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Previous Episodes (Season 27)
May 30 - Lessons Learned / What's My Zinger? / Push or Flush (1)

June 6 - I Don't Feel Like Dancing, No Sir, No Dancing Today / Play the Percentages / Push or Flush (2)

June 13 - Balls and Shafted / The Good, the Bad & The Ugly / Push or Flush (3)

June 20 - Trilogy of Terrible / This, That or the Other / Good News, Bad News

June 27 - Television Impossible / Excessories / WLTI Theatre

July 4 - Jungle Love / Would You Could You / Buen Trato

July 11 - Baby You're a Firework / Really Big Board / Accuracy or Idiocy?

July 18 - Good vs. Evil IV: And a Dog Shall Lead Them / Presents / What Your TiVo Said About You

July 25 - We're Not Worthy / Saywha? / 15 Shades of Wrong

August 1 - National Moron League / Are You In Or Are You Out? / Trios

August 8 - The Hamster Revolutions / Higher-Lower / Season's Greetings

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 27.11 - 1 + 1 = 3?
August 15

Chico: Hey, he's out there looking for the super power.
Jason: And the lost ark
Gordon: When he finds Perez Hilton's talent, let us know.
Jason: DAMN :)
Chico: Meanwhile, it's always good to be back with you on WLTI. Thank you for being a part of our week and allowing us to be a part of yours. While Lawon has served up enough dumb for a whole month, he was not the only one that made us ask "What Were You Thinking?"
Gordon: Oh no. We have a collection of wackies this week, starting with...

Julie Chen, while strangling Lawon. What was she thinking?

Jason: I am expressing my frustrations of all of America.
Chico: She's only doing what we all want to do. So let's get this straight... Julie Chen actually showed genuine emotion... and there's a PROBLEM with this?
Gordon: Here's what she was thinking, 'At least I can show off my acting range in case I get selected to be the new Jeff Probst on Survivor'
Chico: Yeah. That's never gonna happen. Next...

Ben Starr after overcooking Gordon Ramsay's venison dish on MasterChef... which he chose as a result of winning a Mystery Box.

Jason: D'OH A Deer...a female deer ROFL
Chico: They'll never let me back into Texas now.
Gordon: 'Damn, why couldn't I have made a safe Risotto dish? Ramsay never gets on anyone screwing up risotto.'
Chico: ... did I mention season 3 is now casting?
Gordon: After that disastrous start of the season,. that's impressive.
Chico: That's a comeback story. Next?
Gordon: Next one...

Joey Fatone, after wrapping up taping of Karaoke Battle USA

Jason: Why couldn't that Nsync reunion take place? Damn you Timberlake!
Gordon: You know the nice thing about this show on Fridays is that they won't have to see my pathetic attempts at dancing with the singers,
Chico: At least I have TPIR Live to fall back on... he says as he pokes a voodoo doll that looks oddly like a certain Clevelander.
Gordon: I think hear a skinny blonde dude screaming all the way from Ohio
Chico: Or something
Jason: LOL
Chico: Next one...

Angela Lindvall, a supermodel that nobody's heard of... is hosting Project Runway All-STars.

Jason: She is the model that is going to save the Titanic after the iceberg hit it
Chico: Please don't call me Heidi. Please don't call me Heidi. For the love of God please don't call me Heidi.
Gordon: 'I don't have to do anything but stand there and look pretty. The ugly will be coming from the designers.'
Chico: OH! Next?
Gordon: Next one...

Jake Pavelka, upon having an alliance with Vienna Gerardi and her nose.

Jason: The Power of the Nose compels me.
Chico: Don't say you wish she was dead. Don't she you wish she was dead. "I wish you were.... a zombie." DAMN IT!
Jason: LOL
Gordon: 'If I can get her into an alliance, they'll easily give me the money if I can get her to the end and with my alliance partner. Then Chico will ask her out to dinner.'
Chico: I hate you.
Gordon: Hey I watched Karaoke Battle USA for you. There has to be some love there.
Chico: ... I hate the Bachelor.
Jason: You hate Mike Fleiss
Chico: I really do.
Gordon: Last one?
Chico: Last one.

The 84-year-old auditioner who is suing the X Factor for being exhaustive and physically draining.

Gordon: 'I only need to sing one song. Money makes the world go round, biotch'
Jason: "Maybe I can settle for a night with Paula. That wont be exhaustive and physically draining"
Chico: I'm tired. Little green pictures of dead presidents will make me less tired.
Gordon: And that's what they were thinking. What we're thinking comes up after the break.
Chico: Seriously... you know your own limits, why you want to push it like this? Any time you could've said no. ANY TIME.
Jason: Of course :)

(Brought to you by Silver Monkey Insurance. Life... Auto... Home... Retirement... You'll be set for as long as it takes you to put the damned thing together)

Chico: Base. Body. Head. It's not rocket science.
Jason: LOL
Gordon: Its not. but maybe solving what's on lists will be slightly harder.
Chico: We love challenges. First up...

- Think Like a Cat.
- The Rich List.
- Scream IF You Know the Answer

Jason: (buzz)
Chico: Jason
Jason: One Episode Game Shows
Chico: One-and-Done Game Shows, yes.
Jason: Yes :)
Chico: Also, The Will and Secret Talents of the Stars. And You're in the Picture.
Gordon: All quality programming
Chico: Yes indeedy. Next?
Gordon: Next one...

- Vienna Girardi's nose
- Our Little Geniuses
- 21

Jason: (BUZZ)
Chico: (BUZZER!)
Gordon: Jason?
Jason: Things that have been fixed
Chico: DAMN!
Gordon: Yes,. Will we ever stop talking about this?
Chico: As long as things are being fixed? No.
Gordon: Vienna's nose has a life of her own. next one?
Chico: Next one.

- George Orturzar.
- Mike Moh
- Adrian Bustamante..
- Gabe Okoyi...
- Brittany Mayti...
- Mark Munoz...
- Kirstie Alley

Gordon: (Scream if you want more Karaoke Stars)
Chico: Gordon?
Gordon: Contestants on game shows who have acting as a secondary hobby.
Chico: YES. This week we find out that one of the contestants on LAST week's Take the Money and Run was... shocker, an out-of-work actor
Jason: You will tell me next the sky is blue?
Gordon: Well if you're an out of work actor, you have time on your hands. Enough time to go on a game show.
Chico: I know right?! And if you're an actor... Represent yourself as such. Hi, I'm Joe Blow from Los Alamitos. I'm a real estate agent... but that's only between gigs."
Jason: And the thing is...you can tell.
Gordon: Next one...

- A Football Game
- A presidents Speech
- A natural Disaster
- Heidi

Gordon: Chico
Chico: Preemptions?
Gordon: Right!
Jason: Damn that was quick
Chico: And they all happened this summer.
Gordon: Football, of course, will affect some of these shows. Is this a good or bad thing for the shows still on the air?
Jason: BAd mostly. Not for BB, AGT and the big winners though.
Chico: Nope. They're going to leave Wipeout alone.
Gordon: I think for some of them, it will be good. For the shows trying to find an audience...notsomuch.
Chico: Actually, all of Thursday's pretty much off limits. I think the chances of Expedition Impossible being renewed right now.. better than fair.
Jason: And maybe you might have an eventual Thursday night package in 2013 or 2014
Chico: There you are.
Gordon: I agree, though I think that show could be affected by guys who want pre-seasonf football. Next one?

- Thundercats
- Phineas & Ferb
- Say Yes to the Dress
- Smackdown
- The Soup
- An average episode of Lingo.
- An average episode of Baggage.
- Real Time with Bill Maher, that you have to pay for to see, dang it.
- The Soup...

Chico: No to the ascot!
Gordon: Whoo hoo!
Chico: Gordon?
Gordon: Would these all be Friday shows that got higher ratings than the last episode of Platinum Hit?
Chico: Why yes. Yes they would
Jason: WOW LOL
Gordon: I wanted you to go through all the items just to show the magnitude of fail.
Chico: Thundercats got 1.5 million, Phineas & Ferb got 7.6 million. Lingo and Baggage average about 400,000. The Soup... 888,000. Real Time, 1.1 million... and that's on Pay TV. Platinum Hit... 243,000. on Bravo. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidon't foresee a second season.
Gordon: I somehow don't foresee Kara Dioguardi getting that BRAVO TV series, do you?
Jason: Nope
Chico: Nopes. We're going to rerun a marathon of The Real Housecats of Los Angeles County.
Jason: Housecats? :)
Gordon: The Kitty Litter would get better ratings.
Chico: Last one?
Gordon: Last one...

- Vienna Girardi's Nose
- A fishing line
- A bowling Ball's trajectory
- Captain and Maybell

Jason: Got it
Gordon: Jason?
Jason: Things that have/had a hook :)
Chico: Dang
Gordon: And Jason is right. We also have Lucinda Moyer's alibi on the list.
Chico: Nice.
Jason: Very nice
Gordon: And we end this segment. Speed Round next!

(Brought to you from the Real Housecats of NYC. Watch Gordon amd Jason's housecats talok about politics and like and vittles. Hey, this may get better ratings than either The Chew or The Revolution.)

Chico: I'm guessing yes.
Jason: LOL
Chico: Meanwhile, time's running short. Let's get right into the Speed Round!
Gordon: AGT: Give me someone who survives this week.
Chico: Fiddleheads
Jason: Avery and the Calico Hearts
Gordon: I'll say Landon Swank
Chico: Big Brother. Who gets the shaft this week?
Jason: BYE BYE Adam
Gordon: I think Daniele's plan goes horrifically wrong and Adam pays the price
Chico: It's all on Adam. He has to win Veto if he wants to stick around. Otherwise, he's heading to the jury house.
Gordon: I think if a veteran doesn't win the veto, Brandon leaves. But I think a veteran will win it and the nominations stay up there. Expedition Impossible: Who doesn't make the final episode?
Chico: La Polizia
Gordon: Whoop whoop this is the sound of the police...leaving.
Jason: LOL
Chico: And this is the sound of the mailbox. Do we have any?
Gordon: We don't, but we do have a new Facebook Question. Lay it on us, brother CHico.
Chico: Got it.

What is the dumbest move in reality competition history: A. Lawon B. Marcellas not taking himself off the block and getting punted C. James being booted with 2 immunity idols on Survivor D. Erik GIVING his immunity idol up and getting booted E. million Dollar pee break for Jen and Lakisha. F) Other

Gordon: Thanks Jay :D
Chico: That's why I greenlit it.
Jason: And thats tough, because they were all dumb in their own way.
Chico: It'll be intesting to see what we have with this one.
Gordon: They Were. I'm going to have to go B. Though. Marcellas, who WOULD have WON the game if he got to the end, gave away the $500,000 Check.
Jason: I will go with E. But...all of them had DUMB stamped all over it.
Chico: I'll go with C. Just to be different. Meanwhile, you can choose your own adventure at facebook.com/wlti.gsnn. And if you havea questions for us, or just want to show us some love, hit us up. wlti@gameshownewsnet.com
Gordon: That's it for this week. Special thanks to Jason Block for hanging out with us
Jason: TY for letting me
Chico: Next week, we have five questions for Steve Harvey. And we're going to answer them whether he likes it or not. Until then, for everyone at GSNN, I'm Chico Alexander.. he's Gordon Pepper... game over... Spread the love.