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Previous Episodes (Season 24)
May 31 - April Showers Bring May Skunks / Should & Will / Push or Flush (1)

June 7 - It's Getting Hot In Here / Accuracy or Idiocy? / Push or Flush (2)

June 14 - For the Class of 2010 / Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews / Push or Flush (3)

June 21 - Who's Your Daddy? / GSNN World Cup (1) / Push or Flush (4)

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent

partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 24.4 - Pick Your Poison
June 28

Chico: Hey gang, I'm Chico Alexander,. and I just did something I probably shouldn't.
Gordon: Did you ask Vienna Girardi out? She's available, you know.
Chico: ,No. I took our three cars and made a giant robot.
Jason: Say what?
Gordon: Oh that was YOUR car, Jay?
Jason: What did you do to my Highlander?
Gordon: Um,you can use the rest of it for Pinball Machine casing.
Chico: We'll get to Vienna in a moment. After all, why do you think I MADE the thing?
Gordon: Um,that's not my car, Chico. I just parked mine out in the lot.
Chico: , Oh boy. Hmm, okay, while I get our insurance files in order, Gordon's going to start the show!
Gordon: Let's start it off, because once again we've got the international flavor going on. From somewhere in the Men's U.S. Soccer Team's souvenir bag, this week's episode of WLTI,is,on!
Chico: *plays vuvuzela*
Gordon: our special guest, who loves how the U.S. played soccer this week, Mr. Jason Block.
Jason: USA played terribly, England played worse. (shakes head) Poor Drew. He now has nothing to watch :)
Chico: Poor Drew indeed. We have eight English players to play in the course of this show, PLUS.. a new game that Gordon created. But first, maybe Drew likes conveyor belts.
Gordon: Let's start with conveyor belts. ABC's newest show, Downfall, premiered on the alphabet channel.
Chico: The premise is simple enough. Trivia for fun and profit. Answer correctly, you win stuff. Answer incorrectly, and, well, you remember the ending of the Woman in Red?
Jason: Yeah
Chico: Imagine that, only with a car. I invite you to expand on that, J.
Jason: Each level has three prizes and a cash amount on the end of it. If you miss or pass the question, the belt moves faster and your prizes go bye bye in super slo-mo. If you answer all the questions, the belt stops and you win anything still on the conveyor belt. You can hit the panic button twice. You have a choice of putting a prized possession or a "panic partner" on it. The panic Partner can help you with questions, but your answer is the only one accepted. This is the money tree:

Round 1 - $5,000 (4/10 questions right)
Round 2 - $10,000 (5/10 questions right)
Round 3 - $25,000 (6/10 questions right - MILESTONE LEVEL)
Round 4 - $50,000 (7/10 questions right)
Round 5 - $100,000 (8/10 questions right)
Round 6 - $250,000 (9/10 questions right)
Round 7 - $1,000,000 (10/10 questions right)

Jason: Anything else I missed?
Chico: Nope. That's pretty much it. I'm going to do the good and the bad in one line. It's surprisingly straight forward. The good: the game is solid, the set is slick and Chris Jericho is on point. The bad: the production is, and this was the word I was looking for when I talked to G about this earlier, cumbersome bordering on "lethargic"
Jason: The best thing about this show is Chris Jericho. He is a star in the making. I am a little biased, but he was very good.
Gordon: The Good: Jericho is solid. I like him a lot as the role of the host.
Chico: He's been doing his homework, you can tell.
Jason: He is a host in search of a better property.
Chico: And you know, this isn't the first time he's ever fronted a show like this, but it feels like the first time, and that just adds to the whole approval.
Gordon: Yes. I also like his improv skills with the contestants. He's not afraid to push the envelope and get into heel persona when he needs it. Helping him to do this are the contestants, who are clearly not the most prepared bunch.
Jason: He was the best part of that too. The production was awful. A simple split screen of the prizes falling would do wonders.
Chico: Yeah, apparently the folks who put the final touches on everything missed the class on the KISS rule.
Gordon: I agree with Jason. The editing is terrible. You need a split screen to go while the action is going on. The gameplay is also ridiculously slow. You should be able to get 2 full games in there.
Chico: And again, this is how Scott St. John does a game show in 2010. If a game is solid, it needs to be played as such.
Jason: Exactly.
Chico: Let the game play itself. Don't try and force ANYTHING.
Gordon: Not everything can be self-contained. Don't try to play it as such.
Jason: That's the biggest hurdle most shows have.
Chico: They think that they have to cut out in half an hour or one hour or whatever, you don't have to do that! Play until time runs out, then "invite them back for the next show", wait half an hour, and tape the next show! SIMPLE!
Gordon: Most, but not all. Look at Wipeout, etc.
Chico: Yeah, for Wipeout, the contained show format works,
Gordon: Also - the concept , which was touted as 'a never before seen format', has been seen. Joker's Wild '90, anyone?
Chico: Because you know you have just enough material for it. I'll take Joker's Wild 90. Now I didn't mind that as much as, well, everyone does, but the thing is it wasn't TJW even in the loosest sense, just a rapid fire quiz involving a slot machine, but that's another rant for another day.
Gordon: Jokers Wild '90 for the question format, millionaire for the 'helps', Trashed for the add a personal value item, Mega Match Sensacional for the conveyor belt and 21 for bringing in a friend to play.
Jason: I was also thinking Million Dollar Password for the question/bonus round
Gordon: I'll accept that.
Jason: The game part wasn't original at all.

C- C C+ C

Chico: That doesn't really concern me as much. I mean, we said last week, a game can be original but not and still entertain. What concerns me are the numbers. We're talking dipping from 6.5 million to 5.5 million in the course of an hour. The game itself is okay, but in the end, will we all remember it or make it appointment? Not with Hell's Kitchen or AGT on the other channel. C.
Gordon: Chris Jericho has the makings of a very good host. He just needs to commentate on a better event. C-.
Jason: C+ for me. Jericho is great, the show not so much.
Chico: A nice round average of a C. Probably the easiest thing that'll ever happen this week. Also easy, turning a minivan into a supercar. Actually, that's not easy either, as our second premiere shows.
Gordon: We talking the UCB?
Chico: I think it was a GMC, but you get the picture. Ultimate Car Buildoff, or UCB, is Discovery's latest foothold into the competitive television arena.
Gordon: The objective is simple: Take 1 car and make it into a supercar.
Chico: Twelve teams of auto customizers will compete, and in the end, one will win $100,000. Your work is judged on four things; design, acceleration, braking, and handling. Lots of experts on board this show. We have Lou Santiago, expert designer, Andrew Comrie-Picard, ACP to you and me, expert driver, and a man who needs no introduction; Mr. Chip Foose. If you follow motoring, you know who ALL of them are.
Jason: I do!
Chico: The two teams on this week's show: transforming minivans into supercars. Hollywood Hot Rods wins that one and moves on to the "battle for Los Angeles", as winners of LA, Detroit, and Atlanta will face off for the 100K. Starting with the good, Everything is easy to pick up if you don't have a grasp of the subject matter. As in "everything's explained."
Gordon: Yes. I learned a lot out of this show. Maybe too much.
Chico: We're not going to chop your car.
Gordon: You sure? I just saw what you did to the other Saturns :P
Chico: And the Highlander.
Gordon: And the Highlander
Jason: Yeah. Not cool
Chico: Anyway, easy to watch for novices and gearheads alike. And everything, you know, it's straight forward, there's a purpose for everything, there's no extraneous garbage that proliferates reality timekillers nowadays.
Gordon: True but it was still too slow for me. I wanted to see some more 'cool' stuff, so to speak. More action.
Chico: They save the action for the actual competition, and I can deal with that. Granted, you have to wait 30 whole minutes to get there..
Gordon: And for someone like me, who wants to see how the theories are put into play, that's 15 minutes too long.
Chico: Can't be perfect, but you know what? I like it. It works, everything works, It all makes sense. But it works. I'm going to go B on this one. Get a little more theory, and we may have something.
Gordon: It's different and original, and for that I like it. I'd like more pacing, but it wasn't bad. B- for me. Now let's modify the red team so that they can work on Hell's Kitchen, or maybe not.

Chico: Let's review what happened. Scott and Autumn were traded. Red Team lost the first dinner service as they can't serve OR cook, and the person that did that the worst, Maria. Bye Maria.
Gordon: Bye indeed. Not a hard choice here.
Chico: Nope. Second hour, same thing. Red team had a shot at it, but not only could they NOT convert into the win, they converted it into an all-out. That is to say, everyone on the red side was thrown out of the kitchen.
Jason: WHOA!
Chico: Blues, save for Salvatore's little lie about risotto, pretty much weathered the storm without incident. Bad news for Scott, who talked a good game but didn't deliver when it came time to. Bye Scott.
Gordon: Bye. Again, not a hard choice here.
Chico: And to end the night, Ben is traded to the Red to even the score. Which brings up a question that was brought up in the NBA Finals here. Individuals win games, but do teams win titles? Obviously this is true from the Hell's Kitchen standpoint.
Jason: Probably.
Chico: You have talented chefs, but if they can't come together as a team, they can't accomplish anything.
Gordon: Agreed, It's an interesting dynamic, because you can get booted because you're team is bad. If you are the strong chef in the weak link, you need to pray you can get to the individual medley before your team does you in.
Jason: It's like getting to the merge, you know?
Gordon: exactly. Fortunately in Jeopardy, it's every man for themselves.
Chico: Yup. And one man in particular made serious lettuce this week.
Gordon: Jeff Kursky is his own one man team.
Chico: Let's play, shall we? First is After the Presidency.


Jason: Who is J.Q. Adams?
Gordon: Who are Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton?
Chico: Jason, is right. Gordon, is wrong TWICE.
Gordon: Isn't a comedian also a political position? Like a senator? And isn't the head of oral communications also a political position?
Chico: An ELECTED job.
Jason: LOL
Chico: I didn't elect Nixon to be funny. He did that on his own.
Gordon: I think most senators in congress are funny.
Chico: You would. The other president, by the way, was Andrew Johnson.
Gordon: I bet Clinton gave better oratorios.
Chico: Next up, Billboard Hot 100 History. How's your pop music?


Jason: Who are Natalie and Nat King Cole?
Gordon: Who are Pat and Debby Boone?
Chico: It was actually Frank and Moon Unit Zappa. Kidding, Gordon's right.
Gordon: Yay!
Jason: Good job G.
Chico: That put Jeff in the 100 Grand Club. Hallowed ground. This would take him out. The category, Historic Dates.


Chico: Easy. If you both miss this, I will be saddened.
Jason: Who is Archduke Ferdinand?
Gordon: Who is acclaimed winemaker Fernando Astispumante?
Chico: I'll asis-pu-mante you. =p It's Franz Ferdinand. Jeff was behind and Joey Genereux capitalized to win. And true to form, he lost the next match. Janet Bradlow has two thanks to a,.

Chico: Said player: Matthew Levine of Victoria, BC. Now here are the scores going into the Friday final. Matthew has $17,600. Janet, $14,000. Lisa Cerrato, $3800. Now if I'm Matthew, I concern myself more with Lisa upending me than with Janet doubling up on me.
Jason: Wrong. You bet $10,401. Mars all the way.
Chico: So if I lose, then Lisa doubles up. Yeah, I'd like THAT to happen. I think that Janet is going to try and outgun Lisa, so I hedge my bets. That Bob Shore was onto something.
Gordon: I agree with... Jason. You get the question right, you win. If you're Matthew, you have to play to win.
Chico: He did play to win. Boy did he ever. The final is in Literature & Music.


Jason: Who is Don Quixote
Gordon: Who is George W. Bush, when asked about who could be stockpiling the mysterious 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'.
Chico: The correct answer is YES.
Gordon: YAY!
Chico: Don Quixote is right. Janet keeps it at $3601, but loses, locking Lisa out. So Janet's still in it. Honestly, it doesn't really matter how you or I would play it (even though I still think I'd be right), Matthew plays it all wrong. He bets $12,000 and change.
Gordon: But its not wrong.
Chico: It is if you are.
Gordon: He gets it right, he wins.
Chico: But still, that takes balls. You play to win, but if you know the score is close, you may want to hedge your bets against. All I'm saying.
Gordon: If you play to not lose, you will.
Jason: Exactly.
Chico: Then explain how Matthew played to win and YET he still lost.
Gordon: Let's say that he plays to cover Lisa and only bets $9,900. First of all, if he gets the question wrong, he STILL loses. Second of all, if he gets it right and Lisa bets it all and gets it right, she wins. So in this case, $9,900 is a TERRIBLE bet.
Chico: Yes.
Gordon: Janet, however, plays it right. She plays enough to cover against Lisa and forces Matt to get it right. So Matt didn't bet badly at all. It's just that Janet bet better and Matt got the question wrong.
Chico: Janet plays it perfectly.
Gordon: So I don't think you can use 'Players betting Badly' here. If Chico did that, then it's Chico betting badly.
Chico: I'll leave it up to the readers. See what they think.
Gordon: If you get the question right and lose because you didn't bet enough, you'll feel like a Jackass.
Chico: I still think the less-is-more strategy would've helped him a lot better, but oh well. Matt, I think, just wanted to get home in time to catch Brainsurge, which launches season 2 this week with boys vs. girls. A team of three boys and a team of three girls play the Brainsurge game. In the end, the girls win, 3-2.
Jason: I saw it. I loved it. Brainsurge is bigger and noisier.
Chico: Two girls win the grand prize, one boy wins it. Lots more audience involvement.
Gordon: I liked the little tweaks. It added fun without changing the format.
Chico: Yep. It was everything we loved about the show, just more of it.
Jason: Loved the T shirt giveaway,
Chico: Longer Brain Drain, more lights, better games. And the fact that it was moved out of the later afternoon and into primetime, even better.
Jason: Thumbs up for me; it was great :)
Gordon: Now Chico hasn't had the greatest week in the world, so I'm guessing that watching Brain Surge, made him feel better.
Chico: Yes, Gordon, it did make me feel better.
Gordon: Yes. and this will make Chico feel even better still,.

Chico: I hate you.
Gordon: No you don't.
Chico: Yeah I do. Because I know what's next. The Baaaachelor.
Gordon: Why do you hate me if you know why Luciano the Love Zombie is here for?
Jason: Luciano? LOL
Gordon: Yes sir. Everyone said that it wouldn't last, and everyone was right. Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi. Gonzo.
Jason: I am shocked.
Chico: For the nine of you who haven't heard, and to the shock of no one. If you had 3 months and three weeks, come up and get your prize. It's a ball in a cup. Anyway, if anything was truly shocking, it was the sheer magnitude.
Gordon: I had 69 days. I fell short.
Chico: I mean, usually, a Bachelor breakup, relatively low-key.
Jason: This one, not so much.
Chico: NO.
Gordon: And apparently, so did Jake, as Vienna claims he dumped her because he wouldn't have sex with her.
Chico: And Jake claims that she was a dirty cheat. The end result is a week-long episode of "Cheaters" without Joey Greco or the entertainment value or the fun. So who would you believe? The pilot who wants to be on television, or the "perpetual liar" who also wants to be on television?
Gordon: Jakes publicist. or Vienna's proctologist.
Jason: How about Greco? LOL
Gordon: I'll say Greco.
Chico: Who's the winner in all of this? ABC, of course! They get to reunite the two in what has to be the king of all bad ideas, So they can talk it all out. See where the differences lie.
Gordon: It's on the Bachelor Special, and it ends the way that a show like this is destined to end. Ugly.
Chico: I can tell you how this ends, Two people who have no business knowing each other will forever be linked. BUT WAIT! IT GETS EVEN BETTER!
Jason: Really?
Chico: REALLY!
Jason: Do tell.
Chico: This week on the Bachelorette, Ali, who left Jake to pick up that piece of ass Vienna, Wait a minute,


Chico: Okay, she finds out that one of HER suitors, Rated R, is actually seeing TWO people back home. And that, shocker, he's only here to jump start a career.
Jason: I am stunned. See my face?
Chico: Wow. That is a look of shock. Or gas.
Jason: (belch). Much better.
Chico: Good. I've said this before, and I'll say it again, love's labours are lost, on television.
Gordon: You don't really think that people are there for love anymore, do you?
Chico: Of course not!
Jason: Are you kidding me?
Chico: They have actual shows for that if you're looking for love. Baggage. =p

Gordon: 20 series. TWO marriages. The Amazing Race, Survivor and Fear Factor ALL have more marriages. Fear. Factor.
Chico: Jeopardy! has more marriages, or it will if Ken Basin and Pam Mueller get it together (hey guys :-) )
Jason: Jeopardy had one ON THE SET.
Gordon: Um, Chico, Ken Jen has announced his engagement to Amanda.
Chico: There you go. The Brainvision hamster gym almost has more marriages.
Gordon: Everywhere has more marriages than the original marriage franchise.
Chico: I'll take Irony for $200, Gordon.
Gordon: You need this to make your noggin run.
Chico: What is beautiful brain footage.
Gordon: Correct. Now roll that beautiful brain Footage.

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thanks, Doug. First up, let's go to the Business End.
Jason: (hands Chico the Bat)

In the latest chapter of "Who Wants to Be on CBS Daytime", a talk-show helmed by Valerie Bertinelli and Rove "Say Hi To Your Mum For Me" McManus is being optioned.

Jason: I don't see this as happening
Chico: That joins Password, Pyramid, and Untitled Julie Chen Project. Now Pyramid actually shot its pilot and we've heard some interesting things, like it's "like no other version of Pyramid" before; that has me both excited and scared.
Gordon: I heard about it. Of course, we aren't going to talk about conjecture, but I don't like it.
Chico: Because the last time we had the "no other version", we had the Pyramid Players and the Winner's Nook. Just saying.
Gordon: If we made this like Rat Race, here's how I would order it. Julie Chen > something else > Pyramid > Password > Valerie and Rove.
Jason: Unfortunately, G is about right.
Chico: So there you are. They're expected to name a replacement in July. ATWT has already shot its final show. So we're kinda cutting it close here.
Gordon: The longer it takes to make a decision, the worse it looks for a game show to get the spot. Keep in mind that a talk show needs a lot less prep time. If you're doing a game show, they need time for questions, contestant searches, etc.
Jason: Remember though, LMAD taped in July of last year, and by October it was on the Air.
Gordon: But July is next week. They need to get a decision going quickly.
Chico: So we have shorter prep time vs. cheaper production. The next few weeks will be quite interesting.
Gordon: Should be. So is our Datebook.

Though school is out, the Library is open. Silent Library starts up again for Season 3 on Monday.

Chico: We have bands, Octomom, and because we love Gordon so much, an appearance by the New York Football Giants.
Jason: ah yeah! NYG!
Gordon: Whoo hoo!
Chico: Although after last season of football, not Silent Library. :-) Next up, another import, exported. Time to go Global. It's a Millionaire three-for.
Jason: Three for?

First, to the UK, where Chris Tarrant is touting that the format is undergoing a change, adding a camera to the PAF and a 30-second shot clock.

Gordon: Seems like the U.S. version.
Chico: Yep. Only with a PAF.

Hopping over to Sri Lanka, who finally get their own version of the show.

Jason: I sense desperation
Chico: Eh, Probably.

And finally, over to Australia, who launch Minute to Win It, which could be a Millionaire killer, though I doubt it.

Chico: I will say that they do the show better down there than they do it here, with TWO more safety points.
Gordon: What about Stupid Points?
Chico: Those are universal.
Jason: Amen to that.

Are YOU smarter than...Jake Pavelka, who now knows what the rest of the world does about Vienna Girardi.

Jason: ROFL He got hit over the head with the skillet of DUH
Chico: I ain't sayin' she a gold digger, actually, that's exactly what I'm saying. My bad
Gordon: And to add to it...

Are YOU smarter than...Vienna Girardi, who not only ruined a good thing (not to mention possible Dancing With the Stars opportunities), but then not only lied about wedding dates, but told The Star that she lied about those wedding dates.

Jason: She IS a gold digger
Chico: Attention Whores for $400.
Gordon: That's later, Right now, lets get some Haterade.
Jason: I need the super size. Its hot.
Chico: Me too.
Gordon: Well we know about the Bachelor mess, so let's give you something else.

Rumor has it that Groomer has It, which passed the year of not being seen mark, has gone to the big dog house in the sky.

Jason: Awwww
Chico: We buried it underneath if its favorite tree.
Gordon: And I tied a yellow ribbon around it.
Chico: Very nice.
Gordon: now let's get Fully Loaded
Chico: Hic.
Jason: Hic
Chico: Remember "Crosswords"? Remember "Weakest Link"? Remember "Jeopardy!"?
Jason: Yes, yes and yes

All three are getting the video game treatment courtesy of the Wii, the BBC's website, and smart phones. Respectively.

Chico: Crosswords even went so far as to get Ty Treadway. So either he came out of semi-retirement for that or this project was languishing for a while, or it could've been like PYL and they just lifted some sound bytes from the TV show.
Jason: lol
Gordon: ...yay?
Chico: Bout right, yeah. I got one for the Casting Couch. That a yay for ya?
Jason: lets hear it
Gordon: I have some.

It's the big one. American Idol just released the season 10 audition itinerary, and lowered the age. So the dream is alive, as long as you're an American citizen aged 15 to 28. Go to Americanidol.com for deets on that.

Chico: My guess, capitalizing on Bieber fever.
Jason: Yes. I have the dates and cities if you want
Chico: This calls for the board.

American Idol: Living the Dream

- Nashville
- Milwaukee
- New Orleans
- East Rutherford/NYC
- Austin
- San Francisco

Jason: This one is called: American Idol: Living the Dream! Here are the six cities where you can audition for AI10!

--Nashville: July 17
--Milwaukee: July 21
--New Orleans: July 26
--East Rutherford: August 3
--Austin: August 11
--San Francisco: August 19

Chico: Hey Gordon!
Gordon: Hey Chico!
Chico: You know someone near your area? East Rutherford, train ride for me, 10 minutes to you.
Gordon: I do. Now come over and sing in your boxers.
Chico: Can't. Too old. =p
Jason: Application on americanidol.com and all that. But this begs the question, will we know who the 4th judge will be in the 20 days?
Gordon: No. Not a chance. I got one too.
Jason: Ok.

Want to audition for Millionaire? Well now's your chance! Go to http://www.dadt.com/millionaire/auditions.html and sign up.

Gordon: At least one of my friends is already in the contestant pool. And it's not Chico!
Chico: Because I'm an ineligible. Long story. Won't go into it.
Gordon: I got one more, if you don't have any more.

Are you a fan girl who's into COSPLAY? Like WOW, Anime, and like being a geek gal Go here! http://www.realitywanted.com/call/7664-now-casting-do-you-cosplay-larp-wow-anime-fans-casting-fangirls

Chico: This CAN'T be for anything competitive.
Gordon: It sounds like they are casting a Bachelor version for you.
Jason: ROFL
Chico: You'd LIKE to think that. Heh. Okay, speaking of, *plays "Pimpin All Over the world"*
Jason: Lets hear who the media hos are

In this week's Media Ho Report, Wayne Brady plays in Toronto, Kai Hibbard talks about how dangerous The Biggest Loser is, Phil Keoghan talks boating... Kellie Pickler is engaged, Austin Scarlett and Santino Rice (Project Runway) get their own show on lifetime, Ellen Degeneres writer a book... Davina McCall's Million Pound Drop gets renewed, Crystal Bowersox signs with Jive/19, and Jake Pavelka, fresh off his split, goes over to The Bachelor pad, so he can torment Chico for the rest of the summer.

Chico: Wonderful. Okay, who out-hoes them all this week?
Gordon: Well, since we are talking about The Bachelor, I have a bride for Augustus
Chico: Nice.
Jason: Really?
Gordon: Really.

Chico: HA. Zombie Davina.
Gordon: That would be Davina McCall as a Zombie from the mini series Dead Set. A MUST SEE miniseries if you like Big Brother and Zombie movies, but I digress.
Jason: Nice!
Chico: It's on YouTube. Anyway, back to business.
Gordon: But none of them are your ho of the week. The ho is...Dick Clark, who was honored at this past week's Daytime Emmy awards by Ryan Seacrest.
Jason: (standing ovation)
Chico: Awesome. And the roll call for that was a who's who. Garth Brooks, Simon Cowell, Chubby Checker. As for winners, Cash Cab takes BOTH prizes: host AND show. Congratulations!
Gordon: And those...are your hoes.
Chico: And that's Brainvision. Shut it off, please.
Jason: Shutting down
Chico: Still to come, we have more from GSNN's World Cup. We're knocking our bollocks off in the UK this week. But first... Gordon?
Gordon: First up - a brand new game. Right off the xerox copier.
Jason: I smell the fumes.
Chico: And the toner.
Gordon: You will...when we come back.
Chico: This is We Love to Interrupt. You give us 22 minutes, we'll give you a whole lot of stuff falling off of a building in downtown LA.
Gordon: Including our pride.
Chico: There it goes now!
Jason: Wow, that looked painful

(Brought to you by Manesurge. The game show where you don't have to know anything about hair to win).