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Previous Episodes (Season 17)
December 31 - 2007 Year In Review/Push or Flush (1)

January 7 - This Was Supposed to Be Our Week Off!/Say Wha?/Push or Flush (2)

January 14 - Take Four Capsules/Good News, Bad News/Push or Flush (3)

January 21 - Happy Birthday, Chico!/What Were You Thinking?/Push or Flush (4)

January 28 - The Truth Is Out There/Would You Could You?/Push or Flush (5)

February 4 - Groundhog Day/6 Things We Think You Should Know/Push or Flush (6)

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 17.6
February 11

Previously on We Love to Interrupt...

(After Push or Flush 4)
Chico: Okay, there. The 2008 Push or Flush saga comes poignantly to an end.
Gordon: Hey Chico, when the hamsters come back from strike, can their first duty be to clean this toilet? It's pretty stinky.
Chico: And I'm not cleaning this mess up.
(After Push or Flush 5)
Gordon: That's it until May, right?.....Right?
Chico: Let's hope.
Jason: Please let’s hope.
(After Push or Flush 6)
Chico: Okay. Gordon... Kill the toilet.
Gordon: I can't yet. We may need it next week :P
Chico: Okay.
Jason: (puts away sledgehammer) You know I am going to use it
Chico: So next week. We either use the toilet or we kill it on the top of the show. What will we do?

Chico: Six weeks of Push or Flush... So will we kill the toilet? Or does this go on for an unprecedented seventh week? The industry has spoken...
Gordon: (Drags in toilet on a dolly)
Chico: And this week.. We kill the toilet. Gordon... Your sledgehammer, sir. (*plays “No More Mr. Nice Guy”*)
Gordon: Thank you. And now... (Smashes Toilet with Sledgehammer)
Don: Whoo!
Jason: WHOO-HOO! Nice shot.
Gordon: That felt....good.
Jason: Can I get one in?
Gordon: One sec... (Takes toilet seat ring and places it on Jason’s shoulders) All yours, Jay.
Jason: (tosses the ring in the air and hits it the with the "Business End" baseball bat) Yes! Chico...all you!
Chico: Word.
Jason: Three words...about damn time.
Chico: *bashes with sledge, holds the handle in the air* THE TOILET IS DEAD!
Gordon: You want a shot, Don?
Don: What's left?
Jason: The tank lid....I think!
Gordon: I think there's still enough it the tank lid left.
Don: Fair enough. *Grabs a hammer and bashes the tank lid*
Jason:'s dead.
Gordon: And now, from somewhere in Chico Alexander's bathroom, the 'kill the toilet so we can play some more games' edition of!
Chico: What's good, I'm Chico Alexander, he's Gordon Pepper..
Gordon: And we're here with Jason Block and Don Harpwood.
Jason: (drinks some water) That felt good. Real good.
Don: Indeed.
Gordon: Continuing with dead things, how 'bout them New England Patriots undefeated record?
Jason: Yeah, about that?
Chico: Hey, after the events of this week, I had a change of heart. I LOVE the New York Giants. They won me 175 big ones.
Gordon: In other be a Bandwagon Jumper ...or you could have won a Superbowl Box, didn't you?
Chico: You've been talking to Jason, haven't you?
Jason: But you were the ONLY one to pick the Pats...and all of a sudden you love our NY Giants? Money talks :)
Gordon: Maybe. Also coming to a possible end - The Writer's Strike. As of this weekend, the WGA was looking at the potential deal being ratified.
Jason: As of Sat 6PM - The East Coast WGA has seen the deal...the WGA West is going look at the terms.
Chico: Both groups are going to vote tomorrow, Sunday. If ratified, the writers could be back to work as early as Monday.
Gordon: So by the time you guys are reading this, either the strike is over, or it could get very ugly.
Chico: But more than likely, it's all over but the voting. The WGA East head is basically saying that the WGA would be fools not to take this. If I may get a quote..
Jason: Go ahead.
Gordon: Quote away
Chico: This is from Michael Winship, president of the WGAe.

"I believe it is a good deal. I am going to be recommending this deal to our membership. It’s not a done deal until the membership ratifies it. The general sense of it is that we are pretty much done."

Gordon: It’s also a time-based agreement. If it gets ratified now, there's not much damage caused.
Jason: What does that mean...time-based? They get the money back they lost?
Gordon: Meaning that if its done by now, they can probably get the money that they lost from the strike. The only thing really hurt was the 2 minor award shows.
Chico: Yeah. The ONLY thing.
Gordon: The ratings haven’t dropped much, and the networks have enough original stuff to last until the writers get enough new episodes back on in March or April.
Jason: But if I may....
Chico: Please do.
Jason: The networks played the writers like a violin. They knew the strike was coming, stock piled new episodes and the viewers were none the wiser. And if I may be so bold to say...our genre (game/reality game competition) saved the networks.
Chico: I'd have to agree there. Look at NBC Monday... CBS' Sunday... Fox's any-day-American-Idol-or-5th-Grader-is-on.
Gordon: I sort of agree. The networks were clearly prepared for the strike. The game shows did have good ratings, and thr agreement will be done before they suffer any major damage. At the same time, the Writers will get what they want - the increase of internet rights that they were looking for. So this could be a win-win situation with neither side getting hurt and without TV Armageddon, like the 1994 Baseball season of the NHL Season-long strike, which has still crippled the NHL to this day.
Chico: The season will be able to get finished and the rest of awards season will go unmatched.
Jason: But, Gordon is it win-win? I mean, TV showed they could getaway with reality TV/game shows being on a lot more than normal. Is the end of the domination of the scripted drama/comedy?
Chico: I doubt that. There has to be a balance, and now that game programming has led the way for the last three months, there's a standard just like all the other genres of programming. Let me put it to you this way. NEXT week is the premiere of My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad... If it doesn't do well, chances are we'll never see it again.
Gordon: It definitely is a HUGE shot in the arm in the game show/reality show genre that these shows have done as well as they have. That being said, as we've seen with The Apprentice Vs. Lost, the 'just ok' reality shows will get crushed against excellent scripted programming.
Jason: True.
Chico: Yep.
Don: Yeah.
Jason: I will admit...a lot of the shows we have seen/will be seeing wouldn't have been on if the strike didn't happen. But.... I think the writers made a major blunder by striking on October 31....
Gordon: I also agree with Jason on the programming. They should have struck earlier when there was nothing in the can. But at the same time, you don't want animosity to go on and on. This way, no one gets hurt and everyone's satisfied.
Chico: Moral of the story: producers are smarter than people give them credit for.
Jason: Not to say we weren’t on the writer's side here...we were. But they did make mistakes.
Chico: Oh yeah. We wanted to see a deal.
Gordon: We still are. When we see the actual contract when it gets released, we'll see the sort of deal they got and we'll analyze.
Chico: And hey, if the deal means less Million Dollar Mission Deal or No Deal filler episodes, then I'm all for it.
Gordon: Uh Chico...if you see the ratings, they'll continue this until there's 25 cases of a million in it.
Chico: I didn't say it wasn't going to continue, I just wanted a little less of it. But then again, we were never for it to begin with. Take this week, for example... Ten cases? Come on!
Gordon: So what happened in 10 case Deal or No Deal?
Chico: Good question, Mr. G. Becky Matheny was given a 10 out of 26 chance at a million. I'll just let you know by now... she didn't win the million.
Jason: Awww......
Don: That means there's gonna be 11 next time, doesn't it?
Chico: Yep. But I'll tell you, she had a genuine shot at it. See, eight cases remained in play, and three of them were a million. Turned down a deal worth $293,000.
Jason: Wow...that’s a 37.5% shot at it.
Chico: The board: penny / 50 / 300 / 400 / 1000 / 1 million x 3.
Jason: wow.
Chico: Next round, even better. She knocks out 300 and the penny.
Don: Sweet.
Jason: Very sweet
Chico: you know what that means?
Don: 50% shot at the million?
Chico: 50% shot at the million.
Jason: wow!
Chico: I can count on one hand the times where there's been a 50/50 shot at the million
Jason: But this is a 50/50* shot lol
Chico: Ah, right. a 50/50* shot. Sorry. Forgot about that. Anyway, she is offered $333,000 to go home.
Jason: Heck no.
Chico: Not with three on the board, no.
Don: Definitely a No Deal.
Chico: Next round, another million gone. But you had a feeling that was going to happen with a 50/50* shot at it. Offer dropped to $282,000.
Gordon: $282,000*
Jason: right :)
Gordon: For you newcomers, the * represents a steroid laced deal, by the artificial enhancing of extra Million Dollar cases.
Chico: Said no to that. Knocked out $50.
Don: Back to a 50/50* shot.
Jason: right
Chico: Now the bank is willing to pay out $381,000*
Jason: with a 50/50* shot I would still say no.
Chico: Becky says no deal. Next case... $1 million. So now we're back to basic board.
Jason: uh oh
Chico: Next offer... $297,000.
Jason: what’s the board?
Chico: 400 / 1000 / 1 million.
Don: I'd say Deal.
Jason: See ya
Chico: If you ask me, that's walking money. And Becky deals for that.
Jason: Smart move.
Chico: In her case: 1000.
Jason: 297,000*. Very good deal.
Chico: Very good day's work. In all that, I have to say one itty bitty thing.
Gordon: Say it, sir
Chico: There is no REAL reason why a game should take 90 minutes to complete.
Gordon: Sure there is. Advertiser revenue say so.
Jason: and the ratings....sorry.
Chico: As I say. No REAL reason. =p
Gordon: No, and honestly, you can fit it in a half hour
Don: Thursday's DoND showed that, didn't it?
Chico: Yep
Gordon: Yes it did - for the wrong reasons. Chico, explain what happened here.
Chico: Three words: Winner Take All.
Gordon: Deal or No Deal - Turbo Edition.
Jason: lol
Chico: Vroom.
Gordon: Man Vs. Woman
Jason: Was this new or a repeat of a concept?
Gordon: Repeat - 3 person winner take all from earlier and battle of the sexes from 1 Vs. 100. So who was Ken and who was Chun-Li?
Chico: Jay Hughes is playing for the honor of men everywhere. He dealt for $117,000.
Gordon: What was the board set up when he dealt?
Chico: 10 / 75 / 300 / 500k. In his case: $75.
Jason: that’s sounds about right.
Gordon: I’d think a very good stop point.
Don: Good deal.
Gordon: Very good - and $117,000 is going to be tough to beat.
Chico: Defending the honor of all women is Kristine LeMieux. Her board: 400 / 1000 / 200K / 300K. She dealt for $121,000. So by $4000, Kristine won that one.
Jason: right
Chico: She takes home $238,000. And she didn't even have to spend 39 days with Jonny Fairplay to get it. Then again... neither did we.
Jason: Praise be.
Gordon: Nope - and in this season, no one will have to spend 39 days with Johnny Fairplay on a deserted island.
Chico: It's the first week of Survivor Micronesia: Fans vs. Favorites. The favorites came out using everything they had learned in their original stays in the game.
Jason: And after watching...this is going to be fun.
Chico: They were all cocky, all assured, but the one thing they didn't have that the fans did have... Heart. That's why they won the first Immunity Challenge, and that's why Jonny Fairplay became Jonny No-Play.
Gordon: The fans clearly wanted it more, and they took it from the Favorites in the first challenge.
Chico: Actually, it was a combination of that and a pregnant babymama at home.
Jason: You know, I am not so sure...but you know doesn't matter
Chico: Agreed. The point is, he's gone. Because his team screwed it up.
Gordon: Ironically, the team wasn’t gunning for Johnny Fairplay.
Jason: At first.
Chico: But what happened, G?
Gordon: They were going after - and possibly could have eliminated - Parvati, until Fairplay decides to leave the show and quit, urging everyone to vote for him.
Jason: All of them did. No one voted for anyone else.
Chico: So one show in, and already it's beginning to look up. :-)
Gordon: And so Fairplay leaves. Not with a bang, but with a whimper, and Jeff can say 'I Told You So' to all of the Survivor producers
Jason: What do you mean?
Don: I think the producers expected Fairplay to really stir things up when they decided to put him in there. But now, he can't.
Gordon: Nope. No more Fairplay. Probst looked pissed.
Chico: Oh well.
Jason: And he didn’t want to hug Jonny for anything...
Chico: Be careful what you wish for.
Gordon: And somewhere, he other 10 fan favorites who got invited to play and then saw the invites rescinded are throwing something blunt and hard at their TV.
Jason: I have one question...did any of the faves win the $1M?
Gordon: No. The closest any of them got was second. But there are other ways to win a million. For example, trying to beat the Mob on Pop Culture.
Chico: Three words. Sounds easy. Isn't.
Gordon: Did we get a million dollar winner there?
Chico: Not to start. Tim Murdock gives up $25,000 on this. Mob, prepare to answer.

Since 1984, Patti Scialfa has sung backup for what rocker whom she later married?
a) Bono
b) Bruce Springsteen
c) Elton John

Jason: B.
Gordon: B, though I would have said Justin Guraini
Don: I'd think B.
Chico: Correct answer... Justin Guarini. Kidding, it's B. Tim said A.
Gordon: Oopsie
Chico: As a result 51 mobsters split $25,000. About $500 a head. Next, Clint Towshore plays.
Gordon: He gets up to $75,000...and then time runs out.
Chico: He continues play next week.
Jason: Was this the one with the monkey?
Gordon: No. Monkey was last week.
Jason: ok
Gordon: Though your contestant coordinator could be a monkey if he puts 25 people from THE SAME STATE on the show for a week.
Chico: Much love to Illinois on Crosswords this week.
Gordon: Lots of love
Jason: Love to the land of Lincoln. But I will have to say...CONTESTANT BALANCE people.
Gordon: Too much love. Ok we love Illinois. Is the budget THAT TIGHT?
Chico: Was this circumstance.... Was this a coincidence...
Gordon: Did they just move the set to Chicago and have an open call there? huh?
Chico: Or did the producers mean for this to happen? I don't know. No one said. All we know is that 25 people from Illinois played the game this week.
Don: If I had to guess, I'd think the producers intended for it to happen.
Chico: Part of me is leaning on that as well.
Gordon: At least the people from Illinois, for the most part, played well.
Jason: Me too.
Chico: I mean, who knows, next week, you could have all New Yorkers playing, and then who's the jackass =p
Jason: I didn’t apply :) I tried to :)
Chico: Me too. They actually wanted me to fly out to LA to audition. Oh well. Maybe next year. Meanwhile, Chicagoans weren't the only ones spreading the love this sweeps week.
Gordon: Not at all. We had all sorts of Sweeps HiJinks. Can I have a Big Board please?
Chico: Soitenly

So What If It's a Strike? We Must Have February Sweeps

- Wheel Sweepstakes
- Feud Winner-Take-All
- Couples Week on Millionaire
- Best of the Rest on Idol
- A Million-Dollar-Moment on 5th Grader...
- Kids on Lyrics!


Gordon: Subject: So what if it's a Strike? We must have February Sweeps.
Chico: Yep. So let's see what we had. There was Wheel Sweepstakes... There was the McFarland Family winning $60,000 on the Feud...
Gordon: We have couples week on Millionaire
Chico: The annual best of the rest show on Idol... And this gem courtesy of Meghen Miles on Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? The category: 5th Grade US History for $1 million.
Jason: oh wow!
Chico: the question.

What American pilot was the first person to exceed the speed of sound in an airplane?

Jason: I know this.
Don: I don't know enough about U.S. History, so I'd have no answer...
Chico: I will say this... Meghen went for it and lost.
Jason: May I say?
Chico: Answers, please?
Jason: Chuck Yeager.
Gordon: Jay’s right. It’s Yeager
Chico: That's right. Both of you would've been millionaires.
Jason: The movie...THE RIGHT STUFF. Great movie. Great book.
Gordon: $475,000 - bye bye
Chico: Bye bye indeed.
Jason: OUCH. What did she say?
Chico: Howard Hughes.
Jason: You have to be kidding?
Don: Wow.
Gordon: Ouch
Chico: I am not kidding.
Gordon: That must have hurt
Chico: Oh yeah. Her dad knew it. ... That's painful.
Gordon: 11 year old Shamari Berkley on Don’t Forget the lyrics won $300,000. Supposedly, that's the most that a small kid has ever won on a game show.
Chico: I'd believe it. I think the previous record was a player on the $64,000 Challenge. Oh, the guy's name was Teddy Nadler, who won $252,000 on the $64,000 Challenge. Coming attractions this week in sweeps include the Jeopardy! Teen Tournament, the Big Brother 9 love-fest, and American Gladiators Semis continuing. Oh yeah, and 11 MDCs on DOND.
Jason: And more money given away on Wheel to the fans.
Chico: Oh yeah, and the dreaded Hollywood Round on AI. So Gordon, were you able to get all of our hamsters back?
Gordon: No, we don’t have the hamsters back. So for all of you new people tuning in, because of the strike, we have had a strike force come in. We have Hans the Pig, Drew the Bookworm, Cooper the Mole, and Mike and Darnell the Groundhogs. And Eve the cat.
Chico: And the two head hamsters, Gordon Jr. and Little Chairman
Gordon: Right. So we don’t have the other hamsters back yet...but...we're not getting any new critters either.
Jason: When the strike is officially over...the hamsters come back
Chico: And we have bomber jackets and all the cheese they can eat once they get there.
Gordon: We can only hope. Anyways...Roll that Beautiful Brain Footage

Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thanks Doug. Gordon, what'cha got first?
Gordon: I have some dates...though they aren't for everyone's taste

This week, we get Flavor of Love on Monday and Big Brother 9 on Tuesday

Chico: Again, we'd like to apologize to the powers that be for allowing such fail to grace our airwaves.
Gordon: You keep watching, they'll keep making. Just remember that.
Don: My mom has been a fan of Big Brother, but when I told her about this season's "Soulmates" theme, she didn't seem too thrilled about it.
Chico: I wouldn't be either. Seems like we've got a case of "Barrel... meet bottom."
Jason: Yup.
Gordon: I like the concept. I’m sure they'll find a way to screw it up
Chico: That's the spirit.
Gordon: It’s almost like they are saying, 'Ok, you figured us out. We want a showmance. Deal with it'.
Jason: Sounds about right.
Chico: We'll even settle for some mild dry-humping. Seriously, I remember Big Brother 9 back when it aired last week on My Network TV and it was called Paradise Hotel 2.
Jason: lol
Chico: Okay, next up. I'll play the announcer, and Gordon, you can play Eli Manning. "Eli Manning, you and the New York Giants have just won the Super Bowl! What're you going to do now?"
Gordon: We’re going to go to Disneyworld and Audition for American Idol!
Chico: And are you going to get fully loaded when you get there?
Gordon: If I’m Bill Belicheck, I already am - with booze, secret video tapes of warmups. Maybe steroid prescriptions for the Boston Red Sox.
Jason: Allegedly.
Chico: We have an Idol two-fer this eek.

First up, Disney's Hollywood Studios at Disney World in Florida is preparing a new American Idol attraction.

Jason: I think this is going to kick MAJOR butt.
Chico: Not only will it give visitors a chance to belt out their favorite song miserably, but given certain circumstances, they can hold auditions there.
Jason: May I give the details on this, Mr. Chairman?
Chico: Could.
Jason: What will happen in Fall 2008 is this: People will audition in front of Disney cast producers. If they pass that, they get to perform in daily shows. If they win the daily show, they get to perform in the daily finale. Daily Finale winners get a "fast-pass" to a regional audition. This is going to be fun.
Don: Sounds cool.
Chico: So one day, you could just be willing to sing while waiting to get on Buzz Lightyear. The next day... you could be American Idol.
Jason: Who knows...but it would be fun to do.
Gordon: You have to remember that last year's winner, Jordin Sparks, got to the Idol Auditions via a 'Fast Pass' by Winning Arizona Idol.
Chico: And now she's got the #5 song in the US and A.
Gordon: And she's a rich rich woman
Chico: And the second bit of Idol Loaded...

Konami is launching a sequel to Karaoke Revolution: American Idol for all major platforms.

Jason: No Air?
Chico: But if you prefer to get your sing on without the trip to Orlando, and you have a PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 or Wii... you're getting the Revolution.
Jason: Sounds like Fun
Chico: Oh, it is.
Gordon: It does, much more fun than strapping yourself to a Lie Detector.
Chico: Don't tell me THAT's coming for your Wii.
Don: I hope not.
Gordon: No, but it's coming to your Haterade
Jason: How many shots today?
Gordon: It seems to be a new fad - celebrities strap themselves to Lie Detectors to shamelessly copy the format of Moment of Truth. Real creative, guys.
Jason: I am hanging my head in the bucket of shame(TM)
Gordon: Now if you're a game show host, and you want to keep stuff a secret, then you don’t really want to be going on the machine. Hence...

Are You Smarter than...Tyra Banks, who agrees to get strapped on - and then promptly gets caught by the lie detector when she says that all of the winners deserved to win on America's Next Top Model.

Don: Yipes.
Jason: Yowza.
Chico: Whoa.
Gordon: And she also lied about not being jealous of Oprah Winfrey
Chico: No, Tyra, that's a BAD TYRA!
Jason: No home game. No online version.
Gordon: Now as for Haterade, we've heard a lot about Simon Cowell, so we'll lay off him bashing Katharine McPhee, Taylor Hicks and others.
Jason: Nothing unusual there.
Chico: Just him being him.
Gordon: So let’s talk about...

Cheryl Burke and Matthew Lawrence, who call their relationship over after a year. Since they are both connected to ABC via either being on Dancing With the Stars or having a brother on Dancing with The Stars, this could be a GREAT opportunity to cross-promote. Who's up for either of them being on the next Bachelor/Bachelorette?

Chico: No. Thank. You.
Gordon: You're no fun
Chico: Sorry, dude. How about I send you on a trip instead?
Gordon: Sure. Trip sounds fun.

"Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" is heading to India.

Jason: Cool.
Chico: Our teacher: KBC's Shahrukh Khan. 36 episodes are planned.
Jason: Sounds good.
Gordon: How many rupees on top?
Chico: More than likely Rs.50 million. By the way, that's little over $1.26 million US.
Gordon: Niiiice. So we need casting calls for that show. We won't do that here, but we have tons of casting calls in the US. There's way too many to have individually, but the following are all shows that need to be cast.

- We'll start with Bravo. Go to their website for Top Design and Shear Genius.
- Or if you prefer singing somethin' country, go to
- Go to NBC for Nashville Star, Last Comic Standing, America's Got Talent and American Gladiators.
- Go to the CW web site if you went to be on...Crowned 2, Electric Boogaloo
- And if you want to Name That Tune, go here:
- And finally, as FOX ordered another 13 episodes of Moment of Truth, go there if you being attached to a lie detector is your idea of fun

Chico: Meanwhile, let's pull out the media ho grillz.... *plays "Pimpin' All Over the World"*
Gordon: You ready for hoes?
Chico: I played the cue, didn't I?
Jason: Yup --bring it on
Gordon: we got lots of hoes
Chico: He's over-ho-ded.

Could Priscilla Presley and Florence Henderson be sashaying to Dancing with the Stars? And Add Paula Abdul to that...Ben Silverman wins the Rose D'Or... Bob Barker donates a million to Drury University, Jack Klugman gets married, Simon Cowell slams Idol Season 5, Joe Rogan goes to Tempe, AZ to perform, and Matt Grant is the newest single man on Chico's Faaaavorite show, The Bachelor

Chico: Bite me.
Gordon: You love that show, dont you?
Chico: Again... Bite me.
Don: lol
Jason: rofl
Gordon: But NONE of them are your ho of the week
Chico: Who do we have?
Gordon: Since this past week was Superbowl Sunday, I have to give it to Jordin Sparks, who sang the national anthem at the Superbowl. Let’s not forget that Jordin's dad was on the New York Giants after they won a Superbowl, the great Phillipi Sparks.
Jason: And Jordin NAILED the anthem.
Chico: Anyone else find it ironic that she got to the Super Bowl before her dad did?
Gordon: She sang it very well - to the point that people wondered if it was live.
Jason: I have two words - Tiki who? :)
Gordon: But still, she gets to be the Ho of the week.
Chico: Yay.
Jason: Yay indeed
Gordon: I’m still waiting for Tiki Barber to say ANYTHING now that the Giants have won. Anyone hear anything out of Tiki?
Chico: Nope. Surprisingly silent.
Gordon: And those...are your hoes.
Chico: Okay, finally, the bat, please...
Jason: (hands you the bat) Please clean off the toilet dust
Chico: And here's the business end of ... well, the Business End.

Lifetime has signed on to do a pilot of a dating show called "The Big Match". Hosting... Cat Deeley.

Jason: still HOT.
Chico: Yes.
Gordon: And she can dance
Chico: Yes. And that's going to do it for the Brainvision. The smoking hot sexy dancing Brainvision.
Gordon: Shut it down
Jason: Shutting down.
Chico: Okay, we're going to get to game time in a bit, but first, we asked you who would win Survivor this time round, a fan, a fave, or who cares? 50% of you said... Who cares? ... that's not fun at all, is it?
Jason: No.
Don: Not at all.
Gordon: This week, we smashed a Toilet With our Virtual Sledgehammer. And on this week's You Love To's Your Turn.

Lets play Trashed with Chris Hardwick. You get to destroy a TV with programming on it. Which TV do you smash?

The one airing Big Brother 9
The one airing Girlicious

The one airing Flavor of Love 3
The one airing My Dad is Better than Your Dad

The one airing Paradise Hotel 2

Gordon: Results next week.
Chico: Coming up, heads... on a stick. This is We Love to Interrupt, a little bit of old school... a little bit of new school... a little bit of middle school.

(Brainvision has been brought to you by Britney Spears' Temptation. Do you want to win enough money to get a #1 hit album? Or do you stop and buy the Paparazzi Booze package worth $6,000 for only $15 Temptation dollars?)