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Because fandom is NOT a spectator sport...

Today is

April 30, 2007

Chico: The world needs shrapnel and bot-on-bot carnage... now more than ever. I got your Rogaine right the hell here. Welcome back. This is the thing and we're the guys and now it's time for Would You Could You.
Jason: Got it.
Chico: Everyone ready?
Jason: Yes sir.
Chico: Here's number one...

Would you... prepare a farewell speech if you knew deep in your heart of hearts that you were being eliminated... and then hide it in your dress?

Jason: Yes for the would have my partner hand it to me.
Gordon: If I was the now eliminated Heather Mills from Dancing With the Stars, and if I was going to prepare a farewell speech, then I would also remember to go to the various talk show circuits with it instead of just fleeing back to the UK.
Jason: Yeah. You tried to rebuild your image and pretty much blew it that next day.
Chico: Now you're off to try again. Try and give it a week before you decide to blow it. Next WYCY?

Would you apply to be a remodeled for Tim Gunn's House of Style?

Jason: What's the premise?
Gordon: Being remodeled - have your image remodeled... a NEW YOU!
Chico: I'm happy with the old me, thanks.
Jason: No No. I like who I am.
Gordon: I would do it. Why not? I'll take a fashion risk. Its not changing who I am, just how I roll ;-)
Chico: Can we laugh at it afterwards?
Jason: LOL
Gordon: Well, its just would I - I would, but I can't since Im not a woman aged 21 years or over
Jason: LOL
Chico: Darn that pesky demographic.
Gordon: Next one?
Chico: Okay, next up... Would you... well, I was going to say fly to New York, but given the gallery I'm working with.

Would you go to Manhattan and hunt down Embassy Taxi 1G12 for the new season of Cash Cab?

Jason: Yes and Yes.
Gordon: I sure would
Chico: Me too.
Gordon: Absolutely. Of course, since the show is airing, that means that the episodes are all taped and in the can.
Chico: Awww. But there's always next season, right?
Jason: But if they go for season 4? Yes and yes.
Chico: The other show I watch on Discovery comes back Monday. Nice... Okay, next?

Would you appear on Without Prejudice - as a contestant?

Jason: No and No. I wanted to be the person who judges, not the judged.
Chico: I wouldn't stand a chance. My life is just not that exciting. Jury, In a heartbeat
Gordon: I'll go with the majority. I don't want to have my life in a microscope. I don't mind seeing others there, though
Chico: Cruel, yes.... Next topic.

Would you like to be a pirate?

Gordon: Argh. Who's timbers do I get to shiver?
Chico: 15 other timbers on the seventh anniversary of the premiere of Survivor.
Jason: No and No. I can't swim and look horrible in the puffy shirt.
Chico: I could be a bald and sexy pirate. Interesting how that works out, isn't it?
Gordon: It is, isn't it. Last one...

Would you audition to be (I Love) New York's new man?

Chico: Um... Let me think about that. I'm done thinking. No.
Jason: Um...hell no.
Gordon: It would be interesting...but no.
Chico: So sorry, New York. The Chairman, Haterade, and The Block.. won't be on I Love New York, 2.
Gordon: Sorry, but we will be back with some Accuracy...or will it be idiocy?
Chico: Find out... when, Seacrest? (as Seacrest) .... AFTER the break.
Jason: (cue American Idol break)

(Brought to you by Where in the World is Sacha Baron Cohen? The new kids game that traces the star of "Ali G" and "Borat" through the streets of Hollywood to figure out why he wasn't at TV City on Wednesday for American Idol Gives Back)



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