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Previous Episodes (Season 16)
September 3 - Call the Whaaambulance!/What's My Zinger?/Push or Flush (1)

September 10 - Sixteen Candles/20 Questions: Brad Rutter/Push or Flush (2)

September 17 - Viewers Special #3/Ask the Doctor/What If...

September 24 - We (BLANK) Brett/The Good, the Bad & the Ugly/Paula vs. Simon

October 1 - On a Mission from Howie/Trios/Would You? Could You?

October 8 - Back to School/Are You Buying What They're Selling?/List Abuse

October 15 - Our Fifth Birthday

October 22 - Drew Carey... He Gets It/Whose Your Daddy/Roleplay (2)

October 29 - Halloween Party/We the Jury/Excessories

November 5 - Half a Mill in a Shoe/Higher-Lower/WLTI's Vs.

November 12 - The Strike/Deserted Island/What Were You Thinking?

November 19 - We Thank the Contestants/Accuracy or Idiocy/Play the Percentages

December 3 - Have You Seen My Xebec?/Whammyville/Good News & Bad News

December 10 - Cruise Control/Snaps/Should and Will

December 17 - What the Dealie, Yo?/15 Shades of Wrong/Presents


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 16.15
December 24

Gordon: This is Gordon Pepper, and I have a question to ask you.
Chico: The answer is "it was consensual."
Gordon: Wrong answer. And you're a sick little bunny.
Chico: Oh.
Gordon: The question: What happens if ABC and NBC throw a Christmas Party - and not too many people show up?
Chico: They start drinking and watching "It's a Wonderful Life"?
Jason: I'm guessing not enough mistletoe?
Chico: I have a feeling that we'll see the answer to that shortly. That, and the last winner's list until spring. Four people got what they wanted this Christmas. We'll tell you what.
Gordon: We'll get to that, a really bad start to one game show's week, a really awesome finish in another game show's week and men, men, men as from somewhere in Santa's Portable Video Game closet, this edition of!
Jason: Ho ho ho!
Chico: Happy Holidays to one and all. It's Part 2 of our Holiday show. I'm Chico Alexander alongside Gordon Pepper and Jason Block, ready to give you the week that was.
Jason: Can I get out of this Santa Suit?
Chico: Sure, why not?
Jason: (takes off suit)
Chico: And... I feel like doing something different today, Gordon.
Gordon: What do you feel like doing, Chico?
Chico: I feel like getting to viewer mail first.
Gordon: Let's go to some viewer mail. Shall we start with Bobby McBride?
Chico: Let's. Thanks, Bobby!

FROM: Bobby McBride

I felt really bad for all of those at Golden and you guys for having to endure what happened on the first Christmas Week show on "TPIR" last Tuesday. The first two Pricing Games should have been won with little trouble. Clock Game also should've been won, as usual. And the botched Showcase reveal made things worse. Those players that day should be thankful Bob Barker wasn't there, or he would've scolded them big time.

Chico: I have to agree with Bobby on this one. Normally, we'd call this a complete skunk...
Gordon: BUT...
Chico: But...This time of year, we called it... a dead reindeer
Gordon: Mmmmmm. Venison.
Jason: sick, sick, bastards. =p
Gordon: Ho, Ho, Ho.
Chico: Let's provide a quick rundown...
Gordon: And as the surveying animal detective at the scene of the crime, I request a Big Board.
Chico: Fulfilled.

You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch (or "Anatomy of a Dead Reindeer")

- Six losses
- One double overbid
- Drew = bummed out.

Chico: This one's called... Fittingly.. "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch."
Gordon: Subtitlted Anatomy of a Dead Reindeer
Chico: First up. Safecrackers. LOST.
Gordon: 470 or 740? It was a mini trip to Press Your Luck land (if you all know the in-joke, of course)
Chico: She tried 470. It was the other Whammy amount, 740.
Jason: One down.
Chico: Next, Money Game for a Chevy HHR. LOST. Middle digit was 4. The rest: 80, 36, 95, 64, 18, 20, 75, 19, 50.
Gordon: What hurt the contestant was that he wasted 2 slots going for the front of the car.
Chico: It was 18, 19, or 20.
Gordon: He used them all.
Jason: Ouch.
Gordon: Then he goes for 50 and 95. He was caught by the Back and Front game
Chico: Yep. One of the oldest tricks in the book. The price: $18,464.
Gordon: Next up - The Grand Game.
Chico: LOST. On the last one, no less.. and by almost a dollar.
Gordon: And this one definitely SHOULD have been won. Target Price - $5.00
Jason: Products?
Chico: Three products remaining at the 1000 level.
Gordon: Last 3 items - Body Wash, Kaboom Cleaner, Nasal Spray
Jason: Kaboom and Nasal Spray gone. Body Wash wins, right?
Chico: Nope. $5.99.
Gordon: And Jason...loses $10,000.
Jason: Oh well.
Gordon: Since when is a kitchen cleaner more than $5.00?
Jason: When its a very expensive cleaner.
Chico: Dunno. Is CLR more than $5?
Jason: Yes it is.
Gordon: Yes, but this isn't CLR. This is Kaboom kitchen cleaner.
Jason: So it was the Kaboom.
Chico: $4.69.
Gordon: AND it's been shown on TPIR before. Many Times.
Chico: Oh yeah. Watch and study, folks. Watch and study. Next, Clock Game. LOST.
Gordon: Now THIS was painful.
Chico: This should've been won easy. Just a case of poor play. People, it's always 100s, then 50s, then 10s. Or 100s, then 50s, then 25s, then 10s. Instead, we get 895, 700, 775, 795, 750, 765...Completely erratic. You're supposed to be honing in.
Gordon: When the contestant (who was blonde) asks if she has to bid on the total of the 2 prices, I knew we had problems.
Chico: Sad but true.
Jason: Yup.
Chico: Now, I will demonstrate, with Jason, how to do it, using the price of the prize that WASN'T won. Jason, you're bidding on a Comfort-Spa-to-Go.
Jason: Ok
Chico: Begin when ready.
Jason: 700
Chico: higher.
Jason: 800
Chico: higher
Jason: 900
Chico: lower.
Jason: 850
Chico: higher
Jason: 860
Chico: higher
Jason: 870
Chico: higher
Jason: 880
Chico: higher
Jason: 890
Chico: higher
Jason: 891..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9
Chico: Got it.
Jason: There you go.
Chico: That's how you do it. Study your games, folks.
Jason: That's what we tell you.
Chico: Next.. Card Game. LOSS.
Jason: Prize?
Gordon: Big nice $22,000+ Dodge Nitro Mini Van Thing. The contestant only has a $1,000 range.
Chico: She would've had the Dodge Nitro if she had a bigger window.
Jason: Where did she stop?
Gordon: Contestant's Bid: $18,700. Mini Van Thing Price: $21,255.
Chico: She had one of the bigger windows, she would've had a nice Mini Van Thing. Finally, the TPIR bane of my existence, Squeeze Play. Trip to Miami, 64195 is your board.
Gordon: To avoid being referred to as an animal, what number do you pull out?
Chico: 9. Contestant pulls the 4...And there's our skunk.
Gordon: And in the words of Drew 'Looks like my magic is no good today'. No, it's smelly and skunky. BUT...we're not done yet.
Chico: It gets worse.
Jason: (starts singing How Am I Dry in Pepe Le Pew voice)
Chico: Showcase #1: sleepwear, bedroom with sleep set, trip to Amsterdam.
Gordon: Hmmm...trip to Amsterdam in the showcase. $16,420.
Chico: Heh. We're gonna get letters. =p
Jason: I will bid $15,000.
Chico: Gordon's closer. It was $17,130.
Gordon: YAY!
Chico: Now try Showcase #2: power tools, desktop computer, and a Ford Mustang. The computer and the Mustang, I get... the power tools... I'll leave that one alone.
Jason: $21,500.
Gordon: $22,069
Chico: Bad Gordon.
Gordon: Just describing the overall quality of the show :)
Chico: It was $22,564. Both players went over, and we have... *puts shades on* Your dead reindeer *plays "Won't Get Fooled Again"*
Jason: Damn that's an ugly carcass...and why is an old lady driving over him?
Gordon: Grandma ran over a dead reindeer.
Chico: Call it revenge.
Gordon: And Drew says, 'The show's killing me today...This is Drew Carey in Los Angeles, bummed out.'
Jason: Which is why I like Drew. He is honest.
Chico: Oh yeah.
Gordon: And for the third time this season, Drew gets to go and shake hands with the audience.
Chico: You always see the best of a person in the face of adversity... and Tuesday's show was as adverse as you can GET.
Jason: Oh well.
Gordon: However, at the end of the week, we have some mirth and holiday cheer.
Jason: Oh yeah!
Chico: Always good things
Jason: I got to see something really cool.
Gordon: Not on TPIR, but on Wheel....of...Fortune!
Jason: Yes sir, may I explain?
Gordon: please do.
Jason: First of all, a game I missed was a new game which was asking the percentages of things that might happen, right?
Gordon: Right
Chico: Right.
Jason: And one of the questions was...will a $100,000 winner happen on Wheel of Fortune this season...we have had 5 losses so far on that. Flash forward to this Friday. Nancy Kensler had already won $14,750 in cash and a trip to Paris. She lands on the H in CASH. With the normal 6 and her choices of DCFA...the puzzle is THING.
Chico: Right.
Jason: We have:

D R _ F T _ _ _ D

Jason: which is a pretty easy get.
Jason: Correct.
Gordon: Duh.
Jason: In the envelope...$100,000!
Chico: WOO!
Jason: She leaves with $114,750...and we have a $320K week!
Chico: Talk about a very Merry Christmas
Jason: Huge win to end the week.
Gordon: And you also got...a crying contestant. AwwwwwBarf.
Jason: Yeah. She was a wild one. Made me happy. To see 5 $100,000 losses so far...was pretty rough.
Chico: And you finally get a live one. You were probably relieved.
Jason: Yeah. I was worried we wouldn't get one...Took 75 shows to do it though. That's almost half a season.
Chico: Well, at least you can exhale now.
Jason: (breathes out)
Gordon: Now I'm sure you're all wondering why we did the old shows first. Usually, when we have new shows to review, they go first. Well...
Chico: Yeah, about that.
Jason: Oh yeah...them.
Gordon: We would usually, but they both got trampled this week in the ratings - and to repeats. Yuck.
Chico: See, we had high hopes riding on two new shows... and then they premiered.
Gordon: Let's review the carnage, starting with what over 90% of you guys were looking forward to last week...Duel.
Chico: First solid quizzer from ABC since Show Me the Money... which barely counted. =p 24 people compete for a shot at over a million. It's like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire... meets Pokerface... while throwing up on keno.
Gordon: Will someone explain to me how they have the right so say that this was like poker?
Chico: Reading opponents. In this case, though.. They're wide open books.
Gordon: No one read their opponent.
Chico: No. But the idea is to do that.
Gordon: No one even bothered to look at their opponent.
Chico: No one got the memo.
Gordon: And quite honestly, there was no reason to. This was a sad excuse of dressing up Millionaire. You have 4 choices, You put down chips on what you think is right. You have 2 chances to press your opponent into giving an answer in 7 seconds. This is an idea that looked a lot better on paper than execution.
Jason: I also hated the WWE style trash talking...faux drama.
Chico: And then there's the stall tactics from one Mike Greenberg. When he wasn't doing that... and he actually got better over the week.. He was adequate as host.
Gordon: And it's whoever outlasts the opponent wins. There's no interactivity (and no, trash talking does NOT count). I was waiting to see strategy in a game where there was not much strategy or implementation.
Chico: Yeah, that was explained as well.
Gordon: Well, that wasn't Greenberg's fault. Greenberg was the one thing I liked. He has potential to be a very good host down the line. He couldn't dop anything about the stalling or the writing of the show.
Chico: "There are two times when you press an opponent. When you know the answer... and when you don't."
Jason: And you know what....It was too much Glitz and not enough game.
Chico: I blame ABC. There. I said it.
Gordon: I don't blame ABC. ABC got this import from France. I blame France. There, I said it.
Chico: It could've been easy watching with just the hour. It WAS easy watching with just the hour. But ABC has to stretch to the 90. It's why Ricky Gervais chose not to do a third season of "The Office" or "Extras". Just set out what you want to do and don't dilute it.
Gordon: I was hoping that ABC could have tweaked the show. There was so much they could have done to make this an improved product. Later on in the week, the pacing did get better, but by that point, most of the audience left to watch repeats of CSI.
Chico: Yeah, the miniature killer episodes. Damn, CBS =p
Jason: What bothered me in the first 7 minutes...was the fact that Internet censor said something about the ATM censor being from the hood. Bad form.
Chico: Heh. someone was COACHED =p
Gordon: Well, it's grade time. Boys?
Jason: Big disappointment for me. D.
Chico: C- here. Here's so much potential and it really is watchable.. but it seems like they just rushed to get this on the air. Doesn't really do the potential justice.
Gordon: I agree with Chico. Greenberg is good. The question material was ok. If they only took the time to make it more interactive (maybe a way to steal chips or do something about the pot.). The rules are hypocritical. You can't call it a 24 person tournament if not all 24 people get to play under the same rules - and in this case, if not 24 people can play. And don't get me started on how they bungled the Friday episode and inviting the current champion to play again when you had other people with better records that didn't. The painful thing is that this should be at least a B with some planning and foresight and for that reason, this gets a very disappointing C-.
Chico: Nice try, ABC... back to the drawing board.
Gordon: I want my apology from France.
Jason: And France...please apologize.
Gordon: Now from ABC, we go to NBC and Clash of the Choirs.
Chico: Five singers go back to their hometowns to assemble a 20-voice chorus. They then sing contemporary fare and holiday favorites. You vote. One leaves.
Jason: Winner gets money for charity.
Chico: Until, inevitably, one choir is left standing. It's like every other call-to-vote show. Only instead of a couple of months, we get... a week.
Jason: Which is good for this type of show.
Chico: Totally
Jason: A short shot like this works.
Chico: Gives little room for something completely off base to happen.
Jason: And it wasn't a mean spirited show.
Chico: Nope. It was a welcome change. Like, "Let's do something bigger than this."
Jason: Yes it was awwwbarf stuff, but I'll take it.
Gordon: I'm the Grinch again, aren't I?
Chico: When aren't you the Grinch?
Jason: Heh.
Gordon: It's American Choir. At the beginning it was not a choir. It was 1 lead singer and 19 backups.
Chico: Without the surprise elimination.
Jason: This was fluff...and I am fine with that.
Gordon: Sorry. I will be Scrooge here. When I want to hear a choir, I want a CHOIR, not a bunch of backup singers and a lead vocalist. This was an American Idol clone. I wanted something new, and I didn't get it. The choirs finally figured that out in the middle of the week, but not before their audience ALSO flocked over to watch CSI reruns.
Jason: It wasn't supposed to be new.
Gordon: Let me fill you in on a secret. A good choir...a really good choir...doesn't need a lead singer.
Chico: I think I'll blame NBC for this one.
Jason: True.
Chico: They needed two hours to fill on Monday, and that was an hour too much.
Jason: Again right on. Bad pacing.
Chico: I'll give you 90 minutes, but that's it. Hell, put it on after Deal or No Deal. You're getting an audience delivered on a silver platter for that gambit. But no, that's just TOO MUCH TO ASK, isn't it?
Gordon: Apparently, it is. The music and the talent was good - and in some cases, very good (Patti LaBelle's voice is amazing), but the pacing was once again ridiculously slow and like Duel, some of the things didn't make sense. Why are you having the captains judge the other groups? For that matter, on a holiday show like this, why do you even NEED judging? This reeks of bad Idol clone. If they put it after original DOND episodes and made it an hour, it would have done significantly better, both in quality and in ratings. Grade?
Chico: I have to agree with Gordon on this. Again, the potential is there if you want to work at it. C-
Gordon: As for me, I liked the music part - when it was a real choir. I'm shocked at the production values and This should have been a lot better. As much as this surprises me to say this, ABC has the pattern down perfectly on Dancing With the Stars, and NBC, before doing another competition, needs to take a page from either that or FOX's American Idol. Its better than Duel, but this should have been MUCH better. C+.
Chico: Like saying a kick in the butt is better than a slap in the face.
Gordon: Notice I said American Idol, and not Next Great American Band.
Jason: lol
Gordon: And speaking of which, it's time for a weekly roundup.
Chico: *plays "Paralyzer" by Finger Eleven* New Rewind theme music.
Gordon: Your Next Great American Band is...The Clark Brothers!
Jason: (tennis clap)
Chico: ... I can learn to like'em.
Gordon: Which will get a medium sized hit in Christian Music and then will disappear off the face of the earth, never to be seen again - just like the show :)
Chico: Yay.
Jason: We will monitor that.
Chico: Going to a show that will never disappear... EVER... Todd Herzog wins Survivor.
Jason: Um...did we get that right?
Chico: Nope.
Jason: Thought so.
Chico: Not even close.
Jason: why did we get it wrong?
Chico: Amanda basically talked her way out of the million in Final Tribal.
Gordon: The same reason why we got Big Brother wrong. The hamsters this season decided to judge on strategy, and not emotion.
Jason: Ok.
Chico: Todd simply played the better game.
Gordon: And Amanda had the biggest emotional train wreck in front of the jury this side of the Mark McGuire hearings.
Jason: She got weepy?
Chico: I think she got a bit angry and talked both sides of her face.
Jason: Oops
Chico: And Courtney was just... well, Courtney
Gordon: She didn't ave a chance to win
Jason: So Todd played the smartest game?
Gordon: Amanda played the smartest game. Todd played the best Jury card.
Jason: What's the difference, please?
Gordon: The difference is that Amanda needed to show that she was the puppet master pulling the strings. She didnt' do it and the jury believed Todd. Amanda didn't really do much of anything in the final jury council and that's what cost her
Jason: So, in other words, you cant just get have to play the whole 39 days.
Chico: Yep.
Gordon: But the biggest mistake she made wasn't in the jury. The biggest mistake was not eliminating Todd in the round of 4. We knew she wouldn't do it, but if she did, that's an easy million.
Chico: Instead, she again, took the easy way out, sending Denise to the jury. It's easy to get rid of someone who can't readily peg.
Gordon: So Todd wins it as much as Amanda loses it.
Jason: Any early thoughts on S:16 Fans v. Favorites?
Chico: Could be interesting. Or could be "Real World Redux". Depends on who's cast.
Gordon: 16 people who know how to play the game. Whoa.
Chico: Can't wait for that.
Jason: A war from day one...we hope.
Chico: Please, please please. Going to another Sunday finale now... America's most smartest model is... VJ.
Gordon: Well, smartest cheating one, anyways - or biggest Mary Alice devotee. I'll say this about Andre though - he was absolutely right in his attacks on VJ. He knew he wasn't going to win, and he knew that this was a farce. Yes, I'm siding with Andre. Anyone surprised?
Jason: Nope.
Chico: Not really, no.
Jason: Not surprised.
Gordon: Just checking. Next up - its time to find a good man.
Chico: Do we have to, daddy?
Jason: Oh boy.
Gordon: Tila finds
Chico: So we think for now.
Jason: I wasnt surprised at all
Gordon: Bobby Banhart is the lucky (?) winner.
Jason: What's the over/under on that one?
Gordon: Ill be generous and say 3 months
Chico: how long has it been since the finale? Five days? I'll double it and say 10.
Jason: And we get a spinoff called "That's Amore" with the guy in the Italian Speedo...OH BOY!
Chico: Starring... Domenico!
Gordon: Bleagh
Chico: Pretty much, Gordon.
Chico: Tila isn't the only one finding love... isn't that right?
Gordon: Tailor Made gets selected by New York...and I think this one could work
Jason: You are kidding me, right?
Chico: Let's hope so. I don't think humanity is ready for ILNY3.
Gordon: Well, they did something smart - they actually moved in together and were a couple DURING the show's airing. So they've been living with each other for around 6 months now. THAT'S how it should be.
Chico: And they're still together as of this writing.
Jason: And they are still together...interesting.
Gordon: And quite honestly, New York needs to wear the pants. Tailor like a cat
Chico: Oy.
Jason: Yipe.
Chico: Speaking of... I'll take J! champs named Cora for well over $80,000.
Gordon: Meow!
Jason: Here kitty kitty kitty
Jason: Yes, Cora was a good player...but she got lucky in the end.
Chico: Let's see if her luck continues into next week. And now, Gordon... it's time to call your hamsters-dressed-as-reindeer.
Jason: Wow...cute.
Gordon: On KenJen! On Amanda! on Cheeseball! On Fluffy! On Goodman! On House! On Chen-Bot! oN J-Fat! We don't have any hamsters that rhyme.
Jason: Oh well.
Chico: Darn. Oh well. Send'em to the news, please.
Gordon: Chairman and Gordon Jr. are driving it. And the lead is Cuckoo the red-nosed hamster. Wait a nosed....Chico, did you paint Cuckoo's nose red?
Chico: No, it's a rubber bulb I borrowed from work... and it keeps falling...
Jason: Oh well.
Chico: ... *resets* Okay, there. Fly to the news, reinhamsters!
Gordon: Now usually, I say Roll that Beautiful Brain footage, but this is the holiday season, so we have something new. Roll out that Beautiful BrainVision Feast!

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Jason: Fa la la baby
Chico: Starting course, some Business End Brisket.
Gordon: Mmmm...Brisaket
Jason: Here's the meat.

Jack Linkletter, host of "Haggis Baggis" and "The Rebus Game", and son of the legendary Art Linkletter, died this week.


Chico: Thank you. We'll miss you, Jack. Now for a Business/Datebook Crossover. Hey Gordon.. Remember when we reporter that The Celebrity Apprentice was moved forward a week to avoid football?
Gordon: I did, actually, yes.
Jason: Yup.
Chico: Well, never mind.

NBC moved the show back to its original premiere date of January 3 to avoid Grey's Anatomy.

Jason: Ok then.
Gordon: Speaking of which, I have Dates...and a salad. Anyone want any?
Chico: Right here. Honey French dressing, please.
Jason: Fat Free Ranch

We start with January 23rd, where Rock and A Hard Place will debut on Direct TV's 101, starring Meatloaf. Next up - January 13, where Rock of Love 2 will appear. Finally, March 17th, where we have Dancing with the Stars 6 - and Chico's Faaaaaaavorrrrrite show, The Bachelor.

Jason: Yuck :)
Gordon: That would be Bachelor 12, for those of you who are interested in such things.
Chico: ... now where's that wall. Oh. There it is.
Gordon: Now now, it's the holiday season. Be kind to the wall.
Chico: Right... *puts on crash helmet*
Gordon: Sigh.
Chico: *runs into wall screaming*.
Jason: What did the wall do to you?
Chico: ... I'm okay
Gordon: I said be kind to the wall. We don't care as much about your skull.
Chico: Thanks much.
Gordon: Next course?
Chico: I got some rice pudding from the UK, where we go global. And another stab at the heart of the phone quiz industry.
Gordon: One order of Global Goose coming up...or in this case, make it turkey.
Chico: And you want turkey? I got your turkey.

$3 million. That's what Ofcom is ordering Channel 4 to pay after reviews of "You Say We Pay" and "Deal or No Deal" C4 responded by starting legal proceedings against one of the providers of the phone services.

Chico: What's a turkey, after all... three strikes?
Gordon: Oops. So if youre wondering why the phone game is changing/ending on NBC earlier, that's why.
Chico: And we've got a second helping. Wowowee... is in trouble... AGAIN.
Jason: Again?
Gordon: Again. daddy?

Thanks to some Youtube footage procured by the Filipino senate, they're moving that the Department of Trade and Industry look into the latest of the show's fiascos to insure that the games aren't rigged. The latest Fiasco - A documentary like film with a game is set up eerily like a previous video of the August 20 show where a multiple numbers were pulled.

You have GOT to be kidding.
Chico: Nope.
Gordon: Don't they ever learn?
Chico: I'm going to go on record right now. Numbers mean nothing without public trust.
Gordon: Wowowee, indeed.
Jason: That's why the Brits got HAMMERED this year. The Public Trust is dead.
Chico: If there is sufficient evidence that games are being tampered with, then whoever's in charge should step in and demand that the show be removed from the air.
Gordon: And the people in charge of the rigging should ALSO be removed from the air
Jason: Agreed.
Chico: Okay, next course?
Gordon: Next up, refreshments. Starting with some Are You Smarter than Seltzer. Just as a reminder to not overdo it on the alcohol, because, when you drink too much booze, you're not smarter than anybody.
Jason: And please...DON'T DRIVE DRUNK.
Gordon: How's that for a PSA?
Chico: I like it.
Gordon: For the third straight week, I didn't have to think too hard on this week's Are You Smarter Than...

Are You Smarter Than...Denise Martin? She tells a sob story on national TV on how she wasn't given her old job back, and it moved everyone to the point that Mark Burnett gave her $50,000 - of his own money. Only one problem ...

Jason: which was?
Chico: It wasn't exactly true.
Jason: Oops.

The superintendent of the school had to go on the air to refute the story and Denise apologized in front of millions of people. Denise gets some crow for the holidays.

Chico: Want some 57 sauce with that?
Jason: She "donated" the $50,000 to the Elizabeth Glaser Aids Foundation, right?
Gordon: Right. 57 sauce is great for crow. Nummy. Now how thirsty are you guys for some Haternog?
Chico: Serve.
Jason: Like my holiday stein? (sips) Tasty Haternog
Gordon: First round of Haternog...

Ruben Studdard becomes the first American Idol winner to be dropped by his label. Said Label - J Records, who yanks him after 'The Return' sells lass than 250,000 copies.

Jason: Sorry Ruben.
Gordon: Anyone want some seconds?
Chico: Yep.
Jason: Sure

A screw up on ITunes part cost X-Factor winner Leon Jackson millions of dollars worth of missed downloads. Simon Cowell may be planning on suing for his client.

Jason: You don't want to mess with Mr. Cowell.
Chico: Nope.
Gordon: Anyone want thirds?
Jason: Damn!
Chico: I'll TELL you when I've had enough
Jason: Although the stuff is strong...did you spike it?
Gordon: Why yes, Jay, yes I did.
Jason: I'll be walking home now.

Donna Tillman is suing The Price is Right for her Brand New 2004 Pontiac GTO Coupe. The problem? She took it to her car mechanic, who determined that not only was it not brand new, but it had damage to the framework.

Chico: Sounds like a dealer issue...She's pointing her fickle finger at the wrong person.
Jason: But....Miss Tillman's story might not hold water. May I put on my legal robes for a second?
Chico: Go ahead
Jason: When you sue somebody, especially something like sue everybody...from the dealer on up. It's normal procedure. It may not be logical, but it's the way things are done.
Gordon: So once she gets the 'Guilty' verdict, she drops thre other suits?.
Jason: Or the lawyers hammer it out and say, "Look, it's a dealer issue." And she drops the suit against Fremantle et al. And then they work it out.
Chico: Seems like the lady in question has a case of selective outrage. She's very particular about who she wants the money from. She wants it out of CBS's coffers. Probably won't happen, though.
Jason: Nope. She is suing the wrong people.
Chico: They'll eat her alive.
Jason: She should sue the dealership, if the car was defective.
Chico: Yep
Jason: But she may have had an accident that MAY have caused the damage. Allegedly. It's not just suing, but who you sue. In suits like this, you have to throw everything at the wall...and then let the lawyers settle it.
Chico: Makes sense enough.
Gordon: I think that's enough HaterNog. I don't need you guys slurring your words during the episode. And after all that Haternog, I feel fully Loaded. Weeeeeeeeeee
Chico: You should. Who wants fruitcake?
Jason: Sure...
Chico: Anyone want to play The Amazing Race on your PC?
Gordon: Why. yes. Yes I do.
Jason: I do!

Jerry Bruckheimer has signed with MTV Games and Viacom. Titles that Bruckheimer will have a hand on are tentatively set to include the Prince of Persia series (which he's currently making a movie on), CSI, and The Amazing Race.

Jason: Prince of Persia movie.
Chico: That's a nice hunk of fruitcake. I need to sit on this big... red... couch.
Jason: do you need to open the belt?
Chico: A little bit.
Gordon: It's real comfy this week.
Chico: Hey, I got a big one for the couch.
Gordon: And its crowded. Starting with...oh look, a million dollars.

CBS announced earlier that they are currently casting for Survivor 17. Are you ready for a journey? Are you ready to compete with other cast members for the ultimate prize?

Chico: Or maybe you just want to dance..

So You Think You Can Dance is launching its new series of casting calls for the upcoming season. Go to for that one.

Gordon: Or maybe you just want to be a soap opera actor

InTurn, the reality show chronicling actors vying for a contract role on the CBS Daytime drama AS THE WORLD TURNS, is returning for a third season. A nationwide search will be conducted to find fresh, new talent. 9 actors will be selected as finalists and move into a loft in Brooklyn, where for two weeks their lives will be recorded. The top three finalists will qualify to appear on ATWT and the winner will be awarded a 13-week contract. The casting call is open to men and women, ages 18 – 36.

Gordon: Jason Block, as usual, can't play. Still an old fart.
Jason: I am not as pretty.
Gordon: Funny you should say that - we need models for Tyra!

Do you want to be part of AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL, the hit CW show that gives young women an opportunity to prove that they can make it in the high-stress, high-stakes world of modeling? We're looking for a diverse group of real women who want to become the next top model. If you think you've got what it takes apply now. Open casting calls should be announced soon with open call dates in March and April 2008

Gordon: Finally...well, this isn't a game show, but it's too funny not to include.
Jason: I need some holiday humor.

CMT is currently casting for the new series “My Big Redneck Wedding.” This show will document the planning and preparation it takes to pull off a truly fun, down-to-earth, redneck nuptial. From denim wedding dresses, to camouflage tuxedos, shotgun salutes, and arriving at the reception on an ATV--anything goes, as long as it’s rowdy and redneck!

Chico: ?

And no. We did not make that up.

Jason: "MY Big Redneck Wedding" LOL
Gordon: You think anyone in your neck of the woods in NC would want to be on the show, Chico?
Chico: I wish I could say no.
Gordon: While you think about it, I have some Media Ho-me made pie! Meat Pies.
Chico: *plays "Pimpin All Over the World"*
Gordon: Just call me Sweeney...
Chico: Okay, Sweeney, who do we have?

In this week's Media Ho Report, Cheryl Burke can finally dance on the DWTS tour, Andrew Firestone gets a new job, Bill Germanakos wins the Biggest Loser 4...Rachael Ray gets a new cooking show on January 12, FOX's So You Think You Can Dance Audition Tour starts up on January 17th, and Alex Trebek is out of the hospital.

Jason: Get well soon, Mr. Trebek
Gordon: But none of them are your hoes of the week. We have 2 hoes. The first one is Stuart Scott, who has been diagnosed with cancer and who is undergoing chemotherapy, Feel better, Stuart!
Chico: We love you, Stu!
Jason: You are as cool as...the other side of the pillow.
Gordon: Second one goes to Nick Lachey, who wins Clash of the Choirs. The Lacheys are now the first family to have 2 people in it to win two different reality show contests. Drew won Dancing With the Stars.
Jason: Now we need the other two members of 98 degrees to do something...and then....:)
Gordon: And those...are your hoes.
Chico: And that's Brainvision. Shut it down. Feed hamsters.
Gordon: Boooooop
Chico: Last week's You Love, G?
Gordon: Last week's results - 58% of the audience want...Gladiators. 22% want to see How Much is Enough, while 16% of you said that enough is enough and won't watch any of this.
Chico: Ba dum bum.
Gordon: As for this week's...Keeping with the Christmas Theme....

What would you rather see show up on your front door this holiday?

26 DoND Models Modeling
24 Duelists Dueling
6 Games a-Pricing
5 Golden Emmys

4 Singing Whammys
3 Wheel puzzles
2 Daily Doubles
Michelle L'Amour in a pear tree

Chico: I know which one Gordon wants :-)
Gordon Pant, pant, pant...
Chico: Results in TWO weeks =p. Next up, we act it all out. You're reading WLTI on GSNN.

(Brainvision is brought to you by Quiz War: Ken vs. Brad. Two of game show's greatest players recruit their own quiz bowl teams to face off against each other)