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Previous Episodes (Season 21)
May 25 - The Season Finale So Big We Needed a Vacuum... Part 2 / List Abuse / Push or Flush (1)

June 8 - Winners & Losers / The Good, The Bad & The Ugly / Push or Flush (2)

June 15 - 40Q / 20?s: Tom Sabbatelli / Push or Flush (3)

June 22 - Chasing the Pyramid / Heads or Tails / Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews

June 29 - Ed, Farrah & Michael / Welcome to Hollywood / What If?

July 6 - Freedom / What Were You Thinking? / Watch or Record

July 13 - Characters Welcome / Excessories / Whammyville

July 20 - Going Green / We the Jury / Five Good Reasons

July 27 - Stick a Fork In It, It's Done / Categories / Accuracy or Idiocy?

August 3 - The Big One-Up / Really Big Board / Higher-Lower

August 10 - Everyone's An Idiot / Songbook / Ask the Doctor

August 17 - History Abuse / Play the Percentages / Pineapple

August 24 - When News Breaks / 20?s: Bob Goen & Marianne Curan / Buen Trato!

August 31 - Things You Can't Unhear / Who's Your Daddy? / What's My Zinger?


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 21.14
September 7

Chico: One word... Airwick.
Gordon: (sprays) So Chico, I'm sure you have no idea how I've done this, but I have imported 100 Big Balls from the Wipeout set.
Chico: *juggling* Nope, I haven't noticed one bit. Heh. But yeah, how DID you get 100 Big Balls from the Wipeout set?
Gordon: And the reason why the balls are here is because we will be betting them. It's time to play...Place...Bets...Now!
Chico: *gong*
Gordon: We will be betting dodgeballs on future events. The person with the most at the end wins. The winner will be revealed in a future episode.
Chico: Right
Gordon: First one...

Who gets the better ratings in September: Deal or No Deal or Family Feud?

Chico: 15 on Deal or No Deal.
Gordon: I'll go 10 on DOND. The show is on the upswing. As much as Family Feud is promoting new gimmicks, the age is starting to show on the product. Next question...

Millionaire: Is this the last season?

Chico: I'm going to go 10 on no. I don't think that the changes to be instituted will help matters, but it's venerable enough to survive another season
Gordon: I'll go 10 on no also, but for another reason. I think that the ratings in the Summer, although disappointing, is good enough to keep the syndie version afloat. Next one...

So You Think You Can Dance - rate it: Time Slot Winner, still potent, better than Michael Strahan's show, So You Think You Can't Air this during the Winter.

Chico: 5 on "Better than Michael Strahan" and 5 on "still potent"
Gordon: I'll go 10 on Still Potent. Its on Wednesdays at 8pm, and is against 2 new shows on ABC, Mercy (New) on NBC, Old Christine/Gary Unmarried on CBS and America's Next Top Model on the CW. They have a chance to thrive there.
Chico: Yeah, it's that Tuesday slot that worries me.
Gordon: That's going to be a lot tougher. DWTS's Results show, NCIS: LA, The Biggest Loser and Melrose Place.
Chico: And I know how you likes the Melrose Place :-)
Gordon: I think though it will be a hit for FOX, and they need it, because I think Brothers (on Friday) is not going to get much love.
Chico: Fox hasn't had a Friday hit since the X-Files (and yes, that is counting Lyrics)
Gordon: Next one...

All of the networks are going to show Barack Obama...except FOX, which will air the aforementioned SYTYCD. Who wins?

Chico: I'm going to say 10 on Dance. Call me crazy
Gordon: You're crazy. 30 on Obama. Next...

America's Best Dance Crew. Who wins?

Chico: Monkees! 25 on it.
Gordon: I'll take 10 on the field against.
Chico: Damn, dude.
Gordon: Sorry. I have to be different here. Us agreeing on everything is boring. You have 30. have 30. Last one...

Big Brother. Who wins?

Chico: Kevin.
Gordon: This is Kevin's to lose. I don't think he will. The rest on Kevin.
Chico: There you go
Gordon: So that's what we think. We'll announce the winner on a future episode.
Chico: But right after this... it's Happy Toilet Time!

(Brought to you by the Rubber Big Ball Bumper Company of Worcester, Mass. Because you don't have nothing if you don't have a set of big balls)

Gordon: Do you have a set of Big Balls?
Chico: I sure do. Good night, everybody!
Gordon: You can go to bed after we go through part 1 of the new line-up. Shall we?
Chico: We shall. It's Push or Flush Time!
Gordon: Yay!
Chico: First up...

Syndicated/Peachtree TV
Weekdays Noon (check local listings)

Gordon: Pastry. I don't think the Bullseye Round is going to help the show.
Chico: It's the Feud. It hasn't crapped out on Crosswords-level yet. Pastry. But props to the folks on getting the word out.
Gordon: Hey. You have to try something, which is appreciated. Next one?
Chico: Next up... Right after the Feud in both the Triangle and the Tri-State area...

Weekdays (check local listings)

Gordon: Push. I think the show is going to get better and I think the ratings will improve.
Chico: I say it's going to go from strength to strength. PUSH. (FF victory cue) We're getting fancy in the 20th season. heh. Next...

Weekdays (check local listings)

Chico: The primetime run earlier this summer can only help, even if I'm not leaping out of my skin over either the new money tree or the tournament of 10. Pastry.
Gordon: Pastry. Like Feud, I don't think their new gimmick is going to work either (that being the Top 10 people come back for a million dollar question). It feels too contrived, and if you want a million dollar winner that badly, there are other things you could do besides compromising your game.
Chico: See Basin, Ken. Next...

Wednesdays 9p ET

Gordon: This is a fun show, and with no one moving into the Wesdnesday night time slot to challenge, they can still thrive. Push.
Chico: Agreed. Besides, I like shorties. PUSH. Well, actually, G. There's ONE show moving to challenge...

Tuesdays & Wednesdays 8p ET

Chico: It may be adequate for Fox's liking, but it's not going to reach the hit status it does every summer long. Pastry
Gordon: Pastry. I think the Wednesday show is going to do well. I'm concerned about Tuesday, because I don't know where it's going to get its audience from. Next?
Chico: Next...

Weekdays (check local listings)

Chico: Push. Still waiting on a call, though
Gordon: Even if Chico gets a call, I'll push it :)P
Chico: Come on, Jeopardy!...Next...

Weekdays (check local listings)

Gordon: I thought the Million Dollar Wedge wasn't going to be as effective as it wound up being. I won't doubt them on Free Play. Yet. Push.
Chico: I won't either. I'm still reserving judgment on the Freeplay, but what doesn't kill it... PUSH (FF victory cue)
Gordon: I want to see the Freeplay used in context before I judge it. Next?
Chico: Next...

September 15

Chico: I like the motif of second chances, and I like even more that they're reducing it by half an hour. Push.
Gordon: This is the first Biggest Loser to have a running theme. I think this could be the highest-rated series in the franchise. Push.
Chico: (FF victory cue) Next...

September 16

Chico: You know what? It's the Ultimate Fighter. It's the Ultimate Franchise.
Gordon: It's one of my favorite current series. Push. Kimbo, though, gets a jiggle.
Chico: (FF victory cue) And now you have Kimbo Slice? You already know what I'm going to say.
Gordon: What are you going to say?
Chico: I will say this... Kimbo doesn't last three episodes.
Gordon: Kimbo could if his first fight is on Episode 4 :)
Chico: Ha.
Gordon: Next?
Chico: Next...

September 17

Chico: The reigning king of Thursday nights. Push.
Gordon: Push it. Only because there's nothing there on Thursdays to challenge it. It's showing age, but aging well.
Chico: And finally, we get to September 21. Three premieres that day.

September 21

Gordon: It worked for Deal or No Deal. It could work here. Push.
Chico: I like the new format. I can only see good things, and if it picks up where DOND left off... yeah. Push. (FF victory cue)

September 21

Gordon: Not only is the cast bigger, it's better. And don't think they won't make a play for Paula Abdul next season. Push.
Chico: I think 16 might be a bit too much, but hey, it's good television. Push. And finally...

September 21

Chico: Something strange happened the last few months of the last season. It found its way. If it can KEEP its way, then maybe it might survive.
Gordon: I hate to do this, but Pastry. They must produce this season. And I'm not as convinced as you are that they found their way. I want them to, but they must find it this season.
Chico: I'll pastry, but I reserve the right to go one way or another after week 1. They're closer now than they were this time last year, I'll give them THAT much. And props to Mike Richards for laying out a direction.
Gordon: So that's the first half of Push or Flush. The second half (with more of the new shows) shows up for our season premiere next week.
Chico: But now, watch this, please. Speed Round's next. Hang on.

(Brought to you by Grizzlebees Labor Day Spectacular! Check out our America's Got Tomato Salad, with a side of America's Best Dance Croutons. How about some Great American Road Tripe and The Singing Beef dual plate special? With our prices, you can Catch It and Keep It, and we'll always treat you like a Big Brother. Grizlebees! You'll wish you had less fun!)

Chico: I'm not hungry anymore. =p
Gordon: I was wondering what they were doing with all that roadkill.
Chico: Nice. Okay, we're running out of summer here. Let's do a Speed Round! What fall premiere are you looking forward to?
Gordon: Probably, believe it or not, The Biggest Loser. I want to see if they can convert the show into mega-status. Millionaire, Syndie: The first contestants will be the people who didn't get out of the Ring of Fire. Will any of them do better than Ken Basin?
Chico: I don't think so, Tim.
Gordon: I do. Ken only won $25,000.
Chico: Oh yeah. I thought you were referring to going the distance. Big Brother... is there any way Michele survives this week?
Gordon: Only if Kevin thinks that he has a better chance to win with Michelle that with Natalie. If Kevin brings Natalie, he wins. I can't imagine he does something as stupid as keep Michelle in the game.
Chico: So if brains are in play... Michele gone this week.
Gordon: Right. Our viewers brains are always in play. We'll end the year with Steven Waldie, with some commentary:

FROM: Steven Waldie

Dear Game Show News Net, Here are ten changes I would make for season five of "America's Got Talent":
1. 6 to 8 acts per episode instead of 10 or 12.
2. After Piers and Sharon are introduced, "The Hoff" gets his own introduction set to Darth Vader music
3. I'd bring back the "check/buzzer" format from Season One.
4. The judges can still decide whether they like each act or not during the performance or after
5. Two buzzers means automatic elimination and no home audience vote.
6. After each elimination, have Nick lead the audience in a chorus of "Fuera...a los leones" as the act is escorted offstage.
7. Nick should also wear a different funny hat while each act performs.
8. No more "judges' decision" to determine the last act to advance to the next round (I'm glad it wasn't utilized on last Wednesday's show so the two acts standing could make it to the finals).
9. More in-show advertising for sponsors (See? That shows you how much I miss "Sabado Gigante").
10. And last but not least: Spokesmodel competition! It worked on "Star Search", why can't it work for "America's Got Talent"? Modeling is a talent much like singing and dancing.


Gordon: (Blinks. stares at Chico)
Chico: (Blinks, stares at Gordon)
Gordon: Thanks, Steven! And on that, it's time to close the season. Special thanks to no one in particular, since it's just us.
Chico: We'll do better next season. Trust us. We can't do any worse. :-)
Gordon: Next week, we start our NEW season with NEW shows, and a return to syndication. So for Chico, this is Gordon, saying Game Over and spread the love.
Chico: Happy new season!