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Previous Episodes (Season 27)
May 30 - Lessons Learned / What's My Zinger? / Push or Flush (1)

June 6 - I Don't Feel Like Dancing, No Sir, No Dancing Today / Play the Percentages / Push or Flush (2)

June 13 - Balls and Shafted / The Good, the Bad & The Ugly / Push or Flush (3)

June 20 - Trilogy of Terrible / This, That or the Other / Good News, Bad News

June 27 - Television Impossible / Excessories / WLTI Theatre

July 4 - Jungle Love / Would You Could You / Buen Trato

July 11 - Baby You're a Firework / Really Big Board / Accuracy or Idiocy?

July 18 - Good vs. Evil IV: And a Dog Shall Lead Them / Presents / What Your TiVo Said About You

July 25 - We're Not Worthy / Saywha? / 15 Shades of Wrong

August 1 - National Moron League / Are You In Or Are You Out? / Trios

August 8 - The Hamster Revolutions / Higher-Lower / Season's Greetings

August 15 - 1+1=3? / What Were You Thinking? / List Abuse

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 27.12 - A Really Bad Week to Be...
August 22

Chico: This is Chico Alexander, and I have a list.
Jason: Do we have to buzz in?
Chico: No.
Jason: ok
Chico: It's not a List Abuse, it's just a list.
Jason: Got it.
Chico: It's entitled... "A Really Bad Week to Be.."
Gordon: Recite away, sir.
Chico: Ahem... Kat Von D...a fan of the University of Miami Hurricanes Football squad... a fan or participant of VH1 reality series... Brendon Villegas...Tim Pawlenty... Drew Carey...anyone with the same name as the folks on "Same Name"...The Fiddleheads...and finally, anyone not named Chico Alexander, Gordon Pepper, and Jason Block. Because then you wouldn't be part of the best radio show you'll ever read this week.
Jason: WOO HOO!
Gordon: Let's begin. From somewhere under a ton of cash, this week's edition of WLTI...is...ON!
Jason: LET ME OUT! I Can't breathe!
Chico: Get out from under there... That would be our guest Jason Block...
Jason: Hello there :)
Chico: Feeling better?
Jason: Much.
Chico: Good. Anyway, we have a lot to cover, so lets' get to it as we say goodbye to Brendon Villegas... AGAIN.

Gordon: Last week we said hi to Brendan, as he is able to go back into the House.
Jason: Then Dani wins HOH and puts Adam and Shelly on the Block.
Gordon: Which leads everyone to think she's going to backdoor someone.
Chico: Then she does when Adam wins veto. Pretty fiendish plan and I'm surprised it worked as well as it did, there was just one problem... She backdoored the WRONG PERSON.
Jason: Rachel?
Chico: Rachel. Because her hand's on the trigger. Now she's even more inclined to shoot.
Gordon: You want to get rid of the biggest challenge threat.
Jason: Yes.
Gordon: Rachel has already won 2 HOH's.
Chico: And even when she isn't HOH, her presence is strongly felt. You have to take that presence out of the equation. Yes Jeff has all the ideas, but it wasn't his time yet.
Gordon: Cause if Rachel is HOH, gues who's going up on the block.
Chico: Bingo.
Jason: Jeff is HOH now. He won the competition after the show went off the air on Thursday and put up
Gordon: Going up on the board - Kalia and Porsche.
Chico: Because Jeff has the deal with Shelly. So he THINKS. Truth is Shelly's probably the biggest floater in the house and I'm surprised as heck no one figured it out yet.
Gordon: They figured it out. However, there's bigger fish to fry. When you're at this stage, being a floater is a HUGE advantage in the house because you're not in anyone's cross-hairs.
Chico: Because we're now jury building?
Gordon: Well, no. That comes at the end game.
Chico: Ah.
Gordon: Right now, it's a matter of not wanting to be on anyone's radar. You have 3 factions.
Jason: Three?
Gordon: The veterans of Jeff/Jordan/Rachel, The Newbies (sort of) of Daniele / Kalia / Porsche, and the floaters of Adam and Shelly, who right now are siding with the veterans.
Chico: They side with whoever's in charge. Hence the term, "floater".
Jason: Got it
Gordon: Right, Now the nice thing is that Jeff can put up Danielle if either Kalia or Porsche wins the power of Veto.
Chico: And it seems like that is the way he's thinking.
Jason: Wow.
Gordon: The only problem for Shelly is if Danielle wins Veto, because Jeff will have to put someone up, and he can't put up Danielle if she wins it or takes someone else off.
Chico: I'm guessing he's going to put someone up to shore numbers for whoever DOESN'T get the veto off.
Jason: Like Adam?
Gordon: Jeff would put Shelly or Adam up, but the target would clearly be anyone from Danielle's group.
Chico: I can almost bet you that Kalia is coming off the block, by hook or by crook.
Jason: KALIA? Are you kidding? No way
Chico: Just the mere thought that you're thinking I'm nuts vindicates. :-) We know that Daniele, Kalia, and Porsche are going to play in the veto.
Jason: Right
Gordon: If Porsche wins, Kalia's not coming off the block, but Chico's not wrong. If Jeff of Kalia win veto, he can backdoor Danielle.
Jason: Ah the backdoor
Chico: So we have the plan this week. Let's see what life has to say about that.
Gordon: I think Danielle needs to win the Veto or she's in deep trouble.
Jason: Big time
Chico: Yup.
Gordon: Also in deep trouble usually - any contestant on The Price is Right who's on a 'Special' show.
Chico: Well, usually we'd fight to get ONE win. This Friday.... we got TWO! Yippee!
Jason: YAY!
Gordon: Now this season, it's been anyone who gets on the stage to begin with (under 33% win rate). Friday's show...was the average.
Chico: Yep.
Jason: Very much so
Chico: The roundup: 2-4, $61,667 It's in the Bag - Lost. Flip Flop for a train trip across Europe - Won. That's Too Much for a Chevrolet Colorado - Lost. Race Game - PERFECTO. Range Game - not so much. And Cliffhangers... It saddens me to see Yodelly Guy die like that over and over and over... no living free for a year for you.
Gordon: (Grabs the DVD from 'Rent')
Chico: Back to Race Game. Let's play this out.

Your tags: $976, $1999, $2999, and $3618. Your prizes: Marc Jacobs accessories, a MacPro, a motorscooter, and a Bose home theater system.

Jason: $976 Jacobs, $1999 Home Theater $2999 Scooter and $3618 MacPro
Chico: Gordon, you agree or disagree with this?
Gordon: I agree (pulls the lever)
Chico: You're both rock stars.
Jason: (high Five)
Gordon: If it has nothing to do with reality shows, Jason actually is really good with this stuff.
Chico: And so is Kenyatta Giullian. Who's ALSO a rock star. She hits all four first pop. Regrettably, she doesn't go to the Showcase. First up, a 50" HDTV with Xbox with Kinect, an air hockey table, a foosball table, and a Nissan Cube. Gordon, are we biddin' or passin'?
Gordon: I want this one
Chico: Lay it on us.
Gordon: $22,422
Chico: Okay. Jason, you get the Tracy Verna Soiseth Kiss of Death Shoecase. That's 365 pairs of shoes, a trip to Maui, and $5000 cash money.
Jason: $35,000
Gordon: I think I saw Imelda Marcos flashing the money around.
Chico: Heh. Should be noted that Tracy Verna Soiseth is no longer with the show.
Gordon: Why would any sane person need 365 pairs of shoes?
Chico: Anyway, Jason's Showcase is... 38,600, a difference of $3600. Gordon, your Showcase is... $22,771, a difference of 349! You get the ultimate guy pad and a Nissan Cube.
Gordon: Whoo hoo!
Chico: Jessica Davis gets a whole mess of shoes.
Jason: She can give them away :)
Chico: Right. Turn it into a blog post. Turn it into a novel. Turn it into a movie.
Gordon: Let's move on to America's Got Talent, where a bunch of people this week got...the boot.
Jason: BOO!
Chico: Wah wah waaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Chico: Now you would think that the acts in the Wild Card would have the opportunity to grow and be great because they've done this before and have the requisite time to take in the judges' comment and grow from there.
Gordon: You would think that, but you would think wrongly. Out of the 12 Acts that we had, you had...one maybe person who should be in the semi-finals?
Chico: Landon Swank?
Gordon: Actually, Landon wasn't the person I had in mind. Big Bored please?


 - The Kinetic King: Deserved
 - Those Funny Little People: Garden Gnomes? Really?
 - Avery and the Calico Hearts: Why?
 - Seth Grabel: WRONG
 - Shevonne: FLAT.
 - West Springfield Dance Team: Joker... JOKER.... JOKER!!!
 - J Chris Newburg: alienation
 - Yellow Design Stunt Team: Plan AB
 - Charles Peachock: Dropsies
 - Fiddleheads: SONG CHOICE
 - Summerwind Skippers: Not as clean
 - Landon Swank: Old, but worn well

Gordon: The Subject: Mildcards
Chico: Well, it was the person I had in mind. If only for the judges' pick. Anyway, let's get meh up in here. Gordon, kick it off, please.
Gordon: We start with...The Kinetic King. HE was the one person who deserved it. He was the only person who raised his game. And hey, his stunt worked.
Chico: ... It did. How many stunts will work the first time, though? I worry. As for the stunt.... WOW. I liked it. I didn't think it was a sustaining act for Vegas, but it was pretty cool.
Gordon: Moving on.
Chico: Those Funny Little People. Who told them "Garden gnomes"?
Gordon: Ok, when I said that they needed to improve their act, I didn't mean just add more of them.
Chico: I'm thinking somewhere They Might Be Giants are going 'Why?' Memo: if plan A doesn't work, you move to plan B. You don't redo plan A with more of plan A.
Gordon: Avery and the Calico Hearts. I don't understand why they were brought back.
Chico: A bone to throw to the parents who like kids?
Gordon: There were other kid acts you could have brought back with a better shot. Like the FLores Family.
Chico: Thank you.
Gordon: Seth Grabel. That's THE wrong act to bring with you. It wasn't solid or nearly as good as the first time we saw him.
Chico: I honestly didn't get that act. The ring that failed last year and a DeLorean with mini-Howie, mini-Sharon, and mini-Morgan. Can someone tell me what the deal with that was?
Gordon: He was trying to take us Back to the Future when his act was good.
Chico: Time travel really does muck everyone up. So does Shevonne, who was just flat. Fiery, but flat. I mean, she cracked so much, I had to wonder if she was going through puberty.
Gordon: The show was do dismal that if she kept everything in tune, she would have been fine. She was more warbly than Chico on rollerskates carrying 50 pounds of jello
Chico: Hey now. I'm working on that.
Jason: He is down to 40 pounds of jello :)
Chico: Another month and I'll be carrying 50 pounds of solid steel.
Gordon: Carry us through the West Springfield Dance team and why they got through.
Chico: You remember last week we had Rhythm Nation 2011, and we thought it was good enough for another shot. This week... invasion of the jokers. It's a cleaner act than what we saw last week. Still not perfect, but infinitely better than last week, and it's semi-original. I mean, no one's going to see this act and not wonder where Batman is, but they played it smartly.
Gordon: Again, not as good as last week. And the judges really do not want to see a musician act win the money.
Chico: So you're telling me J. Chris Newburg should be in the semis.
Gordon: I actually thought he was funny that set. The problem was that he alienated too many people from his first appearance to get them on the phones to vote for him.
Chico: He basically spent 90 minutes heckling Piers Morgan...
Gordon: ...Which probably should've been his first act.
Chico: Seriously, he should've opened up with this. Then maybe he would've gotten through.
Gordon: Yellow Design Stunt Team
Chico: See the Plan AB rule. It was the same act all over again. A little more vert than before, but fundamentally the same act.
Gordon: They did the same act and made the same mistakes that showed they didn't deserve to advance.
Chico: Meanwhile Charles Peachock juggles fire, balances swords...
Gordon: ...And has a case of the dropsies.
Chico: That was painful
Jason: Ouch.
Chico: One of those rare times when Piers regrets his own decisions. "I think you blew it."
Gordon: That's his only regret, as 3 of his 4 choices makes the semi-finals.
Jason: Wow. Not bad.
Chico: Nope.
Gordon: The Fiddleheads is NOT one of his choices. It's the only one that Howie Mandel picked that made any sense.
Chico: Yep. And they learn from their mistakes. They took Bruno Mars and adapted it for their liking. But if you ask me where their big glaring error was the guy on the mic.
Gordon: Well, no. Their big problem was choice of song.
Chico: I didn't have much of a problem with it.
Gordon: it collaborated to the off-key singing, and they needed to be less commercial and more classic.
Chico: I thought they needed to be a little more current, show them they have the versatility. I actually thought the group was okay. The singer needed work. Summerwind Skippers next.
Gordon: I saw some issues, and they weren't as good as their first time out.
Chico: Not as clean?
Gordon: Not at all. Yet they get in because they were against a music act.
Chico: I think they have a great act, but they need to build on it instead of hiding behind frills. Because you don't need to do all that.
Gordon: I don't see them going any further
Chico: Nope. How about Landon Swank?
Gordon: It's an old act, but he performed it well - and at least it was different than what we're used to seeing.
Chico: One minute to escape out of a pool of water. Yes, done before, but the way he does it is different. Landon, I'm afraid, is going to live or die based on presentation instead of actual act.
Jason: NOds
Chico: Because the presentation was pretty phenomenal.
Gordon: I agree. He needs to think big and go big on the presentation.
Chico: His road is uphill. Speaking of semis, you probably want to know who's competing.
Jason: I do :)
Chico: There's a list for that.
Gordon: I bet Chico has the list.
Chico: I bet Chico has the list too.

Anna Graceman, Beth All Robinson, Daniel Joseph Baker, Kevin Colis, Lys Agnes, Matt Wilhelm, Melissa Villasenor, Miami All-Stars, POPLYFE, Sandou Trio Russian Bar, Team iLuminate, and West Springfield Dance Team.

Jason: How many advance?
Chico: Five. A very singer-heavy heat this one, but they're beatable. I think the best chance goes to Team iLuminate.
Jason: I am guessing Iluminate, Poplyfe, Agnes, Gracemen and Villasenor
Chico: I'm going to go with Anna Graceman, iLuminate, Lys Agnes, West Springfield, and Melissa Villasenor
Gordon: I'm going disagree with both of you
Jason: Of course you are.
Chico: Alright talent scout. Who you got?
Gordon: I'll agree with Illuminate, Poplyfe and Agnes. But then we go Baker (Hot Glee Guy) and the Russian Bar Trio getting in via the judges choice over Colis (Hot Guy with Guitar TM).
Jason: You are out of your mind.
Gordon: This one really is going to depend on performance and song choice the night of the show. It won't surprise me if we're all completely wrong.
Jason: That I agree. It always does.
Chico: True. But speaking of some things with no chance in hell of succeeding, VH1 has a new series. How many ways is there to carry $1 million from LA to Las Vegas? If you ask me, there's only ONE way. In a steel case driven by an armored truck on one straight path.
Jason: OOOOOOH, Don't get me started on this drivel.
Gordon: I thought this was awesome.
Jason: Are you kidding me?
Chico: Wait wait wait wait wait wait...What did you just say? You know we're talking about "Ton of Cash", right?
Jason: Yes, "Ton of Cash"
Chico: And Gordon just said it was awesome.
Gordon: Oh yes. And you'll understand after we get Chico giving out the review.
Jason: Ok...tell me what awesomeness you found out of this. I WOULD love to hear this. Because I saw hate, bigotry and everything that is wrong about VH1 shows.
Chico: Ton of Cash. It's a show on VH1. That's all you need to know. The premise is simple. A group of strangers is given $1 million in stacks amounting to 2004 pounds.
Jason: Each stack is $6000.
Chico: The object, get it from point A to point B in a certain amount of time. Since just driving it there is boring, there are challenges along the way.
Jason: If the captain "Financial advisor" pushes the button before the time allowed he is safe and any money left on the table is gone. If he/she does not, then they lose $1,000/per minute after the time allowed
Chico: Then there's a voting round to see which two of the teammates are going to play for their lives in the elimination challenge.
Jason: The loser of the elimination challenge goes home. Ok Gordon. What is good about this show?
Gordon: Well first of all, Jason and I have to cover the exceptionally painful Karaoke Battle USA, so I feel that it's great that Chico had to enjoy the show.
Jason: ROFL
Chico: Yeah, you loved that, didn't you?
Gordon: I did indeed :)
Chico: The good: it's always good to see someone try their hand at hosting a game show first time out. That said, Dhani Jones, for a game show host, is a really good football player.
Gordon: And he needs to stay in the football world. Maybe he can coach for the University of Miami.
Chico: The bad... well, it's a show on VH1. Take your pick.
Jason: Let's see bigotry, stereotypes, stupidity,
Chico: There's the rudimentary casting.
Jason: Yes.
Chico: Greed. Don't forget greed.
Jason: It's like 51 Minds (the production company) has learned NOTHING over the last 3 years
Chico: Of course they haven't.
Gordon: This is what Season 5 of I Love Money would be, if they allowed it.
Chico: Basically.
Jason: You mean without the murder and death baggage?
Chico: Yeah
Jason: There is ZERO redeeming value of this show.
Chico: That and we're pretty much scraping the bottom of the creative barrel VH1: shut up and play some damn videos.
Gordon: You know, the original idea that I thought we were going to have - 'Road Rules meets Smokey and the Bandit', was a lot better than what we wound up with.

VH1 - 10p ET Wednesdays

Jason: That would have been more entertaining than this ****. My grade: F
Chico: I agree. Therefore, it gets the Cee-Lo Green grade.
Gordon: You know I was going to give it an A, but I seemed to have lost it carrying my letters up a mountain. The only 2 letters I have left are F and U.
Chico: That adds up to an EPIC FAIL. And at 312,000 viewers for show #1... it is indeed epic.
Jason: That little? Really?
Chico: Really
Jason: Good. That makes me happy.
Chico: Now for GSN, 312,000 would be pants-wettingly good...
Gordon: Actually no. Since Baggage and Lingo both go over a million in viewers.
Chico: Ah. So long and short of it, it's probably the last time you'll hear us mention Ton of Cash on this show. Unless, of course, someone were to win a figurative ton of cash. Someone like... Jennifer Behm, perhaps?

Chico: It's the finale of MasterChef... and for a show that was written off when the season opened... it got good fast.
Gordon: Sure did. Smart programming move by FOX to put it back where it was. Unfortunately, the same could not be said about the finale.
Chico: What, it was down to the wire. Could've gone either way.
Gordon: Yes but for the wrong reasons. Jennifer and competitor Adrien Nieto made one very good main course, then each surrounded it with a lousy appetizer and an even lousier desert.
Chico: Fruit slices vs. an underdone flourless chocolate cake. Yeah, I'd be sad, too.
Jason: Um....ok
Chico: Jennifer had stuffed quail. Adrien had short ribs. Just two beautiful dishes. But the desserts... Hoo-wee. But the question... did the better person win?
Gordon: If you're talking about the whole series? Yes.
Chico: Jennifer grew into a creator... Adrien was just really good throughout. no growth. So Jennifer grew into greatness. The best greatness of all is the greatness that is cultivated over time. It's the purest.
Gordon: I won't go THAT far. I'll just say she was better than Adrien.
Chico: Yes she was. So great job, Jennifer. Let's give her this...

Chico: ... and let's give Steve Harvey one, too. He survived his first year as Family Feud host, and the show turned out to be better for it.
Gordon: It did. But we have 5 Good questions for it

Chico: Yes we do... Starting with this one..

1) Steve Harvey has grown into the role. Where do you place him on the pantheon of Family Feud hosts?

Jason: In the middle.
Chico: I'd say #3. Actually, #4.
Jason: O"Hurley/Dawson/Combs/Harvey
Chico: No, #3. Dawson, OHurley, Harvey
Gordon: Ill say 3, behind Dawson (#1) and Combs (#2) with potential to elevate.
Chico: So yeah, he's a really good host.
Gordon: For the Record, my full list: Dawson, Combs, Harvey, OHurley, Roker, Anderson, Karn
Chico: Mine: Dawson, O'Hurley, Harvey, Combs, Roker, Karn, Anderson.
Jason: Mine: O'Hurley/Dawson/Combs/Harvey/Roker/Karn/Anderson

2) So the Feud finally got a boost in ratings. Does that mean we see a boost in prizes?

Jason: Ratings do not equal that sorry. :(
Gordon: I agree. I would like to see the return of the Tournament of Champions though. And make it 16 teams.
Chico: They haven't raised prizes since ... 10 years ago. I do want to see another Big Money Tournament. I think we're long overdue for one.
Gordon: You can't get if you don't ask. Next one?
Chico: Next one..

3) Feud moves to Atlanta this season. Will we see a different caliber of contestant?

Jason: Yes.
Gordon: Yes, but not because they moved to Atlanta. They did more open casting calls this season, so I think you'll see a much broader mix in both family types and locations. I'm wondering if we'll ever see a couple bound by legal marriage, but not necessarily a man and a woman.
Chico: And it'll be a better show for it.
Jason: You mean the first openly gay married couple?
Chico: Yep. That'd probably happen sooner or later
Jason: I bet.
Chico: Especially with a family from New york.
Jason: Or Iowa
Chico: It's a CC's dream come true.
Gordon: Next one...

4) We all know about the 'Specials' featuring the WWE, Soap operas, TV shows, etc. What all-star competing group would YOU like to see on the show?

Jason: Food Network Chefs...Male v. Female
Chico: Return of the Battle of the Exes. SYTYCD: Male vs. Female.
Gordon: Democrat Congressmen Vs. Republican Congressmen.
Chico: NYPD vs. LAPD
Gordon: Winner gets their tax cuts put into law.
Jason: You would :)
Gordon: I did. Last one?
Chico: Last one...

5) Last season, Family Feud averaged a 2.6, jumping into third place above Millionaire. This season, the Feud averages...

Jason: a 2.8. They continue their upward trend.
Gordon: I'll agree with that.
Chico: i think a 2.8 is doable.
Jason: This is the show that won't die. In a good way.
Chico: Nor should it.
Jason: Know what I mean?
Chico: I feel you, dog
Gordon: The Hamsters have a Family Feud question. Hands on buttons. Top 5 answers on the board.
Gordon: Name something you roll.
Jason: BUZZ
Gordon: Jason?
Jason: That beautiful brain footage?
Gordon: #1! Ding
Chico: Doug...hit it.

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Gordon: The other answers were The Barrel, Dice, a log and Rebecca Black's musical career.
Jason: ROFL
Chico: Heh. Okay, starting with a baseball bat. A bat the whole family can enjoy.
Jason: You mean the multi colored one over here?
Chico: Right.

Admit it, you've been languishing this whole summer wondering when Family Game Night would return with new episodes.

Jason: I would. I love the show. One of the best shows of 2010

Wonder no more. Season 2 drops with a two-fer September 2.

Jason: Cant' wait
Chico: Awesome. Our friends over at the Hub'll be hard at work with new games to play. This should be awesome.
Gordon: That should be fun. I'll be watching.
Chico: Me too. Gonna be more great stuff.
Gordon: I have a datebook with sweet stuff in it.

Wednesday has the new season of Top Chef; Just Desserts.

Chico: Sweet.
Gordon: And on a side note, GSN has not a game show, but a what happens afterwards with Baggage: First Dates.
Chico: Call it milk.
Rob the Cow: Moo.
Jason: Exactly Rob
Gordon: I'd milk it. Its a cash cow for GSN.
Jason: This is a very good idea actually.
Chico: Yeah. It's good to see what happens when all the bags are out in the open and the adventure of a lifetime is about to begin... for better or worse.
Jason: Baggage is one of the better ideas out of GSN in a bit.
Gordon: I want some good ideas over the internet. Get me fully loaded.
Jason: (HIC)
Chico: How would you like to win your very own karaoke system and $100 from iTunes?
Jason: Hmmm...tell me how

Just go to KaraokeBattleUSA.com for details. And make sure you know either "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" or "Unchained Melody".

Chico: Of course, me being me, I'm going to sing Unchained Melody.
Jason: You mean you are not going to sing a female song? :)
Chico: And Jason's going to... well, it'll be Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, but I highly doubt it's singing.
Jason: Ha Ha Ha
Chico: Gordon... well, what CAN Gordon do?
Gordon: They're Coming to Take Chico Away, Ha ha!
Jason: LOL
Chico: I would be taken away, wouldn't I? And so would the smart people... in exchange for...these... winners.

Are YOU Smarter than...Deal or No Deal Ex Model Hayley Norman, who got arrested by texting a nasty message to her ex fiance's new girlfriend.

Jason: Oops
Gordon: Let's play Rhyme or Reason, shall we?
Jason: Ok
Gordon: Here's the rhyme you have to match. At the rodeo, we saw a BUCKING RUNT.
Jason: WOW
Chico: OKAY!
Gordon: I got more. Want more?
Jason: I do.

Are YOU Smarter than...Ames, who quit Bachelor Pad so he can be forever with the love of his life Jackie....who broke up with him already.

Chico: And...

(fail horns)

Chico: You chose love over money. Now you have neither. Nice.
Jason: Nice.
Gordon: One more.

Are YOU Smarter than...Shane Sparks, who plead no contest to a felony charge of underage sex.

Jason: Gross.
Chico: Ew?
Gordon: And now for some Haterade.

Here's something you don't hear every day. Angered by their behavior, Abercrombie and Fitch tells Mike' The Situation' Sorrentino they'll pay him and the rest of the crew of the Jersey SHore to NOT wear their clothing on the show.

Jason: DAMN
Chico: I heard about this. I'm left to say... that's the weakest bit of PR I've EVER heard. BTW a propos of nothing, but their Q2 earnings? *whistles downward*
Jason: I want Ford NOT to let me drive their Mustangs and Microsoft...I want you NOT to send me your new Star Wars XBOX 360
Chico: I want Virgin Airways to NOT send me to the UK. Let's go globehopping..
Jason: Where to?
Chico: First to England...

Season 5 of Only Connect: a favorite around here, connects to 600,000. So it's officially more popular than Ton of Cash. And Victoria Coren's easier on the eyes to boot.

Jason: I <3 Only Connect.

From there we go to the Philippines, where we have a bit of good and a bit of bad. The good: Judy Ann Santos' "Junior MasterChef" bows August 27. But, you know the axiom, for every great game show to come along, a great game show must end...

Jason: He is looking really....gray
Gordon: That's a healthy gray
Chico: Yup

MasterChef takes the spot from Kris Aquino's "The Price Is Right."

Jason: That was quick
Chico: Don't cry for Kris, though. She'll be back on "Deal or No Deal". Fourth quarter of 2011 for that.
Gordon: That would give us enough time to put up some new media hoes.
Chico: (plays "Pimpin All Over the World")

In this week's Media Ho Report, Dave Navarro is hosting INkMaster, Nick Cannon joins NBC's Up ALl Night, Kate Gosselin's Kate Plus 8 meets this dude.

Jason: And the world feels better.
Chico: That's a filling meal.

Drew Carey injures his clavicle, Usher may Mentor the X-Factor, Mariah Carey may Mentor American Idol...

Nick won't be happy LOL
Chico: Nick's getting paid. And he gets to... well, you know
Jason: Oh yeah. We know.

Alex Trebek will host the Great American Movie Quiz, Scotty McCreery goes gold and Kat Von D and the Apprentice's Jesse James relationship is back on again. Chico has been following this with bated breath.

Chico: Kinda sorta... no, not really =p
Gordon: But none of them are the hoes of the week.
Jason: Hoes?
Gordon: The hoes are Pat Sajak and Vanna White, who are promiting the Lottery's new Wheel of Fortune Scratchie
Chico: *plays... loses. *
Jason: Which state?
Chico: Georgia... North Carolina... all over the place, really
Gordon: All over - including NJ. They are also selecting people to fly to CA in a second chance drawing to play an unaired Wheel of Fortune for someone to have a chance to win a million dollars.
Jason: DAMN.
Chico: And why are they hoes of the week? Well, not so much for the game as for the commercial FOR the game... ....


Jason: Thats cute.
Chico: "Pickled egg?"
Gordon: Yummy. And those...are your hoes.
Jason: And that is Jim Thornton in the Voice Over
Chico: Yes sir. Now shut it down, please.
Jason: (Shutting it Down)
Chico: Still to come, Letters, numbers... answers! No I didn't just copy Bob Goen just now, but first, Should... and Will... two different animals. We're going to tame them both.
Gordon: You're reading WLTI, You give us 22 minutes and we'll give you 22 families Steve Harvey doesn't want on his show.
Jason: Like The Addams Family.
Chico: Tavis Smiley,s also?
Gordon: Probably.

(BrainVision has been brought to you by Who Wants To Cross the George Washington Bridge? If you're lucky enough, you can make enough money to get into NYC...for at least 5 days.)