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Previous Episodes (Season 24)
May 31 - April Showers Bring May Skunks / Should & Will / Push or Flush (1)

June 7 - It's Getting Hot In Here / Accuracy or Idiocy? / Push or Flush (2)

June 14 - For the Class of 2010 / Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews / Push or Flush (3)

June 21 - Who's Your Daddy? / GSNN World Cup (1) / Push or Flush (4)

June 28 - Pick Your Poison / GSNN World Cup (2) / Pick Your Poison

July 6 - They Might Be Giants / GSNN World Cup (3) / Songbook

July 12 - It Happened in Cleveland / Really Big Board / GSNN World Cup (4)

July 19 - Rich Fields Forever / Excessories / GSNN World Cup (5)

July 26 - You Said Goodbye, We Said Hello / Pass the Password / GSNN World Cup (6)

August 2 - A Kinder, Gentler Gordon... Ramsay / GSNN World Cup (7) / Help Wanted

August 9 - Tomato Juice / GSNN World Cup (8) / Read Between the Lines

August 16 - Summer Coolers / GSNN World Cup (9) / WLTI Theatre

August 23 - Final Answer? / GSNN World Cup (10) / Good News, Bad News

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 24.13 - Back to School
August 30

Gordon: So don't order that smoking pie
Jason: Don't do that
Chico: No smoking up in here.
Gordon: Nope. but we do have some smoking hot games.
Chico: Yes we do.
Jason: Nuclear hot
Chico: First up... we've got a finale to decide! We're down to eight. You have the lineups?
Gordon: I do.
Chico: Let's see'em.
Gordon: We start with...a big one...
Chico: I love the big ones


Jason: This is SO tough. The reality king vs. the studio game show king. While I love Survivor...I have to go with the best US Studio quiz show game ever. Jeopardy.
Chico: That is big... On one hand, you have one that has endless thrills every episode. And there's more of them... On the other hand, we have some quality story telling...I'm gong with Jeopardy!, as well... Less contrived.
Joe: Survivor defined a genre. Gotta go with them
Gordon: Jeopardy, when you boil down to it is a great quiz show, but it's a quiz show. Survivor recreated a genre. Survivor.
Chico: The fans will decide this one.
Gordon: FANS: Jeopardy!
Chico: Jeopardy! wins: 3.5-2
Jason: I agree with both reasons BTW.
Gordon: Next one...


Chico: Not much of a contest here... TPIR.
Joe: Agreed, Price
Jason: Yeah TPIR
Gordon: Gotta go with TPIR
Chico: Just for shiggles, what did the fans say?
Gordon: FANS: TPIR. Next one...


Best game of all time. COUNTDOWN
Gordon: Again, it's 2 long-running shows. But it's a genre vs. word games. Pop Idol.
Chico: Torn again. We have the king of all talent searches versus the king of all letter/number games... I like my brain more. COUNTDOWN.
Joe: Pop for the Top
Chico: Again, up to the fans...
Joe: Genuinely surprised
Gordon: I'm not.
Chico: Me too. Countdown lasted longer. But Pop Idol's swath is wider.
Gordon: Countdown isn't well known out here. Idol is.
Joe: When given the choice between a game show and non-game show, what do you think our fans will choose?
Jason: That is true. Cult favorite v. Reality show behemoth
Gordon: They are both game shows.
Chico: But one's seen as a pure game show, while the other is "one of them newfangles reality shows"
Joe: J! winning wasn't a surprise, even though it was a bad choice :P
Gordon: lol. Debating is fun.
Jason: But you can say, while Countdown is an amazing show... Pop Idol not only defined a genre, but saved and industry.
Gordon: Exactly. It's a genre-definer. Last one...


Jason: Speaking of Genre Definers - MIllionaire
Gordon: I have to go with The 6 here. Cause I don't like the direction Millionaire is going.
Chico: Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, as good as it is, and as much of a genre definer it is... it's one of those shows whose time has come and gone. I'm going with the 6.
Joe: Millionaire. You may not like the direction ours is going, but a) it's not ours, and b) it's still working elsewhere
Gordon: True. But what will the fans say? FANS: MILLIONAIRE
Chico: So we have the final 4.
Jason: This sets up an amazing semi-final
Gordon: It's the U.S. Vs. the UK

Week 3
Week 4
Week 3
  Pop Idol
UK 1

The Price Is Right
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
UK 3


Jason: This is going to BE FUN.
Joe: It's almost like the Little League World Series
Chico: Next week... The SEMIS! Meanwhile... what's next, G?
Gordon: Meanwhile, when we come back...it's all Jason's fault.
Jason: Sure...what? HEY!
Chico: I can't wait to figure out how...
Gordon: And Joe's.
Joe: Bawwwwww
Gordon: And Chico's.
Chico: ... Dude, we didn't talk about this...
Jason: No we didn't.
Gordon: But we will - Next!

(Brought to you by the America's Got Talent Impersonator Kit. Need to look like your favorite diva? No problem! We got it all right here! Britney, Shakira, Lady Gaga...we got it all! Fashions available for both men and women.)

1 9
2 8
3 7
  4 5 6  

Jason: OH....k....
Chico: ...Right..
Gordon: You know you want some.
Chico: Sure we do... like a hole in the head.
Gordon: Who wants some Blame Game?
Jason: Got it :)
Chico: Right here.
Jason: Oh yeah
Joe: k
Gordon: You all remember how to play?
Chico: Come up with the name, then see if they take the blame.
Jason: Yeah
Gordon: Right. We have numbers 1-9 here. Joe, you are the newbie to this thing. You go first.
Joe: I'll take 4
Gordon: #4...Question

- I am a famous thing
- I was created in 1997. The first known use of me was in 1998 but I wasn't really heard of at the time.
- I was made known in a Simpsons episode in 2003 when Bart used it in the episode 'New Kids on the Blecch'.

Chico: HIT ME!
Gordon: Chico?
Chico: What is Autotune?
Gordon: This isn't Jeopardy, but I'll accept it.
Jason: Dammit, I had it in the first clue too.
Gordon: You didn't or you would have rung in.
Jason: Bah.
Gordon: Now...is the Autotuner to blame for The X-Factor if it has issues in the US?
Chico: I would blame the talent more than the ... talent enhancing device? After all, what is the X Factor if not American Idol all growed up?
Jason: Yes. Because if you have a device that enhances the talent in any possible. You will have a sense of "disbelief'. Look at what happened to Mark Burnett and "Our Little Genius." We, as Americans, have no tolerance for fakery.
Joe: I blame the flagrant attempt at makin copays. Autotune would be merely injury to insult.
Gordon: I think the second anyone hears an autotune, the music competition in the US is over. Americans will turn on it in a second. 5 points to Jason.

10 5 0

Gordon: Chico, your board - 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Chico: Of course, we all know what happens next.
Gordon: What happens next?
Chico: I pick the Home Shopping Zone and lose what I just gained.
Gordon: Well don't do that.
Chico: I'm trying not to.
Gordon: ok
Chico: I'll go with 8
Gordon: 8 is... a question.
Jason: Oh good :)
Chico: Yay!

- Famous Person
- I was born March 26, 1940 in Baltimore, Maryland.
- I was the yongest of 6 children, and my older brothers were more famous than I was.
- Graduating from Notre Dame, I got a B.A. in political Science and moved to California.

Gordon: Chico?
Chico: Nancy Pelosi?
Gordon: Right!
Chico: WHAT?
Jason: Are you serious? LOL. She is 70?
Joe: /me gets up and walks away
Jason: Where is her picture in the basement? :)
Gordon: She's an old fart.
Chico: I wanna hear the question for this...
Gordon: Now is Nancy Pelosi, who was a guest eater on Top Chef DC., to blame for the lackluster ratings of this season?
Chico: No, the lackluster talent is. That and the fact that no one likes politics with their food. Or with anything else for that matter.
Jason: Hell no. Blame the city. Washington DC has a stick up its backside. Although it may be a cool food town, it has no idea how to let loose and have fun.
Jason: I lived there for four years. It has no idea of how to laugh at itself.
Joe: I say yes, because all politics are local...OF COURSE NOT. It's just a down year. Pelosi has much bigger problems than a cooking reality show.
Gordon: It's a down year, between both the contestants and the now predictable editing of the show. We know who's going to get bounced at the beginning. Tell the story as it should be told without swerves and you'll have a more compelling season. You all got it in one way or another, so 5 for all of you.
Chico: Wee!
Jason: Yay.

25 10 5

Gordon: Chico, the board is yours. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9
Chico: Let's go to 2.
Gordon: 2...Question

- Famous person
- I was born March 13, 1983 in Tampa, Florida.
- I currently work as a bartender, but you saw me on TV this summer.
- I got to hang out with Julie Chen and the Big Brother house.

Jason: BUZZ
Gordon: Jason?
Jason: Rachel?
Gordon: No (BUZZ) Out of the question. I continue.

- However, I was there to play my own game, as the saboteur of the house.

Gordon: Chico?
Chico: Annie Whittington?
Gordon: THAT'S the houseguest I'm looking for.
Jason: Three in a row. He's on FIRE.
Gordon: Here's the question: Is the lack of a saboteur this season a reason why Big Brother's ratings were eroding to start the Summer?
Chico: No... I think people are just tired of it. I mean, it's growing thin...
Jason: Not really. The characters are not compelling and BBAD (Big Brother After Dark) has been seriously boring. No nudity, no drunkenness. Its a PG-13 place in a R-Rated show.
Joe: Lack of strategery, lack of tension, lack of intelligence
Gordon: Joe and Jason pretty much nailed it. There's no plotting at all in the house, which makes it a boring house. 5 to double J.
Jason: I mean how many people wanted to see Rachel expose her...talent to the world on BBAD? Seriously :)
Chico: Me.

35 15 10

Gordon: Chico still has the board. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9
Chico: I have a feeling I'm about to choke... 3.
Joe: I've heard that gag before
Chico: And here's the choke.
Jason: LOL
Gordon: But hey! You just bought something fun!

You've bought a Grandma Lee Kite! Complete from the America's Got Talent Prop department! How do we know it's Grandma Lees? Because it has Piers Morgan's Boxers shorts color pattern on it! This would usually cost you $6.90, but today on The Blame Game, you bought it for 10 points!

Jason: Still in the lead though :)
Chico: Yeah... Or something.

25 15 10

Gordon: 1, 5, 6, 7, 9. Pick again
Chico: I can't choke twice. 9.
Gordon: You could if I had another Home Shopping Zone on here.
Chico: Oh no...
Gordon: But I don't. Question.

- I am an animal, first discovered in Gatun Lake in Panama.
- I'm usually unable to survive outside of the Central and Southern American rainforests, but you will see me on some game shows.
- I usually eat vegetables, but sometimes Ill munch on insects. I use claws for protection.
- When I'm not defending myself, I move very slowly, usually at an average of 6 feet a minute.

Gordon: Joe?
Joe: Are you a sloth?
Gordon: I AM a sloth!
Jason: YAY!
Joe: Huzzah
Gordon: Joe is on the board. Now is a sloth the reason why Allison Fiore is no longer on Let's Make a Deal?
Joe: lolwut
Jason: To answer the question...no. She had the personality of a robot. Tiffany Coyne is a) hot, b) funny and c) incredibly interactive. Did I mention, much hotter than Allison?
Joe: No. The change of location and Tiffany being just as competent (and mobile) are the reasons
Chico: A sloth? No. Acting like a sloth? Hell yeah.
Joe: It's sort of like how Lou Gehrig was a sub one day and ended up starting 2600 games
Gordon: Jason had the better answer. 5 to him.

25 20 20

Gordon: Joe has control of the board
Jason: Close Game with 4 to go
Gordon: 1, 5, 6, 7,
Joe: Try lucky number 7
Gordon: Lucky number 7...10 POINT BONUS CARD!
Jason: WOOT!
Joe: Charity :P

25 20 30

Chico: Get it in where you can fit it in.
Gordon: 1, 5, 6
Joe: 5 please
Gordon: 5...question.

- Looking for a famous person.
- I was born Hassan El-Hajjami on August 1, 1977 in Bron, France.

Chico: MONEY!
Gordon: Chico?
Jason: Holy cow
Chico: HASPOP!
Gordon: YES!
Chico: GET IT!
Jason: Say what?
Gordon: is Haspop to blame for nothing but singers winning America's Got Talent?
Chico: No. too many good singers. Not enough good everything else. Simple. And of course, backstories help... a LOT.
Jason: No. That, and as Gordon so aptly put earlier, the sheeple are trained to vote for singers. Thank Simon Cowell for that.
Gordon: Bahhhh
Joe: Even if there were good anything else, the public is trained to vote for singers, and today's talent scene is primarily music and no theater
Gordon: You were all paying attention. 5 for all of you.
Chico: Just bonus question and bonus points left.

35 25 35

Gordon: Chico, I have a 15 point money card and a 25 point final question, 1, 5. You tell me where I can find the 15 point bonus card.
Chico: Let's go with... 5
Gordon: There it is. 15 POINT BONUS CARD!
Chico: GET IT!

50 25 35

Joe: Not over yet
Gordon: Last question is worth 25. Anyone can win. Even Jason.
Jason: ROFL I don't think I hit one today, which is rare
Joe: I hit one, which is rare.
Gordon: Last one.

- You are looking for a famous...thing.
- I was first created in the United States in 1796.
- I was ceated differently than any of my foreign versions.
- I was created differently during the years, and was nicknamed a 'Johnson Sandwich'.
- It costs 7 cents to create me.

Jason: BUZZ!
Gordon: Jason
Jason: What is the Hot Dog (Frankfurter)
Gordon: ...wrong (BUZZ)
Jason: DAMN
Chico: HIT ME!
Gordon: Chico
Chico: ... a nickel in the middle of two pennies.
Joe: rofl
Gordon: ...no (BUZZ): And Joe has the rest of the question all to himself.
Joe: watch me blow it.

- I am currently 75% Copper and 25% nickel.

Chico: DAMN IT

- And beginning in 1999, there were 50 different types of me circulated around the U.S., one representing each of the 50 states.
- I am a....

Gordon: Joe?
Gordon: YES!
Chico: Congrats, Joe!
Jason: You got it.
Gordon: Now for 5 irrelevant points. Is the quarter to blame for the nauseating Million Dollar Mission?
Joe: No, it's the producers for forcing it on us.
Jason: But in the producers defense. Supercoin is an AMAZING $1M Game. You have to earn it. I have no problem with the game itself. Nor the MDM in this case.
Gordon: Chico?
Chico: What Joe said. Producers trying to force the win.
Gordon: It is what Joe said. 5 to Joe and Chico. Your final score is...

55 25 65

Gordon: Joe, The floor is yours. 30 seconds. Go.
Joe: The new Millionaire coming this season is the end of an era, but really, is it that bad? It's the 12-question fast track mixed with an amalgam of other UK game show parts, and is overall intriguing. Who knows, it may be as successful as Hot Seat in Australia. So I will shed one tear for the end of old Millionaire, but only one. And now to Mr. Block with a rebuttal :P
Jason: No that's ok, I had my voice. LOL
Chico: Speed Round is next.

(Brought to you by The Great Ice Cream Truck Race... Soft serve? Sugar cones? Funny-looking characters on a stick with bubblegum eyes? Saturn straws? Triple Chocolate Chip Buster Bars? Just as long as you make the most cash by the end of the summer...)

Joe: The music on that show is awful
Gordon: You forgot that all contestants need to be in good humor.
Chico: Ba DUM bum. Gordon FTW.
Gordon: Thank you. I'll be here all week. Anyway Speed Round starts...now! Big Brother. Who leaves?
Chico: Ragan. Unless he wins Veto. Then Britney.
Gordon: I agree. Ragan or Britney leaves AGT: Any surprises this week?
Jason: None. And Ragan leaves.
Chico: I'm going to say we pretty much nail it
Joe: yes, the surprise is the talent will be good
Chico: Joe FTW
Gordon: I agree with Joe. That being said, no surprises on the exits. Top Chef: Who doesn't make the finals?
Chico: Kevin.
Jason: Don't know.
Gordon: I'll say Kevin as well
Chico: I will say this... KELLY LIKEN LOST IN KITCHEN STADIUM! Just sayin'.
Gordon: What do you say about mail?
Chico: I got nothin'.
Gordon: Me neither. But if you want us to read your mail, send it to wlti@gameshownewsnet.com
Chico: or Find us on Facebook. What are you folks watching this week?
Gordon: Or YouTube or MySpace.
Jason: Need to check out the Food Truck Race.
Gordon: I'll be watching AGT Semi-Finals #2. And the Little League finals.
Joe: I'll be catching up with friends still in college, and catching the end of Kamen Rider W tonight.
Jason: And some pre-season football to gauge for my draft
Gordon: So what will you not be watching?
Joe: Glenn Beck.
Chico: Again, Joe FTW.
Jason: Bachelor Pad (although I might for the list)
Chico: I just won't watch TV for a bit. Nothing on before Labor Day.
Gordon: Besides AGT and Big Brother, etc. I won't be watching Chico's old computer.
Jason: Yes...join the new laptop brigade---its fun :)
Chico: Oh yeah, I'll be doing that on Friday. It's gonna be hot.
Gordon: And that ends our show. Thanks again to special guests Jason Block and Joe Mello for joining us.
Joe: np
Jason: Thank you. Time for lunch :)
Chico: Time for bed.
Gordon: Next week: We have the last respite before school and the end of the semifinals - for both AGT and our GSNN World Cup Tournament.
Jason: Cant wait for that.
Chico: Hope to see you then. Until then for everyone at GSNN, he's Gordon Pepper. I'm Chico Alexander. The show is WLTI. Game over and spread the love.