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Previous Episodes (Season 21)
May 25 - The Season Finale So Big We Needed a Vacuum... Part 2 / List Abuse / Push or Flush (1)

June 8 - Winners & Losers / The Good, The Bad & The Ugly / Push or Flush (2)

June 15 - 40Q / 20?s: Tom Sabbatelli / Push or Flush (3)

June 22 - Chasing the Pyramid / Heads or Tails / Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews

June 29 - Ed, Farrah & Michael / Welcome to Hollywood / What If?

July 6 - Freedom / What Were You Thinking? / Watch or Record

July 13 - Characters Welcome / Excessories / Whammyville

July 20 - Going Green / We the Jury / Five Good Reasons

July 27 - Stick a Fork In It, It's Done / Categories / Accuracy or Idiocy?

August 3 - The Big One-Up / Really Big Board / Higher-Lower

August 10 - Everyone's An Idiot / Songbook / Ask the Doctor

August 17 - History Abuse / Play the Percentages / Pineapple


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 21.12
August 24

(NOTE: This episode was taped before Ryan Jenkins was found, so please read accordingly)

Gordon: This is Gordon Pepper and this week, it's all reality, all the time!
Chico: And because Jason Block's here... there's a little quiz show as well.
Jason: I appreciate that.
Chico: By the way, G, Fox's lawyers will be contacting you shortly :-) That's their line for Fox Reality... or something like it, I don't know.
Gordon: somewhere in Chico Alexander's basement (which is where I'll be hiding), this week's edition of We Love To!
Chico: We've got a hot one this week.
Jason: Whoo hoo
Chico: Agent Josh also joins us this week as we start things off with a dichotomy that I totally didn't rip off of a book I read. It fits into two of the stories in the Opening Round.
Gordon: What dichotomy is that?
Chico: So I'll give the dichotomy and then we'll see how it fits. Can I have a Board?

When News Breaks

- News Breaks
- Extrapolation
- Feedback
- "Not Everyone Associated with Reality TV Should Be"

Chico: This is called "When News Breaks".

*breaking window*

Chico: There are five distinct stages that we as a game show website in the public eye go through. The first... NEWS BREAKS. This is when info comes in and we get all excited and stuff. The second... the "CORE" STAGE. Corrections, Omissions, Retractions, and Errors. C. O. R. E. Core.
Jason: Got it.
Chico: The third.... Extrapolation. We basically talk it until it runs out of legs. That's what we're going to do in a bit. The fourth... feedback... that's what happens when e-mails come in and we talk about them. And the final stage... It shows us that not everyone associated with reality TV should be associated with it. THAT SAID.... Let's start things off with... Mount St. Chima erupting.
Jason: Boom.
Chico: We got the "live feed" version of the events, and this week... we got the TV version.
Jason: The news broke as we were recording last week
Chico: Yes it did. That leaves us to stage 2. She didn't walk out as she was escorted out by "the faces" She wanted to see faces. She saw faces, but once you see faces, it's game over. Thus leading to one of the greatest phrases uttered in Big Brother history.... "No need to sit down, you're gonna go out this way."
Gordon: She wanted faces. The problem is that she was acting like she wanted feces.
Chico: She was acting like feces. Kids... when you go on TV, act like you got moms.
Jason: How about acting like a normal human being.
Gordon: Or at least weren't raised in a wolf den.
Chico: The ramifications of said expulsion, Michele was removed as HOH as one of her nominees was counted as an eviction. The POV was played for HOH, and Jordan got the keys to the room.
Gordon: Now to be fair here, part of Chima's lifestory was that she was brutally abused sexually, and so this is her wall that she had when she's in a stressful situation.
Chico: But isn't the point of a show like this to break down said wall?
Gordon: Break down the wall to emotional fury? Yes. Break down the wall to the point of people destroying equipment and being removed from the playing field? no. That being said, and we'll see this in our first 2 stories also - Casting Coordination is VERY VERY important. You need people who can do it properly, and as we'll see here, neither group did their job very well.
Jason: I don't understand why you didn't have a background or mental check here?
Chico: You know, and you're going to hear this a lot... "A background check can only do so much." That to me is a copout. You got lazy. Admit it and move on.
Gordon: If you did a background check here, there's no way she gets on the show. It's a great storyline, but there's too much pressure in that house.
Chico: The house was built for pressure. That's a KNOWN.
Jason: And this isn't the first time where someone got violent.
Chico: That's ALSO a known.
Gordon: Not remotely. Tons of people get violent in the house.
Chico: There is the capacity for cabin fever to set in and when that does, all hell breaks loose. This is what happens when you have people in an enclosed space for a great length of time. Claws start to come out. You don't get a break from this.
Jason: When you are dealing with young immature people, they dont have good coping mechanisms.
Chico: Especially not on Big Brother.
Gordon: You do want some Hell to break loose (because the show is boring if it doesn't). But there's a difference between some fire and brimstone and the 9th level of Hades.
Jason: Thank you Dante Pepper :) Is there booze there?
Chico: PLENTY. What do you think brings on the chaos!
Jason: There you go :)
Gordon: The booze is a non-factor here. Chima did all these things while she was sober.
Jason: True,
Gordon: Let's get back to the point here. As a result, We have a new HOH competition, Jordan wins it and Lydia goes packing.
Chico: After she threatens to scramble Michele's egghead.
Jason: More violence
Chico: That could've been hot, err... scary.
Gordon: Then we have ANOTHER HOH competition and Jeff wins that. Up on the block are Natalie and Kevin.
Chico: Gee, who saw THAT one?
Gordon: Jeff won the veto, but Natalie is campaigning hard to get her off and put Russell on instead.
Chico: And what do you want to bet that Jeff leaves the nominations intact?
Jason: I would.
Gordon: If he's smart, he will. Right now, the house is up 4-2 in favor of Jeff, but Russell is an ally and you need him for the numbers. You have 3 duos right now. Jeff/Jordan, Michelle/Russell (Aligned with Jeff/Jordan), and Kevin/Natalie.
Chico: Right now, you're not thinking about "here and now" anymore. You're thinking about... "how many votes can I get from the jury?" Crucial error potentially.
Gordon: If you put up Russell, not only do you lose an ally, you lose a jury vote. Plus it could hamper your chances of getting in front of the jury. I think it's Jeff's to lose, but I think if he makes the play, he could lose it right there.
Chico: He's not going to. Not gonna happen. Also not gonna happen.... the rest of Megan Wants a Millionaire. And it's not VH1's fault... at least.
Jason: A little warning here. This next story is for MATURE AUDIENCES.
Chico: Yep. Now, we don't usually bring up reality shows on VH1, because ever since they cancelled America's Most Smartest Model, it wasn't worth our time...But this story is one of those stories that reaches BEYOND the game show scope. The background... Ryan Jenkins was a contestant on Megan Wants a Millionaire, Megan Hauserman's search for true love as a token wife. But then the body of his former wife was found in some luggage in southern California. Ryan was wanted initially as a "person of interest" until the police decided to charge.
Jason: He is now on the lam.
Chico: VH1 immediately pulled all future airings of Megan's show, and MAY pull "I Love Money 3" as well, due to reports that Ryan actually won the whole show.
Jason: Do you think this could be the "jump the shark moment".
Chico: Whether it is or it isn't, this is going to hit VH1 REALLY HARD.
Josh: I just think it's a darn shame (and I am being serious on this) that the circumstances surrounding these shows are going to cause their cancellations.
Gordon: I think it's a major breach of the casting coordinators. Jenkins has had a history of female abuse and a police record. How casting didn't catch that is beyond me.
Chico: Either they're going to really recommit themselves to the background search from Hell or they're going to think long and hard before making shows like these and casting "characters" instead of players.
Gordon: I agree with that. These dating/I love Money series are huge ratings getters for VH1.
Jason: VH1 is getting a lot of BAD press. And they should have.
Gordon: I don't think VH1 should be getting this sort of press though. The problem here isn't VH1.
Josh: As much as we dislike them, You're right.
Chico: Not in the slightest. They only broadcast the shows.
Josh: It should be the production companies.
Chico: The problem was with production.
Gordon: The problem is casting for 51 Minds, the production company who let them on the show.
Chico: Casting coordinators were asleep at the wheel, as is the case when they're looking for "characters" to make the show "more enticing" instead of letting the drama flow naturally
Gordon: If anything, I credit VH1 for pulling the show immediately instead of airing it.
Chico: Absolutely
Josh: Agreed. They did the professional thing there.
Chico: It's like "this is the line."
Jason: That I agree with.
Chico: You want to know what the line is? THIS IS IT. Now I Love Money 3 was supposed to air in early 2010.
Gordon: The fact that Ryan showed up on the show is good enough reason to keep it in the can. Especially since according to reports, he has fled to his native homeland of Canada.
Chico: Which makes closing this case THAT much more difficult.
Jason: This story isn't going away anytime soon.
Chico: Nope.
Josh: Here's a good question. Under the current circumstances, If he DID win the game, does the production company and VH1 have the right to take the money back?
Chico: I believe so.
Jason: If they never air didn't happen.
Gordon: Here's the thing with production, Josh. No one gets paid until the show airs. They had a story on that supposedly, Ryan asked for the money and the producers said as much. The money will not get paid out until the show airs to ensure that 1. The show makes it on the air to begin with and 2. it blocks them from paying out in terms of extraneous circumstances.
Chico: This isn't the first time funds were withheld due to extraneous circumstances.
Josh: Right, The Major Charles Ingram affair.
Chico: I was thinking Kathy Cox.
Gordon: Right on both accounts. So right now, they aren't going to take the money back because it hasn't been paid out yet.
Chico: But you know, they can HOLD the money...
Gordon: ...and elect not to pay it. Which I'm sure, if he did win, they will.
Chico: They're probably going to IF... yeah, what Gordon said.
Jason: May I put on my legal briefs for a second?
Josh: Go 'head.
Chico: Go on, legal briefs.
Jason: In New York, there is something called "The Son of Sam Law", in which a criminal cannot profit from their crime (i.e a book, movie, etc.). If Jenkins a) did the crime and b) won the show...I don't know if California has a law like that. I think they do.
Chico: He's not exactly profiting from his crime. He's just profiting from playing a game.
Jason: true
Chico: But VH1 is within their rights should they so decide to hold their cheese.
Gordon: I'm almost sure there's something in a contestant contract that has a 'Morality Clause' that states that you can't get paid the money if you get convicted of a crime, etc.
Jason: Crimes of Moral Turpitude etc.
Chico: So this is definitely a story that is going to be watched VERY CLOSELY. Not only from the criminal standpoint but from the obvious network standpoint as well.
Gordon: I agree. This story isn't going away anytime soon.
Chico: VH1 has the deal. Now they're behind the 8-ball. Something's going to give. They can't lose money on a show that they're not going to air.
Jason: Exactly.
Chico: Economically unjust.
Josh: Since you guys mentioned ILM3, would the try to re-do the season with another cast?
Chico: Possibly.
Josh: I think it would be in their best interest for that series.
Gordon: I would think so. Bring back the whole cast sans Ryan. That could be VERY interesting. You all played the game before. Now you have to play it again with the SAME cast.
Chico: Something to think about. Now on to lighter topics, like America's Got Talent.
Gordon: Let's go over what we did see this week.
Chico: Yes. Let's.
Josh: Sounds good.
Gordon: This week was easily the best week of competition in the series. Some pundits have claimed that this could have been the best week ever.
Chico: Indeed it has been. Can I tell you something? IT WAS CLOSE. So I'm going to take a different approach and hit this week's results straight on.
Gordon: One thing America did get right - Lawrence Beamen.
Chico: Bingo. And I'll tell you why. First, the song choice.
Josh: Agreed.
Chico: "You Are So Beautiful" is a standard, and as you know, America's vote skews old.
Gordon: It was a great song choice and a smart performance. I've heard the song performed better, but based on what he's got, I thought it was good enough.
Josh: To me he made the song intimate.
Chico: Compare that to BRI, who had better range, but did something different with a song that isn't necessarily about playing poker.
Gordon: I thought BRI got hosed.
Josh: BRI was great, but her song was awful.
Chico: I have to give it to Josh. I'm OVER "Pokerface"
Josh: In my opinion, people have heard the song only one way. And that was Lady Gaga's.
Chico: That's going on my 2009 List of Songs I'm Totally Over. To do it any other way would be reminiscent of playing the harp to a pop song.
Josh: Her version...It sounded like Willie and the Lounge Lizards band covered it.
Gordon: I don't disagree with that. But I also think that a factor here was a dancer that kicked the microphone from Jeffery Ou's Piano.
Josh: I'm glad he made it through, myself.
Chico: Let's talk on Jeffrey Ou for a moment. He had technical issues.
Gordon: The problem here is that I think he doesn't get in without the technical issues. The idea to do Elton John was ghastly. The ladies were a mess and so was the song.
Chico: So you're saying the vote was sympathy more than anything else.
Gordon: That's exactly what I'm saying. I think America voted to give him a second chance, not because he was in the Top 5.
Josh: If he DIDN'T get in, he should've gotten a second chance because it was one of the dancers that messed up his performance.
Gordon: But again, the problem for me was the song. I could have heard him play the whole song with the microphone and that wouldn't have changed my opinion, A song over 30 years old is NOT contemporary. I'll give him credit for skewing older to the vote, but not contemporary.
Chico: So that's Jeffrey's vote. Hairo Torres... I'm guessing he got in due to an abundance of TV time.
Gordon: Hairo Torres's routine was good. Very good. But I think the face time got him in over U4RIA
Chico: U4RIA had one audition.. then one dance off... then a rejection...Compare that to Hairo, who got a GOOD audition, several commercial bumps... and who knows what else.
Gordon: Hairo had the advantage and I think got in because of it.
Chico: Makes sense.
Josh: Hard to argue against that point. Someone's image sticks in your head if you are essentially the face of the show outside the host and judges.
Gordon: If you get the publicity, all you have to do is show up and not screw up.
Chico: Same with Mario & Jenny, who were on countless bumps, And I've heard them described as "sexy & dangerous" more times than I can count.
Gordon: Yes, but I'll credit Mario and Jenny with putting on a good routine. It was slow, but it was solid and technically clean.
Chico: True.
Gordon: So I don't have a problem with them getting in.
Josh: Agreed. They had a clean run.
Gordon: What I do have a problem with is the FootworKINGz getting in over Pixie Mystere. The decision is clearly due to prior performance and perception than the performance on Tuesday.
Chico: They get the judges' sweep. They say they wanted to put through an act that America will like.
Gordon: No. It's called they wanted to put in an act that will do better in Vegas.
Chico: And I think they're right in that respect.
Gordon: Because the Pixies put on, in my mind, one of the best dance routines of the season.
Chico: But if we're going by what we saw on Tuesday... Pixie Mystere was hosed.
Gordon: The FootworKINGz made a mess, featuring uneven dancing and blown spots, particularly the end which was botched and the judges didn't call them on.
Chico: But if you listen to what the judges say, "who wants to see a bunch of kids in unies in Vegas"?
Gordon: It shouldn't be about Vegas. I thought the show was about America's best talent. If a Vegas show is a requirement, then stop having the little kids audition.
Chico: It's means to an end all over again (see NFNS season 5)
Gordon: If you are a kid, make sure you don't wind up in the 5th/6th slots.
Chico: Right.
Gordon: Unless it's been Kid Vs. Kid, any kid acts that have been there so far have been sent packing.
Josh: Yes, if a kid wants to make it, they better be at the top of their game at all times.
Chico: So there you have it. We could go over what this means for the rest of the show, or why the losers lost, or what the winners need to do to get to the finals. But as we said... Straight forward today.
Gordon: We'll actually be discussing that once we get to the finals. We move on from AGT to food.
Chico: And because we've been good little viewers, we get double the servings.
Gordon: Yay!
Josh: Please...I'm on a diet. Can I get a doggie bag?
Chico: Will you settle for reruns and/or internet streams?
Josh: I'll take internet streams.
Chico: Good.
Gordon: Let's start with the finale of one Top Chef show: Top Chef Masters.
Chico: Gordon, remind the folks who you had to win. I had Hubert Keller.
Gordon: Me and Jason had...Rick Bayless. Agreeing with Jason worked out. For once.
Chico: I obviously was let down by the verdict. I call fix. =p
Josh: Really?
Chico: No, not really. But I was let down. I felt so... disillusioned. I mean, Hubert was on a tear. What the hell happened?
Gordon: As in the history of Top Chef, being on a tear doesn't matter. It's all about individual competitions, Just ask Stefan when he dominated the show, only to see his dessert cost him against Hosea.
Josh: Very true.
Chico: In the end, the only one that counts is the one at the end. He wins $110,000 for the Frontera Rancher Foundation and the title of Top Chef Master.
Gordon: Bayless pulls it out with a total of 18 stars. He beats Chiarello, 18-17. Chico's boy Hubert comes in last with 16.5.
Chico: Salt. My. Wounds, why don't you. :-)
Gordon: I do what I do.
Josh: LOL
Chico: So as soon as I can rub out Hubert Keller's name, Rick Bayless gets this...

Chef Rick Bayless

Josh: LOL I'm actually happy for Chef Bayless. He proved you don't need a TV show or Cook for Oprah to be the best of the best.
Chico: Now for Top Chef Las Vegas. Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... unless it involves 17 chefs, two of which are related. And... a twist...
Josh: oooh...
Chico: Now usually when you win a Quickfire, you get an advantage going into the Elimination Challenge but this season, there's a little twist.
Josh: There's always a twist. As a foodie once said, "What's the Catch of the day?"
Gordon: Hey Chico! What's the catch of the day?
Chico: You can take the Quickfire win OR take what I'm at least going to call a Power Chip.
Josh: I'd call it the Free Pass.
Chico: Robin, as the holder of the Free Pass Power Chip could either be immune OR give it up to play for $15,000.
Gordon: She decides to play it safe and be immune. Jennifer C. wins the Quickfire and $15,000.
Chico: Which is good for her. Bad for Jennifer Z, who was eliminated. The elimination challenge required chefs to create dishes based on their personal "vice". Jennifer Z's... "Hot Temper" (Chile Relleno stuffed with Seitan and Tomatillo Salsa). That's a little too hot, wouldn't you say?
Josh: I actually had to look up Seitan to see what it was. When I found out, I was glad I wasn't eating it.
Gordon: Seitan is a tofu-like replacement for meat. It's actually pretty tasty - but not in that combination. In addition, there's a difference between hot and inedibly hot.
Chico: Great stuff if you ask everyone - the show, not seitan in a chile relleno.
Jason: Gordon, I have to admit this. Top Chef is the best cooking show out there.
Chico: I have to agree. And this is from a guy who watches food competitions religiously. Well, three of them anyway. Iron Chef, Chopped, and Hell's Kitchen.
Josh: I agree with that sentiment, with Iron Chef coming in number 2
Jason: NFNS has lost many steps, while Top Chef has remained the best.
Chico: Of course.
Gordon: I'd stick Next Food Network Star in there too, but in the last few seasons, the quality has dropped.
Jason: Yes.
Chico: How about the quality of Project Runway?
Jason: Project Runway was AMAZING.
Chico: I'd say it didn't skip a beat, but I wouldn't know not having seen a SINGLE SEASON of the damn show because I didn't have Bravo.
Jason: You do now right?
Chico: I do now. SD and HD. But yeah, it seems like for Lifetime... Money well spent.
Jason: But this was great.
Josh: I agree. The show is still tight, still slick, and still filled with drama.
Gordon: It's a fun diverse cast of people. You quickly see the personalities, the forerunners, and the people in trouble. Said people in trouble - Qristyl, Mitchell and Ari. Mitchell had major problems when the outfit had to be completely scrapped and sent his model down nearly nude. Qristyl's outfit was too colorful, and Ari's free spirit was a bit too free.
Chico: Ari apparently had no vision, so she was sent packing first.
Jason: She was a bit of a....unique spirit.
Josh: Mitchell's outfit a poncho
Jason: Qristyl's dress looked like 2 dresses in one.
Chico: Purple on one side... and trippy on the other. And as for Ari's... How can I say this... Shorts BAD. Yellow and blue shorts... EVEN WORSE.
Gordon: That's too much of a free spirit.
Josh: YUCK! Just...YUCK
Chico: There was no clear vision. There was no coherent unifying theme. Ari might've thought that it didn't need one. Heidi begged to differ and rightly so.
Jason: It looked like Lady Gaga's throwaways
Chico: Lady Gaga has throwaways?
Gordon: As much as I hate to agree with Isaac Mizrahi here, part of a vision is having to sell the item you made. Ari's...thing...wasn't sellable.
Josh: Ari's looked like she was wrapped in tin foil, with a pair of blue and yellow shorts.
Jason: But the show itself was an A. Fantastic. I have a new respect for the show. And the ratings were up 32% from Season 5 to 6.
Gordon: Now after that show comes an hour special called 'Models of the Runway'.
Jason: It was 30 minutes.
Chico: Increased visibility and absence means increased viewership.
Josh: Well, Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Gordon: It shows the models reactions to what happened on Project Runway. It also shows us which model is going to be eliminated.
Jason: The model in this case was the model from Mitchell's dress, Yosuzi.
Gordon: And in this case, I think it's the proper move. You can't use a model who's measurements haven't been reported as accurate.
Jason: True. Now Models of the Runway didn't feel as good to me as Project Runway. it felt rushed and artificial
Chico: Almost like something that would've worked better as an online companion piece?
Jason: You didn't get to know the models, you didn't get drama. It was fluffy.
Josh: I don't think it worked at all.
Gordon: I liked what they did with it as a companion piece. The one thing that I would have liked though, and I'm not sure if the models have it in them - is some depth as to the behind the scenes workings. The potential is there, but we as the viewers don't want fluffy. We want drama. GIVE US DRAMA.
Chico: So you think it works, but the models are too... dead behind the eyes as it were?
Josh: It's again, brand association. If it's hooked to Project Runway, it HAS to deliver.
Chico: Right
Gordon: I'd say it was too rehearsed. The models aren't going to dare say anything bad about the Designers or Project Runway as a whole while they are there on Project Runway's dime.
Jason: I mean, you knew that the other models were going to be jealous when two went to a multi-thousand dollar gifting suite.
Gordon: Right. And I think you need that sort of edge in order for this show to consistently work, This needs to be a true behind the scenes look, not a glorified press release.
Jason: Gordon hit it on the head.
Chico: As he usually does.
Josh: Bulls-eye.
Chico: there's a reason why companion shows don't usually complement action and stand on their own.
Jason: This felt like an air kiss to Project Runway.
Chico: THAT would be the reason.

C- C- C- D+ C-

Jason: In this case, I would grade this show a C-. Good potential. Horrible execution.
Gordon: The companion show needs to be a companion show (which I think this is) but also needs to have it's own life to it (which I think this doesn't do). It's got great potential, but I don't grade on potential. C-.
Chico: Good call. A C-. Next time, try to stand out more instead of blending in.
Josh: Again, if it's branded with Project Runway, it has to deliver, and it didn't. D+
Chico: It's like I've said about high-fashion models... they'd be sexier if they smiled once in a while. Instead they just do what they're there to do.
Jason: Or had some meat on their bones.
Gordon: Well...most models don't have that sort of meat on their bones. We need to fatten this one up a little.
Chico: How about a few fat heads... Let's go to Hollywood for some...

Gordon: I think we need that - and we're not talking pictures on the wall.
Jason: YAY!
Chico: Here's what's going to happen. You three kids are going to take a five-question quiz. Multiple choice. No lifelines. I feel evil today.
Josh: Jeez.
Jason: Ok.
Chico: Question 1...

Which of these combinations of road races would require a participant to run the farthest?
A: 20 5K races
B: 15 10K races
C: 10 half-marathons
D: Four marathons

Chico: Answers, please.
Jason: C.
Josh: I'll say C
Gordon: C sounds good.
Chico: Everyone plays, everyone wins.
Josh: Yay!
Chico: Steve Nash took the completely unfun route and straight up asked the Expert, which is good. That's how you play the game.
Gordon: Doing the math here, it can't be A or D. So you could just Double Dip with B and C. So asking the expert here is silly.
Chico: Funny you should mention math, Gordon.. :-)
Jason: Oh no.
Josh: Oh boy.....
Chico: Question 2...

If you have four shirts and three pairs of pants, how many different combinations of one shirt and one pair of pants are possible?
A: Seven
B: Nine
C: Twelve
D: Sixteen

Josh: C
Jason: C again.
Gordon: 4 * 3 = 12. C.
Chico: Again, everyone plays, everyone wins.
Gordon: These are for $50,000?
Chico: These are for $50,000.
Gordon: Really, Millionaire Question Stackers?
Chico: Wynonna Judd has to ask her aunt. You didn't learn combinatorics as a child?
Gordon: Guess not. But still, she gets it right.
Chico: And so do you all.
Gordon: Again, we tease here, but as long as you get it right, you should use all methods you can.
Chico: Question 3.

In the 2009 superhero film "Watchmen," which character's costume fittingly includes a mask decorated with inkblots?
A: The Comedian
B: Dr. Manhattan
C: Nite Owl
D: Rorshach

Jason: D.
Gordon: I can't go off the board and say Jason and Chico's hairdresser?
Chico: I do my own, thank you.
Jason: What hair?
Chico: No, the correct answer is E. Overhyped Garbageman.
Gordon: But yes, It's D.
Chico: Snooooooooooooooooooooooooop Dogg had to ATA for this one. 90% went with D. The other 10 pushed the wrong button out of spite or are complete fortunate for not having had seen "Watchmen"
Gordon: Hey now. Watchmen was not THAT bad.
Josh: I knew it from the comic....Haven't seen the film.
Chico: It wasn't that bad, but it didn't live up to the hype, I thought. It was way too little product for too much hype.
Gordon: Next one?
Chico: Question 4...

Which of the following is a true statement about the letters in the standard Google logo?
A: Both "O"s are yellow
B: Both "G"s are blue
C: The "L" is red
D: The "E" is green

Chico: No fair peeking
Jason: B.
Josh: B
Gordon: B
Chico: This was actually closer to a $50,000 question, and not because Rachael Ray didn't think about it. She was Google-less...She didn't know if the Expert was Google-less...She knows that the President of Food Network is Google-less...The audience... gives it to B, but not a majority. So it's a guess at best. She goes with B and she's right. Both Gs are blue. Now you can peek.
Gordon: (peeking) Everyone's right. Yay!
Chico: And finally, the question I'VE been looking forward to. Prepare to have your brains bent.
Jason: May I preface I was there LIVE for this?
Chico: I think you just did.
Jason: Thank you.

If a euro is worth $1.50, five euros is worth what?
A: Thirty quarters
B: Fifty dimes
C: Seventy nickels
D: Ninety pennies

Gordon: I always thought 5 Euros were the only things that could fit in a Volkswagen.
Chico: No, you can fit only 3 Euros.
Gordon: Ah. I didn't know that.
Chico: Because they're small.
Gordon: The car or the Euros?
Chico: The car.
Josh: Ugh
Jason: It's A. A. A!
Josh: A
Gordon: A. Ok. Now based on what happened, I'm guessing the audience had a bit of fun with this one.
Chico: Well, Regis did. Patty Heaton, though... She's going to be reliving this question forever. Or at least until YouTube decides to TOS the user that put it online :-)
Josh: It's on It will live as long as ABC wants it to live
Chico: Meaning it will never die.
Josh: That's a big Ten-Four good buddy.
Chico: For the record... what's the answer?
Gordon: That would be A.
Chico: That WOULD be A.
Gordon: The hamsters have a Millionaire question for you.
Josh: Whew!

Which of these lyrics are NOT in the 12 Days of Christmas:
A. 5 Golden Rings
B. My True Love Gave To Me
C. Partridge in a Pear Tree
D. Roll that Beautiful Brain Footage

Chico: ... Can I phone a friend?
Gordon: Sure you can.
Chico: I'd like to phone Doug.
Josh: LOL

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: What do I win?
Gordon: You win the opportunity to give us a baseball bat and a green light.
Chico: I'll take both. First, the Greenlight.

Good news for fans of willful destruction for fun and profit. Cartoon Network has renewed Destroy Build Destroy for a second season.

Josh: Great Show, Great Concept, Great Execution for a kid's game show.
Gordon: YAY!
Josh: And I must say that Andrew WK has grown on me as a host.
Jason: Yay. Now let's get Brain Rush on there too.
Chico: I have to admit he as grown on me as well. I wish they were a little more creative with the builds, though. even more so with the destructions.
Josh: My personal favorite is the Depth Charge
Chico: I like the radio controlled C4. When in doubt... C4. C4 C4 C4.
Josh: Hey, ANYTHING that goes Boom is good.
Chico: Three seconds... Boomtime.
Jason: BOOM Goes the Dynamite
Chico: Now for the bat... Unfortunately, I have the black bat... and let's just say when you have to update the site on a Saturday... it's never good.
Gordon: (hands Chico the bat)

Dick Colbert, who distributed Barry-Enright shows during the 70s and 80s, died Friday after a brief illness. He was 85.

Josh: May he rest in peace.
Chico: Agreed. He set the precedent that was later perfected by Roger & Michael King.


Chico: Thank you. Next?
Gordon: Next up, I've got an August Datebook. Wanna read?
Jason: Yes!
Chico: I do.
Josh: Sure, go ahead.

The last debut in August, Crash Course comes to us on August 26th.

Josh: As I said last time I was here, this will be a hit because America likes seeing people fall on their tail end. Or in this case, crash their car.
Chico: It's cars. It's on after Wipeout. It'll either be really good or a complete meltdown. No modest middle.
Gordon: As long as they destroy cars the way they were meant to be destroyed, it will work. If they make it cheesy, it won't. And come on Dan Cortese, you need to redeem yourself after My Dad's Smarter Than your Dad.
Jason: Thats way true.
Chico: you gotta make us Carolina boys look good, dude.
Josh: I hope he does well. I really do.
Chico: I'm hoping this'll be Top Gear... if it were a game show. Speaking of stuff from other countries...

In Indonesia, the newest hit show is "Take Him Out", a show that blends dating with light entertainment performances.

Josh: I am just having horrendous thoughts about this coming to America. I hope and pray it doesn't.
Jason: Me neither.
Chico: Add me to that list
Gordon: What about the list of people who get to be on a Blackboard?
Josh: Take me off that list.
Chico: Me too;.
Gordon: Now as we've seen, Regis Philbin will go out of his way to ensure the celebrity will leave with some money.
Chico: Right.
Gordon: We can't say the same about the contestants.
Jason: Oh no.
Josh: I think I can see this train-wreck coming.

Are YOU Smarter Than...Ellen Gaines, Millionaires first $0 Dropout of this cycle.

Chico: D'oh!
Josh: *CRASH*
Chico: The offending question, please.

In a New York Times Election Day Crossword Puzzle, which of these answers had the clue 'Blue State' and not 'Red State'?
A. Melancholy
B. Communism
C. Outrage
D. Insolvency

Chico: Got it. It's A.
Josh: A
Jason: It's A.
Gordon: It is. Ellen said...Communism.
Josh: Not only did Ellen Screw up...It was ROYAL! When you think Communism, the first color that pops into your mind is RED!
Jason: It was a total misread.
Chico: Yep. She saw "red state" and thought... Communism. But they asked for "Blue state". Sorry, Ellen. You're going to Dirty-Rug-City.
Gordon: She can share in the Haterade. And boy do we have a lot of it this week.
Josh: I have my XXL jug-mug.....Let's have it.
Jason: Me too. 44 oz of hate.
Chico: I'll take a Route 66, please

In a story we talked about months ago, SYTWCD Instructor Alex Da Silva is officially charged with Rape.

Jason: (shudder)
Chico: Ew.
Josh: Yikes.
Gordon: We're not done yet.
Chico: Oh dear.

Richard Hatch goes back to jail for violating his terms and conducting 2 interviews not cleared by the court. . Hatch says that he's now jailed because he's a gay man.

Jason: Please.
Josh: I shudder to think what's next.
Gordon: The ACLU is appealing on Hatch's behalf.
Josh: I am not making any comment. The ACLU can be a tough crowd.
Gordon: Next...

Big Brother's Chima is getting a ton of heat. Not because of her expulsion, but because she made racial slurs at Russell, calling him a terrorist, which upset the Lebanese population. She apologized for that this week. And of course, Ryan Jenkins and the mess that he brought to the table this week.

Chico: That's a lot of Haterade
Josh: I'm almost drowning in it.
Gordon: I feel fully loaded. Hic.
Jason: hic
Josh: HIC...oop...'scuse me

As you know, the new stars of Dancing with the Stars have been announced. And then here come the new odds courtesy of The favorite: Aaron Carter at 3:1.

Chico: Then comes...

Mya at 4:1, Macy Gray & Donny Osmond at 5:1, Natalie Coughlin & Michael Irvin at 7:1, Kathy Ireland at 10:1, Ashley Hamilton, Melissa Joan Hart & Louie Vito at 12:1; Chuck Liddell at 15:1; Mark "The Chairman" Dacascos & Joanna Krupa at 15:2, Debi Mazar at 19:2; Kelly Osbourne at 20:1, And the shoe at an embarrassing 25:1.... Tom DeLay

Chico: Personally, I think the odds of another Joanna Krupa meltdown are pretty good.
Jason: Don't count out the Chairman
Josh: NEVER Count out the chairman. I've seen his work in other films, the guy moves well.
Chico: Yeah, but Aaron's got the youth vote.
Josh: But I would actually rule the favorite as Mya. She is a great dancer. If you've seen the film version of "Chicago", you'll agree with me.
Chico: Seen. Agreed.
Gordon: We'll be chatting more on this next week, but right now, I have a different sort of casting couch.
Chico: Different? How so?
Gordon: Because usually, we let you guys in on people who are looking for game show contestants. This time around, we're looking for a Game Show HOST.
Josh: WHOA!
Jason: Hello!
Josh: How, where, and When?
Jason: (gets suit ready)

Are you funny? Do you like the stage? Would you like to host a game show style portion of a nationally syndicated, daytime talk show? If you are a comedian/comedienne, age 20-45, with a hosting personality and in the Los Angeles area tell me about yourself!

Gordon: And yes, this time, Jason Block is NOT too old to apply.
Chico: Nice.
Jason: Very funny.
Josh: Thanks for the tip.
Gordon: Now maybe modeling is more your thing.


Josh: And what channel will that be on?
Jason: Playboy TV I bet.
Chico: Lifetime, I'm guessing :-)
Josh: Darnit, I just upgraded my cable, now I have to buy more? That's one reality show I'd wanna see.
Gordon: And finally...well, this one speaks for itself.

Do you feel that manscaping is extremely important? Have you gotten your back, eyebrows, below the belt, chest, etc waxed? Please let me know we are looking for guys who think manscaping is a MUST!!!!

Josh: Say wha?
Gordon: Jason Block need NOT apply for this. :P
Josh: Makes two of us.
Jason: Agreed.
Gordon: Who's up for hoes?
Josh: I am
Chico: ME!
Josh: I even got a new DJ set up
Chico: (*plays "Pimpin' All Over the World"*)

In this week's Hodometer, Bob Barker could be hosting the WWE, Tyra doesn't go extensions next season - hair extensions, that is, and show up on September 12th is you want to compete in an a cappella singing competition...

Josh: The WWE Divas better be careful.... He might reconsider that infamous "Film Offer"
Chico: HA.

Kelly Clarkson will be a guest judge on American Idol, Pat Sajak says he's staying on Wheel of Fortune, Danny Gokey is about to sign a contract with RCA...

Josh: So Kelly Clarkson comes full circle. I like it.

Steve Nash mysteriously finds his way on Shaq's Vs., Wayne Brady shows up on the Early Show to promote Let's Make a Deal (and gets undercut by Dave Price), and 20Q creator Robin Burgener talks about 20Q's first season.

But none of them are your hoes of the week.
Josh: Whooooooooooooo is it?
Gordon: We have 3 hoes, and they are all wrapped around The Biggest Loser.
Chico: Nice
Gordon: First ones - Nicole Brewer and Damien Gurganious, who get married last week.
Chico: Congrats :-)
Jason: Mazel tov.
Josh: Congrats!
Gordon: That makes 3 weddings for The Biggest Loser, and 1 for the Bachelor/Bachelorette combo. Just saying.
Jason: Not shocked at all.
Josh: Neither am I.
Gordon: Finally Daniel Wright, who was in last season's The Biggest Loser, gets to go back in the house - as a contestant, as part of their 'Second Chances' motif. He started at 454. He's now down to 312.
Josh: I like the move. His partner drug him down big time in the couples format.
Gordon: I agree with that move as well.
Chico: Nice
Gordon: And those... are your hoes.
Jason: I hope he continues on the right path.
Chico: He will. Alrighty, close it out.
Jason: (shutting down)
Chico: Still to come, I play Wayne Brady. I already have the voice for it. :-) But first, a real treat for you guys. He survived a season on Wheel. She survived Super Decades... BUT CAN THEY SURVIVE... 20 QUESTIONS?
Gordon: You're reading WLTI. You give us 22 minutes, and we'll give you 20 questions with 2 kicked in for no additional cost.

(Brainvision is powered by "Dante Pepper's Hater-Ferno"... part of a 14-part trilogy, in which an intrepid group of geeks venture from game show Hell to the Promised Land of Television City)