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Previous Episodes (Season 18)
May 26 - Episode #200

June 2 - The Trial of Larissa Kelly/Heads or Tails/Push or Flush (2)

June 16 - Father's Day/Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews/Who's Your Daddy?

June 23 - GSNN's Got Talent/Play the Percentages/Are You Buying...

June 30 - Super Tuesday/Say Wha?/What's My Zinger?

July 7 - Let Freedom Ring/Songbook/WLTI Theatre

July 14 - Me & My Brothers/We the Jury/Number Please

July 21 - The End of an Era/Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews/Welcome to Hollywood

July 28 - The Number 21/Ask the Doctor/Categories

August 4 - Jevin! Jevin! Jevin!/6 Things We Think You Should Know/Accuracy or Idiocy

August 11 - Caskets & Mattresses/Roleplay/Resolutions

August 18 - An Episode of Olympic Proportions/Infiltration/Deserted Island

August 25 - 47 Story Big Board/Big Board/This, That or the Other

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 18.13
September 1

Jason: That's just wild. 20 years of Jason Block
Gordon: The scary thing is that Game Show Network has the rights to 5.5 hours of those 6 hours.
Jason: Pretty much.
Chico: Turn It Up... well, who'd WANT the rights to that piece of... yeah.
Gordon: ....
Jason: Hey Hey! Don't diss Gordon's show.
Chico: I do it because I'm his friend.
Gordon: ....
Jason: Right.
Chico: And I can get away with it :-)
Gordon: (brings artillery catapult into the studio)
Jason: What are you doing with a siege weapon?
Gordon: Hey Chico - I think we should use this for you to propel into the wall with next time.
Chico: Heh. Anyway, speaking of things that have to be dusted off, what do we have next.
Gordon: Next up, something we haven't played in a while...Full Circle!
Chico: Run it by us again.
Gordon: I'll give a Scrabble-Like clue. First person who rings in gets points.
Gordon: And we discuss.
Jason: Got it.
Don: Alright.
Chico: This a buzzers round, right?
Gordon: Right

Chico: 0 Jason: 0 Don: 0

Gordon: We start with this ...

8 letters. She was right across the Hudson
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Gordon: Aaaaannnd....go!
Jason: BUZZ
Gordon: Jason?
Jason: Jennifer
Gordon: Oooh. Good guess...but wrong. (BUZZ) Out of the rest of the clue.

_ A _ _ _ _ _ _
_ A _ _ _ S _ _
_ A _ T _ S _ _
_ A _ T _ S _ A

Chico: (BUZZER)
Gordon: Chico?
Chico: ... S(bleep)t, i was going to say NATASHA, but that's too few letters.
Gordon: Noooo... (BUZZ) And Don gets the first one all to himself

F A _ T _ S _ A

Don: *BUZZ*
Gordon: Don?
Don: Fantasia?
Gordon: There you go (DING). Jason was right. I was referring to Jennifer Hudson, but Fantasia was literally across from her when Jennifer ewas eliminated.
Jason: Wow. Very good clue.
Chico: You have to have either the memory of an elephant or an extensive video collection to remember that.
Gordon: BTW, Season 3 of Idol will be next on Idol Rewind this season.
Don: Wow, indeed.

Chico: 0 Jason: 0 Don: 8

Gordon: Next one, building on the last A in Fantasia. 6 letters.

The Clue: It's full of young Aces and Hicks
_ _ _ A _ _

Gordon: Aaaannnnnnd...Go!

_ _ E A _ _

Jason: BUZZ
Gordon: Jason?
Jason: Grease?
Gordon: Thats right. Ace Young is the newest cast member in the musical which also featured Taylor Hicks.
Jason: Who is he playing?
Gordon: Danny's best friend
Jason: Cool.

Chico: 0 Jason: 6 Don: 8

Gordon: Next one...Building on the S in Grease. 7 Letters.

The Clue: Some of them were from Greece.
_ _ _ _ _ _ S

Gordon: Aaaaaaannnnnd....Go!

_ _ _ _ O _ S
_ _ _ O O _ S
T _ _ O O _ S
T _ _ O O _ S
T _ _ O O N S
T Y _ O O N S

Chico: (BUZZER)
Gordon: Chico
Gordon: Correct! And everyone is on the board. Coming from the famous movie The Greek Tycoon.
Chico: I was thinking Ari Onassis myself.
Gordon: And speaking of tycoons, The Donald's Cast from Celebrity Apprentice 2...So far we have a Khloe Kardashain and a Joe Francis...thoughts?
Jason: From what I see...not as appealing as season 1
Chico: This ought to be vacuous. Come on, where's the meat? Where's the potatoes?
Gordon: I think Khloe and Kim teamed up to eat it all.
Don: Heh.
Jason: it all went to their ass.
Chico: No, you're thinking of just Kim. She's the one with the big ass and the sex tape. Khloe is "dead behind the eyes"
Gordon: No I'm not. Khloe is
Gordon: It's a nice figure, but you're not going to confuse her with Callista Flockheart any time in the near future.
Chico: Nope.
Jason: Hell no.
Chico: A little variety there. Some people like a little bit of speed bumps.
Gordon: Ok. Building on the C in Tycoons

The Clue: 9 Letters. The clue is: She dances with herself.
_ C _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Gordon: Aaaaaannnnnnd.....Go!

_ C _ _ _ _ _ _ R
_ C _ W _ _ _ _ R
_ C _ W _ M _ _ R

Chico: (BUZZER)
Gordon: Chico?
Gordon: Right!
Jason: Impressive.
Chico: And she'll be dancing with a partner come fall. She's one of the three new pros on DWTS after being a finalist on season 1 of SYTYCD. So we have a cross-ho-llination.
Don: Nice.
Jason: Very cool.
Chico: I think it was season 1.
Gordon: Well the Show is called Dancing With the Stars. Lacey is a Star, so she will be dancing with herself. She's also the partner of Lance Bass. Does that make them the automatic early favorites?
Jason: Yes.
Chico: Lance and Lacey.... I think middle of the pack toward the top.
Gordon: I'll be shocked if they don't make the finals.
Chico: We'll go over all of the lineup on the next show.
Gordon: We will. Right now, we go right into another clue.

Chico: 16 Jason: 6 Don: 8

Gordon: Next clue...building on the R in Schwimmer

The Clue: He may turn water into money.
_ _ R _ _ _ _ _

Gordon: Annnnnd....Go!

_ _ R _ _ _ _ N
_ _ R G _ _ _ N
_ _ R G _ S _ N

Jason: BUZZ
Gordon: Jason?
Jason: Ferguson?
Gordon: Correct. Chris 'Jesus' Ferguson
Chico: Wait a minute.. Water?
Gordon: Jesus can turn water into wine. Chris, a poker player, can turn it into money - and he's one of the favorites in Full Tilt Poker's Million Dollar Game.
Chico: Ah.
Gordon: Phil Ivey, Gus Hansen, Mike Matesow and others are playing. Who you got?
Jason: Jesus
Don: I'll pick Hansen.
Gordon: I'm going to go with Ivey, who won a $807,400 pot last year at this event.
Chico: Phil Ivey seems like a good way to go.

Chico: 16Jason: 13 Don: 8

Gordon: Last one. This will decide it. And since its the last one, it's worth DOUBLE, so anyone can win. Building on the S in Ferguson

The Clue: No Deal
S _ _ _ _ _

Gordon: Annnnnnnnnnd...Go!

S _ _ I _ _

Jason: BUZZ
Gordon: Jason, for the win
Jason: Strike?
Gordon: That's...absolutely....RIGHT!
Jason: WHOO-HOO!
Chico: Block wins another one! Block wins another one!
Gordon: It's his week, folks. That SAG deal STILL hasn't been signed yet. Worried?
Jason: No. Because they haven't made any motions to strike. Just a little rumbling.
Chico: I'm with Block on this one.
Jason: It's Stupid mind you...But yeah.
Don: Yeah, I can't see another strike after what happened this past season...
Gordon: I don't see it, but with it not being signed, the possibility is out there.
Jason: Oh yeah.
Jason: It's there.

Final Score: Chico: 16 Jason: 25 Don: 8

Gordon: Jason, you have the floor. Go.
Jason: We have a new syndicated season starting up on the 8th of September. Support the shows you like. We want more on the air. Let's hope this year is better than last. Temptation and Crosswords held promise...but didn't deliver. I hope this year will. Thank you.
Chico: Okay. When we return, we worship the porcelain throne. I get to be Drake Bell to Gordon's Kevin Covais.
Gordon: ...lovely thought
Jason: Oh man.
Chico: If you don't get that reference... go to a theatre.
Jason: I get it.
Chico: Good! See you in a bit.

(Brought to you by Mole in the Wall. It's like playing Whack-a-Mole, but it's on a wall... It's fun... really... stop looking at me like that...)

Gordon: (looks at Chico)
Chico: Where you can NOT get... THIS.
Jason: Sponsored by Home Depot.
Gordon: ...Someone needs more playtime
Chico: What makes you say?
Gordon: ...anyhoo, I got me a bunch of plungers here. Aren't they sparkly petty?
Chico: Yep. And I have... THIS.
Gordon: Ooooh. The Supertoilet V. 5.0.
Chico: Now with self-cleaning action.
Jason: Wow.
Gordon: Nice
Don: Very cool.
Chico: And it's going to need it, because guess what I've got.
Jason: New shows.
Gordon: Lots of new shows
Chico: The fall season. You know what happens. First half today, second half in two weeks when we return
Gordon: Let's do it.
Jason: I am ready.
Chico: First up...

America's Next Top Model - CW - September 3

Chico: Tyra and the gang promise a little variety this season.
Jason: The Franchise gets another hit season...and it has a transgender model. Publicity and Ratings. PUSH.
Don: Push.
Chico: We could push here.
Gordon: Push, of course. This is a fun show.
Chico: Four pushes... *fanfare* That same night...

Top Design - Bravo - September 3

Gordon: Pastry. I wasn't thrilled with the first season. I hope Todd Oldham is a better aide than a host.
Jason: Pastry. I think this the weakest of the Bravo lineup.
Chico: Pastry. It barely got a renewal.
Don: Pastry. I'm just not sure how this'll do.
Gordon: Light...crispy...warm...pastry
Chico: This might be it for Top Design. Next...

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader - Fox - September 5

Chico: Does a new day and time help matters?
Gordon: I know what Jason feels, but I think the move to Friday will actually HELP the show, which was doing very good to begin with. Push.
Jason: You know what...I am going to PASTRY this. Too many celebrities might dilute the content a little.
Don: I'll give it a push.
Gordon: The celebrities do concern me - especially Ken Jennings, who should have no problems with this Whatsoever.
Chico: They say what happens twice will happen three times. If you can get past the whole celebirty ... bit. PUSH.
Gordon: Keep in mind he used to write academia questions.
Jason: Still does I think.
Chico: So three pushes and a pastry. That's a push. Next up... MERRY GAMESMAS!
Gordon: Syndication Day! (Blows Noisemakers)
Jason: (throws confetti)
Don: Whoo!
Gordon: And what do we start with?

Family Feud - Syndication - Sept. 8

Jason: The little show that could. Keeps on for another year. PUSH
Don: Still going strong. PUSH.
Chico: 10 years... still going strong.
Chico: PUSH
Gordon: Push. Espeically with the Summer boost from NBC
Chico: *fanfare* Next...

Deal or No Deal - Syndication - Sept. 8

Chico: Real people... real game... real stakes. PUSH. Helped by the fact that the primetime game is still going
Jason: This is going to be MONSTER. 22 people...5 days a week...returning players. MAJOR PUSH.
Don: I think this'll be really cool to watch. PUSH.
Gordon: I agree. This will be the hit fof this season's syndication. Push.
Chico: *fanfare* Next... a bit of a grey area. The next two are part of the DaytimePlus initiative... First up..

Inside the Box - Syndication - Sept. 8

Jason: I have seen this show. This is very good. PUSH
Chico: It is. But will it play in America like it did in Canada?
Don: Push. I've seen the show up here, and it's pretty good.
Gordon: Ryan Vickers...person who is in this show as a contestant...I like you. I think the show here will bomb. Flush.
Chico: I'll have to flush as well, but not for fault of the show, but for fault of distribution. I have yet to find a station in RDU that will carry it. The show itself is great. But I may not get a shot to see it. You get a shot to see it, G?
Gordon: No I don't
Chico: See what I mean?
Gordon: This is a 'We'll throw the show in because Crosswords crapped out' deal. This will have a very short lifespan.
Chico: The second show in the package...

Best of Crosswords - Syndication - Sept. 8

Chico: Includes never-before-seen shows...
Chico: Flush for reasons stated above.
Gordon: They can't even get the regular shows over a 1.0. You think we're going to see 'The Best Of' do any better?
Jason: This I will FLUSH.
Don: Flush.
Gordon: Maybe they'll show the one where the contestant wins -$250. That would suffice. Flush.
Chico: Four flushes... we've got a clog...Gordon, get your shiny plunger.
Gordon: Got it.
Jason: Ready everyone?
Chico: Ready!
Don: Ready.
Gordon: Ready. ONE...
Jason: TWO...
Chico: THREE!
Gordon: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chico: And check that out... self-cleaning.
Gordon: Nice. No swirly stains or anything.
Chico: With a hint of vanilla.
Jason: Very cool!
Chico: Next...

Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary - Syndication - Sept. 8

Jason: Come on...25th Anniversary...
Chico: Jeopardy!...
Don: This'll be really awesome. PUSH!
Jason: This is huge...Major PUSH.
Gordon: Does anyone really care about Jeopardy in this room?
Jason: Uh...yeah!
Chico: ... Nah, I just watch it for... well, everything. PUSH.
Gordon: Oh alright. Push then.
Chico: And for the record, friend of mine competes in show #1.
Don: Nice.
Chico: Viewing party in Carrboro.
Jason: Very cool.
Chico: I'm wearing the WLTI shirt there.
Jason: Very cool.
Chico: Hopefully Kurt will ask about it. And another convert is born. Next...

Wheel of Fortune - Syndication - Sept. 8

Jason: Season 26...Million Dollar Wedge...#1 stays #1. MAJOR PUSH
Jason: And its coming to Canada
Gordon: Not thrilled about the Wedge, but they didn't screw around with the gameplay like other shows did. Push.
Don: PUSH. Oughta be another fun season.
Chico: Big-honking-push for all the reasons stated. *fanfare* Then...

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - Syndication - Sept. 8

Chico: I'm going to pastry. Hate the clock. Love the lifelines.
Jason: PASTRY here as well...for the reason C said. I am worried.
Chico: And as long as Meredith is at the helm, people will watch.
Don: Pastry. That new time limit really worries me.
Gordon: Pastry to me too. I think this does change the gameplay at the expense of what we liked about the show to begin with. The jury's out.
Chico: Jury's out. Next...

Hole in the Wall - Fox - Sept. 7/9/11

Jason: Sorry...This is more like Hole of Time I wont get back...FLUSH. And anything Brooke Burke is in...won't watch.
Gordon: The fact that this is on leaves a hole in my stomach. Flush.
Chico: This looks like it'll be a bit... vacuous.
Don: Flush. I can't see people being interested in this for too long. If at all.
Gordon: We're going to find out in a few weeks what sort of pull MySpace has. I'm guessing not enough.
Jason: I think it's plunger time.
Chico: Agreed.
Jason: ONE...
Chico: TWO....
Gordon: THREE!
Don: PLUNGE!!!!!!
Gordon: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Jason: Ah...Vanilla.
Chico: And final one for this session...

Don't Forget the Lyrics! - Fox - Sept. 12

Chico: This is more like it... PUSH.
Don: Still a good show to watch. Push.
Jason: Agreed. Push.
Gordon: It's a fun show. And Wayne Brady adds to it. Push.
Chico: Big push *fanfare* And that'll do it for now.
Jason: (puts plunger away)
Chico: While we call a plumber, you watch this... Speed Round is next.

(Brought to you by Grizzlebee's Labor Day Spectacular! Spend the morning with our Hole in the Waffles, while having some Opportunity Knockwurst on an Inside the Boxed Salad, and for dinner, try some Wheel of Fortuna Steak with some Stove Top Design Stuffing and Don't Forget the LyRice Pudding. Grizzlebees! You'll with you had less fun!)

Chico: Yum.
Jason: I am hungry,
Gordon: I think it's a Deal or no Deal!
Chico: Deal!
Don: My stomach is rumblin'.
Gordon: And with that, the Speed Round!
Chico: Does someone REALLY win the million* this week on Deal?
Jason: Yes. But it isn't valid.
Don: It wouldn't surprise me to see the million* given away this week.
Gordon: I'm guessing yes, the million* is won. And if that's the case, then this is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen NBC do. Ever.
Chico: Ever?
Gordon: Ever.
Jason: Ever?
Gordon: Ever.
Chico: Even dumber than the 21 spoil?
Gordon: It goes right up there with that, for a number of reasons that we'll get into next time.
Chico: Finale of Reality Bites Back is this week. Who's gonna win it?
Jason: I am going with Theo.
Don: I haven't seen "The Amazing Disgrace" yet, since Canada is a week behind in seeing that show.
Chico: Well, if it helps, we're down to two, Theo and Amy. The finale: American Surv-Idol-er's Kitchen.
Gordon: Amy's going to win. She's been on Last Comic Standing.
Jason: Theo's been on MTV's Road Rules.
Gordon: True. I'll still go with AMy
Don: I'll go with Theo.
Chico: I'll go with Amy, just to make things a little more interesting. Speaking of interesting... how's about some mail?
Gordon: I'd love some mail
Jason: Let's do it.
Gordon: Is this the season finale of...The Letter?
Chico: That in a bit, but first.. a letter from Rob Hoffmann

From: Rob Hoffmann

After tonight's Catch 21, I smell a new catchphrase. APOLOGIZE TO MISTER CHICKEN!!! :-)

Jason: Thanks Rob...but no :)
Chico: But you're thinking. We like people who think.
Gordon: We sure do.
Chico: Okay, next, not the finale of The Letter, but an interesting chapter nonetheless. Here's *plays "The Letter"*

Today's episode: The Bachelor/ette.

From: Daniel Benfield

A) Don't worry, Chico... I don't like it, either - then again, I can't stand Survivor.

Gordon: Your favorite part of the letter, I assume.
Chico: Turning out well so far.
Gordon: Lets keep going, shall we?
Jason: Sure.
Don: Might as well.

From: Daniel Benfield

B) I applaud the guy who was honest and said "I can't marry either one of you" - but I WILL say that ABC really needs to kick this show and its wife out to whoever wants to rerun them...

Chico: Ah. VH1. They'll be pleased.
Jason: Yes.
Gordon: Its VH1. They like this stuff.

From: Daniel Benfield

C) I WOULD say to burn them but people think that ANYTHING done on TV now should be saved... which is why Strip Poker still exists... (shudders) I've seen that show - NOT FUN.

Chico: Agreed. Jennifer Cole never once got naked on it.
Jason: Right.
Chico: That title wrote a check that those producers refused to cash.
Gordon: Which is why its no longer on the air.
Chico: Heh. On that brunette bombshell, it's time to end the season.
Chico: If the public has some correspondence, Gordon... where do they send it?
Gordon: It goes to OR myspace/wltiongsnn. Special thanks to Don Harpwood and Jason Block for joining us toaay.
Jason: Thank you. Going to be a fun fall.
Don: Thanks.
Gordon: So for everyone, this is Gordon Pepper, wishing you all a great Game Over and Spread the Love
Chico: Peace out :-)
Jason: Done.
Chico: and done.
Gordon: See you in 2 weeks!