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Previous Episodes (Season 18)
May 26 - Episode #200

June 2 - The Trial of Larissa Kelly/Heads or Tails/Push or Flush (2)

June 16 - Father's Day/Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews/Who's Your Daddy?

June 23 - GSNN's Got Talent/Play the Percentages/Are You Buying...

June 30 - Super Tuesday/Say Wha?/What's My Zinger?

July 7 - Let Freedom Ring/Songbook/WLTI Theatre

July 14 - Me & My Brothers/We the Jury/Number Please

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 18.7
July 21

Gordon: This is Gordon Pepper, and the end of an era.
Chico: ... and the beginning of several more. We'll get to those later. But right now...From somewhere in America... the "Dob is Forever" edition of WLTI... is.. ON!
Gordon: Gordon and Chico here, and we'll get to some of those new eras that should finish before they begin, but we start with an era that's finished way too quickly.
Chico: A couple of weeks ago, we reported on the departure of long-running TPIR producer Roger Dobkowitz. We have more on what's to come for season 37 as we begin by celebrating the end of season 36.
Gordon: Assuming that everything is still staying the course, this Thursday was Roger's last episode.
Chico: For all intents and purposes, it was a season unlike any other... but it sorta ended not spectacularly. Ready for a rundown?
Gordon: I want a rundown
Chico: The final tally in Roger's final season... 1200 players have relieved CBS of over $17.2 million in cash and merchandise.
Gordon: Nice
Chico: We played 1200 games. Of them, 550 were won, 27 were drawn, and 623 were lost. Technically, 622, because one of those was a technical. Apparently that guy knew somebody at a CBS affil You remember, right?
Gordon: Yes. We remember that one. Unfortunately. But will we even have 1,200 games next season?
Chico: Right now, that much is unknown. And if you think you know... you're fooling yourself. Here's what we DO know... Board, please!

TPIR 37: What We Know

We KNOW...
- Fingers is your new producer
- Gas Money is your new game
- HD is your new TV

Chico: This one is called TPIR 37: What We Know...
Gordon: What do we know, Mr. Chairman?
Chico: We KNOW... that tapings start tomorrow. By the time you read this, you'll have already heard the outcry of... whatever. Some of it founded. Others... more childish fanboying. We KNOW... that for the time being, Kathy "Fingers" Greco has been named to Roger's position. That's good... I guess this means we're in for an air of familiarity. Roger's been there since day 1... Fingers comes in at a close second. We KNOW... next season's set is already set up for HD. Gordon... you need to get you one :-)
Gordon: I'll be getting one...eventually...with another 5 or so trips to AC
Chico: Start planning :-)
Gordon: And me being the cuddly pessimist that you all know and love, we also know that one taping does not a show make. And less than 3 weeks worth of time between the end of the old season and the beginning of the new season in terms of tapings means that they will not have enough time to implement everything they want to implement. There WILL be changes after this tapings, and maybe many changes to the prime time versions of the show.
Chico: And finally, we KNOW at least one new pricing game is one tap.
Gordon: Do we know how it plays?
Chico: That is an unknown.
Gordon: But what we do know - next week's show we'll be having a lot more info and a lot more opinion after we get our group which will have seen the first tapings.
Chico: But in the meanwhile, take what you read with a grain of salt.
Gordon: Because no one really knows until the taping starts
Chico: That's right. And the people that say they know just like to watch their own words on the screen... Pretty... Anyway. They're full of it. They'd probably have you put your money on Phil Keoghan for best Reality Show host at the Emmys...The thing is... he's not nominated.
Gordon: Which would be a sound bet...if he was actually one of the people nominated, which he isn't.
Chico: But one of the nominations is a little... shall we say... interesting?
Gordon: Lets go over the nominations. Jeff Probst. Great choice.
Chico: As far as competitive reality, he is Bob Barker. And I mean that.
Gordon: Next up...Ryan Seacrest, for American Idol. Another great choice.
Chico: Yep. A quick study in how to succeed by really really trying very hard.
Gordon: Next up...Tom Bergeron, Dancing with the stars
Chico: Class act. And great with the off-the-cuff remark. He knows how to move his show along. See the deal with Marie fainting.
Gordon: Pretty much. Next up...Heidi Klum, Project Runway. Another solid choice.
Chico: I'll have to respectfully plead ignorance here, but if I were to guess... yes.
Gordon: She is very good. She started the job show genre at Bravo and sparked other networks to do the same thing.
Chico: And the final choice... the INTERESTING choice...
Gordon: .....Howie Mandel, Deal or No Deal?
Chico: With all due respect...WHAT?!
Gordon: Now we have no problem with Howie Mandel getting an Emmy. Howie is a very very good host.
Chico: And he knows the game for which he's hosting...
Gordon: Now here's where I have the problem. Since when is Deal or No Deal a reality show?
Chico: EXACTLY MY POINT. Now we were up in arms because he was snubbed for the game show award. Then this comes. Of course one can make the argument that the ultimate reality show is a game show... but a game show as a reality show... I call shenanigans. I think Scott St. John listened to himself too much when he said "Don't call my game show a game show." and just went off on it... J'accuse, Mr. St. John.
Gordon: It's stuff like this that make me wonder if the people are actually watching the shows they are nominating.
Chico: It's Jethro Tull all over again.
Gordon: I will throw something at my TV set if Mandel wins the award.
Chico: Then it'll REALLY be Jethro Tull all over again :-)
Gordon: and Brian will have a lot of time to listen to Jethro Tull, as he's the first person knocked out of the Big Brother house.
Chico: You never forget your first, but this time, I'll make an exception. This was the spot-nomination brought upon as Jessie won the Veto. Jessie took himself off, up goes Brian, and out goes Brian in a 9-1 vote. What happened?
Gordon: When you're the first person knocked off a reality show, you usually make some major blunders. Brian was no exception. Can I have a Big Bored please?

How to Be the First Person Eliminated from Big Brother

1) Play too hard too quickly
2) Don't telegraph
3) Underestimate the 75-year-old guy in the corner.

Gordon: Subject: How to be the first person eliminated from Big Brother.
Chico: You may not want to listen if you plan on winning the whole thing!
Gordon: 1. Play too hard too quickly. It's the first week in the house. During the first 4 weeks, people will get knocked out because they are pissing the house off or are considered a threat. Brian tried to make deals with Jerry...and Dan...and Ollie...and told the women he had their back...repeat and serve.
Chico: You don't double deal until at least week three... Triple dealing.. completely out of the question
Gordon: 2. Don't telegraph. Brian told the house that he has the power. Usually when you're being told that, you will not act favorably. It got to the point that 8 people in the house went over to Jerry (The Head of Household) and DEMANDED that he put Brian up. Jerry really had no choice.
Chico: Oh yeah. See, Jerry knows how to play the game. He knows that you make friends first... then serve the Haterade. NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND.
Gordon: Sort of. Jerry, unfortunately, allied with a conniver who was exposed. Unless Jerry does some serious backtracking, he's not long for this game either. To make matters worse, Jessie, the person originally targeted who got himself off when he won the veto, also wins Head of Household, so Brian's old alliance of Jerry, Dan and Steven are on notice early.
Chico: Yeah, but you'd think that Jerry is in a lot more pockets than the other two. Simply because he complied with the wish to get Brian out...
Gordon: I'm not sure about that as much as a 75 year old man is not as much of a threat to win challenges as an athletic high school teacher and a rodeo champion.
Chico: Very interesting.
Gordon: Dan and Steven are both up, and as Michelle, who's aligned with Jessie, won the veto, it looks like tha house will be losing it's second straight piece of man candy.
Chico: Old farts 2, Man candy 0. Speaking of no more man candy... Celebrity Circus quietly ended its run this week. And the king of the circus... Bonker!... No, Taffy!... No... Ickybod Crane!
Gordon: ...Antonio Sabato Jr. wins the competition...Though I would have preferred Bonker or Taffy.
Chico: I was always an Ickybod Crane guy. So what does Antonio win for his efforts?
Gordon: Sabato wins...Glory!
Chico: Yay Glory!
Gordon: I win a respite from seeing him on my television set. I like my prize better.
Chico: Can I have your prize?
Gordon: Sure (shares prize). But Antonio Sabato Jr. is not the only thing that's threatening to leave your TV set.
Chico: Really?
Gordon: The Mole is well-reviewed, but low-rated, so Scott Stone is trying to rally the fans to create a 'Save Our Show' campaign on The Mole.
Chico: You know, before the fans have their turn at it.
Gordon: Are you going to try to save The Mole?
Chico: Hell yeah. Next to the Amazing Race, it's the smartest reality show out there least I thought so until this week (we'll get to that).
Gordon: And you know what I'm going to say?
Chico: "Let it go, already?"
Gordon: No. I'm going to say this, "Here, Game Show Zombie Stripper! Fresh Meat right here! I got some fresh Mole meat for you to chomp on!"
Chico: ... same thing. Only with more... imagery. Can we get that picture up real quick? I think I have an unhealthy obsession with it.
Gordon: Not yet. We're going to be using it later on in this program.
Chico: Okay. For those that want to save the Mole, it's at If it were any easier, it'd have three babies from three different fathers.
Gordon: And for those of you who don't...keep doing what you're doing and keep not watching the show. Like me!
Chico: Remember, evil triumphs when good men do nothing
Gordon: Yay, evil!
Chico: ...
Gordon: So what happened on the last show?
Chico: Anyway, last time, we had wine-hunting and bungee jumping ofr fun and profit. And the one person that managed to do anything during the Swing Out game is the Mole's latest victim. Say bye bye to Alex...
Gordon: Bye bye to Alex! Hasta Lueqo...Arrivederci...Bon Voyage...that means Good Byyyyyye...heh heh heh heh heh heeeeeeh.
Chico: Now say hello to Project Runway season 5.
Gordon: Hello to Project Runway Season 5
Chico: Although if you were not a big fan of it, you probably wouldn't have known about it. Now Gordon... you would call yourself a big fan of Project Runway.
Gordon: I would, yes. Let me explain why I like this show. You've seen me before in person, right?
Chico: Right.
Gordon: As you've seen, I know nothing about fashion. Nada. Zero. Zip.
Chico: It's nice to see people that do.
Gordon: So by watching the show, I can actually see what fashion looks like.
Chico: And it helps, doesn't it?
Gordon: Sure does. Everyone can do themselves a service by watching this show.
Chico: Right.
Gordon: Or anyone with the fashion sense of Perez Hilton
Chico: Eww. Anyway... Do you find it a little... odd... that the show only had real publicity for about a week beforehand? I mean, this is Project Freaking Runway. Cradle of Bravo's entire lineup. So why did Bravo's normally hyperactive PR machine suddenly shut down?
Gordon: It could have something to do with the fact that their baby may no longer be on their station as of next season. And it could also be that this situation is now currently in the courtroom.
Chico: Yeah, but still you have a business to run.
Gordon: Based on what I've been reading, NBC has a case. It could be he said vs. he said, and NBC may be able to keep the show on Bravo. Project Runway is a huge pearl for Bravo, and this is going to get ugly.
Chico: I can imagine. I mean, Lifetime is already set for the next season, and I can see why NBC would do ANYTHING... even sabotage... to keep it from happening. So are we talking sabotage here?
Gordon: I don't think sabotage as much as I think that NBC feels like the have the rights to air the show.
Chico: Well they do. At least this season. They're pretty much at liberty to do what they want with it.
Gordon: And maybe others. I'll say this though - I think the bridge between NBC and the Weinsteins is nice and burnt
Chico: You think so?
Gordon: I do. I think that if Project Runway gets to Lifetime, the cost that the Weinsteins will have to pay will be steep.
Chico: I'd say they're already paying it. Magical Elves had to turn over the keys to other people.
Gordon: Yep. I think this could be a huge error not only for the Weinsteins, but for Project Runway itself
Chico: Could this be a shark jumping moment?
Gordon: it could be. 'Elementary my dear fang, it was greed that got 'im'. Thats my second Whammy reference today.
Chico: You're on a roll.
Gordon: Meanwhile, the hamsters are all waddling out, modeling the latest in Eve-Wear.
Not evening wear, but Eve-wear - clothes designed by Eve the cat.
Chico: I hear it's catching... not necessarily with my brother, who's allergic.
Gordon: Roll that Beautiful Brain Footage. Achoo!

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thanks, Doug. We've got briefs from TCA all over the place, so let's start, of course, with the bat...
Gordon: (hands over the bat)

Jingles has a host (Kimberly Caldwell). Jingles has judges (two execs and Gene Simmons). Jingles HAD a time slot next week... not anymore. It's on hold indefinitely.

Gordon: Can I give you a Jingle?
Chico: Sure can. *plays a tune*
Gordon: It's jingles! It's Jingles! We're moving back our Jingles! 'cause Mark Burnett's last set of shows gave TV executives Shingles!
Chico: Yay!
Gordon: That's catchy, isn't it?
Chico: I like it. Question though... could we see the return of Password because of this?
Gordon: You're a TV exec. Do you want to air a new show or a show starring Regis Philbin that's already gotten a fanbase with a 9.2 audience share?
Chico: That answers my question... and we can't leave the light off, so...
Gordon: You Greenlit That?

Expect more Wipeout in the near future... Hey, when you're the top game show of the summer not involving the Hoff, that's a good thing. MX...Err...I mean Wipeout will be getting more episodes.

Gordon: And after you get out those obstacle courses, you can get out your datebook.
Chico: Right you are, Kenny... err. Gordon.

Ant and Dec's new show 'Wanna Bet?' shows up on Monday, along with Date My Ex: Jo & Slade.

Chico: Wanna Bet that show only lasts six weeks?
Gordon: I won't give it that long
Chico: Heh. So where are we going next?
Gordon: Let's go around the world. Wanna go?
Chico: Sure, why not.
Gordon: Where are you taking me, Daddy?
Chico: We're going to Puerto Rico.
Gordon: Nice (runs to get suntan lotion)

... and so is the WGA. In fact, the WGA is heading EVERYWHERE Idol's heading this year on its "Truth Tour" in yet anohter attempt to unionizze writers... that will end in futility.

Gordon: Let's say that I'm an American Idol writer.
Chico: You're an American Idol writer
Gordon: Am I going to be stupid enough to turn my back on a lucrative paycheck just to join a union?
Chico: No.
Gordon: Definitely not. Maybe the guild feels that they can go after Idol because the ratings slipped. I still think that the WGA wants to destroy reality shows, not help the writers.
Chico: Makes sense. Reality eating itself.
Gordon: Or the guild just wants a piece of reality's pie. That would be dumb for the Writers. Here's somehting else that's dumb...

Are You Smarter Than...Brian, the first one out of the Big Brother house. Sorry, but if you didn't overplay, Renny would have been out of the house. now you're out and we're stuck with a looney who likes to change her hair weaves faster than Lindsay Lohan deciding which rehabilitation center she wants to go to next.

Hate to say we told you so...
Gordon: I like to say it. WE TOLD YOU SO. There.
Chico: That's just it... I don't hate it one bit.
Gordon: Anyway, it's hot in the summer, and I have a carton of Haterade. Would you care to partake in some?
Chico: yep
Gordon: First, it's time for this week's episode, of the Love DIS-connection.
Chico: Hoo boy

Tiffany 'I Love New York' and George "Tailor Made" Weisgerber...done. Bret Michaels and Ambre Lake - Done. I Love New York 3 and Rock of Love 3, Anyone?

Chico: I'd watch. Not.
Gordon: Oh look at that, we WILL have Rock of Love 3 and New York Goes Hollywood. Amazing coincidence, isn't it?
Chico: ... no, not really
Gordon: Would you be amazed if I said that there's been a Game Show Zombie Stripper Sighting?
Chico: Nope.

Dance Machine, after 3 episodes, has been yanked by ABC. Also, add the Demise of Big Brother in Australia so...BRING ON THE ZOMBIE STRIPPER!

Chico: Dance, my puppet.
Gordon: Do Zombies like to eat dancers?
Chico: Yep
Gordon: I bet Dancers like to Get Fully Loaded afterwards
Chico: First of all.. you like bananas?
Gordon: I like bananas, because they have no bones. Hic!

BCI's releasing Game Show Moments Gone Bananas on DVD... How do you like THOSE bananas?

Gordon: Great bananas. That was a very good series on VH1

Also, TPIR is heading to the Wii, DX, PC & Mac And the best bit of it... Rich Fields is announcing.

Gordon: I'm very happy about TPIR. What if you're a 1 Vs. 100 fan?

Then you can find you an Xbox and get on Xbox Live.

Gordon: And now that Final Fantasy 13 is coming out on XBOX as well as PS3, that may help me with that decision.
Chico: I may just spring for the Elite model.
Gordon: What about an elite set of hoes?
Chico: *plays "Pimpin' All Over the World"*

In this week's Media Ho Report, Christopher Knight rebukes Florence Henderson, Ed McMahon recovers from neck surgery, Nigel Lythgoe says that the judging panel will stick together (but a silence on Ryan Seacrest. hmmm...)

Chico: I think Ryan'll be back. Judging by what I heard on the radio this morning

Mario Lopez wants to dance with Karina Smirnoff...but only professionally, Jeff Probst says he's not engaged, and Randy Jackson is writing a book about getting fit and eating better. Wait a sec...Randy Jackson?

Chico: Again... Pardon me for saying, but... with all due respect... WHAT?!
Gordon: But none of them are your hoes of the week.
Chico: Is it Ahmad Rashad? He made the College Footbgall Hall of Fame, you know.
Gordon: They are the following: Gretchen Bonaduce, Traci Bingham, Santino Rice, Katyo Kaelin, Ryan Starr and Bobby Trendy. These are your contestants for 'Gimme My Reality Show'
Chico: on Fox Reality.
Gordon: Yep. That starts in October. And Those...Are Your Hoes.
Chico: And that's Brainvision... shut it down, G.
Gordon: (shutting down)
Chico: When we come back, we take a trip out west, but first... a lot of stuff got unloaded this week... and we're going to take it all in with a giant sip of water.
Gordon: (sip)
Chico: This is We Love to Interrupt... You've got a friend in the loop...

(Brainvision has been brought to you by Give Me My Reality Ho. You want a date with Santino Rice? What about Traci Bingham? We auction them off to you, and they go to the highest bidder! Groups associated in Hostel 1 and 2 are disqualified from bidding)