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Because fandom is NOT a spectator sport...

Today is

August 27, 2007

Gordon: This is Gordon Pepper, and we find out this week what happens when people stop being polite and start being real.
Chico: Yeah... Real weird.
Gordon: Being real includes destroying cigarettes, sticking your hands in inanimate objects and winning a million dollars for it, and winning another competition that no one really cares about.
Chico: Wait... Who's sticking their hands in what?
Jason: Excuse me?
Rob: WHA?
Gordon: Add to that what happens when radio personalities have too much money and people who like to mediate while in a trivia competition, and you have our opening lineup. From somewhere in Terry Fator's now-full wallet, We Love To!
Jason: YES! I love it every week!
Chico: Alongside Gordon Pepper, I'm Chico Alexander, and now we get to intro the guests..
Gordon: Chico is the Statler to My Waldorf. Playing the role of Animal - Jason Block.
Gordon: And also joining us, our own Beaker, Mr. Rob Seidelman
Chico: And finally the arena is Rowlf the dog, Joe Mello.
Gordon: Now Statler, what do we have going on today?
Chico: Well, we've got a lot of stuff going on, so let's get right down to it. First of all, how do you go from Jen-tal to mental in 30 seconds? Ask Dick.
Gordon: Find out you're being back-doored
Jason: Excuse me? :-)
Chico: I'll field this one. This week's veto was used to put Jen on the block against Jameka on Big Brother, just like the plan called for. Soon as Jen realized this (it took a while), basically, she was resigned to the fact that she's going home.
Jason: and America breathes a sigh of relief
Gordon: BUT...Jen wasn't going to go home without causing havoc in the house on the way
Chico: Said havoc: finding (and breaking and dousing with bleach) Dick's smokes... and violating her food restriction.
Jason: How did she violate it?
Chico: How DIDN'T she violate it? Turkey burgers anyone?
Gordon: The penalty for destroying Dick's cigarettes was Dick taking her clothes and hiding them all over the Big Brother house. The penalty for eating food instead of slop - a penalty vote.
Chico: Assessed by Big Brother himself.
Rob: Wow.
Jason: What is a penalty vote?
Gordon: An automatic vote against her
Rob: Exactly what Gordon said.
Gordon: She gets booted from the house 6-0, instead of 5-0
Jason: Has that ever happened before?
Gordon: Not in the US Version.
Jason: a Historic meltdown.
Rob: A meltdown of both epic and historic proportions
Gordon: But before she left the house, she still tried to convince the houseguests that the producers were going to save her (they didn't) or America was by showing them her breasts. They didn't, either, but they were real.
Chico: And they were fantastic.
Jason: Hey we got boobs. (applause.)
Gordon: We got lots of boobs - one of the unaired challenges involved the guests getting nekkid
Chico: Showtime footage :-)
Rob: We could see that on Real Sex soon.
Gordon: as for the results of one of the challenges...we'll get to that later on in the show.
Chico: Right now, the next move. Jessica is now the HOH, meaning that at least Amber's on the block.. assuredly.
Gordon: Up on the Block - Amber and Zach. Eric has been told by America to get rid of...Amber.
Chico: That seems about right. After all, Amber's outlived her usefulness and is a contender to go further in the game than anyone else, SAVE Jessica.
Gordon: True. If you've seen the Big Brother website, do you know who the most popular houseguest is?
Jason: No.
Chico: Who?
Gordon: Evil. Dick. 40% want him to win.
Jason: Wow.
Chico: Only 40? Wow.
Rob: Exactly.
Joe: Is it because he's evil or he's Dick?
Jason: Isn't that sort of a "we want Sanjaya" vote?
Gordon: Second is Daniele, followed by the rest. Evil has played the game - and he's by far the most entertaining person in the house.
Joe: If I give the viewership any credit, it's because they want something different. How often does the evil dude make it to the end game?
Chico: I'm with Joe on that one. Everyone loves a bastard...
Gordon: Actually, in Big Brother, a number of times. Will won the whole thing in BB2, while the evil duo of Jun and Allison got to the end in BB5. And lets not forget Chilltown's Mike Boogie, who won All-Stars.
Rob: Yup.
Joe: The only thing is, if the housemates have any say on the final, I'd say Dick is boned.
Gordon: I think it depends. I think Dick can win against Amber or Eric or Zach.
Jason: But if Jessica makes it...she has it.
Gordon: I think its Jessica's to lose
Joe: If only Dick was America's Player....
Rob: Isn't that what we talked about a couple of weeks ago that the producers wanted Eric to win?
Jason: Wanted or is trying to shove down our throats?
Joe: I thought it was just to keep him around, not necessarily win.
Gordon: I think it's to keep him around to be honest.
Chico: I'd have to say keep around. Just to advance the twist. Because otherwise, what else is there?
Joe: Power of 10
Chico: Yeah, we all just agreed to that.
Gordon: Though I find something interesting as to what Chico dug up. Chico, tell us what you dug up
Chico: Yeah, interesting thing.  I posted it to our Myspace. ... Apparently according to the FCC, Big Brother is not a game show. It's entertainment only on the same level as pro wrestling as the result is either in full or in some part predetermined.
Jason: Say what?
Chico: So on a federal level, it satisfies the "show" argument, but not the "game".
Rob: So, that gives the producers the right to rig it however they want it.
Gordon: Exactly
Chico: Because they figure that they're doing it anyway.
Rob: That my friends, is 100% unadulterated Mickey Mouse BULL!
Gordon: Very smart move by Big Brother, as it allows them to influence the houseguests and make it legal.
Chico: Legal, on the other hand, doesn't mean right. I mean, if this is a competition, it should be treated as such, not as a soap opera first, you know?
Gordon: So basically, what it's saying is 'welcome to the game. You can play, but if you're not entertaining enough, don't be surprised if we try to get you out of the house.'
Rob: I guess they're learning from Big Brothers of old. But, then again The last few seasons weren't very entertaining anyways.
Jason: Which means that any reality show can be some way...shocking.
Chico: Evil, yes. Underhanded, yes...
Gordon: The ratings have been sliding since BB5. If that's what they need to move up the ratings, so be it. That being said, Chico, what are this years ratings compared to last years?
Chico: All I know right now for certain is that it was beaten on the first week by a rerun of 5th Grader. And this week it was beaten by the finale of AGT, which we'll also get to later. AND in past weeks it was beaten by Talent/Bee on Tuesdays and Don't Forget the Lyrics on Thursdays. Process from that what you will while I get some hard data.
Rob: At least 5th grader can get exciting and entertaining at times, more often than Big Brother. Or, people just love to watch stupid people act stupider on a quiz show.
Jason: Hooray Stupidity!
Chico: Face it. Big Brother, in the 4-5 range... is starting to show its age.
Gordon: But the ratings have improved on a year to year basis.
Chico: But it's having to work to attain supremacy.
Joe: Well, I know it's not network, but it's been noted on this very site that Family Feud hasn't exactly been a ratings grabber and yet it's still going strong in syndie land.
Rob: That's because the expectations of Syndication are much lower than that of a Primetime slot.
Chico: Yeah. But you're talking two different beasts. Feud is easy to produce relative to Big Brother.
Gordon: Big Brother has been consistently in the Top 10 in the all-important 18-49 male demographics. It will stick around for a renewal for next summer.
Chico: But it hasn't been on the top 20 of total viewers THAT much.
Rob: And it costs a lot of money to furnish 1 BB House with all of the cameras, equipment and amenities.
Chico: Yep. That and anything out of budget for Feud can be written off using the file marked "American Idol money". It's a big file :-)
Gordon: But one thing we haven't seen yet on big Brother - hand puppets and ventriloquists.
Chico: More people wanted to see ventriloquists and Muppets than did Jen going absolutely ape-s(^_^) insane. Fancy that. But still, congratulations to Terry Fator for proving that America's got talent... even though the Hoff... well.... didn't.
Gordon: First of all, David Hasselhoff was PAINFUL to listen to. I would have rather seen Set For Life than to be hassled by The Hoff.
Chico: I think this is one of those times where dynamism wins out over same-old-same-old, you know? I mean, how many singers have we seen this year ALONE?
Rob: Wasn't there like about 10 in the finals this year? And only about 1-2 were worthy of taking it all.
Chico: I defer to the half of the recap team that's actually here :-)
Rob: And none could have matched up to Bianca Ryan, last years winner.
Chico: But then you combine the singing with something else and immediately you stand out.
Rob: Exactly.
Chico: Case in point, another favorite.. Butterscotch. Combining the singing and the beatboxing... Again, something new... for this competition. Anyone remember the other two finalists?
Rob: Nope.
Gordon: Julienne Irwin and Cas Haley. I think what separated Terry from anyone else was the fact that he did a lot of variety.
Chico: I just said that. Using one big word :-)
Gordon: I think this format now favors the musicians because they can sing lots of different formats, while the other performers who have to perform 5 or 6 times don't have as much original stuff in their repertoire. I think Butterscotch was close, but she's too young. Cas Haley could have won if he gave us more than just white reggae and R&B. I agree with Rob though - I think Bianca Ryan, if she was in the competition, probably blows both of them away.
Jason: I do agree.
Chico: Well, that's true... She's a little firecracker there... See, all the top 4 were musically inclined, but if you see the order in which they placed, you can understand by Terry won it.
Rob: Yeah, I said that.
Gordon: Same, and I think that Julienne's presence in the Top 4 hurt Butterscotch, as that split the kiddie vote.
Chico: Also why those two took the bottom two. If you look at... well, let's use the Board.

Me Plus One

- 4th Place: Julienne - singer...
- 3rd Place: Butterscotch - ... and beatboxer
- 2nd Place: Cas - ... and guitarist
- Winner: Terry - ... and ventriloquist

Chico: The title... Your Plus One. 4th Place: Julienne... Singer... That's it.
Gordon: And a very raw singer at that
Chico: 3rd Place: Butterscotch... Singer... and beatboxer... and liked bananas. (Doctor Who reference of the day. Heh)
Jason: Ok
Gordon: Butterscotch needed to be diverse also. She stayed in R&B, and although she was very impressive, the other 2 performers outstyled her.
Chico: Butterscotch had one leg up on Julienne, in that she was a variety performer. But the two guys had BOTH of them beat. 2nd Place: Cas... Singer and guitarist who could do one or two different styles. 1st Place: Terry... singing ventriloquist who could do anything.
Joe: So does this mean Vaudeville is coming back? Or at least one-person Vaudeville?
Chico: I wouldn't go that far. :-) We'll see what next year's crop of hopefuls bring.
Gordon: The return of Vaudeville, Burlesque, and Michelle L'Amour :-)
Joe: I'll buy that last one.
Chico: We've had a puppeteer and a singer. What else is there but a dance troupe, a 12-year-old comedian, and an a cappella chorus from the inner city.
Joe: Hey, a cappella choruses from the inner city helped shape an entire genre of music.
Rob: Uh, I got odds on that Leonid the Sucktastic comes back too.
Gordon: What about a director who wins a million dollar contract and no one cares?
Jason: What did you say, Gordon?
Rob: There was a director show on TV? And they won a million dollars?
Gordon: Yeah...there was...sort of.
Joe: You mean America's Next Producer ;-)
Rob: Wrong one, that's TV.
Gordon: And they got to meet Steven Spielberg in a hokey 2 minute end scene.
Chico: You mean there was a show on this summer that had that?
Gordon: Yeah, they did. And they all got to parade in the latest in fashions. Then they all got to cook meals in front of Marc Summers while cutting people's hair. And then they got to model on a runway while taking their clothes off and being judged by Tyra Banks.
Joe: God, was "Russian Swords Dance" going on in the background?
Rob: Probably.
Chico: And they all guessed how many Americans actually cared about their exploits.
Joe: And the crowd went WOAAAAH
Gordon: You know what all of those shows had in common?
Rob: Those shows actually got ratings above the 3's?
Gordon: Close. Project Runway, Top Chef, The Next Food Network Star, Shear Genius and America's Next Top Model ALL had better ratings than On The Lot.
Chico: They were all more watched than... yeah, that.
Joe: I would laugh if America's Next Producer did better than On the Lot
Chico: It's on basic cable. The bar is substantially lower. Still.. I wouldn't be surprised either. Let me put it to you this way... Anytime you have a host QUIT before the third week of episodes, you are asking for trouble.
Rob: I see this working on something like AMC or IFC or even Sundance. But Fox dind't even promote this show.
Chico: AMC, yes. IFC, maybe if they couldn't bring back Ultimate Film Fanatic. Sundance... does anyone even WATCH Sundance?
Gordon: I dont think any of those shows has enough budget to pull a million dollar contract out of their butt.
Chico: It was worth a shot.
Gordon: Maybe if they won a million on The Power of 10...
Chico: Happened again, didn't it?
Gordon: It...almost...happened.
Chico: You want a question?
Gordon: Gimme that question
Chico: I got a question...

What percentage of Americans think there should be a mandatory cutoff age for elderly drivers?

Gordon: Your guesses, sirs?
Rob: 18%
Joe: I defer, as I watched it
Jason: I read this so I abstain
Chico: Also watched it.
Gordon: Me too. would have lost $90,000.
Rob: I figured.
Gordon: Wendy was a DJ for a morning show. Her partner on the chair - is her partner on the radio show.
Joe: Convenient, no?
Gordon: They successfully got to the million dollar question. However, she went well over 50% in her range. Unfortunately, the right answer is 38%.
Joe: I actually think that was a pretty good idea to invite a co-worker to be the Power Line, especially considering the occupation.
Chico: DJs deal in people. They deal in giving people what they want, telling people what they want to hear.
Gordon: I agree, but I thought the thinking of the people were completely off.
Chico: My thing is again, honest answer vs. right answer.
Gordon: I didn't even think that.  Drew was right on. No one likes to be told that they cant do something even if it's good for them. No one likes to be told what to do or how to govern, and certainly, there's no way the senior citizens think that they need to be bullied. Wendy even knew she blew it after she locked it in. Greeeeeed.
Chico: Yep, but what do you want to guess that you'll blast your horn if someone is doing 20 in a 50.
Gordon: Yeah, but I was thinking about it. I would want them to move on the correct side of the road, not to stop them from driving.
Chico: Fair enough. Would hate it though if it happened on I-95 with a semi on the other side and I was on my way to work no matter WHO was driving.
Joe: I think this is another question where the demo mattered. There are a heck of a lot of older people in America.
Chico: There are, you know.
Gordon: I agree with that. There's also older people whop are going to take these surveys. Based on what I've seen in the questions, these responses skew older.
Chico: So there's another bit of advice: given the option, what would your parents say?
Joe: Plus, cars are symbolic of freedom. Ask old people if they want their freedom taken away and you're asking for a punch to the face.
Jason: Or a smack with a cane :-)
Joe: Or a shotgun
Rob: Or pepper spray.
Chico: "Where's the nearest way to the highway?" "It's back the way you came."
Gordon: So when you read these questions, its not what you feel America would say. Its what you feel OLDER America will say.
Joe: Funny thing about TV, we tend to forget that people tend live to 80 or higher. One production-side thing I noticed is that the cliffhanging for the $1M question is intentional, and I actually don't have a problem with that.
Gordon: I agree with that. The fact that they are doing it with everyone, regardless of if they get the question right or not, only adds to the tense atmosphere on the set. Moving on, before I strand all of you in China...oh wait, that's been done already.
Chico: Yes, Mark Burnett, that has been done. We have 16 new Survivors competing for $1 million in what I think is the most exotic of locales.. Distant China.
Gordon: We get to see 16 new people in Survivor: China, while we also see the new women in America's Next Top Model.
Chico: Now I'm looking at the lineup for Survivor... and I'm thinking to myself... how many of these people are out of Central?
Gordon: Oh I'd say...60%
Rob: I know one came straight from WWE.
Jason: (grumble)
Chico: Yeah, I'd have a problem with that.
Joe: Another CBS reality show suffering from Pretty People Syndrome?
Chico: Seems like they're going for "young and pretty" instead of "regular and interesting."
Rob: Yup.
Chico: Uh-huh.
Gordon: I think so - also calling people by the name of 'Chicken', as we get a chicken farmer.
Rob: But that name isn't as bad as Dreamz from last season.
Joe: Or the more scientific term, Milffilfism
Chico: Hey.. what's wrong with calling someone "Chicken"? :-)
Rob: It worked for George on BB1
Gordon: Chic(o)ken
Chico: Chicocken. :-)
Joe: Sounds like a town in upstate NY.
Chico: Given CBS's penchant for PPS, as Joe calls it... It wouldn't surprise me.
Gordon: It does, or sounds like something John Madden would make.
Joe: Put a chicken in Evil Dick?
Gordon: I'm guessing Brad Rutter wants to stuff Ogi Ogas's chicken right about now.
Joe: There goes our G rating. Again.
Chico: Goodnight, everyone :-)
Gordon: Brad Rutter. 3 million dollar winner in Jeopardy. He loves to host game shows. Apparently, he never hosted a math game show.
Rob: Anyways, and yes. Ogi came in focused and Rutter got befuddled.
Chico: Yeah, Ogi didn't beat him there.. Seemed like Brad beat himself.
Joe: I've never watched Inquisitive, so I can't say. Apparently math and academic quizzers are a tough mix. But I digress.
Chico: It's one thing to recall facts, but quite another to do lightning fast calculations. "Might I suggest a little brain training?" :-)
Gordon: Brad beat Ogas in every other round - except Math, which gave Ogas 36 seconds and a 6 second lead into the final round. When Rutter was given a stream of math questions to start the round, it was all but over.
Rob: I saw that. He just got hit with a big stroke of bad luck, plus Math is Ogi's specialty.
Chico: The Questioner preys on your fears.
Rob: He's always doing these calculations and whatnot.
Gordon: So far, that is one of the major surprises in the tournament. The second match-up, not a surprise as for the winner (David Legler) but maybe more of a surprise on how easy it was for him to dispatch Leszek Paulowicz.
Gordon: Legler was winning and it looked like he was going to take it regardless, but Leszek just self-destructed and made a number of easy mistakes. You can tell by the look on his face that even he knew he was messing up.
Joe: Strange thing about fast quizzers: one dumb mistake early leads to a slippery slope
Chico: Yep.
Joe: Losing begets losing, and winning begets winning
Chico: And you only get a minute, so they're not easy to make up for UNLESS your opponent makes the same mistake.
Gordon: Its like you get mentally thrown and you can't get back on.
Joe: And then you end up like Leszek and Rutter and get gored
Jason: And the $100,000 is gone.
Rob: Well, Rutters' got $3,000,000 already. So, this was chump change.
Chico: Heh. It's the equivalent of falling on your figure skates. You can get back up, but there's no way you're going home with gold. So now we take a look at this week's match ups... Ken Jennings vs. Phyllis Harris. Thoughts, gentlemen?
Rob: Ken's got the knowledge base, but Phyllis Harris has the experience factor in this match.
Joe: I put it as a toss-up
Rob: I see Ken taking it, but by only 4-5 seconds. It's going to be a great game.
Joe: God forbid we actually have a close match for once
Chico: It's going to be close, yeah, but as much as I want Phyllis to win (and I do want her to win)... Ken's going to take it.
Gordon: I think the person who wins has a last letter in their last name of S :-)
Chico: Very diplomatic, Gordon.
Joe: That was a long way to go to be noncommital.
Gordon: Seen the match, Know the results. Blah blah blah.
Chico: How about Michelle Kitt vs. John Carpenter.
Rob: Michelle Kitt knows all about the speed game.
Chico: You have again broadbased knowledge in Carpenter vs. the speed and the timing of Kitt. It's as much about one as it is about the other.
Rob: And in this game, speed and timing is EVERYTHING! Quickly pass or switch.
Joe: I'm leaning towards Carpenter
Chico: I see Cinderella in an upset.
Rob: She knows how to do that, so I'm going with the George Mason of Grand Slam. Michelle Kitt.
Chico: Grr... George Mason...
Joe: John Carpenter laughs in the face of danger. HA HA HA!
Gordon: Did you know Chico that the Hamsters made their own math counting tool to help them in the Grand Slam tournament?
Joe: CountGen?
Chico: It's all way too complicated.
Gordon: The created an abacus. Unfortunately, instead of beads, they used their own pellets, so it's a little bit smelly.
Jason: ewwwwwwwwwwww
Chico: That's the complicated part.
Jason: There goes my lunch
Gordon: The yellow pellets are Cheeseballs.
Jason: Cue...quickly with the cue!
Gordon: Roll that beautiful Brain Footage.
Chico: Nice save... Not =p

Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thanks Doug...: We begin with our lead story, going to Gordon..
Gordon: Who wants some dates?
Joe: Are they hot?
Gordon: Want a date with Drew Carey, Alex Trebek and a wheel?
Chico: Wait a sec... wouldn't there be two wheels involved?
Jason: That's true
Chico: Two-timing circular objects... piss me off :-D

The Price is Right shows up October 15th, while The Jeopardy/Wheel of Fortune Combo (and Millionaire and Feud) shows up on September 10th.

Rob: Sept. 10 is a big day.

Bill Bellamy gets another show on September 8th called Who's Got Jokes.

Jason: Big changes for Wheel on the 10th

And if you want to know who the NEW Stars for Dancing With the Stars are, join them live on August 29th for the announcement.

Chico: But if reports are to be believed... one of them is Wayne Newton.
Joe: That's.......interesting.

September 12 is also the return of...wait for it...Meet my Folks.

Rob: WHAT!
Chico: ... thought I got rid of that.
Gordon: MyNetwork TV brings it back, for better or for worse. We don't know if these are new episodes or repeats.
Joe: Now now Chico. Vigilantism never solved anything without a snazzy utility belt and millions of dollars
Gordon: And an anatomically correct bat cod piece.
Chico: In more current dates: August 27 (or TODAY) is the season premiere of High Stakes Poker
Rob: Horray for High Stakes Poker.
Chico: Next story... From the "The 90s Were Awesome" file...

NBC has confirmed that they will launch a new version of American Gladiators in midseason. I'll wait for you to "YAY."

Gordon: YAY!
Jason: Did you guys ever see the naked spread of Zap in Playboy
Chico: No, I was too young and Dad wasn't around in those days.
Rob: Bit too young to look at that one way back when.
Joe: Yay and such, but I still have concerns
Gordon: Um.....Daddy got it for me ;-)
Chico: Yeah... SURE...
Gordon: He did. Complete with National Lampooon and Heavy Metal Subscription.
Jason: Sweet.
Gordon: I still have the Corben cartoons and Rock Opera. Classic.
Chico: Right...
Joe: I went to the Live Show when it was at LaSalle.....
Chico: Well, this new series of shows is supposed to incorporate new technologies, a twist that includes pre-show training, and back stories. So yeah, they're basically turning this into Smackdown lite.
Gordon: True, but I'm looking forward to it
Joe: There's the first concern I have: No manufactured dram, please. Thanks.
Chico: Or even worse... Battle Dome.
Gordon: They absolutely did not need to manufacture drama on the old Gladiator series.
Rob: And they must have Mike Adamle back. He can't be doing anything now. Gladiators was Adamle.
Chico: Calling sports for the Chicago NBC O&O.
Joe: And Powerball
Chico: Oh yeah... He'll be back... Maybe... Possible.
Joe: Gladiators was also Powerball
Rob: And Assault.
Chico: They need Adamle, Powerball, and Assault, or I walk.
Joe: My 2nd concern is vilifying the Glads. They aren't the bad guys. Just the "other" team
Jason: Who didn't like that Ball Gun
Gordon: Assault. The nasty ball gun.
Chico: But yeah, I'm hoping they treat this with the same respect given the first series. With the Glads getting annoyed at their loss, but at the same time brushing it off, all good sportsmanlike and what not.
Gordon: Hopefully they won't have what we have in Haterade this week...reckless violence and slander.
Rob: Fun for the whole family.
Chico: The best kind of violence! =p
Joe: Sounds like a Law and Order episode if I ever heard one
Chico: Actually, the best kind is no violence, but let's see what we have anyway.
Gordon: What do you want first, the violence or the slander?
Chico: I vote for the violence.
Gordon: Violence...

Rob Mariano, in casting for Tontine, has had his share of hecklers. Well one of them got quite nasty and fisticuffs happened - to the point where police were needed.

Gordon: Fortunately, nothing happened to his face.
Jason: ow
Chico: Whose, Rob's or the hecklers?
Gordon: Both...

Meanwhile, in the UK, David Hasselhoff is collecting fees after a successful libel lawsuit.

Rob: Horray for the Hoff.
Chico: Against OK, wasn't it?
Jason: Yes...they said he was drunk. He wasn't.
Chico: Yeah, they have to be careful about that sort of thing. Piss off the wrong guy and boom, you're out of business.
Gordon: Speaking of getting drunk, lets get fully loaded.
Rob: Ok.
Chico: Oh, you're going to love this. Who's heard of Buzz!?
Gordon: I have. We did a feature on that a few weeks ago with Ed Toutant.
Chico: This is Buzz, the PS2 quiz game show video game.
Rob: Oh yeah, that's right.

Buzz TV is coming to the PS3. It incorporates many of the aspects of previous titles, all in a "channel-by-channel" format. Expect that to hit stores in March.

Joe: Remote Control what?
Jason: Wow.
Chico: It's more like the PS3 version of NTN than anything.
Rob: NTN?
Joe: That quiz channel they show at Applebee's and such
Chico: The trivia game at the pub.
Gordon: It's more like the trivia machine you find in Dave and Busters.
Chico: Remote Control was one show about one subject... This is MULTIPLE shows... about MULTIPLE subjects.
Joe: Ohhhhhhhh,
Rob: Ok, then.
Chico: If you have a PS3, it may be worth checking out.
Joe: Mighty big if, though
Chico: Mighty big if indeed. Still in third behind the Xbox and the Wiiiiiiiii!
Rob: Wii #1!!!
Gordon: And then if you master it, you can be a game show ho.
Chico: *plays "Pimpin' All Over the World"*
Gordon: What do we have on the casting couch today?
Chico: Well, I've got two. You remember the show we were talking about with Mark Burnett and NBC? Well, it now has a name and a format.

It's called Amne$ia, and it tests your knowledge of significant events in your life. If you've lived a fun and exciting life, the link is here:

Joe: Sounds like This is Your Life, except without the sap value.......or any value
Rob: But Burnett has the stroke.
Gordon: Yes. By the way, you must have family and friends.
Chico: You must be 18 years or older.
Gordon: Anyone want to be on Hell's Kitchen 4?
Chico: ME!
Rob: So I can be told to go f off by Gordon Ramsay?
Gordon: I'd pay to see that...

Monday, August 27, 2007 anytime between the hours of 4 pm and 8pm PT. (NOTE: It is not necessary to arrive at 4pm.) Come to: San Francisco Marriott 55 Fourth Street San Francisco, California 94103

Gordon: Now if you think you can dance instead of cook...

A company in NYC is looking for the best NYC dancer. Go here for more details - 

Chico: Or maybe you just want to date Flavor Flav.
Rob: Uh, not my type.
Chico: How about just being a reality heurre then...   That's where you need to go for how to apply for Flavor of Love 3...

Chico: Speaking of hoes. Gordon? I understand you have a full docket.
Gordon: I got hoes up my nose with a rubber hose.
Chico: That's a keeper.

In this week's hodometer, Ryan Seacrest has been a busy little media ho, grabbing both the Primetime Emmy Awards AND the Superbowl Halftime Hosting gig.

Jason: You sure there isn't a robo-clone of him out there?

Joey Fatone joins Lisa Rinna on the Red Carpet, Simon Cowell may be leaving Idol in 3 years, while the Donald is trying to get Paris, Lindsay or Britney for his Celebrity Apprentice show.

Chico: Except that officially, he isn't.
Jason: its all "hush-hush"
Rob: Right.

Jordin Sparks gets her new single ready, while Blake Lewis signs with Arista.

Gordon: But none of them are your hoes of the week. We have...THREE hoes!
Chico: Three hoes?
Gordon: THREE hoes
Jason: Three? Do you have enough cups in the budget?
Rob: That's triple the ho's.
Joe: Next caller only!
Gordon: They are all double ho offenders - people on one reality show appearing on another game show. We start with JP on Survivor, as he is also on Solitary 2.0. Next is Daniele and Amber, who both as a reward on Big Brother get to play on The Power of 10 - against each other.
Rob: Oy!
Jason: That is called ho-synergization.
Chico: We may see the shortest game of Power of 10 on record.
Gordon: Amber's special guest is her cousin. Daniele's special guest is...wait for it...Nick, which makes this actually a FOUR HO presentation.
Chico: But props to CBS for being the pimp in this case of cross-ho-lination.
Gordon: And those...are your hoes.
Chico: Finally, we're going bouncing in the Global... First to the Philippines...

If you remember the Wowowee tragedy of two years back, the host of said show, Willie Revillame, has been cleared of instigating the tragedy that took 71 lives.

Gordon: Has anyone been convicted?
Chico: Sixteen executives of ABS-CBN will instead stand trial for "reckless imprudence leading to multiple homicide," Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez told reporters. But so far as we know, the host is cleared. From there we go to France...

The biggest hit since Fort Boyard on French screens is a show called "Hold Onto Your Seat" where the game tends to favor the champion, who becomes something of a hero on the set (think shades of the 21 scandal)... Right now the producers are in talks to bring the show to Spain, the UK, and the US.

Rob: Sounds interesting. I think the last show that truly favored the champ was TTD?
Chico: That and the Joker's Wild, yeah.
Rob: Well, not really Joker's. Challenger went first in that game. But, hooray!
Chico: And finally, we head to Australia...

and so does the Power of 10.

Chico: Nine will create a version for our Australian friends.
Rob: The same network that just axed Temptation.
Chico: Meanwhile earlier on the schedule, Temptation will be shelved for a new season of Millionaire. Hosted by former network president Eddie McGuire. Coincidence?
Rob: I believe the reason for this one is to keep the show on 9.
Chico: Yeah, Nine had to produce another series of Millionaire or lose the rights.
Gordon: And that's Brainvision. Shut it down.
Chico: Okay, we'll have fun with faces on sticks and faces on coins in a moment, but first...  Last week, we asked what you were currently tuned into... 36% each said Power of 10 and Grand Slam. Singing Bee got 19%, and Don't Forget the Lyrics got 9%
Gordon: This week's Question... Here's an interesting one...

Tuesday, Amber and Daniele will appear on "Power of 10". Thoughts?

Go Amber!
Go Daniele!
They should have two other people from Big Brother playing.
They shouldn't have anyone from Big Brother playing. What're they doing stinking up my screen anyway?

Gordon: Results next week.
Chico: Roleplay is next. This is We Love to Interrupt, celebrating five years of losing our G rating.
Jason: oh boy

(Brainvision is sponsored by "The Power of Ben". Try to win $10,000,000 of Ben Stein's money in the ultimate battle of knowledge.)



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