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Today is

"Assault on Battery" - April 24

With Sean having just received a piece of the American dream with his reward to D.C. last week this week’s task seems somewhat fitting. The teams will be making photographic brochures promoting Ellis Island. The team that makes the most money selling their brochures wins.

Very simply folks this is a sales task.

Lee steps up to head the dying Gold Rush and he sends Michael and Tarek to create the brochure while he and Charmaine stay back attempting to secure sales from local hotels. After a short junket taking pictures, Gold Rush is back putting together their brochure. Charmaine points out that Tarek is coming across as more of a project manager than Lee is and that she will be very frustrated if Lee gets the credit for their long overdue victory.

The scary thing is that it might just happen. While finishing their image gathering expedition, Synergy lost one of their notebooks that contained all of the information they would need for the text of the brochure. This wouldn’t be a problem except for the fact that they noticed that it was missing while they were on the boat. Allie and Tammy run back off the boat to find the notebook, but just as they come back the boat sails off into the sunset.

[Yes these are supposed to be some of the best business people in the world, and yes, they still manage to find a way to miss the boat]

Regardless, the delay did not prevent them from completing their brochure on time, so let the sales war begin.

Lee wakes up Gold Rush at 5am to ensure that they are the first team out in the city selling their brochure. They make a quick junket out to Battery Park and being selling their commemorative brochure to everyone waiting in line to head to Ellis Island. At 1 for $3 and 2 for $5, Gold Rush is doing extremely well.

Synergy arrives significantly later only to find that Gold Rush ahs already taken control of the line. They become even more frustrated when the see Gold Rush’s brochure and feel that it is better than theirs. In a quick and maybe hasty decision, Allie pulls her team over to Ellis Island in order to avoid competition. Unfortunately, on the island they find that they have been cut off as most of the guests have already purchased Gold Rush brochures. Does anyone smell and upset?

The Results

Gold Rush: 1548.68
Synergy: 843.40

Oh yeah, that’s what we in the business call a drubbing. Gold Rush can finally cancel their reservations at the boardroom. In fact they have just made reservations at Trump Golf course for a tee time with Vijay Singh.

Synergy on the other hand can expect a change of scenery. Allie was not confident even before the results were revealed and lambasted Andrea for her lack of sales ability. Well, if we know anything about Andrea we know that she is not going to take that well. Andrea immediately is shocked and later up in the suite she outright calls Tammy and Allie some choice words. She claims that they are lying and that she at minimum brought in $210 of sales herself.

Let the fight begin. Allie says that there will be blood on the walls. We can only hope.

Tammy, Allie and Roxanne all unite to assail Andrea’s character. They claim that she is incapable of sales and further that she is a virus for the chemistry of the team.

Andrea continues to be appalled and claims that Allie was a weak leader and had she actually put forth some decent effort that they would not have lost this task. The Trump triplets and Donald is joined by Donald Jr. and Ivanka this week, first question why there was such a difficulty in making the brochure.

Allie says that she relied on Andrea as she claimed to be a graphic specialist. Andrea can not really defend this claim, however, when Allie calls Andrea’s work shoddy, Andrea makes it clear that she does not agree.

Next, Donald Jr. wants to know why they gave up the prime position at Battery Park and went to Ellis Island where their sales were compromised. Allie defends this decision by pointing out that they sold twice as much in their first half hour on the island than they did in their first hour at Battery Park.

Andrea claims that it was at this point that she made most of her sales so the point is mute until it comes out that Andrea was supposed to be a bulk sales specialist. In a task where Synergy lost by almost $800, the Trumps are not happy that she did not utilize her abilities.

It seems that the only defense that Andrea has is Sean who still claims that Andrea is a valuable asset. However, when pressed, Sean refuses to acknowledge that Andrea has good people skills. The Donald recognizes that and makes the quick decision that the team does not seem to be vindictive as many teams in the past have been and they seem to have a genuine reason to want Andrea out.

Shockingly, this boardroom goes no further. Because she refused to be a team player and held back on her abilities, Andrea, You’re Fired! Andrea is shocked. So is The Donald. He came into this week thinking that Andrea was a star and now she is gone. That’s the way the candidates crumble.

Synergy has finally taken a blow and now Gold Rush has stolen back the momentum. With 8 candidates left it will become harder and harder to fly under the radar, so to see who goes next keep watching and keep reading.

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