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Previous Episodes (Season 21)
May 25 - The Season Finale So Big We Needed a Vacuum... Part 2 / List Abuse / Push or Flush (1)

June 8 - Winners & Losers / The Good, The Bad & The Ugly / Push or Flush (2)

June 15 - 40Q / 20?s: Tom Sabbatelli / Push or Flush (3)

June 22 - Chasing the Pyramid / Heads or Tails / Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews

June 29 - Ed, Farrah & Michael / Welcome to Hollywood / What If?

July 6 - Freedom / What Were You Thinking? / Watch or Record

July 13 - Characters Welcome / Excessories / Whammyville


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 21.7
July 20

Chico: Hey folks, I'm Chico Alexander... and I've taken up recycling!
Jason: Really? Thats very good of you.
Gordon: I could tell. Did you have to put the blue receptacles everywhere?
Chico: I didn't know where else to put'em. Paper... plastic... aluminum... glass... contestants! Cool, huh?
Jason: What barrel do the contestants go in?
Gordon: The contestants go in the blue barrel. The recycled jokes go in the orange barrel.
Jason: Alright. I will keep the orange one open.
Chico: Probably for the best.
Gordon: We'll see all sorts of things recycled, as from somewhere in America, the Going Green edition of WLTI is on!
Jason: YAY!
Gordon: We also recycle our guests. This week, the recycled guest is Mr. Jason Block.
Jason: Thank you. as always as a pleasure to be here.
Chico: Okay.
Gordon: And apparently, John Daly is recycling his clothing, too. What in the world is that?
Chico: Never mind the clothes. What's up with the mullet?
Jason: Yikes.
Gordon: There are many ways to make money besides looking like a flamingo in heat. For example, Chico won $10 on a World Series of Poker Scratchie.
Chico: Yay!
Gordon: Last year, a number of states had Deal Or No Deal scratchies, with the opportunity to play on TV. The results and the winners showed up this week, buried in July. But of course, we're all over it.
Chico: A lot of good play coming from this week
Gordon: And we'll start from the beginning - Monday.
Chico: Monday... an SCEL player got her chance to beat the banker.
Gordon: Kathy Nishu gives us this board in the Round of 4:

$50, $7,500, $100,000, $250,000
OFFER: $72,000

Chico: This one's easy. NO DEAL.
Jason: NO DEAL
Gordon: No deal. Coming off the board...$50

7,500, $100,000, $250,000
OFFER: $99,000

Jason: NO DEAL!
Chico: No Deal.
Gordon: Next off the board....$7,500!

$100,000, $250,000
OFFER: $175,000

Chico: She's going to win big no matter what.
Gordon: It’s a 50/50 right down the middle split.
Chico: First time I've ever seen that.
Jason: I would No Deal
Chico: It's really up to the player at this point. Me, I'd DEAL. The only question... how big are your stones?
Gordon: Kathy makes the deal. She had $250,000, but the point is that by playing the risks out, you'll get rewarded.
Chico: Big time. Let's go to Tuesday, shall we?
Gordon: Tuesday: Here's your board:

$25, $300, $5,000, $50,000, $75,000, $250,000
OFFER: $28,000

Jason: ND
Chico: No deal.
Gordon: Tim McMann says no deal - and takes out both the $50,000 and the $250,000. He walks with $13,000, which still isn't that bad. Rita Stoll is playing on Wednesday. Here's her final 4 board:

$5, $50, $50,000, $250,000.
OFFER: $37,000

Chico: No deal
Jason: I would go one more.
Gordon: Remember what happened on Monday.
Chico: Yep.
Jason: Yes.
Gordon: Rita deals for $37,000, then knocks off the $5 and $50.
Chico: Ew.That's not good.
Gordon: She would have left $50,000 and $250,000 and would have won the big one.
Chico: Yikes
Gordon: Thursday. Eric Clemmons plays the board:

$100, $25,000, $100,000, $500 ,000
Offer: $61,000

Jason: Wow.
Chico: NO DEAL
Jason: NO DEAL
Gordon: He no deals - and takes out the $500,000. He still walks with $34,000 though. Then there's Friday. Here's your board in the Round of 6.

PENNY, $1, $10, $50, $100, $200

Chico: Oh. My. God.
Jason: Ewwwwww
Gordon: George Miller plays it to the end and wins $100. Sorry George, we used up the luck earlier on this week.
Chico: That's enough for a few tickets.
Gordon: Maybe he can get back on the show.
Chico: Maybe. Or he could buy a few WSOP scratchies and try to get in the main event.
Gordon: Or earn his way into the Big Brother House, where another person has rightfully earned his way out of the house.
Chico: Yipe. It's time for....

Chico: This week, it's Braden. He was put up as a veto nominee when Lydia was spared.
Gordon: 2 weeks ago, we had a list of how to not be the first person out of the house.
Chico: Right.
Gordon: Braden gets booted, and he violated rule #2. Don't Make Enemies. Braden decided that it would be fun to make Spanish racial slurs and call Julie Chen a derogatory name that shall not be printed on the site.
Chico: Umm... ew.
Jason: Not cool at all.
Chico: You don't make light of the host. Especially one with child. She can really ruin your day.
Jason: And she is married to the THE boss.
Gordon: The brains forge an early alliance with the athletes...well most of them. Jeff is still ex-communicated.
Chico: Yeah. Something about him and Jordan just sets everyone off the wrong way. Although he swears that it Is stemming from a lack of communication. If you ask me, the fact that he and Russell almost had it out was not a lack of communication. They just don't like each other.
Gordon: Ronnie/Kevin/Russell/Natalie, in their alliance, vote out Braden. So does Lydia, while Jessie, as the HOH, casts the deciding tie-breaking vote. That looks like your early alliance.
Chico: Let's see... brain, offbeat, athlete, athlete, offbeat, athlete. Sounds like the alliance and a couple of convenient pulls.
Gordon: Sure does. Ronnie wins the HOH, so it makes sense that the people outside the alliance are going to be targeted. They are - Laura and Jeff are both up, with Jeff the obvious target.
Chico: Of course. The athletes are out for blood here. If they can break up Jeff and Jordan, then they can pretty much have run of the reigns in the house.
Gordon: Jeff, Laura and Jordan are in serious trouble early. So is Michele (the one brain outside the alliance) and Casey (the off-beat out of the alliance).
Chico: Unless they can demonstrate their willingness to be pulled, I'm calling early exit for any of them.
Gordon: I would think so as well. And then maybe they can be recycled on another season of Big Brother, like Jessie, he who hath been recycled from Big Brother 10. Or maybe they can reappear on America's Got Talent - because everyone else has.
Chico: I sense a big board coming...
Jason: Me too.
Gordon: Chico, give me a board please.
Chico: Got it.

America's Got Recyclable Talent

- Nathan Burton
- Acrodunk
- Kelli Glover
- Iconic
- Tallan Latz
- Mia Boostrom
- Grandma Lee
- Thia Media
- Live in Color

Gordon: Subject: America's Got Recyclable Talent. And now for all the grizzly details, I present to you, Mr. Chico Alexander.
Chico: Thank you. Now pay attention. Do the words Nathan Burton... Acrodunk... and Kelli Glover sound familiar?
Gordon: Nathan was cut by the judges and didn't make the Top 20 in Season 1, if I remember correctly.
Chico: You remember correctly.
Jason: Acrodunk was in Season 1
Chico: And Kelli was brought over from another show... American Idol... season 1.
Gordon: She was the one who Jason and I saw in NYC that blew everyone away.
Chico: So how good ARE her chances?
Jason: Very. She has a voice and a half.
Gordon: If she makes the Top 40, she's going to be a force to be reckoned with.
Chico: Everyone else will have to be put on notice.
Gordon: But Wait! There's more! Does Iconic Crew sound familiar?
Chico: ABDC, right?
Gordon: Yep. Known as Iconic in season 1.
Jason: Aha.
Gordon: Tallan Latz has been in the 'America's Talented Kids' Circuit, performing on a number of shows.
Chico: He and his guitar. Mia Boostrom was on LAST season...
Gordon: Grandma Lee was on Last Comic Standing
Chico: Thia Megia from a few weeks ago... A YouTuber.
Gordon: Live In Color was ALSO from Americas' Best Dance Crew, season 1.
Chico: Are we getting you to the point YET?
Gordon: So I don't think the show will have to worry about people that don't have enough experience :p
Jason: Or are ho-offenders
Chico: Moral of the story.. I think it's time for some new cities, people.
Gordon: I said this last week. What's wrong with the Dakotas or the New England states?
Chico: Or how about Minnesota...
Jason: Yeah
Chico: ... or Mid-Atlantic? Why does it always have to be LA, New York, Seattle, Miami, somewhere in Texas?
Gordon: We have thousands of cities that could be talent spots that haven't been used yet. Use them.
Chico: There you go.
Jason: Don’t hate on flyover
Gordon: Put one in Raleigh, North Carolina. Let's see Chico make a fool of himself :)
Chico: Okay... Question... who won AI at Madame Tussaud's again?
Jason: You did. By far.
Chico: Fanboy Olympics New York... good stuff :-)
Gordon: What about Fanboys LA, where Game Shows take the spotlight?
Chico: And compete to take Emmy out on a date? It's the ultimate reality show...and these shows are competing to be ultimate. Gordon... BOARD ME!

Who Wants a Date with Emmy

- Best Reality Show: American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, The Amazing Race, Project Runway, Top Chef
- Best Reality Host: Ryan Seacrest, Tom Bergeron, Heidi Klum, Phil Keoghan, Padma Lakshmi & Tom Colicchio

Chico: This one's called: Who Wants a Date With Emmy?
Jason: You mean the model hosting "More to Love?"
Chico: No, that's Emme...
Jason: Oh sorry.
Chico: WORLD of difference.
Jason: Gotcha.
Chico: Up for Outstanding Reality/Competition Program:

American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Project Runway, The Amazing Race, and Top Chef.

Chico: Let me just say right now... that I am shocked... SHOCKED... that Deal or No Deal wasn't nominated. *giggle*
Jason: Lets just say...AR gets it's 7th.
Chico: I say this, because like the six times before it, it's no contest. Amazing Race is simply the best reality show out there. Drama... adventure... Phil...
Gordon: And this season is actually the one that AR SHOULD win....which means it won't.
Chic o: I don't know. I think that's going to be hard to top.
Gordon: What about hosts, sir?
Chico: You want hosts, I got seven of the best.

Ryan Seacrest... Jeff Probst... Tom Bergeron... Heidi Klum.....

Chico: and two new entries...

Phil Keoghan and Padma Lakshmi & Tom Colicchio.

Jason: Phil FINALLY gets the respect (and the Emmy)
Chico: Again.. SHOCKED! that Howie Mandel was snubbed. :-)
Gordon: But are you surprised that Survivor got snubbed for best reality show?
Chico: This season... no, not really.
Jason: Actually I am. Both seasons were pretty good. I would take Top Chef out and put survivor in.
Gordon: I think Top Chef has to be in. They had a good season 4 with Stephanie Izzard winning the season. Based on the caliber of shoe, Survivor should be in, and Dancing With The Stars should be out.
Chico: Let's see.. Top Chef... in. Project Runway... in... The Amazing Race... in... Which just leaves American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, and Survivor.
Gordon: DWTS, for me, was a snorefest. The most exciting thing was Cloris Leachman. That's not good.
Chico: DWTS... yeah, didn't do it for me.
Jason: Thinking about it more...yeah. We had injuries and Cloris.
Chico: Yeah, again, didn't do it for me
Gordon: So for me, Survivor - In. DWTS - Out. But that's not all. We had 63 nominations for reality shows, far and away the most, ever. Big Board please?

More to Love

- Hell's Kitchen
- So You Think You Can Dance
- Survivor
- The Celebrity Apprentice
- The Mole

Gordon: The Subject, since Jason wants a date with Emme: More to Love.
Chico: HA!
Gordon: Here are other shows that got nominations: Hell's Kitchen, So You Think You Can Dance, Survivor, The Celebrity Apprentice, and yes...The Mole.
Jason: The ******* mole?
Gordon: The Mole gets Original Main Title Theme Nomination, and The Celebrity Apprentice gets one for picture editing.
Jason: No nomination for Donald's Hair Wrangler?
Chico: Sorry, J. Emmys go out in September. Now I have a question...Will Catch It Keep It get an Emmy in the future?
Gordon: We'll see what you think. Catch It Keep It has a simple premise. A valuable item is in grave peril. A team of 3 engineers plot to save it form it's demise.
Jason: The item in question this week...a scooter.
Chico: What happens is it's rigged up to a bungee cord, then set off a ramp... Let gravity do the work.
Jason: BOOM.
Gordon: A scooter to be launched off of a building. The team of 3 engineers catch it in a parachute net, saving the item.
Chico: But it's not without questions. For one.. will the rig hold.. for another... will the parachute tear? And a third... can the dude from New York stop going berserk for a second?
Gordon: The house engineer created a portable scooter catcher/ski lift combo, which also saves the item. So the engineers are 2-0 so far.
Jason: And all three members get a scooter.
Gordon: So let's start off with: The Good.
Chico: Creativity at work
Jason: What I liked about this show is that it was a team game...not elimination.
Chico: Right on.
Jason: I loved the educational value of this. They showed stats and all that good stuff.
Chico: Oh yeah. You get all the bells and whistles.
Jason: The pacing was great.
Chico: They explain EVERYTHING.
Gordon: I also liked the explanation. If you're a technical hack, you wouldn't be bored or wondering...huh?
Chico: And Zach Selwyn plays the guy role to the hilt. You know... the "Guy's guy"?
Jason: And it felt natural, not forced.
Gordon: This is a perfect role for Selwyn. And I'll compare this to Andrew W.K. in Destroy Build Destroy.
Chico: Which is along the same lines, really.
Gordon: Andrew was over the top in DBD, and it felt unnatural. Selwyn was right in his element here, and it was a nice feel.
Chico: So it's all well and good and everyone's all happy with the result...NOW THE BAD... Editing... needs... serious… work. It felt like Yoda was putting the show together.
Gordon: VERY choppy in spots and tons of overdubbing.
Chico: It's all checkerboard and piece meal and some of it was rather repetitive..
Jason: That didn’t bother me as much as they were focusing on the drama.
Gordon: It felt like they were trying to pad the show to make it an hour.
Jason: That I will agree with you.
Chico: There you go.
Jason: I t could have been a 1/2 hour show.
Chico: Yeah
Gordon: And just as a side note. Can we ever get a show where there's no zany personality thrown in just to make drama?
Chico: No. Not in this world.
Gordon: Sometimes, the unity and the lack of drama is even more compelling than the drama.
Chico: Yeah. Good luck convincing a production designer of THAT.
Jason: Can you imagine if they all worked together...made the scooter net and it went bust? More compelling
Gordon: THAT would be fun
Chico: I would've felt that.
Gordon: And then you see the team fall apart.


Chico: But yeah, it's a good enough show and it's entertaining, but a lot of padding.... a LOT of padding hurt it. Alright. good show, creativity, ingenuity... Believable.. but padded and slow. I give it.... a B.
Jason: This was one of the better efforts this year. Discovery continues to produce solid shows. But the padding and the drama was a little much for me. This is a solid B for me as well.
Gordon: If they made it a 30 minutes show, it would get an A from me. It 's still solid for an hour show, though. B.
Chico: So it's a nice little show...
Jason: Very much so.
Chico: Nuttin' fancy.
Gordon: and a great concept
Jason: The concept is unique and fresh. I would love to see this on Discovery Kids without the cursing.
Gordon: So we see a show where we recycle prizes. Let's go to a show where we recycle guest celebrities
Jason: Alright.
Gordon: And like the previous show we just reviewed, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader also felt like a 30 minute show. Jack Hanna and Star Jones are NOT Smarter than 5th graders. They both wipe out at the $50,000 level. You ready to play, kids?
Chico: I'm ready!
Jason: I am.
Gordon: Subject matter: Biology

What is the most abundant metallic element in the human body?

Gordon: answers?
Jason: Iron.
Chico: "Calciumcalciumcalcium!"
Gordon: I thought it was Spam, myself.
Chico: Only in your body..
Jason: lol
Gordon: But it is...calcium. Chico wins! Jason does an imitation of Jack Hanna and gets it wrong. Here's what does Star Jones in. Category: U.S. History

Who was the president of the United States in 1800?

Jason: John Adams
Chico: John McCain.....He's OLD!
Gordon: It is John Adams. Star said Thomas Jefferson.
Chico: No, she was one president off. I would've thought that a lawyer would know stuff like that.
Gordon: You would think, but no. Meanwhile, the Hamsters have created their own 5th grade board.
Chico: I wanna see
Jason: ok
Gordon: Let's see. We have 1st grade fur maintenance, 3rd grade Cheese Knowledge, or 5th grade hamster wheel recreation.
Chico: I'll take 2nd Grade Current events for $500, please.
Gordon: For $500...

Which WLTI member says 'Roll That Beautiful Brain Footage?'

Chico: Gordon. (locks)
Gordon: ....That's right! Roll that Beautiful Brain Footage.

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Jason: There you go!
Chico: That Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader... Five days a week starting September 21... I think.
Gordon: That’s when the new fall season starts.
Chico: Right. But in AUGUST...

Vh1 and Antonio Sabato Jr. are looking for love... on TV. It's "My Antonio", and it's launching August 16.

Chico: Also in the Greenlight...

TLC is launching Ultimate Cake-Off on August 31.

Chico: Because nothing goes with cake... like more cake. Cake cake cake. Cake.
Gordon: I got one more for the Greenlight.

Also in August from ABC - Crash Course. Think Wipeout with Cars.

NICE! Wipeout with cars. But is there cake?
Gordon: No, but I got a bat. (hands Chico the bat)

John de Mol is buying Bunim-Murray Productions, who produces, among other things.. the Real World Road Rules Challenge.

Chico: John de Mol, of course, the creator of Big Brother.
Jason: So he has a bit of cash to play with.
Chico: Yep.
Gordon: And maybe he can buy a Datebook
Chico: What can we find in it?

Tuesday, July 21st has Season 6 of Hell's Kitchen. But the day before is Chico's new favorite show...Dating in the Dark!

Jason: WOOT!
Gordon: Isn't that awesome?
Chico: Wonderful. My heart's a flutter.
Gordon: Maybe Chico should audition for the next season.
Chico: I'll do it if you do.
Gordon: Tempting.
Jason: Not tempting for me thanks.
Chico: We're gonna get Gordon some (^_^) tout suite. I guarantee you. =p
Jason: Cake. That's it. Cake.
Gordon: Yes. Chico meant to say cake.
Chico: Right. Cake. Got it. That goes into the ORANGE bin, by the way.
Gordon: I can go around the world for the finest in cake.
Chico: Going around the world for cake. They make GREAT cake in Italy

The Color of Money, the Chris Tarrant show that was cancelled in the UK, is going to Italy later this year

Jason: Let's see if it does well there.
Chico: I don't know. I mean... it had a lot going for it in the UK. Big money... Chris Tarrant…
Gordon: Crappy format.
Jason: Not with that format, thanks.
Gordon: Does the format require chalkboards?
Chico: It might.

Are YOU Smarter Than...Braden Bacha, the first person booted from Big Brother for committing a number of stupid errors and not keeping his mouth shut.

Chico: We've been through all this before. Everything you don 't do... Braden did.
Gordon: You think he's up for some Haterade?
Chico: You THINK?
Jason: Duh.

Remember Richard Hatch? The judge has decided to deny him from getting out of jail. That means no 10th year Anniversary Survivor Show for him.

Jason: Boooo. For him anyway...for us...YAY!
Chico: Awww...
Gordon: Since Mr. Hatch has nothing to do right now, let's get him Fully Loaded with some stuff, eh?
Jason: HIC
Chico: Maybe Big Brother will help him out.

Konami is releasing a Big Brother cell phone game for AT&T.

Jason: Does it come with the option for you to denigrate your opponent's race or sexuality?
Chico: Well... you can play as Jessie.
Jason: lol
Gordon: What about intelligence level?
Chico: If you’re Adam Jasinski... you might want to pass. I didn't say stop looking for work .Loser. Maybe he can look for work on the Casting Couch

TPIR is heading to Detroit, Dallas, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, and Baltimore. Three people will be flown to TV city and guaranteed a seat in the audience. One of them will come on down.

Chico: This from our friend Carrie at If you're a member of the WLTI extended family... you know how we feel on the matter. It's good if you can't make it out on your own, but at the same time, it denies other people who wait out in line that rare opportunity. And we think overall, it's a bad idea.
Gordon: That's 1 less person online who gets to come on down.
Chico: But there you go.
Gordon: But let's say you want to be in a restaurant competition show.
Chico: Depends on which one it is.

CBS Eye Too Productions is seeking two-person teams for a new restaurant competition show.

Two person teams with pre-existing relationships: couples, family, husband and wife, father and daughter, best friends, cousins, co-workers

The Skills to Run a Restaurant: Are you a pro in the kitchen while your teammate is a star in the front of the house? Are either of you a restaurant manager, waiter, host, chef, weekend gourmet, line cook, sous chef, designer, business person? Combined do you make the perfect team to run a restaurant?

Personality that Pops: Are you and your teammate charismatic and outgoing? We’re looking for lots of energy and charm!

Attend the NYC Open Call
July 21st 10am-2pm
CBS530 W. 57th St.
(btw 10th and 11th Ave. on the south side of the road)NY, NY 10019

If you can’t make it to the open call and still want to apply, please e-mail us at Please include your names, ages, locations, occupations, contact phone numbers, a recent photograph of yourselves, and a brief summary as to why your team is perfect for the show! For more information and application go to

Chico: Sounds like it's going to be on cable. But yeah, I'll bite. Gotta put all that knowledge from Kitchen Nightmares to use somehow. But seriously, it sounds... AWFULLY familiar.
Gordon: That concerns me. It sounds a lot like Chopping Block 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Jason: Me too :)
Chico: And we all know how that ended.
Gordon: Who ordered the HO-Burger with a side of hoes?
Chico: right here. (plays "Pimpin' All Over the World")

In this week's Media Ho Report, Pat Sajak gets an award from the Vietnam Veterans of America, Kris Allen cancels a Tonight Show appearance due to the passing of his grandmother, while Walter Cronkite also passes...


Chico: Thank you.

Malia Obama (Barack's daughter) is NOT going to go on 5th grader, Ivanka Trump is engaged,and Gordon Ramsay talks about Hell's Kitchen season 6.

Chico: No 5th grader, but a hell of a publicity stunt
Jason: yeah.

Toby Young is going to be 'more measured' for Season 6 of Top Chef, Sanjaya Malakar is NOT daing Holly Montag, and So You Think You Can Dance unveils their 5th season tour dates.

Gordon: But none of them are your ho of the week. The Ho is Diana DeGarmo, who will be the new bride...of The Toxic Avenger.
Jason: Congrats!
Gordon: Who's got the rice?
Chico: Wait, what?
Gordon: Diana signs on as Toxie's main squeeze for the off-Broadway production.
Chico: That makes more sense.
Gordon: and those...are your hoes.
Chico: And that's Brainvision. Shut it down, please.
Jason: Shutting down.
Chico: Still to come... things that come in Good reasons.
Gordon: But first, we order up some justice. You're reading WLTI. you give us 22 minutes, we'll give you 22 different animals in the Jack Hanna collection. Get over here, kangaroo...

(Brainvision is powered by Big Break: Turnberry. In order to get a shot at the title and the tour, you're going to have to go up against a veritable golf legend.... did we mention he was 59? AND leading? Good luck.)