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Previous Episodes (Season 22)
September 7 - Season Fun-ale / Place Bets Now! / Push or Flush (1)

September 14 - Calendar Boys / Roleplay / Push or Flush (2)

September 21 - Chico & Gordon's Economic Stimulus / Pineapple / Good News, Bad News

September 28 - Just Men! / Saywha? / Extreme Gameover

October 5 - Falling / 15 Shades of Wrong / This, That or the Other (1)

October 12 - It's Kind of a Big Deal / Watch or Record / This, That or the Other (2)

October 19 - Gone Hollyhood / Deserted Island / Five Good Reasons

October 26 - Tricks, Treats & a Little Birthday Music / Read Between the Lines / Buen Trato

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 22.8
November 2

Chico: Hey folks, this is Chico Alexander speaking... with a question.
Gordon: No, I did not toilet paper your house.
Chico: Answers my question.
Gordon: The eggs were mine though.
Chico: So the eggs WERE yours then.
Gordon: You didn't like the Technicolor?
Chico: No.
Gordon: I thought yellow on a green house was art nouveau.
Chico: I guess that's why I left the pig in your bathtub. Now THAT was a trick!
Gordon: I was wondering how Khloe Kardashian sneaked into my house.
Chico: Anywho, from somewhere in America... Happy November, everybody! WLTI... is... ON!
Gordon: We move the show an hour back just for you.
Chico: Because we like you like that.
Gordon: You know we do.
Chico: We've got a lot of stuff to go over, including a special that we're running through the end of the year. You know the oughts are wrapping up, almost in collusion with the GSNN 10th Anniversary. So we're going through 10 Years in Two Months. More on that later, though. Right now, let's go back to Halloween... or the day before, rather. The offerings were a whole lotta treats. The people taking them, though... oh dear. They were loaded with tricks. Let's start with the new fall classic, the TPIR Halloween show. That was probably one of the most imaginative holiday shows of the Carey era that I've ever seen.
Gordon: Once again, a very well done show, like the April Fool shows. Once again, like said April Fools shows, they get the wrong contestants on stage. Big Bored please?

Tricks for Treats

- Trick.
- Trick.
- Trick.
- Trick.
- Trick.

Gordon: The subject: Tricks for Treats. Triple play, which is a hard game to begin with: LOSS. Waverunner, located wayyyyy up the Range Finder board... LOSS.
Chico: Yikes. Now to the Grocery Game... which again should be easy if you know how to work it. Dylan the Wolverine... didn't. LOSS.
Gordon: Grocery Game. A nice touch with items used for Mischief Night.
Chico: Yep.
Gordon: Motorcycles in Double Prices: $8,495 or $7998. That's a gimme of $7,998, but $8,495 was selected. LOSS
Chico: That was a gimme. Why the contestant lost it, I have no idea.
Gordon: If it's 2 prizes offered, the offering number has to be even. You're not going to sell a motorcycle for whatever and 50 cents, so 8,495 is a bad numer. Chico: Cliff Hangers. Also easy if you know the trick. Jennifer... obviously didn't.
Gordon: This game has been played very poorly over the past few weeks.
Chico: If you get the first price, you know the others. Can we go over this one more time?
Gordon: Yes please.
Chico: If the first prize is a $15 give or take two bucks, go for 15, 30, 45. If it's $20, give or take 2 bucks, go for 20, 30, 40. You may not win all the time, but you'll have a fair to great shot at it.  But guessing $17 on the last item, the item you know is the most expensive... That's just dumb.
Gordon: The prices always go upwards. So it's not going to be $15, $30, $17.
Chico: You know it's going to be more than $30.
Gordon: The contestant, with $19 to spare, guesses $17. Actual price: $50. $50 - $17 = $33, and Drew Carey's Halloween character (Hans the Yodelly Guy) now needs a new costume.
Chico: Heh. Zombie Yodelly guy. Mwahahaha...
Gordon: And we almost had a Zombie skunk. Fortunately, we get a Plinko win, so ve avoid the skunk.
Chico: So the MVP would go this week goes to Derek O'Leary... BUT! We have to take it back. And I'll tell you why. Showcase time, a home theatre with HDTV, Blu-Ray, 24 scary movies, and a Chevy HHR. Your bid, sir.
Gordon: $31,069
Chico: The price: $27,954. Sorry, Gordon, but you're over. But Derek's bid... $4200.
Gordon: The horror! Aaaaaaaahhhhh!
Chico: No Derek, that's a bad Derek! Let's try again, G. A trip to the Gravedigger's Ball in Charlotte, and haunted houses in Salem, Mass. and London. Your bid, sir.
Gordon: $13,069
Chico: Closer. IT was $19,399. Loretta bids ... also... $4200, and in her case, it's enough to win. So as cute and visually appealing as the show was, the players... well, the players sucked at it.
Gordon: Let's say that you have a showcase that is much more expensive than mine. I have a showcase with a Chrysler. You have a showcase with a spa. You bid $4,200. I know you have the more expensive showcase, so I'll bid $4,200 and 1. I'll win because I'll be closer and #2. I have zero chance of going over.
Chico: So it's a good strategy move, but only if your opponent is foolhardy enough to make it
Gordon: And in this case, they were. What makes it worse is that it was DEREK who bid second, so he put himself in the loss position, unless he didn't want the car.
Chico: There you go.
Gordon: Now over to Let's Make a Deal, where we have Zombies, Zonks and other things that start with Z.
Chico: I like Zs. Go ahead.
Gordon: In this case, mostly tricks. Out of the 10 dealers, only 3 of them made good deals.
Chico: Including a revolving deal involving a lot of candy. First, Jessica gets the candy, which she trades to Ian for a be-witched horse. That is a Zonk, by the way. Ian trades the candy to Julie for a VW Jetta. German engineering at its finest. Julie keeps the candy and gets a sweet total of $2915 cash money
Gordon: That's a sweet deal. This isn't: We give out 4 zonks, lose out at 2 chances at a car, and avoid The Big Deal of the Day for the 12th straight time.
Chico: With this new one-person Big Deal, it's that much harder to give away, you know.
Gordon: True
Chico: Another cool little deal was the Panic Button... Trip to Las Vegas, Trip to Palm Springs, and a Ducati motorcycle... which is just... someone call a vet, because that puppy is SICK. Vampires Jared & Jennifer win the prizes after avoiding the panic buttons... but they get one more offer: risk the prizes for another push and an additional $6,000. They don't. Which is good.
Gordon: And no reason to. You don't risk $15,000 worth of goodies for $6,000.
Chico: There you go. Still, though, it doesn't change the record of 3 out of 10 in one day. Awww...
Gordon: Waa Waaaaa.
Chico: And in our final Halloween story, we have the annual Feud Spooktacular between the Harbins and the Bronsons. The Bronsons, as the Village People, tell the pirate Harbins to walk the plank. They'll return Monday with $32,000.
Gordon: That's a nice hunk of change. Plenty for Halloween candy
Chico: Yep
Gordon: Let's get some Halloween Candy for Liz, who can eat some since she's off the island.

Chico: This week, Liz was the subject of a classic Survivor blindside. And guess who was behind it.
Gordon: This is just poor, poor strategy on Liz's part. Instead of campaigning for an outsiders ouster, she should be teaming up with the outsiders and overturn the majority
Chico: You would think that they knew that by now. Now the question is... Is Russell really that powerful or are his tribesmates just that dumb? Because that's a rookie Survivor mistake.
Gordon: Can I just answer yes?
Chico: Judges? (DING!)
Gordon: Russell is being VERY active, which is what you need to do in this game.
Chico: That is correct.
Gordon: Liz: Not so active, and this time it costs her.
Chico: now had she joined up with outsiders, would she have had the numbers to get rid of.. say, Russell?
Gordon: Russell is in a very comfortable position. He's the leader of his team of 4, he has a person he can boot easily (Monica) and the group are small enough that if they can find the fission in the other tribe, they could be part of a power block. And yes, Liz, Monica and Jaison would have been enough to overthrow Russell.
Chico: There you go. VERY bad play, Liz.
Gordon: Christine, meanwhile, tried not to be overthrown on Jeopardy!.
Chico: Unfortunately, she was.
Gordon: Christine Valada gets thrown off the island on Friday, but not before leaving with $70,073 over 5 days.
Chico: It happened on Friday's show, when she was faced with some tough competition.
Gordon: Lets have a Final Jeopardy question, sir.
Chico: The category is Presidential Names.

He's the only President whose first & last names contain the same pair of double letters.

Chico: Responses, please.
Gordon: Who is Millard Fillmore?
Chico: Correct, Gordon! Double Ls. You're the only person to get that. Besides me, of course.
Gordon: Ha. None of the contestants get it, and as a resullt, Christine gets the llosing consollation prize
Chico: Cute, Gordon. But hey, $70,000 is a lot of cash for a new home for her. And we hope she gets it. Because that's what she was working for. And hey, we may not have yet seen the last of her.
Gordon: Someone who won't be getting a lot of money - the contestants this week on Face the Ace.
Chico: That's still on?
Gordon: Somewhat. It's a trick for 2 players this week.
Chico: Boo.
Gordon: Charles Campbell loses his first match against Phil Gordon, and Ilya Lieberman gets stopped by Erick Lindgren
Chico: So no money goes out the door there.
Gordon: No money goes out the door. but 4 dancers do.

Chico: This week was a dual elimination.
Gordon: Let's start with Dancing With the Stars.
Chico: One team, the team with the lowest score, would be eliminated outright. And no, Michael Irvin was not on said team.
Gordon: Told you he wouldn't be.
Chico: So who did you think it would be?
Gordon: I said ...
Chico: You said... I believe it would be Louie & Chelsie, right?
Gordon: I did say that. And...look! He's gone! How about that?
Chico: Well... you'd be half right. He was eliminated, but he did not have the lowest score.
Gordon: I only gave one person to be eliminated.
Chico: The team with the lowest score would be Melissa and the Teenage Mark.
Gordon: She would have been my second guess
Chico: Melissa Joan Hart & Mark Ballas.. well, they just sucked. more Melissa than Mark. She's just... left footed.
Gordon: But at least she's not injured.
Chico: That is true.
Gordon: We got rid of our first 2 dancers on So you Think You Can Dance.
Chico: One of them was eliminated due to injury. The other... she was just bad.
Gordon: Ariana and Brandon are both gone.
Chico: Yup. And due to the World Series - WLTI officially endorses the Yankees, by the way - it would be the judges who made the final call.
Gordon: Meanwhile, Noelle is injured, so she has 1 week to get better. If she doesn't, than Ariana gets a second chance.
Chico: It'll be an interesting week to watch, needless to say
Gordon: Sure is. Meanwhile we have a dance number by...Mike and Darnell, the groundhogs! Annnddd...wait a second. How are we supposed to be judging them when most of their dancing is done underground?
Chico: I have absolutely no idea.
Gordon: I've heard of the underground dance circuit, but this is ridiculous. What do you give...that?
Chico: I'll just plead ignorance. Meanwhile, while we try and judge and underground dancing contest, Gordon... I believe you know what's next.
Gordon: Roll That Beautiful Brain Footage.

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Gordon: We start with some date-age.
Chico: Thanks, G.

We don't have any real game show debuts this week, so just go watch the Yankees win the World Series instead. Let's Go Yankees! (Clap, clap, clap clap clap)

Chico: No premiere, but a big event on Thursday. That would be TPIR #7000. Se-ven Thou-sand... clap, clap, clap clap clap. Meanwhile, I have a green light with a red light...challenge.
Gordon: Let's hear it.

MGM is going to go ahead with selling the off-broadcast reruns of Cash Cab next fall.

Gordon: It's a good move. It could expose the show to a whole new audience that's never seen it before, so they can see why we like it.
Chico: There you go. As a reminder, the show won two Emmys last and this year.
Gordon: And I'd lay even odds on them winning it again.
Chico: right
Gordon: What about the odds on finding a really stupid person this week?
Chico: 100%
Gordon: I agree...

Are YOU Smarter than...Chidi Uzomah, who apparently thought it would be a really neat idea to show up looking for Ryan Seacrest at E!'s Los Angeles offices with a 3 inch folding knife.

Chico: Yeah.. Didn't work out. He was arrested.
Gordon: Uzomah already served a 15 day jail sentence for attacking a member of Ryan Seacrest's security. Expect this next sentence to be significantly longer.
Chico: And Seacrest is filing a TRO. That is, a temporary restraining order.
Gordon: I think it needs to be a permanent restraining order.
Chico: You think?
Gordon: I think. Let's stay in Seacrest land for this week's Haterade. And one of the alumni is making some controversial waves this week.
Chico: Again, daddy?
Gordon: A picture is worth 1,000 words, so let this speak for itself.

Gordon: Adam says he wanted to make it campy. I call it creepy.
Chico: I'd say mission accomplished and then some.
Gordon: He looks like one of those 1980's Punk Troll things that you stick on the end of a pencil.
Chico: And he thinks this'll sell?
Gordon: It'll sell as a coaster.
Chico: At least he's a shoe-in for Mr. Androgynous Glam Rocker America.
Gordon: I'm guessing he took cosmetic advice from the same person who thought it would be a fab idea for Britney Spears to shave her head.
Chico: Leave Britney alone, G. LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! Heh... oh dear, we're gonna get letters.
Gordon: Ok, Mr. Crocker, let's get Fully Loaded.
Chico: Speaking of getting loaded, what happens when checkers outsource checking through to other checkers?
Gordon: As long as they do their job, nothing. If they don't, bad things.
Chico: Something like this.

In the Megan Wants a Millionaire: The Case That Wouldn't Die... Collective Intelligence is suing Straightline International of Canada for shoddy background checking. Collective said that Straightline said that Ryan Jenkins had no criminal record, but he ended up showing a pull for domestic assault.

Chico: As you know, then Ryan Jenkins allegedly killed his wife, he hung himself, and then VH1 cancelled Megan and I Love Money 3. And now Collective claims that its reputation is tarnished. ... Yeah.
Gordon: Yeah. That's pretty shoddy fact-checking. And I think CI is going to get, at the very least, a very lucrative settlement.
Chico: Yeah, they have a pretty solid case
Gordon: They do. And I hope that the proper changes are made so that a Ryan Jenkins-style incident never happens again.
Chico: But can you make a case for.... media hoes?
Gordon: I have a solid couch. Does that count?
Chico: That works

We start with Cast Calls for Season 5 of America's Best Dance Crew. If you wanna dance, for MTV, then go here:

Chico: Yes.
Gordon: This is the best talent show that MTV has on the air.
Chico: Yes
Gordon: Now we move from this, to Chico's Faaaaaaaaavorite show ever, that he can't wait to audition for,
Chico: Just post the link so I don't have to hit you.

ABC needs 25 suitors for The Next Bachelorette! Let's see if we can get Chico on the show! Yay!

Chico: I'm not going on the show unless I'm said Bachelor. That was what we agreed upon.
Gordon: You need to go and win 50 games on Jeopardy so that you can get on the show.
Chico: That's what needs to happen.
Gordon: Did they call yet?
Chico: No.
Gordon: Awww. Can we get some media hoes calling?
Chico: Yes. (plays "Pimpin' All Over the World")

In this week's Media Ho Report, Bill Cosby (You Bet Your Life) is honored at Kennedy Center, Julianne Hough (who's seen her Broadway career not go as she'd like it to) may come back to Dancing With The Stars, Bob Barker sets up a program at his alma mater... Bruce Willis plays Deal or No Deal in Turkey, Whoopi Goldberg (Hollywood Squares) receives the Marlon Brando award, Vanessa Rousso insists that she's not the host of High Stakes Poker and Bob Eubanks hosts his greatest games in St. Louis.

Gordon: But none of them is your ho of the week.
Chico: What've we got this week?
Gordon: Joanna Krupa is going to be going from Dancing With the Stars to Dancing Without Clothes for Playboy.
Chico: YAY!
Gordon: You prefer that dance?
Chico: Yes. And she has the nerve to complain that her costume is too skimpy?
Gordon: Well now she won't have to worry about that silly little thing called clothing. And those...are your hoes.
Chico: Naked. Finally, Halloween may be over, but there's still some more...

Gordon: Zombies seem to be a year round long event for us.
Chico: Today we're going to Britain...

Hell's Kitchen is going away... in England.

Gordon: Aw (bleep)
Chico: ITV is citing a waning economy for their pulling and retooling of the Marco Pierre White-hosted game.
Gordon: That is an expensive show to run, considering that you need for for 16 weeks and diners, etc.
Chico: What's going to happen is this...

The Second Circle of Hell

- Real Restaurants
- Tournament Mode
- New Name

Chico: First of all, Marco will be retained, BUT... instead of a soundstage outfitted as a restaurant, like OUR HK, we're going to film in an actual London restaurant.
Gordon: If a restaurant undercut the costs, it's much easier to produce.
Chico: Yep. That's the idea. Then we have the matter of eliminations. Instead of the one-by-one eliminations, we go into tournament mode.
Gordon: Tournament mode? I want to be Blanka.
Chico: You would.
Gordon: I play a mean ball of green thunder.
Chico: Dude, when you get your PS3... Street Fighter 4, baby. That's the key.
Gordon: So what's tournament mode, Hell's Kitchen style?
Chico: Twelve chefs start, three each week. The four winners will compete in a semifinal, with the final two competing against each other for the title of Best Celebrity Chef. And, oh yeah, the title's changing to "Marco's Kitchen Burnout."
Gordon: Hopefully, that wont be what happens to the show.
Chico: I think one and done. But that's just me. Okay, that's Brainvision. Make like Ramsay and switch it off.
Gordon: (Shutting Down).
Chico: Okay, still to come, we fire up the WABAC machine and head to 2000. What we find will astound and amaze you. But what do we have first, G?
Gordon: But first, we have some numbers to take care of. This is WLTI. You give us 22 minutes, and we'll give you 22 used Deal or No Deal Halloween costumes that need a serious cleaning.
Chico: (starts filling Jason's bin)

(BrainVision has been brought to you by Masquerade of Love. Can 1 woman find love by eliminating people based on what they wore for Halloween? Watch out for the person behind the Chewbacca costume - that hair could be real.)