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Because fandom is NOT a spectator sport...

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December 11, 2006

Gordon: Are you taking a piece of Clay with you?
Chico: A piece of Clay is all I need to take out my aggressions. Hey, it worked in kindergarten.
Gordon: Will it work when we see what's accurate and what's idiotic?
Chico: We'll find out as we play... Accuracy... or Idiocy. I'll start.

Adding the words "World Series of..." makes it a game show.

Gordon: Accurate...for now. So far, Poker, Pop Culture and Darts have worked out well. And Blackjack, too.
Chico: And Video Games
Gordon: And Video games, which will be showing up starting December 30th. However. one show will eventually wear out its welcome.
Chico: It sorta cheapens the real World Series, doesn't it? But then again, how can you have a World Series with only one country (maybe two depending on the season) playing?
Gordon: Only in the sense that some of these shows don't have the best in the world playing in it.
Chico: True.. Alright, next?
Gordon: Next one...

We want to see all people who place in the Top 3 in Dancing with the Stars land a television contract.

Chico: I'm going to say idiocy. John O'Hurley... yes. Mario Lopez...  Drew Lachey (especially after winning J!). Stacy Keibler... HELL yes. But eventually, you have the one person who is going to "McKibbin." You know what it means to "McKibbin", right?
Gordon: To get in the Top 3 undeserved?
Chico: And then get voted out, never to be heard from again.
Gordon: Don't you want to see Jerry Rice and Emmitt Smith in a TV show?
Chico: I can see the two in a buddy sitcom on CBS :-) It's scary as all get out, but I can see it. Hence, idiocy.
Gordon: I agree with you, except that it's what the trend is. The jury for me is out until we see the ratings on some of these shows, but the fact that O'Hurley is scoring very low on the Feud is not a good sign. Next one?
Chico: That's not O'Hurley's fault. I think he's doing fine.
Gordon: I agree, but the numbers are the numbers
Chico: I'd be abandoning my hook if I disagreed :-) Next one.

The scion of TPIR will be decided not on a creative basis but a corporate one.

Chico: God I wish Travis was here! :-)
Gordon: It's accurate, but based on what I've been hearing (and not from Travis), it better not be Dave Price. The word from people that I know who were at the tapings was that he was AWFUL and didn't know the games at all. There were 3 tapings and in each one, all of the games were the same.
Chico: I've been doing research on this one as well, and the fanspeak is that Les Moonves is clamoring for him. They really don't think it's right that CBS and not FremantleMedia have a say in this.
Gordon: He may be - but after seeing the tapes, he may be clamoring for some Advil to rid himself of the headache that he's going to get when he watches it.
Chico: Les, if you're watching... You may want to rethink your plans here.
Gordon: Big time. next one...

Taylor Hicks' album is better with cover songs that sound good than original material.

Chico: Accurate. You know what medium Taylor dabbles in. you've heard it before.
Gordon: I'll disagree here. Idiotic.
Chico: Granted, I want to see what he can do when he's given new material, but this is his baby. This is his genre.  This is what made Taylor Taylor. If I have to sit through 12 "Do I Make You Prouds", I may scream.
Gordon: If you take a whole bunch of songs that have been sung before, and you sing them, you know what you've got?
Chico: Michael McDonald's Motown or Motown Two.
Gordon: have Michael McDonald's Karaoke Sessions after Dark.
Chico: I guess after five years, you're kinda teetering on glorified karaoke. 
Gordon: Yes, I understand how Taylor may be gunshy of accepting other people's songs after the dreck that was 'Do I Make You Proud', but I've heard all of these songs before. Give me something new to listen to. I expect Karaoke on Idol. I can handle it because I'm watching it for free. I don't want to spent $13.95 for it when I've already seen 3+ months on my TV set for free.
Chico: $9 at Wal-Mart, yo :-)
Gordon: If Im spending $13.95, then give me something new.
Chico: And those are the only people who'll buy is.. are people who see it in Wal-Mart.
Gordon: It will be around $5 at Wal-Mart in March
Chico: Right next to K-Fed :-) Me, I want to see what Katharine McPhee has to offer. She seems more tabula rasa.
Gordon: That’s where my money is going.
Chico: Next..
Gordon: Next one...

Overseas taping for a US traditional-form game show for American audiences makes sense.

Gordon: Only if you bring out contestants that have a grasp of the game and who emote better than wet cardboard. Idiotic
Chico: I bring this up because I found out something interesting.
Gordon: ok
Chico: You know they tape the Play2Win show live... in the Netherlands?
Gordon: I do.
Chico: That's why it's on at 2 in the morning... and that's why they can't find decent talent!
Gordon: And they have the same production values that the early shows of Lingo and the current shows of That's The Question has (meaning not very good)
Chico: Don't get me wrong, Tara is cute and I'd stare at Amber for days, but come on!
Gordon: Would she have to wear a shuzzle?
Chico: Sure, if you're into that sort of thing. Okay, last one!
Gordon: Last one...

We want to see season 2 of Manhunt: Search for America's Next Male Model

Chico: Idiocy. Plan A don't work the first time, you go to plan B. You don't do Plan A again, hoping for a different result. Plan B being Top (whatever the hot career choice of the minute is).
Gordon: Remember when Viacom showed Beauty and the Geek episodes on MTV? Well, NBC is doing the same thing with some of the gay stations, hoping that if there's enough ratings, they could make a season 2 for them
Chico: I think their target demo is smarter than NBC lets on,.
Gordon: I hope so. Manhunt was one of the worst bordering on biased show ever created by Bravo. We do not need to be tortured to see a season 2.
Chico: Bravo knows better than that. They know how to do their stuff.
Gordon: We can only hope. That ends Accuracy or Idiocy. Now we take it to the streets next
Chico: And if you have something to say about our statements, all you have to do is e-mail us! Come on... COME ON!

(Brought to you by the 18-35 Demographic Series of Pop Culture. They will actually earn the 'World' moniker when they start having contestants out of the 18-35 year old box.)



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