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Big Brother

Season 11
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Fifty-two cameras record your every move. Eighty microphones capture your every word. Big Brother is watching.

Recaps by Chico Alexander, Gordon Pepper & Eric Pierce, GSNN
Host Julie Chen
Announcer Clayton AS Halsey
Creator John de Mol
EP Allison Grodner
Rich Meehan
Scott Einziger
Packager Allison Grodner Productions
Endemol USA
Origins CBS Studios Radford, Los Angeles, CA
Airs 8p Sun & Thurs, 9p Tues, CBS
Available Streaming Online

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Breakdown: Days 41 to 43
August 18

Last time in the house, Michele was crowned Head of Household. Chima tried to warn her of the consequences of keeping Jeff and Jordan alive in the game... but she failed to listen, and now Chima and Natalie are nominated for eviction. But one breakdown could change everything.

DAY 41

Michele really likes Chima as a person, but she's there to play a game, and Chima's friendship is not worth $500,000. Jeff & Jordan say that Michele nailed it, calling them "the biggest group of whiners they've ever met." Battle lines have been drawn and no one is being nice about it.

Back in the red bedroom, Chima states that she's going to quit the game and go home. Her alliancemates try to talk her way out of it, saying that her vote will be gone in the jury house. They say that she can still win the PoV, but Chima will not give them the satisfaction.

Now, two things you have to know about what happens in the rooms where "the lights stay on"...

1) Periodically, the houseguests will be put under lockdown so that the propmasters can prepare for competitions.

2) As you know, your mic has to be on you 24/7.

Big Brother addresses the first thing first.

"Houseguests, the lockdown is over."

And out in the backyard... a little golf hill, serving as a practice version of the Veto competition. Kevin, Natalie, and Lydia go and wake Chima up for some early practice. Kevin gets her up and to the backyard, where Big Brother addresses item #2...

"Chima, please put on your microphone."

"I don't give a (^_^). Eat it." As it is, Chima has come down the stairs without her lapel mic, which has to be on your person at all times. That's a rule.

"Chima, please put on your microphone."

And it turns out that that is not the only time, as Chima has gone against the will of Big Brother as far as Day 6. Kevin goes and gets her microphone... and if you've read the items, you know what happens next. The answer to the question of whether or not your mic is waterproof is... no, it is not. Natalie goes to fish it out, saying that Chima could owe Big Brother for this. And before you can say "it fell out of her hand", Natalie... Here comes Big Brother.

"Chima, please exchange your microphone with one in the storage room."

She's not going. And Kevin to the rescue again. He gets a new mic, but Chima will not wear it.

"Chima, please put on your microphone."

She does, says that Big Brother can impersonate a vacuum on a phallus, then takes it off.

Later that night, Chima says that she's going to walk out the exit door, while Natalie begs her otherwise. As they discuss this...

"Chima, please go to the Diary Room."

Chima refuses.

"Chima, please go to the Diary Room."

Chima refuses again. The next voice is NOT that of Big Brother, but of the voice of Grod, Allison Grodner, executive producer.

"Hey, Chima... I need you to come to the Diary Room now..." Ultimately, she submits and heads to the Diary Room, where Allison is awaiting her. That will lead us to one of the great quotes of Big Brother History...

"Alright, no need to sit down. You're gonna go out this way."

The rest of her alliance is waiting in the red room for something to happen. Kevin suggests that Chima is not coming back. Then Allison returns to the PA and calls everyone to the living room for an emergency meeting.

"I have an announcement to make. It was very clear that Chima did not want to follow the rules of the game. Tonight, she made the decision to willfully destroy her microphone, a piece of production equipment, that you all are very much aware is a big violation. For this reason and because of multiple rule violations, she needed to be expelled. We'll make an announcement about how this will affect nominations. Thanks, guys."

And no one is more frustrated about this than Kevin. She, Natalie, and Lydia say that this is Michele's doing, while Lydia says that they need to come together. Natalie, basically, is in the house now only because she wants "vindiction". That's "vindication", dear. As for the opposing alliances... they say that no one is sacrosanct, and everyone is responsible for their actions.

The next day, Michele emerges from the Diary Room with an announcement saying that because of Chima's actions and subsequent expulsion (and due to the fact that she was on the block anyway), her duties as HOH are now considered complete and a new HOH competition is to follow shortly. As outgoing HOH, Michele will not compete.

HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD COMPETITION: The Veto HOH Invitational Golf Tournament

In Big Brother's version of Improv Mini Golf, a hole-in-one is worth one point while a hit on a windmill is worth however many points it lands upon. The player with the most points each round is eliminated, but gets to choose a prize... among which is the keys to the HOH room. But before you get too attached, the eliminated players can either keep their prize or steal yours. The final golfer remaining will get their choice of all the prizes, including the HOH.

Round 1: Russell scores the first hole-in-one. Jeff follows suit... as does Kevin. Lydia is eliminated with 6. But she gets one prize... the HOH key. And all the mimosas she can drink.

Round 2: Natalie scores 7 and is eliminated next. Natalie gets a... Hawaiian vacation. Will she keep it? Yes.

Round 3: Russell scores 7 and is eliminated next. He gets a... phone call from home. He trades with Natalie. Russell says he did it for the trip.

Round 4: Kevin is eliminated with 5, and chooses $5000. He keeps that.

Final Round: Jordan gets a 4. And Jeff... completely screws it to give the final honor to Jordan. But first, Jeff trades Russell his spa experience for a Hawaiian vacation. Jordan, though, wins... a week as Big Brother's resident superhero... Captain Unitard. Needless to say, she decides to trade it to Lydia for HOH. To which Lydia calls her "a ho puppet".

Shortly afterwards, Lydia takes the mature way out and talks to the others about having her one chance at staying in the game taken from her. JUST KIDDING, she dumps Michele's beers in the sink and dumps her lunch in the recycling. Jeff and Jordan ask Lydia to calm down before Michele is outed as Lydia's next target. Then she challenges her to see "who the bigger woman" is.

Lydia wants to take Jeff to the DR. She ends up going there alone.

The rest of the house meets in the red room, where Jeff rants about Lydia's antics and Natalie tells him that he can't make others get along.

The next day, we get a look at Jordan's HOH room. Lydia... stays in bed. Until she gets out of bed and goes into the DR and arrives as... CAPTAIN UNITARD! Purveyor of justice!

And now, if this round of Big Brother was a game of Fluxx, we'd play the "Let's Do That Again" card... It's time to nominate for eviction.

She decides to spare Michele, Jeff, Kevin, and finally... .Russell. Captain Unitard and Natalie are both on the block. Lydia wanted to leave and Natalie's a strong player. Will the veto save either one, or is another one of Jessie's people going to the jury house? Find out Thursday.

To watch this episode in its entirety, or for more information on the live feeds, go to