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Today is

May 14, 2007

Chico: Ed Lover hosts. :-)
Jason: Ouch.
Gordon: Shut up
Jason: I didn't go there, Gordon. You know that wasn't me.
Gordon: And yes, congratulations to Ed Lover for beating MY Tuesday night team in the finals. Blah.
Chico: ... You know what'll make you feel better?
Gordon: Taping Fluffy the hamster to my computer and using him as my real mouse?
Jason: Ew.
Chico: No. What about a heaping bowl of SNAPS!
Gordon: Sure!
Jason: Whoo-hoo!
Chico: Anyways, Snaps as in pictures. Snaps as in captions. Snaps as in ... y'all know how this works.  It's fun. :-)
Gordon: Ok. let's see the first one...
Chico: Okay, gents, to your monitors.

Jason: Who is the old guys name? First?
Chico: This is the panel for Dancing. Carrie-Ann, Len, and Bruno.
Jason: Bruno finally realizes that Len isn't wearing pants...or anything else under that desk.
Gordon: Bruno realized the hard way why he should never have had Billy Ray Cyrus's Achy-Bakey Brownies.
Chico: With the band taking a break, Bruno takes time out to play "Folsom Prison Blues" on his air harmonica.
Jason: Not bad guys.
Chico: Not bad indeed. You guys are good at this. How about... this one.

Jason: Chuck entertains the Lingo contestants with his rendition of "76 Trombones" from the Music Man.
Gordon: Chuck Woolery is practicing his moves before applying to Dancing With The Stars 5.
Chico: Unfortunately, there were too many letters in "air guitar".
Jason: I sense a theme, Chico.
Chico: A bit of a theme, yeah. Not wholly engrossing, but.. Anyway, here's the next one...

Jason: That guy realized they were running a Louie Anderson marathon instead of Karn.
Chico: "God.... it's me again... I still need a job... and a date with Angelle from quiznation."
Gordon: This poor guy is watching the sky in hopes that the Family Feud graphic doesn't get replaced by Burt Luddin's Love Cafe.
Jason: That's good.
Chico: Yeah.. I wanted to get Dylan's face with more or less the same look on it, but I couldn't catch it. Maybe next week, folks. Okay, check this out...

Jason: Those educational nature videos they show in Cash Cab can get really naughty.
Chico: The only thing missing was Ben's mixtape of techno, rave, house, synth pop... and Clay Aiken.
Gordon: You mean this isn't the Back to the Future ride?
Chico: No.. oh, question... Orson counts as "synth pop" right?
Gordon: Sort of. Yeah, I guess
Chico: Oh. Okay. Now I don't feel stupid. Okay, next.

Jason: This man is an escapee from the "So You Think You Can Dance" auditions.
Gordon:  This contestant shows exactly what he would do for a Klondike Bar.
Chico: Next fall on Fox, "Bring It Old Skool"... the series!
Jason: The movie was called "Kickin It Old Skool"...but yeah.
Chico: Thanks. Finally...

Jason: Lakisha waves her Idol status....goodbye.
Chico: The secret's out... Blake Lewis is the third Butabi brother.
Gordon: Lakisha shows us that she has eaten one too many Klondike Bars...and the Klondike Bar Man...and the ice cream truck.
Chico: I think, Gordon... for that.. you get the Silver Camera award for best snap
Gordon: Now we know why Simon gave her a kiss - it was a plea to not be devoured.
Jason: LOL
Chico: Break time! Then we finish big! And fast!

(Brought to you by Store... this Mother's Day, show your mother you really care by giving her the gift of... well, we have everything, so take your pick... Roses... Stuffed animals... DVD sets of your favorite game shows... whatever. Happy Mother's Day!)

Jason: Amen.
Gordon: And with that, we send a dozen roses over to The Big Finish!
Chico: Okay, Survivor... we're 12 hours from the finale. Who wins?
Jason: I still think Yau-Man.
Chico: I still agree.
Gordon: It's certainly looking like it.
Jason: He has been the best player since Richard.
Gordon: Idol - Blake is gone...right?
Jason: Unless he pulls a major comeback...Simon's right.
Chico: Has to be unless split voting is still in play, but after KiKi's departure, Blake is the most vulnerable.
Gordon: I don't see how he gets the votes to stick around. Dancing With the Stars. Ian is gone....right?
Jason: Think so.
Chico: Sorry, Cheryl. Not this year.
Gordon: Will we see a major winner on Deal Or No Deal before the season ends?
Jason: Nope.
Chico: Sorry. Speaking of opening cases, time to open the mailbag. First... from Intelligentfan777, thanks!
Jason: As always.

FROM: IntelligentFan777

Gordon, you say there already was a Wheel ToC, so............... When was it? What was the top prize? Who won? Hey, I'm curious, I want to know.

Gordon: Hey Fan. There have actually been a few TOC's on WOF. The first one that has footage was in 1976, and they have had them spradically on and off. The tournaments were usually 1 week long in length, with the top winner of the week...getting a bonus. The format died in the late 90's as they shifted from returning players to one and done. The 1997-1998 season, Specifically.
Jason: Ok.
Chico: That works. Thanks again!
Gordon: I got one last e-mail this week. This one comes from Bobby McBride. Thanks, Bobby!

FROM: Bobby McBride

I don't know about you guys, but I think Eric and Danielle's win on this "All-Stars" edition of the race was the biggest upset in the show's history. What do you think?

Chico: Agreed. But then again, we called it, so...
Jason: We called it months before it happened.
Gordon: I don't think it was an upset at all. We called it before the show went on the air.
Chico: But truth be told, no one saw them coming.. Not even Eric & Danielle.
Jason: Its one of those things.
Gordon: We did. Maybe if there was no formula to base it on, it could be an upset on paper, but now in three All-Star shows, we have seen that the people who finish in the Top 3 don't repeat and usually a middle of the road person or team wins it. We even saw that on Jeopardy, as Brad Rutter wins the tournament.
Chico: Easy explanation
Jason: Pretty much.
Gordon: Keep that in mind if we see any other All-Star show
Jason: And you know we will.
Gordon: That's it for the mail. If you want to send us some e-mail, where should they send it to?
Chico:, of course! Okay, time to wrap this up with a quick programming note. Wednesday: TPIR MDS.
Jason: And week 3 of wheel from San Diego armed forces week
Chico: Thursday: Bob Barker tribute. Friday, if you're into that sort of thing... Bingo
Jason: And all the other sweeps goodness. And we MAY have an announcement this week on the Barker replacement.
Chico: Ooooooh. You'll want to stay tuned for that.
Jason: The upfronts for the networks are this week. We will see where all the primetime shows go.
Gordon: Of course. A special thanks to Jason Block, for sacrificing sleep and joining us for this episode.
Chico: Right. Until then, for Jason and Gordon and EVERYONE at GSNN, I'm Chico Alexander... Game over and WHAT?
Gordon: Spread the love!
Chico: Woo!
Jason: YEah baby!


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