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Previous Episodes (Season 24)
May 31 - April Showers Bring May Skunks / Should & Will / Push or Flush (1)

June 7 - It's Getting Hot In Here / Accuracy or Idiocy? / Push or Flush (2)

June 14 - For the Class of 2010 / Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews / Push or Flush (3)

June 21 - Who's Your Daddy? / GSNN World Cup (1) / Push or Flush (4)

June 28 - Pick Your Poison / GSNN World Cup (2) / Pick Your Poison

July 6 - They Might Be Giants / GSNN World Cup (3) / Songbook

July 12 - It Happened in Cleveland / Really Big Board / GSNN World Cup (4)

July 19 - Rich Fields Forever / Excessories / GSNN World Cup (5)

July 26 - You Said Goodbye, We Said Hello / Pass the Password / GSNN World Cup (6)

August 2 - A Kinder, Gentler Gordon... Ramsay / GSNN World Cup (7) / Help Wanted

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 24.10 - Tomato Juice
August 9

Chico: Hey there, Chico Alexander here. I thought about retiring after this season... but after thinking long and hard, we deicded...I still need a few more weeks to think about it.
Gordon: My decision rests on Chico's ankle.
Josh: COME ON!
Jason: Dont even start....:)
Josh: *throws a Brett Favre helmet at the two of them*
Chico: Ow..
Josh: I swear...the pair of ya.
Chico: In that case, I should be fine then.
Gordon: Aw (Puts sledgehammer away)
Chico: Were you trying to break my ankle?
Gordon: I was trying to make you an offer you wouldnt refuse.
Chico: I bet you were. And speaking of things that never quit... from somewhere in America... WLTI... is.. ON!
Jason: WOO!
Josh: Yee-haw!
Gordon: Gordon Pepper here, along with some football fanatics. The first one, who has to realize that the Brooklyn Cyclones are NOT a football team,. Mr. Jason Block.
Jason: Hey, how are you?
Chico: And our second one, who has weekends booked from now all the way through to February... Agent Josh.
Josh: And gentlemen, I have a penalty flag for Gordon and Chico *throws it at their feet*
Chico: Mind explaining that one, sir?
Josh: Personal Foul...Ignorance during your Viewer Mail segment last week. As in why classic Hollywood Squares is not on GSN. MGM has put that on hulu.
Gordon: That's an effect Josh, not a cause. It's on Hulu because GSN couldn't match Hulu's offer, not because it's on Hulu. So (takes bucket of tomato juice. Dumps it on Josh)
Josh: DAH!
Chico: Penalties offset.
Josh: ....first down...
Jason: I guess we are ready for football :) Or Madden 11
Chico: Now let's get this show on the road with this. Last October, we saw the first ep of Let's Make a Deal, Wayne Brady flavor. What we didn't know was that there was at least 11, maybe 12 episodes shot prior to the show we saw that fateful October day.
Josh: Oooooooooooh
Chico: Fast forward to this week and the beginning of what we're calling "The Lost Deal Summer." We get to see those 11, maybe 12 shows every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in August.
Josh: I liked the fact that they thought of summer, and saved a few new episodes for what's usually a predictable rerun season.
Chico: And you know, it's good to compare how they started the season with how they finish, how clean of a program resulted, and all the growing pains suffered throughout.
Jason: Cool
Gordon: It's fun to see it
Chico: Yeah it is.
Jason: What are the good points of this...besides being original eps?
Gordon: And it's fun to see Allision Fiore again. Somewhat.
Chico: Big somewhat.
Jason: LOL
Chico: I mean, we see her... after seeing half a season of Tiffany Coyne... I'm ready to see Tiffany Coyne again.
Josh: Tiffany to me was the better of the two.
Jason: Oh yeah
Josh: She was more into it, she was very bubbly...Plus I got something for blondes.
Gordon: She was definitely more into it.
Chico: Oh yeah. She was a trooper. As for the rest of the show... You can tell that they were playing it as it lies and hoping things wouldn't screw up, and you know, if you look back on the "lost" episodes of Hollywood Squares back in 1998... It comes with the territory.
Jason: You mean "safe"
Chico: Basically. And I don't know about you, but I think a show works better when they play it loose.
Jason: I do too.
Gordon: Looes only works if they can contain it. I don't have a problem with these episodes.
Chico: I don't either.
Josh: You have to have a host that's able to contain the craziness. Gene Rayburn was able to do it on MG 7x
Chico: Oh yeah.
Josh: One of the tougher parts of being a host.
Chico: Yep. But it's great to see the humble beginnings one more time. Kinda like a warmup for season 2. Can't wait for that either.
Josh: Save the date.
Gordon: I can't wait for that. I think Brendan and Rachel can't wait for the Veto competition.

Chico: The power couple is in trouble.
Jason: Huge!
Chico: Thanks to new HOH Matt.
Josh: Matt has played this effectively, but he's done all he can do to break up the power couple.
Chico: I think that was the MO for ANY member of the Brigade.
Gordon: And now with the Brigade in control this week, it's time to play this properly.
Jason: This is great. Because if Rachel is on the block come Thursday, she is done.
Chico: So basically Rachel needs to win the Veto or else.
Gordon: Well we've seen dumber things happen, but I don't think either of them have the brain power to flip the house.
Josh: The two don't have the brain power to light up a small christmas light.
Jason: What was brilliant was when Britney was blatanly mocking Rachel...and she DIDNT GET IT.
Chico: Or she got it. But it's like "Hey, I think I'll join in." She's bubbly.
Jason: And a ******* ditz.
Josh: JASON! Not in front of the kids.
Jason: Sorry.
Gordon: So the question is which one is leaving
Chico: Whoever doesn't get the veto is leaving.
Jason: Rachel beyond a doubt
Chico: My vote is Rachel.
Josh: I'll make it a majority.
Chico: She has the brains, but she's kept them at a minimum. A little too long, if you ask me.
Jason: Can we talk about the new saboteur?
Gordon: Sure
Jason: The new saboteur is...RAGAN.
Josh: And he accepted?
Jason: And courtesy of the live feeds...he opened Pandora's box...and accepted :)
Chico: So he's out of the game. And now he's playing for $50K.
Gordon: It makes sense. I think he knows he's not going to win the game but he thinks he can get far enough to reach the midway point.
Jason: Pretty much.
Chico: Well, the midway point is what, a week away?
Josh: I think he would still be in the game if he made it all the way through.
Gordon: Ne won't win it.
Chico: Nope.
Josh: He doesn't have a lot of time to wreak havoc.
Chico: Nope.
Gordon: Which is my point
Jason: I think he can do it though.
Chico: Perhaps he can go for quality over quantity?
Josh: I hope they do something better than locking the door to the food cabinet.
Chico: Yeah, that was kinda lame.
Jason: Very much so
Chico: Even the ones suggested via Facebook were kinda... meh.
Gordon: Well here's the thing with Ragan. He now knows a lot of dirty laundry. It wouldnt be that hard to come up with some good ideas.
Chico: Because Ragan's swag like that. Or something.
Jason: I think that was the right choice to be the one.
Josh: America did get it right.
Chico: Agreed. Can't wait to see what craziness the professor can come up with.
Gordon: I agree. But do you agree with America choosing their top 4 talents of the week?
Jason: I think they got it right
Chico: I think so too. As a rundown, your semifinalists are Taylor Matthews, Prince Poppycock, MURRAY, and in a judge's decision, ArcAttack over Anna & Patryk, and I know G, you're happy as a pig in mud about that one.
Gordon: I am.
Chico: For those of you who don't know, Gordon was at the New York auditions where Anna & Patryk basically got a do-over, right?
Gordon: Right. I'm glad they didn't get another do-over.
Jason: No kidding
Chico: Though Piers wanted it. I was going like... N-O N-O Spells NO. NO.
Jason: ROFL
Chico: Besides, given the choices... ArcAttack by a mile. Come on, now.
Josh: I would rather those two youngsters go on DWTS in the young dancers feature.
Chico: Yeah, you only get one shot. And if you mess it up, Len rips you a new one.
Josh: ArcAttack does something that is DEFINITELY vegas-worthy.
Jason: Big time
Chico: Call it a character-building episode. But yeah, ArcAttack... original.
Gordon: Right Now usually, we'd put a list of your semi-finalists in play. However, this week is the YouTube acts. What makes this interesting is that they didn't get face time, so this is going to be interesting to see how the vote comes out. It's going to be mostly performance based instead of back story based.
Josh: GOOD! TALENT! :-)
Chico: I want to see how these'll come into play against people we know all about.
Jason: I agree. This should be fun
Josh: But if you ask me, I rather prefer what they did last season with the MySpace auditions. They get their own Audition show. They don't get a free-pass.
Chico: Well, you have to add wrinkles here and theere.
Josh: To me, these YouTube winners are getting a free pass on their videos alone. With the MySpace winners, they had to go to an audition show and prove their stuff in front of the four toughest judges. Piers, Sharon, Hoff and a rowdy crowd. From what I understand, The YouTube winners don't have to audition, and they go straight to the California shows where it's up to America.
Chico: Well, the judges/producers have to sift through all the talent. But it's up to America to see who'll get to go to the big show. So it's KINDA like the Myspace auditions, only ... not.
Josh: They took a step out...an important and entertaining step.
Chico: The audition where they start to crumble?
Josh: RIGHT!
Gordon: That would be entertaining. Now my questions is - how entertaining is Money Hungry?
Chico: I'm going to go on a limb and say... Not. In fact, and I don't say it often... I kinda feel sorry for those involved.
Jason: From what I saw...not much. It felt like any VH1 reality show i have seen before.
Chico: So you that the whole VH1 show vibe... coupled with the dangers of crash dieting for fun and profit.
Jason: Yeah. I needed a shower after watching. This is media-ho dom at its worst.
Gordon: You can't even say this is unique, with the exception of the personal funds involved
Josh: I abstain. Didn't see it and quite frankly don't want to.
Jason: But the problem is that VH1 is still risking lives for profit. Did they learn from Ryan Jenkins? No. So... is there ANYTHING good about this?
Gordon: No. For anyone who cares, Denise and Katelyn lost their $10,000 first. Can't say I do. F.
Jason: I dont either. F
Chico: Me.... I pine for the days of "My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad". F.
Josh: OWCH!
Chico: Because it was hosted by the same guy. So that adds up to... EPIC FAIL. BAD VH1.
Gordon: He needs a better vehicle. And Vh1 should know better.
Chico: Learn something from Don't Forget The Lyrics! and get back to me.
Josh: They need to go back to playing music videos.
Chico: Yes.
Josh: It's better quality of programming
Chico: Speaking of quality programming. It's finals time. Time to see who's learned the most and who... hasn't. First up, Hell's Kitchen.
Gordon: I would consider So You Think You Can Dance and Hell's Kitchen better programming, don't you?
Chico: Yes and yes.
Gordon: So let's do some handicapping, shall we?
Chico: On one hand, you have the hardest and brightest class that Chef Ramsay ever saw to... culminating in one of the toughest finals to handicap. Big Board?

Tale of the Tape Part 1

- Jay Won More Services
- Jay the Executive Chef
- Holli Won More Individual Challenges

Josh: Oooooh
Gordon: The Subject: Tale of the Tape, Part 1.
Chico: Okay, let's start with the dinner services. Jay has clearly won more services than Holli. I have to put it on the team she was on in that regard.
Josh: Also known as the time on television with the most bleeps per second.
Chico: But Jay has a trump card: he's been nominated as Best of the Best.
Josh: I'd give it to Jay thus far. Again, he's won more services, he's got the in-show pedigree.
Chico: At the reward challenges.. Jay won the most, again, clearly an indication of his team rather than himself. If we were talking individual challenges, Holli had it over Jay by ONE. But it was a tight one. So, it could go either way.
Gordon: I don't think so. I think Jay has a strong edge here. With team challenges, he beat Holli 5-0.
Chico: Again, that's his team. It's not necessarily about him, but his team.
Gordon: But he's a part of his team winning, just like Holli was a part of her team losing
Chico: True.
Gordon: So I'm going to say Jay as well.
Chico: Seems like we're going to give it to Jay.
Josh: I'd say that's a fair assumption Chico He's got the chops to win this competition. But I see this being the closest in HK history.
Chico: So I'm going to go Jay as well. This could be as close as a pinch of salt, though. I want to say whoever gets Benjamin loses.
Gordon: Nice. Now let's move on to the other finale show - So You Think You Can Dance. We are down to 3 dancers. Believe it or not, one of them is a female, which you wouldn't have expected at the beginning of the finals.
Chico: Shocked me! =p
Gordon: Board me.

Tale of the Tape Part 2

- Kent's Never Been in the Bottom
- Robert NOT consistent
- Lauren slipped up ONCE

Chico: Tale of the Tape Part 2 coming. If you ask me, it's really a two-person race. It's going to be between Kent and Lauren. Robert's been up and down all throughout the competition. No consistency. As for Kent and Lauren... Well, Kent's NEVER been in the bottom. Lauren's been in the bottom once.
Gordon: I agree. I think it's Kent's to lose.
Chico: Usually this show favors perfection. It demands it. Kent's been on it, doggone it... He wins. So Gordon and I are in agreement. Kent wins. Meanwhile, Cooper is busy dancing in a hole in the ground.
Josh: I would make a "Hole in the wall" joke here, but I don't want any more tomato juice.
Gordon: I do (Grabs a vat)
Chico: Down, dude.
Josh: (Grabs Vat) You want it, You got it!
Chico: Oh my...
Gordon: (Trips Josh)
Josh: Oof
Gordon: (Dumps Vat on Josh)
Josh: DAH!
Gordon: Rookie.
Jason: Guys, this is a family show...NOT FAMILY DOUBLE DARE :)
Chico: Usually the hams/others preface the news with physical comedy, not the panelists.
Josh: I shoulda kept my yap shut.
Chico: Yeah, you really should've. Gordon? Please.
Gordon: Roll that Beautiful Brain Footage.

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thanks, Doug.... Heh... you and your tomato juices...
Gordon: Hey Red is a nice color. Josh can jhust say he got a temporary sunburn.
Chico: Okay, serious face on. Let's start with this from the Business End...
Josh: *lifts up a Johnny Damon BWP bat*

We start with ten of the most beautifulest women in the world, and some Hanky Panky. To which Gordon would say...

Jason: WOO HOO!
Gordon: That was just said by Jason, but I WOULD say that :)
Jason: Sorry :) premature woo hoo :)
Chico: Sounds like a personal problem.
Josh: ><

Guy Fieri is hositng a special "Minute to Win It" on August 23 entitled "Last Beauty Standing".

Chico: The beauties are as follows...Chelsea Cooley (Miss USA 2005), Kristen Dalton (Miss USA 2009), Shandi Finnessey (Miss USA 2004... and host of a reasonably successful GSN series, I forget which)
Josh: Does it have five letters?
Gordon: M-A-Y-B-E (Dun dun, dun, dun dun )
Chico: Wendy Fitzwilliam (Miss Universe 1998), Brook Lee (Miss Universe 1997), Shanna Moakler (Miss USA 1995), Riyo Mori (Miss Universe 2007), Justine Pasek (Miss Universe 2002), Zuleyka Rivera (Miss Universe 2006), Rachel Smith (Miss USA 2007)
Gordon: Shanna is no stranger to game shows either
Chico: Nope.
Jason: Of course not.
Chico: Let's see... Dancing with the Stars...Million Dollar Password...Crowned...The Weakest Link... the Playboy episode. Boobies.
Josh: *wolfwhistle*
Chico: Oh, and Search Party, if you want to count that.
Gordon: I don't.
Chico: Of course not. While we're on Minute to Win It...
Chico: I hear it's Augustus' favorite show.... (ZOMBIE)
Jason: AH!
Josh: *throws tomato juice over him*
Jason: Dont do that to him!
Josh: I think he likes it. It makes him more gruesome.

...and because of that, it'll take the place of underperforming "Breakthrough with Tony Robbins".

Chico: And as for the greenlight...

Investigation Discovery has two shows... "Dancing Behind Bars" and "Talent Behind Bars".

Oh boy LOL
Josh: I'm speechless.
Chico: Nope.
Josh: Hopefully (With the Discovery brand) it's more documentary than game.
Chico: Well, judging from the release, I doubt it. We'll get to that later. Speaking of releases... Gordon?
Gordon: Let's release some dates
Josh: Ah

August 10th is Season 5 of Chopped and Season 1 of Hair Battle Spectacular. And we have The Great Food Truck Race on August 15th. But the BIG news is August 9th, which has Dating in the Dark, and The Bachelor Pad. Chico's two faaaaaaaaaavorite back-toback shows in the Summer.)

Where's that tomato vat...
Josh: *runs and hides behind Chico*
Gordon: (Brings the Vat out)
Josh: NO! NOOOO!
Chico: Thank you. *dumps on self and Josh*
Gordon: I was going to give you some swimming trunks, too.
Chico: Nah, i'm good.
Gordon: Yeah, but Josh is all wet again. (Gives towel to Josh)
Jason: This is the messiest show ever.
Josh: *throws it back* That's a Terrible Towel. I wouldn't desicrate it. I'll clean up during the commercial.
Gordon: After the show, Josh may want to be fully loaded.
Josh: But not via a Bloody Mary

This week's pick is a YouTube video. Now since ... well, two events, Steve Harvey hosting Millionaire and John O'Hurley leaving the Feud, we all wondered how Steve Harvey was going to host the show. Well, thanks to the fine folks at Youtube.com/familyfeud, we know. Here's a look.

Uncensored feud!
Gordon: This makes me sad.
Jason: Very much so
Josh: I'm actually happy. I'm happy that this is an out-take!
Chico: Again, Steve Harvey is one of those people you either love or hate.
Gordon: Put me on the not much love list.
Chico: But you have to admit... it's a step up from Millionaire.
Jason: Um, no it isn't. Its worse
Gordon: Polly the talking tap dancing penguin was a step up from Steve Harvey on Millionaire. And I'd rather see Polly host the show.
Chico: Someone passed out on the Haterade, I guess,.
Josh: Let him grow with the job. Wait till the finished product comes out before you judge.
Gordon: I've seen Steve host. I've seen Steve on Millionaire. I'm not giving out flowers and jumping around like miss little Mary Sunshine over this prospect.
Josh: Wait for the season to debut. That's all I'm sayin'
Chico: I'm going to wait to see what happens. But yeah... If he's as good as he says he is... H?e's going to have to prove it to me.
Jason: Neither am I. Though I will wait and see
Chico: And I'm a harsh critic when i haven't had any sleep, so... I'll say up good and late for that :-)
Gordon: It'll be killer. The ratings will be dead.
Chico: Let's move on.
Gordon: Who's up for dumb people?
Josh: *passes out the yardsticks*
Jason: I am !
Chico: ME!

Are YOU Smarter than...Nicholas D'Aurizio AND Jason Triosi, the first dual elimination in this season's Project Runway after both almost get eliminated in episode 1?

Chico: Dude, they messed up the Marie Claire challenge.
Jason: WOW. Thats bad.
Chico: You don't EVER want to mess that up.
Gordon: It was pretty bad. That and they both looked awful on the first challenge. It was more like a mercy kill.
Chico: And Nicholas and Jason... you have to wonder if they ever READ Marie Claire. I don't know about fashion as much as my sister does, but I do know one of the big truths of strategy on reality TV is know who you're playing to.
Gordon: I also thought it was know what you're doing.
Chico: That goes hand in hand with mine.
Jason: Usually.
Gordon: Who wants some Haterade?
Chico: ME!
Gordon: It's tomato flavored this week.
Josh: NO!
Gordon: And here's your waiter.
Josh: *runs and hides*

Chico: Yo.
Josh: Now guys...Doesn't he look more gruesome covered in tomato juice?
Josh: *tomato juice?
Gordon: You are my zombie...my only zombieeee...you make me happyyyyyy....
Chico: your eyes are graaaaay.
Josh: *buzzer*

Paris Hilton's My BFF hasn't seen the airwaves in a year. Not that we miss it, which we don't.

Josh: Jeez, there's a lot of shows hitting that Year-long expiration date.
Chico: British BFF continues on TV Guide Network. Don't ask me. Don't ask me how I know. Don't ask me why it's on TV Guide... Don't ask me why I care... just... don't.
Gordon: Maybe they can find the American bff's under a mushroom cloud.
Josh: I'd say that TV Guide channel is where bad shows go to die, but they DID replay Hollywood Showdown, So I can't really say that.
Chico: No you can't.
Jason: Nope.
Chico: And then there's Dave Holmes' Celebrity Says, so there's that...
Josh: Yah...

Also on the Haterade Docket: Ali dumps Chris BEFORE the finale, and Jake Pavelka gets on the View where Whoopi Goldberg calls him everything under the sun from 'being an actor who just wants publicity' to 'being gay'.

Chico: DUDE! Where did THAT come from?
Josh: Left field.
Jason: Geez. Whoopi. Stick to hitting women :)
Gordon: Whoopi needs a vacation.
Chico: Just like we kinda need to get out of town. Let's go to Australia.
Jason: Oi! oI! Oi!

Minute to Win It Australia gave away $500,000... in front of an audience totalling three times that. That, in Australian numbers, is GOOD.

Chico: ALTHOUGH, And we've heard this before MANY times.. "It was less successful among advertiser-friendly demographic groups."
Gordon: Remind me again that old people don't buy products, live in a cardboard box and smell like dead weasels.
Chico: And about as important as school-aged children at that. Boohiss.
Josh: The pair of you must be drinking Gallons of Haterade.
Gordon: We ran out of tomato juice.
Jason: Tastes yummy :)
Gordon: We have plenty of Prune Juice for Jason though
Jason: Ha.
Chico: I have some on the Casting Couch.

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. I can't. YOU CAN! http://www.realitywanted.com/call/7643-who-wants-to-be-a-millionaire-now-casting
Who wants to be the NEXT Next Food Network Star? http://www.realitywanted.com/call/8017-the-next-food-network-star-7-now-casting

Jason: After this season...7 was a guarantee :)
Chico: Go get'em Block!
Gordon: Keep in mind that the newest season of Big Daddy's House premiered this past weekend.
Jason: Isn't that Season 3 for that show?
Gordon: Jason's show 'How to cook without nuts.' It sounds like an insult, but being that he's allergic to them, it's not :)
Jason: I know it's not.
Chico: Just think. You could make the leap from contestant to host of a moderately-successful primetime network game show... Guy. :-)
Gordon: I don't need my nuts - and neither do you!
Jason: ROFL
Chico: ON THAT NOTE...*plays "Pimpin' All Over the World"*

In this week's Media Ho Report, Bret Michaels hosts Miss Universe 2010, Takeshi Kitano does painting, Fozzy (Chris Jericho's band) goes on concert in Windsor ON...

Josh: I'm surprised Chris Jericho has the time to do all this stuff with him playing the total heel in WWE.

Joey Fatone is selling his house, Todd Newton hosts Game Night, Cory Almeida hosts 'Pictureka...

Can't wait to see what Family Game Night is going to be like.
Jason: 10-10-10. Going to be awesome :)

Joe Perry gets hissy when Steven Tyler announces his intention to be an Idol Judge, Vanilla Ice gets his own series on the Do It Yourself Network, and Roberto is Ali choice to be her man. What's the Over/Under on this one?

Josh: I'll give it one week after the show airs.
Chico: My heart says they go all the way. My head says... 9 months.
Jason: I would say 1 month
Gordon: I'll say 6 months. But none of them are your hoes of the week.
Josh: Whooooooooooooooo is it?
Chico: It's Storm Lee, isn't it?
Gordon: Why yes it is.
Chico: Booyah. What's my prize :-)
Gordon: TOMATO JUICE! (Dumps it on Josh)
Josh: HEY! *spits some out in Gordon's direction*
Chico: Well, if you're a fan of "The Singing Bee", you know him as "the guy who sings all the non-country stuff"
Jason: Ah.
Chico: He's trying out for "X Factor" in his native UK.
Gordon: If he makes the live show, he is a HUGE favorite to win.
Chico: Why so, bro?
Gordon: He's worked with Ozzy Osbourne, Clay Aiken, Meat Loaf and Carrie Underwood, and he did the theme to 'Step It Up and Dance'.
Chico: .... Oh.
Jason: Damn :)
Gordon: Just something to think about and some knowledge for all you in the UK reading this. And those...are your hoes.
Chico: And that's Brainvision. Jason, shut it down.
Jason: (SHUTTING DOWN) I should get a mop and bucket and clean this mess up
Josh: I know who should clean it up. Will he? No.
Chico: Still to come... sifting through press releases, quotes from notables, and the like and getting down to what they're REALLY saying...
Jason: OOh I like that.
Chico: But first?
Gordon: First, we finalize the Top 32. And the rookies cleans the mess (Hands Josh a Mop and Dustpan)
Josh: No way. You spilt it, you clean it up. *heads for the locker room*
Gordon: Augustus!

Josh: DAH! *runs back, grabs the mop*
Chico: You are riding shotgun with We Love To Interrupt. You give us 22 minutes... we give you 22 lost episodes of Double Dare 2000... all involving... this.
Josh: Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok. *starts mopping up* But I want ample time to shower and change clothes!
Jason: Not only is a good zombie...he is a damn good security guard :)
Josh: *takes the mop and bucket out to dump...then heads over to the locker room*

(BrainVision has been brought to you by Bachelor Easel. Sure, you have the pad, but why not the easel and sketch the beautiful bachelorettes? Hey, if you're going to be accused of being gay, at least look the part. Followed by Bachelor Runway)