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Previous Episodes (Season 16)
September 3 - Call the Whaaambulance!/What's My Zinger?/Push or Flush (1)

September 10 - Sixteen Candles/20 Questions: Brad Rutter/Push or Flush (2)

September 17 - Viewers Special #3/Ask the Doctor/What If...

September 24 - We (BLANK) Brett/The Good, the Bad & the Ugly/Paula vs. Simon

October 1 - On a Mission from Howie/Trios/Would You? Could You?

October 8 - Back to School/Are You Buying What They're Selling?/List Abuse

October 15 - Our Fifth Birthday

October 22 - Drew Carey... He Gets It/Whose Your Daddy/Roleplay (2)

October 29 - Halloween Party/We the Jury/Excessories

November 5 - Half a Mill in a Shoe/Higher-Lower/WLTI's Vs.

November 12 - The Strike/Deserted Island/What Were You Thinking?

November 19 - We Thank the Contestants/Accuracy or Idiocy/Play the Percentages

December 3 - Have You Seen My Xebec?/Whammyville/Good News & Bad News

December 10 - Cruise Control/Snaps/Should and Will


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 16.14
December 17

Gordon: This is Gordon Pepper, and usually at this point, we talk about how there's not much going on in December., Usually a new show during Christmas, but that’s it. This year is ....uh....different.
Jason: This year is way different. The poop is about to hit the fan big time
Chico: Oh yeah.  Batten down the hatches. From Somewhere in America, the overstuffed Holiday edition of WLTI... is ... ON!
Gordon: A bunch of finals, a bunch of soon to be finals, a bunch of new programming, and...Beauty Pageants.
Chico: (It spans two weeks... that's how big it is).
Gordon: Gordon here, along with Chico and Guests Jason Block, Don Harpwood and Joe Mello.
Jason: Greetings....and I have to get a personal shout out. Today, the 17th is my sister Liz's bday! Happy bday liz!
Chico: Happy happy, Liz 
Gordon: Yay, Liz!
Chico: Okay, friends. We've got a lot to cover, so we'll start with one question that NBC was asking all week...
Gordon: Where's Jay Leno?
Chico: Well... that too.
Gordon: Oh.
Gordon: Ah.
Chico: Jay Leno aside, we've seen some of the biggest gimmicks on Deal or No Deal this week.
Gordon: And they have all fallen flat.
Jason: The three way dance. The deal wheel, and what else?
Chico: The Office invading. Last week, we hit the three-way. This week, we hit the other two.
Gordon: So in addition to $61,000 given away in a less-than-thrilling Monday, what else do we got?
Chico: Well, Gordon. Tuesday's show was actually a two-fer in terms of gimmickry.
Jason: A two fer?
Gordon: Double the pain. (I'm channeling my inner Seidelman)
Chico: First up, remember that box in Snaps last week?  Through that, we are able to see some of the cases before the contestant is.
Jason: That makes no sense.
Chico: No, not really.
Gordon: I think that was lame. They showed all of 2 boxes.
Chico: Mary Bedford was subject to the box of mystery... which was only used twice.  It's called follow-through, NBC. You say you're going to do something, Don't half-ass it.
Gordon: What would have been the much better play was to wait until there was 6 left and then show ALL of the boxes to the viewers. That would have been fun to see.
Jason: I agree.
Chico: Yup.
Jason: Wheel of Fortune does the audience reveal (ie. the Mystery Wedges) to better effect.
Chico: Very much so. Of course, computers help with that. But when you have to fill an hour of prime time television...
Gordon: Right. Instead, we get to see two low suitcases in a box that looked like it was going to hold the cast member's Survivor votes. So what happened on Tuesday?
Chico: Well, first of all, Howie imported a full orchestra for Mary, because she likes Broadway musicals.
Gordon: I actually liked the gimmick. I thought it was cute, complete with good and bad case opening music.
Chico: I also like the orchestra. Not only was it a throwback to the games of old... and Twenty-One. Then the banker has a sign: "Tonight Mary Banford stars in Crash and Burn"
Gordon: She didn’t though  - she won a Broadway package and $50,000 in cash.
Chico: What was in her case?
Gordon: Inside her case - $500.
Jason: Nice.
Chico: That's a good deal on any way.
Jason: What was the Broadway package? Like a trip to NYC and tix?
Chico: As presented by Glinda from "Wicked"...
Jason: Awesome. That is a good witch...
Chico: A backstage tour, meeting the cast. A chance to appear in the show in costume.
Jason: That is very very cool
Chico: And they're going to see the show THAT night. In their limo. AND... Glinda's magic wand...AND... $50,000. Total of the deal: $62,000. And they rushed off immediately to Broadway right after she dealt.
Gordon: Which would be amazing to see, since Broadway is in NYC and they taped in LA. Unless they taped the show at 8am.
Chico: Not outside the realm of possibility, that they tape the show early. But there's also a six-hour flight to take into account... and time differences...
Jason: and if it's a private jet
Chico: Of course. Lots of things to take into account.
Jason: and if it was during the strike?
Gordon: True. "You’ve won a chance to be out with the cast...singing on 42nd Street...literally in the street while the street cleaners are coming through."
Chico: Love that magic. Next, Efren Afonte begins his game... Heh.
Jason: So what happened with Mr. Afonte?
Chico: His game... would be finished on Wednesday's show. So merrily we roll along to Wednesday's show. Also rolling into Wednesday's show... the Deal Wheel.
Gordon: I’ll take what's behind the curtain
Chico: Sorry, that's the Deal-ER Wheel. But you're thinking.
Jason: A Rotating Version of Plinko - kind of
Chico: Basically. A giant Pachinko machine with a wheel attached.
Jason: Did it have any wild Japanese characters on it?
Chico: Nope.
Gordon: Not even Bankerman?
Chico: Iie, Pepper-san.
Gordon: So what is a Deal Wheel?
Chico: Well, we'll get to that. First, let me say that Efren had a killer board late in the game. $10... $750,000... and $1 million. The offer... $493,000. It's walking money, I see. Should've taken it, because the next case opened... $1 million.
Gordon: I would have taken a shot at it
Jason: so would I. With that board.
Gordon: and knowing me, I wouldnt have selected the million 
Chico: Plus when you take into account the Deal Wheel... you could have almost $1.5 million.
Gordon: So what did Efren wind up doing?
Chico: In the bank's coffers... $296,000
Jason: see you.  Bye. Out of there.
Chico: Oh yeah. That's a deal. And Efren takes it.
Gordon: What was in his case?
Chico: What voice part is Pavarotti, Domingo, and... myself? The tenner.
Jason: Very Very good deal
Chico: Very.  Enter... the wheel.
Gordon: Now what can the wheel do?
Chico: The Deal Wheel has spots on it for x2, x3, and 1/2. So he could take $592,000... $888,000... or $148,000.
Jason: With a guaranteed $148K...I am going for it.
Chico: The layout: 10 x Half. 15 x double. 5 x triple.
Gordon: Odds are definitely in your favor.
Chico: Oh yeah. So Efren spins the wheel... Grabs the silver ball, and lets her fly. And it lands on half... then on double... then on double again... then on double again... then on half... it continues for a bit... Gravity and what not... And ends up on 1/2. Efren leaves with $148,000.
Gordon: Still a nice payout
Chico: I like this gimmick, really I do. It's pretty interesting.
Jason: This one I like.
Chico: Kinda like a bonus. I mean, you won the game, but it's not over.
Jason: It's fun...and with a big deal...
Chico: Oh yeah.
Jason: you can really make things happen.
Chico: Next is Anthony Moreira.
Jason: Yes it's still total bs luck.
Chico: He has a problem with numbers, so the Office sent in the accountants (or rather, the actors that play them)
Gordon: It's not bad - BUT - I would love to see a bankerface on one space of the board. If you land on that, then you immediately drop to the lowest case left on the board when you dealt. Put some danger on the board.
Chico: That would just be cruel, mean, scary, and I betcha you'd get a kick out of it.
Gordon: But wouldn't that be a better idea? I mean right now, even with half, it's a no brainer to play the wheel. You should make the person think about it.
Chico: Well, I Don't believe that it's a choice to play the wheel. But it would be a good thing if it were. Not that it isn't a good thing already.
Jason: I like that scenario, G.
Chico: After a quick preview of American Gladiators (plug). Back to Anthony, who deals for $40,000. He can turn that into $120,000... or $20,000. But first, just to clear the air.. he was sitting on $750. Anthony spins out on the Deal Wheel... Double.
Gordon: Nice!
Jason: Very good.
Chico: He leaves with $80,000.
Jason: Nice payday.
Chico: It's nice and refreshing, and if you need to extend a game to an hour, it's a good way to do it. I hope we see more of the Wheel in this and the upcoming syndie version. It's a nice little tweak.
Jason: This is a good twist. The case peek...not so much
Chico: No. Reveals like that I can do without, thank you.
Gordon: It is a good way to do it. I wouldn’t mind them adding 26 people from the audience guessing what’s in the cases and getting money from it.
Chico: There's an idea. Listening, NBC?
Jason: Why not? NBC and the networks have enough on their plate not to listen to us
Gordon: Like a set of choirs, for starters. But one thing they Dont have are a bunch of people on an island.
Chico: Four is a bunch nowadays?
Gordon: It is. And NBC and CBS have one thing in common. Not only do they have 4 people left - they have 4 people left from the same team. We'll start with NBC and The Biggest Loser. For the first time in it's history, there will only be one team left in the finals.
Chico: The other team were wiped out?
Gordon: They got pagonged, yes. The Blue and Red team both got eliminated by the Black Team.
Chico: HA! See what happens when you throw revenge in the mix?
Gordon: Which is pretty amazing, considering that 1. There were 3 teams and 2. They were all people that were discarded by both teams during episode 1
Chico: Oh yeah. Definitely. This was more or less desire-fueled.
Gordon: Yes, but it was sweet - especially since Neil, the person who gained 33 pounds to eliminate someone on the black team, was the last person voted out and didn't see the finals.
Chico: Ouch. You were waiting for that one.
Gordon: I was. From a moral standpoint, I would not have been happy if Neil won the whole thing. I Don't mind any of the Black Team winning it - just like I Don't mind any of Zhan Hu winning Survivor.
Chico: I agree with that. This, and the Biggest Loser, is a case of "the better team won".
Gordon: It is. They were both powerhouses for the duration of the season
Jason: We wont have to wait long for the next season of Loser. Two weeks I believe.
Chico: Yup. Back to the final four on Survivor, though. I feel sorry for Peih Gee getting voted out... Except I don't.
Gordon: I certainly Don't. She had awful strategy and was one of the reasons why her team got wiped out.
Chico: That and the lobby to get Todd out was clearly born out of desperation.
Gordon: Right
Chico: A desperate person RARELY.. if EVER... wins Survivor.
Jason: So who is left?
Gordon: Only Chris did it. You have Todd, Amanda, Courtney and Denise
Jason: And who do you see winning and why?
Gordon: I think it's Amanda's to lose. Todd has pissed everyone off, Courtney is persona non grata and Denise won't get to the final 3.
Chico: Persona non-grata is often seen as "The lesser of two evils" in jury votes. More like "a vote against the other person."
Gordon: Yes, but Amanda hasn't been evil. If anything she's the least evil there. She's the only one who hasn’t pissed anyone off.
Chico: We'll see when the votes are counted, but honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a sweep.
Gordon: I Don’t think there will be. Can I have a Big Board?
Chico: But you still see it as hers to lose?

Where Do the Votes Go?

- Jamie: AMANDA
- Jean Robert: TODD
- Frosti: COURTNEY
- James: TODD
- Erik: DENISE?
- Peih Gee: AMANDA
- Denise: AMANDA

Gordon: I do. Subject - Where do the votes go?
Jason: (taking notes)
Gordon: Let's start in order....Jaime
Chico: Amanda.
Gordon: Agreed. Amanda is the only one who talked to her.
Chico: Oh yeah.
Gordon: Jean Robert
Chico: Todd. They were pretty much allied up until his ouster.
Gordon: Yes - and I think he blames Todd for it. He won’t vote for Courtney in a million years, so the only choice is Amanda. Frosti?
Chico: This one's a tossup. I want to say Courtney because they had a thiiiiing... going on....
Gordon: I’m saying Courtney because they had a thiiiiiiing. James?
Chico: Anyone but Amanda. He saw her as the mitigating factor in his ouster.
Gordon: He won’t vote for Courtney. This may go to Todd. Erik?
Chico: Maybe the sole voter for Denise
Gordon: Denise is not a voting option
Chico: She's in the final 4.
Gordon: Yes, and there will be one person eliminated before the final 3, and I'm guessing it will be Denise.
Jason: Can you at least think of the possibility she might be in the final 3?
Gordon: No.
Chico: Could happen, considering that Peih Gee voted for Todd, planting the seeds of doubt
Gordon: She won't win an immunity challenge, and the other 3 can't allow her to get to the finals. And she's a clear outsider. Ok. So Chico says Denise, but if she's not there, who do you think she votes for?
Chico: Amanda
Gordon: I agree. Peih Gee?
Chico: Bit of a loose cannon, that one. Could go any way.
Gordon: It’s a woman's world, and I think this goes to a lesser of evils. I'll say Amanda, but it could go any way. Denise?
Chico: Amanda perhaps.
Gordon: I agree. I can't see it going to the either 2 women (or Amanda and Todd). So I see it 5-1-1, in favor of Amanda. She’s played a very good game - being the mastermind without being obnoxious about it. Thoughts, Chico?
Chico: She didn't relish in her power, and that may be the deciding factor.
Gordon: Agreed
Chico: So there you go. That said, we'd like to congratulate Sanjaya for winning Survivor China. We're never right about these things! =p
Jason: Yeah, has that stopped us before? Nope. Just saying.
Gordon: We go from predicting a winner to congratulating one. Saleisha wins America's Next Top Model.
Jason: congratulations to her.
Chico: Good on her. Although you kinda saw it from a mile away, especially if you buy that she was an escapee... err... student in Tyra's T-Zone.
Jason: T-Zone?
Gordon: The T-Zone was a summer camp for kids. Saleisha was also on the Tyra Show as a model for a runway show. Now here's the question. She was not only on her show, she has obviously met both Tyra and the judges before. Does that give her an unfair edge?
Jason: A little yes.
Chico: Bit of an edge, yes. Think that sort of thing should've been disclosed at the outset.
Gordon: It was disclosed to the producers, who had no problem with it.
Chico: But it should've been disclosed to us.
Jason: Semi-shenanigans then. The producers are a bit to blame for this one.
Chico: I mean, we're the ones watching it. Now it's like "FIX!"
Gordon: I actually Don’t have a problem with it. What I have a problem is that if they were going to let her in, they should have let people with similar experience in to compete against her. This season, which clearly had Saleisha having a clear edge over everyone else, was the equivalent of having 12 unknowns playing in America's Next Top Trivia Player and then dropping Jason Block in as contestant #13. Legal? Sure. Fair? No.
Chico: I'm going to have to go with you on that one, but that's about as far as I'll go =p
Jason: The relationship should have been disclosed. But I think ANTM is far. But this doesnt make them look good, I will give you.
Chico: Partly because it's on the little network that could.
Jason: Exactly.
Gordon: How would you like to be dropped in a trivia competition with 12 unknowns?
Jason: I would like to crush them like a bug. But, it would be unfair. I like a challenge. I would like the models to be true amateurs. Not a semi-pro like Saleisha was. It does smell.
Gordon: What about a competition where someone who has HIV+ has a nasty and contagious facial rash?
Jason: That's Project Runway.... Isn't it?
Gordon: It is. Jack, fearing for his own health, drops out of the competition.
Chico: Probably a good move. I mean, this sort of thing puts light entertainment in its proper perspective.
Gordon: I think it's the right move. Forget everyone else for one second. You shouldn't put your own health in Jeopardy for a competition
Jason: Exactly. This was a good decision.
Chico: Oh yeah.
Gordon: Hopefully, he will be healthy enough to compete next season, since he is clearly talented
Chico: Oh yeah.
Gordon: Right after the end of Top Model,..we have the premiere of Crowned.
Chico: Okay, I know it's supposed to be cute and all, but I found it rather annoying.
Gordon: Just annoying? This was everything I HATED about a pageant - and I saw an hour of it. I wanted to take all of the contestants, stick them in a burlap sack, and dunk them in a vat of water just to hear them screaming in pain - a pain I mirrored while watching this mess.
Chico: I was being facetious. I didn't like it one bit... At all. Ow.
Gordon: The judges were Carson Kressley, Shanna Moakler and pageant director Linnea Maloney, who challenged them to...find an identity?
Chico: Well, doesn't that sort of thing usually happen BEFORE the pageants?
Gordon: And yes, this was as dumb as it sounded. This could have been something interesting, like maybe disproving all of the model stereotypes. Instead, this reinforced it. Whoever thought this would be a good idea to unleash upon the masses needs not a beauty makeover, but a cranial makeover.
Chico: You know something... the Swan, you remember the Swan, right? Amanda Byram before Grand Slam? They did this so much better. Now it's all like played for laughs. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy game played for laughs. It's what Match Game was built on for years, but sometimes, you have to know when to separate the laughs from the element... which is sorely lacking
Jason: I heard it was horrible
Gordon: It was horrible. Now it's easy to blame this on the strike...except that this was supposed to be on the schedule even before the strike happened, so that’s not an excuse. Grade Time. Chico?
Chico: F. I know the CW can do better. So why Don't they? WHY DON'T THEY?
Gordon: They can do better. I won't fail this, because I've seen worse and I think that this will...somehow...get a little better. That being said.....D------------.
Jason: I didn’t see it so I will pass
Don: I'm glad I missed that show, then.
Chico: Oh yeah, you didn't miss much. But if you did miss it, we've got it right now. Time for the Rewind... Jeopardy! continues its revolving door policy on returning champions. Proving the old adage... Championships... easy to get, hard to keep.
Jason: Wheel gives away $308,700+ in a huge week
Chico: Cortney returns Monday after wiping out on Super Knockout on Temptation with T$172. And the toughest question on Millionaire... worth $100,000.

At the All England Club, the site of WimbleDon, the players' entrance to Centre Court bears the inscription of a quote by whom?

A: Rudyard Kipling
B: John Milton
C: P.G. Wodehouse
D: Evelyn Waugh

Gordon: Being a sports fan, I knew this one immediately
Chico: What is it?
Gordon: It’s Kipling.
Chico: You would've had $100k
Jason: I read the recap, so I knew. What’s the quote---do you know?
Gordon: It’s from the poem 'If'
Chico: "If you can meet with triumph and disaster / And treat those two imposters just the same"
Joe: Good old iambic pentameter
Jason: Yay for Kipling.
Gordon: Boo for Light of Doom, who is the last band eliminated before the Next Great American Band finale.  Also boo for Azaria and Hendekea, who get booted from The Amazing Race.
Chico: Aww. And I liked them, too.
Jason: First class does not always mean victory.
Gordon: Nope - and not when the rules Don't allow you to do it
Chico: True. Although I like to pride ourselves on having a first-class news machine...
Gordon: I do - and...awww...The Hamsters made an Amazing Race Mini-Game.
Chico: Isn't that right, J-Fat... yesitis...yessitis... *starts cooing*
Joe: Awwwwwwwwbarf
Gordon: The Detour is Cook or Book. Jason either has to cook them their dinner or read to them a bed time story.
Jason: I am cooking. No way I am reading them a story.
Chico: Okay, you cook. We'll eat some stories. Gordon... please.
Jason: lol
Gordon: I've got the Road Block. Only one person can do this, and it's me...Roll That Beautiful Brain Footage.

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thanks, Doug. First up, Gordon... I think you've got a date with singers. Cute singers?
Gordon: Choirs, actually. and Duelists

Reminder #18,546. Duel and Clash of the Choirs starts up this week.

Don: Ah, a big duel coming, so to speak.
Jason: Duel looks interesting, although I agree that we need to see more gameplay and less WWE style booking
Chico: Chico wants big duel.
Gordon: And...look, more singers!

Not that you won't get another 18,000 reminders on this one, but American Idol #7 starts up on January 15-16.

Jason: Supposedly....THE BEST EVER.
Chico: One that promises to be "big"... so sayeth the principles.
Jason: I am dubious after 6
Chico: Agreed.
Jason: But we will see.
Gordon: and...oh wait, want some MORE music?
Jason: Sure.
Chico: Yes.
Don: Sure, why not?

Gone Country, a Celebrity Country Competition, shows up on January 25

Chico: It's not like that one show won by the former Power Ranger, is it?
Jason: I hope not.
Don: Please Don't remind me.
Gordon: It could be, but with Dee Snider, Bobby Brown, Diana De Garmo, Sisqo on, I think the caliber is much better.
Chico: I'd say so, yeah. It'd be good to see Sisqo again.
Gordon: THESE are the people you need for that sort of show and not...ugh...a Gotti.
Chico: I haven't seen him since high school.
Gordon: Why Don’t you Grow Up Gotti and give us something from the Business End?
Chico: Love to.
Jason: (hands you the baseball bat). Sorry about the syringe
Don: lol
Jason: Barry Bonds model.
Chico: Ewwww. Speaking of ugly.

Let's go to the picket lines as the WGA filed charges against the AMPTP with the National Labor Relations Board "for its refusal to bargain in good faith with the WGA."

Jason: That's war talk.
Don: Yipes.
Jason: That resolution for a bit.
Chico: As we say in the South... "Them's fightin' words."
Jason: And someone else just got into the fray.
Gordon: In addition to that....

You know those talks with the Director's Guild that was supposed to start in 2008? The Guild has closed off the talk, claiming to want to wait for a resolution with the Writers’ Guild. You all laughed at me a few months ago for suggesting that all 3 groups may strike together in June of 2008. You guys laughing now?

Joe: The only time I would have laughed was in June, because I wanted to see the Worst Case Scenario
Chico: Welcome to worst case scenario.
Jason: This is bad news.
Chico: It means, in one word... More.
Jason: I Don’t see anything coming down the pike in terms of a settlement.
Gordon: Enjoy the next 7 months of TV. Because after that, the SCABS TAKE OVER!
Joe: Since we the viewers are going to be the real losers, let's lose big time
Gordon: Hey Chico, how would you like to create some game shows with me and put them on TV
Chico: I'll take scab programming after seeing Crowned.
Jason: I am with you Gordon...let's do it! The GSNN Channel.
Chico: Gambatte =p
Don: Nice.
Chico: Heh.. Next up, G?
Gordon: Next up, and I’m following up what you have with a keg of Haterade
Chico: We never tapped the keg before..
Jason: A keg? Ho. lee. Cow.
Joe: Wait, do we need to card everyone first?
Chico: It's Haterade so we're good.
Joe: Awesome
Gordon: But first, brains are needed...
Chico: Are we smarter than...
Gordon: Hulk Hogan. Again.
Chico: Oh boy
Don: What happened this time?
Jason: Do we have to?

Not content with dealing with his son's issues, now The Hulkster wants to argue with Rosie O'Donnell saying that someone needs to shut that big mouth up. Needless to say, Rosie isn't too pleased, and to be honest, the last thing the Hulkster needs right now is to make any more enemies on a show that he is hosting and needs ratings for.

Jason: And you didn’t even look good shilling AG on WWE Raw's 15th Anniversary show. Cross promotion, don't you know.
Gordon: Not everything needs to be cross-promotional.
Joe: Can't believe that 15 years ago 1992 started
Chico: God I'm old.
Jason: Hey I am 40 in 2 months.
Gordon: And now for the Haterade...
Jason: Do I need a big glass?
Gordon: We all thought that Blake Lewis was going to outsell Jordin Sparks, right?
Chico: No, not really.

Well, he doesn't. Blake only sells 98,000 copies, making him the third worst runner-up Idolist ever.

Don: Ouch.
Joe: wah wahhhh
Jason: 98,000? Well that is double 50K. Almost.
Gordon: Just for the record...

Clay Aiken -> Bo Bice -> Katharine McPhee -> Blake Lewis -> Justin Guarini -> Diana DeGarmo

Chico: So he didn't beat William Hung.
Gordon: William Hung's album has sold more than double of what Blake Lewis has sold.
Joe: At least it's not gold, right?
Chico: Give him time. Elliott Yamin had to wait a while before he sold gold.. and with him on an indie label, it's like... platinum there.
Gordon: Gold is 500,000 units sold. Only Aiken of the runner ups has gotten to Gold Status
Jason: Blake Lewis album was critically well received.
Gordon: Before you all write letters, keep in mind that Daughtry and Jennifer Hudson were NOT runner ups.
Jason: 4th for Daughtry
Chico: So there's your lesson in the music industry for the week.
Gordon: Daughtry's album, btw - Triple Platinum.
Chico: Word.
Jason: And the #1 seller of 2007.
Joe: Nice
Gordon: Yep. We'll talk more about that in a few weeks. Let's get fully loaded.
Jason: Hic
Chico: Yes. Let's.
Joe: *gets carded*
Chico: Who wants to be on an internet game show?
Jason: ME!
Joe: Who doesn't? is expected to go live for its first show in February 2008.

Don: Sweet!
Jason: I am SO there.
Chico: From what I understand, it's like 88Slide or Stu's show.
Gordon: As long as no one compares it to QuizNation
Joe: These indie game shows seem to be popping up all over
Chico: Oh yeah.
Don: I'll have a better laptop by then, so I'll definitely at least check that out!
Jason: Which is way cool.
Chico: Meanwhile...  Double shot time

Cell phones all over are signing up for 5th Grader's mobile game. DS players... not so much.

Gordon: I Dont think it's against the game as much as the reviews are against the game show,
Chico: I Don't know. I saw the pictures. Poser Jeff looks creepy
Gordon: When doesn't Jeff look creepy?
Jason: lol
Don: Heh.
Chico: I'm going to try and get the picture before edit time.
Jason: Its very hard to make a good video game based on a game show.
Chico: And yet... here we are.
Gordon: True - what about a good video game out of media hoes?
Chico: Tried. Failed. Big. *plays "Pimpin' all Over the World"*
Gordon: Before hoes, we got sofa!
Chico: Gaming couches! Nice!
Gordon: And apparently, Families are in vogue
Jason: Yes they are.

How well do you know your family? How well do you think they know you? How about putting yourselves to the test and winning great prizes at the same time? Bunim-Murray Productions (creators of The Real World, The Simple Life and The Bad Girls Club) is now casting for a new family game show. We're now casting for families of 4 people or more, all children must be 18 years or older. Entire participating family must be local to Los Angeles and able to come in together for a casting interview. Interview spaces are limited so Don't delay! We will be calling candidates in for interviews between Dec. 17 and Jan. 31.

Chico: Also, Newlywed Game and Dating Game are... still casting.

For Newlywed Game:

For Dating Game:

Chico: Men and women of ALL ages welcome on that lat one. There's also a new trivia game casting here:  The catch: you must live in the Southern California area.

Jason: Darn. Phooey
Gordon: And now for the hoes...

In this week's Media Ho Report, Maksim Chmerkovskiy stays put on DWTS, Julianne Hough goes for an album deal, Randy Jackson and Paula Abdul do a duet, Maria Menounos hosts Clash of the Choirs... Howie Mandel will be at the Turning Stone and Casino, and Saleisha Stowers, as we discussed, defends her Tyra relationship.

Gordon: But none of them are the Ho of the week.
Chico: *drumroll....*
Gordon: The ho is...Alex Trebek, who is still recovering from his heart attack. Feel better soon, Alex!
Chico: We love you Alex...
Jason: Stay safe sir. Get well soon.
Gordon: And those...are your hoes.
Chico: Finally, time to go global...

We're heading to Germany... and Scandinavia... and UAE... and Belgium... and Iceland... and Turkey... and Colombia.

Gordon: Weeeeee
Joe: *starts humming Yakko's World*
Jason: Why all those places?
Don: That's quite the trip!
Chico: We're following the Singing Bee as it gets licensed all over.
Gordon: Ah.
Jason: cool
Gordon: So its now the International Singing Bee
Chico: Pretty cool.  And we're home. Shut it down.
Gordon: Shutting Down (BOOOOOooop)
Jason: The choppler is smooth
Chico: The results of You Love To Interrupt - a landslide. Almost 90% of you guys will be watching Duel. Right now, this week's question...

Next week, which new show are you watching?

American Gladiators
Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie Ann
Gone Country
How Much Is Enough?

Moment of Truth
No thanks, I'll just watch the returning stuff

Chico: Results next week.  Next up, six things... all wrong. This is We Love to Interrupt, intelligent game show discussion by two potty-mouthed school children.

(BrainVision has been brought to you by Transvestite Gladiators. Where all of the men are men...and all of the women are men, too.)