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Previous Episodes (Season 17)
December 31 - 2007 Year In Review/Push or Flush (1)

January 7 - This Was Supposed to Be Our Week Off!/Say Wha?/Push or Flush (2)

January 14 - Take Four Capsules/Good News, Bad News/Push or Flush (3)

January 21 - Happy Birthday, Chico!/What Were You Thinking?/Push or Flush (4)

January 28 - The Truth Is Out There/Would You Could You?/Push or Flush (5)

February 4 - Groundhog Day/6 Things We Think You Should Know/Push or Flush (6)

February 11 - Kill the Toilet/Roleplay/Trios

February 18 - A Soapbox Where My Heart Used to Be/Infiltration/Accuracy or Idiocy

February 25 - My Dad Is Better Than... What?/Vs./Welcome to Hollywood

March 3 - A Bitter Pill/March Madness/We the Jury

March 10 - Chasing Daylight (Savings)/Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews/What's My Zinger?

March 17 - One Fine Day to Be Nude/What Your TiVo Says About You/Welcome to Hollywood

March 24 - Giiiive Meeee Your Money!/Play the Percentages/WLTI Theatre

March 31 - Poker for Geeks/Infiltration/Who's Your Daddy?

April 7 - Going Green/The Good, the Bad & The Ugly/List Abuse

April 14 - No Talent/Paula vs. Simon/15 Shades of Wrong

April 21 - The World is Just Awesome/Ask the Doctor/Place Bets Now

April 28 - Jason Is a Bonehead/Hit the Button Win a Cookie/Five Good Reasons

May 5 - Half a Million Big Ones/Categories/Should and Will

May 12 - Crash & Burn/Higher/Lower/What If...

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 17.21
May 19

Chico: Flesh avalanche. Be sure to clean up after you're done wathcing.
Gordon: Don't.....X......the...Bellydancers......ahhhhhhh.....
Jason: You wont give that up, will you?
Gordon: I won't.
Chico: Okay, welcome back to the show. As you know, we're down to two on American Idol. David Archuleta... and David Cook.
Jason: Yes.
Gordon: Yepperz
Chico: We're about to play Vs. now to see who we should all put our money on. Three categories, 10 questions in total. You tell me who should have the advantage.
Jason: Ok.
Chico: Starting with...


1) Age. Archuleta: 17. Cook... 25

Gordon: Archuleta. Kids like 17. Ask Jordin Sparks.
Rob: Archuleta has it.
Jason: The voting public for the most part skews towards the non-threatening boy. Archuleta.
Rob: He's got the teen demo in his grasps.
Chico: Winner: Archuleta.

2) Musical style. Archuleta: pop. Cook: emo rock.

Jason: Cook in a romp. He can do and has shown he can be more creative.
Chico: Advantage... Cook. He's got range.
Gordon: Musical Style has to go to Archuleta. More poppers vote than rockers.
Rob: Plus, Emo Rock is quite popular now with Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy (shudder)
Jason: And Daughtry.
Gordon: But they don't vote.
Chico: Rob breaks the tie.
Gordon: Next one?

3) Experience. Archuleta: Former Star Search junior champion. Cook: former singer from a band.

Jason: Archuleta has that one. He is a "ringer" per se.
Rob: Archuleta with the Star Search experience, just think if he was to win the two biggest talent shows in TV history.
Chico: Agreed. Star Search has a little more cred than Idol =p If only because it's been around longer.
Gordon: Though Cook is a seasoned veteran after 3 months of this, I'll call this in as a slight edge to Archuleta due to Star Search.

Chico: Winner: Archie. So the winner of round 1: Archuleta. NEXT...


Chico: Gordon, I may need your help here.

4) "The moment". 

Chico: When did each contestant become "a star"?
Jason: Isn't that subjective?
Chico: In the eyes of the judges.
Gordon: I'll say 'The Moment' was David Archuleta's 'Imagine'
Jason: Yes.
Chico: And for David Cook?
Jason: "Hello"?
Gordon: I'll say it started with 'Hello', which he cemented with 'Billie Jean'
Chico: ... Draw.
Jason: Big Time Draw.
Rob: I agree, Draw
Gordon: Both of those performances cemented the final 2. Draw for me.
Chico: Winner: Draw

5) The "anti-moment". When, according to the judges, they went from star to schlub.

Gordon: Another easy one
Jason: David Cook singing "Our Lady Peace" on Idol Gives Back?
Gordon: Yep. David Archuleta - Week #1 in Round of 12, when he forgot his lyrics. The song was 'We Can Work It Out' by the Beatles
Chico: I'm going to go with Cook for the advantage in that one.
Jason: Cook just made a bad song choice.
Rob: Yeah, and that happens from time to time.
Chico: Cook's flub wasn't nearly as bad as Archuleta's.
Gordon: Bad choices happen. You can't forget your lyrics. Advantage - Cook
Rob: Cook has that advantage.
Chico: Winner: Cook

6) Strengths. Archuleta: velvety tone beyond his years swoons the kiddies. Cook: can sing almost anything with or without his trusty Les Paul.

Rob: Sadly it comes to votes, and Archuleta has it.
Gordon: I think Archuleta has the better voice. Cook has the better creativity.
Jason: I think even though Archuleta is more experienced, Cook is more rounded. Cook, but barely.
Gordon: The problem Cook is going to have in the finals is that he doesn't have a choice on the final song. And if he finds something that exploits his lack of pitch consistency, that's going to be trouble. Advantage - Archuleta.
Chico: This one comes down to who has the advantage as far as the popular vote...And as of late... Cook. So winner... DRAW.

7) Weaknesses. Archuleta: boring, bland song choices. Cook: His voice gets exploited if he goes too high or low
Chico: So we have oversinging vs. overthinking. We all oversing, but if you overthink, you just might lose it. Advantage: Cook.
Gordon: Archie's biggest complaint is that he forgets lyrics and that he makes it too easy. But I've never heard a bad performance pitch-wise from Archuleta. If Cook is off, it can be painful. Advantage - Archuleta.
Jason: Cook wins this because I think Archuleta has the image of being Mini-Jeff.
Rob: Bingo. Cook has this title.
Gordon: Winner: Cook. It's even Steven, and Steven isn't even playing. So the winner of round 2... David Cook. We're down to the final three questions in... round 3...


8) News. Archuleta: stands by his father even though he cost American Idol cash money with his stage-fathery. Cook: The cool emo-rocker who talks to the judges and lets his ego get way of the music.

Rob: Sadly, I smell a sins of the father thing here, and Cook wins it.
Chico: Sounds like the name of a movie, Rob.
Gordon: Cook still has the ego and the talking back to the judges buzz in play, which is what he did earler and he still hasn't completely escaped it.
Chico: I can see where both can come and bite back hard. Advantage: DRAW.
Jason: Yeah, but he can back his stuff up. David can't escape his. But I agree with Chico. Draw.
Chico: Gordon, you're the decider.
Gordon: Here's the difference in buzz. The fact that David's dad is loony will make the producers nuts, but it won't cost him votes. Talking back to the judges will. Advantage - Archuleta.
Chico: He's not performing for the judges, though. He's performing for America... Winner: DRAW.

9) Endorsements. Archuleta: Donny Osmond. Cook: Bruce Springsteen.

Chico: ... the man hosted Pyramid for chrissakes.
Jason: Cook wins in a romp. The Boss...who hates AI, loves Cook.
Chico: Advantage: Cook.
Rob: Yes. Cook.
Gordon: No love for Donny?
Jason: Not for this.
Chico: No love for Donny.
Gordon: Guess not. Cook.

10) Chances vs. Syesha.

Jason: Huh?
Chico: IF she made it to the final.
Rob: I call this one a push.
Gordon: And this is where genre comes into play.
Rob: Both were better talented and better overall than her.
Jason: Draw. Both of them would have romped.
Gordon: Rock has no chance against R & B. Cook would be in a fight with Syesha. If it's Archie Vs. Syesha in the finals, Archie wipes the floor with her. Advantage - Archuleta.
Chico: Hmm... I think Archuleta would have more votes than Cook against Syesha, if only because of those pesky kids and their cellies. Advantage: Archuleta. Winner: Archuleta. That makes round 3... a DRAW. So if you count it all up... it's a DRAW. This is just too close to call. You're just going to have to tune in and find out.
Jason: Going to be a massively cool final.
Gordon: You know who wins American Idol, Chico?
Chico: Gee...David?
Gordon: David wins. But not just any David. The one with a C in his last name.
Jason: Of course.
Chico: Actually, you know who REALLY wins? Simon Fuller =p
Gordon: Because both David's are going to make 19 a bucketload of cash.,
Chico: "I have another hot act."
Gordon: Cash money, baby.
Chico: Speaking of money, we have to go make some. We'll be back with Gordon and Buen Trato.
Gordon: It's some good wheeling and dealing fun - after the break.

(Brought to you by Grand Temptation Auto IV, the game where you steal enough Temptation dollars in order to buy yourself out of "just lots of love and hugs" from Rossi)

Jason: Don't think that will sell as well as the original.
Gordon: Are you able to destroy the set?
Rob: Yes.
Jason: and blow up the podiums in the process.
Chico: I'll take wanton disrespect for public graces for $2000, Alex.
Gordon: What about playing a game consisting of deals?
Rob: I'm up for it.
Chico: Suitcases or doors?
Jason: I am ready...but I know I am going to blow I always do.
Gordon: Well, you're good at it. What do we start witrh today?

You get passes to the American Idol finale. That, the parking tickets and the gas totals to around $100.

Jason: Cool. Sounds good.
Gordon: Now you can keep the tickets - or you can spend it on a Big Box called 'America's Next Top Model'. As a reminder, all of the things offered on Buen Trato are all based on events that have happened this week. Does anyone want it?
Chico: .. You know what, I'm good.
Rob: I'll keep the passes.
Jason: I'll risk it.
Gordon: Jason spend the passes, and he gets...

Dresses! It's America's Next Top Model's Outfits worn - and they are not cheap. Total value - $6,000!

Chico: Fancy that. Jason wins dresses.
Jason: My gf will love them. Thank you.
Gordon: So Jason gets 4 dresses worth a total of $6,000. But would your gf prefer a suitcase with 'Bingo America' on it?
Jason: Oh no. Keeping the dresses.
Chico: I have a feeling that we're going to see Pink's hot dogs. Pass.
Rob: I'll keep the passes as well. It could be a Pet Rock.
Gordon: No Rocks. No Hot Dogs. We get instead...

Coffee! You get a can of Maxwell House Coffee, care of their sponsorship of Bingo America this week. Total cost - $6.99...and a Chasco! (Brrrr....stamp!)

Jason: Whoo-hoo!
Gordon: Next up - a curtain with 'Wheel of Fortune' on it. Anyone want it?
Rob: I'll take it
Chico: I'm always up for the Wheel of Fortune. Let me have it.
Jason: I hope this is good. I am trading the dresses, though I have a sick idea of what this is.
Gordon: Dresses are gone....what we have instead is...

It's a trip to Greece! You are off to Athens to hang out while the real olympics are going on in China. Total Value - $7,316!

Jason: I was wrong! OPA!
Chico: Whoo!
Rob: YAH!
Chico: Souvlaki for everyone!
Gordon: and with that, you also get...

A $50 Sony Style Card - which is what I won this week for having the high score on The Cell Phone version of Wheel Of Fortune's Play For Prizes game. Total Value: $7,366. Whoo-hoo!

Jason: I thought you were going to Chasco us with a piece of the giant Wheel Cheesecake from Monday's show.
Gordon: You all have a nice prize. Does anyone want to trade it for what's behind the Big Box that says 'Survivor: Micronesia'?
Chico: umm. NO?
Jason: Hell no.
Rob: No
Gordon: None of you want the box. None of you get...

An Immunity Idol! We have 3 of them, based on the 3 that were offered in the game. And now I have one for each of you. It's a Chasco! (Brrrr....Stamp!)

Jason: YES!
Gordon: Next up - a Curtain with 'The Price is Right'. Does anyone want the curtain?
Rob: Yes
Jason: You know what...Yes.
Rob: I'll take it.
Gordon: Chico?
Chico: ... I'll go for it
Gordon: All of you get...

A rarity on the show...the prizes awarded on Temptation that the contestant actually quit for. A Snowboard worth $717, a Food Processor worth $545, a set of Power Tools worth $533, and a pair of watches for $500. Total value: $2,295.

Jason: Eh. Oh well. :P
Gordon: I have one last decision for you all. I have two curtains. One of which has 'The Bachelor'. The other one has 'Temptation'. Which one do you want? Or do you want to hold on to your $2,295 worth of stuff?
Chico: I'm going to do something crazy. I'm going to pick "Bachelor"
Jason: No guts no Glory. I am going with Temptation.
Rob: I'm keeping my stuff. I think both are losers.
Gordon: At least one of them will be a winner, Rob
Rob: I'm a chicken, though.
Jason: Cluck Cluck :P
Gordon: Now Jason
Jason: Yes.
Gordon: What's your record been on selecting the right curtain?
Jason: At the end...not so good.
Gordon: Try 0 for the world.
Chico: Zero, woooooorld.
Jason: Ok. I suck. Go on :)
Gordon: So let's see what Jason has selected this time... You get something that the game show have been pining for...

EVERY item in Shoppers Paradise! This week, that includes 1 Year at, a trip to St. Lucia, Novori platinum jewelry, a Jacuzzi, and a Mini Cooper!

Jason: YES YES YES! Finally! A win!

Total Value of Your Deal: $46,920!

Jason: Oh yeah! WHOO HOO! About time!
Gordon: Finally.
Chico: Good job!
Gordon: Now Chico.
Chico: I sense nothing good coming up.
Gordon: You know we just finished Cinco De Mayo.
Chico: Right. Two weeks ago
Gordon: (Ryan Seacrest) Last year, we had a good prize behind every door, and no one went home (/Ryan Seacrest)
Chico: Right.
Gordon: (Ryan Seacrest) And like Idol this suck luck for you(/Ryan Seacrest)
Jason: Sorry, Chico!
Gordon: But you do win....THIS!
Chico: Here it comes...

You win an Autographed DVD of Lorenzo Lamas's hit show Renegade! Serves you right for selecting a Mike Fleiss show. What Were You Thinking? Total Value of this Klunky Chasco - $19.99 (and we deduct $10 for the autograph). Chasco! (Brrrrr...Stamp!)

Chico: Hey, I'm just happy Block finally won one.
Jason: I was this close to picking it too.
Rob: Wait. Renegade was a hit?
Gordon: Compared to the some of the rest of his shows, that was a gold mine.
Jason: his daughter hot?
Gordon: That's a different show, which we hope we'll never seen again.
Chico: She's hot, but kinda trashy hot. Not Imogen Heap hot.
Jason: ok
Rob: Imogen Heap is also vocally inclined.
Chico: Very much so. The A's did "Hide and Seek"... plug. Anyway, Big Finish next.

(Brought to you by Unbeatable Med Lab Technician Banzuke. Do you have enough to get your name put on Chico Alexander's list? Events include Blood Letting, Organ Separating, and Cranky Nurse Appeasement. Do you have what it takes?)

Chico: So far, no one is on the Banzuke for "Cranky Nurse Appeasement" or "24 Hour Urine"
Jason: Oh man. The Copter run is cool as hell
Chico: Yeah. It involves crossing from one machine to the other to still another, all while turning out results. It's quite entertaining, in a sick way.
Jason: Yup.
Chico: Okay, before we get to the Big Finish... A special announcement! Next week is We Love To Interrupt's 200th Episode.
Jason: YEAH! I can't wait. The tux is being cleaned as we speak.
Chico: we're going to have the usual bits of infotainment, with a couple of the best moments from episodes 101-199 sprinkled through out. But I'm thinking... why don't we make it Viewer's Choice?
Jason: Why not!
Chico: Have people mail us with what they think should be on the show. Seriously. We expect nothing from you. This show is all about you.
Gordon: Is our poll thing working?
Chico: No, this is just going to be the ghetto e-mail :-)
Gordon: Ok. Well then email us. Where should they email to?
Chico: Simple. Make sure that "WLTI 200th Episode Viewer's Choice" is in the subject line.
Gordon: And we'll talk about what you want us to talk about. We'll throw out all the rules. ...did we have rules?
Jason: Not sure.
Chico: 1) Tell truths, but with respect and fairness. 2) Be funny. And since it's the season finale, we'll have the 200th Episode Celebratory toilet ready. It's still in the shop. Our Brainvision Hamsters designed it.
Gordon: But I'm sure it will look nice - even if it has a fur covering to it
Chico: That's We Love to Interrupt's 200th show. Next week. Tell your friends. Tell your kids! Tell your friends' kids! Tell your friends' kids'... friends...
Gordon: And with that, we go to the Big Finish!
Chico: American Idol... WHO WINS?
Jason: David Cook.
Chico: David Cook.
Rob: Cook
Gordon: Just to be different, I'm going to go with David Archuleta.
Chico: Okay, simpler question. Dancing with the Stars... WHO WINS!
Rob: Kristi Yamaguchi
Jason: Yamaguchi
Chico: Kristi Yamaguchi.
Gordon: Just to be different, I'm going to go with Jason Taylor. I'd like to preface this by saying that everyone agreeing will make this quite boring. I do this for the entertainment value.
Jason: Of course.
Chico: Noted. Watching Thursday night premieres? Last Comic Standing (right after Deal or No Deal) and So You Think You Can Dance.
Rob: None.
Jason: SYTYCD. Yes.
Gordon: Since I cover it, LCS. Im not looking forward to it.
Chico: I'll give both shows a fair shake, but honestly, I'm going to see Indiana Jones that night.
Rob: My Thursdays are spent watching TNA Impact and AWA Championshp Wrestling on ESPN Classic.
Jason: Man after my own heart.
Gordon: Bachelorette.....anyone remotely interested?
Jason: Hell to the no.
Rob: Remotely into seeing what else is on.
Chico: Gladiators. Let's watch Justice destroy someone again.
Rob: I'm waiting for the debut of Beast.
Chico: Or watch Rocket spank someone... "My Wall, son!"
Rob: BTW, I will pay good money to see Beast deliver a Mt. Morgan Bomb to a contender off the Pyramid.
Jason: Siren can spank me anytime.
Gordon: And on that. we end the show. Special thanks to Jason and Rob for joining us this episode
Jason: Thank you.
Rob: Much obliged, Mr. Pepper.
Chico: And thank you for reading. For Gordon and everyone at GSNN, I'm Chico Alexander... Until next week... game over... and spread the love :-)