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Because fandom is NOT a spectator sport...

Today is

April 23, 2007

Chico: You know the kind.. the kind that look to the audience on Bonkers. The kind that'll not listen to their gut.
Jason: Ugh.
Chico: All it takes is some basic strategy, and you will be able to tune out the audience.
Gordon: You mean 5 Garliques doesn't total between $20-$21?
Gordon: How do you play the Check Game, daddy?
Chico: You go into the corner and write 1000 times, I will not bid $1 when I'm third up.
Gordon: Can I bid $420?
Chico: Only if you're ON 420. Remember, kids, smoking is wrong
Gordon: Missed it by a few days (snaps fingers)
Chico: And speaking of which... sunrise... baby crying... A new game has been born... into this world.
Jason: Another one?
Chico: Another one. This game is called "15 Shades of Wrong." I'll give you an event and you determine how wrong it is on a scale of 1 to... well, 15. Remember, this isn't factually or morally wrong, but more or less "Just ain't right". For example...
Jason: Ok

The case of Amber Alchalabi on the Bachelor. Her school told parents that she was caring for her parents.... when in reality, she was shooting The Bachelor... all while standardized testing was taking place. 6

Gordon: oops
Jason: That's sort of on the 6 scale to me.
Chico: Amber's a teacher whose school had to lie about her whereabouts when confronted with confidentiality. Then you have... parents getting angry to see it on TV.
Gordon: I think its not awful, as they probably had her job covered. 3.
Chico: The administration of the county schools didn't know about it. I'll give it an 8, so this ranks... 6 shades of wrong. Not quite as wrong as it can be.
Jason: Right. Got the idea.
Chico: Okay, next?
Gordon: Next one -

Adrian Cohen, the medical director of a number of Survivor episodes, gets fired after illegally obtaining $28,000 worth of prescription drugs. One of said drugs - cocaine. 10

Chico: Isn't it ironic... I'll go 10 shades.
Jason: Ok...this is definitely on the 10 scale
Gordon: 10 sounds right here
Chico: So on a scale of 1 to 15, Coked up doctor... 10 shades. Next...

Tricia McKinney losing on Final Jeopardy! when she confuses Andrew Jackson for Andrew Johnson. 1

Gordon: Stupid, but not really wrong. 1.
Jason: Not wrong at all. 1.
Chico: Only factually wrong. 1. So one shade... but at least she could afford to be wrong with $50,800
Gordon: True. Next...

I Love Tiffany, but I Hate New York. That's what Tango says as he dumps Tiffany on the Live Reunion show. His claim - her and her mom insulting his mother was too much to deal with. 1

Jason: Oh please. 1
Chico: Deserved after what he went through. 1.
Gordon: 1 for him - but a 10 for Tiffany for doing that to Tango and expecting him to stick with the relationship
Chico: Agreed. 1 for Tango. 10 for Tiffany. Maybe even 12. Yeah, I'll go with 12 for New York.
Gordon: Next?
Chico: Next up...

Identity continues to wallow in the Friday night doldrums, while we wait anxiously for news of the better-scoring "1 vs. 100". 5

Jason: About a 4...both shows are good and should be paired with each other.
Gordon: That would be a cool Friday game block. 4
Chico: Well, if I was judging the show, I'd give it a 4. But here I am waiting for 1 vs. 100, which would've been surefire... so yeah, I'm bumping it up to a 6. So we're looking at about a 5 shader.
Gordon: Memo to NBC - what about trying to FOSTER these shows?
Chico: Okay, one more.
Gordon: Last one...Ready to see a weight loss competition show for kids?
Jason: Details please.

Fat Kids Can't Hunt features 10 obese kids as they forage for food with Aboriginal Tribesmen. You can only eat what you hunt and kill; plants, fruits, grass, animals, insects. If you can't or don't eat it, you go hungry. There's already plans to Americanize this concept and turn it into a reality game show 8

Jason: Dual edged sword here.
Chico: I'm all for combating the obesity epidemic in our youth... but there are some issues here...
Jason: While I think that concept is brilliant, the "self-esteem" police will think it's a bit on the naughty side. 7
Gordon: I like the weight loss concept for kids - this isn't how to do it. 8.
Chico: I'm going to go with 9, simply because of parental issues.. You know, that it 's their right to protect us from ourselves. So there you go. 8 shades of wrong. Therefore, of the six and a half things we've demonstrated, the most wrong... Tiffany New York... Boo. Heh. Okay, one more break, then it's off to the Big Finish.

(Brought to you by The American Idol Petting Zoo. We have Simon Cow, Sanjaya the Rooster, Ryan the Rhino and Haley as the Farmer's Daughter. Meow)

Chico: Two words... Hot pants. Okay, we're running out of time here. Time for the speed round, also known as ... the Big Finish! Who will Idol give back this week?
Gordon: They will give back Phil, and no, I don't mean it this time
Jason: I am going to call the mother of all upsets and say Lakisha
Gordon: It wouldn't be an upset
Chico: I don't think it's her time yet. I say Phil's looking a bit shaky again.
Gordon: DWTS - Is Heather finally leaving?
Chico: She has to. Now that Clyde is gone, she's Carrie Ann's wench.
Jason: I think so.
Chico: Survivor. We had a blindside. Who's going to feel the aftereffect?
Jason: What happened if I may ask.
Chico: Dreamz played both sides against the middle, resulting in someone who thought was going to be voted out playing the Idol. Turns out he wasn't, and in almost a sweep Edgardo is voted out.
Jason: You mean Yau-Man used the real idol now?
Chico: No, Alex of the Four Horsemen.
Jason: Oh ok. There are two I forgot. Dreamz may be in real trouble.
Gordon: Yeah - not a bright move.
Chico: But an interesting Tribal Council, at least. Okay, the tribe has spoken. What say the viewers? Let's find out. First up, from Michael Hetrick. Thanks, Michael!

From: Michael Hetrick

Just happened to run across a National Bingo Night 15 second promo tonight. I recorded it and uploaded it to YouTube. Here is the address. Kinda interesting about the cage, balls and path. Just thought I'd pass it along.


Jason: Who is the bald guy hosting?
Chico: That would be Ed Sanders of Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
Jason: Nice 2nd job. Why not.
Chico: All I have to say is... that is one big honking hopper.
Jason: Anyone can be a host these days.
Gordon: Yep - I think Jason has an email
Jason: Yes I first actually! It's from Erskine Thompson of Rome,
Georgia! Thanks for writing!

From: Erskine Thompson

Hey, Jason - couple of thoughts on Sanjaya, including something you overlooked: The John Stevens Factor. You remember Stevens, of course, the red-headed crooner that couldn't hold a pitch to save his life. He was absolutely horrible, and Simon blasted him every week until he was ousted - in SIXTH PLACE. That's probably where Sanjaya will wind up. It's just too bad that some more talented people will be eliminated before him. They (Stevens and Malakar) both have teeny-bopper girls cheering for them due to their cuteness, and overlook their actual ability because of it. The difference between them is that Sanjaya does have one element Stevens lacked - charisma

Say what you will, Sanjaya Malakar is a performer, and he can be entertaining to watch, if only to see how goofy he looks this week, or what shenanigans he will try.

In short, I can't believe people are surprised he's still alive. He may very well win the competition, but if he does, it will still be the American people that voted for him all the way there, from the semifinals all the way to the title. By the way, his performance last night, as Simon said, "wasn't horrible." Maybe there's hope for him yet, as long as he does nothing but foreign-language ballads.


Jason: This was of course written before the elimination---Thanks, Erskine. Thoughts?
Chico: Absolutely dead on.
Gordon: I think we all agreed with him in thinking that Sanjaya mania was powered by the kids, and not Howard Stern
Jason: Sanjaya was and is the perfect teen idol. Non threatening and SOOOOOO CUUUTTTTEE!!!(In Ashley Perl speak)
Gordon: Blergh
Chico: One more outburst like that and I'm talking away your cute license =p
Jason: Sorry.
Chico: Okay, next up, from Joe DePolo...

From: Joe dePolo

I'm just curious. What the heck do these "casting people" look for???? I've passed the Millionaire test many times, but never got selected to be on the show!!! Same with the Show Me the Money show, and I've sent in tapes for 1 vs. 100, Identity, and Deal or No Deal. I just don't understand it.

Chico: Thanks, Joe. Gordon actually wrote about this a while ago, in that a great majority of game show contestants these days are not only telegenic, but have a story to tell. Something that will make America cheer for them.
Jason: And contestant coordinators can be very selective.
Chico: Some have kilts, some have roller skates, some have murses.
Jason: rightly or wrongly.
Chico: Coordinators aren't looking for a good gamer so much as they are under mandate to make good television.
Jason: Which is the double edged sword they balance.
Gordon: What they don't understand is that we WANT to see normal people, not just the good people
Chico: Precisely.
Jason: We want to see EVERYBODY. Of all walks.
Chico: It takes all kinds, after all. Hope that answers your question, and keep reaching for that brass ring, Joe. Next?
Gordon: We've got a Wuthrich mail...

From: Jason Wuthrich

I could see why that Final Jeopardy clue about Greek letters stumped all the contestants. The only Greek letter "that ends in an English letter that one
of the others do"? I have no idea what that means. Of course, any other language besides English is all Greek to me. :-)


Chico: ... BAD JOKE! Okay on that note, I think it's time to call it a day.
Jason: Yup
Gordon: Agreed. Thanks again to Jason Block for stopping by.
Jason: Always good to be here.
Chico: Once again... E-mail address: He's Gordon, I'm Chico, the show is We Love to Interrupt... y'all know how we do...
Gordon: GAME Over and Spread the Love
Jason: YES



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