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Previous Episodes (Season 23)
December 28 - 2009 YEAR IN REVIEW

January 11 - Love, WLTI Style / Resolutions / Push or Flush (2)

January 18 - The Mercury Retrograde / 6 Things We Think You Should Know / Push or Flush (3)

January 25 - Happiness & Heartbreak / Simon vs. Ellen / Push or Flush (4)

February 1 - Pants... Dance... Revolution / WLTI's Vs. / List Abuse

February 8 - Sweeps Clean-up / What Your TiVo Says About You / Trios

February 15 - Love Stinks / Good News, Bad News / Higher-Lower

February 22 - Tiger-Free / Really Big Board / What Happens First

March 1 - Blame It on El Nino / Play the Percentages / Snaps

March 8 - Instant Reversal of Fortune / March Madness / Should or Will

March 15 - Spring Forward / Ask the Doctor / Are You Buying What They're Selling?

March 22 - Three Days of Snow / Pineapple! / Five Good Reasons

March 29 - The Former & The Current / Deserted Island / Number Please

April 5 - April Foolin' / Saywha? / What If...

April 12 - Drumroll, Please / We The Jury / Full Circle

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 23.15 - Double Double Boys In Trouble
April 19

Chico: Ironically, Sandusky is the Roller coaster capital of the world. And the difference of viewers between the #1 and #2 shows on TV... 77,000 this week. How do you like THEM roller coasters.
Jason: Not bad.
Gordon: So basically, the difference between Idol and DWTS this week was what Sandusky viewers watched?
Chico: Right. It came down to thousands. That's how close it was.
Gordon: Cool. Anyways, you're reading WLTI (thank you), and I've got a big hat.
Jason: How big?
Chico: That's a nice hat.
Gordon: Its very big. it's got suggestions in it.
Jason: Interesting
Gordon: We started the very first one with Who's the one person you don't want driving the Cash Cab. Let's turn the tables.

You're the driver. Who's the one person you don't want to see AS A PASSENGER?

Gordon: (Puts on Lipstick) That's hot. Drive me around, you bitches.
Chico: Trump Place. I want a view of Trump Tower...  And Trump National. And my name on the stretch of adopt-a-highway. ... Trump. It's yooooooge. It's the Trump Cab!
Jason: (throws phone at Ben Bailey) THAT ANSWER WAS RIGHT!
Gordon: Is that your Russell Crowe impersonation?
Jason: Naomi Campbell...same thing
Chico: You always had a thing with the ladies.
Gordon: True. Next one?
Chico: Next...

Really bad Millionaire "Expert".

Jason: Jessica Simpson.
Gordon: I only played a neuroscientist paranormal forensic investigator on TV....  Well, no I'm not really an expert, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night....
Chico: Hey, I just came by to check your plumbing... Everything's working out well... You need someone to answer questions? I'm your guy.
Gordon: Hi! I'm Jason Block! I'm your American Idol Expert this week!
Jason: That's low. Accurate, but low :-)
Gordon: Waiting for a retort. lol.
Chico: (as Gordon) ... It had to be a question about the Hurricanes.
Gordon: I know sports.
Chico: ... I mean actual hurricanes.
Gordon: Ah. you're right.
Chico: Okay, next?
Gordon: Next one... This is to make Jason happy.

Give me something you REALLY want to hear Ryan Seacrest say on Idol Gives Back.

Jason: Ok look....we are all doing this because we are super rich and feel guilty about being rich, and if we would have not banned DDT in the 1970's this would have never happened!
Chico: Hi, I'm Ryan Seacrest and I've had six cups of coffee over the last three hours! WEEEEEE!
Gordon: This is how we will give back to the audience, for making you have to sit through Haeley Vaughn and Tim Urban. Free CD's for everyone! And no, that wasn't Michael Sarver I was dancing with. That was my proctologist.
Chico: Stick around, as I duet with Simon Cowell with special guest Brian Dunkleman, after the break..
Gordon: Then I get Kara and Bikini Girl on a blanket soaked with oil. Let's go on before we get too naughty.
Chico: Alrighty...

What the Dancing With The Stars judges are thinking as they watch Kate Gosselin try dancing.

Gordon: (Len): I didn't realize that clown cars could move like that.
Jason: We will keep her on as long as possible....we need the ratings.
Gordon: (Bruno) We need Adam Lambert on the show.
Chico: I picked a bad season to stop drinking.
Gordon: (Carrie) Maybe if I'm nice enough, I can get a part on her new show as a dance instructor and shed off my Dance War image.
Jason: Ouch.
Chico: Burn.
Gordon: Next one?
Chico: Yours.
Gordon: Mine. Next one...

The reason why Megan Hauserman drove drunk to get to her nightclub.

Jason: Because she lost all her money and she needs to find a millionaire since the show got cancelled.
Chico: I just got a text from a guy who makes $42 mill, and he loves'em drunk and ornery.
Gordon: 'I heard Chico Alexander was in town. I love them bald 'n' sexy.'
Jason: His name was Jessie.
Chico: Must... remain... in... spotlight.
Gordon: You know if she needs to find a millionaire, can I suggest a guy named Brody who wants a bromance?
Jason: Ha.
Gordon: Last one?
Chico: Last one...

Tiger Woods' many many MANY ladyfriends... on Donald Trump's golf thing.

Jason: We love men who play with their balls and expose their putts on TV.
Gordon: Hi, I was on Tool Academy. Apparently, I selected the wrong beau to come on the show with me.
Chico: Here's an idea... Get the trashy blonde... and then get the other trashy blonde... it's gonna be really great
Gordon: Hey! I'm Meghan. Does this mean Tiger's available?
Chico: ... this place smells like old man stink.
Jason: Thats Trump. He has money. Deal with it.
Chico: ... Oooh! You said the secret word!
Jason: YEAH!
Gordon: Here's another secret word: break.
Chico: And a third... WRONG!
Gordon: We'll go to that right after this!

(Brought to you by Celebrity Baggage. Jerry Springer hosts as we see what celebrities are just not ready to get coupled up. Today's guests: Larry King, Jon Gosselin and Jesse James.)

Chico: That's not just baggage.. that's an entire Sharon Luggage.
Jason: That's a trunk
Gordon: How many shades of wrong can you fit in a trunk?
Chico: 15
Gordon: Let's do it. Start us off.
Chico: That's a lot of junk in our trunk. First off...

Thursday's The Price Is Right, which had both a technical win and a no-contest for an ineligible... in the SAME ACT (Game #1 was a technical, Game #2 was a no-contest)

Jason: it happens. 3 shades
Chico: I'll go 5. It happens... just not that darn much.
Gordon: Unfortunately, the skunks are more commonplace, so it's not that wrong any more. 4.
Jason: The show isnt the problem anymore
Chico: Funny, that's the average... a 4... Somewhat sorta wrong.
Gordon: Well the wrong is more on the contestants than the show. Next one...

JT's Love note to Russell.

Chico: Considering the ramifications... a 6.
Jason: Honestly...10. One of the dumbest moves of all time.
Gordon: Can we say goodbye to JT now? 8.
Chico: Gordon's good at Law of Averages... An 8 is... wrong.
Gordon: That would be my average. Really bad gameplay to put your intentions in writing where other people can intercept it. JT is now standing for Just Toast. Next?
Chico: Next..

Here's one for you... Two Bachelor/ette alums who never received a rose in the opening episode... get engaged to each other.

Jason: Thats fine by me. 1 shade.
Gordon: I have no problems with it. Hoes travel in circles. 1 shade.
Chico: Agreed. Not really wrong. Next?
Gordon: Next one...

Steve Harvey on Millionaire.

Jason: 3
Chico: He was more hit than miss. 4.
Gordon: I have to disagree here. This was bad. If this was an audition for Millionaire next year, he doesn't get the part. Way too slow, bad pacing, mangling of words, and just not funny. 10. This was just painful to watch.
Chico: And that averages as... a 6
Gordon: How could you like Steve Harvey here, Chico?
Chico: He's not a hard quiz type. But he's got charm.
Jason: Charm is not for Millionaire.
Gordon: Neither is cracking jokes while the clock is ticking.
Chico: Thank god Meredith's signed on for another season.... right?
Jason: Yes.
Gordon: Right. Next one?
Chico: Whew. Next..


Jason: It's a summer show...not the worst concept ever. 7
Gordon: It's a clone of Distraction and Trashed and Saw 3, among others. not wrong, just boring. 2.
Chico: No, but if you make the wrong move... well, so does your money.
Gordon: Yeah but so does every other show. Why don't we just put the money on top of an incinerator...oh wait, Trashed did that. Or let your opponents trash your car? Oh wait, Distraction. All I'm saying is the concept better be more compelling than get something wrong and watch everything fall off a skyscraper, case that's not compelling enough.
Chico: I'll go 9. So... another 6. Wow. For wrong, this is kinda boring. Finish us on a high, G!
Gordon: Last one.

Kara Dioguardi. Not that she's naked, but that we are fawning over her being naked.

Jason: Yeah, we shouldn't be doing that...9
Chico: That ain't no shame. We're men, damn it. 1. She likes doing it. I like watching. Win freaking win.

Then what about Piers Morgan naked?

Jason: Piers is a 15!
Gordon: I'll go 15 as well. Ewwwwwww.
Chico: Piers Morgan on the other hand... a 15.
Gordon: I could put that pic back up, if you want.

http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Media/Pix/pictures/2009/6/12/1244826718870/Piers-Morgan-Burger-King--006.jpg (DEFINITELY NOT SAFE FOR WORK)

Jason:  I like vegetables now.
Chico: I just threw up a little.
Gordon: As Chico and Jason go Vegan, we'll be back after this.

(Brought to you by 525,600 Minutes to Win It... Hell, if the Jonas Brothers can compete on this show, why not the cast of "Rent"?)

Jason: Smart. :-)
Chico: That was a mental trial remembering that.
Gordon: Who's up for some Speed Round?
Chico: ME! Speed Round starts...
Jason: I am!
Chico: .... :) .... NOW! Idol. Now that Andrew & Katie are gone, who's going to need a little inspiration to stick around?
Gordon: Aaron, Tim and the loser of Lee Vs. Casey.
Jason: Exactly.
Chico: Word.
Gordon: Survivor. JT is toast next week?
Jason: Is the merge happening
Chico: Merge is happening. And JT's going to be toast.
Jason: Yes.
Gordon: I can't imagine it won't happen with 10 people left. Amazing Race: last non-elimination lap?
Jason: Yes I think so.
Chico: Yep. ... but it won't air this week
Jason: Two parter?
Chico: ACM Awards.
Jason: A ha.
Chico: Baggage... Watching?
Jason: Sure.
Chico: I'll check it out. And I'll write on it, too.
Gordon: Watchig? Yes. Liking? We'll see. And the ACM is something I will NOT be watching.
Chico: Will you be watching the Mail Bag?
Gordon: Depends. Does it have letters in it?
Chico: Nope.
Gordon: Then I won't be watching it. But how can I start to watch it?
Chico: you can send us stuff. We're at WLTI@gameshownewsnet.com. Follow us on Facebook, MySpace, or YouTube @GSNNVideoWall. Follow me personally on the Twitter @chairmanchico (cheap plug).
Gordon: Thanks for the plug. and thanks for reading the show. And speical thanks to Jason Block, for joining us.
Jason: Great to be here. BTW..what to watch this week...baseball. It's back, and I am happy.
Chico: Yay baseball... Next week.... We cart around our Baggage.
Gordon: Like we don't do that every week around here?
Jason: Ha. :-) GSN's baggage
Chico: Yeah, but this time, it's on TV.
Gordon: We'll see everyone's baggage in 7 days. For now, for Chico and Jason, this is Gordon Pepper, saying Game Over and Spread the Love.