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Previous Episodes (Season 24)
May 31 - April Showers Bring May Skunks / Should & Will / Push or Flush (1)

June 7 - It's Getting Hot In Here / Accuracy or Idiocy? / Push or Flush (2)

June 14 - For the Class of 2010 / Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews / Push or Flush (3)

June 21 - Who's Your Daddy? / GSNN World Cup (1) / Push or Flush (4)

June 28 - Pick Your Poison / GSNN World Cup (2) / Pick Your Poison

July 6 - They Might Be Giants / GSNN World Cup (3) / Songbook

July 12 - It Happened in Cleveland / Really Big Board / GSNN World Cup (4)

July 19 - Rich Fields Forever / Excessories / GSNN World Cup (5)

July 26 - You Said Goodbye, We Said Hello / Pass the Password / GSNN World Cup (6)

August 2 - A Kinder, Gentler Gordon... Ramsay / GSNN World Cup (7) / Help Wanted

August 9 - Tomato Juice / GSNN World Cup (8) / Read Between the Lines

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 24.11 - Summer Coolers
August 16

Gordon: This is Gordon Pepper, and you know usually, during the Summer, nothing is going on.
Chico: Right. *sips a cool summer drink*
Jason: Boring....(yawn)
Gordon: Chico and I usually have to create some sort of fun diversion to get us through the show. Last summer, we worked on an Amy Jo Johnson paper-mache project. (waves at Joe Van Ginkel)
Jason: I rearranged my sock drawer. Twice.
Gordon: This year, and this week in particular, it's been this (signals dump truck, truck dumps paper on everyone)
Chico: And the point of the paper is...
Gordon: We have a lot to go over this week. Let's start putting the pencil to the paper and get to work.
Chico: Might as well, we got enough of both. From somewhere underneath this paper pile... WLTI... is... ON!
Jason: YES!
Gordon: Joining us this week is our special guest, Mr. Jason Block.
Jason: Always fun to be here.
Gordon: Good, because we start the show by making fun of you. Hey Chico!
Chico: YES Gordon!
Gordon: What's Rule #1 of picking winners on finales?
Jason: Never use my picks?
Chico: Right.
Gordon: Correct. Rule #1: NEVER agree with Jason. Whoever Jason picks, pick the other person.
Jason: Call me the cooler :) and yes, I used it on myself, folks.
Gordon: If it's a racing competition between a 35 year old athlete and a bullfrog, and Jason picks the athlete, then you know he'll blow out a hamstring and the frog will win.
Jason: ROFL
Chico: Basically.
Gordon: It's time for the 'Super Fast Super Finale Super Rundown!!!!'
Chico: *plays "Makes Me Wonder"* What are we starting with, G?
Gordon: We start with Hell's Kitchen, in a very close match-up between Jay and Holli, Holli pulls it out.
Jason: (applause)
Chico: And Ramsay tells us why: she grew the most as a chef.
Gordon: Who did Jason Block pick?
Jason: Jay.
Gordon: Yes he did. On a side note, I disagree with Ramsay on this one. It shouldn't be who grew the most. It should be who is the better chef, period.
Chico: And Jay was a better chef than Holli. He even finished his tickets first. He performed in the finale.
Gordon: Right. Jay should have won this, hands down.
Chico: Why Holli won is beyond me.
Gordon: But I'm guessing he lost because Mr. Block picked him.
Jason: Ha ha.
Gordon: Jay, you got robbed. On to So You Think You Can Dance, where we had another robbery. Kent loses to Lauren in the finals.
Chico: Again... how does that happen?
Gordon: They were both solid, but I think Lauren had the likeability factor over Kent. And as we all know, any sort of public voting, it's not just about technical merit. It's about the whole package.
Chico: And Lauren had IT.
Jason: Yes. Unfortunately.
Gordon: Kent was the better dancer, but Lauren had the better all-around package.
Chico: Basically.
Gordon: Hey Jason, who did you pick? (Hint: Kent)
Jason: Of course.
Chico: Heh.
Gordon: Next up: Work of Art. Abdi wins $100,000, almost all of which is going to his mommy. AwwwBarf.
Chico: A million and a half people watched that. Which is like half of Top Chef's audience on a good day, but Bravo is crowing about it.
Gordon: Well you do have to start growing a franchise. BTW, Jason didn't have Abdi.
Jason: Nope. But you will see season 2 of this.
Gordon: I think so.
Chico: Yeah.
Gordon: Next in the Super Finales - Last Comic Standing, which was won by Felipe Esparza
Chico: ... Yay?
Gordon: Well, I'm biased, so I wanted Myq Kaplan to win, but I did call it.
Jason: Was that the big haired dude from Ep 1?
Gordon: Yes.
Jason: Knew it.
Chico: Of course.
Gordon: Sure you did. Which is why you picked Kaplan to win.
Jason: D'oh. Let's see how long Esparanza's career lasts.
Chico: I'm guessing nine months.
Gordon: Finally, Minute To Win It's final showing of 'Supercoin'.
Jason: That was a fun episode

Gordon: .......*******************
Jason: ROFL
Gordon: So tell us about this week's 5 minute waste of time...I mean segment.
Chico: Be glad to. Cheryl Aquino gets the call to play.
Gordon: DOES SHE WIN THE MILLION?????!!!!!????!!?!!?!?
Jason: ....
Chico: YES!!!!
Gordon: ...You lie like a lying liar who lies.
Chico: Just kidding, she doesn't.
Gordon: Knew it.
Chico: Aww.
Jason: It was fun to watch
Gordon: No it wasn't.
Jason: The office episode itself before was nice.
Gordon: The Office episode was fun, when we awarded $125,000 out.
Chico: Yeah, that was pretty cool.
Gordon: But I could live without 2 months of Supercoin. Unfortunately, I'll guarantee that we'll see it come back during November Sweeps.
Chico: Or maybe later. but we'll definitely see season 2 soon.
Jason: Yeah.
Gordon: Superduperluper Coin, Season 2. So all of you kids out there, go buy a water cooler jug and practice.
Jason: I would :)
Chico: Meanwhile we have people trying to earn money the old fashioned way.... Morally =p
Gordon: What about earning money by creating wild hairstyles?
Chico: Or how about both? I can go all day. We have a pair of Capsule Reviews for you. First off, my favorite show in the whole wide world.... evolved.
Jason: Into what?
Chico: That's open to interpretation.
Gordon: It's The Bachelor Pad. We have men and women from The Bachelor and Bachelorette seasons mingling.
Chico: Here's the scene: 11 women and eight men from the Bachelor franchise move into the Bachelor Pad competing for a second chance at love. And $250,000.
Gordon: The men vote off the women and the women vote off the men until the last people left win $250,000.
Chico: It's sort of like Paradise Hotel... only not as fun. In that ultimately the winner is the one who is the biggest whore. Attention and otherwise.
Jason: Whoa.
Gordon: Actually, it's exactly like an old show that was on FOX during the beginning of the reality craze called Love Cruise. That's where we first met and fell in love with the lovely Toni Ferrari. You remember Toni, don't you, Chico?
Chico: How can we forget?
Gordon: Toni eventually moved into Paradise Hotel.
Chico: There you go then.
Gordon: I can't wait to hear Chico's review on the show.
Jason: Me neither.
Chico: Okay, let's start with the good. Chris and Melissa - Rycroft, that is - they're on point as hosts, simply because they've been through this a whole lot. So they have no excuse to not be on point.
Gordon: The hosts are good. If you're a fan of either franchise, you'll be hooked into the show just because of the characters.
Chico: And yes, they are characters.
Gordon: The show also doesn't claim to be anything it isn't. This time, it's for money and attention and not love.
Chico: Well, if love happens, that's just a bonus. Because dates are involved with housemates.
Gordon: Exactly. call it another 'social experiment'.
Chico: There you go. So there's that. But for every good there has to be.... THE BAD.
Jason: Oh boy
Gordon: I can't wait to hear what Chico says.
Chico: Did this show REALLY have to be made? I can go through a laundry list of problems that I personally have with the show and the franchise as a whole, but it all comes down to two things.
Gordon: It's The Bachelor. We've seen this before. And if you've seen Love Cruise, then you've REALLY seen this before.
Chico: A) Milking of a successful franchise.
Gordon: moo
Chico: and B) A contrived premise that we've seen MULTIPLE times.
Gordon: Beauties and Geeks, California Models and New York Models....
Jason: Its not fun then?
Chico: Not in the slightest. So we're going to review now...


Jason: I didn't see it. So I will pass on the grade.
Chico: It's not fun, but it mechanically succeeds where the Bachelor fails... So I can't fail it no matter how much I want to. D. Gordon?
Gordon: I'll give it points that it is what it says it is, and the hosts are good. Everything else is a vapid mess that only fans of the franchise will enjoy. Fortunately for the franchise, it has a lot of fans. Unfortunately for the franchise, I'm not one of them. D.
Chico: Basically. Okay, what other premiere did we have this week?
Gordon: We had 'Hair Battle Spectacular!'
Chico: Wow! I can't relate, but go ahead.
Gordon: Here's how this works. We have 10 'fantasy hair' stylists, that create designs in hair. SO they don't cut hair, they put things in it. Or shape hair to look like there's objects in it.
Chico: In other words, it's not a battle of the barbers, it's a battle of the hair ar-TISTs.
Gordon: Right. The first challenge is to style the hair like a famous alcoholic drink. They can also clothe their models to match the hairstyle.
Chico: So from a technical standpoint, it works.
Gordon: Definitely. The Good: The show goes way over the top, in a good way. The designers all have nicknames and video placards like you'd see in a Mortal Kombat video game.
Chico: So it's more like hairstyles as a video game.
Gordon: It has a very 'Scott Pilgrim' feel to it.
Chico: I heart Scott Pilgrim. That movie was epic.
Gordon: Then you'll like this. Like The Bachelor Pad, the show doesn't take itself seriously, and the judges are also playing it up for the laugh factor. They have no problems insulting the contestants. The Bad: You won't like the editing, which is generic editing by numbers, complete with classic swerves that you know what's coming.
Chico: Right.
Jason: Gotcha.
Gordon: You should never try to outsmart the audience in the first episode. You have to lay out a storyline. You are trying to tell a story, not play 'gotcha' with your viewers.
Chico: Yeah, you don't want to have too many things going on at once. You'll confuse and confound us who don't know better.

B B B- B

Gordon: So my review; This is, surprisingly, a fun show. As long as you remember that this is, though a competition show, a larger than life show, you'll be spending a fun hour watching, like I did. B.
Jason: Me too. I would give it a B-. Nothing new. JD Roth knows what he is doing here.
Chico: I like it. I like it alot. I think it's good. B. Meanwhile, while we're on hair weaves. Guess who's out of the Big Brother House this week...
Jason: RACHEL! (FOR now)
Gordon: Someone needs to come up with a hairstyle of a broken heart. Awww.

Chico: Rachel is out, and Brendon is out... for revenge... Dun dun DUUUUUN.
Gordon: Brendan is the new HOH. And you would think it spells trouble for Matt, which it would, EXCEPT Matt has the Diamond Power of Veto.
Chico: Which he can use at any time, from what I understand.
Gordon: For the next 2 weeks.
Jason: He is going to use it this week. I would pretty much guaranteed.
Chico: To counter whatever Brendon may have in store.
Jason: Exactly. The Brigade has to stay together.
Chico: Right.
Gordon: He'll use it if he's put up. He wants Ragan out. If Brendon is stupid enough to listen (and all accounts say that he is), then Matt, who split up Brandon and Rachel) can get out of this scott free. Sure enough, Brendon puts up Ragan and Lane.
Chico: So Matt's pretty much sitting pretty.
Jason: And according to the feeds ....it may be because "They have never been on the block"
Gordon: As is the brigade. That's true, and they won't be for the next 2 weeks. Keep in mind with only 8 people left, and the HOH and nominees not being able to vote and Matt having the Diamond Veto, The Brigade control the vote 3-2.
Jason: Exactly.
Gordon: Worst case scenario is that Ragan wins POV and Matt has to use the Veto and put up Kathy, who will get booted out.
Chico: Because Kathy has no one to stick up for her.
Jason: Pretty much. This going to be a fun week to watch.
Chico: Very interesting.
Jason: But did you hear Julie say Rachel may not be out of the house permanently?
Gordon: Well you have to remember that originally there was supposed to be 14 people in the house.
Chico: Right, the 14th left sequester early.
Gordon: So that means that we have an extra week to fill. So it's time to bring someone back! Whoo hoo!
Chico: Yay!
Gordon: I'm guessing that will happen at the halfway mark, so maybe...next week?
Jason: We are at the halfway mark already SO maybe.
Gordon: Though if I'm the Brigade, I don't want any of them coming back.
Chico: Guessing that it'll happen the week after the DPOV becomes null and void.
Gordon: I agree.
Chico: Just to keep things interesting.
Gordon: Hey this year has been methodical and boring.
Jason: Agreed. But I will say, I am enjoying this from the beginning.
Chico: Well, there's been a lot of twists and turns, just to make up for the players being a little... staid, even for reality TV standards?
Gordon: Maybe. But better to be boring, methodical and good than out there, over the top and awful. Like the YouTube acts this week.
Jason: What do you want...nudity and drunkenness?
Chico: Big Brother, yes. America's Got Talent, no.

Gordon: This week was awful.
Chico: I have to say so. And basically, if you didn't get razzed, you were in. Unfortunately, a lot of acts got razzed.
Gordon: Even an act that got razzed got in.
Chico: Which is crazy.
Gordon: Basically, there was Jackie Evancho, your 10 year old opera singer...and everyone else.
Jason: Lovely.
Gordon: But what about our opera singer. Does she win the whole thing?
Chico: No.
Jason: NO.
Chico: Neither will Dan Sperry, Alexander Bui, or Kristina Young, the other YouTube qualifiers. But we're not done yet!
Gordon: Unfortunately, no.
Chico: You notice we only have 20 qualifiers.
Gordon: I do.
Chico: We need a WILD CARD show!
Gordon: No we don't.
Chico: Yes we do!
Gordon: We do not. Just give Alice Tan Ridley the title and save ourselves from a month and a half worth of pizza dough tossers.
Chico: Producers and network say we do, so we do. Here's the lineup. BIG BORED me.

The Joker's Wild/Mild...

- Michael Grasso
- The Hot Shot Tapdancers
- CJ Dippa
- Harmonica Pierre
- Rudi Macaggi
- Swingshift Sideshow
- Kruti Dance Academy
- Connor Doran
- Doogie Horner
- Michael & Ashleigh
- Anna & Patryk

Chico: Calling this one "The Joker's Wild"
Gordon: What about The Joker's Mild, because none of these acts have a chance to go anywhere
Chico: Perhaps yes, probably not. The players...

- Michael Grasso (magician)
- The Hot Shot Tapdancers
- CJ Dippa (rapper)
- RNG (dancers)
- Harmonica Pierre
- Rudi Macaggi (Balancing act)
- Swingshift Sideshow
- Kruti Dance Academy
- Connor Doran (indoor kite-flyer)
- Doogie Horner (comic)
- Michael Lipari & Ashleigh Dejon (aerialists)

Chico: And Gordon's favorite dancing act ever.... Anna & Patryk. If they make it into the 24, I quit.
Gordon: You haven't seen the Anna and Patryk dart board I created, did you?
Chico: I actually did.
Gordon: It's sparkly.
Chico: That it is.
Gordon: So we're basically taking acts that America has already said no to, and then shoving them down their throats in hoping they say yes.
Chico: Pretty much.
Gordon: So this is going to be 3 hours of people who have no chance to win but we need to extend the show somehow, so here you go.
Chico: I notice you also have the menus for Restaurant Wars.
Gordon: I do. Let's eat.

Chico: On one side of the board, you have EVOO consisting of Ed, Tiffany, Angelo & Alex. Their menus: confit of tomato soup, Squash & Olive Crouton, Crudo of Black Bass & Yellowtail Snapper with Meyer Lemon-Caper Relish. Striped bass, stewed spinach, chorizo & Clams, Slow-baked Turbot, Eggplant Caviar & Black Olive Jus. Pan Seared Lamb Chop, English Pea Puree, Smoked Bacon & Parmesan Foam, Seared Ribeye, Crushed Walnut Potatoes and Balsamic Fig Reduction.
Gordon: Delicious.
Jason: YUM!
Chico: Yummy in your tummy, but we're not done yet. Kevin, Kenny, Kelly, and Amanda counter with Twenty One 21... Menus... Chilled Sweet Corn Soup with Maryland Blue Crab Salad, Beet Salad with Warm Chorizo-Citrus Vinaigrette. Oakwood Grilled Strip steak with Roasted Sunchoke & Maitake Mushrooms, Pan Roasted Halibut, Fennel Marmalade & Tomato Fennel Emulsion. Crispy Aged Goat Cheese & Strawberry-Rhubarb Relish, Dark Chocolate Ganache Tart & Blackberry-Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream.
Gordon: Sounds good, too.
Chico: Guest judging: Nancy Pelosi & Frank Bruni. I'm going to eat... at EVOO.
Gordon: I will go there too, though I'll guarantee I'll be wrong for agreeing with Jason
Jason: I like them both.
Gordon: Jason, neither of these places are breakfast houses. No Waffling.
Chico: Ouch!
Jason: I'm going to Twenty One 21.
Gordon: I'm going to EVOO then. Cause Jason's never right.
Jason: ROFL
Chico: So the winning restaurant is..... EVOO!
Gordon: Yay!
Jason: Of course.
Chico: We can call political fix because Nancy Pelosi is judging, but just chalk it up to Jason always being wrong.
Jason: ROFL
Gordon: And Kenny, who is the master of the technical skills, gets bounced, despite his correct accusation of Alex doing absolutely nothing on the other team.
Chico: He may have done nothing, but it was more than what Kenny did, apparently. But Alex is lucky he wasn't on Hell's Kitchen, because he would've been bounced regardless.
Gordon: True. I think his time on Top Chef though is drawing to a close.
Chico: One week... maybe two.
Gordon: Now here at WLTI, we are always thinking of new ideas.
Chico: Yep. Sometimes without each other realizing it.
Gordon: And this past Summer we had fun with the World Cup.
Chico: And we'll have more fun with it later.
Gordon: The American Version of Football, however, is just as fun.
Chico: Yep. And since that's fixing to start...
Gordon: Now usually at this point of the year, we have in depth reports of teams with 5 Good Questions. So we start our new segment with...5 Good Questions!
Chico: Which is totally not lifted from any radio show whatsoever. Heh.
Jason: Of course not.
Gordon: Never. ;)

Question #1: How will Steve Harvey do as host?

Jason: Not well. I think this could be Louie Anderson bad.
Gordon: I think it could be worse than that. He obviously does not have the handle of the show down, and that spells trouble.
Chico: Well, Steve is a very people-driven comic. And he's the type who'll do anything with whatever he's given. The question is... how is he going to handle what he's given with the show? I mean, he's not going to be given much. He may surprise. He's not going to be as good as John O'Hurley, but I betcha he will not nearly be as bad as Louie Anderson.
Jason: You are seriously OVERESTIMATING him. Did you see Millionaire?
Chico: Yes, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I'd give him a 6.5 out of 10 right now. With John O'Hurley going to 9...
Gordon: With Dawson the 10, I assume.
Chico: Dawson the 10.
Jason: Yes.
Chico: I saw Millionaire. The good news is that Feud is not Millionaire. Next question...

Question #2: Will the change over to Orlando from Los Angeles result in a different caliber of contestant?

Jason: No. I think families are more prevalent in Orlando
Gordon: Yes. I think you'll get dumber families.
Chico: I think you'll have a wider swath of players, with all the families visiting from out of town as it were.
Jason: Yeah I get that.
Gordon: You'll get tourists who won't be as sophisticated as California families. And then there's the Florida population, which I also think isn't as sophisticated as CA.
Chico: So you're going to have to break out the dummy deck, basically.
Gordon: Or maybe that's what they are going for. Dumb host and dumber contestants. It's a dumb-off!
Chico: That oughta be fun. We've done 1 and 2, so that means we're up to...

Question #3: The removal of the Bulls-Eye Round. Good or bad thing?

Chico: Good thing. Get back to the game. Get back to winning when it counts.
Gordon: I agree. More game and interaction with the families. Less hype on a stunt that never worked to begin with.
Jason: Good thing. Bring it back to the simplicity of the game.
Chico: There you go.
Gordon: Next question?
Chico: Next question...

Question #4: Will increased traffic on Facebook mean increased viewer numbers?

Gordon: No. It will be Deal or No Deal syndrome. People would rather play than watch.
Jason: Gordon is absolutely right.
Chico: Right on.
Gordon: Last one...

Question #5: Last season, Family Feud averaged a 1.5. This season, Family Feud will average a...

Jason: 1.2. And its all Steve Harvey's fault.
Chico: About the same, a 1.5. Maybe a little higher. 1.6
Gordon: I'll go with 1.2 also. I think the ship could be starting to take on some water if Harvey is as bad as I think he'll be.
Chico: So I'm the only one giving Steve Harvey the benefit of the doubt.
Gordon: Yep
Jason: Yes you are.
Chico: Ok then.
Gordon: Meanwhile...oh no. Um...Chico?
Chico: What's wrong?
Gordon: You know the Carolina Panther helmet Agent Josh gave you last week?
Chico: Right.
Gordon: You never put it away, did you?
Chico: Nope.
Gordon: Yeah, well...the hamsters got to it and...um...the inside's sort of pelletty...
Jason: Oh boy.
Gordon: (Holds nose. Hands stinky helmet to Chico)
Jason: Yuck!
Chico: I guess they saw the game on Thursday.
Gordon: I think they gave their distinct opinion on what they think of Chad Sesentaynueve, yes.
Chico: While I reach for the Purell, Gordon's going to...
Gordon: Roll That Beautiful Brain Footage

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Let's start with the Calendar. Monday's a big day, isn't it, G?
Gordon: It is indeed. Wednesday too.
Jason: What do we have?

Monday we have Season 2 of Baggage and Season 4 of Catch 21. Thursday is WCG's Ultimate Gamer, and Wednesday is She's Got The Look... and the Episode of 24 Hour Restaurant Battle that yours truly may be making an appearance in.

Jason: Baggage is something I am going to watch.
Chico: I'll watch all four.
Gordon: I'm looking forward to them all. Especially 24 Hour Restaurant Battle :)
Jason: Of course LOL
Chico: For those of you who don't know... Gordon ate at one of the restaurants in the Battle. So we can't wait for that. Meanwhile we'll have to wait for whatever GSN has next.
Gordon: Meanwhile, we have business dealings to be made (Hands Chico the bat)
Chico: I found a baseball bat in the Casting Couch

GSN is reportedly remaking 1 vs. 100, and is casting for Mobsters for the revival Jason put in for it. I put in for it. You should put in for it, too... http://www.realitywanted.com/call/8093-now-casting-1-vs-100-is-back

Jason: Not a surprise to anyone here...but I applied. :) You should. They need people.
Gordon: Jason? Applying to be on a game show? Really? I'm shocked. SHOCKED!
Jason: You have to be a member of the site, but this one is worth it I think.
Chico: Now here's the thing I don't get about GSN... They are sitting on a veritable gold mine with 1 vs. 100... It's a fan favorite. It's one of OUR favorites at the 'net... and what do they want to talk about in the meanwhile? Dogs.
Gordon: Woof woof.
Jason: Well, they saw the success of "The Meow Mix Game Show" and thought...Dogs...why not?
Chico: (plays "Dogs Barking Jingle Bells")

GSN is planning Dog Park Superstars for release August 29.

Jason: (shudder)
Gordon: The idea gives me fleas.
Jason: You sure we haven't put "are you smarter than" early?
Chico: File this one under "Have We Learned Nothing"?
Gordon: I'm guessing that a sponsor came up and handed GSN a lot of money to put the show on their airwaves.
Chico: I haven't seen a sponsor's name in the presser, so I'm a little less than hopeful that that is the case
Gordon: If I went to GSN and said, "Here's 10 million dollars. It's all yours if I can have Jason Block and Chico Alexander on for an hour in nothing but a bikini top and boxers singing excerpts from 'The Best of Ashlee Simpson'", they'd put it on the air.
Jason: AH! NO!
Chico: First off... Gross. Second off... yeah, GSN needs the cash... for more Baggage. =p
Gordon: BTW, Laura Nativo, the hostess, was on CBS's Great American Dog.
Chico: That makes me feel better.
Gordon: And it's only a one time special, which means, hopefully, we'll only have to see it once. Unless it's actually good.
Chico: I doubt it.
Gordon: But I'll tell you that this week's Blackboard discussion is really good. It's very rare that we do a Big Bored on this, so you know it's gotta be good.
Chico: Can't wait for this...
Gordon: But first...

Are YOU Smarter than...Fantasia Barrino, who gives us pointers on how to deep six both a marriage and a career at the same time.

Gordon: Big Bored please?

How NOT to Have an Extra-Marital Affair

- Do NOT Keep Meeting Your Man At Work
- Do NOT Videotape Relations
- Do NOT Get a Tattoo
- Do NOT Call the Other Woman
- Do NOT Do This in NC

Gordon: The Subject: How NOT to have an extra-marital affair. #1. Do NOT keep meeting the married man in question at his place of employment.
Chico: Umm... yeah.
Gordon: #2. Do NOT videotape any sexual activity you have with said married man.
Chico: Umm... yeah.
Gordon: #3. Do not get a tattoo of the married man's name on your shoulder.
Chico: Umm... definitely, yeah.
Gordon: #4. Do not take the married man out on a trip when the married man is supposed to be going on a trip to celebrate his 5 year anniversary to his wife.
Jason: Yeah.
Chico: This just gets better and better, doesn't it?
Gordon: Oh, we're not done yet.
Jason: You are kidding?
Gordon: #5. Do not call said wife and tell her how much her husband satisfied you.
Chico: BAD!
Gordon: "He don't want you," Barrino said, according to the complaint (and RealityTvWorld.com). "Maybe the next time that you get a husband you'll know how to keep him. That's why he is here with me."
Jason: Damn son.
Gordon: #6. Do NOT do this in North Carolina, where there IS an 'alienation of affection' law that allows the wife to sue the mistress. That's already happened once this year and the mistress lost 9 million dollars.
Chico: True.
Gordon: Fantasia can lose a LOT of money here.
Chico: Ummm... Yeah.
Gordon: Can you blame her for allegedly overdosing once all of this was made public?
Chico: Probably.
Gordon: Not saying. Just saying.
Chico: Right.
Gordon: So that's how not to break up a relationship. Here's what not to do behind the wheel of a car.

Are YOU Smarter than...Mary Delgado, who has now been arrested for the 3rd time in 3 years. This time, it's for allegedly driving drunk in Tampa.

Chico: AGAIN!?
Jason: Again.
Gordon: Some people should not be drinking. Period.
Chico: Girl can't handle her adult beverages.
Gordon: Now how about some Haterade? That's sort of an adult beverage.
Jason: Fill me up.
Chico: I'll take some.
Gordon: And we got a lot this week. Order up!

Glass #1: Mark Hurd, who loses his job at Hewlett Packard thanks to a sexual harrassment claim by Jodie Fisher, who was one of the bachelorettes in Age of Love.

Chico: Woops.
Jason: Hello!

Glass #2: Timothy Dean on Top Chef DC., who sees his restaurants shuttered and auctioned off for failure to make rent.

Jason: Doh.
Chico: double woops
Gordon: Glass #3...

Jason: AH! Hi Augustus!

It's the Summertime. Get out your hot naked bodies, and then feed them to Augustus, because Battle of the Bods has been canned.

Chico: Not surprising, given the network it was on.
Gordon: But wait! There's more!

Jason: WOW!

Glass #4: Can You Duet? According to CMT, no you can't, so that's also off the air., Hence, we have dueting zombies.

Jason: What are they singing?
Chico: "I Love the Dead".
Gordon: You are my Zombieeeeeee, my only Zommmmmbieeeeee....
Jason: You make me happy...when skin is gray.... :)
Chico: From dead metal to live wire. Let's get Loaded...

Seems like Family Feud is always Fully Loaded, but now we're doing it Decades Style. On the Wii, you have a new version that will allow you to play on the 70s, 80s, 90s, or 2000s sets.

Chico: Three guesses where Jason's going to play HIS games.
Jason: Ha :)
Chico: That's right... the Combs set. All in celebration of the show's 35th anniversary in 2011. Watch for it November 9, 2010.
Gordon: I will. What about watching for Hoes?
Chico: You always do that. (plays "Pimpin' All Over the World")

In this week's Media Ho Report, Joey Fatone is the new announcer of Family Feud, replacing Burton Richardson, Shane Stirling sues Bob Barker for firing her while she was pregnant, Omarosa does NOT find true love on the Ultimate Merger...

Jason: Awwww
Chico: Fancy that. A woman doesn't find her man on television.

Drew Lachey is the New TPIR Live Host, Melissa Peterman (Singing Bee Host) gets her own show on CMT, Casey James signs a deal... Recycled Percussion plays in Vegas, Justin Bieber wants to be on The X-Factor, Earl Cole (Survivor) competes against his wife on 'Whose Wedding is it Anyway?'... Jennifer Lopez is NOT a judge on American Idol. - yet, Ellen Degeneres performs on the last episode of So You Think You Can Dance, and Jeff Foxworthy joins Shark Tank for Season #2.

Gordon: But none of them are your hoes of ther week.
Chico: Who you got, man?
Gordon: I have Deanna Pappas and Holly Durst (who were both Bachelorettes) getting engaged to twin brothers Michael and Stephen Stagliano - and then sold the interview rights to US Magazine.

Gordon: This after Deanna swore up and down that she wasn't engaged.
Chico: Did we mention that Deanna may be pregnant?
Jason: ooops
Chico: That's just wonderful.
Gordon: This touches the cockles of your heart, doesn't it?
Chico: I think that's gas, actually.
Gordon: Oh. And those...are your hoes.
Chico: And finally, let's go global.

The BBC has to reshoot its show "Perfection" because it felt that some contestants may have been advantaged.

Jason: Yeah....not cool BBC
Gordon: Apparently, a 'Hidden' monitor with the answers may not have been so hidden.
Chico: Basically. So now they have to shoot some 26 out of the 30 eps ordered.
Gordon: Here's what gets me. Shouldn't a contestant have said something?
Jason: I don't know. I would have.
Chico: I would've too. "Hey, I'm not supposed to see that, am I?"
Gordon: Cause if I can see it, then possibly so can my opponents. So shame on the contestants also.
Chico: Right on.
Jason: Exactly. This is a case of DOING THE RIGHT THING.
Chico: So we're basically shooting the entire series all over again.
Gordon: At least I credit the company for having morals in this instead of letting the shows stand.
Jason: Agreed.
Chico: There you go. And that's Brainvision. Shut it down, J.
Jason: Shutting down
Gordon: When we come back, we get ready for the new scripted shows by practicing our scripts.
Jason: (starts pacing and looking at a script)
Chico: And, it's the moment you've been waiting for.... We have 32... but only one can win. The road to Cullen Memorial Stadium begins in the GSNN World Cup.
Gordon: You're reading WLTI. You give us 22 minutes, and we'll give you 22 more Summer finales.

(Brainvision is powered by Instant Restaurant Kit. For when you absolutely positively need to serve 50 covers in one space in one night... )