaska
Gordon: No. (BUZZ) Alaska? Alaska??!!?!? Wha?
Chico: It's NOT Alaska.
Gordon: Alaska is the NORTHERNMOST one, Jay
Jason: Oh wrong way...sorry
Chico: It was Hawaii.
Jason: I am not smarter than a Dallas cowboy Cheerleader
Gordon: The right answer is Hawaii. We also had a principal edition, and the principal did very well.
Chico: How well?
Gordon: He walks with $300,000, but he doesn't pull the trigger on this:

What author wrote Gulliver's Travels'?

Chico: *locked.
Jason: (locked)
Gordon: answer?
Jason: Johnathan Swift
Chico: Jonathan Swift.
Gordon: Swift is right. I'll have the $500,000 for both of you by next Thursday
Chico: Good job.
Jason: Thank you.
Gordon: Unfortunately, all of the bill will have Monty Hall's face on it.
Chico: Agh. =p
Gordon: One more thing, Chico
Chico: Wuzzat?
Gordon: On 1 Vs. 100, we have the 'Smartest Man in America'. He walks with $250,000.
Chico: Oh yeah. Saw that. Had it slow-going in the early game. Three questions, knocked out four people. Then came one question he used a trust on, and all of a sudden, he was taking them out with machine guns.
Gordon: The question that got rid of 37 mob members

Which of these things can you NOT sell on eBay?
a) Used Make-up.
b) Used Furniture.
c) Used Adult DVDs

Chico: Used makeup. That's gross.
Jason: Used Makeup
Gordon: Thats right. 39 people said used makeup. 38 people said used DVD's
Chico: You could get the staph... or the anthrax... or the MRSA... or something.
Jason: You can get a lot of "adult" stuff on ebay.
Chico: I don't doubt it.
Gordon: Now Chico, I'm not sure if you know this or not, but the Guilds are discussing a possible negotiation. So the WGA sent us an animal for the Doppler this week.
Chico: I'm not surprised, this is the best deal anyone's been able to hammer out in a long time. But what animal did they give us this week?
Gordon: Since there's a lot of legalese in those contracts, they sent us...a bookworm.
Jason: Smart guy
Gordon: He's caled Drew
Jason: Yeah...look at the glasses.
Chico: He have them big glasses? Okay, *loads up Drew*.
Gordon: yeah. They are cute though
Chico: They are cute aren't they?
Jason: Yup.
Chico: Okay, make news go now.
Gordon: Roll That Beautiful Brain Footage

Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thanks, Doug. Gordon, you're up first. I've prepped your calendar.
Gordon: I see. Lots of dates here.
Jason: Strike stuff, no?
Chico: Strike stuff, yes.

Out - 1 Vs. 100 on February 22nd (Season Finale). In - Amne$ia - February 29. Also in - The Price is Right Specials on Fridays. My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad" March 31 and Top Chef:Chicago on March 12

Chico: Lots of good stuff.
Jason: Very good stuff
Gordon: 1 more thing

If you would rather watch game shows instead of the Super Bowl, NBC has a Biggest Loser Marathon next Sunday

Jason: Go Giants! Sorry I will skip.
Chico: Go Patriots! I have to be at work, so I won't be watching either :-(
Jason: Grrrrrr
Gordon: Go Whopperettes!
Jason: Isnt it the HitMoms now?
Chico: Yeah.
Gordon: There will always be Whopperettes in my heart
Chico: Aw, that's nice. Okay, we've got the calendar, we've also got the bat.
Jason: (hands you the bat) Nice and shiny for you.
Chico: Why thank you, sir.

Spurred by the DGA's move, the WGA began informal talks this week with the AMPTP in hopes of resolving the strike.

Jason: And Lionsgate became the latest studio to settle.
Chico: along with Marvel Studios. Which means expect Saw 16... and Captain America... maybe.
Jason: Maybe. But I am telling you...this will spur on a settlement. Trust me.
Chico: Well, when you have the EP of ER saying "This is probably the best deal we've seen in ages...."
Gordon: I think it all depends.
Jason: On?
Gordon: Here's the thing: You have had many studios agree to the WGA's proposal without a problem. They will certainly not kowtow to a lesser demand from the AMPTP. That, plus the public sentiment still very much on the writers side according to many polls, and the WGA doesn't need to budge much from their position. The AMPTP does, so the settlement will be based on if the AMPTP wants to budge, not the WGA.
Chico: It's basically a million dollar game of chicken. A multi-million dollar game of chicken.
Jason: a Billion dollar game
Chico: But the important thing is that they're actually talking now.
Gordon: Hopefully, they will be smart enough to figure something out.
Jason: Agreed.
Gordon: Umlike these people, who may never be able to figure anything out. Are You Smarter Than...

The 20 women who have decided to be on Flavor of Love 3? It includes such educational names as Hotlanta, Prancer, Myammee, and my favorite name, BUNZ.

Jason: Oh joy...oh melodious rapture.
Chico: This one's easy. Yes.
Alex: lol
Gordon: Youre computer doesn't like Flava of love 3?
Jason: Nope. It felt ill.
Chico: I think it blew up upon hearing it.
Gordon: And so...who's up for some Haterade?
Jason: I am!
Alex: Nothing finer
Chico: Right here.
Gordon: 3 glasses.
Jason: (lines them up)

Glass one goes to Bob Barker, who goes after Michael Vick

Chico: Not surprisingly.
Jason: What did he say?
Gordon: "I'm not satisfied with anything about Michael Vick," Barker told Sheridan. "The only thing about the whole Michael Vick affair that is encouraging is there are people who have never given dogfighting a thought who are now anti-dogfighting. I'd like to see much more effective enforcement."
Jason: Go, Bob.
Gordon: Next Up...

Power of 10 Vs. Deal or No Deal and American Idol? A losing proposition, as it gets yanked. CBS will bring it back during the Summer....hopefully.

Chico: Seems like the only logical choice.
Jason: Nope. Not the logical choice. Dumb. You put it at 9PM.
Chico: And move Criminal Minds? Are you nuts?
Jason: Pair it with Price...and you have the Power of Drew.
Chico: Oh, 9p Fridays...
Jason: Yup.
Chico: I doubt that'd work as well.
Gordon: Finally...

We all saw this one coming - How Much is Enough, after only a few weeks on the air, is ALREADY getting moved out of it's cushy prime time slot and into 10pm. Replacing it - Richard Karn's version of Family Feud.

Chico: Ow.
Jason: Oh man.
Chico: As if THAT wasn't enough. Friday, it's dropped for TTTT. So as a result right now, new eps will air at most four times next week. It's never a good sign when a show on GSN gets moved ... AND dropped.
Alex: I liked it at first. It's becoming very boring at this point. Seeing teams win sub-$2,000 wins with over $12,000 available is annoying and getting old.
Jason: Not really.
Chico: And if I may say so, I'm beginning to notice a pattern. Win the $5000 money clock... move on to the final faceoff. It's the Feud Triple Round all over again.
Gordon: Its been like that the whole series. It's just a bad show.
Jason: Exactly.
Chico: yup
Gordon: Looked good on paper, bad on practice
Chico: purty much. Okay, let's take a trip somewhere.. Anyone up for the UK?
Jason: Sure.
Gordon: Yay!

A firm has named the results of a poll suggesting the UK's greatest game shows of all time.

Chico: The list, if I may have a big board, please.

The UK's Greatest Games of All Time... This Week

1) Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
2) Deal or No Deal
3) Mastermind
4) Crystal Maze
5) University Challenge
6) Countdown
7) Saturday Night Takeaway
8) Weakest Link
9) Fifteen-to-One
10) Catchphrase

Jason: Countdown should be #1,
Alex: Yeah, or at least higher than Deal
Chico: ... yet Family Fortunes fails to make the list. ... WTF, mate?
Jason: It is an amazingly brilliant concept.
Alex: I like UK Deal. Not worthy of number 2. They are riding on the wave that it's popular currently.
Chico: We should remind everyone that this is a poll and only reflects the opinions of those that chose to take part. That said, those that chose to take part are morons.
Jason: There you go :-)
Chico: Millionaire... definitely deserves to be up top. Countdown second. Mastermind third. Then Crystal Maze, Family Fortunes, 15-to-1, Catchphrase, University Challenge, Blockbusters, and Bullseye... in that order.
Jason: Sounds about right. Anyone remember Top of the World?
Chico: And personally speaking, I'd say that Countdown deserves a shot over here, but ... it's too good for us.
Jason: Agreed.
Gordon: You wouldn't put Set For Life in the Top Ten?
Chico: Not even in the top 100.
Jason: Not even in the top 1000
Chico: Give you a reference point: X-Factor would be in my top 50. Like #39 or something.
Jason: Pop Idol would be in my top 50 as well.
Chico: But this list that came out... is BS.
Gordon: Good thing you brought that up, because America's Got Talent had got a seat in the Casting Couch this week.
Chico: Details, my friend.

Go to for those detailt and apply.

Chico: Wait, one more.
Gordon: Ok
Chico: This one's for you, Mr. Gordon...
Gordon: ooooh
Chico: Do you have style? Do you have class? Do you have culture? Are you charming?
Jason: Yes. Yes. Yes., and Yes.

If you do... then you're way ahead of the Bachelorette, but the call wants these things, so...

Jason: ROFL. My sides hurt. Great timing.
Gordon: ...
Chico: Now I'm ready for some hoes.
Gordon: Ok Then...
Chico: *plays "Pimpin' All Over the World"*
Gordon: in thie week's Media Ho Report...

JD Roberto hosts Idol Extra, Yul Kwon tries to make a yogurt store but may get voted out in San Francisco, Lois Nettleton passes...


Chico: Okay, continue.

Jeremy Beadle (host of the UK's version of WIn Ben Stein's Money) is hospitalized, Jennie Fitch gets fired from The Apprentice and Victorya gets the boot from Project Runway

Gordon: But none of them are your Ho of the Week
Chico: Hmmm.. Intriguing. Tell me, pray tell, who is this week's top trollop.
Gordon: The ho is...the WGA, for not only coming back to the bargaining table, but for also dropping the demand that reality shows be Unionized.
Chico: That makes you all a-tickled, doesn't it?
Gordon: It does, actually. Now lets get a deal in place. And those...are your hoes.
Chico: Okay, one more feature... This is for you, Gordon... and it's better than the Bachelorette.

Wheel and Jeopardy! are coming to the Mac.

Gordon: Goody :)
Chico: Makes sense. You like Wheel and Jeopardy!... and you have a Mac.
Jason: He has a nice IMac
Chico: Both items are now available at
Gordon: Makes me happy :)
Chico: And that'll do it for the Brainvision.
Gordon: Shut it Down
Chico: Eve'll clean up later. It's her job.
Jason: (shutting down). Since she came back the doppler has been running real tight.
Chico: Meanwhile, we have results on last week's You Love... We asked if you were watching Moment of Truth. It's a dead heat between yes and no, with 10% opting to take the fifth.
Gordon: 2 Straight dead heat questions.
Chico: Yeah. Can we make it three, Gordon? What'cha got?
Gordon: Here's this week's question: We'll give you a sneak peak of the game this week.

Would you strap yourself to a lie detector for $500,000?


Gordon: Results next week
Chico: When we come back, we're going to ask more would-you questions, plus... the game that refuses to die. This is WLTI, the show that takes game shows, reality TV, and pop culture, whips it in a blender, and has a nice long drink.
Jason: yum

(BrainVision has been brought to you by Deal Or No Deal, the AMPTP Game. You get to pick from 26 different Proposals, but only one of them will give you the million dollar guaranteed contract. The offers could be 5% internet rights. Deal...or No Deal?)