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Previous Episodes (Season 21)
May 25 - The Season Finale So Big We Needed a Vacuum... Part 2 / List Abuse / Push or Flush (1)

June 8 - Winners & Losers / The Good, The Bad & The Ugly / Push or Flush (2)

June 15 - 40Q / 20?s: Tom Sabbatelli / Push or Flush (3)

June 22 - Chasing the Pyramid / Heads or Tails / Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews

June 29 - Ed, Farrah & Michael / Welcome to Hollywood / What If?

July 6 - Freedom / What Were You Thinking? / Watch or Record

July 13 - Characters Welcome / Excessories / Whammyville

July 20 - Going Green / We the Jury / Five Good Reasons

July 27 - Stick a Fork In It, It's Done / Categories / Accuracy or Idiocy?


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 21.9
August 3

Chico: Hey folks, this is Chico Alexander.. and I'm a bit tired for a slow week. I mean.. for a slow week, it's been crazy, you know?
Gordon: I'm trying to get this white coat off me. Can anyone help out?
Chico: Ah, it's one of those trick coats with the straps on the shoulders *pulls* See? Now go put some clothes on, I'm blinded here. =p
Gordon: Thanks. (runs to get clothes)
Chico: While Gordon gets properly duded, I'll tell you that from somewhere in America, the I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy This Week edition of WLTI... is... ON!
Gordon: (Gets clothes on) YAY!
Jason: WOOT!
Chico: That was quick. Also quick is your friend and mine, from a future episode of Millionaire, Mr. Jason Block!
Jason: Thank you, Thank you.
Chico: Regrettably, he will not be playing.
Jason: Nope.
Chico: Awww. They got Lauren Conrad playing, though. Heh. 10th Anniversary, folks.
Gordon: Jason won't be playing, and neither will Casey, as we start this week with the first banana booted out of the Big Brother house.
Chico: It's... not Peanut butter Jelly Time. It's Eye See Stupid People time.

Chico: And this week, Casey's taking bottom banana. It's very simple, this set up. Michele and Jordan were up. Michele won Veto. Michele took herself off. Casey went up. Casey was almost swept in the vote. Question now, was this just another case of "everyone likes Jordan, everyone hates Casey?" Because I was watching the After Dark feeds on Sho2... and he had a lot of things on his mind.
Gordon: A bit of both. Casey was obnoxious around the house and he didn't go out of his way to make friends. Jordan is friends with almost everyone and doesn't mind being used as a pawn.
Chico: I'm just hoping it doesn't come back to her in the end, you know? Because one of the unwritten rules of BB play: if you get offered as a pawn, kindly refuse, because nothing's a given. That said, Casey's a little too abrasive for the house and he's sent packing.
Gordon: Casey also played stupid. He turned down getting a Power of Veto and went for a wine party instead.
Chico: Boo.
Jason: Idiot.
Chico: Bad strategy.
Gordon: Pretty much. Now forward to this week. Russell wins the HOH. This week, he can put up anyone - including an athlete. However, he decided to go put up 2 people who have wanted him out of the house: Lydia and Ronnie.
Chico: Because Julie dissolved the cliques after the eviction. Ronnie to me is a bit of a wild card, because he was originally teamed with Russell and Jessie as a loose alliance. Perhaps a little TOO loose, because I don't even think they know that they're in cahoots with each other.
Chico: I mean, who's gaming who here.
Gordon: He's lying all over the house again to try to pick up an alliance. The problem is everyone already knows he lies and if they are smart, will get rid of him immediately.
Gordon: Ronnie desperately needs to either win Veto or win America's vote to get power in the house. Based on the popularity charts on some sites, it looks like Ronnie is the LEAST likely to get said power.
Chico: That power of course, the new Coup d'Etat
Gordon: That gives the winner the power to remove anyone from the chopping block and replace it with anyone of their choosing.
Chico: 1) The holder holds the nominating power...and 2) It can be used during the next 2 weeks, I believe.
Gordon: It's like going to Tribal Council and telling everyone the 2 people they can vote to eliminate.
Jason: Ah ok.
Chico: And it can be pulled at any time.
Gordon: For the next 2 weeks. So the winner could use it now or later. If Jordan does win it, I'm guessing she'll use it later, since her alliance is in control of the house right now.
Chico: Right.
Jason: Interesting
Chico: And the result will be revealed on Thursday, since it's a text vote, and polls close Tuesday. OR you can vote on So something to look forward to if you enjoy watching hamsters *squeak in the distance* no, not yet, Fluffy.
Gordon: That's the first big event of the week. The second one is the announcement...sort of...of The Top 40 on America's Got Talent.
Jason: Sort of?
Chico: I watched this, and I'm kindasortabutnotreally surprised. I mean, this is the next level and some people didn't perform. On the other hand, you had some favorites that totally got shut out.
Gordon: I thought this was not only the worst show I've seen in the series, but this could have been a Jump The Shark moment of the show, with a lot of very angry viewers.
Chico: What happened first was that 160 acts were analyzed on the flight up. That's... just cruel.
Gordon: Not just that, but the whole process was flawed. Big Bored, please?

America's Got Talent... But the Judges Don't

- The first cut...
- America won't see them...
- Recyclables...
- Not enough variety, yet too much...
- America wants singers...

Gordon: The Subject: America's Got Talent, but the Judges Don't. Let's go over what was wrong in that episode. Chico, start us off.
Chico: First up... the first cut. They're basically reviewing what they should've gotten right to begin with. I mean, if you're going to do that, do it like Idol does it, and review EVERYTHING. Not just the first audition. Because that's basically saying "We love you, but we're not IN love WITH you."
Gordon: First of all, they cut people without giving them a chance to perform.
Chico: See what I mean?
Gordon: It's like Idol having a Hollywood round and not allowing them to sing again. You don't know what they could have done.
Chico: You show up, you get a decision, you're done.
Gordon: Or maybe the 'Good' talent could have crashed and burned.
Chico: What's wrong with this picture?
Jason: That's wrong on a lot of levels.
Chico: Just didn't work for me.
Gordon: You could have given them phone calls to do the same thing.
Jason: That's hurtful TV
Chico: This was basically an act for the cameras.
Gordon: #2. It doesn't give AMERICA a chance to see them. How can we vote if we don't know who we're voting for? That gives the acts with a lot of camera time early a huge advantage.
Chico: There you go.
Gordon: #3. A lot of recyclables in this year's Top 40.
Chico: Time to bring out the buzzer.
Gordon: I'll give you a name. you tell me where you've seen them before. Ready?
Chico: Ready
Gordon: Acrodunk
Chico: *buzzer* Season 1
Gordon: Breaksk8
Chico: *buzzer* ABDC
Gordon: Grandma Lee
Chico: *buzzer* LCS
Gordon: Mosaic
Chico: *buzzer* Top Pop Group winners
Gordon: Yes. This is the best we could come up with? #4. Simon Cowell calls to tell the judges they screwed up. Nooooooo, Really?
Chico: Give me their phone number, I could've told'em they screwed up. "Hey Judges... This is GSNN calling... you (^_^)ed it up. Trying to make good TV instead of good talent. Thanks for nothing. Love, G&C."
Jason: PS...what they said...J.
Gordon: So Chico and Jason - Is this the best Top 40 you could come up with?
Chico: Not in the slightest.
Jason: Nope.
Chico: This is what happens when you say yes to everyone... and you only have room for 40. The result, you create a bottleneck.
Gordon: But again, why not have Simon's choices come back for another shot instead of...Bollywood Dancers?
Chico: I liked Ishaara. Just me, though. But yeah, I'm looking at the roster... and it's definitely singer heavy. Not enough variety for me.
Gordon: #4. Not Enough Variety, and yet too much variety. We have half of the acts singing or performing some sort of musical instrument. We have all sorts of other acts who won't win. We have interesting good acts that were left out. I think once again, we sacrifice good talent for strange talent.
Chico: They were going for "TV good" instead of "good good".
Gordon: Canine Flying Disc Team?
Chico: It's your standard rule
Jason: Well it's a dog eat dog world.
Gordon: Light Bulb Eater?
Chico: It's why they have the disclaimer at the end of the show.
Gordon: 2 Dog Groups and Bollywood
Chico: It's not right, but I'm afraid it's legal. Not to mention of singers...another group of singers...yodeling singer...
Gordon: Opera singer
Chico: Singers with violins...a rock band with singers...
Jason: (yawn)
Gordon: Acapella singers
Chico: Kid singers.
Gordon: Singer and guitarist
Chico: I don't know about you guys but after this season, I'm going to be all singered out. And I'M A SINGER!
Gordon: But I will say this - part of the problem here is that America votes in the musicians. That leads us to...#5. America wants singers.
Chico: Which is just... bad. Come on, America... open yourselves up here. If you want singers, wait for Idol to start up again.
Jason: Yup.
Gordon: The only way you won't get singers is if AGT puts in 40 non-singers.
Chico: And that's not going to happen.
Jason: Not at all.
Chico: Face it. Simon Cowell just wants to look for someone he can make money from. Am I right?
Jason: You are.
Gordon: They don't sell many albums on dog frisbee teams
Chico: Nope.
Gordon: Or Bollywood videos
Chico: Nope. But they do get hired out to do PCD shoots. So there you go. You think you're voting for the best new talent? Bullcrap.
Jason: You are voting for the next singer.
Chico: You're voting for another singer to add to Cowell's repertoire.
Gordon: Now Simon Cowell also had a dating show called Cupid.
Chico: Don't remind me. Didn't work for him, did it?
Gordon: No, but we have ANOTHER dating show that premiered this week. More to Love.
Chico: New entry. Thanks, Fox.
Gordon: Now for someone who professes anything for Mike Fleiss, Chico will tell us what we got in store for us.
Chico: Do I have to?
Jason: You do :)
Chico: Shut up, Jay :-) Okay, so the Bachelor had this formula... One guy, a harem of women. More to Love basically works the same way, only the guy is big. The ladies are curvier and there are promise rings involved promising not to judge either one by their size. Oh and the host ate Chris Harrison.
Jason: BTW...the Bachelor in question did an interview with WPLJ this week...and came off like a total jerk.
Chico: That's really nice to know. So we have the jerk, Luke Conley, and we have his harem of ladies. One of them is going to be his main squeeze, TV willing. Now take a look at the group of women....

Chico: Nice ladies to be sure, but you can tell that a scant few of them are there for a career. They're there to fall in love, and that's a good thing. Not enough realism in reality TV these days.
Jason: That's true.
Chico: But you can take the realism and not beat me over the head with it. I mean, what would be your reaction if I had a placard in front of me all the time reading "29, 5'7, 255 lbs" on it? As for the women themselves... they're obviously not cast for their brains. Or if they are, then casting's doing a piss poor job of it. We have people getting upset for their dating history (or absence thereof), even going so far as to say that this may be it for them... REALLY? You swear you're not trying to put me on with that? Because if you are, you're not doing a bang-up job of it.
Gordon: Well, The Good; The people are taking this seriously. You won't see a model wanna-be in this bunch.
Chico: Correct.
Gordon: So it adds realism to it.
Chico: Correct. But there's actually too much realism if you can believe that.
Jason: Wait...TOO MUCH?
Chico: I mean, why does this sort of show get an audience. Because of the fantasy. And honestly, there needs to be a balance between the two.
Jason: I am sorry, Chico...but you have whining for your years that the fantasy gets people you are complaining that there isnt? Pick one,
Chico: Well, think about it, J. This is Fox we're talking. They're not known for being subtle about premise. They like to hammer it home almost to a fault. Even with ... insert hit show here. You can get the point across without hitting me over with a 2x4.
Jason: All of us have been crapping on dating shows for years because they haven't been real at all. Now, a show comes along that brings reality to the table and you piss all over that too. Pick a side.
Gordon: I don't mean it like that.
Chico: Neither do I.
Jason: Then explain it to me please.
Chico: Because in the end, it's all for the cameras. It's not for anything lasting at al. You think it might be, but is it really?
Jason: Then it is just formula.
Chico: Even at its most real, it's ... there it is, it's formula.
Gordon: I don't know. I think this could be for real. The issue I have is that it's being exploited, and not really displayed.
Chico: That goes back to Foxified formula. Which is basically "exploit the premise as much as you can." That's going to make you millionaires. Except I'm all figured out.
Gordon: It worked for Joe Millionaire.
Chico: For once just throw out the numbers and let me get lost in the story.
Gordon: And that's my problem with the Bachelor. I want to see a love story. Instead, we spend more time on the loonies who don't get to the end.
Chico: Again, they're basing decisions on what makes good TV. It's ... NOT REAL. Even when it's "real" it isn't.
Jason: Gotcha.
Gordon: The other problem, as Jay said, is the guy he's not likable.
Chico: Nor is he genuine. Or if he is, you have a problem seeing it. So that's what I think... all of it. What did you guys think?

D- D D D

Gordon: The problem here is that at least Jillian, though vapid, is likable. Luke isn't. D.
Chico: Execution... very safe. Presentation... very... Fox. D-
Jason: Too formulaic, and Luke is an ass. D. And in their infinite wisdom, network suits have decided to force-feed us this dreck until we like it.
Gordon: Speaking of asses, let's go to Chef Ramsey's House.
Chico: Previously, Marine-turned-chef Joseph was about to take Chef Ramsay outside. What happens next could've been seen coming a mile away.
Gordon: Next, Joseph was going to come after Gordon...until Gordon's security guards came over to block Joseph from doing any bodily damage.
Chico: Again, something you don't do. EVEN if you have the grapes to back it up.
Jason: Damn.
Gordon: So Joseph left - and because of that, no one got eliminated at the end of the episode.
Chico: But right after the outburst at the beginning of the episode, Tony was eliminated after ep 2's service.
Gordon: Right. Tony and Joseph got sent packing
Chico: Oh and Gordon Ramsay wants America to know that he's nobody's bitch.
Gordon: Do you think anyone's a bitch at the TCA's?
Chico: Far from it. In fact, we've got a lot of good stuff coming down the pipe.
Jason: The TCA is the television Critics Association for those not in the know. This is a big press tour for the summer and fall shows.
Gordon: Give us the low-down.
Chico: Will do. Board me.

Good New, Everyone!

- Head Games
- Seducing Cindy
- Streets of America
- American Ninja Warrior
- Models of the Runway

Chico: This one's called "Good News, Everyone!"
Jason: Ok.
Chico: Five shows coming in the next few months that got heavy attention at the TCA tour. First is "Head Games", which is Science Channel's quiz show. That'll launch October 17 with Greg Proops at the helm. One of my favorites on Whose Line and Vs. Good to see him working agian.
Gordon: I wanna go to that.
Jason: Here is the request for tickets...if you are in the NYC Audiences are being requested for tapings now.
Chico: Second one sees Cindy Margolis throwing herself out there in the search for love, Fox Reality style. Seducing Cindy will launch January 30. Suitors will range from suave and sophisticated... to hopelessly nerdy.
Gordon: That one...I don't wanna see as much.
Jason: Me neither.
Chico: Nope. Cindy Margolis is still hot though. Yum yum eat'em up. Also launching in Q1 '10 is "Streets of America" on Travel Channel, which will determine who is the worst driver in America. Why would anyone want to be crowned that, I don't know.
Jason: I don't know, either.
Chico: Fourth down the line, the one I'M personally looking forward to... G4's American Ninja Warrior.
Jason: Ah yeah.
Chico: It's basically an extension of the "American Ninja Challenge" they've been doing for the last three years, but this time, 10 Americans will be heading to the familiar obstacles of Mount Midoriyama.
Jason: I survived a Japanese Obstacle Course :)
Chico: And the best part is... it's launching THIS FALL. Think you have what it takes, here's a casting couch for you. It's at
Gordon: Very cool. Anything else?
Chico: One more. You know that Project Runway will be launching August 20.
Jason: Yup.
Chico: What you don't know maybe is that its companion series Models of the Runway will also launch that day. The winner of THAT series will work with the winner of the parent. Amazing synergy there.
Gordon: I actually think it's a better competition than models being stuck with a luck of the draw with a fashion designer.
Chico: True.
Jason: Yes.
Gordon: And it's a nice 2 hour block, sort of a don't touch that dial set. Smart programming move.
Chico: It's the Daily Show/Colbert Report all over again, folks. Package deal. This is going to work phenomenally.
Gordon: I think it will work.
Jason: Me too.
Gordon: We hope so
Chico: So that's what we have SO FAR. But keep and eye out, because more could always be on the way. What also works... a bunker that protects... beer. A year's worth. Well, it works for me and J at least. Gordon doesn't drink.
Gordon: No drinking for me. The 672 beers up for grabs could be destroyed for all I care.
Jason: That was fun :)
Chico: And you would've probably wanted them destroyed on principle. Because guess who was on the team of challengers on this week's Catch It Keep It...
Jason: Who...?
Gordon: Zachary Joseph Swerdzewski.
Chico: Gesundheit.
Gordon: Otherwise known as Zach from Big Brother 8.
Jason: Ah ha.
Gordon: Thanks (Sniffles)
Chico: In Zach's defense, he did create a Battlebot, so he has SOME engineering background. But what he and his friends had to construct was a bunker that would protect 672 bottles of cold St. Pauli Girl beer. Not my first choice, but it's not my money, it's Science Channel's.
Jason: From what?
Chico: Explosions.
Jason: OOOH pretty :)
Gordon: 3 Resonators. All of them explode. The constructors need to protect the beer from both the explosive power and the resulting vibrations.
Chico: They were given the challenge, and 48 hours until... boom time. They survive boomtime and go drinking.
Jason: I believe we are 3 for three in prizes, no?
Chico: correct
Gordon: We are. And so is Mike the builder, who also creates a concrete dome, which is more efficient, but still as effective.
Jason: Next week, they get to try to keep a Les Paul guitar from burning up.
Chico: That'll be heartbreaking to watch if they don't make it work.
Gordon: The Hamsters set up an Eve Protector.
Jason: What is that?
Chico: It's something to protect them from the cat.
Gordon: They created a 12 foot pit or water. There's a trap door with a pound of catnip on top and...


Gordon: Well, that worked out well.
Chico: Great. Now who'll run the Choppler?
Jason: I got it.
Chico: Alright.
Jason: (starts Choppler up)
Chico: Gordon, let's go.
Gordon: Roll That Beautiful Brain Footage.

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thanks, Doug. First up... we got the greenlights out of the way early, so here's some Business for ya. I need the rack of 26 bats.
Jason: (rolls out the rack for Chico) Here you go.
Chico: I'll choose... #4.
Jason: You need the rack here?
Chico: No, just the bat.
Jason: (rolls the rack back)
Chico: And in it... $25,000. Oh well.

Deal or No Deal finally rolls in its new home at Sonalysts in Connecticut. That same week, the creator of DOND, Dick de Rijk, splits from Endemol to form his own company.

Jason: Interesting on both counts

And while we're on the subject of splits, no doubt the biggest split this week was Ben Silverman stepping down from his chairmanship at NBC.

Chico: And the choir of angels sang... Hallelujah.
Jason: He didn't split...he was gently pushed.
Chico: You don't suppose it was one of those "Resign or be fired" deals, was it?
Gordon: Pretty much. Big Board, please?

The Good, the Bad, and the Silverman

- The Good: Biggest Loser, Gladiators season 1, Most of Reveille's work...
- The Even Better: The Office, Nashville Star, Parental Control
- The Bad: Last Summer as a Whole, I'm a Celebrity, Kath & Kim, Celebrities Cooking
- The Ugly: Betty. *ba dum bum*

Gordon: Subject: The Good and Bad of Ben Silverman
Chico: The good: Biggest Loser. Season 1 of American Gladiators.
Gordon: Most of Reveille's work during that time.
Jason: Reveille also did Identity didn't it?
Gordon: The Office, Ugly Betty, Nashville Star, Parental Control
Chico: It was all good. Then came the bad... basically LAST SUMMER as a whole.
Gordon: It was...until Ben took control of NBC.
Chico: I mean, Feud was good. Talent was good. But it was all drug down a mire of suck.
Gordon: There was a lot of stuff that shouldn't have made the air.
Jason: And also...the lack of a scripted ratings hit during his reign
Gordon: Before then, there was Identity, Kath & Kim, the $25 Million Dollar Hoax, and...Celebrity Cooking Showdown.
Chico: Ewww...
Gordon: I would say as a whole, there was more good than bad, and more good when he was part of a company, so I think he could rebound. I'd like to see what he's got.
Chico: It'll be interesting what comes from his new business venture and even more interesting if NBC Universal picks up any of it.
Gordon: I bet they will. That's SIlverman's strong point.
Chico: Can't wait. Bet they'll love it.
Gordon: He's had a string of hits, and NBC wouldn't want to see those hits go to the competition.
Chico: They need all the help they can get.
Jason: But the question is...can NBC come back from this?
Chico: Oh yeah. They just need a little push.
Gordon: I think they are in good shape. Their successor has helmed sister stations BRAVO, USA and SyFy to be premiere stations. There's no reason why he can't do the same to NBC.
Jason: So that means they will try to make the Leno experiment work
Chico: oh yeah.
Gordon: That I think needs to go away.
Jason: Right. But with a new regime, they aren't going to tell Jay to go away...without anything to go in its place.
Gordon: That's what you need to do - get new shows in. maybe some of these Datebook shows would graduate to NBC's schedule...

The most intriguing show is Face The Ace, on August 1st. August 2nd is Megan Wants a Millionaire and August 3 is Real Chance of Love: Back in the Saddle.

Chico: But the biggest date circled in giant red marker is next Sunday.
Jason: That is when ABC brings back Millionaire for an 11 night run.

It's joined by Shark Tank, Americas' Best Dance Crew, and There Goes the Neighborhood. A VERY crowded Sunday night.

Jason: DVR overload
Chico: Hope you have space left on your DVR for all that stuff. OR alternatively, you can catch that stuff online. i imagine it'll all stream Of course your broadband provider will have fits. Heh.
Gordon: Absolutely. let's get Fully Loaded.
Jason: Hic.
Chico: While we're on things you can plug in. Hey Gordon, your favorite show is coming to consoles!

Ludia is developing a game based on... THE BACHELOR!

Jason: Oh joy.
Chico: Can you feel the love yet? They'll team with WB Interactive on that. Expect it to ship at the end of the 2010 season.
Gordon: That's the best game idea ever.
Chico: Now if you'll excuse me. *helmets* I have a date with the wall... *runs into wall* ... I'm okay.
Jason: You don't have to buy it. Just report on it :)
Chico: Still, that means I eventually have to play it.
Gordon: Maybe they will get an interactive component and you can select from 25 different media hoes.
Chico: (plays "Pimpin' All Over the World") First, though, I have another casting couch...
Jason: Alright...

If you have a family of five and you're going to be in either Minneapolis or Phoenix, try out for Family Feud! Call 323-762-8467 or email to or Minneapolis is August 7, Phoenix, August 15.

Gordon: Good luck to everyone. And here's your hoes...

In this week's Hodometer, Kara DioGuardi has signed on with Idol, while Jennifer Lopez denies reports that she's replacing Paula Abdul....Joey Fatone puts his house up for sale, Alexis Cohen gets killed by a hit and run driver...


Chico: ... thank you.

Hulk Hogan settles his divorce, Ryan Seacrest gets a wax figure of him in Tussauds, Bob Barker goes to North Carolina to fight for the rights of bears...

Chico: And North Carolina tells him to go back to Hollywood.

Kim Coles hosts Pay It Off, We get the 40 Quarterfinalists of AGT (so far), and Jillian Harris insists she'll be married in a year. Ain't love grand?

Gordon: But none of them are the Ho of the week. The ho is...Ben Silverman, for migrating from a peacock to an independent production company. Time will tell if the peacock turns into a dodo bird.
Chico: Duck Hunt, anyone?
Jason: (cue Music)
Gordon: quack quack quack. And those...are your hoes.
Chico: Before we shoot off birds, we shoot off to Japan. Again.

Not only do we have the American Ninja Warrior, but we also have a calendar entry for August 5, the season/series? finale of "I Survived a Japanese Game Show!".

Jason: It's looking like Series.
Chico: Two hours worth of Majide! goodness. See, what happened is that they changed what didn't need to be changed. You know the old law, only change if it's to better the show.
Gordon: Sayonara, Majide
Chico: Hai. And we're back home. Just in time to see stupid people, doing stupid things. Stupidly.

Are YOU Smarter than...Joan Rivers, who wants to poop on the hand that feeds her.

Chico: Again?!
Gordon: This is what Joan Rivers has to say about Jay Leno...

"I think it's brilliant that Leno is at 10 p.m. because America can get bored more easily and go to sleep earlier. When was the last time you heard, 'Did you hear what Leno said last night?' It will be nice for the Midwest because their crops will be greener."

Chico: Did we mention Joan Rivers has a new show coming out? Yeah, that's probably why she said what she did.
Gordon: Yes. Now what network is Jay Leno on again?
Chico: NBC
Jason: She still holds a grudge against Leno for a) not getting the Tonight Show gig, b) not being on the show in his 17 year run and c) she has a new show coming out.
Gordon: What network is The Celebrity Apprentice on again?
Jason: NBC
Gordon: What Network gives Comedy Central (which is airing her roast on August 9th) most of their programming?
Jason: NBC
Gordon: What conglomerate is Comedy Central under? (Hint, Not NBC)
Chico: Viacom.
Gordon: Yes (DING!)
Chico: Who also owns TV Land, now that I think about it.
Gordon: A-ha!
Chico: And what network has said new show?
Gordon: I believe TV Land has Joan's show, no?
Chico: TV Land has Joan's show, yes.
Jason: Yes.
Gordon: So yes, that's silly.
Chico: Very silly. Then again, Joan was never sane to begin with.
Gordon: Now this week, Michael Jackson had his 3 week run at the top of the chart ended by Chris Daughtry, who sold 286,000 albunms. Not as good as his last debut, but still pretty good.
Chico: It's a good CD.
Jason: Haven't gotten it yet.
Chico: Get it. My dad's a fan of the group.
Gordon: Is he a fan of Jordin Sparks?
Chico: Haven't asked. Couldn't tell you.

Battlefield so far has sold 46,000 copies.

Chico: Umm... That's not really that good. I mean, the single's good... the album is not that good.
Gordon: It's not.
Chico: Single gets a lot of radio airplay.
Gordon: The single is doing great. Album...not so much.
Chico: But that number with the album... Hooboy.
Gordon: And That's Brainvision. Shut it down.
Jason: Shutting down.
Chico: Okay, J get out of there. It's a little cramped. Okay, still to come, we play 52 pick up, but first... Gordon has a board so big...
Gordon: Its SO big, you can serve a surfer on it.
Jason: Wow.
Chico: This is WLTI. You give us 22 acts, we'll give you a better top 40.
Gordon: Casey Kasem and Ryan Seacrest both must be throwing shoes at their TV.
Chico: Careful, it's not paid for yet.

(BrainVision has been brought to you by Megan wants a Publicist. Forget a Millionaire. Megan needs someone to spin her so she can be on more shows. 25 unemployed pitchmen come to her beck and call to see if they can be the one.)