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Previous Episodes (Season 21)
May 25 - The Season Finale So Big We Needed a Vacuum... Part 2 / List Abuse / Push or Flush (1)

June 8 - Winners & Losers / The Good, The Bad & The Ugly / Push or Flush (2)

June 15 - 40Q / 20?s: Tom Sabbatelli / Push or Flush (3)

June 22 - Chasing the Pyramid / Heads or Tails / Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews

June 29 - Ed, Farrah & Michael / Welcome to Hollywood / What If?

July 6 - Freedom / What Were You Thinking? / Watch or Record

July 13 - Characters Welcome / Excessories / Whammyville

July 20 - Going Green / We the Jury / Five Good Reasons


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 21.8
July 27

Gordon: This is Gordon Pepper, and this week's shows are ready to eat!
Jason: Ready to eat?
Chico: (Whispers: That means they are cooked)
Jason: Ah.
Gordon: Let's get ready to dine. I'm hungry.
Chico: Let's get ready indeed. From Somewhere in America, the Stick a Fork In It, It's Done edition... of WLTI... is... ON!
Gordon: YAY!
Josh: Yay!
Jason: Woo hoo!
Gordon: Let's introduce this week's panel. From someone who I've seen eat with a fork even during a Medieval Times festival, Mr. Jason Block.
Jason: Pleasure to be here.
Chico: And a newbie, so he has to clean up all the forks once we're done... Make him feel welcome, Agent Josh!
Josh: Thank you.
Gordon: You told him about making coffee too, right?
Josh: Are you sure we're using real forks or plastic ones?
Chico: Oh, these are real. Now go clean them.
Josh: *curses under his breath*
Chico: And be careful of the blood. Augustus likes to eat heartily.
Josh: Speaking of blood, I feel like I've been coated in blood and thrown into shark infested waters.
Chico: Yeah, that's how people on WLTI usually feel.
Gordon: And we start the show not with a shark, but with chum - the chum that is Big Saturday Night.
Josh: Should I play taps now?
Gordon: Please do.
Chico: We're beyond Taps.
Josh: *plays a very off key version of taps*
Chico: Last night, despite everything that GSN will try to tell you, was the final Big Saturday Night. This coming from Ross the Intern himself... Hellloooooo! I will never do that again.
Gordon: That would be BSN, or as we'd like to put it, BS (N)
Chico: And all I can say is... Good bloody filthy wretched riddance.
Josh: Bleh!
Chico: The question now.. is how? Easy answer. It sucked. But we have about 10 minutes of segment to fill, so... here's a Big Bored. Gordon, Please.

Big Saturday Nightmare

- Poor scheduling
- Didn't know/care about their audience
- Didn't know what it wanted to be
- Not consistent
- Hosts were wrong

Chico: This one's called "Big Saturday Nightmare."
Gordon: I thought they were doing the last show on Elm Street.
Josh: It sounds like a haunted house at Universal Stuidos.
Chico: With the resident burned dude?
Jason: Yup.
Chico: Let's see how we got to where we got to. We started with a solid three hour block of game show party with two shows hyperextended inside. Basically, it was the Big Saturday Night show... with two other shows inside.
Jason: Which was THE WRONG WAY to go.
Gordon: I actually didn't mind the wrapped in show format. Unfortunately, what was in there needed to be wrapped up and thrown away.
Chico: Right. Again, that was one of the problems. They either didn't know or didn't care about their audience. It failed on every level that it could. Basically didn't give the shows themselves a chance to unleash their full potential.
Jason: It was like stop/start stop start.
Josh: Hence why GSN felt the need to give them their own slots during the week.
Chico: Right. A couple of weeks later, we go into the shows themselves beginning on time, with Big Saturday Night starting somewhere during the first break of 20Q. Then that 4th of July, we had an opportunity to be festive... no, we showed reruns of both BS(N) shows and threw in Deal or No Deal, because that generates numbers.
Chico: They took the week off to do whatever
Jason: Which was the first sense of blood in the water
Chico: Then they switched things up last week with Money List airing in its entirety... THEN BS(N) starting. That... obviously didn't work either.
Gordon: Then we finally had this week. 20Q, Deal or No Deal, Money List...and a small 30 minute Big Saturday Night.
Chico: One concentrated pile of fail.
Gordon: With 'call in and win' interspersed throughout the 3 hours.
Chico: And oodles referrals to Oodles.
Jason: Oodles of oodles references
Gordon: Oodles of oodles. You like oodles, right?
Josh: Oodles....too full of carbohydrates.
Chico: Full of something. Let's see... hosts who were just all wrong...Subject matter that either didn't have anything to do with game shows...
Jason: And from what I saw...just like a 15 scale of energy that didnt feel right
Chico: ... or was pretending to be something that it wasn't. And then concentrating it into one final half hour of "I'm sorry I'm so greedy"... yeah, you can understand why the whole package just left me sour. So that's basically why I'm saying, you know, GSN can spin this dizzy until it has a reversal of fortune, but for all intents and purposes, It's done. Over. Finito. Forget about it.
Gordon: The biggest issue that this show has is that it doesn't work the way it's currently cast.
Chico: Which is odd because if you think about it... Playmania... that worked.
Gordon: Playmania sort of worked.
Chico: GSN Live, that worked.
Gordon: I like the concept. It's a game show version of Sabado Gigante. It should work, but the games are unimaginative, poorly played and are fraught with technical issues.
Chico: Not to mention bush league versions of bigger brothers. We went through all of this when the show first started.
Josh: Plus, Saturday night is a tough time.
Chico: Very. Usually networks are filling it with reruns of stuff aired over the week, except for a few scattered new product.
Josh: Or shows that they're trying to burn off.
Gordon: Here's your problem with Saturday night. You'll get the old family folks, but you won't get the 18-35 male demographic.
Chico: You'll get kids watching.
Josh: And the 18-35 Male demo pays the bills essentially.
Gordon: So when you cater the show to the 18-35 and avoid the old people, everyone tunes out.
Chico: You'll get old folks watching. So add pigeonholing to failed execution and failed premise.
Jason: Is this fixable?
Chico: It was, but GSN didn't do anything about it! You keep doing various amounts of the same thing... you're going to get the same result.
Jason: Definition of Insanity.
Josh: I don't believe it was fixable. I just think there were too many things wrong. They would have to come up with something totally different and not even call it BS (N)
Gordon: I think it was fixable. The problem is that they have to go out of the box and completely retool it. Big Board please?

Dr Pepper's Prescription for Big Saturday Night

- Playability
- Change the host
- Game show with my programming
- Create a community

Gordon: The Subject: Dr. Pepper's Prescription for Big Saturday Night.
Josh: Sorry, but I feel like a tourist looking up at these big boards.
Jason: You'll get used to it. Dr. Pepper what is the cure?
Gordon: #1. And most importantly, playability. We need good original games. You had a good idea with the celebrity playing Pyramid with the audience. You need more of that - or Password, Deal or No Deal, etc. You have an hour window as to make stuff happen. Bring back old games from the past. Create new exciting games that we can play along with. Don't give us 2 people tethered to a bungee cord trying to grab bills and think we'll find that entertaining. Don't give us 60 seconds to make words from a pizza board where you're only going to have time to make 2 words. Who's going to want to watch that?
Jason: Not me.
Josh: Not me.
Chico: Next prescription?
Gordon: #2. Change the host. Please. Keegan Michael-Key you can keep. You can discard the other 2. And don't get me started on Ross Matthews, who was kept off the air for 3 weeks.
Josh: Ross makes a good second banana for gags. Not on his own as a host.
Chico: The only thing GSN did right vis-a-vis this series. Imagine nails scratching on a chalkboard. Not your fingernails, ACTUAL nails.
Josh: Yiiiiii. That sent a shiver down my spine.
Jason: Damn.
Gordon: Ross is too loud for this sort of series.
Chico: Or boisterous for that matter.
Jason: There is a difference between energetic and LOUD.
Chico: Brevity is the soul of wit. Ross is not known for being brief or witty.
Gordon: He's a decent interviewer and I could see him as a host on a show on Logo or Here!, but he doesn't work on this format.
Chico: No. too grating. But you know that already :-) Next?
Gordon: #3. Don't make the show a 60 minute infomercial. I'd like some game show with my programming. Oodles.
Jason: Oodlerific.
Chico: Promotional tool.
Josh: Mr. Subliminal much?
Chico: And lots of oodles, by the way. Ba DUM bum.
Gordon: Who(odles), me? Wo(odles)uld I ever think o(odles)f do(odles)ing so(odles)mething as underhanded as that?
Josh: Probably should've named it Big Saturday Oodles.
Gordon: It had more staying power.
Chico: Oodles. Noodles...err.. Next?
Gordon: Finally, #4, Create a community. As a home player, I never felt at home. in this age of online community, there should have been some sort of web section, play at home, internet haven for me to go to.
Chico: Other than Their boards? Talk with other oodle-spenders?
Gordon: A message board does not a community make.
Josh: Now that you say that, maybe they should've gone the WWE route and created a facebook-type community.
Chico: Ah. Point taken.
Gordon: Exactly.
Jason: Like the WWE Universe. Very smart, Josh.
Gordon: Create a section updated daily with games, puzzles, and other things that could be done with the site. In the mid yo late 90's, I worked on the WWE site and helped create that commuinity.
Chico: It's not hard to do, is it? I imagine with the right 1s and 0s, you can do that before the block even begins.
Gordon: You have Facebook, MySpace, Second Life, etc. You could use all of these facets to create a real gaming experience and community (and we all know there are tons of game show fans who'd be more than happy to participate) and the best we can do is a message board? Really?
Chico: Then you have a following you can track, and keep track of... and keep tabs on... and acknowledge and engage!
Josh: And you have a potential contestant pool.
Jason: Which is why GSN Radio is so successful. They have a Facebook, and Twitter feed.
Chico: And GSN Live. That would work. Instead, you get... promotional tools.
Jason: Bingo.
Gordon: Absolutely. So don't tell me with a straight face that the best a GAME SHOW WEBSITE can do to promote one of their shows (which could potentially be a major cash cow) is a message board. That's just sloppy lazy uninspiring work.
Chico: So we leave the afterthought that is BS(N) with one enjoyable playalong from last night. Let's play... 20Q! This was for the championship, by the way. Pam won the game against Patrick on two clues. See if you can answer this. It's a CELEBRITY.

Born in 1956

Jason: Huh? That's it?
Chico: Those are the only clues Pam got. Those are the only clues YOU'RE going to get.
Josh: Hm. I can't guess on that stuff alone.
Gordon: Paula Abdul?
Chico: ... CLOSE... No, not close at all =p
Gordon: Wait! I know! Jason Block!
Jason: Hey!
Josh: HAH!
Jason: I am NOT THAT OLD :)
Chico: Big. Apollo 13. Forrest Gump.
Gordon: Tom Hanks
Jason: Tom Hanks?
Chico: Tom Hanks. Pam did it in two. She went on to win the whole thing. And that's why she gets hardware.


Jason: Damn.
Josh: Man!
Chico: Meanwhile, we go from supersmart... to supersmarter....How long has it been since we've had a five-time champ on Jeopardy!?
Jason: Been a bit
Josh: A good while. I can't remember our last five-timer
Chico: We ended the J! season with one this week.
Jason: Ah, Stefan.
Chico: Stefan Goodreau.
Josh: The video gamer.
Chico: Video gamer. Camp counselor. Looks like he shouldn't know much.. Knows more than you think. They're usually the dangerous ones. And the kicker is for the most part, he knows how to play the game.
Gordon: Let's start with Thursday.
Chico: Yes. Stefan had what we in the community call a lock game. Alex calls it "not getting caught". We on the site say "it's his game to lose". And it was. Stefan had $22,800. His opponents had $200... EACH. He could bet as much as $22,399 and STILL WIN.
Gordon: There's 2 ways to play the Final Jeopardy.
Chico: Martian and venutian.
Gordon: Right. In this situation, you can A. Sit on the money or B. Go for the gusto and try to get an extra $20,000 with no risk to your title. So what's the Final Jeopardy question, sir?
Chico: The category... FOOD.

This cheese was created in 1892 by Emil Frey & named for a New York singing society whose members loved the cheese.

Chico: Gentlemen?
Josh: What is edam?
Chico: Good guess... Jason?
Jason: What is Muenster
Chico: Another good guess... Gordon?
Gordon: It's a New York singing society, so I better know this one. What is Liederkranz Cheese?
Chico: GREAT guess. Correct guess. Stefan said "Whiffenpoof."
Jason: Lieder is the German word for song btw.
Gordon: And he watched $20,065 go Whiffenpoof.
Chico: Bet $20,000... lost it... and still won. Friday's game, though... Much more interesting, because we had him trailing the leader.
Josh: Yes, very.
Jason: oooh :)
Chico: Emily Bruemmer had $18,000, got it on the last clue. Stefan had $16,400. Now Emily would have to wager $14,800 at least to get a share of the championship, AND be right, of course.
Gordon: John Munson had $8,200. That's very very important.
Chico: If Stefan bet to double up over Emily... and was wrong... He'd be screwed. However, if John bet double, he'd tie Stefan. So the best bet in this situation, and really what the book says to do, is to bet NOTHING. So he did.
Gordon: Its a great wager. If Emily gets it right, she wins. If Emily gets it wrong, the worst he can do is be co-champion, which I'm sure he'd take in a heart beat. So, Chico, the question please?
Chico: The category... 25 Years & Counting. Here's the clue for it all...

In 2009 she was on a world tour at age 69; when "Jeopardy!" premiere in September 1984, she had the USA's no. 1 hit.

Jason: Very easy. Locks in.
Josh: *buzz*
Gordon: ......
Chico: Okay, Jason? Your response..
Gordon: ..........................
Jason: Who is Tina Turner?
Gordon: ................
Chico: I think Gordon wants to say something
Gordon: ................................................
Chico: But first, Josh?
Josh: I said who is Cher
Chico: And now...The peanut gallery...Gordon?
Gordon: I can't answer. I'm too transfixed on the age. Sorry.
Jason: ROFL
Chico: Jason's right with Tina Turner. Emily... was wrong. Stefan enters season 26 a force to be reckoned with... and $84,870 richer. All I can say is September 7 can't come soon enough.
Josh: Should be an interesting matchup.
Gordon: So we move from a Video Game player who's doing very, very well, to a video game player who's in deep, deep trouble.

Chico: We could easily put Laura in the crosshairs this week as far as morons go... but that would be too easy. Instead... Ronnie gets the treatment.
Gordon: I wouldn't call her a moron as much as I'd call her collateral.
Chico: See what I mean?
Gordon: She didn't make friends or allies, and the biggest one she made was ejected on week #1.
Chico: Remember the six laws of BB we posted a while back? Ronnie violated a hidden seventh law... Everything has its place. Don't start playing the game TOO early.
Gordon: Yes. Everyone was Ronnie's friend. The problem here was that he played WAY too hard.
Chico: He was WAY too obvious as well.
Gordon: And he did. He wasn't in any danger at all. He could have hung out for a few more weeks. The problem is he started making deals with everyone and people found out and called him on it. As a result, everyone in the house wants him out.
Chico: Except Jessie is HOH and he's going to keep Ronnie as close as he can for just long enough. Which explains the two nominees on the block this week...Jordan & Michele.
Gordon: Here's the problem. Jessie is the HOH and Jesse has a secret alliance with Ronnie and Russell. He put up Jordan and Michele with him telling everyone that he's going to backdoor Ronnie.
Josh: Dumb maneuver.
Gordon: However, he put them up with the intent that someone will win the Power of Veto and keep the nominations the same, which means he won't have to backdoor Ronnie and keep his alliance intact. That being said...Michele won the Veto.
Chico: Woops.
Gordon: She's going to get herself off, of course, which means that Jessie has a dilemma.
Chico: Now Jessie has to do something. And if he does what he says he was going to do, then Ronnie's going home. Two reasons...1) Everyone likes Jordan. 2) Everyone hates Ronnie.
Gordon: If Jessie puts up Ronnie, then everyone will be happy, but the secret alliance is kaput. If he doesn't, then he can guarantee that him and Ronnie will be the next 2 targets out of the house.
Chico: So either way, he's screwed. Do we have another fork?
Jason: (pulls one out of the drawer) Here.
Josh: *passes one over*
Jason: Nice and shiny
Josh: Just cleaned
Jason: Thanks Josh
Chico: Thank you.
Gordon: If I'm Jessie, I'm still well-liked. I can easily add a new person into the alliance. I have to put the fork in Ronnie, our video game buddy - who's a moron.
Chico: Played the game way too early. You disappoint me, Ronnie.
Gordon: And for someone who's a scholar of the game, he should have known this.
Chico: Yep. He was WAY TOO EAGER. That's a killer here. So I'm guessing that Ronnie will not be winning any popularity contests.
Gordon: Probably not, but we do have some new shows that may - or may not - prove to be popular.
Chico: One... already is by its very name. It's called "Most Popular". Hosted by Graham Norton, it's what would happen if "Without Prejudice" was decided by 100 women instead of five judgmental maniacs. We start with seven women. Get rid of one off the bat, then play a series of games culminating in five more eliminations before we get to a final vote. The person with the most votes out of 100 is crowned Most Popular and wins up to $10,000. That's $100 per vote.
Gordon: The 2 episodes I've seen, the winner got $5,300 and $5,100, so the voting is close.
Chico: And you know, you like being surprised. You want to see close votes in times like this... What fun is a blowout?
Gordon: It would be good for the contestant :)
Jason: Of course.
Josh: But for good TV, neh.
Chico: Good for the contestant, bad for the audience, because it's like, okay, we know who's going to win. Click. So the players play a key role in why this show succeeds where it does, because they want to win, and they're going to pull out all the stops to do so.
Gordon: The Good; If you like Without Prejudice, you'll like this. I also like the lie detector when it gets to the final 2.
Chico: Ah, the Awkward Truth round.
Gordon: The Moment of Truth, so to speak.
Chico: That's a pretty decent set up. Yes or No questions... and a lie detector says true... or false...or... in a first... INDETERMINATE.
Gordon: And Indeterminate is more realistic, if you ask me. I'm glad they have that option.
Chico: Host also plays a key role, because Graham Norton is just... a wiseass.
Jason: But he has always been one. Not unusual.
Chico: No, but entertaining.
Josh: Go back to his show on Comedy Central a few years back.
Gordon: I think Graham plays the host role better than Dr. Ludwig, who was the host of Without Prejudice.
Chico: Like that's hard?
Gordon: I thought Robi did a good job. I think Graham does it better. Now let's go to The Bad.
Chico: Right. On that same token, if you DON'T like Without Prejudice... you're not going to like this, because it's more or less the same game without the high manufactured drama. Also, it seems like some people... they're trying too hard, not being themselves.
Josh: Well, you'll get that everywhere you go.
Gordon: I think it's just playing the game.
Chico: They play the game, and so do the audience. It's a very equal opportunity game experience. No person left behind... well, maybe that first unfortunate soul voted out in the first minute or so.
Gordon: The players trying to play the audience the same way the audience plays the contestants. So let's grade this.


Chico: Alright. It's a lot faster than WP, and a lot less serious, and it doesn't hide behind a pretense... A-.
Gordon: I liked the concept before and I like this as well. If anything, I actually think it's done better here. And right now, my favorite game show of the Summer is on WE. A.
Chico: Weeee!
Jason: I didn't see it. But now I will.
Josh: Unable to see it so I will recuse myself from a vote.
Chico: Okay. Did anyone see Dating in the Dark?
Josh: I have
Chico: You know... every so often, there comes a show that's both provocative and entertaining. Until that show comes round again, there's Dating in the Dark.
Josh: Bleh
Chico: Which is essentially a 58-minute sex tape with commercials.
Gordon: But Chico! I have your contestant application right here! (Gives Chico the application)
Chico: Shred it.
Josh: (sticks it in the shredder) Is this what television has gone to?
Gordon: The show features 3 guys and 3 girls dating in a dark room. We have a series of dates with these people. These people then vote on who they think their match is. Finally, the couples have a choice to determine if they want to see each other after the show. Rossi Morreale is the host. Between Temptation and this, Rossi has been making great hosting career choices as of late, hasn't he?
Jason: Joyous.
Chico: I almost want to say "Hey, Rossi... Brother... I don't know who's been making your career decisions as of late... but they need to be fired." He had one good show... and left it.
Josh: Nope. He does a capable job, but not memorable. For a reality host, most times all you need to do is stay out of the way, imho.
Chico: Right. Unless you're Chris Harrison, who's adept at meddling :-) But continue.
Josh: I saw more of the daters than the host, which was ok. He was just there to advance the game elements.
Chico: Which is what a host has to do, ultimately.
Josh: Ultimately.
Chico: But he just does it so... plainly.
Josh: Hence my comment of why it's not memorable.
Chico: At least try to look like you're not phoning it in. So the show's not memorable... the host's not memorable.. and the contestants aren't memorable. Is there ANY good in this show?
Josh: The concept. I mean, their heart's in the right place with the whole "Love is blind" contest.
Chico: Right.
Josh: But it's tough to show that on a medium that essentially relies itself on sight.
Jason: But the execution seems (from what you say) fraught with missteps
Chico: Amazingly enough, only one person said no. On one hand, you have to admire their guff to say no on national television, instead of, you know, couple of times here and there, then it's over.
Jason: See: The Bachelor et al
Chico: On the other hand... why do we need this again?
Gordon: So the good: I did like the concept, believe it or not. It was an interesting spin. I also liked the fact that it's about love, and not money or being a media ho. The Bad: The execution.
Chico: Execution...execution...execution...
Gordon: What Chico said. The vapidness of the contestants didn't help.


Chico: An ideal reality show is usually 20% concept, 80% execution. Hence, therefore, and for that reason.... I give it a D.
Josh: I'll give it a D+....The plus for a Good Concept.
Gordon: It's like 2 minute dating with a dark closet. It's interesting and fun for the first 90 seconds, but an hour in and everything looks the same and you don't want to be there anymore. D.
Chico: Like speed dating in Metal Gear Solid.
Jason: ROFL
Chico: We're all grumpy right now... how about we cheer up by going back to school, huh?
Gordon: Sounds fun to me. Let's go to school.
Chico: Last week on 5th Grader, we had Bill Goldberg and Sugar Ray Leonard. One of them got past the milestone. The other.... not so much. Here's Sugar Ray's $100,000 question. The Subject: 4th Grade US Geography's the category.

Dormant volcano Mount Hood is located in what US state?

Jason: What is Idaho?
Josh: Pure guess...Washington.
Chico: And... Peanut Gallery Gordon.
Gordon: I thought it was simple. Grandmother's House.
Chico: That's not a state, dummy! :-)
Gordon: When Little Red Riding Hood shows up and doesn't bring enough goodies, Granny blows her stack.
Jason: ROFL
Chico: Speaking of blowing stacks... that's NOT what Sugar Ray does. He quits at $50,000.
Josh: Smart Fella.
Chico: That'll go to Juvenile Diabetes.
Jason: Very cool
Chico: The answer was Oregon.
Jason: Oops.
Josh: Yikes. Thankfully, I don't have to admit that I am not smarter than a fifth grader.
Chico: No, but Bill Goldberg might.
Josh: Bill Goldberg.....I want to insult his wrestling career but it was too short to form an insult.
Jason: lol
Chico: the category is 2nd Grade Spelling.

The plural form of the word "Quiz" has how many letters?

Chico: Answers?
Jason: 7
Josh: Seven, the natural
Chico: Gordon?
Gordon: I can't think of anything smart-assy, I'll go Q-u-i-z-z-e-s, which would be 7.
Chico: You know how Goldberg spelled it? q-u-i-z-e-s.
Josh: *bell dings* I'm sorry, you're out of the spelling bee.
Jason: Too many chair shots to the head
Josh: Agreed.
Josh: I think he used his peek before that point.
Chico: Oh, and he couldn't get bailed out because Bryce ALSO had 6.
Josh: OH MY!
Jason: Ouch.
Gordon: So Bill is as smart as Bryce.
Chico: That's just nice.
Josh: That ain't saying much.
Chico: Ha. But Progeria Research Foundation gets $25,000 for him just being there. Still... I need another fork.
Jason: Josh, it's in the drawer.
Josh: *Passes the last of the clean forks over* All we got left are plastic ones.
Chico: And the hamsters are delivering it away. Now into the Choppler, we've got news to deliver.
Gordon: Roll That Beautiful Brain Footage

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Josh: Can I just say right now, I am jealous of Doug's voice?
Chico: Of course. I'm sure he'll like it. Okay, Gordon, why don't you kick it off.
Gordon: Sure. I'll kick it off with a Datebook.
Jason: Cool.

We have MORE dating shows this week. Tuesday (More To Love) and Sunday (Megan wants a Millionaire). However, the show we want to see is on Saturday - Face the Ace.

Chico: Yay.
Jason: Big time baby.
Chico: Poker. Money.
Jason: Steve Schirripa :)
Chico: What's there not to like?
Gordon: Though I know deep down Chico can't wait to watch Megan date a millionaire.
Jason: Or More to Love
Josh: Owch!
Chico: Now More to Love, I'll give an honest chance to.
Gordon: Chico has the hots for Megan
Chico: Megan Wants a Millionaire... It's Media Ho meets Media ho wannabes.
Josh: I have to agree with Chico. Can VH-1 just STOP with the pseudo-celeb dating show spinoffs?
Chico: Good luck. I've been barking up that tree for years.
Josh: It's so bad, I want to eat grass.
Chico: Alrighty.
Gordon: If you keep watching, they keep making.
Chico: Hold that thought while I get the baseball bats.

Two summer shows have been given the greenlight to return... get this... next SUMMER. The two lucky shows: America's Got Talent and Wipeout.

Josh: Both good choices and have become summer trademarks for their networks.
Chico: Yep. Fox could learn a thing or three from them. Yes, this is another thinly veiled barb at SYTYCD in teh fall.
Gordon: I'm glad some of the networks realized that a Summer hit should be in the summer. if you remember, the original America's Got Talent showed up in the Winter, but AGT really didn't find itself until the Summer.
Chico: And now NBC has the biggest non-baseball hit of the summer. Who'd've thought!
Gordon: And they are wise to keep it there. What other shows have had hits in the Summer only to see it die in the Winter?
Jason: Power of 10
Gordon: Last Comic Standing. Million Dollar Password. American Gladiators.
Chico: does Weakest Link count?
Gordon: Sure. Weakest Link.
Josh: Weakest Link was more overexposure.
Chico: But the whole timing issue... didn't help.
Gordon: True. Gladiators was a hit in the winter thanks to the strike, but they should have kept it in the Summer.
Chico: So there you go. Oh, and we have another greenlight.

Head Games. Science Channel. Greg Proops. October 17. Combined... it makes me tingle.

Josh: Proops was good as the VS host, and as we've seen on Whose Line, he's good at improvising.
Jason: Science Channel has a hit with Catch It Keep It in my opinion
Chico: Yep. Good stuff.
Josh: Proops is one busy guy, isn't he?
Chico: I believe Discovery Networks may be three for three here. They're smart people.
Gordon: That's true. What about dumb people?
Josh: I'll grab my slate board.
Chico: That's your department, G. :-)
Gordon: It is...

Are YOU Smarter than...Bill Goldberg. It's spelt Q-U-I-Z-Z-E-S, Bill.

Jason: Wow. Just wow.
Chico: Two times.
Gordon: And Bill, if you're upset and need to take your anger out on someone, I live in North Carolina. My address is...
Chico: OKAY!
Jason: ROFL
Chico: That's enough out of you.
Josh: ROFL
Chico: Don't make ME pass out on the Haterade. =p Spread it out.
Gordon: I'll spread it out. Who wants some?
Josh: I'll give it a try...what's it taste like?
Chico: ... Tastes like vile.

We start with Hell's Kitchen, where we get 3 physical altercations between the contestants, and then Joseph threatening Gordon Ramsay to punch his lights out.

Josh: On most reality shows, wouldn't that mean an automatic DQ?
Chico: I believe making a physical threat to the host is a DQ, but that's just me.
Gordon: We get a 'To Be Continued' after Joseph goes after Ramsay, complete with firing his jacket and hitting Ramsay with it.
Chico: Joseph wants to step. Not. A Good. Idea.
Josh: I think we saw this on another cooking reality show. (See: Season 1 Top Chef). At least one chef arguing with the head chef of the show.
Chico: Security will regulate that ass.
Gordon: That's a bad idea. Here's another one.

I know we talked about it before, but with countless hours of advertising spent on a new show that doesn't last 2 months, Big Saturday Night needs to be here. And so does this guy.

Josh: AUGH!
Jason: Scary.
Josh: *hides behind Jason*
Chico: It's okay. They'll make up the loss in WorldWinner money. They hope.
Josh: Is he gone?
Chico: For now.
Josh: *whew*
Chico: He's gone to play DOND. It's how he gets loaded.
Jason: HIC

Worldwinner and Endemol are release a new cash game of Deal or No Deal. It'll be available Q4 2009 on

Josh: I've seen a British DoND cash game advertised. Is it very popular over there?
Chico: I'd think so if they would venture a stab at it here. But then again, does a lot of very popular cash games. WoF, TPIR, Catch 21, Money List. Family Feud. It's actually pretty sweet deal for GSN, who's getting mileage off of the reruns... and the new eps this fall... and turning it into revenue.
Jason: Profit.
Josh: Yup.
Jason: When their site is up 638%
Gordon: It is very sweet. What's even sweeter is that applications for real live games are booming. And we start this session of The Casting Couch with...the big one.
Jason: This is nuclear big.
Josh: *a la match game* HOW BIG IS IT?
Chico: It's SO BIG... and no, that's not the GSN press talking =p
Gordon: No it's not.

If you want to be on The MILLION DOLLAR PYRAMID, email your info to

Josh: This should be good.

If you want to be on The Newlywed Game (not as big as Pyramid, but still fun), email your info to

Jason: Season 2 will in be in CA, not NYC, probably to accommodate Carnie and her new daughter.
Chico: More than likely, yeah.
Gordon: But that's not all
Chico: REALLY?
Josh: But wait, THERE'S MORE!

Would you like to diet with the stars in a non-elimination competition? If so, go here:

Gordon: Maybe you'd prefer to play Head Games with Greg Proops in NYC.

If you want to do that, go here:

Jason: Wow. Lots of casting
Chico: Wow indeed.
Gordon: But wait! If you order, now, you can get Greek Hotties!
Jason: Greek hotties how?
Josh: Definitely not a Gyro-making contest.
Chico: Where are you hiding the Greek hotties, man?

You can play 'The Sexiest Catch', which is the search for the hottest person, but with a twist; your job isn't to be the hottest person, but to find the hottest person and bring them in to be judges. And you get to go to Greece to do it. If that turns you on, go here:

Josh: I thought we were going to Greece.
Gordon: You are. The show's going to be taped there.
Josh: THERE WE GO! :-)
Jason: WOOT! Moussaka for everyone
Chico: I'll take a trip to Greece.. sample the culture... the food... the ladies...
Gordon: Finally...

Spike TV is looking for America's Biggest A-Hole. If you think you can do it and if you want to go to Chicago, go here:

Jason: got this.
Gordon: I don't live in the Chicago area. So sorry. I do have media hoes though. Who wants some?
Jason: I do!
Chico: I do! *plays "Pimpin' All Over the World"*

In this week's Media Ho Report, Brooke Burns moves to Melrose Place, Ethan Zohn fights cancer, Carrie Ann Inaba decides to be a Broadway Producer...

Josh: Much luck to Ethan!
Jason: Continue to get better, Ethan
Chico: We're all cheering you on!

Melissa Rycroft shows up on The Bachelorette Finale, Paula Abdul gets an offer from So You Think You Can Dance, Andrew Lloyd Webber pulls out of the reality game business (for now)...

Josh: I would say that Webber's really useful grou= p isn't putting out any really useful reality competitions.

Kirk Fogg (Legend of the Hidden Temple) puts his house up for sale, Gordon Ramsay's wife auditions for Dancing on Ice, and Les Lyle passes.


Chico: ... Thank you.
Gordon: But none of them are your hoes of the week.
Josh: Whooooooooooo is it?
Gordon: They are...Evanescence
Josh: :O
Jason: How?
Gordon: First of all, they are working with Allison Iraheta of American Idol fame. Then it's found out that they are splitting up into a new band, called 'We Are The Fallen'. The lead singer for the band? Carly Smithson.
Chico: I KNEW IT!
Josh: Oh my.
Gordon: And Those...are your Hoes.
Chico: And now we go to Spain...

...where they're setting up their OWN version of "The Whole 19 Yards".

Jason: Yup. They are.
Chico: Spain's Antena 3 is now airing "Los Ultimos 20 Metros"... and we're still waiting on CBS to give us OUR version. Come on, CBS. I know you have it in you.
Gordon: They do, but we have no more BrainVision in us. Shut it down.
Jason: (Shutting down)
Chico: Still to come.. things that may be accurate... or not. But first, Gordon?
Gordon: First up, we indoctrinate Josh into the evils of combat. You're reading WLTI. You give us 22 minutes, we'll give you 22 chefs who don't know how to cook out of a paper bag.
Jason: My stomach is not growling.

(Brainvision is brought to you today by Cup Oodles. They're tasteless... the soup's kinda watery... and they have little to no nutritive value...Grab a whole caseload!)