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Previous Episodes (Season 20)
December 31 - 2008 Year In Review

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 20.1
January 12

(This is a warning from WLTI this week. Some of the material that will be discussed in this episode is of a mature nature. If you are offended easily, this episode is not for you. Parental guidance is suggested...

Relax... It's a celebration)

Chico: Hey gang! Welcome to 2009! *pops champagne*
Jason: (takes a glass) Thanks, man.
Chico: It's actually sparking cider, but what the hey.
Jason: Thanks for the warning NOT to dress in the sash and diaper.
Chico: Ha HA.
Gordon: I don't touch sparkling cider. However, I brought this! (Brings a cart of soap and other various shampoos)
Jason: What's that for?
Chico: Is this going to be one of those "icky" shows?
Gordon: It's going to be one of those shows that you're going to have to take a nice long shower afterwards.
Jason: Ah.
Chico: Duly noted. I'm Chico Alexander, and I'm proud to say "Welcome to GSNN's next 10 years."
Gordon: YAY!
Chico: From somewhere in Gordon Pepper's toiletry bucket, the first We Love to Interrupt of 2009... is... ON!
Jason: WHOO HOO.
Gordon: Yay! Gordon and Chico here, along with special guest Jason Block.
Jason: Always a pleasure.
Chico: We start as always with the Opening Round, and we start this opening round of "People Behaving Badly" week... with networks behaving badly.
Gordon: We start the show with many people wanting to take a cold shower on Sunday night. Unfortunately, that's because CBS yanked the first show of 2009 - Million Dollar Password - off the air.
Jason: Say wha? You cant be serious.
Chico: Unfortunately, we are. Now a question...
Jason: Ok.
Gordon: Apparently, the fact that the show drew a 1.9 - the lowest 18-49 demographic number in the group - is more important to CBS than the fact that the show easily won it's timeslot.
Chico: Your show consistently ranks among the top 20 shows of the week. Fact. Your show consistently wins its time slot amongst non-football programming. Fact. You draw over 10 million viewers. Another fact. On what dimension... In what planet... On what galaxy... do you pull a show with those things going for them?
Jason: The ones where CBS is more concerned with the 18-49 demos. Idiocy. Stupidity. Lack of programming intelligence.
Chico: Now, I gave something for Gordon to say on Game Show Talk & Fun on Wednesday night... It's something my mother, God rest her soul, always said... "Your money just as green as everyone else's."
Jason: And not to steal a line from Steve Beverly, but he may have a point...the 18-49 demo isnt the be-all and end all of everything.
Chico: The demo's a lie. It's a lying liar who lies. It's a classic example of ad men telling the lie long enough and loud enough so that other people, broadcasters, believe you.
Jason: What do you mean?
Gordon: Now it is true that the 1.9 that Million Dollar Password obtained for the 18-49 demos is the lowest of everyone. Keep in mind that wherever MDP has gone, it has won it's time slot in general audience - but not in the 18-49 advertiser demo.
Chico: But that 18-49 demo is only about 20% of the total audience. But if you ask me.. People think about the other 80% as being the Dentu-Creme crowd... But let's be real here... It's Sunday. Sunday for me has always been about the FAMILY. And apparently CBS would rather not push Rascal scooters and insert pharmaceutical of the day here. It'd rather look good first and win second, rather than win first, look good second. Not to take away anything from football or 60 Minutes or the Mentalist for sure...
Jason: So, in every way possible this makes NO SENSE AT ALL.
Gordon: Very true on all accounts. However, let's look at it from a different angle.
Jason: You always do. lol
Chico: Okay, different angle. Go.
Gordon: Different angle. CBS is putting these shows after Football, which is the mecca of 18-49 ratings.
Chico: Fact.
Gordon: Amazing Race and Survivor both score nice 18-49 ratings. MDP skews older.
Chico: Fact.
Gordon: The biggest problem here is that CBS's brain trust of programmers for whatever reason took a show that doesn't score well with 18-49 and placed it with one of their biggest 18-49 generators.
Chico: They needed a placeholder for Amazing Race. You know, between Survivor, the Race, and the AFC playoffs.
Gordon: Right. But why are you putting that sort of show in that time slot?
Chico: Because you needed a ready program. And Password just happened to be ready. It also just happened to be a big hit for CBS.
Gordon: But MDP doesn't carry the 18-49. If you need a game show that would carry the 18-49, then this seems to be the perfect rationale to put The Price is Right Specials on Sunday night.
Jason: But you don't pull a WINNING show like this. You had two weeks to go. WTF?
Gordon: I think that if CBS wanted to put a strong 18-49 demo show after football, then putting MDP there was a huge blunder to begin with. Even during the Summer, it didn't generate the 18-49 ratings.
Jason: So are you saying G that was a GOOD THING? I am sorry. You don't pull a show in the middle of it's run...especially when the ratings were increasing.
Gordon: No, you don't. And you don't shutter a show that averages over a 10.0
Jason: Especially in these times.
Chico: This is just a dumb move..
Jason: Dumb, stupid, idiotic, moronic, et al.
Gordon: Its a very dumb move. But there is a solution instead of canceling the show.
Jason: Like what?
Chico: Ooh! Ohh! I know! Sit on it until the summer?
Gordon: No. We've seen that Friday or Saturday nights are a good place for game shows (See The Price is Right) and I bet that MDP there would score some Chico: Yeah, but CBS has a solid Friday lineup as it is right now. Ghost Whisperer... Flashpoint.. Numb3rs... all winners.
Gordon: I disagree. And I'll use those words against you. Friday's 'Solid' Lineup only generated 6.56 million at 8pm, 7.21 million at 9pm and 7/5 million at 10pm. The 18-49 numbers? 1.7, 1.7, and 1.6 - all less than MDP's 1.9. Even on regular non-holiday levels, the shows are comparable of lower than MDP's ratings. So tell me again how CBS doesn't need a 10 million+ and a 1.9 18-49 show there on Fridays?
Chico: But will Password's audience follow it to Friday?
Jason: Numbers don't lie, heck yeah they will.
Gordon: They followed it there to Sundays from Thursdays.
Chico: Alright.
Jason: And do you happen to know what the #1 18-49 show on Fridays is?
Chico: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?
Jason: Nope. Friday Night Smackdown on my Network.
Chico: The only thing on that network that's worth watching.
Jason: True.
Chico: Now Saturdays...Saturdays are where game shows go to die.... Actually, amend that.. Saturdays are where all shows go to die.
Gordon: Really? Last week's Indianapolis Vs. San Diego contest? 23.84 million viewers.
Chico: That's the exception that proves the rule. Put another show on that ISN'T Cops or ISN'T America's Most Wanted... Colts vs. Chargers was an event. Events tend to score higher.
Gordon: If you put GOOD shows on, people WILL watch. It's a family night. Million Dollar Password looks like a perfect place to put it. If the older folks are home on Saturdays, that's a good programming choice. I would think MDP would score better than COPS or America;s Most Wanted, wouldn't you?
Chico: I'd think so... but on a Saturday?
Jason: Yes. Undeniably, yes. What about yes do you not understand?
Chico: I still think what worked on summer would work again on Summer.
Gordon: Yes, but I remember when Saturday nights were powerhouse family viewing nights.
Chico: But the dynamics of TV have changed.
Gordon: Have they? I doubt it. If they stuck American Idol on Saturdays, people will flock and watch.
Chico: And Crusoe?
Gordon: Crusoe is not by any means remotely connected to good programming.
Chico: Good point.
Jason: A good show will be watched...and even so...they could be time shifted. I am saying that you are being a bit short sighted Chico saying Saturday is a totally dead night of TV. You put a show on...people will watch. A good show mind you.
Gordon: And they will. Big Board please?

Saturday Night's Alright

- 80s: NBC's Comedy Lineup.
- 90s: CBS' America's Night of Television
- 2000s: Brilliant, but Cancelled

Gordon: Let's start with the 1980's. NBC, 1985-1986: Gimme a Break! The Facts of Life The Golden Girls, 227, Hunter. That was a powerhouse lineup.
Chico: I don't doubt that.
Jason: Right
Gordon: Then let's go to the 1990's
Jason: OK.
Gordon: CBS had Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Touched By an Angel and Walker Texas Ranger
Chico: Win, win, and a triple.
Gordon: With all 3 shows at one time or another ranked in the Top 20
Chico: What about the oughts?
Gordon: 2000 CBS still had Walker Texas Ranger. NBC: Freaks and Geeks, The Pretender, Profiler
Chico: Uh... You probably don't want to cite Freaks & Geeks. That goes under the subheading "Brilliant but Canceled".
Gordon: What about The District? Which was, along with Walker, a Top 20 show
Jason: So Saturday night can be a place to put a show like MDP.
Gordon: Add 48 hours to that also in the 2000's. What I'm saying is that shows CAN thrive on Saturdays. You just have to put a GOOD show there. I think MDP and a game show block could revive Saturday nights.
Chico: I'll just say this... On any given network on any given Saturday... 5.5 million. We're out going to movies and dinners and such. I just think that it's too much of a risk.
Jason: I don't.
Gordon: In this recession, most people are eating in or ordering take out. With no money, there will be plenty of eyeballs around watching TV.
Jason: You have to DO SOMETHING.
Gordon: And I think MDP can easily score more than 5.5 million on Saturday.
Chico: Okay, this leaves one question... What happens now? Two shows remaining... And nowhere to put them before Survivor/Race starts. What does CBS do realistically? Because personally, I don't think it was deserved.
Jason: I don't either.
Gordon: Here's what should happen. CBS should air them on Saturdays and make a dynasty for the show. But if I'm Ben Silverman over at NBC, where I put on my Monica Lewinski Kneepads.
Chico: Suck it. Suck it dry. =p
Jason: Wow.
Chico: But if you were Ben Silverman...
Jason: You would take ANYTHING to be a HIT.
Chico: The only thing that was in the top 10 on NBC last week... Football. That's IT.
Gordon: If Million Dollar Password was on NBC, it would be their NUMBER ONE non-special show. Here's your Top-watched shows from NBC this past week: NFL Games (2 of them), Superstars of Dance (so NBC would have to consider this a hit). Million Dollar Password would be here, then Law and Order: SVU then Deal or No Deal.
Chico: There you go. Now let's say I was Ben Silverman, and I need a quick out to save my job... I'd lobby FremantleMedia to take the show off of CBS' hands.
Jason: I would do anything. NBC needs a boatload of help.
Chico: I'm prepared to offer Howie Mandel's head as a sacrifice.
Gordon: Not yet. Howie's Howie Do It got a respectable 7.68 million viewers.
Chico: True, but having seen it... uhh... yeah
Jason: They fooled that many?
Chico: Yep
Jason: Oh boy. As for what to do with the last 2 MDP episodes, you burn them in the Game Show in My Head slot...or after them.
Chico: I personally give Game Show in My Head another week, but we'll get to that later. Right now... we will NOT pull out our friend Augustus... instead, we'll pull out his Mexican cousin... Zombie la Pista.

Jason: Ole.
Gordon: So we move on to a show that NBC covets greatly - The Biggest Loser, which would, if the ratings ended this week, be NBC's #1 scripted show. Or should I say, NBC's highest non-special show.
Chico: It's the bright spot on a schedule in dire need of bright spots. And it's because it adheres to a strict formula... KISS. Keep it simple, jackass.
Jason: Same stuff, pretty much, no?
Gordon: Sort of - We have 22 contestants, and after the first week, 9 of them go away.
Chico: Tell us what happened, G.
Gordon: We have 11 couples that start out the game. After a week in, we have the weigh-ins and the obligatory first reward challenge. The 2 teams that win those keep their pairings intact. Everyone else...has to decide who will lose weight at the ranch and who will have to do it at home.
Chico: Ooh... Not feeling the love early.
Jason: Oh wow.
Gordon: The catch - after a few weeks, if you're still in the competition, your partner gets to come back to the ranch.
Chico: Well that's pretty cool.
Gordon: So are the ratings - it wins the night as the best show. And although it won't keep that Tuesday ranking after next week, it's a good start.
Chico: And it gives us a hook to keep on watching... You dirty little tricksters.
Jason: Both show have their audiences.
Chico: I think Biggest Loser will surprise
Jason: So do I.
Gordon: It's a great show. And I hope the good ratings continue.
Jason: Agreed.
Gordon: And with that, we go to another NBC show - New Year's Deal or No Deal. No more reindeer games, but we do have a Happy New Year!
Chico: Yes we do. On our new year's show, we have two very special side games. First up, on nine of the low cases there are placards marked "Happy New Year". Get all of them, and that's $10,000 in pocket.
Gordon: Very similar to the Reindeer game in the Christmas versions of DOND
Chico: Basically. The second only comes into play if you keep playing to the end... Case 2009.
Jason: The big mother of a case.
Chico: And it is a big mother. We'll get to that in a moment. First, Brien Crowder. He is offered $234,000 to quit the game with THIS board...

PENNY / 50 / 100 / 200 / 25K / 500K / 750K / MILLION

Chico: Now look at that board. It's top heavy.
Gordon: No way you should deal on that board.
Jason: Oh go on.
Chico: You do go on. Book say so. You have a net, you have a block.. you have all that. This is a Dealer's Board. Brien... DEALS.
Jason: Say what?
Chico: He deals. To which my friend Dan would say... "Uh, uh.... Incorrect."
Jason: Very incorrect.
Gordon: Agreed. You have to be willing to risk if you want to gain.
Chico: That's right. You know what he had in his case?
Jason: 1M
Chico: No
Jason: The penny?
Chico: No.
Jason: 750K?
Chico: no, and that's three strikes. He had... $500,000.
Gordon: Boooooooooo
Jason: Ouch.
Chico: Very ouch. BAD DEAL. NO HOME GAME.
Jason: Exactly. This reminds me of the kilted policeman who dealt way too early.
Chico: Tunde Oyene was next, and she played on despite her overbearing mother telling her not to. This was almost a case of "moment of Truth" level here. We're down to the final round here... $10,000 or $100,000.... with a standing offer of $61,000. Risking $51,000 to win another $39,000. What would you guys do?
Gordon: I'd go, just because I also get what's in the 2009 suitcase, and chances are its going to be good.
Chico: There you go. That's what Tunde does. She gets not only what's in her case, but what's in case 2009... turns out to be a 2009 Ford Flex WORTH $45,000.
Jason: Damn! Does she have enough to play taxes?
Chico: Let's see. In her pockets... $10,000. In her case... $100,000. So to answer your question, J... YES.
Jason: So she leaves with a $155,000 package of car and cash.
Chico: Yep.
Jason: That's a good deal.
Chico: That's a VERY good deal.. And I think mom doesn't have much of a problem with that.
Jason: She better not.
Gordon: Nope. I think she would have had a problem though if she was the mom of Josh and Sundal Sizemore.
Chico: Ah. Newlywed week.
Jason: Oh boy. Ouch Ouch Ouch.
Chico: Note: if you receive double runs of DoND... you've seen this before.
Gordon: But for the people who don't - this is a new episode and this is one of the bigger trainwrecks for the series so far.
Chico: Do explain.
Gordon: How bad was it, I'm sure you're wondering?
Everyone: HOW...BAD...WAS IT?
Gordon: It was SO bad, that with 6 cases left, here is your board: $1, $10, $25, $200, $400, $500. The right side is all gone.
Chico: Ewww.
Jason: I saw this. Howie was trying so hard to make it exciting.
Gordon: So the couple decide to play it out. After they open up 4 more cases, it may not have been the wisest of moves, because here's what we have left:

$1, $10

Jason: Might as well.
Chico: In for a penny, in for a pound, I say.
Gordon: They leave with...$10. Whoopie.
Jason: Yay.
Chico: Enough for dinner at Jack in the Box. If they don't upsize.
Jason: Carl's Jr.
Gordon: Subway's. Eat Fresh.
Chico: Five dollar footlongs for everyone.
Jason: Bingo.
Gordon: What about a tie score so everyone can go get lunch?
Chico: I like it. Sounds like we're talking J!.
Jason: We are.
Chico: And it sounds like we're talking Tuesday. Victoria Harkavy, having just won $24,900, meets Ranjan Ramchandani... and the post DJ! score is interesting. Victoria has $7600... Ranjan has $15,200. The question at hand... Do you guarantee yourself at least a share of championship kudos by betting nothing... or do you be a bastard and bet a dollar on a subject you may or may not know anything about?
Jason: Me. I am a bastard.
Chico: We know, but what would you do?
Jason: I bet a dollar :P
Chico: Gordon?
Gordon: I play it safe. I'm not blowing $15,200 just to be greedy and get it wrong and lose. I'll be more than happy to give someone $15,200 as long as I also get $15,200 :)
Chico: The point is to make it to day 2. I would bet nothing. Let's see what the book says here. Our friends at call this a "lock-tie" game. Jason: Ok.
Chico: Victoria has to bet everything to stand a CHANCE at coming back. Ranjan faces a choice... bet $0 to guarantee a return or, if you'd rather lose today than face Victoria tomorrow, bet $15,200 to maximize your return. Victoria bets everything to double up. Ranjan... bets nothing. So both players return for Wednesday's game. It's always exciting to see a tie game once in a while.
Jason: True.
Chico: For the record, Ranjan goes on to win Wednesday. The Final Jeopardy Category: Historic Structures. Oh, you're going to love this... The answer... (ba-ling)

Pope Sixtus' death in 1590 ended his plan to convert this, still in Rome today, to a wool factory to employ city prostitutes

Jason: (locks in answer)
Gordon: (locks in answer)
Chico: Responses, please?
Jason: What is the Colosseum?
Gordon: What is Elliot Spitzer's Citadel Italiano?
Jason: ROFL
Chico: HA! Gordon... you're absolutely correct!
Jason: Say what?
Gordon: YAY!
Chico: ... except that you're not.
Gordon: Aw.
Chico: It was the Colosseum.
Gordon: Well I risked nothing, so I get to play tomorrow anyways.
Chico: There you go.
Jason: Smart.
Chico: While we're on shenanigans... Gordon, I hear there is some games afoot this week on the PIR.
Gordon: We always have games afoot, but what seems to be a weekly occurrence here, we also have more technical errors.
Jason: On The Price is Right? I am shocked.
Gordon: Now I'm not talking about the showcases, though I wonder for a show that wants to skew younger why they are putting in a Showcase that featured Mad Max, but I digress.
Chico: The character is identifiable?
Jason: To whom?
Chico: I dunno. I was just guessing.
Gordon: Last time I checked, you're not a college student
Chico: No, but I am a movie buff.
Gordon: And I don't know what college students who aren't film majors know who Mad Max is. Once again, we have Rich Fields reading wrong prize script. We have models coming out with prizes that aren't up for bids and we have models who are coming out with prizes that can't model them correctly. Especially popcorn poppers.
Chico: That's what she said.
Jason: Isn't there something called REHEARSAL? Maybe?
Chico: All I know for certain is... and I'm sounding like a disgruntled Panthers fan right about now... This sort of thing wouldn't happen if the Dob were in charge.
Jason: Definitely not.
Gordon: It wouldn't have happened. And these are the same people that ask why people aren't liking the show. The show works better if it's technically clean. And this is a shame, because there were tweaks this month that I liked with the show.
Jason: Such as?
Gordon: The addition of coats and fashion is a great move. They are also finally switching up the prices, like Hot Pockets Panini at $3.19 instead of $2.49.
Chico: In five packs.
Jason: The high fashion name brands have been around for about a month.
Gordon: Right. They mix it up, which is good. but we don't see those things when we are too busy complaining about a phantom model walking through Contestant's Row or Rich describing an item that's not there. When you fire 5 models, you do it in the hopes that the models you have are better, not worse.
Chico: The potential to rise above all that is there... but still, you have to work the kinks out of it. With a rolling pin and a jack hammer if need be.
Jason: You don't need to work out kinks when you shouldn't have had in the first place.
Chico: I know, but when you have one, you have to nip it. NIP. IT. IN. THE. BUD.
Gordon: True. Next item up for bids: A Pig Sty.
Chico: ... ewwww! Why a pig sty?
Gordon: Hans, our Branivision Pig, wanted to bid on one.
Jason: He would.
Chico: Okay. Get Hans into the machine...
Gordon: Hey. Times are tough. Hans wants a new sty and we don't have it in our budget. (Loads Hans into the Brainvision Choppler)
Chico: I don't think Hans wants to hear that. He might get irate.
Jason: You dont want a mad pig
Chico: Anyway, for the first time in 2009... Gordon?
Gordon: Roll that Beautiful Brainvision Footage

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thanks Doug. We start this week with the Green Light and... Two of Gordon's favorite things... Video games... and BOOBIES!
Gordon: YAY!

WCG's Gamequest will launch in the spring with a new name: WCG Ultimate Gamer. Catch it on SciFi.

Chico: Meanwhile, having premiered this week.... Boobies!
Jason: Yay Boobies!
Gordon: You like boobies?
Chico: I like boobies.

Playboy TV is launching its first game show in some 15 years with "Show Me Your Wits".

Chico: It's basically Cash Cab... in the champagne room.
Gordon: We'll talk about that later on in the show.
Chico: Just don't expect any sex on it. Because as a man much wiser than I once said... "No matter what a stripper tells you, there is NO SEX... in the champagne room. NONE." While we're on the subject...

Cash Cab... also renewed for a new season.

Jason: Awesome.
Gordon: You know, I consider it a real labor of love to go watch that Playboy program. I don't know why you would think I actually had pleasure watching that show. Or the shows after it.
Chico: Or the shows before it.
Gordon: Like Sexy Dragon Holes.
Jason: Anything for journalistic integrity.
Gordon: Or 3:10 to Poo....
Chico: ...Taking one for the team. In the Business End...

Sad news to report as "Guinness Game" host Don Galloway dies this week. He was 71. He was better known for his role as Ed Brown on "Ironside."

Gordon: Can I have a moment of silence?
Chico: He will be missed....


Gordon: Thank you.
Chico: Next? More boobies? Well... sort of. It's Calendar time.

January 13th: The Big Boy. American Idol. Also... potential big boy. Chopped on Food Network with Ted Allen.

Chico: Two nights. Four hours. One new judge. Two new boobies.

January 15. A sort of Big Boy for MTV: America's Best Dance Crew 3.

Chico: Good stuff
Jason: Who will be the successor to Supercr3w?

January 17: A Big Boy for FOX Reality: Solitary 3.0.

Gordon: And Lee DiGeorge is happy.
Chico: you think he'll want to cover that?
Gordon: I think so. What about covering the video game circuit?
Jason: Sounds cool.
Chico: I could do that. Let's get doubly loaded. We had a game show about video games (see Green Light)... now how about video games about game shows.

We have TWO this week. First for fans of Hell's Kitchen on the Wii... and Top Chef on the PC (or Mac)... there's Iron Chef America: Supreme Cuisine for the DS and the Wii.

Jason: Whoo. Allez Cuisine.
Chico: For the Iron Chef fan who has everything and doesn't mind playing a Cooking Mama clone. But let's say you're into 5th Grader... Got that, too...

Capcom is releasing the Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader app for iPhone.

How much?
Chico: Let me take a look. It's $20 for ICA on the DS. $40 for ICA on the Wii. $5 for 5th Grader.
Jason: If I had the Iphone. I would do it.
Gordon: What about Iron Dumbass? Do we have Iron Dumbass?
Chico: We have Iron Dumbass...
Gordon: Make it a few, shall we? We ring in the new year with Dumb-Ass ness and people who need to get a new New Year's resolution early.
Jason: A lot of dumbasses huh?
Gordon: Are YOU Smarter Than...

Celebrity Mole Winner Kathy Griffin, who says a word starting with "D" and rhyming with 'picks'...during the live New Year's broadcast on CNN.

Chico: Way to set the bar, Kathy Griffin.
Gordon: Even better, she tells a heckler to get those things out of his mouth. That doesn't usually get you a re-invite.
Jason: It's CNN you never know :)
Chico: What things exactly?
Jason: d***s
Gordon: Those things
Chico: Oh. THOSE things.
Jason: basically calling a heckler a gay guy and a c********r
Chico: Ah
Gordon: Those things are bad. So is this. Are YOU Smarter Than...

Shanon Thomas, a past contestant on The Biggest Loser who is being charged with domestic violence after allagedly throwing flour in the face of a fellow tenant.

Chico: Didn't they have a playing with your food workshop on that show? Playing with your food is BAD.
Jason: Very bad. Hopefully the flour was whole grain.
Chico: Hopefully.
Gordon: Hopefully. It goes well with Haterade. I notice we have a Spanish Zombie this week. Can we bring Zombie La Pista back?

Jason: Ole!

Inside The Box has been stripped, replaced by Access Hollywood and another victim of the Game Show Zombie Stripper.

Chico: Now this is for the NYC Metro. Your schedule may vary. But yeah.. you kinda had to see it coming.
Gordon: And we're not done yet.
Jason: Yup.

The Money and The Power - gone once it's done airing at 1am. The Shot - Gone.

Chico: The what and the who and where was I?
Jason: The Shot of Love gone too?
Gordon: Unfortunately, no. But Bromance, who averaged under 1 million with its premiere, may want to be checking for Zombie Game Show Strippers.
Gordon: They could be lurking about.
Jason: Ouch.
Gordon: So Chico, where are we going to celebrate the new year first?
Chico: I'm still trying to think about what shot you were talking about. Anyway, we're going to Italy.

The Italian version of DOND is the subject of an Italian lawsuit by watchdog group Codacons alleging that the show is... rrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRIGGED!

Gordon: That's not good.
Chico: Codacons suggests that contestants have numbers written on their hands and winners are related to people who work for the show. Endemol and RAI-Uno counter that the contestant process is legitimate and transparent and are filing a counter suit
Jason: Well, the allegations they have a pretty flimsy.
Gordon: Maybe. but It's easy to prove if someone is related to someone who is related to the show.
Chico: Yeah. Same way you prove if media hoes are related to media ho babies.
Gordon: All seriousness, these allegations should be very easy to prove. And if they are, then the Italian version is in serious trouble.
Chico: However, if Endemol is going so far as to suggest that it isn't rigged... well, it'll help their case a bit.
Gordon: Suggestion is fine. Proving is better. And now for the media ho babies.
Chico: (plays "Pimpin All over the World")

In this week's Media Ho Report, Chuck Woolery hosts a trivia show for the nursing industry, Christopher Knight joins Drew Carey and Alex Trebek as hosts who will be hosting at the CES, Survivor winner Bob Crowley goes back to work, The Donald announces the 16 new hoes for Celebrity Apprentice 2, 50 Cent goes to Deal or No Deal in Turkey, Sanjaya Malakar has both a book and musical CD coming out (I know Jason will be first on that line)...

Jason: Sure....

Fantasia may have house problems, Drew Carey gets a job offer to be manager at Chili's, and Tyson Beckford is the sole new host of Season 2 of Make Me a Supermodel.

Carey might need that job after next season
Gordon: But none of them are the Ho of the week.
Chico: So who's the first ho of 2009?
Gordon: The hoes are Jordin Spaks and Carrie Underwood, who both win People's Choice Awards
Chico: Ah. Good for them. Also winners at the awards were Deal or No Deal and Dancing with the Stars.
Jason: Very cool.
Chico: Nice.
Gordon: And those...are your hoes.
Chico: And that'll do it for Brainvision, the first of 2009... next, you shut the machine down while I throw it to break.
Jason: (shutting down, wiping down machine)
Chico: Still to come, we roll out the toilet for more new goodness, but first, we take a pill for our new year's hangovers.
Gordon: You give us 22 minutes, and we give you boobies.
Jason: BOOBIES!!!!

(Brainvision has been brought to you by Cash Unemployment Line. If you can answers correctly before you file you applications, you can win bonus money! But if you get 3 questions wrong, it's the 1099 forms of doom.)