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Previous Episodes (Season 17)
December 31 - 2007 Year In Review/Push or Flush (1)

January 7 - This Was Supposed to Be Our Week Off!/Say Wha?/Push or Flush (2)

January 14 - Take Four Capsules/Good News, Bad News/Push or Flush (3)

January 21 - Happy Birthday, Chico!/What Were You Thinking?/Push or Flush (4)

January 28 - The Truth Is Out There/Would You Could You?/Push or Flush (5)

February 4 - Groundhog Day/6 Things We Think You Should Know/Push or Flush (6)

February 11 - Kill the Toilet/Roleplay/Trios

February 18 - A Soapbox Where My Heart Used to Be/Infiltration/Accuracy or Idiocy

February 25 - My Dad Is Better Than... What?/Vs./Welcome to Hollywood

March 3 - A Bitter Pill/March Madness/We the Jury

March 10 - Chasing Daylight (Savings)/Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews/What's My Zinger?

March 17 - One Fine Day to Be Nude/What Your TiVo Says About You/Welcome to Hollywood

March 24 - Giiiive Meeee Your Money!/Play the Percentages/WLTI Theatre

March 31 - Poker for Geeks/Infiltration/Who's Your Daddy?

April 7 - Going Green/The Good, the Bad & The Ugly/List Abuse

April 14 - No Talent/Paula vs. Simon/15 Shades of Wrong

April 21 - The World is Just Awesome/Ask the Doctor/Place Bets Now

April 28 - Jason Is a Bonehead/Hit the Button Win a Cookie/Five Good Reasons

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 17.18
May 5

Gordon: We couldn't go through the week without a Roger Clemens joke.
Rob: It just gets worse and worse for the Rocket.
Jason: Wow.
Don: Heh.
Chico: Welcome to the game time...
Gordon: Anyways, I don the fake mustache and the frizzy afro for...Categories!
Jason: COOL!
Chico: Wait.. that's a fake moustache?
Jason: I thought that was a centipede.
Gordon: Here's how this works. I give you a question. You all get money for how well I think you answer it. $200-$1,000 for the first 3, $400-$2,000 for the next 2 and then Final Categories for the last one. Ready?
Jason: Noted.
Rob: I'm ready.
Don: Ready.
Chico: Got it.
Gordon: And the Categories for today are...


Gordon: Chico, you are the co-host, so you select first.
Chico: I'm going to go with the most suggestive category here.. What's in the Cup?
Gordon: As we all know, American Idol's Paula Abdul drinks from her cup. Which person was loopier this week? Paula, for critiquing Jason Castro before he performed? Or Mariah Carey, who married Nick Cannon after dating for a month - and refused to sign a prenuptial agreement?
Chico: Mariah Carey. Ain't nobody going to buy into her and Nick Cannon.
Jason: Simple. It's are worth 9 figures and you marry HIM? and don't sign the just flushed $50M down the toilet.
Chico: In fact, they're in talks to star in "What Happens in Vegas 2: .... Break Ya Back, Bitch."
Don: I'm going with Mariah.
Gordon: Just a reminder, you can always go off the board if you feel that you have a better answer...but be very very careful about it.
Rob: It's Mariah for Marrying Nick Cannon after a month and not signing the prenup, that means Nick can get 1/2 of what she has, and not only that, Nick Cannon is a B-Grade Celebrity at best and only appeals to the Nickelodeon Crowd. Sure it's probably a marketing ploy to get her new CD to the younger crowd, but it's going to end up costing her about $100 million in the long run.
Chico: "Touch my money"
Rob: With that said, at least the host for Wild n' Out now can live very comfortable.
Gordon: Any explanation on your answer, Don?
Don: Well, basically, Mariah's move just seems more costly.
Gordon: Chico gets $1,000 for 'Touch My Money'. Rob gets $800 for providing more info than Jason, who gets $600. Donut gets $400 for not providing any other info.

$1,000 $800 $600 $400
Chico ROB Jason DON

Jason: Ok. Thanks.
Gordon: Chico still controls the board
Jason: Ok. Let's hear it.
Chico: I'm going to beat this board here.. 4 Dollys & 1 Kenny.
Gordon: We are down to Survivor's Final 5, after James and Alexis goes bye bye. We have Amanda, Cirie, Erik, Natalie, and Parvati. Who has the inside track to winning the million and how? And bonus bucks if you get the reference.
Jason: Simple. The women have the alliance going and I don't the reference.
Chico: Easy. Four pairs of breasts and one guy who gets killed. As for who has the inside track... That would be Parvati.
Jason: But Cirie has played the game and has played the game better than anyone so far. Cirie gets the bucks.
Chico: She went with Amanda's plan to get rid of Alexis, and she seems poised to turn a corner if she has tol
Jason: and if she would get the idol...she would use it I think.
Rob: Guys and Dolls is the reference, I think and I'm going with Erik on this one. The last time we had 4 women and 1 guy going, that was a few series ago and Nascar Chris won.
Don: I'm thinking Cirie. It seems to me like she had been able to do quite a bit of plotting, while not getting too much attention as being a threat.
Rob: I'm gambling that the women will implode again, and the guy gets the bucks. Anytime we get a group of the same sex going, we get some bad mojo going.
Chico: Well that's because all women hate each other.
Gordon: I'll give you guys one last chance to guess the reference before I make my decision.
Jason: I am thinking Islands in the Stream...and since we are in the Islands.
Gordon: Jason gets the bonus bucks. Islands in the stream, with Kenny Rogers as the male and Dolly Parton as the females. And 'Islands in the Stream' Aptly describes Survivor.
Jason: Also named the #1 Country duet of all time on a CMT poll recently.
Gordon: Very true. A bonus $100 for Jason for sucking up - but Parvati has the inside track, because she's in both major alliances and does not have a bullseye on her back.
Jason: LOL
Chico: What what.
Gordon: Everyone else is being targeted except Parvati, so she has the best chance to get to the Final 3. Chico gets $1,000. Jason gets $900 ($800 + $100 bonus), Don gets $600 and Rob, who selected the person who everyone is targetting and who is probably next to leave, gets $200.
Rob: Story of my life.

$2,000 $1,000 $1,500 $1,000
Chico ROB Jason DON

Gordon: Chico - select another category.
Chico: Everybody's All-American.
Gordon: NBC is making this the 'All-American Summer' Between the Olympics, American Gladiators, America's Got Talent, Et al. We all know the Olympics will be the best show in the Summer. Which game show on NBC will be second?
Chico: America's Got Talent. American Gladiators is going to give them a run, but you can't count out Piers and the Hoff.
Rob: I'm going with the recent ratings winner, American Gladiators. They have put so much into this show that NBC Wants this to be 2nd. They moved from a TV studio to the LA Memorial Sports Arena, and beefed up the set and added 7 new events. Some events being Sky Track, Atlasphere, and Vertigo. Hogan and Ali will be doing better, and they fixed Powerball. No more 3-point shooting, but having to actually run down the course and put it in the pod. They have pumped so much money into this show, they need to succeed, otherwise Ben Silverman will look like a goat, and he doesn't want to do that.
Jason: Gordon and I have the inside track on this one... it's America's Got Talent. With the myspace connection, combined with the spot-on judging, great acts and formula all back for season 3, this will be the show to beat in Summer 2008.
Don: I'll go with America's Got Talent. It has been an established summer hit, and I think it'll be able to continue getting great ratings.
Jason: Big Brother 10 will be a huge bomb (especially after no one gave a rats rear end over season 9). Thank you, you know who.
Chico: Can we just end the series?
Gordon: I was all ready to give Jason $1,000... Until he brings up a show on CBS.
Chico: Ha.
Gordon: The question has nothing to do with CBS.
Jason: I was comparing the show to it's competition.
Gordon: And yet...Chico goes off on tangent, with Jason, so I can't give him the $1,000 either.
Chico: Thanks, J. No really. =p
Gordon: So...$1,000 to Donut. $800 to Rob, who brings up a great point on NBC. And a split of $400 to Chico and Block-head.
Chico: I'm going to be watching both.
Jason: Me too. But Talent has got some good stuff. Gordon and I saw it.

$2,400 $1,800 $1,900 $2,200
Chico ROB Jason DON

Gordon: Ok Rob. Close match. you select in Double Categories.
Rob: I'll go with Life After Mr. Cooper.
Gordon: ABC has given us our first promos on The Mole. You all know I think the show is overrated. Convince me that I should be watching it.
Chico: It's better than watching any of that reality dating crap.
Jason: Combine Elements of the Amazing Race, with the Don't Trust Anybody Aspect...and going back to the basics of the show will make this show watchable - as long as they don't make the hottie the mole again.
Chico: And you're going to need something to tide you over while waiting for airings of Gladiators and Talent.
Rob: I must say that after pushing for it, I am not convinced that this is appointment viewing. I'm certain that Scott Stone will try his best with the slot he's got to pull out all stops and he will.
Jason: And ABC needs a hit - badly.
Chico: That isn't related to dancing.
Rob: The host may be in new territory, but he kinda reminds me of Anderson Cooper, and let's remind ourselves, this show is perfect for the summer. It's got all of the intrigue of a detective/CSI show, the drama of a Lost or Desperate Housewives. And given it's timeslot and unlike Duel, ABC IS ACTUALLY PROMOTING THIS SHOW!!! Therefore, at least they are giving some backing to this show.
Don: It's a smart show. The contestants not only have to complete the tasks, but also to be observant of the others, trying to figure out who is sabotaging things.
Chico: There you go.
Don: And it's fun to watch, too, trying to figure out who the Mole is while sitting at home.
Gordon: Donut is the only person who actually discusses what the show is about, so he gets the $2,000. Both Jason and Rob give me arguments on why I shouldn't watch it, so they get demerited and only get $1,000. Chico gets $1,600.
Chico: Yay.
Gordon: And yes. I don't want reality dating crap.

$4,000 $2,800 $2,900 $4,200
Chico ROB Jason DON

Gordon: The choice is yours, Don.
Don: Let's go with Cash and Carey.
Gordon: The year post Bob Barker and with Drew Carey, we see Carey shut out of Best Game Show Host. Meanwhile, Cash Cab's Ben Bailey takes his spot. is this cool with you?
Chico: It's cool with me. 1) Ben Bailey was up for the award last year.
Rob: Yes, it's quite cool with me. Ben Bailey is excellent in his role, very personable and quite enjoyable to watch in Cash Cab, one of the few cable game shows that is really well done.
Jason: Actually yes. For many reasons...the academy, right or wrongly...does not want to give the younger Carey the spot( he hasn't earned it yet)
Rob: He did get nominated last year. Not only that, he's an everyman type of host. He's your average joe schmo cab driver, who just happens to pay you cash for answering questions. What's not to like about him.
Jason: 2. Bailey is a damn good host and has a good relations with the NYC Taxi and LImoiusine Commission
Chico: and 2) Ben Bailey is quite underrated in his role as both driver and questioner on Cash Cab
Jason: and he reminds you of a Frank Nicotero--quiet, underrated and gets the job done in a quality manner. Carey hasn't earned his spots yet...he is still Green...Price is Right wise anyway. He is much improved from the beginning of the year...but not enough to get the award.
Don: Well, it is cool that Ben was nominated (though I still have yet to see Cash Cab for myself). And while I think Drew has been doing a good job on TPIR, there does seem to still be room for improvement for him.
Gordon: Jason said the one thing none of you said - the Academy is not going to give him the award because he hasn't earned it yet. $2,000 to Jason. Rob gets $1,600 because he brings up the role. Chico gets $1,200 and Donut gets $800.
Jason: And I bet you Carey would tell you as such.
Chico: Because he's humble like that.

$5,200 $4,400 $4,900 $5,000
Chico ROB Jason DON

Gordon: And it's...Final Category time. Each of you IM me your wagers. Category - Davids Vs. Goliath. Question - Everyone is predicting a David Archuleta Vs. David Cook final. Do you agree? Back it up.
Jason: I don't. Up until this week, I thought Mr. Dred's Jason Castro would be out.
Chico: Yes I do, and here's why. Jason Castro can't win because he's going to go out in the round of 3 after Syesha, who gives an eh performance after weeks of mailing it in, gets the boot in the round of 4. History backs me up here, especially in the case of season 1. Tamyra, the favorite, then Nikki, the anti-hero. Done deezy.
Jason: But I really believe this week, David Archuleta is going home, because this is the true chaos theory week...where an elimination no one saw coming is happening. Jason is going to be eliminated third.
Rob: I don't agree, nor do I care about American Idol. The show will just be a springboard for talent, and people don't need a reality show to do this. Remember when people actually worked hard at their craft to be successful?
Jason: And David Cook will win American idol. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Week will be in Jason and David's Wheel house. David Archuleta is in major trouble this week.
Rob: Nowadays, all you have to do is win some silly talent contest and bingo- Instant Stardom. It's sickening to me to see other great talents out there being shoved aside by the flavor of the month which is the Idol winner.
Chico: Rock & roll hall of fame? Oh yeah. Syesha's in trouble.
Don: It is a final that I'd like to see, but I'm thinking it won't. I do see Archuleta making it there, but Cook? He's a rocker, and in the past, as far as I know, rock fans didn't seem to show enough support for their favorites.
Rob: I can't stand it, I hate it, and that's why I don't watch Idol, nor do I care.
Don: See: Daughtry, Chris.

$10,001 $0 $9,800 $9,000

(this is for the china hutch)

Gordon: Ok. We go to Rob first. didn't really answer the questions, so that's going to be a wrong answer. You had $4,400. Wager: $4,400. Total: $0.
Rob: Like I figured.
Gordon: Jason - David Archuleta is in serious trouble this week - especially if Syesha sings as badly as we think she will and David sings 'ok' again. So I'll agree with you. You had $4,900. Wager: $4,900. Total: $9,800.
Jason: Yes.
Gordon: Donut - I also agree with you that David Cook will be in deep trouble in the Round of 3. The rockers won't vote, and I think that if Archuleta stays on, he's going to be in trouble. You had $5,000: Wager: $4,000. Total: $9,000. But here's what I think will happen. Syesha and David A. will wind up in the bottom 2 - but Syesha will leave. David A in the bottom 2 will spark everyone to vote, and the backlash will send Jason Castro packing in the round of 3, which will lead up to David Vs. David. I think any of the 3 scenarios could happen. And hence, I think Chico's scenario can also play out, so he's correct as well.
Chico: What... wait for it... UP.
Gordon: You had $5,200: Wager: $4,801. Total: $10,001. Winner - The Chairman. you have 30 seconds. The floor is yours.
Chico: Was millionaire robbed for Emmy consideration? YES. Was Meredith robbed? Yes. We're back in a period where we as a genre don't get some much needed love, and I think that the game show awards are going to be presented off camera... AGAIN. NO LOVE.
Gordon: I was waiting for one of you to go off the board and talk about that.
Jason: Are the game show awards definitely getting presented off camera?
Chico: Not known yet. Big demerit to the academy on this one.
Gordon: I agree, but we have to go to a break before playing prognosticator. Please don't demerit us, bro.

(Brought to you by Jazz of Love... Karl Malone chooses amongst his many babymamas to be his one and only in the zone-ly... Our money's on the one with the killer NFL contract now)