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Previous Episodes (Season 26)
December 20/27 - 2010 Year In Review Double Episode

January 10 - Since You've Been Gone / 20?s: Ross Hewitt / Push or Flush (2)

January 17 - Returning Champions / Accuracy or Idiocy / Welcome to Hollywood

January 24 - Hollywood Is Dead / Ask the Doctor / What Happens First

February 7 - I Make Them Good Games Go Bad / This, That or The Other / Number Please

February 14 - Valentine's Less Than Three / Heads or Tails / Game Show in My Hat

February 21 - J!3: Rise of the Machines / 20?s: Todd Alan Crain / Saywha?

February 28 - Race For Your Life, Ryan Seacrest! / March Madness / Trios

March 7 - Duh. WINNING! / What Were You Thinking? / Should & Will

March 14 - A Hard Dose of Reality... TV / 6 Things We Think You Should Know / Really Big Board: DWTS

March 21 - Springing Forward... and Falling Back / Infiltration / What If...

March 28 - Shred It! / Songbook / Are You In or Are You Out?

April 11 - Trippy / Whammyville! / Bargain Hunters

April 18 - Season's Reamings / We The Jury / Season's Greetings

April 25 - Green Is The New Black / Watch or Record / Pass the Password

May 2 - I Do What The Voices Tell Me / Pick Your Poison / List Abuse

May 9 - Gordon Laughs at Chico & Jason / Place Bets Now / Pineapple!

May 16 - Spring Cleaning / Roleplay / Welcome to Hollywood

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 26.17 - It's the End of the World As We Know It (And Gordon & Chico Feel Fine)
May 23

Chico: Apologies in advance...


Chico: I'll take my floggings now. I feel dirty.
Gordon: You know we play the song at my office job to annoy the crap out of people.
Gordon: Do you listen to that while watching The Bachelorette to delay the pain?
Chico: No, I think it's to numb the pain a little.. Beer helps. Welcome back to We Love To Interrupt... A little bit of game show geek heaven. EVERY WEEK.
Gordon: So lets Read Between the Lines. This is the game where we interpret the spin. Chico, start us off.
Chico: Will do, chief. This is from Peter Rice of Fox, who've built their schedule around people with no business being on TV, let alone in front of a microphone.

"Nothing impacts culture the way a television show does, and here at FOX, we have the most talked about, most followed, most creative shows that build connections between viewers and brands."

Chico: TRANSLATION: We keep making this crap because you keep watching it. And because you keep spending money on it... Money... that goes to the Peter Rice Rolls Up in a Ferrari, B(^_^)! fund.
Gordon: Translation: We have no problem sticking what comes out of rear ends and throwing it against the wall, because one American Idol will more that outweigh 100 Hole in the Walls, Our Little Geniuses, The Littlest Grooms and The Chambers.
Chico: That's how you make the money. Next?
Gordon: Next one...

"If Cheryl Cole is going to win over Hollywood, she’d be better off doing it as a sassy and single girl-about-town."

Chico: TRANSLATION: You honestly think we hired you for your judging abilities? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Gordon: Translation: If you're available, it means that every horny sleazy dog out there (not to mention every sleazy producer) thinks they have a shot to bed you. Hence they'll watch with that fantasy in mind.
Chico: Jailbait.
Gordon: Well, sleazebait anyways. She's of legal age.
Chico: Next up... From a reality TV producer who spoke on the condition of anonymity about "Repo Games"...

"We in reality TV talk about s(^_^) to gold. The audience loves seeing s(^_^) turn into gold."

Gordon: Translation: America loves train wrecks. It makes great TV. you want to look away, but you can't.
Chico: Ah. There's a translation... TRANSLATION: You watched it.. You can't UNWATCH IT... Love Triangle, anyone? Bridalplasty?
Gordon: That's not great TV.
Chico: No, but it's train wreck TV.
Gordon: It is. next one...

So you think you can dance returns with ALL-STARS!!!!....who'll only show up in the Top Ten this year instead of the Round of 20.

Chico: TRANSLATION: We're running out of contestants, and we're running out of viewers. AT THE SAME TIME!
Gordon: Translation: I think the All-Stars may have influenced the voting at the beginning last year, so we'll save them...just in case. And the less money we can pay these people, the better.
Chico: Worked for "Fame." ... Right?
Gordon: Oh yeah. It worked wonders. How's that show doing?
Chico: I have no idea. :-)
Gordon: Next?
Chico: Next one - Nicole Scherzinger in talking about her role as host of "The X Factor"...

"I'm not Ryan Seacrest."

Chico: TRANSLATION: I need help.
Gordon: Translation: Watch my breasts. They will be much perkier than I will ever be. So...last one...

'The Rapture is coming October 21, 2011! I'll guaran-damn-tee it!!!!

(Rapture Joke Counter: 7)

Chico: TRANSLATION: ... Give me money or I will end your lives. Here. Have some Kool-Aid!
Gordon: Translation: I'm an 89 year old coot. If I can make any money out of it, I will, because my life is ending soon anyways, so I don't give a rats rear end about what happens to you suckers. And keep those GSNN people out of heaven. They've sinned way too much for my liking. Especially the one with a Brad Womack poster on his wall...hey! You damn kids! Get off my Lawn!'.
Chico: There you go. Still to come, islands in the stream... that is what they are..
Gordon: And with that, we'll go island hopping after the break.

(Brought to you by Supertrainwreck. It's the world's fastest bullet train, capable of transporting you from New York to Los Angeles in 12 hours. Her crew: the entire cast of the new season of America's Next Top Model... and the Bachelorette... And they're all there for the wrong reasons)

Gordon: What if the 2 casts started dating each other?
Chico: ... Then it would be a Love Train. A Love Train. People all over the world... Join hands...
Gordon: And then the train can go to an island. I hear we're providing mono rail support there.
Chico: Sure are. First up....

Harold Camping... no choice here, he just needs to be separated from society.

(Rapture Joke Counter: 8)

Gordon: Welcome to Rapture Island. Home to the last bastion on Earth.

(Rapture Joke Counter: π)

Chico: You broke the damn counter.
Gordon: ...Sorry. But we need to give Harold some sort of fun things to do while he awaits his last 5 months on Earth.
Chico: His, not necessarily everyone else's.
Gordon: Right. And we start with entertainment...

We'll go with 2 shows that didn't survive the upfronts. Million Dollar Money Drop or Shedding for the Wedding?

Chico: Shedding for the Wedding. Money Drop still makes enough bank overseas to keep Endemol afloat. And that means more product from them.
Gordon: True, but at least Shedding was entertaining. They couldn't get MDMD done right at all, complete with $800,000 blunder. Get rid of MDMD.
Chico: I can lose both.
Gordon: Send them both Harold's way. Next?

Wendy Williams or the full cast of Drew Carey's Improv-a-Ganza. Both GSN concept series are... how can I put this mildly.... TANKING. Someone needs to go and entertain the island some more.

Gordon: Send Wendy Williams over. At least Drew has a good track record.
Chico: True. And besides, everyone else can work. Ryan, Chip, and Jeff haven't hosted a game show yet. Lazy bums. Or Heather Anne and Kathy for that matter.
Gordon: They should - but not on the island.
Chico: No.
Gordon: Next one... We need food.
Chico: Nom nom nom

Rocky Mountain Oysters...or Horse Meat. We know the Oysters have been served up on Chopped. The horse meat was served up on Top Chef: Canada and received a ton of angry hate mail, despite the fact that it is eaten in Canada as a delicacy.

Chico: And rather tasty. Rocky Mountain oysters for them, horse for us.
Gordon: It is tasty. Have you ever had it?
Chico: Why yes.
Gordon: Me too. Tastes better than chicken.
Chico: Very lean.
Gordon: Agreed. If horses weren't cute, we would be eating more of them. Much healthier than cows or pigs.
Chico: Yep. But the folks on the island won't get any.
Gordon: Aw
Chico: Next one...

Jacob Lusk or Pia Toscano... two fierce voices from American Idol 10 who could've been saved by the save... but weren't, thank you Casey Abrams. Who plays the Island?

Gordon: Jacob. Pia left because the audience wasn't teenage girls. Jacob left because he creeped out the teenage girls.
Chico: Jacob creeped out EVERYONE.
Gordon: Can we send a collection of mirrors with him?
Chico: Sure why not.
Gordon: Last one...

Justin Bieber or Rebecca Black?

Chico: Rebecca Black. She and Harold can do a duet on this...


Chico: "It's DOOMSDAY DOOMSDAY! Everybody dies on Doomsday! Everybody's looking forward to the Rapture Rapture!"

(Rapture Joke Counter: Moon Cheese)

So to sum this up...

It's the Rapture Island Extravaganza! Harold Camping will be dancing to 'Caught up in the Rapture of Love' performed by Jacob Lusk. Afterwards. the crew will see themselves in slimming mirrors as they shed for the wedding by eating Rocky Mountain Oysters and listening to Wendy Williams sing 'The Rapture'. Finally, we play the Million Dollar Money Drop with all of the campaign funds they raised as the earthquake comes...and surprisingly stops after being scared off by the Rebecca Black / Harold Camping duet. The loud screeching voices will cause the plate tectonics to shift back to normal, inadvertently saving themselves from destruction.

Chico: And Sunday comes afterwards.

(Rapture Joke Counter: I QUIT!)

Chico: Okay, let's fry this baby (drops joke counter in the fry daddy)

(Rapture Joke Counter: Ow!)

Gordon: After this.

(Brought to you by Gordon and Chico's Dead Horse Society. No one knows how to kill a joke sequence better than Gordon and Chico. Mutilating running punch lines since 2001.)

Chico: And business is GOOD!
Gordon: Booming, even.

(Rapture Joke Counter Explodes)

Chico: ... kinda like that!
Gordon: You expected anything different when you dropped it in a deep fryer?
Chico: Nope. That said... It's SPEED ROUND TIME!
Gordon: Speed Round Starts...now! American Idol: Scotty wins, right?
Chico: Is there any way Scotty DOESN'T win?
Gordon: Scotty paints himself red, dyes his hair green and calls himself a McRadish. Barring that, no.
Chico: MMM... McRadish. So You Think You Can Dance starts again this week... watching?
Gordon: Do I have a choice?
Chico: No.
Gordon: DWTS: who wins?
Chico: Hines Ward.
Gordon: I'll say Chelsea Kane, since Jason picked Hines, and we all know what happens when he does that. Celebrity Apprentice. John Rich won. Thoughts?
Chico: None, really. Donald Trump didn't care. Why should I?
Gordon: But who cares? Donald is running for office...or he's not...or he is..or he's not...or he i...
Chico: Gordon's relapsing. Let's go to the viewer mail...
Gordon: We got any?
Chico: Why hyes. Yes we do.
Gordon: Let's hear it.
Chico: From Duane Eklof...


Duane Eklof
Your site forgot to mention Barbara Stuart passing on May 15th at the age of 81 - she was famous to game show fans (along with her ex-hubby Dick Gautier) for the famous 'fag' episode of "Match Game '73" that GLAAD got banned in the early 2000's.


Chico: Wow. I don't even remember THAT episode. You?
Gordon: I do remember that episode. I didn't realize that GLAAD banned it. Thanks for dropping the knowledge, Duane.
Chico: Anything else, or are we posting a new question?
Gordon: Lets post up a new question.
Chico: Okay. Here's one...


It's summertime! What game shows are you looking forward to and why should we be looking forward to them as well?


Gordon: Please only give us shows with new episodes. For example, if you put down '5th grader', we'll laugh at you, then delete the post. Then laugh at you some more after we deleted the post.
Chico: right. Spread the love at facebook.com/wlti.gsnn!
Gordon: So that wraps up this weeks show. Special thanks to no one in particular, since it's Chico and I today.
Chico: And eventually we got it done. We'll do better next week.
Gordon: We will. And next week is the end of our Spring Season, which means we get...no time off before the Summer season starts. Whoopie. For Chico, this is Gordon, saying Game Over and spread the love.
Chico: :-)