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Because fandom is NOT a spectator sport...

Today is

April 2, 2007

Chico: Man. We've sure been pushing a lot of fake drugs recently. Crying baby.. Sunrise...
Chico: Into this world
Jason: So cute...
Gordon: This game is called...'Say Wha?'
Jason: How did I play Say What?
Gordon: Turn. It. Up.
Jason: Ah :)
Gordon: One of the categories in your game, if I am not mistaken
Jason: It was.
Gordon: Now this game works a little differently. I am going to give you a quote. You are going to tell me who said it.
Jason: Got it.
Gordon: And then we discuss. No winners, only gentle banter.
Gordon: Ready?
Don: Ready.
Gordon: Quote #1...

"People were telling me that they hoped that I would die because I told Simon I didn't sound like Teletubbies. So it kind of freaked me out because people take American Idol very, very seriously, I would hope that people would realize that me joking around about the show is very, very tongue and cheek because if I'm joking around about the show, it's something that I'm in, and taking part of and I can't be too upset with American Idol if they're making me famous."

Jason: Chris Sligh.
Gordon: Very good
Chico: Okay... I don't buy this for a second
Jason: LOL
Gordon: The new deposed Chris Sligh, who is no longer on Idol. Based on that quote, does it appear that he had the wrong strategy going into Idol?
Jason: Not really. The humor was fine...if he could sing it would be ok.
Chico: He was a student of Idol, even in defeat. If he honestly didn't believe he could fit in... let alone have a whore's chance in heaven of  winning, why'd he show up?
Jason: Don't know.
Don: Who knows...
Gordon: I think hes more a student of VFTW. I don't think he realized that most of the audience out there doesn't consider VFTW funny, and I think the Teletubby comment damaged him much more than he realized at the time.
Chico: How about making Hasselhoff cry?
Chico: It would've made him cry, but not in the way Taylor did.
Gordon: I think after the last 2 singing efforts, it would have made Hasselhoff hurl
Jason: It made him feel so bad, he is now wearing a dress....The Hoff that is. He is doing that in the Producers in Vegas :)
Chico: I know, I know.
Gordon: And now Sligh can join him... as a member of the audience. Ready for the next quote?
Jason: Bring it.

It's much more interesting to me than either Deal or No Deal or 1 vs. 100, because [it's] linking together the good-natured avarice of game shows with how we judge one another. You play it every time you go to a mall and think, 'What's her story?'

Chico: Penn Jillette said that?
Gordon: He did indeed.
Chico: Wee!
Jason: Nice.
Gordon: We've now seen a month of this. Are you still as eager as Penn is?
Jason: Yes. It's a decent show.
Don: Yeah.
Chico: I have to agree. It doesn't have the complexities of its bigger brothers, but it thrives on its simplicity. That, and you never know who's going to show up. Tara Conner, anyone?
Gordon: Interesting fact - according to Gary Lucy, on the radio show yesterday, he said that 1 Vs. 100 is getting better ratings than Identity, but Identity has the better chance of getting renewed because of the budget
Chico: Now if you ask me, I think they can afford, by a budget standpoint, and a money standpoint, to do both over the course of the next season.
Gordon: But from a production standpoint, its much easier to get 12 Identities than 100 Mob Members
Chico: Well, that's just logic dictating right there.
Gordon: Next Quote...

"I don't think it is endless. I do think you will reach a point where you either say, This is the game as you know it and we are going to play it again, or you have to consider making some radical changes. "

Jason: Mark Burnett?
Gordon: First wrong guess. Nope.
Chico: Scott St. John?
Gordon: No
Chico: Who's closer?
Gordon: Ill say 1 of you is in the right direction
Chico: Jiffyprobst?
Gordon: Thats the one
Jason: Close, though.
Gordon: Jeff said it, adding that the last half of Survivor goes down as one of the best ones. Based on what has transpired this episode, is he right?
Chico: YES.
Jason: With the fake idol, hell yes. That is brilliant nastiness. Top 10 of all time if you ask me.
Don: If someone does try to use that fake Immunity Idol, I'd say yes.
Gordon: If it does happen, it just goes to show you that you can recreate a new game. Next one...

"I said, 'As long as [my partner's] gay, great.'  Because I've had all these rumors of these different lovers and none of the enjoyment.  I haven't had anybody for 10 months.  So I was like you know, 'Send me someone gay,'"

Chico: Shandi Finnessey.
Gordon: No, but on the right track
Chico: Darn.
Jason: Heather Mills
Gordon: Correct
Jason: I read that quote. Fun one.
Gordon: She said it on the Jay Leno show. Now would you kindly explain to the class what that refers to.
Jason: Heather Mills and Paul McCartney have gone through a bit of nasty divorce...tongue firmly in cheek. She has been linked to everyone in Britain in the tabloids.
Chico: ... What Jason said... to the tune of "Gold Digger" by Kanye West?
Don: Yipes.
Gordon: Pretty much. Next one...

"I'm so glad I did it because I am so in love.  It worked.  I'm smitten...I can't get her out of my mind. I met the love of my life and I'm so happy."

Chico: Andy Baldwin?
Gordon: From Chico's favorite series, it is indeed Andy Baldwin
Jason: Uck.
Gordon: This comes according to the New Bachelor. Now do you buy this?
Chico: What is HELL NO!
Jason: Hell no.
Don: No way.
Gordon: Ill be in agreement on this one. We'll see how long THAT relationship stays together.
Don: He has to wait until the season ends before being able to spend time with whoever he picked, right?
Chico: Right.
Gordon: Right. Before we go to the last set, I would jkust like to say that I love all of you like you were my brothers. Here they come... (Ducks)

"Yes. I am a paralegal. The Law Firm is right up my alley. PUSH. "

Chico: Block?
Gordon: Yep
Jason: Yes that me.

"I'm really looking forward to Game Show Marathon. BIG PUSH!'

Jason: Me again.
Gordon: No - That was Donut
Chico: Wait, that's Don. Okay.
Jason: LOL

"I say Rock Star is a rock star. Push."

Chico: ...Oops.
Gordon: But to show you that I am not above screwing up also, Here's one from me

"Hence, all of you who want to see Bo Bice Vs. Carrie Underwood in the finals – it's not happening, and the singers need to prepare for it. "

Jason: Whoops.
Chico: A rare-misstep for the Idol student.
Gordon: This was when they had the Top 24 announced and I incorrectly pegged Bice as country and not rock
Jason: You are allowed.
Chico: He commutes.
Gordon: Im also allowed to go to...The Big Finish! But after this
Chico: See ya soon!

(Brought to you by WLTI Records' latest release from the Buttnaked Hoes, "I Love New York's Momma")

Jason: Cant wait for the video.
Gordon: Youve heard or Barenaked Ladies? Well, we've got Buttnaked Hoes
Chico: Singing about New York's momma. Okay, Programming notes...Lingo, season premiere Monday...7:30p, GSN.
Jason: Be T-H-E-R-E
Chico: I Love New York, season finale later that night. On opposite THe Bachelor. I've seen both. Trust me. I'd go for 24 :)
Jason: I have a seder to attend.
Chico: Lucky you.
Jason: We get to drink 4 glasses of wine...enough to watch the Bachelor. :)
Chico: That and I believe "I Love New York" is about as non-kosher as it gets.
Gordon: Il be sedering. Is there anyway that Phil Stacey remains on Idol?
Chico: A hail Mary and maybe a few fedora tricks.
Don: It's looking bleak for him.
Jason: If he can pull off the crooning...yes. But I think Haley goes this week.
Chico: I think I'm going to call preliminarily the bottom 3... Phil, Haley, and in a stunner, Jordin.
Gordon: Is there any way that Shandi survives week 2 of Dancing With the Stars?
Chico: Again, a hail Mary, and maybe a few fedora tricks. And perhaps Heather's leg falling off. I know, not going to happen, but still, someone's gonna have to screw up big.
Jason: Yes.
Chico: Or Shandi's gonna have to score... BIG.
Don: Yeah.
Gordon: We may be  fooling around, but the one thing we don't fool around with is the e-mail. What do we got?
Chico: I got some mail. It's from a guy named Seth. Thanks, Seth!

From: Seth

The Master Plan: It's simple. John O'Hurley gets the TPIR job. while Jeff Foxworthy gets to host Family Feud--- OK by you?

Gordon: It's ok by me. I think Foxworthy would do a great job on the show
Jason: Sure.
Chico: Good idea, Seth.
Don: Sounds good.
Chico: More mail?
Gordon: I got one from Bobby McBride

Bobby McBride

With the debacles going on with "American Idol" this season, I would like to see the show institute a scoring system for the Top 12 round that would be similar to the one "Dancing with the Stars" has (judges count for half a contestant's score, while the other half comes from America voting, with America being the tiebreaker in the event there is a tie). Do you guys think this might be a good idea for the future?

Gordon: No i Don't, actually. Though it will eliminate the Sanjaya issue, I think if it's American Idol, then it's America's vote, not the vote of America and 3 judges who America may not agree with. I think that system, though it keeps the legitamacy of the show, has hurt the popularity of a Rock Star or a Grease.
Chico: You want to talk about legitimacy? I say forget making good television and bring it back to the music.
Jason: There you go, Chico
Chico: Season 2... Carmen Rasmussen notwithstanding, wasn't that bad. It was all about the music. AND to date, it's the best season ever.
Gordon: I have to agree with it. And even Rasmussen could sing. Next one comes from Josh Johannesen. Thanks, Josh!

From: Josh Johannesen

Now, I know you probably don't know everything, but there's something that's been bugging me for a couple weeks now, since 100 Winners was born, so to speak. Quite often, I hear reference to "Room 7" on the show... and I've heard something about it being based in Chicago. So, my question is thus: What is Room 7, and why does it seem they have some sort of coalition to get on the show? I don't honestly expect you to know, but it would be nice. Thanks.

Jason: I don't know.
Chico: Search me...
Don: No idea.
Gordon: I don't know either, but if anyone does know, toss us a line. Any more?
Chico: And finally, we have... oh look, it's Gordon's friend "Identity Withheld."
Don: lol
Gordon: My favorite

From: "Anonymous Joe"

"Hey Mister Grumpy and Man Who Scared All Hair off Head...  I love watching The We Love to Interrupting. Is best websurfing in all of Kazakhstan... I love sex."

Chico: ... and it just goes from there.
Jason: I didn't know HE reads us.
Gordon: Is Borat big game show player?
Chico: Apparently he's out of Room 7 as well. I don't know. Well, that'll close out our April Fools edition. Join us next week when we get back to normal levels of crazy. Until then you can send us some REAL mail at
Jason: Thanks for letting me be here as always.
Chico: Thanks again to Don and Jason for hanging out. For Tony Kornheiser and everyone at GSNN, I'm Michael Wilbon... Goodnight, Canada.
Jason: Goodnight, Canada.
Gordon: Nighty nite
Chico: *muttering* What has happened to this show...
Gordon: heh.



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