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Previous Episodes (Season 27)
May 30 - Lessons Learned / What's My Zinger? / Push or Flush (1)

June 6 - I Don't Feel Like Dancing, No Sir, No Dancing Today / Play the Percentages / Push or Flush (2)

June 13 - Balls and Shafted / The Good, the Bad & The Ugly / Push or Flush (3)

June 20 - Trilogy of Terrible / This, That or the Other / Good News, Bad News

June 27 - Television Impossible / Excessories / WLTI Theatre

July 4 - Jungle Love / Would You Could You / Buen Trato

July 11 - Baby You're a Firework / Really Big Board / Accuracy or Idiocy?

July 18 - Good vs. Evil IV: And a Dog Shall Lead Them / Presents / What Your TiVo Said About You

July 25 - We're Not Worthy / Saywha? / 15 Shades of Wrong

August 1 - National Moron League / Are You In Or Are You Out? / Trios

August 8 - The Hamster Revolutions / Higher-Lower / Season's Greetings

August 15 - 1+1=3? / What Were You Thinking? / List Abuse

August 22 - A Really Bad Week To Be... / Should & Will / Full Circle

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 27.19 - Rock You Like a Hurricane
August 29

Chico: Hey there, this is Chico Alexander... and so far this week, we've had an earthquake and a hurricane. I'm almost afraid to ask what's next.
Jason: The remarriage of Spiedi?
Chico: They can't even afford a wedding.
Jason: a sex tape of Rachel and Brendon?
Chico: ... Now THAT I'll believe. And who knows, maybe it'll happen as early as this week.
Jason: lol
Gordon: It could happen. Or we could have bigger disasters this week than the hurricane.
Jason: We did...for some people.
Chico: We'll explain all of this and more because from somewhere in America... the port in a storm that is WLTI... is... ON!
Jason: WOO HOO!
Gordon: Gordon Pepper here, along with Chico and Jason. We hope that we can provide you some enjoyment during this disaster and we hope that you and your loved ones are safe.
Chico: Absolutely. And before we go any further, we'd be remiss if we didn't bring up the opportunities you have to help each other out over at redcross.org.
Gordon: Thank you Chico. And we'll start the show with people that may be needing some psychiatric aid when this is all over. The veterans had this game in the bag. All they had to do was win the HOH 2 more times and they could dispatch of Danielle's alliance. One problem - Danielle's alliance of Porsche and Kalia won the next 2 HOH's.
Chico: And not only do they win, they play. They play hard.
Gordon: So out the door goes Jeff and on the block is Jordan and Rachel. Here's Jason with the play by play.
Jason: Last Thursday, Jeff took off Porsche and put up Daniele in a Back door that worked. Daniele goes bye bye. What the HG didnt know was that it was a double elimination. Kalia wins HOH. Puts up Rachel and Jeff. Porsche wins POV. 2-2 HG votes as Porsche keeps Rachel and Jeff on the Block. Kalia adds the vote to send Jeff home. Now we have Porsche winning HOH and the veto comp is in pairs.
Chico: So now Porsche's in the catbird seat, front row to Rachel or Jordan's probable demise.
Gordon: Actually, no.
Chico: Explain this one, dude.
Gordon: If we're looking at current game, Porsche is doing ok...until the next HOH. If Rachel and Jordan win the veto, then it's a new ball game. It's still a little too early to look at end game, but there's still a lot of things Porsche needs to do to win that. I would think the person in the best position is Adam.
Jason: ADAM? Really?
Gordon: He hasn't pissed anyone off, and if he gets to the end, he'll collect the votes from the veterans.
Chico: Now that you think about it, it makes sense. He's coasting under the radar, just going along with whoever's in charge. They need a vote. Hi...
Gordon: And if he's up against a veteran, he'll collect the votes from the newbies.
Chico: But the big bullet point to take from all of this... the alliance of veterans that had its sights on Duck Hunting the game all the way to the end? Getting Duck Hunted themselves.
Gordon: Hold up. Not so fast. Rachel and Jordan are the 2 best people in the veterans when it comes to winning challenges.
Chico: True, but it's going to take more than a challenge to sway a vote.
Gordon: Not to mention that Adam is still a temporary ally. So it's 3-3 as of now, and if Rachel/Jordan win veto, then they get to vote on who Porsche puts up. So they determine who stays. If Porsche puts up Adam / Shelly, then Shelly gets booted and it's 3-2, Veterans. So Veto this week is huge
Chico: So Porsche's going to keep the noms the same. Kalia may. Adam may. Shelly is a bit of a wild card, but she'll fall in line if she doesn't want to be on the receiving end of whatever comes next.
Jason: Veto is HUGE this week.
Chico: This will set the tone for the rest of the game. Three more weeks until a winner, folks.
Gordon: A few more weeks before the end of America's Got Talent also.
Chico: And already have half of the final picture set. Let's go to the tape.

Run Over by a Semi

 - Zuma Zuma: Didn't improve
 - Beth Ann Robinson: She stunk
 - Sandou Trio Russian Bar: WTF?
 - Kevin Colis: AWFUL.
 - Matt Wilhelm: Seen it.
 - POPLYFE: Finally.
 - West Springfield Dance Team: Tighter
 - Melissa Villasenor: Seen it...
 - Team iLuminate: Can win the whole thing
 - Daniel Joseph Baker: WRONG SONG.
 - Miami All-Stars: Raised their game
 - Lys Agnes: Delivered big time

Chico: This one's called Run Over by a Semi
Jason: Nice.
Chico: First up, Zuma Zuma... with chairs and fire. Didn't really deliver on the promise of the previous two acts of this group, though.
Gordon: You have to improve your game. They obviously did not.
Jason: Hence they aren't there.
Chico: Right. One down, 11 to go. G-money, tell us about Beth Ann Robinson.
Gordon: ...She stunk?
Chico: Good enough for me! :-)
Gordon: I know she has a fan club. I' m just not one of the fans. Sorry.
Chico: There is a show and an audience for what Beth Ann does... I can only hope it's still on when she becomes ready enough. Then came Sandou Trio Russian Bar.... I wanted to hit up a Russian bar after this.
Jason: WTF was that?
Chico: It was the return of the Squonk Opera. Granted, I like "Angel of Mine". I like it even better when Monica is singing it, not this ... flat pianist.
Gordon: I actually would have preferred the Squonk Opera and Avery and the Calico hearts singing as the leads to their backdrop over that.
Chico: And we get it... She's playing upside down. Doesn't help her singing. AT. ALL.
Jason: That was just a HUGELY BAD choice
Chico: Very. So she sung badly and there was almost nothing to the act. Therefore, they're struck from the bill. Piers? "Biggest suicide mission we've ever had on the show." And we haven't gotten to Kevin Colis yet!
Gordon: I think Kevin's the next lead singer for Squonk Opera. That was awful.
Chico: Now THAT was a suicide mission!
Gordon: I'd still give the Sandou Trio the Suicide Mission moniker. I do think though that when they jumped off the cliff, Kevin Colis tethered himself to their bar and followed them when they leapt.
Jason: Sandou gets it for me.
Chico: ... okay, I'll give it to Sandou, but Kevin did himself no favors by acting like a space case or son of Jason Castro dude from AI.
Jason: The power of the dreads compels thee
Gordon: The power of Ricky Williams Emporium Shop powered by Jazinsky's couriers?
Chico: Maybe. Next up, Matt Wilhelm and his light bike. Which is cool. Just one problem, though...I believe the phrase is "Less points for a repeater"
Gordon: The problem that Willhelm had was Team Illuminate, which blew him out of the water doing the same style.
Chico: We're gonna get there. So five acts in and not a winner amongst them until...POPLYFE!
Jason: Ta-da!
Chico: Now this is the perfect example of taking an old song and making it current and relevant. And the staging wasn't bad either. There are still better musicians in the show, but this is good enough for a spot in the final, especially all things considered.
Gordon: The staging was fun and the 'performance' was excellent. THIS is how you perform in a show. This was the first act of the night that I was actually entertained.
Chico: Indeed.
Jason: These kids will have a record deal by the time the show is over...win or lose.
Chico: They're on their way. But can they seal the deal? That remains to be seen.
Jason: This could be the Radio Disney Act of 2011
Gordon: They have a great future there if that's the direction they want to go. West Springfield has a good future, but I'm wondering what incriminating photos they have of the judges.
Chico: This was a lot tighter than the first two attempts, but seriously, you almost want to say,'okay, maybe a little something less macabre next time'.
Jason: Maybe....
Chico: I'm already fearing what they have in store for the final.
Jason: The problem with Melissa Villasenor...nothing new to the act.
Chico: Sadly no.
Gordon: She kept on getting worse as the auditions progressed. She needed new material and new voices.
Chico: She did. She has a bit of time to think about that, because she's off the bill.
Jason: The thing is...she showed flashes of brilliance
Chico: Yeah, in between sets of mediocrity. People tend to remember one more than the other.
Jason: I know that.
Gordon: Team Illuminate...Chico?
Chico: This was an act I could get into. I will say this right now (before Jason can)... Team iLuminate could win the whole thing.
Gordon: I liked it. I didn't think they raised their game as much as another act did and I think they need to get their special effects into gear.
Jason: I said it the first time I saw them. And I am with you there.
Chico: I think they're saving their best for the final.
Gordon: There were 2 acts that I thought showed me they could win the whole thing. This was not it.
Chico: But it was good.
Gordon: It was good, but now we're getting into good vs. great.
Jason: True.
Chico: I think we're gonna see great. I honestly think the best is yet to come.
Gordon: We did see great in this show. This wasn't great. This was very good, but not great.
Chico: Maybe Daniel Joseph Baker is more your speed.
Gordon: No. The complete and utterly wrong song.
Chico: First of all, I wouldn't wish that wardrobe on my worst enemy. Second, it was the wrong song. Third, it was sung wrong.
Jason: Does the word indulgent come to mind?
Gordon: Indulgent is the right word. He sang what he wanted, NOT what was going to get him votes.
Chico: And the judges were going to make him pay for it.
Gordon: You know what would have been the perfect song for him? And I'm being serious.
Jason: Let's hear it
Gordon: Broken Tonight, by Van Velzen and Armand Van Helden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3FxCoQgZ4s
Chico: That's actually not a bad choice.
Gordon: The lyrics match him and the vocals are clearly in his range.
Chico: True.
Gordon: Or if he wanted to go mainstream, Don't Say Goodbye Tonight.
Chico: Next up, we bring our talents to south Beach. Miami All-Stars. I'd have to say MILES better than West Springfield. If I had to say West Springfield vs. Miami... It'd be Miami.
Gordon: THIS was the first of 2 acts that I thought raised their game to million dollar level. They showed a repertoire.
Chico: Great choice of song, too.
Jason: Sing Sing Sing by Benny Goodman
Gordon: And did you guys catch the Dezi Arnaz / Lucille Ball reference?
Chico: I did. Very deserving of a spot in the final.
Jason: Good timing since Lucy's 100th bday was last week
Chico: Lys Agnes has a lot of live up to.
Gordon: But I think she delivered big time.
Jason: Oh yeah she did.
Chico: Sure enough did.
Gordon: There's the other act that just catapulted herself into the finals.
Jason: Her voice was insanely good.
Chico: I thought there was a clear top and a clear bottom, and the clear top made it through.
Gordon: Agreed. I have no problems with the 4 America put in.
Chico: And that was the perfect song for Lys to tackle.
Gordon: And the one thing that the Top 4 had in common: They brought in a different act each time.
Chico: And I have no problem with West Springfield over Daniel Joseph Baker for the final spot.
Gordon: Based on overall performances, I do, but based on the act from this week, I don't.
Chico: So who do you see as a million dollar baby from the five that made it?
Jason: Iluminate
Chico: ... I'm going to give it to Miami All-Stars.
Gordon: Lys Agnes
Jason: Not this year.
Chico: Yeah, no one wants a singer to win this year... Well, you maybe.
Gordon: I do. I'm evil. I'm the person who makes paper airplanes, puts paint in them, and then sends them into hurricane Irene to see which houses get a new coat.
Jason: You would.
Chico: Not cool. So who gets the stage next week? I know. You wanna know?
Gordon: I wanna know.
Jason: I do.

Anna Graceman, Fatally Unique, Gymkana, the Kinetic King, Landau Eugene Murphy Jr., Landon Swank, Professor Splash, Silhouettes, Smage Brothers Riding Shows, Snap Boogie, Steven Retchless, and Summerwind Skippers.

Chico: Hard field...
Gordon: I don't think its that hard
Jason: Silhouettes, Gracemen, Unique, Skippers and Murphy
Chico: i'm going to go with Landau Eugene Murphy, Silhouettes, Summerwind Skippers, Anna Graceman, and in a freak accident, the Kinetic king.
Gordon: Anna Graceman, Eugene Murhpy Jr. Silhouettes, Snap Boogie, and the judges put the Kinetic King in over Summerwind Skippers.
Chico: Should be a very good semi... and an even better final. And speaking of really good finales... I could use a couple. Too bad we didn't get them, we just got... a couple of finales. Nothing against the shows that are ending, but a blind albino cave bat could've seen the endings coming.
Gordon: I hate to say this, because it sort of sounds bad, but...these could be the most boring finales ever.
Chico: Agreed.
Gordon: We start with...

Jason: LOL
Gordon: The Gypsies, who only lost ONCE in the whole entire series, didn't lose again. They win and win easily in the final challenge.
Jason: So they win $50,000 a piece and the new 2012 Ford Explorer
Chico: It's a really nice car, but the ending really wasn't worth the buildup.
Gordon: Yes, but that's not the Gypsies Fault. That s the producers fault for not putting in any more competition. So for them, they truly deserve this....

Chico: Because they didn't even make it a horse race. That was a cakewalk. Especially in comparison to the second finale this week... American Ninja Warrior.
Gordon: HEY CHICO!
Gordon: Do you remember when you swore up and down that because they put it on NBC, someone was going to win the competition?
Chico: Yes. Yes I do.
Chico: .... NO! Guess what! I WAS SO WRONG IT HURT.
Gordon: ....told you so.
Chico: Pbbt. So here's what happened. They were playing the Sasuke 27 course, which we'll see in its entirety.... eventually. Only FOUR of the final 10 make it to Stage 3: David Campbell (your favorite, G), Paul Kasemir, James McGrath, and Ryan Stratis.
Gordon: He was my favorite, so I was happy he got that far. I was less then happy as to what happened next.
Chico: On Stage 3 is an obstacle so fearsome that NO ONE HAS PASSED IT. And the kicker is... it was part of the practice course down to the inch. That obstacle... the Ultimate Cliffhanger. Again, it was put on the practice course because no one has completed it. And the final 15 had no problem with it on the Boot Camp course. Goes to show you that it's a different animal when you're in Japan than when you're in the California mountains.
Gordon: Well, not everything is constructed the same between boot camp and Japan. And more importantly, you don't have the cameras on you during boot camp.
Chico: And even more important than that, you're not suspended above a pit of muddy water.
Jason: That is so true. Even in practice games in Game shows...it's a different animal
Gordon: I think for the boot camp, there should be live alligators in the pond.
Chico: DUDE!
Gordon: ...what?
Jason: NO NO NO...crocodiles :)
Gordon: Yeah!
Chico: DUDE!
Jason: Piranha?
Gordon: Pirahnas!
Chico: NO MAN EATING ANIMALS! They'll NEVER show that on TV!
Gordon: Lawyers?
Jason: Lawyers?
Chico: ... Lawyers. Fine. Mud pit dwelling man eating lawyers.
Jason: That works :)
Chico: So no money and no endorsements... so I can go back to wearing my white Chuck Taylors.
Gordon: And now they can worry less about staying in shape and getting some deserts.

Chico: .... or dessert. This week was week 1 of Top Chef: Just Desserts, and after we had an updated soda fountain classic, it was story time.
Jason: I love stories
Chico: Gather round the burning oil can, Uncle Chico's got a story for you.
Jason: (sits down)
Gordon: (Brings milk and cookies)
Chico: Once upon a time in the Top Chef Just Desserts kitchen, fourteen magicians were chosen to compete in a most regal challenge... make a decadent, delicious dessert based on a fairy tale. The stories to be reinterpreted in pastry form: Goldilocks & the Three Bears, Hansel & Gretel, Jack & the Beanstalk and Little Red Riding Hood.
Gordon: Do you have the one with Heidi and Spencer and their trip into the Labrea Tar Pits with the killer squid?
Chico: That's NEXT week, Gordon!
Gordon: ...oh. Darn.
Chico: The Goldilocks group made an Almond Roca forest with honey ice cream and baby bear's porridge. It was a little too cold.
Gordon: Aw.
Chico: Jack & the Beanstalk's team made a dish of bergamot, sweet pea sorbet, and brown butter hazelnut cake with lemongrass-infused cream and passionfruit - and I didn't get any of it.
Gordon: That just sounds nasty
Chico: Little Red Riding Hood's dessert of rose bomboloni with coconut tapioca & red berry gelee AND a blackout spongecake with cocoa nib nougatine was JUST RIGHT! It won the magical challenge.
Gordon: See, THAT sounds delicious.
Chico: Hansel & Gretel made a butterscotch brioche with goat cheese mousse & smoked pineapple AND a chocolate cloud, milk sherbet, and hibiscus apple seltzer.
Gordon: Goat cheese mousse? Really?
Jason: Goat Cheese is salty isn't it?
Chico: Yep.
Gordon: So is a brioche, which makes that and Butterscotch combined taste really weird.
Chico: So weird, in fact, that this made Queen Gail, who had a rocking body.... of work, very angry. She called for the head of one of the team.
Jason: OFF With their head!
Chico: And Lina, whose idea it was to put the whole thing together, was escorted, tools in hand, to the dungeon, where she was sent to be eaten by the two-headed Speidi Squid, never to be seen again. THE END.
Gordon: I liked that story. Do we get another one next week?
Chico: If you're good and can answer 5 magical questions about the Price Is Right... I'll consider it.
Gordon: Let's do it.

Chico: Gordon, I give you the first one. :-)

1) Is THIS the year that Drew Carey gets the Emmy nominations?

Jason: Nope.
Chico: Sorry. Seems like the Academy are locked into the usual suspects, plus one or two people that drew the lucky stick.
Gordon: I actually think he could. He's THIS close to putting it all together. He'll need George Gray to be as good as Johnny Olsen was to Barker. Or as Rod Roddy was to Barker. Or as RICH FIELDS was to Barker. Gray needs to be the foil, and he needs to step it up this season. That being said, I think he does.
Gordon: Next question?

2) It's the 40th anniversary of the show. Do we see something other than a VERY SPECIAL GUEST every other week?

Jason: I think so. I think they will have something planned. Maybe another home viewer's showcase. Something we don't know yet
Gordon: Well you know Barker's going to show up. Maybe we'll see a new game as well and a home viewer's game.
Chico: I think we'll see a new game.
Jason: You really think Barker will show up again?
Chico: I know there's a couple of upgrades. Those should be great. I doubt Bob will show up. Just kinda strikes me as the kind of guy who would show up to plug something, then hop into his car and leave.
Gordon: Bob did that already during the Drew Carey era. I think he shows up again. Next one...

3) The win rate of the contestants was at 33.4%, far and away the worse win % EVER. That has to get better...right?

Jason: NOPE. It will get worse because they have orders on high. Pick the dumbest least knowledgeable contestants out there who can be the loudest.
Chico: Hence the run of budget beaters after the requisite budget buster.
Jason: We are STILL feeling the effects of the perfect bid fiasco
Chico: Someone's whispering in Mike Richards' ear: this can't happen AGAIN. You know, something as small as a changeup in the prize rotation would do that. You don't have to go THAT far.
Gordon: I agree.
Chico: You don't have to sacrifice the player pool just to make ends meet.
Jason: Although we did have a lot of DSW's this year...
Chico: 9. No perfect shows, 11 skunks.
Jason: Yuck
Chico: But the wins were quality wins.
Jason: Yes.
Chico: I believe we had less wins than last year, but gave away more.
Gordon: I can start a skunk farm. Next question?
Chico: Next question...

4) Drew Carey's starting to carve his own niche in the Bob Barker role over the last four years. But he's signed for five. Will he sign for more?

Gordon: I think he will. It seems like he's enjoying it.
Jason: Sure.
Chico: He's enjoying every bit of that job, you can tell.
Jason: He loves the job
Chico: And he'll sign on the dotted line... IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT!
Jason: HA. You think it will be for 5 more?
Chico: Sure, why not?
Jason: See the thing is...he gets better every year.
Gordon: And based on some info we picked up a few days ago, he has some more free time on his hands.
Jason: Oh yes.
Gordon: We'll get to that later on in the show. Last question...

5) This past season, TPIR averaged a 3.7, which is an increase from last season and a 25% increase from when Drew started, when it averaged a 2.9. This season, TPIR will average...

Jason: It will break 4.0 It is SLOWLY becoming Drew's show.
Chico: I'll go with a 4.0. I'm going to get so much flamebait for this... TPIR IS DOING GOOD.
Gordon: I'll say 3.9. Slowly, but surely. But it is moving in the right direction, and that's what's important.
Chico: Good things are happening.
Jason: The season premieres Sept 19th
Chico: I'll be there... WILL YOU!? *points to the Choppler's hamster cage*... guess so, the wheels are decked out in Showdown colors. :-)
Jason: WOW that's bright
Gordon: Spiffy.
Chico: Time to take an extra spin guys! And you know what that means, G.
Gordon: Roll That Beautiful Brain Footage.

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thanks. We'll start with us throwing a bone to the greatest game show zombie stripper we know...

Hey guys! Remember when GSN swore up and down that Love Triangle and Drew Carey's Improv-a-Ganza were going to be the next big thing for the network FOR REAL THIS TIME?!

Jason: HAHAHAHAHyes.

Yeah, they're off the schedule next week.

Gordon: Aw
Jason: Shocked.
Chico: I know your heart bleeds, Gordon.
Gordon: Serves them right for STEALING OUR MATERIAL.
Chico: Now Drew's Improv-a-Ganza had moments of brilliance... unfortunately they were few and far between.
Jason: True.
Chico: It was Whose Line lite for people who've never seen Drew's line.
Jason: Love Triangle...one of the worst shows of 2011
Chico: If not THE worst.
Gordon: Love Triangle can get off and stay off the schedule.
Chico: goodbye and good riddance.
Jason: Yes.
Chico: Meanwhile, we have a couple of notes for the fall.
Gordon: (Plays the piano)
Chico: Thank you. And for that, I have the Fall Classic Bat...
Jason: (hands Chico the Fall Bat)

Biggest Loser drops in September 20 with new trainers Dolvett Quince and Anna (yes her) Kournikova...You may say "Damn!" now, J.

Jason: DAMN....

Survivor South Pacific has its roster for the year, led by all-stars Ozzy Lusth (who was on ANW2) and Benjamin "Coach" Wade. Finally, Millionaire debuts season 10 September 5 with celebs, Club Millionaire at MillionaireTV.com, the cast of Mary Poppins, Double Money Days, and maybe a Chad Mosher if we're lucky.

Gordon: When do we get civilian contestants on the show?
Jason: October. LOL
Gordon: Just like to point out that because of all of these special groups, there's around 100 less contestant spots this year. One of those spots could have gone to...a Chico.
Chico: I got to the video interview for cripes sake. but I'm not bitter.
Gordon: Suuuure youre not.
Chico: I'll be a lot less bitter on Friday. And Gordon's here to tell us why.

Friday is Family Game Night, Season 2. Sunday has the All-American Handyman, Season 2.

Chico: Not just the season premiere of FGN, but TWO episodes. Hello!
Jason: Very good stuff from the Hub
Chico: And if we can think of 5 Good Questions, that'll go into the segment next week.
Gordon: Sounds good to me. Let's get loaded with something that sounds good to Chico.

If you're a fan of $100,000 Pyramid, 1 vs. 100, or Wheel of Fortune... they're all on Facebook now.

Jason: Pyramid is very good.
Gordon: Pyramid is really solid. I have one MAJOR complaint though.
Chico: Let's hear it.
Gordon: If you're going to do a rendition of a game show, and if you have the license to do the show, Could it at least behoove you to GET THE MUSIC RIGHT????
Chico: I don't mind the bit of remix. But hey, different strokes.
Gordon: But from a gameplay standpoint, it's really good. B for me.
Chico: B for me too.
Jason: B for me too. It's addictively good
Gordon: This may be the best port iWin has done of a show.
Jason: I agree.
Gordon: And you need to be smart to play this game.
Gordon: Because 1 vs. 100...ick.
Jason: yes.
Chico: Yep. Also on the Facebook: Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader. That said...
Gordon: Here is an example of someone who won't do very well on that game.

Are YOU Smarter than...Maria Menounos, who is being sued for defamation after Lindsay Albanese accuses her of saying she's stealing.

Jason: oops
Chico: Woops.
Gordon: Now just a note here: If you know someone's on the ropes financially because they screwed up, don't give them a legal loophole out of it by doing something dumb - like yelling out your accusations in front of a huge crowd of people who can control someone's business.
Jason: Sounds about right
Chico: Double oops.
Gordon: So even though Augustus isn't here, we still have some Haterade.
Chico: That's good.
Jason: (cup down)

We start with Richard Hatch, who doesn't get a 'Free' lawyer, (as denied by the jury).

Chico: I guess he can afford it. That's how it works, right?
Jason: Pretty much

We also get Christopher Knight saying happy trails to Adrienne and their marriage, leading to this...

Jason: Yup.
Chico: I'd like to be the first to say that that union had absolutely NO CHANCE.
Jason: In Hell
Chico: Or anywhere else for that matter
Gordon: I think Chris needs to take a trip. Where's he going?
Chico: How about Canada?
Jason: I like it
Gordon: They have Water Buffaloes up there, don't they?
Chico: Yep.

They also have a lot of French Canadians who'll get to play their OWN version of TPIR this fall.

Jason: Taped at Studio 33?
Chico: I believe so.
Gordon: That would be excellent
Chico: I may be wrong, but it looked like Philippe Bond was at 33 for that.
Jason: Very much so...Ryan :)
Chico: That's "The Price Is Right - Le Vous a Jouer!" this September on V.

Meanwhile, Million Pound Drop Live and Impossible? are both set to return in the UK.

Gordon: Oui Oui. What's Media Hoes in French?
Chico: Les hoes.
Gordon: Mira Les Hoes
Chico: (plays the part of "Pimpin All Over the World" - "I used to think that it was way too cold til I went to Canada and saw some beautiful...")
Gordon: mold?
Jason: gold?
Chico: It's a half-rhyme. And it's what Luda usually sings about.
Gordon: IRS Tax Rebates?
Jason: lol

In this week's Media Ho Report, Chris Harrison hosts You Deserve It, Nancy O'Dell, Mark Thompson and Amanda Byram will host the Emmy Pre-Show, Regis wants to be replaced with Tom Bergeron...Donny Osmond plays Wallingford, Will Kirby is now engaged to Erin Brodie, your returning tribespeople in Survivor is Ozzy and Coach...Guy Fieri goes to Vancouver, Simon Cowell whines at Simon Fuller, And Vienna Girardi moves in with her new beau. Chico is going to send her a housewarming gift.)

Jason: You mean a new nosewarmer? :)
Chico: Yep.
Gordon: But none of them is your ho of the week.
Jason: Who is it?
Gordon: It's Monty Hall, who has Let's Make A Deal on the air and who turned 90 this week.
Jason: A legend, and a CLASS act. And he still has it.
Gordon: He does. And those...are your hoes.
Chico: Many happy returns. And that's Brainvision. Jason, shut it down, please.
Jason: Shutting down.
Chico: Still to come, the doctor is in... over his head. You know, as usual. But what's first, G?
Gordon: First up, we blow you down with our wit. This is WLTI. You give us 22 minutes, and we'll give you 22 Ninja Obstacle courses that would be much more fun with a hurricane interrupting the contestants. Just try to do the spider jump.
Chico: Or the doorknob grab or the rolling escargot.
Gordon: The contestant would be escargot.
Jason: LOL

(BrainVision has been brought to you by GSNN's Soundtrack to Bingo: America! Relive such classics like 'Like a B-6', I-16 Candles' and 'Go down like 0-69 on a Bingo Board')