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Previous Episodes (Season 19)
September 1 - Bad Day for the Block/Full Circle/Push or Flush (1)

September 15 - One Million Dollars(*)/Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews/Push or Flush (2)

September 22 - How to Lose $500,000/Blame Game/Play the Percentages

September 29 - In Pursuit of Perfection/Saywha?/Good News Bad News

October 6 - A Million Four Times/Infiltration/Match This!

October 13 - In Times of Crisis/Excessories/Would You Could You?

October 20 - The Most Perfectest Show Ever/How Not to Play... /Trios

October 27 - Who Says There's a Recession?/Deserted Island/Buen Trato

November 3 - A Car in Every Garage and an Asterisk in Every Suitcase/List Abuse/WLTI Theatre

November 10 - Post-Election Worry Syndrome/Higher-Lower/Presents

November 17 - Good vs. Evil/Welcome to Hollywood/What's My Zinger?

November 24 - Reunited/Should & Will/Five Good Reasons

December 8 - Thanksgiving Leftovers/WLTI's Vs./Are You Buying What They're Selling?

December 15 - Perfection/15 Shades of Wrong/Paula vs. Simon

December 22 - MORE Perfection/March Madness/Ask the Doctor

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 19.15
December 31

Gordon: Looks easy. Isn't. Welcome back. As you can see here, we have more guests. Lee DiGeorge is not here anymore, but we have some entertaining people nonetheless. From Brooklyn, the man who found a Menorah in his stocking, Mr. Jason Block.
Jason: Ho Ho Ho. I am planning on Entering the World Series of Dreidel in 2009.
Chico: Next, a person who got a 12 pack of Krispy Kremes... someone's been a good little boy, Don Harpwood.
Don: Hey.
Chico: Hey.
Don: Got an iPod today.
Jason: Touch or Classic?
Don: Touch.
Gordon: And finally, from Seattle, a man who no longer has a see a 2 win basketball team as coal, Mr. Robert Seidelman.
Rob: It's the decades Christmas this year. I was the 90s, my brother was the 2000s.
Chico: I remember the 90s.
Rob: Yes, which is why I Got a Sega Genesis this year, and my Brother got a Nintendo Gamecube.
Chico: I would've asked for the Super Nintendo myself.
Rob: I already have one of those
Gordon: The hamsters are playing Hamtaro on their Super Famicon.
Chico: Just a heads up, but I just woke up so I'm a little slow.
Rob: That's fine.
Gordon: And what makes now different than any other time? :)P
Rob: Want some of my Christmas Candy to perk ya up? I think I have a small Whitman's Sampler in my stocking
Gordon: (NOT...going...there......)
Jason: (Holding tongue)
Chico: Anyway, we're all here... with a group of hamsters, a housecat, a bookworm, a mole, two groundhogs, and a partridge in a pear tree.... Not to sing "the 12.5 Days of Christmas" amazingly.
Gordon: Besides, they did that last year and you threatened to dock all of their pay.
Chico: If you're going to mash holiday classics, do it right!
Gordon: So let's Roll Out The Beaituful Brain Footaaaaaaaaaaage

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Gordon: So I'm guessing Straight No Chaser will not be making our Brainvision Newscast
Chico: They might. I heart Straight No Chaser.
Chico: But what do we have first, Gordon?
Gordon: First we have...a whole bunch of dates

First of all, we end the year with MTV's Bromance! A show sure to...make the March Badness 2009 Tournament.

Chico: Again, why do you even exist?
Gordon: Paris made money. So Brody Jenner wants to make mad money.
Don: Eww.
Rob: So, MTV thinks reality shows will make them money and ratings.
Gordon: Though I find girls talking in a throne room sort of endearing. Guys getting eliminated while they are all in a hot tub seems...eerie.
Chico: Hmm...
Jason: Most of MTV's shows were racist garbage,
Rob: I thought they still were
Chico: Bad reality shows are putting MTV in the tank... so they're helping the cause out with... more bad reality shows? That's confusing
Gordon: Are the shows bad? Yes. Are they drawing the ratings? Unfortunately, they are. From G's to Gents just got renewed.
Jason: That is true. That doesn't mean they aren't still crap.
Gordon: Just remember kids, if you keep watching, MTV will keep making.
Chico: If MTV's target audience is listening... you freaking fail. I will be over to knock some sense into you shortly.
Gordon: Meanwhile, have some more dates...

January 3rd is Game Show in My Head, followed by Rock of Love on and Superstars of Dance on January 4, The Bachelor 13 and True Beauty on January 5, and The Biggest Loser 7 on January 6.

Gordon: I see Nothing But Crap until January 6.
Jason: I agree.
Don: Yep.
Chico: There you go.
Gordon: I don't think we have to worry about Augustus starving any time soon.
Chico: Nope.
Rob: As long as MTV makes reality shows, Augustus will be well fed.
Chico: Meanwhile, we have a Business item to get to... and I want to thank Gordon for getting me a new bat for Christmas.
Jason: What is the inscription?
Chico: Don't hit me.
Gordon: (shrugs) I liked it.
Chico: I will hit this. It's a SAG update.

The Screen Actors Guild will delay its vote for 10 days while leadership tries to contain dissent among the ranks.

Chico: Me, I think they're doing this because they know deep in their hearts that this is going to fail. BIG TIME.
Jason: I agree. They know if they do this...this is political suicide. If the SAG does this, AFTRA gets full control of Hollywood.
Gordon: I think that if they don't think they get the votes, they won't even bother with the election.
Chico: And a delay isn't going to help matters any.
Gordon: SAG needed to take action by striking with the writers. Why they didn't do that is beyond me.
Chico: Go figure.
Jason: Ok.
Chico: What's next, G?
Gordon: Next up, we get chalk boards.

Are YOU Smarter Than...Sugar, who now admits in an interview that everything she did was not for strategic reasons, but for entertainment value.

Chico: I figured as much
Jason: Then she got REALLLY lucky.
Gordon: And now for the Haterade, love-style.

For the 30 or so people still watching Momma's Boys, Mrs. B., who has basically alienated herself to all of the ladies and has gotten into verbal altercations with almost all of the minority women left in the game. This week's mess - cursing out her son for keeping one of said minority women on the show. The cursing was done in front of everyone.

Chico: Oh dear.
Jason: Because she is for lack of a better term, a full on bigot.
Chico: Classless. Like school on Saturday.
Jason: And do you know who we have to blame for this in part...Ryan Seacrest. His name is on this show. He cast her, or his staff did. So a big lump of coal for you sir. I am not taking all the blame off of the mom, but come on. You put napalm on a powder keg...
Chico: Bottom line here... everyone is responsible for their own actions. And that's why the show sucks, folks.
Jason: Pretty much.
Gordon: And by the way - said woman - eliminated by Jo Jo later on in the show. So the acorn may not fall that far from the tree.
Chico: What doesn't suck... Things that plug in and go bleep. Don, I have something to show you.

You like Trivial Pursuit? Well, if you have G5 iPod, iPod Classic, or G3-4 nano, you have Trivial Pursuit. It's $5 at the iTunes Store.

Gordon: Nice. Does it have Media Hoes in it?
Chico: Nope. Just questions you've never been asked.
Gordon: Hey Jason - Set the IPOD to Luda
Chico: Beat him to it. *plays "Pimpin' All Over the World"*
Gordon: That works, too
Jason: Ah yeah

In this week's Media Ho Report, It's time to promo your January Shows! Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels go on the road for The Biggest Loser Couples, Nigel Lythgoe and Michael Flatley do the same for Superstars of Dance, and Simon Cowell predicts a male is wqinning American Idol 8.

Gordon: But none of them are your Ho of the week.
Jason: Who is it?
Gordon: The ho is...Richard J. Sullivan.
Chico: Who?
Gordon: He is your Federal District Judge who ruled that the Project Runway case will be argued in State Court, not Federal. That's a huge setback for Lifetime, who planned to argue under Federal jurisdiction rules.
Chico: Now they have to build their case in local court.
Jason: Yowch.
Gordon: As Mr. Law Boy Jason will tell you, the rules are different between Federal and State Courts.
Jason: Big time.
Gordon: Mr. Sullivan may have single-handedly kept Project Runway on BRAVO - or forced Lifetime to pay a lot or money to get it. And those...are your hoes.
Chico: And finally, we're going Global...To Russia.. by way of the UK...Here's the story... of a man named Noel.

Noel Edmonds is hoping third time lucky as he proposed to his girlfriend in Russia.

Jason: Good luck to him.
Gordon: And that's Brainvision. Shut it down.
Jason: Shutting down.
Gordon: When we come back, our last resolutions of 2008.
Chico: But first... we look to block some sewage for 2009. Push or Flush is next!

(Brainvision has been brought to you by SuperScars of Dance. Dancing isn't all fun and games. Just ask Misty May Treanor, who will be competing against a global cadre of dancers for worst reality dance injury. Who will win?)