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Previous Episodes (Season 20)
December 31 - 2008 Year In Review

January 12 - Show Us Your... / Capsule Reviews / Push or Flush

January 19 - Snowed In / 20 ?s: Chad Mosher / Watch Or Record?

January 26 - One Champ Leaves, Two Champs Enter / How Not to Play / Trios

February 2 - Bleep / The Good, the Bad & The Ugly / Resolutions

February 9 - Arrivals & Departures / Accuracy or Idiocy? / Read Between the Lines

February 16 - Love, WLTI Style / Really Big Board / Whammyville

February 23 - Morons on the Run / Match This! / What Your TiVo Says About You

March 2 - Gordon Is Sad / What Were You Thinking? / Number Please

March 9 - Even More Hated Than Greg Paulus? / We the Jury / The Blame Game

March 16 - Dancing with Tears in Their Eyes / Who's Your Daddy? / Deserted Island

March 23 - What Happens in Vegas / Bargain Hunters / Game Show in My Hat

March 30 - One Not-So-Shining Moment / Higher-Lower / Roleplay

April 6 - Happy April Fools from the Daves / This, That or the Other / What's My Zinger?

April 13 - The Dream Season / 20 ?s: Josh Yawn / Play the Percentages

April 20 - Good vs. Evil 2 / Good News, Bad News / Game Show in My Hat

April 27 - Happy Earth Day / Categories / Infiltration

May 4 - The All-Morons Edition / Would You Could You? / WLTI Theatre

May 11 - You're a Bad Mother / 15 Shades of Wrong / Read Between the Lines

May 18 - The Season Finale So Big We Needed a Vacuum... Part 1 / Brainvision / Presents


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 20.20
May 25

Gordon: This is Gordon Pepper and last week, to celebrate the beginning of the Spring Sweeps, we brought in vacuums.
Chico: This week, I brought a shampooer. Things might get ugly.
Gordon: It's time to clean and fluff up the place for the houseguests moving in come June.
Chico: We'll get to said houseguests in a moment, but first... from Somewhere in America, the second half of our two-part season finale so big we needed a vacuum of WLTI... is... ON!
Gordon: Yay! Joining us is our first houseguest, Mr. Jason Block.
Chico: A happy Memorial Day Weekend to you, Mr. Block.
Jason: Same to you. And a thank you to all the soldiers past and present who allow us here at GSNN and WLTI to do what you do.
Gordon: Definitely. Our second houseguest joining us today is...Augustus, our resident game show zombie stripper.

Jason: He looks...FULL.
Chico: This week, Augustus has his own little picnic
Jason: Picnic? it looks like a Buffet.
Gordon: All You Can Eat Buffet. We start this week with the Fall Upfronts.
Chico: Yeah. It's a regular Zombie Jamboree...In fact, that's the title of this Big Board. Gordon, please.
Gordon: With pleasure

A Regular Zombie Jamboree

- Fox: 5th Grader, Lyrics, Hole in the Wall, Secret Millionaire, Osbournes
- ABC: Opportunity Knocks
- CBS: Game Show in My Head, Password
- CW: 13, Stylista
- NBC: Chopping Block, Momma's Boys, Deal, Superstars of Dance

Gordon: Now for the uninitiated, the Upfronts is when the networks announce what is returning for the Fall. By logical deduction, you can also guess what's NOT returning in the fall, and hence gets stripped from its timeslot and becomes chow time for Augustus.
Chico: And he had a lot. I don't know if you've ever seen a zombie eat... but... damn.
Gordon: Zombies look for brains, and sometimes we wonder where the producers of some of these shows left theirs.
Chico: Anyway, let's go network by network here. First up was Fox. IN: So You Think You Can Dance for the fall and American Idol for the winter. The folks at 19 are going to be busy all year. I personally don't think Dance will work in the fall, but apparently I'm in the minority.
Gordon: You're not in the minority. What have we always said about Summer shows?
Chico: They work best in the summer.
Jason: Summer Shows almost NEVER work in the fall.
Chico: When they're not up against.. oh, Dancing with the Stars...NCIS...The Biggest get it.
Gordon: Putting it up on Tuesdays against the heavyweights is going to spell disaster.
Chico: And that's only on Tuesdays. Wednesdays, you have the CBS comedy block... America's Next Top Model...
Gordon: I think FOX moving the shows to a Wednesday/Thursday combo is a better idea.
Chico: Well, you have to think about what else is on on Thursday. All in all, this is just an ill-plotted move.
Jason: But I think the bigger Fox sadness is what's out.
Chico: Oh yeah. Officially zombie food: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?, Don't Forget the Lyrics!, and Hole in the Wall. Speaking of ill-plotted moves, they gave 5th Grader's slot to Hole in the Wall.. and they both end up deep-sixed... Way to go, Fox.
Jason: This was the 2nd biggest Game Show Casualty of the Fall Upfronts. They should have kept it on Thursday. I believe there was room for both Survivor/Fox Blocks.
Gordon: There was. Moving them to Friday wasn't a bad idea, but they should have moved it back the second that it didn't work. The person who thought it was a brilliant idea to put Hole In The Wall to Thursdays instead of Fridays needs to be dumped in the pool.
Jason: With the fat suit on...and piranhas.
Chico: They just cut their losses, and it ended up not working AT ALL, as the network struggled to find a foothold in Fridays for people who weren't fans of crappy sci-fi involving Summer Glau and/or Eliza Dushku.
Jason: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles/Dollhouse for those who don't know
Gordon: There were other game show casualties on FOX as well. Add Secret Millionaire and Osbournes Reloaded (all 1 episode) to the dinner menu.
Chico: Got it.
Jason: (tosses to Augustus)
Chico: Off the menu (pun intended) ... Hell's Kitchen. However, unlike 5th grader, etc., it will be back midseason. Good deal.
Jason: And will do well.
Chico: Because Gordon Ramsay owns you.
Jason: No he @)$*))$* owns you. Get it right.
Chico: Of course. What was I thinking.
Gordon: Next network, Chico?
Chico: Over at ABC...What's in: Dancing and Dating. Dancing with the Stars and the Bachelor.. Both returning.
Jason: Which are monsters for them. No surprise there.
Chico: Also, a new entry... Shark Tank, based on the Japanese series "Money Tiger" Many people say "Dragon's Den" was the first... It's just the most well-recognized. But "Money Tiger" was the first.
Gordon: I don't know about that one. American Inventor didn't exactly set the world on fire.
Chico: True. It already has two things going for it... and three things going against it. Things going for it...#1... Mark Burnett. And the other: the Money Tiger format is tense and drama filled without being too overly hokey. The two things going against it... It inherits the slot once occupied by Opportunity Knocks that show was SUPPOSED to come back this week... Not only is it not on the schedule, it's NOWHERE on
Jason: Yipes.
Chico: What does THAT tell you?
Gordon: It knocked and no one was home.
Chico: The other thing is the other programs on that time.. NCIS, Biggest Loser, and SYTYCD... if it does well. #3 thing going against it... It has the word "Tank" in the title.
Jason: Burnett has had a few misses. I am not sure. This will be a "wait and see" show.
Gordon: I think there's enough room on Tuesdays for 3 hit shows. I think the miss will be SYTYCD.
Jason: ABC was the 2nd best shaped network in terms of our shows this fall.
Chico: Because, you know, they did so good a job last year =p. Two new shows... both gone by March. On tap for midseason at the Alphabet is True Beauty... Yeah, really.
Jason: That got a 2nd season, huh?
Chico: It wasn't a BAD show... it just had people problems. I'm guessing they sorted themselves out (literally)
Gordon: Now we move on to CBS
Chico: Yes we do.
Jason: The best network in terms of shows.
Chico: In: Survivor and The Amazing Race. Of course.
Jason: Those will be as long as they keep the quality up.
Chico: Oh yeah. Out... Game Show in My Head and Million Dollar Password. Now, Password isn't that bad a show, really. It's a good show, slickly done...
Jason: Agreed. It got the ratings.
Chico: But it skewed old.
Gordon: It shouldn't have been cancelled. GSIMH, however, deserved to be.
Chico: Which is neither good nor popular. So good riddance to that.
Jason: Joe Rogan should stay in UFC and watch fights like UFC 98 where Rashad Evans got his butt kicked.
Chico: Then comes the CW...Top Model. That's it for the CW. Seriously. 13: Fear is Real...gone.
Gordon: And Stylista...out of style.
Chico: Part of their whole "We heart chicks" thing.
Jason: Thank you "The Vampire Diaries".
Chico: Now we heart chicks as much as anyone.. but come on... You wonder why people don't watch the CW as much as they ought to? THAT's why. And finally, we get to the most stinging of all schedules... NBC. Biggest Loser is back. The Apprentice will show up midseason. But the dead pool is mired...Chopping Block...Momma's Boys...Superstars of Dance...And the one that has really got EVERYONE up in arms... Deal or No Deal.
Jason: This should have NEVER happened.
Chico: It really shouldn't.
Jason: But we have a case of history repeating. May I take you back for a moment?
Chico: What's the saying about history repeating itself?
Jason: Those whose forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Chico: ABC stacked all of its hopes on Millionaire... and then it suddenly stopped being profitable. Deal or No Deal... SAME THING.
Jason: No no no. Not just that. What did Millionaire do to get itself cancelled? OVEREXPOSURE.
Gordon: We harped on this last week. But yes, major networks need to learn that you can have a show go on for years - if you don't overdo it.
Chico: Overexposure and too much reliance on gimmicks. Deal or No Deal... same thing.
Gordon: And on a side note, to add insult to injury, Howie Do It...gets done.
Jason: Well...yeah.
Chico: Now we had someone write us about it.. and .. it's a little lengthy. So I'll just go into the important bit. This from Steven Waldie. Thanks, Steven.

FROM: Steven Waldie

I echo the sentiments made by a fellow game show fan in your most recent WLTI episode. He was fed up with the show adding too many gimmicks and not concentrating enough on the game. Unlike him, I continued watching the show until the bitter end, but not for the gimmicks. The final episode broadcast Monday night was a bit of a turkey of sorts. The second contestant was paired with a monkey in a "side game" to see which of the two played the game better. The monkey decided to take the deal before the contestant did. I can relate to the non-human creature in question because he probably gets anxious for the game to be over like I do. The final contestant of the night-and the NBC run-went home with a measly $100.


Chico: Now we all saw that episode... and this is the best part of the syndie version... Just letting the game play itself. No one wanted to see the lady go home with $100 after completely crapping out her board, but at least it didn't feel like a come on. You know, like the "headline from a local paper" or the "Nerd Alert" or the "Monkey vs. Human" game. We tried Man vs. Beast, it didn't work.
Jason: But again, it all goes back to gimmickry. Deal in the primetime version was SATURATED with them.
Chico: Just let the game play itself.
Jason: BTW...does the asterisk get fed to Augustus too?
Chico: Why the heck not. Call it dessert.
Jason: (tosses it over)
Chico: So there you go. A two-fer. Fall schedules, and Deal ending not with a bang, not with a whimper... but with an enormous THUD. First question... which network really made out like gangbusters with game show fans? Or will make out like gangbusters?
Jason: CBS/ABC tie for me. They have the most shows returning that the fans like. Fox, I worry about because I think the SYTYCD move will fail and AI9 may be the season where the shark jumps.
Chico: The fans really like the Bachelor, huh? =p
Gordon: ABC brings both of their hits back. CBS's shows are still huge. FOX has the Idol Juggernaut. NBC and ABC both own the Summer. Game shows are thriving well on all of the networks.
Chico: For me... CBS. Consistency is paying dividends for them I'm still waiting to be convinced that Dance will thrive in fall. So if anyone out there thinks it can... E-mail us. Let us know what you think. Okay. Speaking of shows that use a telephone, America has a new Idol... and it's not Glambert. Who knew?
Gordon: *raises hand*
Chico: *raises hand*
Jason: (keeps hand down with a growl)
Gordon: Mmmm...Lobster Teriyaki
Jason: Shut up.
Chico: Ha.
Jason: I STILL think America got it wrong. Voting patterns be damned.
Chico: I still think that it was not possible for America to get this vote wrong. I think ... they were EQUALLY mediocre.
Jason: In the final, yeah. Absolutely.
Gordon: You had one nice performance, one good performance, and one Kara Dioguardi song that could be greatly enhanced by Vodka or a strong barbiturate.
Chico: Couldn't have put it better myself.
Jason: The results show had some great moments. Kara's banging body for one.
Chico: Win.
Jason: Which raised money for charity.
Chico: I believe that's called "Prostitution."
Jason: Cyndi Lauper dueting with Alison Iraheta.
Chico: The final tally for the results show. 11 dream duets...Three Golden Idol fillers...Nearly 100 million votes...654 million votes for the season...
Gordon: Which I don't think was that close, since they never announced how close it was.
Chico: And a rather interesting singing/bikini duel.
Jason: But overall...a MEH season.
Chico: Gordon, you want to explain this to J or should I?
Gordon: I'll do it.
Chico: Alright.
Gordon: Actually, Jay and I were on the right track. We both thought that the final was set. We both thought that Danny's vote was going to go to Kris Allen.
Jason: That is true.
Gordon: The difference of opinion was that I thought Kris would be the favorite and Adam would have something to prove, while Jason thought Adam would be the favorite because the Gokey vote wouldn't be enough. And hence, we get...A Big Bored. Bored me.

Why Adam Lost

- Lack of Diversity
- Way too polarizing
- Believing your own hype
- Sexual preference


Gordon: Subject: Why Adam Lost. Because I don't think Kris won it as much as Adam lost it.
Jason: I agree. Yes he did.
Chico: True.
Gordon: 1. And I think this is the main reason. Lack of diversity.
Jason: He was ROCK BOY. Remember the 2nd Mad World performance that was OVER THE TOP?
Gordon: Rock is not enough of a genre that can carry you. Ask Bo Bice about that.
Chico: Nope. Not many rockers like (or watch) American Idol
Jason: If he would have done that in a theater song...BRILLIANCE.
Gordon: I agree with Jay. If he did a Broadway song, that's a win for Adam. Instead, we got a schlocky Mad World. And boo to Simon Fuller for not doing his homework and not giving Adam a Broadway song. With his background, Adam could have knocked it out of the park.
Chico: Yep.
Gordon: David Cook was rock, but what made him the winner is that he used pop and R&B standards to attract and lure the kiddie vote. Adam did not follow that same plan.
Chico: Not only that, David Cook twisted up arrangements and made them his own. Adam... just took the easy route and went for other people's arrangements.
Jason: Ah ok.
Chico: Remember when he used Muse's "Feeling Good"?
Jason: Yes.
Gordon: And Ella Fitzgerald's 'Ring of Fire'.
Chico: David Cook was genuine... Adam wasn't. But you get the point.
Gordon: Which leads us to #2. Way too polarizing. With Adam Lambert, you either liked him, or you didn't. There's no in-between here.
Chico: There's molding your own spin and there's just using someone else's.
Gordon: Adam is going to be Adam. That's great if you're going to build an identity, but bad if you want to win a national competition.
Chico: The point of the contest is to win.
Gordon: And you win by being a chameleon and adapting. With Kris, you didn't know what you were going to get, which led people anticipating that they'd get a musical moment. It could be acoustic guitar, or piano, or a ballad, or something poppy.
Chico: Or Kanye West on a guitar.
Jason: That performance, was brilliant.
Chico: That, I believe, was defining.
Jason: No kidding.
Gordon: I agree. That could have been the game-clinching performance.
Jason: Kanye loved it.
Gordon: Adam never did that. He rocked out songs. 3. The Judges believing your own hype. The judges did everything but proclaim Adam Lambert the winner after week. They never gave anyone else a chance. I think that made the audience very very angry.
Chico: I know I was angry. As much as I wanted to see Adam vs. Anyone Else.... I didn't. Personally... Anoop was robbed. Only he wasn't =p
Jason: Uh no lol
Chico: That's why I said "He wasn't".
Gordon: No, but I do feel their unfairly criticizing Lil Rounds led to her losing her edge and her imminent dismissal. 4. And yes, I have to bring it up. His sexual preference. Photos all over the internet of him having fun with other guys didn't help.
Jason: And the fact that Perez Hilton (a/k/a Mario Lavanderia) for weeks was slobbering all over him.
Gordon: To win America's vote, you must win the South. MUST win the South. And the South will not vote for a gay idolist.
Chico: Which goes to show you... if you're entering a contest in which the point is to win via public vote... make sure your closet is fully excised of potential skeletons.
Jason: You got a soapbox?
Gordon: Jason, the Soapbox is yours.

(Jason gets on SoapBox)

Jason: After the vote was over, Perez Hilton is now calling him "publicly closeted homosexual" Adam Lambert. That's a forced outing folks, and the very discrimination that he is campaigning against. I think that Perez Hilton is trying forcibly out Adam Lambert is incredibly hateful. I don't give a damn either way what you do. But by doing that both during and after the show is exactly the discrimination and hate that you campaign Is asking Adam to go to the California Supreme Court this week the right thing to do? Not if he doesn't want to do it, it's not. So what I am going to do is complain to GLAAD about it. Seriously. This is very wrong. Thank you.

(Jason gets off Soapbox)

Chico: If I may?
Jason: Sure.
Chico: *soapbox* Perez Hilton can't leave well enough alone. *off soapbox*
Gordon: There is a fine line between believing what you think is right and zealousness. I still don't understand why people's sexual preference is any of our business. And I hate to be covering these stories or using this as rationale as to why people do or don't win.
Chico: Just sing, baby. That's all I ask. You sing well... I'll totally buy you. You sing poorly... at least I get a good laugh out of it. But this doesn't take anything away from Kris. I'm sure he's going to go on and really light up the world as the seven people before him have.
Jason: I am not so sure personally. His voice is well...wispy.
Chico: Some people like wispy?
Jason: I know. I still think Adam will outsell Kris 2-1.
Chico: Care to bet another round of dinner and drinks on it?
Gordon: Why not? You already owe me 2 :)
Jason: I will pay off.
Chico: Okay.
Gordon: I'm not worried.
Chico: Speaking of paying off...It's time for another...

Gordon: Whoo hoo!
Chico: This week, it involved Stephen Fishbaum and JT Thomas... your final two on Survivor. Gordon and I... we had Stephen winning. We didn't know that Stephen was going to open his fool-ass mouth and LOSE it.
Jason: Who had JT? (raises hand*)
Chico: Yeah, yeah... JT won. Wasn't even close. It was a 7-0 blowout.
Jason: 2nd time in Survivor history.
Chico: And it all rested on one argument.
Gordon: Stephen had it to lose. Unfortunately, he did in one of the biggest Tribal Flame-outs ever.
Chico: JT kept striking at Stephen... and Stephen didn't strike back. JT was basically the equivalent of the schoolyard bully doing the whole "Why you hitting yourself" routine.
Jason: ROFL
Gordon: I think what did Stephen in is that he wasn't willing to put JT under the bus - which to win Survivor, you must do.
Chico: This is true.
Gordon: Meanwhile, JT used a bus, an army tank, and a pair of jumbo jets.
Chico: You forgot the horse he rode in on.
Gordon: And the horse. The biggest problem Stephen had was when he was asked why JT shouldn't win the money, Stephen had no response. That's game and match right there.
Chico: Not only that... He was basically saying "You know what, JT deserves the money as much as I do" over and over again.
Jason: Yeah, he was doing the nice guy tap dance.
Chico: More like the nice-guy lap dance.
Gordon: You can't do that. YOU have to own up for your responsibility and show how you helped orchestrate the win. They don't take the check and divide it in half, you know.
Chico: Because he just threw himself all over JT's case.
Jason: He handed the case over to him.
Gordon: So congratulations to JT, who wins Survivor - with a HUGE assist from his opponent Stephen.
Jason: And he also got the fan fav vote...which adds 100K to his bank.
Chico: That alone deserves an MVP, gentlemen.
Jason: Agreed.

JT Thomas Jr.

Chico: So we have a Survivor... We have an Idol. What's missing? I KNOW! A dancing celebrity!
Jason: No...a dancing athlete....AGAIN. YAWN!
Chico: Hey. Shawn Johnson's as cute as a button, and it's obvious that the gymnastics helped.
Gordon: Athletes will have a natural advantage in this competition.
Jason: Yeah, but to me this is boring.
Gordon: But Jason was going to have a problem with whoever won. Because if it wasn't her, it would be The Bachelor Media Ho (who Jason doesn't think should have been there to begin with) or the bizarro Sex in the City actor that Jason thought was too D level to show up.
Jason: No No. I said Melissa was ok
Chico: I thought she was okay, too... but THIRD?
Jason: No way.
Chico: How do you figure THAT one out, Sherlock? That's just everything on hold there.
Jason: yeah.
Chico: Second... you can't just say that whoever wins doesn't deserve it. For one, they at least tried. For another, they busted their ass to get where they are.
Jason: (Nods)
Chico: But, you know... some people just are going to have that extra physical advantage such as a professional athlete. And unless your name is Dennis Rodman, you're going to use that prowess to your fullest advantage.
Jason: rofl
Chico: So all of the finalists are to be applauded. After that, it's simply a popularity contest. Apparently one gone awry because Melissa didn't win. And I know a lot of people who watch Dancing also follow the Bachelor... and imagine them going completely nutso over just... total vindication.
Gordon: Shawn was the best dancer this season. I think in this case, America got it right.
Chico: Absolutely, Shawn was the best dancer. I applaud the public for choosing substance over style. Another winner... I don't know if anyone remembers this... but Maria Demidovich gets to be a pro next season.
Gordon: I believe she was on So You Think You Can Dance, no?
Chico: I believe so.
Jason: Nice.
Gordon: And speaking of which, we start the new season with some bone-popping action
Chico: Literally?
Gordon: Literally.
Chico: NICE!
Gordon: Remember the bone popping on America's Best Dance Crew, season 3?
Chico: Yep
Gordon: We see it on this season
Jason: Ouch.
Chico: They don't waste any time with the scars-and-all auditions, do they?
Gordon: No they don't. But they do build up the personality, and they spend more time on the people who you will be seeing on the show than the rejects.
Chico: Always a plus.
Jason: That's a big plus
Chico: And the judging is consistent?
Gordon: For the most part, it is. I consider it fairer than Idol, though unlike Idol, they have both a secondary round and the judges vote as a failsafe to weed out the undesirables, unlike Idol, which solely relies on America.
Chico: Right. But overall... the underrated gem of the summer. The SUMMER, folks...=p
Gordon: Also running through the Summer is a new reality show by Spike called '4th and Long'. Chico, please describe the show
Chico: Sure thing. We have a team of wide receivers and a team of defensive backs. They're all competing for a spot to train with the Dallas Cowboys.
Jason: At the 2009 Season camp in July/August
Chico: Not necessarily a spot on the team, but at least an honest go.
Jason: yes
Chico: We start out with six Wide Receivers and six Defensive Backs. From then on, it's like YATES. "Yet Another Team-based Elimination Series".
Jason: Nothing new?
Gordon: Sort of. One of the bottom 2 get cut by the coaches, instead of the fellow teammates.
Chico: In the first show, the challenges revolved about what would happen when you're called on to perform in the 4th Quarter. We all know how physically taxing that is.
Jason: So the judging is fairer?
Chico: So it's more like the Apprentice than, say, Survivor.
Gordon: I'd think so, yes.
Chico: It's warts-and-all smash mouth football, so... yeah.,
Gordon: And unfortunately, my homeboy from my college, the College of NJ, Stephen Andrews gets cut...on the first show. Way to make my college look bad, Stephen :P
Chico: And if you're a fan of the good old days of the AFL-NFL rivalry, I don't see where you could have a problem with this show. I know I don't because the guy from Carolina is still on it. :-)
Gordon: Jesse Holley is going out next :P
Jason: But this is RIGHT UP Spike's testosterone laden lineup.
Gordon: It's a perfect show for Spike. The fans should enjoy this.
Chico: Oh yeah.

4TH AND LONG - Spike

Chico: So for me... B.
Gordon: It's a play by numbers show. And the CNJ person is out. C+.
Jason: I will pass since I didn't see it...but I will check this out.
Chico: It's online. But I'm a big football guy. So I have to give it that.
Gordon: And now, it's time for The Hamster Bowl It's Fluffy's Fighters Vs. KenJen's Kougars....Kougars?
Jason: With a K
Chico: I guess they needed something that sounded tough. But... nowadays... Cougars just remind me of hot moms.
Gordon: Sure. Meanwhile Gordon Jr. throws a flag on the play because he thinks that some hamsters may have eaten performance-enhanced feed.
Chico: Aw, geez. Some people will do anything to win. Why don't you just practice, huh?
Gordon: he says the penalty is '10 Yards. And Roll that Beautiful Brain Footage'

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Gordon: Let's start with dates, shall we?
Jason: Let's.

Tonight, it's Here Come The Newlyweds, Season 2. Followed by Wipeout, Season 2 on Wednesday and everyone's favorite trainwreck, I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here to start off June.

Chico: I'll be covering Newlyweds... because no one else will =p I'll be covering Wipeout.. because I genuinely like it.
Jason: And Gordon will cover the last one...because he is a glutton for punishment :)
Gordon: I'll help Chico with Wipeout. and I'll cover I'm a Celebrity because it's fun to train wreck shows.
Chico: That... and Sanjaya's in it. The power of Idol compels thee. Okay, next up... I need my special animated baseball bat.
Jason: (hands Chico the bat)
Chico: Which... is actually real. Pay attention, this is relevant.
Jason: I will.

Cartoon Network has given dates for both of its competition series... Both "BrainRush" (formerly "Head Rush") and "Destroy Build Destroy" will launch Saturday, June 20.

Jason: Brain Rush looks cool as heck.
Chico: Oh yeah. It's Cash Cab... on a roller coaster. I like Cash Cab. I like roller coasters.
Gordon: How does Destroy Build Destroy work?
Jason: From EW...

"Andrew W.K. has a new gig involving metal: The rocker will host Cartoon Network's live-action reality competition Destroy Build Destroy, has learned. Each week two teams of teens -- with the help of experts, wrecking balls, and explosions -- obliterate some sort of large-scale vehicle or machine, then create something entirely different out of it. The winners get to annihilate the losers' work. Destroy Build Destroy will debut this summer."

Gordon: it reminds me of Trashed, but with a creation set.
Chico: So it's basically "Trash, then Untrash, then Trash again".
Jason: Yeah, but this is pure boys sort of fun.
Chico: I'm all about it. And I have an appetite for destruction.
Jason: And the kids will love it.
Chico: The purists may be turned off... I'm glad I was never a purist of anything.
Jason: This isn't a game per se.
Chico: But it's a competition.
Jason: And we get to see a lot of stuff going boom.
Gordon: Which makes it a game. And it should be fun. And what also makes it fun is the propensity to make fun or other people.
Chico: Oh yeah!

Are YOU Smarter than....the contestants on Catch 21, who all saved the production crew budget to the combined tune of $54,000.

Chico: And that's just this WEEK!
Gordon: No one on Catch 21 this week played correctly.
Chico: Nope.
Gordon: Big Bored please?

Dropped 21

- One number... 54,000.
- Contestants: $5000
- Gordon: $59,000

Gordon: The Subject: Dropped 21. The least eggregious would be Doug, who does walk with $1,000 when he could have had $5,000. Tuesday, Sheila gives back $5,000 when she busts, but at least she's playing the odds.
Chico: Right.
Gordon: Wednesday, Paula stops at $5,000 - but could have won $25,000. So could have Anderson on Thursday. The worst is Lance, who goes for it when he needs a 3 or less.
Chico: Yeah, imagine the number of outs on that play (Lance's)
Gordon: 42 cards left in the deck. he has a less than 25% chance of being safe and a less than 4% chance of winning the big one. He goes on and gives back $5,000.
Chico: 10 out of 42. I believe that's a 22% success ratio. That ... SUCKS.
Gordon: But wait, who wants to coat a dead horse in Haterade?
Chico: ME!
Jason: I do.

Let's talk to Clay Aiken, who mocks Adam Lambert's rendition of "Ring of Fire" as "contrived," "awful" and "slightly frightening" and says that his ears bled while listening to it. Aiken then calls the judges biased for Lambert because they were focused on more on slick vocals and polished contestants than talent.

Jason: And then he back tracks after he get lambasted for it.
Chico: I thought slick vocals and polish were part of "talent". Maybe that's just me, I don't know.
Gordon: I agree with Aiken, in a way. The slick vocals should be part of the talent, not laid down by the producers.
Jason: Exactly.
Chico: Right. But Clay Aiken was the last person I would expect to just come out after Adam like that. Weird.
Gordon: I think he sees Adam as part of the Idol machine, and I think he's right as he represents the audience that responded.
Chico: Right. Seems like Clay Aiken has been just going on against the Idol making machine. I seem to remember what happened to the LAST person who did that.
Jason: Which was?
Chico: One Kelly Brianne Clarkson. Granted, she learned the error of her ways and has since gone back to the top.
Jason: Her life sucked without them :)
Chico: You never bite the hand that feeds, kids.
Gordon: True. Though I don't think that Clay has anything to worry about.
Chico: No, not really.
Jason: Nope.
Chico: I think he's rightly earned the "slash-actor" title.
Gordon: Now who's earned the right to get Fully Loaded?
Chico: That'll be... Widgets.
Jason: Hic.

Deal or No Deal is offering a widget called myPageo, which will allow viewers to surf the web and play the game at the same time. Using myPageo, Deal or No Deal fans can 'hang out' in the 'Banker's Lounge,' where they access online games, a variety of downloads, information on the models, and other exciting show-related content.

Chico: And a breaking story... TPIR on your iPhone.

Chico: I want it.
Gordon: And then you can audition to be the next Media Ho
Chico: (plays "Pimpin' All Over the World")

In this week's Hodometer, Myleene Klass gets to host 'I'm a Celebrity...', Carol Vordeman launches a DS Fitness game, Lana Asanin sues Deal or No Deal for wages...

Chico: Sub-out model. Just so we're clear.
Jason: Gotcha

Samantha Harris goes to Off-Broadway for Chicago, Don Pardo steps down from Saturday Night Live, Alan Sugar does a Jr. Apprentice...Joan Alexander and Frank Aletter pass, and Kris Allen wants to be respected.

Gordon: But none of them are your Ho of the Week.
Chico: And who would that be?
Jason: Who is it?
Gordon: It's Patti Blagojevich, the wife of disgraced politician Rod and NEW contestant on I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here.
Chico: She's... not... famous... for anything. No, seriously. She's got nothing going for her. At least with Rod Ihaveanitchitisitchy.... you can confuse fame with notoriety.
Gordon: She's unemployed. So is Rod. So why not?
Jason: True.
Gordon: And those...are your hoes.
Chico: And finally, let's go global. We're going to see Augustus' British cousin...Sir August of Zombington.

Jason: He's wearing a monocle.
Chico: And a bowler.

After two seasons, Gladiators UK is going the way of... American Gladiators. It's the classic argument: corporate has plans for the network, and the show didn't fit in with those plans.

Chico: Quoting Stuart Murphy...

"Gladiators has done a great job for Sky 1 over two seasons, resonating with our young audience and showcasing our entertainment credentials. But now we need to prioritize and allow for both new entertainment formats and genres not recently seen on Sky 1 such as comedy."
-from Stuart Murphy of SkyOne

Chico: To that end, he also canceled "Don't Forget the Lyrics!" Just a bad day to be a primetime quizzer.
Jason: Ouch.
Gordon: Waa waaaaaa
Chico: Okay, clear down, J.
Jason: (Shutting down)
Chico: Still to come... it's the battle of the buzzers vs. the plungers...But first...Lists... and how to abuse them;
Gordon: This is WLTI. You give us 22 minutes, and we give you a horde of ravenous game-show eating zombies.
Chico: Get your ray guns...They look hungry.
Gordon: Munchy crunchy
Jason: Yummy.

(Brainvision is powered by "So You Think You Can Dance on the Ceiling". It's the ultimate 80s throwback as dancers try to bust a move... upside down... to Lionel Richie)