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Previous Episodes (Season 17)
December 31 - 2007 Year In Review/Push or Flush (1)

January 7 - This Was Supposed to Be Our Week Off!/Say Wha?/Push or Flush (1)

January 14 - Take Four Capsules/Good News, Bad News/Push or Flush (2)

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 17.3
January 21

Gordon: This is Gordon Pepper, and did you all out there know that this week, it's someone's birthday?
Jason: Not mine. Mine is next month.
Chico: Bob Eubanks' was earlier this month.
Jason: Gordon's was in the fall.
Gordon: Pat Sajak's was the same as mine :)
Jason: Nice b'day to share with
Jason: so whose is it?
Gordon: Jason - he's over there (points)
Jason: (oh right)
Chico: ... Wait a minute. I'm being set up for something =p
Chico: Wee!
Gordon: YAY!
Jason: (streamers fall)
Chico: Cake and ice cream in a bit, but first, we've got some games to play and play to talk about. Because from somewhere in America, the Chico Alexander is 28... and single... edition of WLTI... is... ON!
Gordon: YAY!
Jason: At least you aren't pregnant.
Chico: That... would just be wrong. Alongside the combined forces of Gordon Pepper and Jason Block, I am Chico Alexander, and Gordon?
Gordon: Yes, Birthday boy?
Chico: American Idol's back.
Gordon: yay!
Jason: I felt the 800 pound gorilla stomp last the tune of 33M and 30M respectively last week.
Chico: I knew you'd be thrilled.
Gordon: I am. Still the same old Idol. Unfortunately, it didn't have the fixes I wanted to see, but it makes everyone happy...for now.
Jason: Not me. I wasn't happy at all at certain things.
Chico: It's still way early in the season. This season so far has been hit and miss. I guess that comes with watching seven years worth. I have watched 5 but I understand. I was pleased with the talent until I read that some of them were ringers...Kady Malloy... the girl from Dallas that we all thought was a bit fixated on imitating better singers? Ringer. Kristy Lee Cook... the girl we all loved from Oregon....Ringer.
Gordon: Excuse me. How do you know they were ringers?
Chico: News sources, namely MTV.
Gordon: Show me proof that any of these people were contacted by Nigel Lythgoe or anyone from American Idol to audition.
Chico: I didn't say they were contacted to audition. I'm just saying that they were a little more than amateur.
Gordon: And since when is this new?
Chico: It was new to me last year.
Gordon: You had people with professional experience all the way back in Idol 4.
Jason: Taylor Hicks and Chris Daughtry put out local albums if I remember right?
Gordon: Right. Chris Daughtry and Bo Bice were both members of bands
Chico: Constantine was in a band, too.
Gordon: Taylor Hicks, who won, was a professional in a touring band when he auditioned. So please explain to me how this is a problem this year, when it wasn't a problem any other year.
Chico: I guess it's that whole "Let's give someone new a shot" thing to me.
Jason: If you remember correctly, we were complaining before Idol 5 that there was NOT ENOUGH people with experience, now we are complaining that there is too much.....which is it?
Gordon: Exactly. You can't have it both ways. I don't think whether you had musical experience or not is or should be a factor.
Jason: The rules state that they can not have a managerial or record deal at the time of audition...that's it. Am I correct Gordon?
Gordon: That's correct.
Chico: There has to be a medium somewhere. Two words... Fame... Spoiler.
Gordon: The Spoiler is something different. I hated the concept because he was brought in during the middle of a show and didn't have to do the same thing as everyone else. As you saw, Kristy Lee Cook had to come in and audition just like everyone else.
Chico: I'm not faulting her for that.
Gordon: And just because they didn't make it in the business the first time, you're not allowing them to try again?
Jason: This is a non story.
Gordon: I agree with Jason.
Chico: Just my opinion.
Jason: That's cool.
Chico: It sorta bugs me.
Gordon: We talk all the time about having game show contestants be able to play Jeopardy, and wonder why they can't be in Millionaire. So you're telling me that Jason Block should not be able to play in Duel because he already won twice? Give someone else a chance? Jason had his turn? Jay, what do you feel that Chico doesn't want you to go on another game show?
Chico: Okay, HOLD IT RIGHT THERE. You want to know what about this gets on my nerve?
Jason: Sure.
Gordon: ok.
Chico: Nine times out of ten, when you have this situation, someone isn't really being truthful about it, or you have some sort of sin of omission. Of course, that's my opinion, I could be wrong.
Jason: Thats fine, but I just have to you have any proof at this time that Kady or Kristi lied on their application?
Chico: Okay, i do not have any proof.
Jason: If the proof comes out later, then I will give you major dap, kiss the ring, all that good stuff :-) Because I am good like that.
Gordon: NOW, if there is anything that gave them an unfair advantage over anyone else, or that Nigel took them in the back room, THEN Id be all over that in a second.
Jason: Bingo.
Chico: Let's not talk about Nigel and the back room, alright? =p
Gordon: But if it's the biggest musical audition in the world, of course you will have people who are talented auditioning
Jason: Or people who had local record deals. Or had former managerial deals.
Gordon: And honestly, after last year, I'd much rather see 24 people who have chops and musical experience than 12 good people and 12 Sanjayas.
Chico: .. I withdraw my gripe
Jason: Dude, don't withdraw it.
Jason: Its ok to have it.
Chico: Sorry, but "12 Sanjayas" was the trump card.
Gordon: I agree that there should be some good people that don't have a contract. But to say that only people who don't have contracts should audition makes us all very hypocritical. As we always push to see the game show veteran get another shot, so should our attitude be on Idol and singers who have been there. To be honest, I want to see people who have done well on other talent shows audition. I want to see how good they really are. One name to watch out for, if he makes the Top 24. David Archuleta. Sounds familiar?
Chico: If you ask me (about the last point), there was a reason they went on the lesser shows :-) Lisa Tucker of season 5 being the exception that proves the rule.
Gordon: I think you may change your mind on David. He won $100,000 on Star Search for kids. I'll be very interested to see if he can pull off the Daily Double on Idol.
Jason: So you were saying about the sob stories?
Chico: Yes I was. Now I'm all about characters and story building, it's what this kind of show is driven on. But then it feels like it's contrived and an almost in-your-face mentality. I thought you were supposed to make me like people, not make me feel sorry for them.
Jason: Which stories in particular?
Chico: Temptress is the one that sticks out in my mind. Mostly because her situation eerily parallels mine a few months back.
Gordon: I can understand that. Idol is what it is - a personality making machine. They always come up with some stories that haunt you a little. Temptress's is one of them.
Chico: But the way it's presented, it's almost like, "I want you to feel sorry for me." But I know that's not true.
Jason: Yeah, sort of a backwards way of human interest. And the way the judges handled her was classy as hell.
Chico: Ditto, ditto, ditto, Block.
Gordon: I think they wanted to show you what was at stake for some of these people. I didn't get that feel of 'feel sorry for me'. Temptress is a female football player. She seems like she's on the right track.
Chico: But it's almost like "human interest gone berserk".
Gordon: I feel sorry for her mom. At the same time, Idol is not responsible for fixing that situation up, not should they be. You aren't going to have Simon give her a check for $25,000, nor would you see it on this show.
Jason: Right.
Chico: That's another show. :-)
Jason: But she is better than most, because she tried and failed.
Gordon: I don't mind seeing those stories or auditions. Other auditions, though, I still wonder why they are there.
Jason: As in No sex, stalker dude and aluminum foil cape man?
Gordon: Yep.
Chico: The 44-year-old tin foil being?
Gordon: Yep. And no, contrary to what some people asked me the night of the show, Mr. No Sex is NOT my uncle.
Chico: You sure?
Gordon: (Checks closets for skeletons) yes, I'm sure. I especially was offended with stalker dude, because you are sending a message to every stalker out there that it's ok to be on TV and act like a maniac. And once again, why are we seeing 44 year olds on our tv set?
Chico: There's a line Idol just didn't cross... It's advertised.
Jason: I believe that the producers are doing the public a disservice by putting these guys on because a) they didn't have a chance to win and b) they were out of the age range. WHERE'S THE TALENT? We want to see who makes the 24.
Chico: Again, it comes with seven years. Over time, it tends to become less talent, more show. Of course, this is par for the course for the audition phase.
Jason: I know. Still irks me though.
Gordon: You have to show the bad performances. I get it. I'd like to see some talent. Some.
Chico: But that talent we did see almost made it worth it.
Jason: I thought Philadelphia brought two top 24 people. Joey Calderon. And Kristi Lee Cook
Chico: Agreed.
Gordon: Once again, there will be at least 3 or 4 people in the Top 24 that we won't get to see, and they will be fodder come weeks one and two of the Top 24.
Jason: unless they have an amazing voice and blows people away.
Chico: And of course, you're going to get the one that you think is going to make top 24, but gets cut at the walk of death phase.
Jason: You think we have been watching this enough years? :-)
Gordon: You'll get a few. But I'd rather see 30 good ones so we get a grasp of who everyone is.
Chico: I'm guessing one or two absurd ones will creep in, just to make it that much more interesting.
Jason: Sanjaya and Kevin Covais = ?
Chico: Bingo.
Jason: I got skillz
Gordon: I don't know about that this year.
Chico: Let's all hope.
Jason: You think the Sanjaya backlash will have no one that bad?
Chico: PLEASE GOD YES. We'll go over the WTF performances of the first auditions later.
Gordon: But you will always have someone who sounds great during the regular stage and then who just falls apart when they have to sing in front of thousands of people.
Jason: That too.
Chico: It's called performance anxiety. It's what happens when you have to think about what you're doing. Frank Sinatra never had to think about what he did.
Jason: Hell no.
Gordon: Just like the people who ace the Millionaire tests who don't get past $1,000. And just to remind all of you, when the Top 24 was announced last year, we all thought that Sanjaya would be one of the STRONGER talents.
Jason: Was I there?
Gordon: Yes you were.
Jason: Ok, Sorry folks. lol
Gordon: We all thought the men's class was weak, and that Sanjaya would be one of the 4 good voices. So Sanjaya wasn't a train wreck until the Top 24. Just like none of us thought that Brandon Rogers would forget the lyrics night one of the Top 12.
Chico: There you go.
Gordon: Thats why we play the game
Jason: Going to be a fun year 7.
Chico: Yep. And we hope you follow us along for it. We promise to make things a little interesting.
Gordon: Only a little?
Chico: That was me being facetious :-)
Gordon: Should be. Let's go from singing and dancing
Jason: Do we have to?
Chico: You guys withheld judgment until this week's show, so yes. It's time to dance.
Jason: Like the unitard?
Chico: I don't know.
Gordon: What about the unibore?
Chico: Can't be a uni-bore when it involved 16 people, 14 of which are competing.
Gordon: Make it a multi-bore
Jason: The pacing on this was SO slow.
Chico: No kidding...
Gordon: Not a good start to the show. There's no way this should have been 90 minutes, strike or no strike.
Chico: And the actual performances... were lacking. Allow me to go back to something I told Gordon earlier this week. May I?
Gordon: You may.
Chico: My sister Quisla.. She loves reality TV (and Jeopardy!)... Sound familiar? =p
Gordon: Oh, I guess...;)
Chico: Anyway, she has this theory. Anyone with a great-enough choreographer can be a good dancer. Anyone with a great enough vocal trainer can be a good singer. But it takes REAL talent to do both... at the same time.
Jason: Agreed.
Gordon: And what did she see on Monday's show?
Chico: Rubbish.
Jason: (chuckles)
Chico: That's a technical term, right? Or do you need me to elaborate further?
Gordon: I think that's a good term.
Chico: Okay, because I could elaborate.
Gordon: That's fine. Here's the problem. I think there's 6 good talents on the show. The problem is that you have 12 people. And you're only getting rid of 6 people before the finals. So who they are should be easy. The problem is that we have to hear them sing for 6 weeks before they are eliminated.
Chico: And you see the teams being formed on.. well, not on talent, that's for sure.
Gordon: I felt the same way for Fame. If you don't have the people, you don't do the show.
Chico: We had one person get on Bruno's good side, because "he wanted a diva".
Gordon: And don't get me started on the 2 'Elimination numbers'. It sounded like they could have eliminated everyone.
Jason: This show is the perfect example of flambéing the golden goose.
Gordon: Pretty much. Honk honk gag
Jason: This won't kill DWTS, because it's established enough of a formula.
Chico: The only things that save this... Carrie Ann... Bruno.. and Drew. aka "The Other Drew".
Jason: Lachey, that is.
Chico: Sorry, Mr. Lachey, but Drew Carey was first :-)
Gordon: I'm not going to go that far. There is some good talent. But this is closer to Fame than Idol, and that's a problem.
Chico: A problem that can be fixed, you think?
Gordon: Not unless they eliminate 6 people on the next show, no.
Jason: And unfortunately, the ratings are good. This will come back.
Chico: This has to come back if it's literally drawing even against the already-renewed American Gladiators.
Gordon: ABC doesn't have a choice.

C- C- C C-

Gordon: We'll see on good. The audience did the same thing we did - watch the show for 2 weeks to see the talent. Now will they come back next week is the question. As for Pierre can watch the show for me. C-.
Jason: Exacty.
Chico: But I won't be watching it. C-
Jason: Neither will I. C.
Gordon: Ok Pierre. The show is all yours.
Chico: And if Pierre is reading this... Our apologies.
Jason: And we are sorry.
Chico: So we've had singing... we've had dancing... Have we had a million dollar deal yet?
Jason: I think the answer
Chico: Sadly no.
Jason: How many cases are we up to now?
Chico: Eight... and an Ellen Degeneres.
Jason: Special case holder extraordinaire?
Chico: #4.
Jason: How much was she worth?
Chico: Let's see, shall we? First, we meet Shequila Farrelly. Seven MDCs, and one Ellen DeGeneres. Ellen had... after a twitch fit... $300.
Jason: She wasn't a $1M Case.
Chico: Yep. That's good. Okay, we had pleasure in watching one of daytime's finest talkers... now onto business... The board..

Prof. Pepper's How NOT to Deal (Subject: Shequila)
  $ 0.01 $ 25,000  
  $ 5 $ 75,000  
  $ 500

$ 1,000,000

  $ 750

$ 1,000,000


Chico: The offer... $197,000. Now there's still two cases with a million open. Odds say to keep pushing it, because there's that safety net.
Jason: Right
Chico: Risking a bank offer like that for five times that, a CHANCE.
Gordon: That being said, this is the exact same scenario that caused Heather to play on tilt and leave with a penny
Jason: True.
Chico: And it looks like we have the same outcome here. Jill had one MDC...and Mylinda had the other.
Gordon: That would be a Deal or NO Deal Double Whammy
Chico: Wah waaah.
Jason: BOOM
Jason: (in Ellen DeGeneres Nemo Voice) Happy Feeling Gone.
Chico: No happy happy for Shequila.
Gordon: Bye bye $125,000
Chico: New offer: $15,000. But she plays on. Knocks out $750. New offer.... $18,000.
Jason: I would go on at that point.
Chico: Knocks out $500 after that. New offer... $27,000. That's actually walking money, little more than arithmetic mean. She keeps on with $5 gone.
Jason: Nice.
Chico: Banker shows some love with $36,000. That's also good walking money. She walks. Deal for $36,000. In her case: $25,000. Good deal.
Jason: Very good. Nice cash.
Chico: So better than Heather's game... She knew when to push the button and when to push her luck.
Gordon: That was a good deal. 10 people in the Mob also had a good deal, as they each win $25,000. Unfortunately, if 10 people win $25,000, that means one person lost $250,000.
Chico: That's usually how it works, yeah.
Jason: Uh oh.
Gordon: And such is what happened to Joe Lorenzo, from NYC, as the perfume worker with his grandmother's bowling towel, leaves the 4-6-7-10 split on this:

The 13th amendment, which abolished Slavery, was ratified by what state in 1995?

A. Mississippi
B. Missouri
C. Kentucky

Jason: A. Mississippi
Chico: A.
Gordon: You both would have won $25,000
Gordon: Joe asks the Mob, and follows Patti's logic. Unfortunately, it's wrong. No $250,000 for Joe. No engagement ring for Vanessa, who was promised that she would get one with the money that he didn't win.
Chico: Crap
Jason: Oh well.
Gordon: He'll have to sell some more perfume
Chico: I'm sure he'll get her the ring somehow.
Gordon: But I'm guessing that Miss America scored more money than Joe did this week.
Chico: We move from a woman with no ring to a woman with a crown. Miss America Lauren Nelson was at 5th Grader Elementary And she did quite well for herself.
Chico: She made $175,000 for her charity, but only because she bowed out after seeing this question. 5th Grade US History.

What Revolutionary leader famously uttered the words, "Give me liberty or give me death!" in a speech at the second Virginia convention?

Gordon: (locked in)
Jason: This one is easy.
Chico: Answers?
Jason: Patrick Henry
Gordon: Patrick Henry
Chico: You both would've won $300,000 for the Paraplegic Hamsters United for a Greater Tomorrow.
Jason: Yup.
Gordon: And the hamsters would have been happy
Jason: But the hamsters are on strike. We have Hans the Pig, Digger the Mole
Gordon: They are striking for a better tomorrow
Chico: But there are good news.
Gordon: What's the good news, Chico?
Chico: Eve the Cat... who's been holding out on us since we first powered on the Hyper Doppler I Forgot the Number Man... is back full force.
Gordon: Well, she's the director, so once the Director's Guild reached an agreement, she was back on board.
Chico: Negotiated a new deal with her that avoids the perfect storm... BARELY. Geez, isn't THAT a teaser.
Chico: Gordon - Please lead it off.
Gordon: Roll that Beautiful Brain Footage

Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thanks, Doug. I've got the Louisville Slugger ready for the Business end.. and it's a fat bat this week.
Jason: It's big.
Gordon: Yipes. Get that away from my head.
Jason: Watch where you swing that.

As we previously alluded to, the Director's Guild of America has reached a deal with the AMPTP that averts a total Hollywood shutdown... BARELY.

Chico: That's one desired effect.
Jason: The extension is 3 years, correct?
Chico: Along those lines, yes. The SECOND desired effect is that now added pressure is on the WGA to come to a resolution with the AMPTP to end the two-month-old strike.
Gordon: I'm not sure they will succeed in getting that pressure.
Jason: I do.
Gordon: The problem is those internet rights.
Jason: Yeah which was covered in the deal.
Chico: the DGA deal?
Gordon: But at a rate lower than what the WGA was looking for The internet rights was pretty much doubled from the last agreement. The problem here is that the internet rights are not a big deal for the DGA - not nearly as much of a deal as they are for the WGA.
Chico: All I think is that the ball is in THEIR court now, because... yeah, of that.
Gordon: The biggest hostility here is that the rates for the WGA were promised to go up during the last contract - and they were never renegotiated.
Jason: I still think the WGA is under a lot of pressure to settle now that the DGA did their thing....and I think it's going to come sooner rather than later.
Gordon: From a source that's close to the proceedings, I was told that the WGA will be looking at this very closely. If they feel it's good enough, then they will settle soon. If they hate the deal, then this is going to go on very long and get very ugly. And here's where Jason is wrong on the pressure. The DGA, although nice, is not the main lynchpin of the WGA. The SAG is.
Jason: Screen Actors Guild.
Gordon: And the SAG has a much stronger relationship with the WGA than the DAG does.
Chico: But we may have reason to watch closely because of two little words... Pattern bargaining.
Gordon: The SAG also need a contract. Even if the DGA contract gets ratified, they still can't do much without actors.
Chico: They can just go the Action-Pack/Disney movie/Power Ranger route... use non-union talent.
Gordon: So even with directors, a no actor/no writer show is still good enough to shut down most of Hollywood.
Gordon: You willing to watch 24 hour reality shows?
Chico: I'm sure even YOU have a limit.
Gordon: Maybe I do. I don't know yet.
Chico: You're lying to yourself. If I can't do it, then surely you can't.
Jason: I honestly don't think its come to that, because of what both you and Chico said. If the WGA likes the framework of the deal, it's going to be short. Pattern bargaining.
Gordon: I definitely think it will get the WGA back to the bargaining table. But it's still very much wait and asee, but if the contract is based on what the AMPTP will offer the WGA with no additional concessions, I don't think that the WGA will accept it. It's just too early to tell. We'll find out more about this situation next week.
Jason: And they have lost over $1B, how much more do they want to lose?
Gordon: The WGA? They haven't lost anything, if you think about it. They can just recoup it on their contract. Its the AMPTP that's lost a lot of money.
Chico: It's a case of who wins in the long run... and who loses.
Jason: So far no winners yet.
Gordon: Exactly. The WGA feels that they got royally screwed on their last contract. The patterned new offer may be what they want - or it may dig their heels in even further.
Chico: Again, ball in WGA's court. Let's see if they want a resolution, or if they want to milk the cow.
Jason: Moooooo
Gordon: I will say this - they have agreements in place with a number of small companies. They would look bad if they had a much different agreement with AMPTP. Keep that in mind.
Chico: Very much so. So look at the DGA deal...and then look at the, say, Worldwide Pants deal... and I'm guessing... we may settle with something in the middle.
Jason: Maybe.
Chico: the last thing the WGA needs is to look like the bad guy.
Gordon: I don't think they look like the bad guy, and I still think that they want to go after the Oscars. They have that as a very big negotiating piece right now. They won't settle since they have that to bargain with.
Jason: I know they don't.
Gordon: But that date comes further down the line. We have a date - and it could be a very controversial one...

January 23rd. The Moment of Truth.

Chico: Will we watch?
Gordon: The end of Western Civilization, if you listen to the critics.
Jason: Yes. Just to feel dirty.
Gordon: I want to feel dirty, daddy I got my smut right here. Got a muddy shower. And the horse is in the corner.
Chico: I hear that's one of the questions :-)
Gordon: Do I have a horse?
Chico: Part of me just says "Hey, it's good to see Mark Walberg on TV Again." The other part... feels dirty.
Jason: This is cringe TV at the freak switch of 11. And people are going to watch.
Gordon: And laugh
Chico: And think.
Gordon: And laugh some more
Jason: You really think so? I think this is pure voyeurism. This is Without Prejudice - without that high and mighty morality to go along with it.
Chico: This is Fox. Morality? What's that?
Gordon: Though we may not get as many celebrities to play the celebrity version, but it will be a hit
Jason: Oh I know it will. First night will be between 15-20M viewers.
Chico: Oh well. We can all dream. I, for one, dream of electric sheep.
Gordon: Baaaah
Jason: Nice Blade Runner and Philip K. Dick reference :-)
Chico: And that leads us to this...Fully Loaded Electric Sheep.
Jason: Hic...Baaa.

Hey kids! Remember Penn Jillette? He had that show on NBC? Identity? Well now he's online with his partner Teller to debunk stuff for your amusement.

Gordon: Like what?
Chico: Well, everything from global warming to Dr. Phil.
Jason: Is this like the online version of "Penn and Teller's B******t!"
Chico: Except that it takes place at his home and backstage at his show, etc. It can be found at
Jason: That I will check out. I loved that show.
Gordon: Debunking Dr. Phil?
Jason: That's easy.
Chico: Two words... Britney show. Done. :-)
Gordon: I do have a few people here who may need some therapy. And we start with a musician with an ego problem.

Are You Smarter Than...Gene Simmons, who went from the best position in the game to out in 10 minutes.

Gordon: I have some email that's from Bobby McBride. Would you like me to read it?
Jason: Go right ahead.
Gordon: Thanks, Bobby!
Chico: Woo!

FROM: Bobby McBride

While I knew that Gene Simmons was fired before I even watched the third episode of "Celebrity Apprentice" this weekend, he should not have lost the way he did.

Bringing back two people that definitely did nothing wrong in Mr. Trump's opinion was just incredibly stupid. Where do you guys thinks this blunder ranks among the all-time biggest blunders in the history of this show?


Jason: Honestly, pretty damn high. This show is not JUST about ego. It's a business competition. And Gene let his ego get in the way.
Gordon: Id put it up there right next to Bradford waiving off his exemption in Apprentice Season #2
Chico: Actually, Bradford is still king of the suicide move in the Apprentice
Jason: This was believing in your own hype.
Gordon: You're the favorite of the show. You know who The Donald wants to fire. Everyone knew who The Donald wanted to fire. Even Omorosa knew that Nely had one foot out the door. The problem is Nely was a good buttkisser to Gene, who didn't want Nely to go. And you knew the Donald didn't want to fire Gene, but he had no choice.
Chico: What's the slogan of this show? "It's just business. Nothing personal." You can make friends later. Right now, game on.
Gordon: And that was the problem here. Gene made his relationship with Nely personal.
Chico: I'd say so, yeah.
Jason: Nely got lucky this week. Way lucky. Even Omarosa was like...WTF...OMG...BBQ?
Gordon: The fact that Omarosa knows that Nely is next means Nely's days are numbered.
Jason: Blood is in the water. And my man Vince McMahon is up next week. I am happy about this.
Gordon: Nely could be in a world of Hurtado, if you get my drift.
Chico: BAD.
Jason: That was a bad pun.
Gordon: No home game?
Chico: No.
Jason: No online version either.
Chico: Not even the DVD.
Jason: So who gets the shot this it Jessica Sierra....again?
Gordon: No, but you're not too far off...
Jason: lol
Gordon: The Haterade this week goes to...

Chris Daughtry, who took a page out of Paris Bennett's and Jennifer Hudson's book and blasted Idol's credibility.

Jason: And right afterwards tap danced so far back he looked like Savion Glover.

Around a couple of thousand angry emails later, Chris said that he was taken out of context, which is pretty much the excuse of everyone who says something and then sees the backlash. Ok kids. If American Idol makes you famous, you DON'T SAY BAD THINGS ABOUT THEM. because doing that insults both the show and the million of votes (and dollars) you received thanks to the show.

Jason: And the people who voted. And the fans, etc. Pretty stupid move.
Chico: You never bite the hand that fed you.
Gordon: Yep. No cookie for Daughtry this week. I'm guessing we're not going to see Home any more on Idol either.
Chico: I'm guessing that they're going to ask Elliott Yamin to sing "Movin' On"... naah. Not somber enough.
Jason: Especially when you sold close to 4M copies of your first album because of said show. And became the #1 album of 2007.
Chico: Bad Daughtry. No home game. No DVD. No souvenir WLTI Dollar.
Jason: lol
Chico: But we do exchange for the WLTI won. Guess where we're going to this week, friends?
Jason: Asia.
Chico: More specific.
Jason: China. Yuan.
Chico: ... isn't the won in Korea?
Jason: It is...South Korea. My mistake. No home game for me.
Gordon: Boooooo.

Think about American Inventor if it had a 15-member TPIR contestant's row afterwards. It's a new game in Korea called "Idea... How Much?" The premise: pitch and idea, and have a panel of CEOs instantly bid on it.

Jason: Interesting.
Gordon: Very
Chico: One of its more successful contestants won $750,000 for a new screen saver concept.
Jason: what was it?
Chico: Streaming video. Something in me says that Fox is getting a good look at this. I don't know
Jason: Dont know if it would work here.
Chico: Why not?
Jason: Because American Inventor bombed.
Chico: ... Well, that's true.
Gordon: Actually, I think it would work here. First of all, American Inventor got 2 seasons, so it wasn't a bomb. But it would work because it's just a vote on an idea, not a 3 month draw out on the same ideas over and over again.
Jason: ok
Chico: I say if it's intriguing enough, and if it's pushed properly... why not. Now let's move to some home-grown crazies... but first, have I got a casting call for you. You wanna hear it?
Gordon: Lets hear it.
Jason: Why not?
Chico: Who wants to be on The Mole?
Jason: I am not hot enough to be the mole.
Chico: Sure you are, dude. You don't know how hot you are, man.
Gordon: He's hot for an old fart.
Jason: lol

Anyway, if you are ready to take on the challenge of the Mole, go to

Gordon: Why don't you tell us more about the Jeopardy Online Test, Chico?
Chico: I could do that. Last week, we announced about the Jeopardy! online test. This week we can tell you dates and times.

For eastern/central time, it's January 29. Mountain time: January 30. Pacific Time: January 31 (happy birthday, Sondra :-)). To register for the online test, go to

Jason: I say go for it.
Gordon: Please do. You could be a media ho.
Jason: People get on and it's a great way to attend the test without going to LA.
Chico: Media hoes... let's goes. *plays "Pimpin' All Over the World"*

In this week's Media Ho Report, Danica Patrick will not be Dancing With the Stars, Survivor Winner Yul Kwon may run for congress, Ken Jennings has a new book...Drew Carey invests in a new Soccer Franchise in Seattle, Paula Abdul releases a Randy Jackson single, and we see the newest Top Models

Gordon: But those aren't your hoes of the week.
Chico: They aren't?
Jason: Nope. Who are they?
Gordon: We The first set belong to The Brittenum Brothers, who said that they auditioned again to be on Idol and decided that they did not want to advance to the Round of 24. That sounds noble and all...if they weren't lying out of their teeth. They got zapped because they went over the age limit.
Chico: And yet, we get Gordon's not-uncle.
Jason: NO SEX ALLOWED!!!!!
Chico: I prefer the Chris Rock version myself.
Gordon: The other ho - Piper Addison Dalton, the baby ho of 2 media hoes - Jonny Fairplay and Ex-America's Next Top Model Michelle Deighton
Jason: Aw...a new baby ho
Chico: We have a thing for baby hoes.
Gordon: And those...are your hoes
Chico: And we're done with Brainvision. Shut it down.
Jason: (shutting down)
Chico: Glad to have you back, Eve... Daddy loves you.
Jason: Yeah...she kept the choppler clean and Hans and Cooper working at top speed.
Gordon: This week's poll in a minute, but first, the results of last week's poll. Around half of you will watch Idol. And half of you won't. Very interesting to see how the ratings play out as the season progresses.
Chico: Indeed. Now to this week's question. It's on a debut.

Moment of Truth is airing this week... Watching?

Truthfully? Yeah.
Truthfully? No.
I plead the fifth.

Gordon: We'll be back with mental thoughts and...more plungers? Yep. You're watching WLTi, the best show a striking union could have,
Jason: They need something to do.

(Brainvision is brought to you by Hoes vs. Joes. Celebrities play against regular people in games of skill, knowledge, and nerve... Duel not included).