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Previous Episodes (Season 17)
December 31 - 2007 Year In Review/Push or Flush (1)

January 7 - This Was Supposed to Be Our Week Off!/Say Wha?/Push or Flush (2)

January 14 - Take Four Capsules/Good News, Bad News/Push or Flush (3)

January 21 - Happy Birthday, Chico!/What Were You Thinking?/Push or Flush (4)

January 28 - The Truth Is Out There/Would You Could You?/Push or Flush (5)

February 4 - Groundhog Day/6 Things We Think You Should Know/Push or Flush (6)

February 11 - Kill the Toilet/Roleplay/Trios

February 18 - A Soapbox Where My Heart Used to Be/Infiltration/Accuracy or Idiocy

February 25 - My Dad Is Better Than... What?/Vs./Welcome to Hollywood

March 3 - A Bitter Pill/March Madness/We the Jury

March 10 - Chasing Daylight (Savings)/Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews/What's My Zinger?

March 17 - One Fine Day to Be Nude/What Your TiVo Says About You/Welcome to Hollywood

March 24 - Giiiive Meeee Your Money!/Play the Percentages/WLTI Theatre

March 31 - Poker for Geeks/Infiltration/Who's Your Daddy?

April 7 - Going Green/The Good, the Bad & The Ugly/List Abuse

April 14 - No Talent/Paula vs. Simon/15 Shades of Wrong

April 21 - The World is Just Awesome/Ask the Doctor/Place Bets Now

April 28 - Jason Is a Bonehead/Hit the Button Win a Cookie/Five Good Reasons

May 5 - Half a Million Big Ones/Categories/Should and Will

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 17.20
May 12

Jason: Just dont hope for the $5,000 NY to DC fare...Ouch.
Chico: NO DEAL.
Gordon: That would be painful...and too high. It's time for some Higher/Lower. You now the drill. We start with this...

We're getting hints that someone goes all the way on Don't Forget the Lyrics - but do they win it? What's the contestant's winnings? Higher or lower than...$499,999?

Chico: one... dollar... higher.
Jason: I am going to say LOWER. I am going to say bait and switch flameout...this is Fox after all.
Chico: I say they go with the teaser. She stops and plays the song just to see what would've happened.
Gordon: I like Crash and Burn myself. Lower.
Chico: Okay, here we go with the next one.

Crosby Loggins just won "Rock the Cradle"... How long will his 15 minutes last? Higher or lower than... 6 months.

Gordon: Try 6 days. Lower.
Jason: Way Lower.
Gordon: The show had no repeats and it killed off people 2 at a time. That should be a clear indicator of the ratings - or lack of.
Chico: Shame, really, because the players were really into it.
Gordon: Sorry. this is a business. No kids allowed if they don't drive the bus.
Jason: Bingo.
Chico: That's it. Next?
Gordon: Next one...

When's the next time we see another Million Dollar Price is Right Winner? Higher or Lower than the end of 2008?

Chico: Lower.
Jason: Lower again.
Chico: Someone's BOUND to get it right. Right?
Jason: I think so.
Gordon: Lower, but it wont be on the showcase showdown. It will be something stupid like get the Car right in the Card game by $100,000 or something equally as asinine.
Chico: Hey, Switcheroo is not asinine. It's a mental trial.
Gordon: It's a fun game. No way it should be worth a million.
Jason: lol
Gordon: Next one?
Chico: Next up...

Gordon's favorite ticket to special Hell returns this summer in season 2 of "The Moment of Truth". How long will it take for someone to go all the way? Higher or lower than ... end of the summer

Jason: Higher.
Gordon: Higher. It's ridiculously tough to do - especially when you know what's coming up. I don't think they have found the decrepit person that will go all the way yet.
Jason: Someone with no all!
Chico: Sounds like a nomination :-)
Gordon: Don't even think about it :)
Jason: ROFL
Chico: Aw, come on!
Gordon: Next one...

Let's say we don't give the public what they want - will they rebel? If it's not a David Vs. David finale in American Idol, will the vote count for the finale show be higher or lower than 50 million votes?

Jason: I am going to say Lower. David v. David is what the people want.
Chico: Actually, I'm going to go higher. The Idol fans are trained lemmings. Especially with the final. The WORST that can happen is that they match this week's 51 million.
Gordon: I'll disagree then. I also think it depends on who gets knocked off. If its Cook, then it will be higher. If Archuleta leaves, then the kiddies will leave with him.
Chico: Archuleta's not leaving, though
Gordon: I would think not. Last one?
Chico: Last one... heh. this is funny.
Jason: Uh oh.

I just watched a clip of "Shot At Love II" where Tila Tequila announced that the women will be eating pig va-jay-jay... How long will it be until I choke on my own sick? Higher or lower than... 5 minutes?

Gordon: Higher. Because you would have turned off the TV long before you got to that point.
Chico: Actually, this was on this week's episode of "The Soup", so... not like I had a choice.
Jason: Um...way lower than that. That's just gross.
Chico: The correct answer... .. excuse me for a bit... That was 5 minutes, 42 seconds... Correct: higher.. but not by much.
Gordon: Yay! (Jiggles)
Chico: Seriously, though... What the hell, MTV? What. The. Hell.?
Gordon: Oh but she's seriously looking for love, isn't she?
Jason: Ah, Young love.
Chico: She's looking to be on the next season of "I Love Money". Please please please... =p
Jason: We already know she loves money. She is profiled in EW this week.
Gordon: And with that, we break. We look into the crystal ball when we come back.
Chico: Apparently, we love money, too.

(Sponsored by Cash Plane. We give you airline miles for each answer you get correct as you fly to your destination. Get 3 answers wrong though, and we throw you out of the plane. Gordon Pepper hosts.)

Jason: With or without Parachute?
Gordon: With. I'm not THAT heartless.
Chico: No surprise there.
Gordon: No surprise on what exactly, Chico?
Chico: You hosting a show that involves throwing people off of a plane.
Gordon: Well it's Mother's Day. You had the movie Throw Momma From the Train, so I only thought it natural if we had Throw Momma from the plane. Besides, Jason would sign up his mom immediately.
Jason: You ain't kidding.
Gordon: So I know that it would be a practical service that people would take advantage of.
Chico: The ironic thing about that (spoiler alert)... momma never got thrown off the train.(end spoiler)
Gordon: ... but what if she did? :)
Chico: We put that logic to six game show related instances, starting with...

We know the final 12 of Idol is up for the public vote, but what if some of the people that didn't make it (but deserved to) were slotted instead? What kind of final would that make?

Jason: For example?
Chico: A'shia Epperson.
Jason: Not sure actually.
Gordon: I dont think it would be as popular. Like it or not, Idol works bvecause the audience has 100% of the power. Though it would be nice from a Utopian sense, I think that if you had people slotted, it would have the feel of a 'fix'.
Chico: Makes sense. That and I think three weeks of Danny Noriega is enough.
Jason: I would rather have him than Castro.
Gordon: I think to improve the show instead, the producers need to give all 24 people screen time before we get to the round of 24, so the Ashia'hs of the world get an equal shot.
Chico: Yeah. Not going to happen. Some people are just... boring, you know?
Gordon: You can't be the next Idol and be boring - but give them the screen time and let us be the judge. Next one...

What had 3 player Jeopardy between Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain?

Chico: That'd be one heck of a debate.
Jason: Honestly, I think McCain would win. He is the smartest.
Chico: And he's been on the show before as a Daily Double. He knows how it works.
Gordon: He does. I think it should be mandatory for the candidates to be on the show to see how good they are under pressure and making good decisions.
Jason: Yeah. That would be fun
Chico: And to make things interesting, make the categories be issue related.
Gordon: You have $30,000. Barack has $10,000. Do you blow all of your Gross National Product on a Daily Double?
Chico: You know, cut the BS. Just get to the meat and potatoes.
Gordon: Next one?
Chico: Next up...

What if Drew Carey and Meredith Vieira were also nominated for game show host Emmys... What would Pat, Alex, & Ben's chances be?

Jason: The same. Alex wins.
Gordon: I agree with Jason. It gets closer, but Trebek should cruise this year.
Jason: As I said last week, Drew is good, but hasn't earned the nomination. And Meredith can't beat Alex.
Chico: Meredith beat Alex once. Just remember that.
Gordon: I will, but she gets deducted $25,000 for having Billy Bush sub for her.
Chico: Should dock another $25,000 for Dave Price while you're at it.
Jason: Not her fault LOL
Gordon: Alex Trebek would NEVER have Billy Bush sub for him. Jeff Probst? Maybe, but not Billy or Dave.
Chico: Still waiting for that day, I am =p I will admit to that being a fanboyish hangup.
Gordon: Speaking of one...

What if...Dave Price finds a CBS the next host of Survivor?

Chico: Three words. End. Of. Series.
Jason: I agree with Chico.
Chico: I don't think Dave Price has the balls for that sort of gig.
Gordon: Would that be the tropical shark jumping onto the island?
Chico: Yep. And biting the host right on his... you know.
Gordon: Not that we would ever see it, but I'd love to see an All-Stars with nothing but Million Dollar winners.
Jason: That would be hot.
Chico: It's definitely possible now.
Jason: All for charity.
Chico: But with Jeff as producer, not going to happen. This season was as close as we're ever going to get.
Gordon: It is. You got 16 winners now - and more than that if you count million dollar winners vs. people's choice. Come on, Burnett - make it happen.
Chico: All-stars seasons never work.
Gordon: It worked this season
Chico: This was half-allstar.
Gordon: It still worked. Next one?
Chico: Next...

What if that guy who's suing Crosswords for theft of IP wins?

Gordon: If it means that we don't see a second season, I'm all for it.
Jason: The show gets cancelled and he gets PAID! Huge.
Gordon: And quite honestly, if that's right, then it's deserved. Its hard enough for an up and comer to make their mark in Hollywood. It's worse if their
ideas get lifted from them.
Chico: Finally?
Gordon: Last one...

What if...GSN actually has a hit with their revival of Gambit?

Chico: It would blow their stock wide open. But it would take a Lingo-sized hit for that to happen.
Jason: And hopefully increase viewership and allow more stuff to happen.
Gordon: Yes - but I don't know if they would know what to do with it.
Chico: Make something crappy.
Gordon: That's what they would usually do.
Chico: Yeah, let's see... they had Lingo... and then came Cram. They had Chain Reaction... and then they had Starface.
Jason: Well I would love to see it be a hit.
Chico: I'd love to see Block on it. =p
Jason: Let's see..gambling...pop culture...could work..Who knows?
Chico: It definitely hits on all the big points of the GSN target demo.
Gordon: It could - and I hope it does.
Chico: Meanwhile, we hope you stick around, because it's Big Finish time after this.

(Brought to you by Grizzlebee's VH1 Mother's Day Special! We start with some I Know My Kid's a Strawberry Fruit Salad, topped off with a Rock of Lamb and finally a CelebracadApple pie. Nothing says mom like Apple Pie. Make it the Best Week Ever with Grizzlebees - you'll wish you had less fun. Happy Mother's Day!)

Chico: Let's get to the Big Finish. Idol. Who doesn't make it to Nokia Theatre LA Live?
Jason: Syesha Mercado.
Gordon: I said David Vs. Syesha in the finals. And in order for that to happen, this must happen: David Cook leaves.
Chico: I'm going to make this very interesting and say that with no help from his father whatsoever... Archuleta just might finally succumb to the curse of "the favorite". Just a penny for your thoughts... NO ONE is safe.
Jason: You better SING.
Chico: Survivor: who wins?
Gordon: Amanda
Jason: Still going with Cirie.
Chico: Amanda. American Gladiators begins the summer of not-suck tomorrow. Watching?
Gordon: I'll be watching - taping, etc. Next Top Model - Anya, Fatima and Whitney are left. Who wins?
Chico: Blind pick... Whitney.
Jason: Blind Pick. Anya.
Gordon: Should - Whitney. Will - Anya.
Chico: *clap*.
Gordon: Dancing With the Stars - who leaves?
Chico: Marissa gone yet?
Gordon: No
Chico: Her, then.
Jason: Yup.
Gordon: I'll go with Marissa, which means she'll make the finals.
Chico: Oh joy. Oh melodious rapture.
Gordon: Any Mail?
Chico: Nope. Let's give out our address and see what happens!
Gordon: What do they do if they want to send them some?
Chico: They just send a question to (relevant questions, please... We're not 5th Grader, and neither of us are in the running for the next DOND model)
Gordon: Not even if we stick Jason in a dress?
Jason: Hey!
Chico: Or if you're big into the myspacing, be our friend at
Gordon: Sounds good to me. Special thanks to Jason Block for joining us this week.
Jason: As always, thank you.
Chico: We'll do better next week. Until then, Chico. Gordon. WLTI. Game over. Spread the love.
Jason: And Call Your Mom.
Gordon: And if you don't like your mom. Call her a cab.
Chico: I miss you, mom.
Gordon: I love you mom. And Grandma Pepper. And the other Grandma Pepper. For Jason and Chico, this is Gordon, telling you all to spread the mom love.