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January 19 - Snowed In / 20 ?s: Chad Mosher / Watch Or Record?

January 26 - One Champ Leaves, Two Champs Enter / How Not to Play / Trios

February 2 - Bleep / The Good, the Bad & The Ugly / Resolutions

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February 16 - Love, WLTI Style / Really Big Board / Whammyville

February 23 - Morons on the Run / Match This! / What Your TiVo Says About You


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 20.8
March 2

Chico: By the way... drugs are bad.
Jason: Very bad.
Gordon: Tell JD Fortune that.
Chico: Hey JD.... DRUGS ARE BAD. Welcome back. As you can tell... a lot happened this week. Most of it is making you go... "What were they thinking"? Which is why we're playing "What Were You Thinking?" First up...

Zachary Newton and Gisela Kranse... This week, both came on TPIR. Both went to the Showcase. BOTH won BOTH Showcases... so what were they thinking at the moment of their great triumph? (and bonus... what was Fingers thinking?)

Jason: Zachary and Gisela: We won? What? Wow? Cool? Fingers: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gordon: Zachary and Gisela: Yay! Fingers: Thanks G-d that we didn't add that million dollar bonus rule to the daytime version.
Chico: Zachary & Gisela: I'm just glad I got the rule before Drew did. Fingers: CURSES! FOILED AGAIN!
Jason: Ouch.
Chico: As she sits from her dark throne atop CBS TV City. Okay, no more Kamen Rider Dragon Knight for me.
Gordon: I have your tea and cookies right here, Chico (serves Tea and Cookies)
Chico: Thank you. Next?
Gordon: Next one...

Lou Ferrigno, displaying barbells on The Price is Right.

Hi. I need work.
Gordon: I'm Lou Ferrigno. You want me on 'I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here because of my manly muscles. Chicks dig the muscles. I can knock over your palm trees, baby.'
Jason: This is one way to promote my appearance in "I Love You Man."
Chico: Until the inevitable sequel to "The Incredible Hulk" comes out.
Jason: Check out the trailer. He is in it.
Chico: I did. Is there a movie Jason Segel ISN'T in? =p\
Jason: He does look great. Not for nothing.
Chico: Oh yeah.
Gordon: He looks great for someone who is 173 years old.
Jason: He is 52.
Chico: I know some people mean this as a joke, but... He's got muscles on top of his muscles.
Gordon: And if he's going to be in 'I Love You Man', none in his cabeza. Next one?
Chico: Next...

Roger Storm... who was two questions away from winning $1 million, AFTER he realizes that one of his guesses would've been right for $500,000.

Jason: D'oh! I could have had the $1M. But I had no I am cool.
Gordon: I knew it was Printing Shop and I should have gone with my gut. Dammit, why did I listen to Jason Block's advice?
Jason: Hey!
Chico: Ding!
Jason: That's not true! He did the right thing!
Gordon: And how is Aretha Franklin doing these days?
Jason: Taking care of her asthma. (flips bird)
Chico: NEXT!
Gordon: BTW, I believe that The question of who was the first women inducted into the hall of fame was asked on Trivial Pursuit this week. Isn't that great?
Chico: Amazing. That'll NEVER die, will it?
Gordon: ....nope. Next one, before Jason comes after me with a pair of hedge clippers...

Nick Mitchell.

Chico: Norman Gentle. He works. I don't. Long story.
Jason: I am Norman Gentle. Hear me emote.
Chico: And watch me fondle the Idol logo.
Gordon: Hey Shequida! Need a partner? I'm available for group parties and Barmitzvahs!
Chico: Aren't you glad he wasn't around 25 years ago, G? He would've taken you up on that offer.
Gordon: (shudders). Next?
Chico: Next...

Seth on Hell's Kitchen. Where was his trash talking when he was given the boot?

Jason: didn't want me. WAHHHHHHH!!!!!
Chico: But... I'm a (^_^)ing demon!
Gordon: I don't want to be on this pansy show. I want to be on Top Chef, where I can display my real cooking talent. So what if I don't win. I'll be the villain, which means I'm guaranteed second place.
Chico: Next?
Gordon: Last one...

A real life African Samoan.

Chico: Hey! They mentioned me on Wheel! I better call my black dad and my Samoan mom.
Jason: Hey! Watch my movie "Race to Witch Mountain!" on March 13th!
Chico: DING!
Gordon: I'm just waiting until they call me down to The Price is Right so like my ancestors, I can do some real damage to whoever is hosting the show.
Jason: Let's hope it's Drew back soon. Drew's condition has worsened to pneumonia (along with Ed MCMahon).
Chico: Yeah, let's all hope for the best, right?

The Price Is Right tapings for the week of March 2-4 have been CANCELLED as Drew Carey is recovering from pneumonia. From

Gordon: Feel better, Drew.
Chico: Meanwhile, we're going to take a break.
Gordon: When we come back - numbers for the masses.

(Brought to you by Hell's Last Top Iron Chopping Block Standing... the ULTIMATE... in gourmet challenges. Scared yet? You will be...)

Gordon: Gee, Chico - Foodie much?
Chico: You know it. Making something out of three ingredients against a house chef... while being shouted down by an angry Scotsman... and in the end, something explodes. At least.. I hope so. Welcome back, folks. Gordon's less sad than he was at the top of the show, and that's good.
Jason: Yeah, but he isn't HAPPY. We need to make him HAPPY.
Gordon: I'm not happy.
Chico: Well, do numbers make you happy?
Gordon: Maybe. I'll really feel good if you can figure out the numbers I have prepared for you.
Chico: Okay.
Jason: Alright.
Gordon: We start with....


Jason: The number of Jeopardy champions this week?
Chico: Damn. J took mine. Okay, how about number of bad reality shows on VH1.
Gordon: That would be 300, Chico. 3 is the number of people left in Solitary 3.0.
Jason: Ah.
Chico: Ah, the finale is coming up soon, isn't it?
Gordon: Yes it is. Aspiring Actress Katie, Computer Programmer Rob Rob and College Student Andrew are left. Who has the edge?
Chico: I'm going to give it to Rob Rob. he's used to tedium.
Jason: Yeah. Rob Rob.
Gordon: He's also prepared for the game, so I think he's the most equipped. Next number...


Chico: Dollar bills in Lucky Seven.
Gordon: Jason?
Jason: How about continents in the world?
Gordon: Chico was actually very close. It's the number guessed on the last number of Lucky 7...when you still had five $1 bills left.
Jason: D'oh!
Chico: Way to play with fire.
Gordon: That also made me sad. Next one...


Chico: Actual decent singers of the top 36 on Idol.
Gordon: From what we saw so far, Chico, that would be -14.
Jason: This season of Amazing Race?
Gordon: Incorrect. 14 is the number of dancers left on America's Best Dance Crew. You have Quest Crew Vs. Beat Freaks in the finale. Who you got?
Chico: Quest Crew!
Gordon: Its The cast of So You Think You Can Dance. Vs .the Underlings of The Groovaloos. I'll give it to SYTYCD and agree with Chico. Next one...


Chico: Your favorite number, Gordon!
Gordon: Besides that
Jason: A winning number in Bingo America?
Chico: One of three things not to bid on TPIR?
Gordon: No and no.
Chico: Okay, what?
Gordon: 69, as in 1969, as in the last year that regular Password was on the air. What are the chances that we see Million Dollar Password's last 2 episodes in the Summer?
Chico: I'd say 100%. Gotta put them somewhere.
Jason: 100% Has to be done.
Gordon: I agree. I think it will get thrown up against a power show so they can brun it off while getting ratings. Next one...


Chico: Number of Biggest Loser episodes.
Jason: This one I don't know.
Gordon: Chico is once again close.
Chico: How close am I?
Gordon: The 100 is the amount of weight Dane lost in 8 weeks, a Biggest Loser record. And for his reward...he gets booted off the show when his team loses the weigh-in challenge. Good or bad move?
Jason: Ouch.
Chico: BAD move. This is one of those moments that Travis Eberle loves to write about. Where you do all you can, you achieve a positive goal... and get booted off anyway.
Gordon: I think its a bad move for another reason, just like you jettison the strong Survivors early. You have to GET to the finals before they are considered a threat. It doesn't do you any good if you get to single elimination and are in the minority group because you don't have the numbers. The team is thinking too far in advance here. The Black team has already once wiped out the opposing team on an earlier season, as they had the numbers because the Blue team was thinking End Game too early. History could repeat itself here.
Chico: We'll soon see.
Gordon: We will. Last number...

400 Trillion

Jason: The federal deficit under Barack Obama?
Gordon: No, Mr. Republican.
Chico: Okay, you can't talk to Bobby Jindal unless either of you have anything constructive to contribute. =p 400 trillion... the money Mark Burnett stands to gain with his new renewal?
Gordon: No. That was the number that Pat Sajak playfully said that Wheel of Fortune has given out during their 5,000 episodes on the air.
Jason: ROFL!
Gordon: But it's a great accomplishment to have 5,000 shows aired. Congratulations!
Chico: Seriously, though... I think we're looking at... Hmm... $25,000 a show.... 200 shows a season... Half a mill each year.... for 26 years.... ballpark figure... 20 million.
Jason: 5,000 Syndie Shows. Seriously, congrats to Pat, Vanna, Harry and the gang.
Chico: And here's to 5000 more.
Gordon: And with that, Speed Round on the opposite side of the!

(Sponsored by High Steaks Poker. Forget the wealthy. How much more drama filled would it be if the poor gambled with their food stamps? Can you put your groceries for the week on a flush draw?)

Chico: ... Not what I had in mind, actually.
Jason: That's any casino in America folks.
Chico: I thought about gambling with meat.
Jason: I'll raise you one that?
Gordon: Just a reminder folks. In this recession. don't gamble with money that you can't afford to lose.
Chico: And that's another installment of Gordon & Chico's...
Gordon/Chico: "Act Like You've Got Some Sense!"
Chico: Heh. Now we go to the Speed Round! I have in my hand... the next list of 12 on Idol.
Jason: Let's hear it.

Alex Wagner-Trugman, Arianna Afsar, Felicia Barton, Jorge Nunez, Ju'Not Joyner, Kendall Beard, Kristen McNamara, Lil Rounds, Nathaniel Marshall, Scott Macintyre, Taylor Vaifanua, Von Smith.

Chico: Pick your three.
Jason: Wow.
Chico: Hard, isn't it?
Jason: Lil Rounds, Scott Macintyre...Von Smith
Chico: Sounds familiar. Sounds like my three.
Gordon: Well Jason selected that, which gets me worried, but that's who I select, too.
Chico: Alright. Who's out of the Race this week?
Jason: I will go with the NFL Cheerleaders
Chico: I'm going with the Flight Attendants.
Jason: LOL
Gordon: I think the blondes are biting it next. Survivor - who's leaving?
Jason: Erinn
Chico: I think Erinn's days are numbered.
Gordon: She's on the clock.
Chico: *tick tock*
Gordon: Do we see Jewel dance with the stars?
Chico: For a week.
Jason: I think we do...but she leaves after 2 weeks.
Gordon: I'll say a few weeks also.
Chico: Alrighty. Got any mail this week?
Gordon: I don't - u?
Chico: Nope.
Gordon: That also makes me sad
Chico: But you can change that.
Jason: How?
Chico: You... Sitting at your computer...Just toss over an e-mail at or look for us on Facebook or Myspace... Don't make Gordon sad. We like Happy Gordon.
Jason: We do.
Gordon: So that ends this edition of WLTI. Special thanks to Jason Block for joining us.
Chico: Yep. Time to unlock the cage of game show revelry and let you out into the waking world... Be careful, won't you?
Gordon: What makes me happy? Telling you all to spread the love. THAT makes me happy.
Chico: So until next week, game over.... and DO spread the love