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Previous Episodes (Season 22)
September 7 - Season Fun-ale / Place Bets Now! / Push or Flush (1)

September 14 - Calendar Boys / Roleplay / Push or Flush (2)

September 21 - Chico & Gordon's Economic Stimulus / Pineapple / Good News, Bad News

September 28 - Just Men! / Saywha? / Extreme Gameover

October 5 - Falling / 15 Shades of Wrong / This, That or the Other (1)

October 12 - It's Kind of a Big Deal / Watch or Record / This, That or the Other (2)

October 19 - Gone Hollyhood / Deserted Island / Five Good Reasons

October 26 - Tricks, Treats & a Little Birthday Music / Read Between the Lines / Buen Trato

November 2 - Happy November / Number Please / 10 Years in 2 Months (2000)

November 9 - Brooms Away! / Trios / 10 Years in 2 Months (2001)

November 16 - Brooms Away! Part 2 / Bargainhunters / 10 Years in 2 Months (2002)

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 22.11
November 23

Jason: No animals or zonks were harmed during this Brainvision segment.
Chico: I can go for an ostrich. Lean meat, all that running they do. Makes it nice and tasty. Okay, before I turn into Gordon Ramsay, it's game time. This week, we're playing Accuracy or Idiocy. We'll give you a phrase, you tell us whether it's accurate or idiotic
Jason: Lets hear it.
Chico: Starting off with...

DOND sweeps stunts are helping the show.

Jason: Idiocy. They take away from the show and the ratings are suffering because of it. See: Primetime version.
Gordon: The right ones? Yes. These, which bring absolutely nothing to the table? No. Idiocy.
Chico: Correct. Idiocy. They don't expand and enhance the game. They're just... silly. The signal of a good sweeps stunt is to blend and enhance the experience. These do neither. Next?
Gordon: Next one...

Oprah's leaving the airwaves means that there will be a game show resurgence in the fall of 2011.

Chico: ... Accuracy.
Jason: Accuracy! Big time Accuracy. This is the opening they need.
Chico: Let's Make a Deal is a good solid product. 5th grader's getting on there as well. Let's see a new game show. I think it's time to try some out.
Gordon: Idiocy. Not so fast. The numbers they have been posting is 1.7-2.7. Not exactly ratings that I'd want to replace Oprah with. Will they make a profit? Yes. Oprah sized profit? No, and I think that the networks realize this. It depends on what direction they are going in.
Jason: I can give you many reasons why you are wrong. #1. The economy is not going to turn around that fast . 2. Game shows applications are UP across the board. 3. You need something to fill it in. Court shows are down, except for Judge Judy.
Gordon: If they want cheap programming, then you get yourself a game show. If you want a talk show to generate a lot of money, then you bring in a Jay Leno sized celebrity to try to take over Oprah.
Jason: I think they will go cheap
Chico: I think they're going to have to go cheap here.
Gordon: Of course, the problem is you don't want to be THAT GUY to replace the celebrity talk show host. Let's see what the Syndicators do. If I'm Michael Davies, I'm retooling Million Dollar Pyramid.
Chico: Oh yeah. Give it another shot. Next...

Project Runway had no soul this season.

Jason: Accuracy. Talent yes...passion no.
Gordon: Idiocy. It had soul, just no heart. There's a difference.
Chico: I think the benchmark of any good reality show is good story telling... Dude, where's my story telling? Accuracy. Survivor... good story telling. Amazing Race... good story telling. Big Brother... god help it, good story telling
Gordon: But thats on the editing. The talent, or soul was there. They just didn't go outside the box as much as the public would like. They like wow and outside the box, and not play it safe.
Chico: There was no wow. There was no one to cheer for. Hence, no soul. Almost like "I waited a year for THIS?!"
Gordon: I disagree. You had people to cheer for. you just didn't have the wow factor. That's just heart. The soul is there. Next one...

Drew Carey WILL get a Daytime Emmy nomination for best game show host.

Jason: Idiocy. Sorry. They dont like Drew...and I think Drew doesnt put his name up there.
Chico: I think TPIR will make a run for Best Show, but Drew. though he's come a long way, still has a long way to go.
Gordon: Idiocy. he's not there just yet. Maybe in another year.
Chico: Give him another year. He'll get there.
Jason: This is his best season so far. That being said, not his year.
Chico: Right... Next up...

People will pay $10 a pop to watch American Gladiators: The Movie.

Jason: Heck no.
Gordon: No. Idiocy. But I'd spend $10 to pick up an Atlasphere from the movie set.
Chico: I'd make a play for the Assault gun.
Jason: I want the eliminator
Chico: Oh dear, the in-jokes that will plague this film.
Chico: Idiocy. It's the franchise that won't die. It's a good game show, folks... but let's keep it right there.
Jason: Yup.
Gordon: Yeah. Last one...

A Voltaggio will win Top Chef.

Chico: Accuracy
Jason: Accuracy.
Chico: Because that's the more compelling story.
Gordon: Idiocy. Kevin will win it.
Chico: You're mad.
Gordon: He's the better chef.
Chico: How many times has "the better chef" won it?
Jason: See: Hosea
Gordon: I'm basing my decision on talent, not editing.
Jason: ok
Chico: We'll see who's right on this.
Chico: Meanwhile, what's next, G?
Gordon: Next up - we celebrate 2003 and have an homage to Ken Ober at the same time. Right after this!

(Brought to you by Project Airport Runway... This Thanksgiving, several airport workers will compete to see who's the best of the best... Just don't leave my bags on the tarmac.)

2 8
3 7
  4 5 6  

Jason: Travel safe. This is going to be packed.
Chico: It really is
Gordon: Leave yourself PLENTY of time to get where you need to go. And please, if you can't drive, don't do so.
Chico: and check the weather OFTEN.
Jason: We are thankful for ALL of you.
Chico: Trust me on this. Driving in driving rain is NOT FUN.
Jason: We want you guys to come back safe. And a bargain isn't worth getting hurt over.
Gordon: We all want you to be around this season. And for this episode, when Chico and Jason play THE BLAME GAME.
Chico: 2003 edition. And here to host is the Quizmaster of Tenafly, New Jersey, Gordon Pepper.
Jason: Putting on my blame hat.
Gordon: So all of these answers will have something to do with the year 2003. And once again, we have our 9 'channels', if you will. Chico, please start us off.
Chico: I'll go with channel 3. *click*
Gordon: 3 has...


Chico: BAM!
Jason: Nice.

10   0

Gordon: Now Chico.
Chico: Now Gordon.
Gordon: For the past 2 times we played this game, you selected the 10 points - then immediately selected the Home Shopping Zone right afterwards. Please avoid doing that again.
Chico: Want to bet I do it again?
Gordon: Knowing you, no.
Chico: At least I'm not a cooler.
Gordon: True.
Jason: Hey!
Chico: Okay... Next door to channel 2! *click*
Gordon: Number 2.....Question!
Chico: YES!
Gordon: I am a famous...person...

I was born on September 14, 1974 in Fort Collins, Colorado. I was a star defensive back for the Colorado Bufaloes in college. I was invited to play for the New Orleans Saints in 2005, but that may have been more because of my fame achived in 2003, when I was on one of the highest rated reality shows of all time.

Chico: *hit me!"
Gordon: Chico?
Chico: ... Knowing you, it's Ryan Sutter.
Gordon: It IS Ryan Sutter :D
Chico: Because I know you. You like to torture me.
Gordon: I do. And you like to be tortured.
Chico: True. Okay, the follow up?
Gordon: For a bonus 5 points, is Ryan Sutter to be blamed for your national nightmare, The Bachelorette, to still be on the air?
Chico: No, but the show that spawned it is. Too many Bachelors... too many "likeable characters". Too many people the audience want to thsee again...It's just a web of crap.
Jason: It isnt about Sutter. It's about the show, it's about the fantasy. And Fleiss does it better than anyway. It's about the fantasy of a hot girl/guy finding love. Insert person here. Fleiss knows it better.
Gordon: It's about the fantasy, and Fleiss does do it better than anyone. 5 points to Jason.

20   5

Gordon: However CHico, it's your board.
Chico: I beat the HSZ curse, so that pressure's off my back :-) Going next door to channel 1. *click*
Gordon: Channel 1: Question. We're looking for a famous person.

I was born September 9, 1969 in Auckland, New Zealand. Though not what I'm traditionally known for, I've been on many a reality show, including Bra Wars, The Celebrity Paranormal Project and Phenomenon. I was also on Lingo with my partner being Trista Rehn, the dashing star of The Bachelorette (HI CHICO!)

Chico: Keep it up, laughing boy.

I've also been on Celebrity Circus, Dancing with the Stare and the Real Gilligan's Island, but in 2003...

Chico: (HIT ME!)
Gordon: Chico again?
Chico: Rachel Hunter?
Gordon: You are...right!
Jason: Darn it
Chico: And I know what you're going to ask, and the answer is yes... yes... yes... :-) Kidding. Go ahead and ask it.
Gordon: Rachel was on the 2003 Gem Are You Hot? with Lorenzo Lamas, Randolph Duke and a Light Pen. Is the light pen to blame for Are You Hot's demise?
Chico: No. It ended because it was stupid.
Jason: it ended because it was it was a bad concept with no real focus.
Chico: It was a stupid premise with stupid judges... and stupid execution.. and no the light pen did NOT help
Jason: It was NOT the pen
Gordon: I actually liked the light pen. 5 to Jason.
Chico: you're mad.
Gordon: The light pen was the only good thing about the show. Everything else reeked of greed and capitalism.

30   10

Gordon: Chico, you still have control.
Chico: Okay, we're going down to channel 4. *click*
Gordon: Channel 4 is... RANGER BOB!
Jason: WHOO HOO!
Chico: Ha!

Hi kids! It's me Ranger Bob! Here's a Thanksgiving Tip for you! Make sure that if you get a turkey from The Price is Right, you pull out all of the Plinko Chips that's used for basting. You don't want your turkey to taste any more wooden than Drew Carey's explanation of the pricing games!

Jason: (laughs)
Chico: Mmmm... metal. =p

That tip, which represents 2003's The Price is Right Spectacular, costs you 10 points!

Gordon: 2003 was the first TPIR Million Dollar Spectacular, btw. Chico, its still your board.
Chico: Still my board. Let's go... down one more, channel 7. *click*
Gordon: Channel #7...Question. I am a famous person.

I was born October 30, 1957 in San Francisco, CA.

Gordon: Jason?
Jason: You are Paula Abdul
Gordon: Interesting guess, but wrong (BUZZER)
Jason: Darn.
Gordon: I continue for Chico.

I'm known for playing either gangsters or criminals, but I decided to take a chance in 2003 and host a celebrity poker show for BRAVO in 2003.

Chico: (HIT ME)
Gordon: Chico?
Chico: Kevin Pollak
Gordon: Yes!
Jason: Drat.
Chico: I loved his hat
Gordon: Kevin Pollak was the original host for Celebrity Poker Showdown. Now Chico, is Kevin to blame for the rise of TV poker?
Chico: As much as I want to say yes, I think it has to do with the pros themselves being elevated by sleek presentation on all of the poker shows. So... more presentation... less Pollak, though I will give him credit for the WPT Hollywood Home Games we got.
Jason: You are kidding right? Two words: Internet Poker. That and ESPN coverage of the WSOP is the reason why Poker is still on TV.
Gordon: Chris Moneymaker, which begat the WSOP, which begat ESPN's coverage and the ensuing ratings. Jason nailed it on the head. 5 more to him.

30   15

Gordon: Chico, it's STILL your board.
Chico: I do all the work and he gets all the credit :-)
Jason: Just like real life, eh Chico? :)
Chico: Let's go to channel 8! *click*
Gordon: Channel 8: Question. Looking for a famous person

I was born on July 23, 1973 in San Francisco, California. And no Jason, I'm not Paula Abdul.

Jason: Ha.

Though not known for the TV Realm, I burst upon the scene in the late 1990's and paid for my legal bills by appearing on Jenny Craig and selling handbags, among other things. My break into TV happened in 2003, when FOX offered me my first and only reality game show TV hosting gig.

Gordon: Jason?
Jason: Is it Ryan Seacrest?
Gordon: Since American Idol debuted in 2002, no. (BUZZ)
Jason: Damn.
Chico: (HIT ME!)
Gordon: Chico?
Chico: She of the famous dress, Monica Lewinsky
Gordon: That's her! Monica hosted Mr. Personality, the lovely show where suitors were hidden behind masks. I thought Jason would have gotten this one easily.
Jason: Of course. (hangs head in shame)
Gordon: Now for 5 points (that will probably go to Jason), was Monica to blame for Mr. Personality getting on the air to begin with?
Chico: Monica, no. Fox's penchant for playing with established formats and beating them to death... then putting them on Fox reality and beating them to death again... YES. J'accuse, Mike Darnell.
Jason: Monica? Of course not. But it was just the idea of Fox throwing ANYTHING against the wall and seeing if it stick. This was a response to the Bachelor. A bad one.
Gordon: Youre both partially right. What I really wanted was 2 words. Joe. Millionaire. Which debuted in 2003.
Jason: Duh!
Chico: Ah...
Gordon: That was huge, and FOX put up anything to fuel the craze. So both of you get 5 points.
Chico: In the same time slot no less.
Gordon: Yep. Also add Married By America to the dung heap that was 2003. 2003 had a lot of junk.
Jason: That stinks LOL
Chico: It was a bad year.

45   20

Gordon: Chico, the board is STILL yours.
Chico: Change it up, going to the middle. 5. *click*
Jason: OH YEAH!
Chico: And there it is.
Gordon: Hey Chico!
Chico: Tell me what my points bought me.
Gordon: Hey Chico, you're not losing 10 points, you're gaining this!

It's a piece of country nostalgia! As a reminder that Nashville Star debuted on March 8, 2003, you get a free set of Nashville Star Guitar Picks! All autographed by Larry the Cable Guy!

Jason: I LIKED Nashville Star. When it was on USA.
Gordon: This pick pack usually goes for $6.90, but you bought it for 10 points!
Chico: Git-r-Done.
Gordon: Guitar-Done
Chico: And that'll be the last time I ever say that on this show.

35   20

Gordon: On the board: 6 9. :D Pick a channel ;)
Chico: ... 6. *click*
Gordon: 6: Question. We're looking for a famous show.
Jason: ok

I debuted on January 6, 2003 and lasted for 2 seasons and 80 episodes.

Chico: (HIT ME!)
Jason: Damn.
Gordon: Chico?
Chico: Cram?
Gordon: YES!
Jason: You are kidding me!
Chico: *does happy dance*
Jason: Nicely done.
Gordon: Chico En Fuego
Jason: Unreal.
Gordon: For the bonus question, is Cram to blams for GSN's lack of programming in 2009?
Chico: ... I'm going to go with yes, because it's the last show with Bob Boden at the helm at GSN... after that, they had no real focus save for throwing stuff on the wall and seeing what sticks. Hence, game shows that didn't work... and game shows that worked presented in ways that didn't work.
Jason: I am going to say NO. Because right know you don't have people who know whtat the **** they are doing. I mean they short shrift shows like Lingo and GSN Radio and put on crap like Big Saturday night and the Game Show Awards. This was the worst year for GSN in a LONG time. It aint Cram's fault for that.
Gordon: I completely agree with Jason. 2008 has not been a banner year for GSN. 2009 has 2 good shows and a lot of repeats. They need to get their act together and quickly. 5 to Jason.
Chico: Should've went with my gut. My gut said no. Why didn't I listen? *facepalm*

45   25

Gordon: Last question is worth 25 points. Despite Jason not getting any of the first 5 questions right, he can STILL win the game.
Jason: Oh man! ROFL
Gordon: Last question. I am looking for a show.

I debuted in September of 2003, and helped launch the careers of Lance Krall, Kristen Wiig and Angela Leggero, among others. No guess from Chico yet?

Chico: (HIT ME!)
Gordon: Yes Chico?
Jason: *facepalm*
Chico: Last Comic Standing?
Gordon: Noooooo (BUZZ)
Jason: YES!
Chico: Opportunity pass.
Gordon: And JASON gets to hear the rest of the question to himself.
Jason: Let's hear it.
Chico: It just popped into my head. DAMN IT!

However, the main star of the show, Matt Kennedy Gould, is a contestant on this show, which is called Lap of Luxury.

Gordon: Jason?
Jason: Joe Schmo!
Gordon: Yes!
Chico: Alright, I need this bonus question...
Jason: Yeah you do.
Gordon: Now for 5 points and the match, is Joe Schmo to blame for Spike TV's surge to one of the most watched cable networks?
Jason: Hell no. I have two words for you: Dana White. His TUF is the centerpiece for the testosterone fueled, enhanced breast vision of Spike TV that you see today. Which BTW...I love.
Chico: Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. I have to say... yes. It had everything men wanted, and hence, it built an audience. An audience that would lead into such things as wrestling... Manswers... and the aforementioned TUF. This was the START. It all came from THIS. Four words... "WHAT IS GOING ON?!"
Gordon: The finale of the Joe Schmo show was 3.4 million viewers. That was the most watched show and all-time record for a non-wrestling show on Spike at that point. Most TV analyzers have said that Spike doesn't get to where it is without that exposure to all the other programs on their network. So the answer is a definitive YES. 5 to Chico.
Jason: Wow.
Gordon: So you're final score is...

50 TIE GAME 50

Jason: A tie. HIGH FIVE!
Chico: alright! *hi-five*
Gordon: ok. you BOTH get 30 seconds on the floor. Go.
Jason: Chico, you first.
Chico: Thank you, Jason. This one's for the kids. We've seen some great games for the younger set to come across... Destroy Build Destroy and Brainsurge chief amongst them. I think it's time that Double Dare got a third look. That failing... Blockbusters. Jason?
Jason: Thank you. This segment was also a tribute to one Ken Ober. Let us also pay tribute to the show that put Mr. Ober on the map, Remote Control. Remote Control was a simple show, at a simple time for MTV. No one knew how to do a game show at MTV. It was raw, unpolished, and damn funny. Ober was brilliant in his role. He will be missed.
Chico: Yes he will... But we hope you don't miss the Speed Round. Right upon the heels of this.

(Sponsored by Grizzlebees Thanksgiving Extravaganza! We say some Amazing Grace as we nosh on some Dancing with the Starkiss Orange Salad, For the Love of Rare Steak Tartar and some Survivor Samosas to eat, while we get Survivor Mimosas to drink. But while you're enjoying the Catch 21 piece chocolate box sets with your Family Feud, remember that there are other families who won't be able to celebrate as well this Fall, so if you have any extra goods to share, please donate them to your local Food Pantry or Homeless shelter.)

Chico: It's the best thing you'll ever do with leftovers. Okay, we're just running low on time, so we're going to have a heaping helping of Big Finish. Dancing. Who wins?
Jason: Donny Osmond
Chico: Mya.
Gordon: I'm going to go for the upset and Kelly Osbourne
Chico: Two people are going to be upset on Tuesday. Okay, Survivor. Who's next?
Gordon: You get rid of the strongest threat in the moniroty tribe. That would be Dave.
Jason: You got it.
Chico: Right on. Race... Who doesn't make it to the finale?
Gordon: Brian and Ericka.
Chico: They had a good run, too. Hate to see it end, but alas, it will.
Jason: Brian and Ericka...too late and are blowing up at the wrong time
Gordon: The mail never ends though - and thats a good thing,. What do we got?
Chico: One from Eddie Timanus. Thanks, Eddie!

FROM: Eddie Timanus

Howdy, gents. I must once again be your Statboy this week. You stated: And this marks the first time in ANY edition of Millionaire where the audience is wrong in the first 5 questions. Unless my memory fails me, there was an occasion a few years ago when the audience led a contestant astray on which November Thursday Thanksgiving falls. Audience said third. It's the fourth, of course. Which reminds me, Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Gordon: Hey Eddie. That would be me (for once), and I'll be the Thanksgiving Turkey here. Thanks for the correction.
Chico: Bad Gordon. No turkey.
Gordon: But if you want to give us turkey mail, where does it go?
Gordon: Or Facebook, MySpace or YouTube.
Chico: That's going to do it for this week. Jason Block, thanks as always.
Jason: Thank you.
Gordon: And for everyone, this is Gordon Pepper, saying game over, spread the love, and Happy Thanksgiving!