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Previous Episodes (Season 20)
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January 19 - Snowed In / 20 ?s: Chad Mosher / Watch Or Record?

January 26 - One Champ Leaves, Two Champs Enter / How Not to Play / Trios

February 2 - Bleep / The Good, the Bad & The Ugly / Resolutions

February 9 - Arrivals & Departures / Accuracy or Idiocy? / Read Between the Lines

February 16 - Love, WLTI Style / Really Big Board / Whammyville


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 20.7
February 23

Chico: Hey, gang, I'm Chico Alexander... and I'm convinced after watching Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego on YouTube, it would've succeeded with a larger budget and more thoroughly talented characters.
Jason: Possibly...but still Where in the 5 Kids Game Show of all time.
Chico: Agreed.
Gordon: What about Where in The World is A-Rod's steroid collection?
Chico: Bud Selig wants to know.
Gordon: But today we are here to inject you...with some game show knowledge.
Chico: Word. Because from somewhere in America.... We Love to Interrupt... is... ON!
Gordon: Yay!
Jason: Whoo hoo!
Brian: Let it rock, let it rock, let it rock!
Chico: And here's my partner in crime Gordon Pepper to intro the panel this week
Gordon: Thank you. From Brooklyn, where he can get some A-Roids, Mr. Jason Block.
Jason: I only have tested positive for caffeine and sugar.
Chico: You said so in your column.
Gordon: And finally, from Minnesota, the city that's waiting to be injected with a real NBA basketball team, Mr. Brian Moore.
Brian: Hello, everybody. It's great to be back after a LONG hiatus.
Gordon: And also back after a hiatus, albeit not as long...The Amazing Race!
Chico: Yay! Best reality show of all time. And it got itself spruced up.
Jason: It looked real pretty. And I have to mention one thing. The use of Google Earth/Google Maps...brilliant. What took them so long?
Chico: Well, they had to come up with the thing first. Remember, they were using the CBS package since the premiere in 2001. But already, we have some compelling characters, even more so than the 13th race. That's always good.
Jason: Big time.
Gordon: And some very very good players. I think the Top 8 are very good.
Chico: Oh yeah. So far, sentimental favorites Margie & Luke Adams... out in front.
Gordon: Luke and Margie can certainly win this thing.
Jason: This may sound crazy...but his deafness could be a huge ADVANTAGE.
Gordon: I agree with Jason here. He can't be distracted by noise
Jason: And also because he is deaf...he has NO FEAR. If you have been treated as a second class citizen because of your will have to do whatever it takes to a) prove the world wrong and b) prove it to yourself. Hence he did the 70 story bungee jump
Gordon: Very true. However, not everyone can be perfect. That's why we have...

Chico: You can be distracted by your partner. It's called being your own worst enemy, and one team learned that early on. (and as it turns out, they were the first team to be Philiminated). Preston & Jennifer, dating couple from SC, couldn't stop stepping on each other's toes. How many mistakes did they make along the way? Let's count'em.
Gordon: Lets.
Chico: 1) Missed their train. That put them at a disadvantage early on.
Gordon: When you put yourself behind the 8-ball and catch up, you can either be very happy that it didn't cost you and put it behind you, or harp on it for the whole leg. They did not put it behind them at all.
Chico: Nope. And that brings us to #2... Last departing the campsite. There was a campsite in Switzerland to sleep out the night before departing on their way.
Gordon: Which everyone was at.
Chico: Yes. This is what we call an equalizer point.
Gordon: Right. So you should be able to get out of there in a hurry.
Chico: Yeah... that doesn't happen.
Gordon: No. Instead they leave at the back of the pack.
Chico: And they're one of the last people to start carrying cheese down a hill. As it turns out, they're also one of the last teams to finish, which leads to the final straw that broke the Racers' back...#3. The piggyback move.
Gordon: Piggyback? You're running for your racing life, and you're running piggyback?
Jason: That's nuts.
Chico: Yep. You'd be much faster dragging your partner than carrying an extra load on your back.
Gordon: And in this case, the thing around Preston's neck...was an albatross.
Jason: Yeah.
Jason: I bet the relationship doesn't last long.
Chico: Nope. If they can't handle a little thing like a trip around the world, then what chance do they have in the real world?
Jason: Less than zero.
Gordon: At the end, they said this helped their relationship. I'm not buying that.
Chico: Umm... No. But still, a great start to what's certain to be a great race.
Jason: A fantastic first episode.
Gordon: it was a great first episode. You also had an interesting second Survivor episode...albeit strange.
Gordon: It was so strange, that we had a massive Fire Pit edition of...

Gordon: We had a few morons.
Chico: Wow.
Gordon: Let's start with Sierra, who talks about her note with a hidden immunity idol.
Jason: You don't tell ANYONE.
Chico: [X]. Nope. You don't do that.
Gordon: Because not only does Brendan now know, he now can use that info and consider Sierra expendable.
Jason: Very expendable.
Chico: Yup. Next moron?
Gordon: #2. Coach. Already making enemies on the beach.
Chico: How so, chief?
Gordon: He already has a 'Survival of the Strongest' mantra. And he's annoyed the females, who are just waiting for the right time to get rid of him.
Jason: He is playing the alpha-male a-hole to the hilt.
Chico: But yeah, remember, Survivor is a social game. Play nice... or go home.
Gordon: Yes. Next moron.. #3. Taj.
Chico: Oh dear. I remember her. She of the SWV. She of the married to a millionaire. She of the "I can't shut up about either."
Brian: Oh boy.
Gordon: She of the married to Eddie George - and she who now told the whole camp. It may not hurt her now. It will hurt her dearly if she gets to the final Tribal Council.
Chico: Oh yeah. What good is a million bucks to someone who already has a million bucks, right?
Jason: Not much.
Gordon: But the final moron...Candace.
Chico: She was voted out this week, but how?
Gordon: A few reasons. #1. Not bonding with the tribe. You have to mesh with the tribe. If everyone wants to hang out in the new firepit, she needs to, also. If not, you are termed a 'cancer' that must be cut out. #2. She made the same mistake Carolina did as well. You had someone all ready to be voted out - Sierra. Instead, you opened your mouth and made yourself a better target.
Chico: No Candace, that's a BAD CANDACE!
Brian: Yeah, that's bad!
Chico: You're never going to get rid of the dead weight if you make yourself dead.
Gordon: And now Candace and Carolina get to trade notes at Loser Lodge.
Chico: Ha HA! Like Paul Mercurio at Millionaire. Hi, segue.
Jason: ROFL
Gordon: Hi Segue, indeed. This week, we have the debut of Cat Deeley as the host of Millionaire...for the week. A number of people have said that she is the next host of Millionaire. We're here to say if we think it's a good move.
Jason: Uh...hell to the no.
Brian: I didn't have high expectations for Cat.
Chico: Okay, first of all, let me say that Cat is a great host, and I admire all that she does. And I'm not just saying that because she's a hot lady.
Gordon: She is an excellent host...on So You Think You Can Dance.
Jason: Yes G. She is.
Chico: But her on Millionaire... it's an ill-fit. It's like watching Meredith Vieira's kid sister pretend to be her big sister for a week. I mean... She gets through it all right, but you watch and it's ... weird.
Gordon: Hosting Hosting WWTBAM...not so much. Let's start with the good.
Chico: First of all, she doesn't make herself out to be anything more than what she is. Billy Bush. Talking at you.
Gordon: She can host. She can read. She is competent at the job.
Chico: She knows how to host it.
Gordon: And she's decent with the 'Gotcha' moments. Not as good as Meredith Vieira, but competent.
Chico: And she can bring out that rapport, which you need to succeed at a job like this.
Gordon: Yes. she's a good 'Host' host. Now the bad.
Jason: She is SO SLOOOOOOOW.
Gordon: The pacing is all wrong. She brings a very slow and plodding pacing to a show that added a timer to purposely get quicker.
Chico: Oh yeah... and she takes too much contestant time explaining things. Truth be told, she could've hosted this show LAST SEASON.
Jason: Possibly.
Chico: But it basically comes down to "being an ill-fit." She's a great host and a good TV presence... but Millionaire... I just don't see it.
Jason: Me neither.
Gordon: She also doesn't do the surprises as well as Meredith, and she doesn't show the subtle nuances as much as she runs them over.
Chico: We note this because there's a long-standing rumor that she is due to take over for Meredith Vieira when her time comes.
Gordon: And to those people who think that...I hope not.
Chico: This rumor also states that this week of shows was what turned the powers that be to her side.
Gordon: Really? These would be the shows that show me she's not ready yet.
Jason: I am with G.
Brian: I agree too.
Chico: Sadly, I have to agree too. I don't want to see a capable host fail, but she's not ready YET.
Gordon: She has to get with the vibe of the show.
Chico: As it is, the show is too fast for her.
Gordon: That doesn't mean she can't. It does mean that she's not there yet.
Chico: So there you go.
Gordon: Meanwhile, 9 singers showed up that they are not ready for primetime. But 3 of them are, as we see our first of your Top 12 singers advance to Hollywood.
Chico: In the field of 12, I saw about five who could make it. Of those five, three of them made the top 12.Okay, let's see exactly what went wrong with those nine who didn't...
Gordon: Big Bored please?

The Naughty Nine... Week 1

- Jackie: SONG CHOICE!
- Ricky: Unknown.
- Brent: We'll Take Pigeonholing for $200.
- Stevie: Sounded like a man, baby.
- Anoop: A little sharp there, buddy.
- Casey & Anne Marie: Weak.
- Stephen & Tatiana: Song killers.

Gordon: Let's go with the Naughty 9.
Chico: Naughty Nine it is!
Gordon: And we'll go in order of appearance.
Chico: Alright.
Gordon: Jackie Tohn
Chico: She just tore up Elvis. And not in a good way.
Jason: Fighting with the judges...didn't believe she was wrong either.
Chico: It was basically, "How loud can I be?" And "Can I get away with being so loud?" Answers to which are "very" and "no.
Gordon: It's also a bad choice of song. At this stage of the competition, you have to select a song that either shows off your vocal range or your singing power. It has to be a strong song that people know. People do know...'A Little Less Conversation', but that's not a song that definies a vocal range.
Chico: True.
Gordon: Its a Karaoke / blues lounge song, and not one that you should sing on Idol.
Chico: Right.
Gordon: Next - Ricky Braddy
Chico: Ricky Braddy was on Tuesday night, but he suffered the curse of the unknown. In that... well, he was unknown. Ricky Braddy was on...
Jason: Yes...and he has the voice.
Gordon: He selected a sort of good song. 'A Song For You' is a nice song that shows a great vocal range. The song is not a known song, so you don't know if he did a good job on it.
Jason: Again, true.
Chico: Yeah, but it was covered so much on the show, and you know what they say, familiarity breeds contempt.
Gordon: Next - Brent Keith
Chico: Song choice. Come on. "Hick Town"?
Jason: He was vanilla country.
Chico: That's textbook country.
Jason: Pigeonhole much?
Chico: This is about taking a risk. And that's about as safe as you're gonna get.
Gordon: Bad song choice here. Hick Town does NOT show any sort of vocal risk. Plus you are limiting yourself to the country voters only.
Chico: A Nashville Star reject's song... sung by a Nashville Star reject.
Gordon: Next up - Stevie Wright
Chico: Bombed it.
Jason: BOOM.
Gordon: Now the song of 'You Belong With Me' by Taylor Swift is a the definition of a bad song choice.
Gordon: Pigeonholed her into country. No vocal range whatsoever. Bubblegum throwaway song. Add the fact that she did't peform it well and you have a real throwaway.
Chico: And she threw it away, alright. NEXT!
Gordon: Next - Anoop Desai
Chico: Now he was also on my top 5 whiteboard. And the fact that he only lost LESS than a tenth of the vote...
Jason: Bad Song Choice. Picked a female self-indulgent song.
Chico: It was a female's song. But it was neutered.
Gordon: Very self-indulgent song. He sang to thank his peoples. And he didn't sing it well - he was excessively sharp.
Chico: Very sharp. But he was memorable. Had he been on pitch, he could've had a moment.
Gordon: Both his performance and song choice did him in. He loses to Michael Sarver by 20,000 votes, which out of 24 million, is less than 1%.
Chico: I did the math. It was less than a THOUSANDTH.
Gordon: So for the other 24 singers, if you wish to sing something because you want to, that's great...but don't expect to advance in the competition. Next one - Casey Carlson
Chico: She was WAYYY indulgent... AND flat. And she did nothing but jiggle.
Jason: Worst performance of the night.
Gordon: I disagree with the judges on the song choice. You can do something with the song. The problem is that she didn't do anything with it except sing a pale imitation. That is the exact definition of Karaoke.
Chico: Not memorable AT ALL. Next?
Gordon: Anne Marie Boskovich
Chico: Also not memorable.
Gordon: She sang 'You Make Me Feel (Like a Natural Woman)'
Chico: That song is like fire.
Jason: She sang it as a wimpy 6 yr old.
Gordon: Now this is a VERY good song to sing...if you have the vocal pipes for it.
Chico: You need to sing it like a woman. Tame it. Make it your own. Kelly Clarkson did, and... well, look at her now.
Gordon: This is a song that you're supposed to belt out like a natural woman. This is NOT a song that you are supposed to countrify and make a watered down version.
Chico: Way too watery.
Gordon: Next - Stephen Fowler
Chico: That was way to big for him. That song kicked HIS butt. You don't sing "Rock with You" unless you're Michael Jackson...or Brandy. In fact, just stay away from Michael Jackson altogether.
Gordon: The song doesn't fit either his vocal range nor his style. He is not a true R&B Artist. He should have gone after the rock vote or rocked it out with David Cook.
Jason: Too vanilla.
Chico: And finally... your sex bomb, G.
Gordon: Tatiana Del Toro.
Chico: Know what I said about Michael Jackson and Stephen Fowler? Same applies here. You don't. Sing. Whitney.
Gordon: I disagree. Great song choice - Saving All My Love For You. If she stayed in pitch, I think she has a shot at the Wild Card or the women's vote. The problem was...she didn't stay in pitch.
Chico: To each his own. I just don't think anyone except Whitney can pull off Whitney.
Gordon: You can do it. We haven't seen anyone do it in a while. And Syesha, no offense, couldn't pull it off.
Chico: No you can't. For the love of God someone agree with me here!


Chico: So I'm alone on this. Okay.

(More Crickets)

Brian: I agree.
Chico: Thank you, Brian. My new best friend.
Gordon: How much did Chico slip under the table for you, Brian?
Brian: Enough :)
Jason: LOL
Chico: Ahem! But the top 3.. I totally agree with Alexis and Danny. Michael Sarver.... I can see it... but... He's a giant but.
Jason: He will be about 10th in the top 12
Chico: Basically Gavin deGraw... is a goodluck charm.
Gordon: Alexis and Danny were the 2 good choices here. I think Michael only got in because Anoop did not show up to win. He showed up to be thankful, and in this competition, being thankful gets you the gate.
Jason: Alexis and Danny both have a shot to win the whole thing.
Chico: I say Anoop gets in the wild card round... and Anoop goes through.
Gordon: I think Anoop wakes up and gets through as well.
Jason: He better.
Chico: Yep. You know another show that tapes at CBS? The Price Is Right. We had a tale of two TPIRs this week. One spectacular. The other... not so much. Wednesday's show... That was a GREAT Showcase round. Particularly #2.
Jason: That was nuts.
Chico: That was featuring Fields. Rich Fields, as he portrays the great James Bond. It had in it... one Quantum of Solace watch, every Bond Blu-Ray with HD entertainment center and Blu-Ray player, and a trip to Monte Carlo.
Chico: Bids, panel?
Gordon: $16,007
Jason: $18,007
Brian: $19,830
Chico: And the actual retail price... $22,616. Brian wins. NOW. Lindsey Marie Kowal... she bid $22,500 Do the math folks. $116 out means she wins... BOTH SHOWCASES.
Gordon: YAY!
Chico: And if you notice.. Drew was actually animated.
Jason: Yes he was!
Gordon: The ironic thing is that her opponent was only off by $291. 2 great bids.
Brian: Yes, indeed!
Chico: he was just boom, boom, boom, baby! Very great Showcase round on Wednesday.
Gordon: Which is good, because the next day...not so good.
Chico: Thursday, though...Oh dear. The sadness.
Gordon: I smell a skunky skunk
Chico: Michelle Spillane has eight boxes to pick in 1/2 Off...EMPTY. Emily Sprello rolls a 2 in Dice Game in a place where there was a 1. PAINFUL
Brian: Ouch.
Chico: Daniel Abarca picks the wrong pair. Max Goldberg should've drawn one more Card in Card Game.
Jason: Painful.
Chico: $2400 and change with a $2000 window...Diana Ortega freezes too early in Freeze Frame. ICE COLD.
Brian: Unbelievable.
Chico: And finally... Joshua Feldman picked a right price for a Laser Tag set. The problem? It was One Wrong Price being played.
Chico: It gets worse. Clifton Patterson... was bidding on a Honda motorcycle in round 1 in the one bid. His bid... $12,000. The only bright spot in this whole hour... was Joshua winning $11,000. That was Wheel money. So to Joshua... and to Lindsay Marie... before I forget...

Lindsay Marie Kowal

Gordon: Well Deserved.
Jason: (applause)
Chico: So what's left than to... eat, right?
Jason: Yum, I am hungry.
Gordon: Mmmmm. Vittles.
Chico: Good, because we're getting down to the wire on "Top Chef New York.... A-Holes from Europe". This week, we got rid of one... leaving the other to fight it out in the final three.
Jason: lol
Gordon: Let's look at the competitors. Starting with...Hosea.
Chico: Hosea's been up and down all competition, and has only won one quickfire. But he's the good guy of the three. He also won one elimination challenge. He's been low more times than he's been high, but he's got the drive and the will.
Gordon: He's won 2 Elimination challenges, but finished in the bottom 4 times, so he has the weakest credentials.
Chico: Right.
Gordon: Next up - Carla. She's been in the bottom 3 times, but she's won 4 challenges, and has been in the top mention 3 additional times.
Chico: She's only won one Quickfire and three Eliminations. But she's been high and safe more times than she's been in danger. She could easily play spoiler if the other two chefs believe their own hype.
Gordon: She's either won or been in the top for the past 4 Elimination Challenges.
Chico: She's riding a streak. Carla's streaking. The only thing, though...
They are both up against a hell of an 8-ball. Your favorite, Gordon...Stefan.
Gordon: He is my favorite.
Chico: The only other a-hole from Europe. But his pimp hand is strong.
Gordon: He has far and away the best resume - he's won 8 challenges.
Jason: Monster.
Chico: BUT! He's been on the low end for the last two challenges.
Gordon: And 3 of the last 4
Chico: He's the Duke Blue Devil of Top Chef. *spits*
Jason: Hey now!
Gordon: Has he peaked a little too soon?
Jason: He might have.
Gordon: Maybe. So those are the Top 3 Chefs left. I think it's Stefan's to lose.
Chico: I think Hosea can upset.
Gordon: I think he can. I dont think he will. I think Carla has the better shot at the upset.
Chico: Mark my words... there's going to be a surprise or two at the end.
Gordon: There could be - which annoys me about the show. 3 of the past 4 times, the best chef hasn't won it. The most likeable one has.
Chico: There you go. Hosea to win, then :-)
Gordon: I hope not. I'm going with Stefan
Chico: So which ham do you think is Top Ham?
Gordon: Meanwhile the Top Hamsters are coming out with their meals. Cheeseball made a cheese fondue. Ralph made Quiche Lorraine. Chairman made...Chico, you can't allow The Chairman Hamster to serve up Twinkies.
Chico: Why not?
Gordon: And certinaly not with the wrappers still on them. :P
Chico: WHY NOT?
Gordon: Um...Top're suppposed to be..I don't know...COOKING SOMETHING?
Chico: Fine. Freeze it. Cover it in batter and deep fry it. I can feel my arteries hardening already.
Gordon: Now take Gordon Jr. for an example. He's got a nice mocha sardine cheesecake. Have a piece.
Chico: Why don't you try it first, J.
Jason: Um....NO.
Gordon: He made it without nuts for you, Jay.
Jason: Uh...that STINKS.
Brian: I'll pass on the cheesecake, thank you very much.
Chico: Okay, let's do the news!
Gordon: Roll That Beautiful Brain Footage

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Jason: Oh man that's awful.
Chico: Okay. Gordon! Go!
Gordon: I've got a chicken brule here if anyone wants that
Brian: No thanks.
Jason: I feel ill
Gordon: You may be after Chico's Bat segment. but let's start with the datebook.

Monday is the end of True Beauty. Because of Barack Obama's presidential Address, Idol is now Wednesday and Thursday this week, while Sunday is the debut of Celebrity Apprentice Season 2 and High Stakes Poker season 5. And maybe...maybe...there may be a Haterade or Cuckoo Clock sighting on The Apprentice.

Chico: You already had a TV debut. We all did.
Jason: True.
Brian: And it was on Maury.
Jason: Yes.
Chico: Long story =p We won't get into it here. Meanwhile, we'll get into the business end with a green light. Good news for people who like blackjack. *raises hand*

GSN is giving the greenlight to season 2 of Catch 21. Look for it April 6 right after The Newlywed Game.

Chico: YAY!
Brian: Yes!
Jason: The big news about this...a 65 episode (13 week renewal)
Gordon: think it's a very smart move by GSN to renew Catch 21. I also think it's smart to pair it with The Newlywed Game.
Jason: Yes, yes and yes.
Chico: Oh yeah.
Gordon: I've been to the tapings, I think it's going to work out very well.
Chico: And now, for the baseball bat. And it has a picket sign attached. "No Blood for Cheese"...
Gordon: Oof.
Jason: Not cool.

The Writer's Guild West is picketing American Idol... again... to bring attention to FremantleMedia's treatment of reality TV writers.

Chico: Now I have a theory of this.
Gordon: Let's hear it.
Chico: This was brought about because Temptation, which has since been canceled, was using WGA talent and pushing out episodes. WGA catches wind of this and goes on the hunt, not necessarily after the right target, but the most visible. Because, as you know, AI is still on the air and massive, while Temptation is... yeah.
Gordon: I'm also guessing that the WGA, who just got rulings in their favor, have smelled blood and want to go after the big boys.
Jason: And this is the right move I think. I do believe the unionization of the reality show workers/writers is on the horizon.
Chico: But Fremantle counters by saying that WGA is not sending writers on all of its shows.
Jason: Even so...Come on.
Chico: I think they're going after the biggest target, not necessarily the most relevant. Because without writers... the average AI viewer would not know the difference.
Jason: I think they are relevant.
Gordon: I think you do need everyone Unionized - especially in this economy where cost cutting is rampant and there's no guarantee that people are getting paid out what they are worth.
Chico: But is this the right way of going about it? Far from it.
Gordon: I don't know if I believe that, Chico. You do have writers behind Randy, Paula and Simon. With no writers there, I think that you have people not sounding as smart and savvy as they would be. Is it the right way? No. Based on the climate and the history of how the writers have been treated in this reality format, Is it the only way? Maybe.
Jason: Who do you go after...Warner Brothers and Mike Fleiss? Mark Burnett? JD Roth? Everyone?
Gordon: I'd go after everyone. If you have enough successful lawsuits, then the most cost effective way of avoiding future lawsuits is to Unionize.
Chico: I say if you're going to go after one, go after them all.
Gordon: Go after everyone.
Chico: Don't just say, hey, here's AI. Let's kick their ass again.
Jason: You think they are going after them because they are the elephant in the room?
Chico: Yep.
Jason: Even though their cause is right
Gordon: The biggest elephant, if it's brought down, provides the juiciest meat. Meanwhile, Ken Jen and Amanda have created a wall of cheese and Mike and Darnell the groundhogs have presented both Jason and Chico chocolate covered helmets.
Chico: Should we be afraid?
Gordon: I think so, because here's Gordon Jr. with the next dish...Filet of Fleiss with a side of Are You Hot sauce.
Jason: LOL

According to, Mike Fleiss is trying to pitch the revival of Are You Hot. And according to various reports, at least 2 major networks are interested.

Brian: Are you kidding me?
Don: Really?
Jason: You are kidding me?
Chico: But Gordon! That show sucked!
Jason: Sucked? It went from suck to blow.
Gordon: You can't get much cheaper, programming-wise. If you want to cost-cut, this is a perfect summer show to do so.
Jason: (shakes head)
Chico: I'd rather watch another season of Duel.
Jason: I would rather rub Icy Hot on my privates.
Gordon: I think the wall of cheese is ready for both of you, now.
Jason: Dual Run, C?
Chico: Dual Run! This is for bad taste, America!

*dual run*

Jason: AHHHH!
Gordon: How did that feel?
Jason: a weird way.
Chico: I don't want to do that again.
Gordon: I think there's enough wall of cheese left for Brian and Don if you 2 want to take a turn.
Brian: I need some cheese now. *Runs toward the wall*
Don: Sure, why not? *Runs toward the wall*
Gordon: Gordon Jr. is telling me it's fresh from The Amazing Race Cheese challenge in Switzerland.
Jason: Yum!
Chico: I think a group run is in order next time.
Brian: (as Homer Simpson) Mmmm...cheese.
Gordon: And now, everyone gets a piece of Smart Cake.

Are YOU Smarter than...J.D. Fortune, who went from being penniless and living in a car to winning Rock Star Season 1, is now...back to being penniless and living in a truck, thanks to a combination of a cocaine problem and being booted by INXS because of said cocaine problem.

Chico: Well, look on the bright side. INXS can do that show over again.
Don: But should they? Really?
Chico: ... No.
Gordon: No. Please, no.
Jason: No.
Brian: No
Gordon: However, if you are running some shows for people who need jobs, I have a few applicants here. Who's up for some Haterade?
Chico: Yay!
Jason: Me! (holds out glass)
Brian: I'm ready for it.
Don: Ready!

We start with Clay Aiken, who was dropped by RCA Records.

Chico: Awww.
Don: Ouch.
Brian: Oh dear.

Then we continue with Benjamin 'Coach' Wade, who got fired from his woman's soccer coaching job for not telling them that he was going to be on Survivor.

Jason: Double Ouch.
Don: Oops!
Brian: Stupid, just stupid.
Chico: Don't you just love televised job searches?

Finally, Wanda 'Saaphyri' Scott is in jail after being convicted for stealing her uncle's identity and usinng it to rack up thousnads of dollars worth of debt.

Chico: So failed contract negoitations... firing... and in jail.
Gordon: Ironcially enough, she won Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School and won $50,000 - which has since been siezed by the government to help pay the liens on what she owes.
Jason: Oh man! ROFL
Don: LOL!
Gordon: So your Charm School Winner: In Jail.
Brian: LOL
Jason: That my IRONY.
Gordon: Next course...Amanda and Ken Jen are serving Fully Loated Fruit Salad. Man that's full of all sorts of good fruit.
Chico: Oh yeah
Gordon: And avocado. I love avocado.
Jason: Me too.
Chico: you like apples with avocado?
Gordon: Sure do.
Chico: You'll love this.

Ludia and FremantleMedia are releasing TPIR and Hell's Kitchen on the Mac. They're $20 a piece at

Gordon: (Drool)
Jason: Gordon...stop drooling.
Chico: Wipe, bro. Wipe.
Gordon: I sense a trip to the Applestore in my future.
Chico: Times Square or West Nyack?
Gordon: Garden State Plaza
Jason: is digital download...just checked.
Chico: See? You don't even have to leave the house! Now we go casting! This week, we're prepping to go to three, and the language... is Bingo.
Gordon: BINGO!
Jason: Was his name-o.

Bingo America is casting for season 3. Full of personality? Good at trivia? Love game shows? Want $100,000 cash money? Then fire an e-mail over to

Chico: If you live in or are planning to visit Southern California.
Gordon: Yay. One more casting call. And it's for Talent. Do you have Talent?

America's Got Talent is looking for people for season4. Go to NBC.Com for details. And if you want to watch the auditions, go to OCATV.Com for tickets.

Jason: I have a friend who is definitely doing the New York Auditions.
Chico: Nice!
Gordon: And I'll be there to boo them off the stage :D
Jason: Trust me...he won't be booed. This isn't a joke act!
Chico: He good?
Jason: He was a theater teacher for many years...and loves to sing OPERA. he is a huge fan of Mario Lanza. The man has got skills.
Chico: We'll see.
Gordon: Maybe. but you really think the judges are going to put him through when they already had an opera singer win the million last season?
Jason: We shall see.
Gordon: We will. And Hans the Pig is carrying some Luda Lemonade on his head.
Chico: Rap name Luda! Real name Chris! Stupid human tricks! Can you do... THIS?! *plays "Pimpin' All Over the World"*

In this week's Media Ho Report, Tom Bergeron plugs his book, Apprentice Runner-Up James Sun starts an online map company, Duane Causwell is looking for America's Top Baller...Katharine McPhee goes to CSI, Big Brother's Jade Goody has cancer, Jerry Springer lands the lead in Chicago...Isaac Mizrahi and Kelly Rowland will host Bravo's new 'The Fashion Show', and Charlie (Hell's Kitchen) and Laura Leigh (True Beauty) get their walking papers.

Gordon: But none of them are your hoes of the week.
Chico: Is she a 40 year old from Arizona?
Gordon: No she's not. He's a billionaire who's had a very busy week.
Jason: OOOH yeah.
Gordon: Donald Trump first resigns from Trump Entertainment (the Casino line), then sees his son and his wife welcome their second child in the world.
Jason: Thats a bad news/good news week.
Gordon: Sure is. And those...are your hoes.
Chico: And finally, we're going ... where do you guys want to go today? Asia or Europe?
Jason: Asia
Gordon: Asia!
Don: Asia sounds good!
Chico: Okay, we'll go to Asia first, then swing round to Europe.
Jason: alright

First up, to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of Thang Long in Vietname, they're putting on a game show... "Hanoi: 36 Streets." The prize: $1.76 million...but it runs for 53 weeks.

Jason: Year long
Chico: That's a lot of game for a lot of money
Don: That's... Yeah, that's quite long!
Chico: Going to the UK now, and we're premiering a new game this weekend...

The Colour of Money. This one's been hyped up for some time.

Chico: Can Chris Tarrant strike gold twice?
Jason: He has the potential to.
Chico: And if this hits, how long before we see it?
Jason: Late in the Fall 2009 Early 2010
Chico: Alrighty. That's Brainvision. Clear down, boys.
Jason: We are clear for closing of Brainvision.
Chico: Still to come, we fire up the old TiVos to see what we're watching and what they say about us.
Chico: First, though. What do we have, G?
Gordon: First up, when we come back, we buy things. This is WLTI. You give us 22 minutes, we'll give you 24 singers who are going to learn the hard way what the words 'Song Selection' means.

(Brainvision is brought to you today by "The Man in Charge." Forget being just an apprentice. Who wants Donald Trump's job? Seriously. His casinos are dying here.)