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Previous Episodes (Season 24)
May 31 - April Showers Bring May Skunks / Should & Will / Push or Flush (1)

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 24.1 - It's Getting Hot In Here
June 7

Gordon: This is Gordon Pepper, and it's getting hot in here.
Gordon: It's so Hot, that Frosty the Snowman came out with _______.
Chico: Dehydration.
Gordon: I'd say a wading pool (since he wouldn't be able to form in a solid.
Chico: Summer time. It gets that way.
Gordon: And the recapping isn't easy. But we enjoy it.
Chico: Yep. Let's get some enjoyment out of the way. From somewhere in America... WLTI... is... ON!
Gordon: Gordon and Chico here, and with a new season upon us (This would be season #24. Wow). Do you believe we're in Season #24?
Chico: No, I wouldn't believe it. Heh.
Gordon: Heh. We start with the return of America's Favorite show that appears in the Summer; America's Got Talent.
Chico: And right now, America's got Howie.
Gordon: How do you like The Howie?
Chico: You know what, he works. These are his people.
Gordon: I think he's very clever, definitively quicker than the man he replaced, David Hasselhoff.
Chico: Like that's hard? =p Seriously, though... it's picking up where it left off.
Gordon: it is. Nothing really new at this party, but the party is enjoyable, nonetheless.
Chico: Now you were actually at the NYC calls... Anything to report?
Gordon: Well you know I don't like to reveal anything. I will say there are some really good acts in NYC. I will say that Howie is also really really spot on here. One thing I will also say is this: Mr. Chico, tell me what all these people have in common. Ready?
Chico: Ready.
Gordon: Voices of Glory, Arcadian Broad, Kevin Skinner, Hairo Torres, Lawrence Beamen and Barbara Padilla,
Chico: AGT finalists. Season 4 baby.
Gordon: They all made the finals. Almost all of them finished i the Top 10. But the other thing is - they all performed last on their debut episode.
Chico: Really now.
Gordon: Really and truly.
Chico: Because it's your job to know these things.
Gordon: It is.
Chico: So by your logic...Michael Grimm is going to be a finalist.
Gordon: Let's just say we'll be seeing him in our Top 40.
Chico: And ArcAttack is also going to be a finalist.
Gordon: I'll say the same there.
Chico: Michael Grimm, by the way, a singer and guitarist. ArcAttack... an industrial rock band that's... shocking.
Gordon: They also all fit the standards that make them winners. Big Board please?

How to Win
"Got Talent"

- 1) Music
- 2) Demographic
- 3) Audience
- 5) Enjoy the ride!


Chico: I like it when we do the AGT Big Board. Because it's so easy. This is How To Win "Got Talent".
Gordon: Sort of easy. The first one is real easy. Give us the first one.
Chico: Music.
Gordon: Easy. #1. Sing. Make sure there is a vocalist in your group or you are a vocalist. If you don't have that, you have no chance. America votes for singers. Not dancers, comedians or instrumentalists.
Chico: How about singing dancers?
Gordon: Sometimes. Or singing ventriloquists. But you must sing.
Chico: How about being different? Does that help?
Gordon: Not really, no.
Chico: Darn.
Gordon: #2. Cater to the demographic. On this show, the demographic skewers OLD (as it makes sense, since the winner is performing in Vegas.)
Chico: Winner performs in Vegas.... audience skews old... Meaning that they're going to go with familiarity.
Gordon: In Idol, you perform to the teenage girlies, On AGT, you're catering to the parents of those girlies, who are watching this while the kids are out playing baseball, Barbie or let's torture the family pet.
Chico: It's not right, but there you go. Of course, that's just the adult male aged 18-34 in me talking =p
Gordon: One thing is the same with Idol though and that's #3: Play to the audience. If you have a sob story, bring it. If you have a sense of humor, bring that too. Anything to get votes counts.
Chico: It's all about building up a fan base. Getting people behind you, so to speak. Barbara Padilla comes to mind. Kevin Skinner comes to mind. Susan Boyle, even. She comes to mind. So if you're going to go on stage, you have to be a person that NBC can package, basically.
Gordon: #4: Don't argue with the judges. Ever. Since it's 'The Top half advances' and not 'one person eliminated per week', you can't have an off-night.
Chico: That's just a good rule. You don't argue with the judges. You can banter with them. You can politely disagree, but do not do anything that will turn the audience on you.
Gordon: and finally: #5 Enjoy the ride, but welcome back to obscurity. None of the finalists on this show become a household name when they leave. Even Terry Fator, who is ridiculously wealthy, still isn't well-known out of Vegas. Last year's winner, Kevin Skinner, released an album in March of this year. It not only didn't make the Top 200 Albums, it didn't chart ANYWHERE on the COUNTRY charts.
Chico: He did? Well I'll be. At least he has the prize money to fall back on.
Gordon: Sort of. It's a million over a 40 year annuity.
Chico: And we'll leave AGT on this one top tip. If your act involves props, make sure they work. Chainsaw Chicks. I'm talking to you. Now we go to the OTHER one of our favorite summer shows. WIPEOUT!
Gordon: YAY!
Chico: Very simple with this sneak preview. 24 men and women paired into 12 first dates. This is a Team episode, so BOTH players are going to figure into the outcome. But let me tell you about this course. This course for season 3 - It's just nuts.
Gordon: Lots of new obstacles (which is what we clamored for last week)
Chico: This week, we had the Springy Steps, the Sucker Punch, the Big Balls, the Trampoline Sweeper, and the Love Handles. And you know what, the Big Balls; they're classic. You can't have Wipeout without them. Them and the sweepers, which is why we got, I don't know, a LOT of them.
Gordon: Sweepers are fun.
Chico: Yeah. You got a lot of them en route to the Wipeout Zone, but not a lot of them in the endgame itself. Seriously, we've got The Catapult, the Spin Cycle, The Triple Threat (with sweepers), the Rib Rage, and the Gauntlet with spiked Whackers and Arms & Dangerous.
Gordon: And unlike the other episodes, the winning pair wins $50,000 EACH for a total of $100,000 awarded.
Chico: First couple of Jayson Lansberg & Katelyn Reina not only pull down a bonus $5,000 from an earlier game of Bruiseball, but clock in a time of 19:52. That's the time that Arielle Valdez & Scott Jones will have to beat. They don't. Sorry.
Gordon: Too bad for them, but good job for Jayson and Katelyn. And hence let's give them this.

Chico: Yay! Also premiering this Tuesday was a new season of Hell's Kitchen. Hence, we give rise to a new category in the opening round...

Chico: Now this season starts with a bang. You have your chefs. You have the press. You have Gordon Ramsay necking on his wife. That's not the bang, though. That's just Gordon and Tana Ramsay having a moment.
Gordon: And joining is the sometimes tardy but always entertaining Jason Block.
Jason: Sorry about that guys.
Chico: It's okay. We were just talking Hell's Kitchen.
Jason: Usual foul mouthed goodness? :-)
Chico: Yes. But the real shocker. Gordon Ramsay was going in front of God, country, and flag, and saying for all to hear... he will complete the first dinner service.
Gordon: And he did. Sort of.
Chico: Gordon, what happened in the first dinner service of season 1?
Chico: And season 2?
Jason: ROFL
Chico: And season 3?
Chico: And season 4?
Chico: And season 5?
Chico: And last season?
Jason: Hey!
Chico: Heh. So needless to say, full dinner service, first night, Tall order. But he gets it done.
Gordon: Sort of. That is after he merges both groups into a group of 9 after evicting around half the cast.
Chico: Basically. And they get it done. And you have to understand that this was after Ramsay afforded the groups EVERY OPPORTUNITY to succeed.
Jason: Outta here?
Chico: Only temporarily. So dinner is served. The diner wasn't shut down. But the red team of ladies didn't really make the cut, so they all decide to send Fran and Stacey to the chopping block.
Gordon: Both of which are well deserved.
Chico: Let's see. Fran thought crab was lobster, and Stacey just didn't really know what time it was. Ramsay decides that STACEY is going out the door. "It's a good thing Stacey's a private chef. Her food wasn't good enough for the public."
Jason: ROFL
Chico: So three great summer shows, and then you have True Beauty. This season, we're looking for the Face of Vegas. Except that we aren't.
Gordon: We sort of smelled it month aago when we saw this in the casting call. And we warned you guys, too. As a matter of fact...




Do you dream of having your FACE in lights? Are you a head turner?

Are you engaging to even the most prominent of people? Do you believe your looks could earn you lots of fame and fortune? DO YOU DESERVE THE TITLE OF "FACE OF VEGAS"?



Jason: Chico, this is SO YOU.
Chico: Ha. I've seen something like this before... that leads me to believe... that this will either not work... or is something entirely different from what is posted. Call me a skeptic...
Gordon: I would complete the gag and say 'You're a skeptic', but I agree with you. This could be for True Beauty 2.
Chico: Could be... bordering on "is". I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.
Gordon: Almost certainly. So if you do apply for it, take that with a grain of salt.
Chico: And if you're reading this... don't say we didn't warn you.


Gordon: That was from June 29, 2009, which just goes to show how studly we are.
Chico: Yep. and Yep.
Jason: Boo to the yah.
Chico: So imagine JD's surprise when he finds out that Vanessa Minnillo has been watching his move all week long.
Gordon: JD...doesn't read WLTI. Or he does, but he's a model, so he forgot about it.
Jason: Could be.
Chico: Wouldn't put it past him. Anywho, It picks up where it left off. Good intentions, stale as day-old bread. But Carson Kressly NAILS it as host. He absolutely kills it
Gordon: He does. And the execution is fun. But Chico is right here. How far can this go?
Jason: I don't know.
Chico: I think we'll finish this season out, then it's done. Because honestly, when you get right down to it, the contestants are annoying, the show is predictable...
Gordon: You know the scary thing right now? If I was to honestly say what the best model competition show on tv is, and base it on talent, originality and creativity, it would have to be 'RuPaul's Drag Race.'
Jason: And I would agree with you.
Chico: You know something? I'd also agree with you.
Gordon: Would you agree that Friday's TPIR was also fun?
Chico: Yes. An interesting thing happened...the first five contestants to make it on stage all came from the red podium. It has only happened ONE TIME that six players ever completed the sweep. Would it happen again? Let's play with crystal stemware. Bids for crystal stemware?
Jason: $1000
Chico: You suck. Gordon?
Gordon: $69
Chico: You also suck. It was $972.
Gordon: I WIN!
Chico: Jill Rash has a chance at history.... but Mitchell Gentry wins it. No sweep, but a shot at a pretty good Showcase. First up, Gordon, since you won, here's Showcase #1: A virtual treadmill, a home gym, and a trip to South Africa. Bid or pass?
Gordon: Like you have to ask here? PASS
Chico: Passing. Jason, your bid.
Jason: $22,500
Chico: Gordon... your Showcase has a chaise lounge, a gas grill and a 2011 Scion xB.
Gordon: Can I pass it to you and wait for a third showcase?
Chico: It's got a car. A nice car.
Gordon: It's a Scion, which means it won't be more than $17,000. You consider that a nice car?
Chico: It has four wheels and a nav system. It's more car than I have. :-)
Gordon: Fine. $23,069.
Chico: Actual price... $23.... 163. You were off by $94.
Gordon: YAY!
Chico: Jason's Showcase is... $21,583. You were over.
Jason: Of course LOL
Gordon: I WIN BOTH SHOWCAS...wait, they both suck. Why am I cheering?
Chico: So as a winner, Gordon... you get to hold up the "Food" graphic one more time.
Gordon: Oh goodie.

Chico: Tell us what went down with the final 4 of Top Chef Masters.
Gordon: Johnathan Waxman wins up in the bottom 2 for the 4th straight time, That's one time too many, so he gets sent packing.
Chico: Aww.
Gordon: Your final 3 are Marcus Samuelson, Susur Lee and Rick Moonen.
Chico: I want to say Marcus Samuelsson is the favorite.
Gordon: I'll go with Noonen. He's won 3 Quick Fire challenges
Jason: Going to be fun to watch.
Chico: Yes it is. Meanwhile, i hear the WLTI Brainvision Hamsters are cooking things up in their cage.
Gordon: They are. The challenge is to go Vegetarian. Fluffy has vegetarian goulash.
Jason: How did they get stoves that small there?
Gordon: I dunno. The small stoves are cute. Gordon Jr. is making a prune danish. Ken Jen has the Marcel Virginon space age cooking set and is making everything dehydrated. Add water to determine the juiciness.
Chico: Nice
Gordon: But let's have some more delectable goodies in the news. Roll that Beautiful Brain Footage.

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thank you, Doug. Should be noted that we lost a Block... and gained an Agent. Agent Josh, to be precise.
Josh: Hello, Gents.
Gordon: I traded Block for Curtain #3, and Josh popped out. Amazing.
Josh: So does that mean I'm a Zonk? *glares at Gordon*
Chico: Say no. SAY NO!
Gordon: No you're not a Zonk. :)
Josh: :-) All kidding aside, Thanks for inviting me.
Chico: Let's start it up. First, let's go to the diamond.
Josh: So we need a bat, eh?
Chico: Yup.
Josh: *hands over a BWP Hardwood Maple Bat...Johnny Damon model*
Chico: This one has beads on it.

"Wheel" is traveling back to New Orleans in April 2011.

Josh: Laissez-lez bons temps Roulez!
Chico: WHAT JOSH SAID! :-)
Josh: (Translation: Let The Good Times Roll)
Chico: Thank you. I have another swing here.

Brainsurge, Season 2... June 21.

Josh: YES!
Chico: Pitch me another one, Armando.

Downfall has a host. Survey says: Chris Jericho.

Josh: Uh oh...
Chico: Now this is very interesting.
Josh: Jericho...A known HEEL in wrestling. A good Rock Show host, but does it translate?
Chico: The first thing he ever hosted that even remotely resembled a game show was Fuse's Redemption Song. He was very good on that show. The show itself, not so much.
Gordon: I actually think this is a good fit. It's a conveyor belt set to destroy things, Jericho should be ok on that - and it brings a WWE audience (which is the target demographic) to watch the show.
Josh: Yah, but what night of the week is this show airing?
Chico: Tuesday. Right out of Wipeout. Against Hell's Kitchen and America's Got Talent.
Gordon: But you said the right phrase - right out of Wipeout. The demographics won't clash with AGT, but it could with Hell's Kitchen,
Josh: Ok, and he won't clash with WWE programming either.
Chico: So it's an interesting cast. Let's see if he has what it takes to front a straight-ish quiz. We know he can do elimination reality, but once he crosses to the dark side, it's a different monster.
Gordon: They are putting the right pieces together. Now we just need the show to execute properly.
Chico: Fingers crossed. Meanwhile, one green light. And I checked with Jim Joyce, this IS a green light :-) LOOK AT IT AGAIN!

The Hub has picked up Pictureka! for its launch on October 10.

Josh: A good idea.
Chico: Yep.
Josh: We know how successful a hidden picture format has been. (Finder's Keepers)
Chico: Camouflage (70s). But you know, board games based on game shows. It's all about translation. Pictureka is relatively new. Easy to translate. Blank slate.
Josh: Agreed.
Gordon: And they do have the template for it. I hope it succeeds.
Josh: I hope it does well. Let's bring back board games.
Chico: Bring back game night. :-) Okay, G. Speaking of game night, you have some game nights for this week?
Gordon: I do. A ton of them.
Josh: Oh boy, here it comes.

We officially start Summer Programming this week in the Datebook. Monday has Dance Your Ass Off and Last Comic Standing. Wednesday has the Top Chef finale and Work of Art: The Next Great Artist. Thursday has GSN's Late Night Liars and HGTV's Design Star, Season 5. We also have the last week of the season for Wheel of Fortune.

Josh: I truly hope Late Night Liars works well. I've seen some of the promos, and I must say the Celebripuppets look very good.
Chico: Yep. GSN needs a weekly primetime hit that ISN'T poker-based. They tried with Without Prejudice. They tried with Grand Slam. They tried with Carnie Wilson. They tried with Hidden Agenda. They tried with Instant Recall.
Josh: Only one of those worked.
Chico: And even that was marginally.
Gordon: Maybe they need to do a new version of The Bachelor, You'd watch that, wouldn't you, Chico?
Chico: No.
Josh: Chico, calm down. You're getting angry again. I don't like it when you're angry.
Gordon: I do :D
Chico: Must... punch...
Josh: Easy Hulk Chico. Deep breaths.
Chico: Say om a few times, yeah. Then get loaded.
Josh: *HIC!* Ooop, scuse me.

Let's play a little Card Sharks here... Gordon, how many digital downloads do you think Lee DeWyze's "Beautiful Day" moved?

Gordon: I'd say 69,069 downloads.
Chico: Okay, Josh. Higher or lower than 69,069?
Josh: I'll Go Higher, but not by much.
Chico: Okay, Lee DeWyze's coronation single "Beautiful Day" sold.... 95,000 copies.
Josh: Yeah!
Chico: That's the GOOD news. The BAD news... it's 25% LESS than what "No Boundaries" did last year. With Kris Allen and Kara dioGuardi's hurricanes, window panes, novocaines, and picture frames.
Gordon: It made me want to take a lot of novocaine.
Josh: I think the American Idol novelty is beginning to wear off (Thank Heaven!)
Gordon: It was also 70% less than David Cook, making him the worst Idol winner in the Download era.
Chico: That's AWFUL, by the way.
Gordon: But it seems like the audience this time, voted correctly. Crystal Bowersox's 'Up to the Mountain' only sold 49,000 downloads.
Chico: That's ALSO awful, by the way. I'm talking "Cousin Oliver" awful.
Gordon: Can we move from American Idol to American Idiot?
Josh: :-) Better
Chico: Yes. Excuse me while I go buy Rock Band Green Day =p
Josh: And I will break out the yardsticks.

Are YOU Smarter than...Spencer Pratt, who first stages a 'fake' breakup with Heidi, and then discloses that he spent almost all of his money from his TV appearances and only has $203 left to his name?

Josh: *slaps the desk twice with the yardstick* DOUBLE SCHTUPIT!
Chico: DUDE. NO. BAD.
Gordon: He spent over $500,000 on...'Energy Crystals'.
Josh: Of course, I've seen a cat scan of his head. There's a sign in there that says "This Space For Rent"
Chico: First of all, get off my TV set. Second of all, get a job.
Gordon: Well he's trying to get a job, but that means he needs to be on your tv set to do it.
Chico: No he doesn't. He can do something when he's not on my TV. I have two jobs, he can't get one? =p
Josh: Well he needs to get off my TV for one thing.
Gordon: Maybe he can be the zookeeper to this guy...

Josh: DAH! Not again! *runs and leaps over the sofa*
Chico: Yo
Gordon: You get used to Augustus after a while. He sort of grows on you.
Josh: That's exactly what I don't want to happen.
Gordon: BTW, I took him to see Diary of the Dead. He likes the part when the woman was eating the horse.
Chico: NICE.
Josh: So what do I feed him this week?
Gordon: You're feeding him a cell phone. Take the one from the back office.
Josh: ...You're Kidding! *throws "The Phone" to Augustus.*
Chico: Now you're getting it
Josh: But I liked that show!
Gordon: Now Augustus likes it more than you do.

The Phone (which got moved to the desolate land called Friday night programming during it's run) has passed the year mark, and hence is eligible to be Zombie chow.

Josh: It was a great concept, I think.
Gordon: Good concept. Bad execution.
Chico: More or less.
Josh: And I thought they had been casting for a second season through Facebook and all that.
Chico: Casting notes are one thing, pickups are another.
Gordon: A lot of times casting calls are annonced so they can be ready to go if they get picked up for a second season.
Josh: Ok
Chico: Basically what happens.
Gordon: So just because you see one doesn't mean it's a definite pick up,
Chico: I have an example in a moment, but first, let's go global.

Another round-the-world all nations item that came into the loop this morning. Simon Cowell, Gordon's hero, wants to do a "World's Got Talent".

Gordon: Oh joy.
Chico: I have a feeling Susan Boyle would eat Terry Fator alive.
Gordon: Remind me again how World Idol with And and Dec did again.
Chico: Horribly.
Josh: So we're taking the best from each of the "...Got Talent" franchises and pitting them against each other A La Eurovision?
Chico: Exactly.
Josh: ...*Busts out laughing*
Chico: We have opera singers, contortionists, circus performers, dancers, and Kevin Skinner.
Gordon: Shall I tell you what's going to happen?
Josh: It's going to be made fun of by us, and Susan Boyle will win the whole darn thing!
Chico: Yeah, I'd go with that, but Gordon, what will happen?
Gordon: The East side won't vote for the west side. The West side won't vote for the East side, and some non-offending, light-weight performer from a neutral country will win. The winner of World Idol btw was Kurt Nilsen, from Norway, who did 'Beautiful Day' by U2.
Josh: *sigh*
Chico: And he was never seen since.
Josh: I'm just thinking of how made fun of this will be. I know a lot of people who make fun of Eurovision.
Gordon: Original Pop Idol Will Young came in 5th. Kelly Clarkson came in 2nd, thanks to a '5' from, guess where...The Middle East.
Josh: That's a shock!
Chico: Wow. Fancy that.
Gordon: Nilson scored 10's in every country except a 4 from...The Middle East.
Josh: I imagined "World's Got Talent" more like a non-voting showcase. Now if THAT was the case, I'd watch!
Chico: Unfortunately no, there's a million-pound purse for the winner. And Gordon, your friends Ant & Dec are on board to host. Gordon, You may borrow my helmet.
Josh: Seriously, though, I've watched a few of their British shows on YouTube. They aren't half bad.
Gordon: I can't do that. I'm not really a wall runner.
Chico: I will make you a wall runner, damn it... NEXT TIME!
Gordon: I'll figure out something I can do. Wall running is your thing.
Chico: Okay, now let's cast for something classy...

Are you smarter than your fiancee? 5th Grader is looking for engaged couples to play in season 2.


Gordon: That's semi-classy.
Josh: That's ok.
Gordon: I also have this:

If you want to be on Season 2 of Minute To Win it, go here on June 12th:

June 12, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Health and Fitness Expo at the Hynes Convention Center,
Hall A
900 Boylston St.
Boston, Mass.

June 12, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
NBC Chicago (NBC Tower)
454 North Columbus Dr.
Chicago, Ill.

Gordon: That's also sort of classy.
Josh: I guess that means I gotta keep practicing my games.
Chico: It'd be even classier if they traveled somewhere that WASN'T a 12-hour drive.
Gordon: Now who wants some classy from The Purveyor of Wrong?
Chico: YAY!
Josh: Oh, now I'm down with this!

Who Wants to PARTY! If you want to party on a Booze Cruise and get nekkid (or be a server, security personnel, cruise director, or Cabin Boy and watch or help other people get nekkid), go HERE!


Chico: Where do I sign up?
Josh: Can I host?
Gordon: And you call ME Filthy McNasty, huh? :P
Chico: Ha!
Josh: Sorry. Single Guy, On The Rebound...Need to see some booty!
Gordon: Would you go to Argentina to see Canadian Booty?
Josh: Sure.

Canada is getting it's OWN version of Wipeout. If you're Canadian and want some big balls, go to TVTropolis and apply.

Now who's up for some hoes?
Josh: To quote Big John McCarthy, and Mills Lane...."LET'S GET IT ON!"
Chico: *plays "Pimpin's All Over the World"*

In this week's Media Ho Report, Rickey Minor insists he's not bitter that he got snubbed in the American Idol season finale (sure, you're not), Russell Hantz will not be charged with any wrong-doing after a bar altercation, Paula Abdul will get an award from Logo...

Josh: And Congrats to Paula for a role on the hit series "Drop Dead Diva"

Drew Carey creates a bobble head doll for Malaria nets, Lonestar shows up on a non-repeat episode of TPIR on June 16, Jeff Probst admits that creating a show about people dying was a bad idea (as CBS axed it after 1 episode)...

Josh: Uh, yah, Jeff.

Some black women are pissed off that Chad Ochocinco only wants to date white women in his 'Basketball Bracket of Love' show, Clay Aiken says he didn't know he was gay until after his stint on American Idol, and Gordon Pepper did NOT come in last during this last weekend's World Quizzing Championships.

Chico: *applause*
Gordon: OK. Puzzles is my game. Word games is my gamer. World Trivia...notsomuch.
Chico: That alone is enough for Ho of the Week, but someone beat you to it, I bet.
Gordon: Right. However, none of them (and no, not even me) is the Media Ho of the Week.
Gordon: It's Chris Haney. Unfortunately he died this week, but he was the co-creator of one of the most influential games of our time: Trivial Pursuit.
Josh: May he rest in peace.
Chico: He will be missed...


Gordon: Thank you. And those...are your hoes.
Chico: And that's Brainvision. Switch it off, Josh.
Josh: One Agent-12 Roger (flicks the switch)
Chico: And when we return, more fun with the Supertoilet 3000, but first...
Gordon: First, we get all accurate on you after the Break. You're reading WLTI. You give us 22 minutes, and we'll give you 22 questions that I got wrong during the World Quizzing Championships...or 222... Puzzles is my game. Word games is my games. World Trivia...notsomuch.

(Brought to you by Call My Bluff 2010... hosted by Jim Joyce. Good luck even trying to win this game. You'll lose, but you'll get a hearty apology and a new car afterwards)