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Previous Episodes (Season 21)
May 25 - The Season Finale So Big We Needed a Vacuum... Part 2 / List Abuse / Push or Flush (1)

June 8 - Winners & Losers / The Good, The Bad & The Ugly / Push or Flush (2)

June 15 - 40Q / 20?s: Tom Sabbatelli / Push or Flush (3)

June 22 - Chasing the Pyramid / Heads or Tails / Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 21.4
June 29

Chico: Hey, folks. Chico Alexander here... and as much as I want to start things off happy... I can't. It's been one of those days that lasts a week. And no, the fact that America's Got Talent aired this week didn't help. Except for that last group in the Tuesday show... They came to win.
Gordon: It's been pretty brutal this week to be a fan of popular entertainment over the past 40 years.
Chico: Umm.. yeah.
Jason: You have a 70's Icon....a TV legend and well...Michael.
Chico: We'll get to why in a bit, but right now, from somewhere in America, this special edition of WLTI... is... on!
Jason: Woot.
Gordon: Gordon Pepper and Chico Alexander here. Joining us this week, Mr. Jason Block.
Jason: Good morning.
Chico: We start this week with a LOAD of sad news.
Gordon: (Brings in Dump Truck) You ordered this?
Chico: Yeah, over by the Choppler.
Gordon: (moves truck over)
Jason: No...he ordered this...(backs in Semi Truck)
Chico: Over by the dump truck.
Jason: (Loads it by the dump truck)
Gordon: I've got a U-Haul after that one, too.
Chico: We lose not one... but THREE big names in entertainment, one of them a big friend of game shows. Obviously we are going to go with that one first.
Gordon: And that's where we start. Although he's the smallest of the big names in the world of entertainment, Ed McMahon was a huge icon in the realm of game shows.
Chico: Ed McMahon... host... announcer... perennial sidekick... He was the consummate gentleman, even through the hard times.
Jason: And do not forgot ---Marine Pilot in both WWII and Korea.
Chico: Correct.
Gordon: Let's talk about Mr. Heyooooo. Big Board, Please?

The Game Show Resume of Ed McMahon

- Host...
- Announcer...
- Producer...
- Special guest...


Gordon: Subject: The Game Show Resume of Ed McMahon. And of course, #1, with a huge bullet - Host of Star Search.
Chico: Right. Every winner of that show owes him a debt of gratitude.
Jason: And every other winner.
Chico: Britney Spears... Rosie O'Donnell... Drew Carey... Sinbad... I could go on and on.
Jason: You can list the comedians that he discovered in a phone book. Drew Carey said this on Ed's passage on his Twiiter:

"I cried over Ed McMahon this morning. I started career with Star Search and Tonight Show. Ed was there for both. Hope he had peace. Wonderful man."

Chico: Agreed.
Gordon: #2. Host...Concentration.
Chico: Not many people know that Ed hosted Concentration. They thought it was strictly Hugh Downs, but Ed was a host there too....
Gordon: Now he's not known as the host of Concentration, however, he did host it for a stint from September of 1968 to March of 1969.
Chico: He also hosted a few more quizzes... Missing Links... Whodunnit... Snap Judgment...
Gordon: And he also hosted Bandstand in the 1950's before it became American Bandstand
Chico: That's right. He came from Philadelphia, didn't he?
Jason: Yes. KYW (The CBS Philly affiliate) did a story on his death. He sold products on the AC Boardwalk for years before he got into the business.
Gordon: #3. Producer. He produced The Next Big Star
Chico: Explain that one. That's news to me.
Gordon: The Next Big Star was a show in 2001-2002 featuring young up and coming singers looking to be the next big star. Some of the contestants included Marco Martinez, Miracle Vincent and Shanica Knownes - all of which are developing nicely on their own.
Chico: Ah. This was on ... Pax, right?
Gordon: Yes it was.
Chico: Before Pax got all.. weird.
Gordon: Yeah. #4. Special guest. McMahon was been a guest celebrity on many, many game shows, most noticeably on Game Show week on Hollywood Swuares.
Chico: Yep.
Jason: That was cool.
Chico: He was also as recently as last year, Celeb Family Feud
Jason: He didn't look good then if I remember.
Chico: No, but he was in good spirits.
Jason: That's good.
Gordon: But he was on many others, including What's My Line and The Match Game. #5. Announcer.
Jason: Carson for 30 years...nuff said.
Chico: Yep. He was an announcer on "Who Do You Trust" where he met Carson... and they struck up a partnership for the ages.
Gordon: He also was the announcer for classics such as Two For the Money.
Jason: A huge resume.
Chico: Yep.
Gordon: So Ed McMahon may have been a second banana to Carson, but he was a major star in his own right in the game show world.
Jason: Thank you, Sir. For everything.
Chico: His legacy as the perennial second banana and being proud of it... That'll be a hard gap to fill. So Ed... Thanks for the memories.
Gordon: Lets talk a little about Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson.
Chico: Yeah.  Let's.
Jason: Please.
Chico: Farrah was very expected... I mean, she was close, and she didn't make it a secret.
Jason: She had a rare cancer that spread.
Chico: But MJ... That one hurts. That one just hit me like a lead pipe.
Gordon: Let's talk about both of those, starting with Farrah.
Jason: Sure.
Gordon: During her heyday as a celebrity, she was on Battle of the Network Stars and Battle of the Sexes.
Jason: I remember those.
Chico: That was during her one season of Charlie's Angels.
Jason: Just one, huh?
Chico: Yep. Just one. Then came the poster.
Jason: THE poster.
Chico: Still a hot commodity, that poster.
Gordon: She was also on The Dating Game. So was Michael Jackson
Chico: Yeah, but the difference here... She was on before she was famous. He was on... WHILE he was famous.
Jason: He was the subject of a date.
Chico: Yep. And he performed Rockin' Robin on that show as well. And of course, everything was coming up multiplatinum for him in the 80s.
Jason: And the early to mid 90's.
Chico: He was just about to mount a comeback when the events of Thursday unfolded. And ... being a child of the 80s myself... this one hurts.
Gordon: Don't forget the Michael Jackson night on American Idol and him being used in video games such as Karaoke Revolution, DDR, Rock Band, and Moonwalker.
Jason: They are rebroadcasting MJ Idol night on Monday on Fox, I believe.
Chico: Did we mention that Michael Jackson night will replay... yeah, what J said.
Jason: I read the site.
Chico: Of course.  Gents, I believe a moment is in order, for Ed and for former Dating Game contestants Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson...


Chico: Thank you, sirs. So Jason, did you read the bit about the Superstars sucking?
Jason: No, I knew that before you wrote that lol... But go on
Chico: Okay, so we're going back to the 70s with this. ABC had a Wide World of Sports segment called "the Superstars". It's been revived for a new audience to discover... or not.
Jason: Ratings...not so good?
Chico: No. What happens is that eight celebs are teamed with eight athletes. They take on very different sporting events in and around the Atlantis Hotel & Resort in the Bahamas.
Jason: Nice locale.
Chico: Each week there are two events and the lowest scorers will take on an obstacle course to avoid elimination.
Jason: Right...
Gordon: Lets start with The Good. And yes, there is good.
Jason: Alright.
Gordon: The athletes are Grade A caliber
Chico: Yep. They're very much... Athletic. And the competition is... Athletic.
Gordon: In terms of name power, Terrell Owens, Capriati, Brandi Chastain, Robert Horry, are all known within their sports.
Chico: Oh yeah.
Jason: That's true.
Gordon: The challenges are fun.
Chico: You're waiting for bowling, aren't you?
Gordon: I am. And the advantage has to go to Owens, who already won a TV Bowling title with "Bowling Night".
Chico: Heh.
Jason: rofl
Chico: Hopefully he'll last that long.
Jason: Maybe.
Chico: Except that he doesn't. He and his partner, model Joanna Krupa are eliminated.
Jason: Ouch.
Gordon: Well...somewhat. He comes back on the second episode due to an injury sustained by another team. So technically, TO is still in the competition.
Chico: Well there you go.
Gordon: I also like John Saunders as the host. You need competence there.
Jason: And you get ESPN/ABC Synergy
Chico: You want to talk ABC synergy... Cohosting... Warren Sapp... Bob Sapp's brother. Maybe.
Gordon: Lets talk Synergy. Here's synergy that doesn't work - THE BAD. The celebrity lineup. If the Athletes are grade A, the celebrities are Class A - as in Class A minor league development ballclub.
Chico: As in bush league?
Jason: Way bush.
Chico: Let's see... we've got a Dancer... actress...singer... requisite game show host...
Gordon: Yes. Maksim is a Dancing With the Stars Dancer. Landry is on Heroes. Julio is the son of Julio Sr. Cortese was the talking head of MTV Sports. The other 4...WHO?
Chico: David Charvet... was on Baywatch. Joanna Krupa... looks good semi-naked. Paige Hemmis... EMHE designer. Dan Cortese also hosted... cover your ears, G...
Gordon: (ears covered)
Chico: ... My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad.
Gordon: Bleagh
Jason: OW! Don't say that.
Chico: I did warn you. And Estella Warren... also looks good semi-naked. Maxim's Hot 100... She was #1 in 2000.
Gordon: 9 years ago. Not exactly celebrities that you could advertise a show with, huh?
Chico: Nope. And it shows. The numbers were not good that first night.
Gordon: That would be bad. Bad #2... You put the end of the show against America's Got Talent. WHY?
Jason: Pretty dumb.
Gordon: We had this discussion last week. Why are you putting a show you spent a lot to advertise on direclty against a major hit of the Summer?
Chico: No idea. Let me put it to you this way.. it only drew even with I'm a Celebrity, Talk Dirty to Me.
Jason: Now THAT show I would watch LOL
Chico: Both were put to shame by an NCIS rerun. A RERUN. And then there was that last 30 minutes against America's Got Talent. Which for its lowest season open yet... was still pretty good.
Gordon: AGT won't complain about over 10 million viewers watching. Not when The Superstars didn't pull half of that. 3. And most heinous - the scoring. There's a major problem in the broadcast where Terrell/Joanna, based on the numbers, should not have even BEEN in the elimination course.
Chico: Please do explain sir.
Gordon: According to the show, Owens/Krupa came in 4th, TWO spots ahead than other teams. That should have made them mathematically safe from elimination.
Chico: Right.
Gordon: But they were magically at the bottom. Huh?
Chico: I'm looking at the standings and I don't believe it.
Gordon: So yeah, as fun as the show is, you can't magically screw around with the standings. So for that and the failure to cast celebrities, this gets a D from me.
Chico: I like the games, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the structure. Should be a simple game... played simply. So that gets a D from me.
Jason: I didn't see it. But I see I didn't miss much.
Chico: Nah, not really. But I know you didn't miss the last week in Jeopardy!. I'm going to give you five clues... They're the five Final Jeopardys of the last week. Let's see how well you do.
Jason: Alright.
Chico: It's a micro game, if you will. So is everyone ready?
Jason: Yes.
Chico: Okay, Monday's Final... Presidents... on Film.
Gordon: Si, Senor
Chico: The clue:

Filmed signing a bill into law, in 1895 he became the first US President to appear on moving film.

Jason: Who is William Howard Taft?
Chico: Gordon?
Gordon: I have no idea. And I can't make fun of it. So I'll stupidly go with Jason and say what is Taft?
Chico: you're both wrong. It was Grover Cleveland.
Gordon: And that's what I get for agreeing with Jason
Jason: ROFL

WLTI: 0. Contestants: 0

Chico: Tuesday's Final: Leading Men.

Up for producing, directing, acting & writing for 1978 & 1981, he's the only man to twice get 4 Oscar nominations for one film.

Jason: This I knew. Who is Warren Beatty? I named the films too.
Chico: Alright, smarty pants... What are the films?
Jason: 1978- Heaven Can Wait. 1981- Reds. :P
Chico: Okay...
Gordon: I'll go with Sylvester Stallone, who has won 4 Razzies for Worst Actor. Can you name THOSE films?
Chico: Demolition Man.. Rambo...Death Race 2000.... and ... Oscar?
Chico: Didn't think so.
Gordon: Rocky IV, Rambo 2/3, Rhinestone, and Stop or my Mom Will Shoot!
Chico: Man, I totally missed that one.

WLTI: 1. Contestants: 0.

Chico: Okay, here's Wednesday. Explorers. The clue:

On March 29, 1912 he wrote, "We are getting weaker, of course, and the end cannot be far... I do not think I can write more"

Jason: It's one of two here. I am guessing ...who is Amundsen.
Chico: Gordon? You can go with that or go on your own.
Gordon: I'll guess the other (since I know NEVER to trust Jason) and say who is Robert Falcon Scott.
Chico: One of you is right... That's all you need to know.

WLTI: 2 Contestants: 0.

Chico: By the way, the person right was Gordon.
Gordon: YAY!
Jason: What? Seriously?
Chico: Seriously.
Jason: Damn.
Gordon: Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
Jason: Impressive.
Chico: Next is "Slang Term Origins". You down with the urban?
Jason: Yo.
Chico: Peep this, playas...

Now referring to a scapegoat, this term originated as someone designated as a "proxy for correction".

Jason: What is a "whipping boy"
Chico: Gordon?
Gordon: What is Jason Bloc...I Mean Whipping Boy?
Jason: Ha
Chico: Good...

WLTI: 3 Contestants: 0.

Chico: And finally... Friday. Usually on Friday, the Writers... yes, you capitalize them, ... they throw a bone. The category: 19th Century American Literature.
Jason: Ok.
Chico: The clue...

At the end of this novel, the title object "ceased to be a stigma which attracted the world's scorn and bitterness"

What is the Scarlet Letter.
Chico: Hester Prynne the original media ho.
Gordon: What is Jessica Simpson's acting career?
Chico: HESTER PRYNNE... But the players finally break the skid in Final Jeopardy! droughts...

WLTI: 4 Contestants: 1.

Chico: So WLTI wins!
Gordon: YAY!
Chico: Up top!
Jason: Yay! Down Low.
Chico: Okay. But cute-as-a-button Tui Sutherland looks like she may be fearsome next week. Let's see how she does.
Jason: How many weeks left...2?
Chico: Two... maybe three. As for the Price Is Right, there's ONE show left...And it won't air until September. Which leaves me thinking.... huh?
Gordon: Once again, we get a subpar week.
Chico: Yep.
Gordon: 40% wins this week, 40% wins this season.
Chico: With one show left. Leaving me to question... do we count that as season 37 or season 38?
Jason: Still Season 37
Gordon: Season 37
Chico: So season 37, for reasons unknown, will end September 18. Mark the date.
Gordon: (marks date)
Jason: (stamp)
Chico: But season 38 is already in production... and from what we're seeing... It looks rather sweet. At least I think so. We'll get to that in a moment, though.
Gordon: Let's talk about another show that debuted this week.
Chico: Okay!
Jason: Yes.
Chico: How about Nick Cannon's Got Talent?
Gordon: Ooh. Let's talk about that
Chico: And we see yet more TV time from Jason and Gordon and Alex.
Jason: We were way up in the boondocks this time.
Chico: Yeah, but I saw that moppet-haircut from the back.
Jason: Story about that taping. I blew out my ankle that taping in a pothole.
Chico: Been there. Done that.
Jason: Overall...the show was ok. I didn't think some of Nick Cannon's jokes were appropriate for a family show like this to be honest.
Chico: Of course, because nothing says family like a yodeling dominatrix.
Gordon: I actually thought Cannon did a better job than the other hosts. For starters, he was more interactive with the stars and the audience, which is what I think a host should be. he was more Chuck Barris-ish in nature.,
Chico: I thought Nick Cannon was more relatable, more open, and warmer than the previous hosts. This was, above all else... a party.
Jason: yes.
Chico: And he treated it as such.
Gordon: It should be a party.
Chico: He's a party host. That's his vibe. That's what he does. And he's believable in it, and you know from previous gigs... that's him. That's all him.
Jason: Yeah, but do you think he should say (when the act that made love almost on the swing ring)....I want that in my bedroom?
Chico: Of course. Have you ever SEEN his wife?
Jason: Yep.
Gordon: You can tell he picked up a lot of stuff from his 'Wild 'N' Out' days.
Chico: Oh yeah.
Jason: I can say he was having fun
Gordon: There were 3 NYC acts that I think are contenders to win the whole thing. I haven't seen them yet, but I have seen a few good ones this week.
Chico: That should be all that matters, right?
Gordon: Yes. As far as the acts go...
Chico: I saw one that blew me out of the water.
Gordon: Which one?
Chico: Voices of Glory.
Jason: You are kidding right?
Chico: What, I thought they were really good. That's the three kids.
Jason: They were OK. This was more about the sob story than the talent.
Gordon: I thought as a group, they were good. Not so much as individuals. I think they make the Top 40, but they won't win.
Jason: Sorry to be a cynical bastard.
Chico: They're not going to win, but they're ones to watch. To each their own, Block.
Gordon: I'll join Jason on the cynical bastard wagon. They are not polished enough to win and I think they will run into people that will better them in the singing department.
Chico: I don't doubt that, but given what we've seen so far...
Gordon: There were 3 very talented groups that we saw in NYC that I would put over them. We haven't seen any of them yet.
Chico: So we're waiting on those.
Jason: And one person in particular.
Chico: See, you can afford to be cynical, because you've seen everything. I haven't.
Jason: We haven't seen everything either. We didn't see all the NYC auditions.
Gordon: I won't even put them as what impressed me the most on that particular episode. That goes to Paradizo Dance - the 100 pound woman and the 240 pound man. THAT I was impressed with.
Chico: The dancing couple? That was freaky. That was freaky and I liked it. So how about the other cities. We had... Chicago... Seattle.. Miami... Anything from there strike your fancy? And no, Gordon, before you say anything.. I have to say... a three-way with Alizma doesn't count as "anything that strikes your fancy."
Gordon: ...awwwwww.
Chico: But still... anything?
Gordon: You didn't like Manuela the yodeler?
Chico: I liked her singing. The yodeling... not so much. I was wondering what was more painful, her yodeling or her whips.
Gordon: You had Comic-bots, which were decent. Tom Durnin may be the best magician they have had on the show so far. Drew Thomas was a magician the judges liked. Me? Not so much.
Chico: I liked Tom's dancing as well. He pops. He locks. He makes things appear out of nowhere. That's talent.
Gordon: Let's see if he can do more than that on the next round.
Chico: I'm sure he can. The question now... have we seen the winner yet?
Jason: Not even close.
Gordon: I don't think so. Now let's get to full fledged celebrities - and make fun of them. What do you say, Chico?
Chico: You know what I say...

Chico: We were down to three on I'm A Media Whore, Get Me Out of here.
Jason: Don't call Torrie that
Chico: I won't. She didn't win anyway. That leaves just John Salley and Lou Diamond Phillips. John came in ... third. Lou Diamond Phillips is your King of the Jungle.
Jason: And the crowd goes Mild.
Gordon: yay.
Chico: More like "the crowd goes away".
Gordon: The crowd went away. Just leaving us people who have to cover those show to watch this mess.
Jason: Do you think NBC will bring this back though?
Chico: I hope not.
Gordon: If sanity prevails, no
Chico: They didn't renew American Gladiators. How sane do you think they are?
Jason: ROFL
Gordon: Did you know the hamsters crowned Trela their Celebrity Hamster winner?
Chico: Yay!
Gordon: He won the compose the rowboat out of cheese challenge and paddled off the island. The other hammies were too busy eating it.
Chico: Ha. What does he get?
Gordon: Trela gets to hold the cue card that reads 'Roll That Beautiful Brain Footage'
Chico: And look... there it is! That's so cute...

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thanks, Doug. Gordon, why don't you start it up.
Gordon: Let's get bookin' with a Date Book.

This Monday - It's Dance Your Ass Off. Next Monday - it's The Great American Road Trip.

Chico: Oughta be good for a couple of laughs.
Gordon: Can I detour from both of these places?
Jason: Yeah.
Chico: Oh yeah. Now for something a little more interesting. First, we go to the Business End.
Jason: (hands Chico the bat)

Big Saturday Night... not good. 20Q and the Money List... good. That's why they're getting replays through the week. Take note... 20Q reruns Mondays 8p, Wednesdays at midnight, and Thursdays at 9p. Money List will air Mondays 9p, Wednesdays at 8p, and Thursdays at midnight.

Gordon: I've got more business news.
Jason: (takes Bat from Chico and hands it to Gordon)
Gordon: Remember the news that came out saying that Simon Cowell may leave Idol, and I said it was a power play?
Chico: Right.
Gordon: It is.

Fox and Cowell are coming to an agreement that involves 'Oprah Numbers'. The show that's being left out? The X Factor, which may see a Cowell disappearance.

Chico: Oh yeah. He's leaving that show alright.
Gordon: If So You Think You Can Dance fails in the Fall, I could easily see The X Factor showing up next Fall on Fox.
Chico: Why would X Factor show if when Idol is still ... oh, more money for Cowell... Duh.
Gordon: Who's up fore a greenlight?
Chico: I'm ready for a greenlight.

The Next Food Network Star has been renewed for Season 6

Chico: What's more... Casting has already begun. They're not wasting any time.
Gordon: Sure has. You can get all the info here:
Jason: Not a surprise. They announced this months ago.
Chico: oh yeah.
Jason: This was in the plans of Food Network since March or so.
Chico: Yep.
Gordon: Well here's some more Greenlights for you - though this isn't nearly as fun.

August 2: Megan Wants a Millionaire.
August 3: Real Chance of Love: Back in the Saddle

Jason: Ewwwww
Gordon: Both of which comes from VH1's date pack. Awesome, huh?
Chico: Pass me the chuck bucket, will ya?
Gordon: (Tosses Chico the Fear Factor Chuck Bucket)
Chico: Thank you.. *does*
Gordon: You want it., Jay?
Jason: Thanks (blegh)
Gordon: Lovely. Did one of those trucks we brought in earlier contain a big red casting couch?
Chico: Yep. Now for some casting couch.



Do you dream of having your FACE in lights? Are you a head turner?

Are you engaging to even the most prominent of people? Do you believe your looks could earn you lots of fame and fortune? DO YOU DESERVE THE TITLE OF "FACE OF VEGAS"?


Jason: Chico, this is SO YOU.
Chico: Ha. I've seen something like this before... that leads me to believe... that this will either not work... or is something entirely different from what is posted. Call me a skeptic...
Gordon: I would complete the gag and say 'You're a skeptic', but I agree with you. This could be for True Beauty 2.
Chico: Could be... bordering on "is". I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.
Gordon: Almost certainly. So if you do apply for it, take that with a grain of salt.
Chico: And if you're reading this... don't say we didn't warn you.
Gordon: Finally, let's go to France.


Represent your country as one of 10 Americans competing in an incredibly zany, hilarious, long-running French game show.

Are you physically fit, adventurous, and INTERESTED IN TRAVEL?

Join us. Be a part of this groundbreaking American team, TRAVEL TO FRANCE, compete in front of an audience in various physical challenges and hilarious, outrageous games and try to win against your French competitors in this national network TV pilot.

Do you like WIPEOUT and American Gladiators? Then this fast paced, wacky show is for YOU!!!

Gordon: I survived a French Game Show, anyone?
Jason: lol
Chico: Oh Please let this be Fort Boyard.
Jason: it could be.
Jason: They are remaking that right?
Chico: Yep. Could it be sold to the US? Maybe. I hope. I'm assuming you have more in the way of hoes, G.
Gordon: Lemme see (rummages through dump truck)...ah! Here it is!
Chico: (plays "Pimpin' All Over The World")

In this week's Hodometer, Ant & Dec do a new autobiography, Jeff Davis hosts pilots of Let's Make a Deal and The Dating Game, WWE wrestlers get to appear on Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader... Sanjaya said that I'm a Celebrity Get me Out of Here helped him more than American Idol, Nick Lachey breaks up with Vanessa Minnillo and Donald Trump shows up on the WWE for a faux segment of him buying the 'RAW' franchise.

Gordon: But None of them are the Ho of the Week.
Chico: Who do we have this week?
Gordon: It's Drew Carey, who is now Mr. Blog and Mr. Twitter, telling us everything we need to know about The Price is Right.
Jason: He has TWO twitter feeds now.
Chico: Which leads us to this week's Fully Loaded.

The blog in question is at The two Twitter feeds are @DrewfromTV and @TPIRHost.

Jason: I follow both.
Chico: I'll tell you right now, the latter...and the corresponding blog... well, it stirred up a bit of a raucous this week.
Jason: Yeah it did.
Gordon: Sometimes fanboys cross the line of decency and good taste.
Chico: You know the one unwritten rule of rabid fandom? Well, someone broke it.
Gordon: Not like we ever get those sort of comments, do we?
Chico: Ha. But I'll say this... I'm a big fan of Drew Carey's work on TPIR. I think he's doing a fine enough job as he is...
Jason: He has had flashes of brilliance this year.
Chico: And if you're expecting Barker 2.0... Sorry. It's not going to happen.
Jason: I never was.
Chico: that's not who he is. That's not who Bob wanted him to be.
Gordon: I'm not as big of a fan. I'm not looking for him to be the next Barker. I do want him to get a better grasp of both the game and the flow of the action. I hope I get that in September.
Chico: But seriously, he doesn't deserve half the crap people give him.
Jason: I will give you that.
Gordon: He has improved between last year and this year. And he'll always get junk for not being Barker.
Chico: That's the half he doesn't deserve.
Gordon: Yes. But some of it he does, and I hope he gets better in September.
Chico: I have no doubt in my mind he will.  Speaking of September.... Season 38 pictures leaked from the man himself... and let me say.. the new homebase looks SWEET.
Jason: Wow.
Gordon: And Those...Are Your Hoes.
Jason: But seriously though.
Chico: And that was your loaded at the same time. Nice, isn't it?
Jason: I think this is going to be very interesting if people like Drew use Twitter and the blogs to get the unfiltered no BS stuff out there, no?
Chico: Next up... There's gotta be someone stupid out there, right?
Jason: Yeah I think so.
Gordon: I think I can come up with someone.
Jason: I know you can.
Chico: Just a matter of to what depth.
Gordon: True

Are YOU Smarter than...Lisa Leslie and Terrell Owens, for both mutilating an obstacle course?

Chico: Mutilating? How?
Gordon: Lisa Leslie goes halfway through a cargo net, then turns around and goes the WRONG way.  But that's nothing on Terrell Owens, who gets so caught that Leslie recovers and STILL beats Owens, despite the gaffe.
Chico: That cargo net is a monster.
Gordon: Apparently. And when you eventually complete it, you get some Haterade.
Jason: Yummy.

Julianne Hough to Footloose...not so fast. She's taking acting classes after the producers sent her to school after an atrocious audition. This coming from the producers - "she's a pretty girl who can sing and dance, but so was Mariah Carey, and we all know how Glitter turned out."

Jason: Meow.
Gordon: You think she's having second thoughts about leaving Dancing With The Stars?
Jason: Oh man.
Chico: ... Take your top off! Sorry, someone had to shout it.
Jason: Ouch.
Gordon: Do they do Footloose around the globe?
Chico: I betcha they do.
Gordon: Whatcha got?
Chico: I got a trip to Greece. And I'm taking Augustus the Zombie with me.

Gordon's favorite show is going off the air in Greece thanks to the network banning it. Yes, we're talking about "The Moment of Truth"

Gordon: Aw.
Jason: Booo
Gordon: Well lets be fair. It is the number one show in Greece right now.
Chico: Antenna, the network that airs it, is going to file suit against the Greek regulators, citing "Extreme censorship."
Gordon: The only reason why its being yanked is that they consider it 'Too hot for TV'.
Chico: And this show's been in hot water before.
Gordon: See Colombia
Chico: There was... hmm... the lady that hired the hitman to kill her husband... There was... Lauren Cleri, of course...
Gordon: she who admitted to having an affair on her husband,
Chico: And now this. Pardon the pun, but the Truth hurts. Now here's what I want to know... Would you consider this question risque... Do you wish your daughter had married a richer man?
Gordon: I don't actually.
Jason: No.
Chico: That's ... not risque.
Gordon: But I consider this one risque...Have you slept with a man and a woman at the same time?
Chico: I'll buy that for a dollar.
Jason: Defines what you means by sleep.
Chico: I'm guessing they mean in the biblical sense.
Jason: Yes.
Chico: You give free airwaves to commercial outlets... this is what happens. This is the world we live in. Why not let people vote with their pocketbooks, so to speak?
Jason: That means you would have to trust the people. No one does.
Gordon: And people want less of family shows and more of Have you slept with a man and a woman at the same time.
Chico: .... YEAH! =p
Jason: Right on :P
Gordon: And with that, we end Brainvision. Shut it down.
Chico: Still to come, we look for... well, we look for some kind of talent, but first... we look into the future.
Jason: Ok...
Chico: This is WLTI. Give us 22 minutes...
Gordon: ...we'll give you 22 dead celebrities. We're already at 4...

(Brainvision has been brought to you by ShamWhew! If you order in the next 30 minutes, you gets the Orange Glo and Silver Bulls-Eye. It's a cleaner, shredder and game show board mixer all in one. R.I.P., Billy Mays. You'll be missed.)