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Previous Episodes (Season 22)
September 7 - Season Fun-ale / Place Bets Now! / Push or Flush (1)

September 14 - Calendar Boys / Roleplay / Push or Flush (2)

September 21 - Chico & Gordon's Economic Stimulus / Pineapple / Good News, Bad News

September 28 - Just Men! / Saywha? / Extreme Gameover

October 5 - Falling / 15 Shades of Wrong / This, That or the Other

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 22.5
October 12

Gordon: This is Gordon Pepper, and...have you hugged your Zonk today?
Chico: Yes I did. It burns. *puts on Kamen Rider armor/scarf*
Gordon: I think you may need to see a doctor then about that.
Jason: (walks in as Baby New Year 2010) Like my costume?
Chico: You really want me to answer that?
Gordon: Jason. One word. Manscaping.
Jason: Ah, Ok. But its relevant to the show
Chico: There's a reason for this, believe it or not.
Gordon: (puts on Grim Reaper costume)
Jason: You would.
Gordon: Why yes. Yes I would.
Chico: And we'll get into that and more, because from Somewhere in America.... It's kind of a big deal....  WLTI.... is... ON!
Jason: WOO!
Brian: It's go time!
Chico: Alongside Gordon Pepper, the Grim Reaper of Bowler City, I'm Kamen Rider Chico...
Gordon: ... along with guests, because we like guests. From Brooklyn, Mr. Jason Block.
Jason: Glad to be back on this historic week.
Chico: And from the new home of Brett Favre... back with us after god knows how long... Brian Moore's in the building!
Brian: Hello, everyone!
Chico: Glad to have you here...
Jason: Welcome back
Chico: Now you're probably wondering... What's with the costumes, Chico? Glad you asked... Last week was the long-awaited premiere of the new edition of Let's Make a Deal. Monty Hall is being played by Wayne Brady, Jay Stewart is being played by Jonathan Mangum, and the lovely Carol Merrill is being played by the lovely Alison Fiori.
Gordon: She of Deal or No Deal fame.
Chico: Kee-rect. It's the game you know and love with a few tweaks.
Jason: And Monty Hall is involved in the show as a consultant. Sort of a watchful grandfather.
Chico: With a shaking finger. Let's go over the tweaks. First up... well, know how it sorta started with a run of the mill game show... then someone dressed as a chicken and it just went from there? We've got costumed freaks interspersed with non-costumed freaks. So it's all good.
Jason: You know, I didn't notice that. But now I do.
Chico: Second... Obviously, it's an hour long. Only the second canonical hour-long LMAD since its inception.
Jason: You don't consider Big Deal canon?
Chico: HELLZ no.
Jason: Gordon, is it canon?
Gordon: I would consider it canon - I would also consider Billy Bush's LMAD Cannon...or at least something that should be shot out of a cannon.
Jason: So it's the third hour long version
Chico: And speaking of third, The Big Deal is only played by one person/team. I don't see it as much taking away from the game as I do thinking that it's basically being made on the cheap.
Jason: This is the tweak that has everyone talking.
Gordon: Before we get into that, let's start with...The Good. Wayne Brady certainly knows his stuff. He's a good choice for the franchise.
Chico: Very good choice. He's a stellar improv'er, and he's a people person.
Jason: Brady has IT. The chemistry between him and Jonathan Mangum is THERE.
Chico: This is probably the 2009 dream team at work here. Wayne Brady at host... Jonathan Mangum at announcer. The two have been working together for years. They're like buddies. They're like buddy cops, is what I like to say... And throw in Allison... That's the dream right there.
Gordon: But I actually think my favorite of the 3 is Mangum. Not only does he personify Jay Stewart's role, he exceeds it and talks back both to Brady and the contestants.
Jason: Yes. Great stuff. It's like Mangum/Fiori/Brady are like family
Chico: How about the game, folks... Thoughts? I think it's textbook LMAD here.
Gordon: I like the game. This is classic Let's Make a Deal. There are a few twists added into it, but this works. It doesn't try to recreate the script. It doesn't try to go over the line with 'What's under my kilt'. And it works fine.
Jason: The gameplay is old school LMAD with 2009 value amounts. No worries here.
Chico: None whatsoever.
Jason: And I liked the paddle audience vote for an audience prize. Very nice twist which I want to see more of.
Gordon: I liked the interactive play. I also like Wayne and Jonathan going after the contestants. When you have an hour show, you have to pad it by bringing the contestants into the deal and making them seem like rootable characters.
Chico: And it seems like they're all here to play the game, and that's a good thing. Bring an egg into a casino... You're hardcore.
Gordon: That's also important - they are putting the game above themselves. Most hosts do the other way around, which is an error.
Chico: It seems like this show has everything going for it. And it should....
Gordon: That's all good. Now let's go with...
Chico/Gordon: The Bad.
Chico: One... it seems like it's playing it safe.
Jason: How do you mean?
Chico: When you play textbook, it's a double-edged sword. You're staying true to the original, but for few exception, that's all you're doing. I mean, without variety, it can get old fast. Like... remember the audience deal? That was a good thing. I want to see more of that.
Jason: I think you are being nitpicky on this one.
Gordon: I don't have a problem with that. In any show, you have to lay out the groundwork before you do anything too clever. You have to remember that a whole generation of people haven't seen the show.
Jason: Look what happened in 2003.
Chico: Good point.
Jason: You went way outside the box and people went away in droves. However, this is what I have a problem with. And this maybe a nitpick as well. Mangum (at times) treats a non-winning good prize as throwaway in his lack of enthusiasm.
Chico: .. yeah.
Jason: You can't do that. You have to TREAT EVERY PRIZE as important.
Gordon: I agree with that. The prizes must all be equally important and you can use time to discuss the items. Speaking of which, the pacing, though better through the week, was slow. Wayne needs to be able you fill in the blanks, spacing-wise
Chico: And another thing... it seemed like... it's just there, you know? I mean, LMAD is supposed to be a party, right? While I saw the party, I didn't really feel it.
Jason: You mean it didn't feel Vegas like?
Gordon: it didn't feel Vegas like. It felt very sterile, less of a casino and more of a cafeteria.
Chico: Thank you. That's what I was going for. IT was very sterile, very minimalist...
Gordon: Minimalist works in some game shows. It doesn't when you're supposed to be in Vegas.
Chico: Agreed. I mean, I know why, but the whole idea of it smacks of cheapness.
Jason: And can we talk about the one person Big Deal. I understand WHY. But I am not a fan.
Brian: I'm not a fan either, it was lame.
Gordon: I do think it's a budgetary issue. And like the rest of you, I'm not a fan. Because to me, it's not a budgetary issue as much as it's a lack of suspense issue. It just doesn't feel the same with 1 person as it does with 2.
Chico: Right.
Jason: And if you lower the biggest amount by 5-$10,000 you can have two
Gordon: You really can't though. The prizes have been a 1 shot prize, like a cruise or a car. I mean how are you going to lower the value of a car? Send some losing contestants from Distraction over there to jump on the car hood to make a dent?
Jason: Unless you get Smart Cars or Ford Focuses all the can't.
Chico: You really can't. The Big Deal, save for the extra person, is about as good as you can make it.


Gordon: So overall for me, though there are some flaws, the most important thing is the game works. It does, and so do the main players. Te other tweaks are all fixable, but the core works. Grade: B.
Chico: I'm with Gordon. It's a good start. Nothing a few fine tunes and a little bit of time can't fix. B.
Jason: Exactly. The core is there. Wayne and the crew work. Flaws are there. But they can be fine tuned. B
Brian: LMaD should have been a half-hour show, but as it stands as an hour-long one, I also give it a B.
Gordon: I know a lot of people out there would have preferred 30 minute versions of both LMAD and Pyramid, instead of CBS giving Pyramid the shaft completely. That being said, it's unfair to review the game and say as a negative... 'well, Pyramid should have been up there too, which is why LMAD is bad'. You have to review the show on it's own merits, regardless of what it's competing against. I think LMAD, on it's own is very solid. After Wayne gets into his role, I ca see this show lasting a very long time n the air.
Jason: Agreed. This is a solid version of the show.
Chico: It is a solid version of the show... And you know the old saying... everything happens for a reason. Maybe there are bigger things in the offing for both franchises, you know?
Gordon: Speaking of which, the ratings for The Price is Right are out. It's currently second and third in daytime, with a ratings spike upwards. That's a VERY good sign for TPIR.
Jason: There you go!
Chico: Word. And I've been saying this to Block here... Drew's finally starting to believe, now he needs people like us to believe in him.
Gordon: And I'm happy for them. You have to remember that we want to see the shows succeed. The reason why we're hard on TPIR and other shows is that we want you to FIX what's wrong and get better.
Jason: Yeah. We are not all Debbie Downer's here. We are FANS of the genre.
Gordon: What I like about Drew is that he (FINALLY) is getting a grip on the games and is taking them seriously.
Jason: If there are NO shows out there, we have nothing to talk about.
Gordon: Speaking of things to talk about, let's talk about Phone-A-Friend.
Chico: Yeah. Let's talk about that.
Jason: We will be sitting Shiva for it on January 2010.
Chico: You know, there's nothing more that I can't stand than change for the
sake of change.
Jason: Actually, to them, it isn't change for change's sake. Their reasoning is correct. I don't like it, but they are right.
Gordon: Quite honestly, and you've had this throughout the show, it's been less Phone-A-Friend and more Phone-A-Google. How many times have you heard the clicking of the keys on a keyboard while people are asking the question?
Jason: A-lot.
Chico: A lot. And I'm not against protecting the integrity. Far from it. But why wait so long? What's the point in this? It's just a case of poor timing. Now it looks like it's all about (and we were going to get to this)... Money.
Jason: Yeah?
Chico: Same reason we were harping on the previous round of changes.
Jason: Ok...I have one
Gordon: I'm guessing there's a string of Phone-a-Friends coming up where you hear click click click and see big amounts won, and the producers had enough of it.
Chico: Think about it. Season 1 of the syndicated edition, back when it was basically the primetime version minus the ring of fire... they gave out the most money in the syndicated run. Later seasons have yet to match that.
Gordon: It almost certainly is a budget issue. The problem I have with it, of course, is that with one less Lifeline, it will affect the play dramatically.
Chico: Of course.
Jason: Right.
Gordon: Especially since Phone-A-Friend, because of Phone-A-Google, is almost certainly the most accurate Lifeline to use.
Chico: You're not going to have a go-to person for a given subject. I mean, we all have a friend who knows about (insert subject here). And let's not forget the diehards like us who have Jason Block on speed dial.
Jason: Or people like me.
Chico: Yeah, to them, it's protecting the integrity of the game... And it isn't like they aren't. But let's be real here. Can we be real for once?
Jason: Go on
Chico: If it was a matter of integrity, then why in the name of Briggs, Whitehill, and Knight didn't they nip this in the bud sooner?
Jason: Because this didn't happen until recently.
Chico: Hardly. People've been doing this for ages.
Gordon: When you're trimming a budget, which has been steadily going downwards, you need to trim out everything. If the producers feel that the PAF's have been causing the budget to go up, then they have to go away. So as someone who's been in the Hot Seat, what do you think is going to happen?
Jason: Well, the three lifelines will be ATA (Ask the Audience) Double Dip, and Ask the Expert. And what I have seen, no one has really used these combinations correctly. So we will not have a Million Dollar Winner (except for the Tournament of Ten) organically I think.
Chico: So you're basically thinking... just enough millionaires to warrant the title, but enough crutches to make it a little hard. And by a little, we mean crazy hard.
Jason: No. What I am saying is that they are doing this to make the money smaller. There will be NO millionaire without this Tournament of Ten.
Chico: Thank you. That's what I've been saying... Follow the money.
Gordon: Does Millionaire make it to next season?
Jason: No it doesn't. They have fumbled around with all these changes.
Chico: Again, change for the sake of change is usually a BAD thing.
Jason: Do we all remember the last show that changed all the time? What was that?
Chico: Deal or No Deal.
Jason: And what happened to it?
Chico: It went the way of the dodo, the nene, and intelligent discourse.
Jason: Ha.
Gordon: Except for Syndication. And speaking of which, let's go to it.
Jason: Go for it
Chico: Going to it.
Gordon: Because if it has more weeks like this, it may also be going the way of the Dodo. Big Bored, please?

No Deal

- Kallie: $127,000 for a penny
- Everyone else: $56,500 for $876,000

Gordon: The Subject: No Deal. On Friday, Kallie Chen won $127,000. Yay, Kallie. Inside her case was the penny. That's the good news. The bad news: everything before then was a train wreck.
Chico: How bad was it?
Gordon: Monday: Leigh Gilmore deals for $7,000. Inside her case: $100,000. Jason: Ouch.
Chico: That's a $93,000 loss, by the way.
Gordon: Tuesday: Leslie Caron deals for $12,000. Inside her case: $250,000.
Chico: That would be a $238,000 loss.
Gordon: Wednesday, Vince Velinsky deals for $45,000. Inside his case: $500,000
Chico: A loss of $455,000.
Jason: So far we have lost $876,000
Gordon: Thursday, Anthony Russo, despite getting an offer of $28,000, goes for it...and walks with only $2,500.
Chico: He passed up a profit of $25,500. I could use $25,500.
Jason: We all could.
Gordon: So even with the $127,000 win, that leaves us with over $700,000 worth of lost wages. For the first 4 days, out of a possible $878,000 to be given out, only $67,500 actually gets doled out. What happened?
Jason: I don't know. But that's painful.
Chico: I have no idea. All I can think of is... well, for one, they had a player who didn't even know how to play the game. This is a fact... Other than that... No clue.
Gordon: That would be Leigh, who admitted to never having watched an episode of the show. Now Jason and I went to the audition process. We saw a great number of people gripe that the good people were getting cut and the vapid airheads who screamed a lot were advancing. If you watch these episodes, and I mean really watch them, you're no longer seeing the good contestant stories. You're instead seeing the same thing - contestants who can scream a lot and not necessarily play the game. All that does is hamper the game element, and I think that's a major reason why the ratings in some markets have declined.
Jason: Chico... The Helmet please.
Chico: Down to a 1.2 average this week. And Jason... Here's the helmet.
Jason: Thank you (puts on Helmet, runs into wall)
Gordon: Yes, contestants are important, but you can't sacrifice screaming for good gameplay.
Jason: Thank you. But yes. Gordon is 1000% right.
Chico: You can't sacrifice anything for good game play. It's as we said before... It's the game, stupid. That's where you make your fortunes.
Jason: Exactly.
Chico: That's where you hedge your bets, on the game aspect. Not on the players, although that helps...
Gordon: This is clearly on the contestant coordinators heads. Now as someone who is ineligible to be on the show anyways (I only went to see the process, not to be a contestant), I am disappointed that we have nothing but screamers play. This is NOT the representation of America.
Chico: Almost like "what are you trying to prove here?"
Gordon: Energy? Yes. You have to have energy. But give us people who aren't over the top, who can play the game, and who can talk the game out, instead of making Howie do the heavy lifting. What made the original fun is that you had people from all over the U.S. with all sorts of stories - again, just like Millionaire. And like Millionaire, you're straying away from that formula just to get the bubbly screamers.
Jason: Which is WRONG.
Chico: A great game doesn't need sacrifice. The classics learned that early on, and that's why they're still on the air. WOF... Jeopardy!... TPIR...
Gordon: Look at where it got Millionaire. Now look at where it's getting you. At least on The Price is Right, you're getting people up there who know the games - and there are 80+ games. On DOND, there's only ONE game, and it's very simple. To get people on there who don't know what they are doing is inexcusable.
Chico: It's UnAmerican is what it is.
Jason: It's bad production.
Jason: This could be a self-fulfilling process? Are you TRYING to get cancelled?
Chico: Didn't even think about that. But with a 1.2 (and being beaten by 5th Grader), it might come true.
Gordon: Now we've had a few weeks of ratings, and I'm sure you're all wondering how the shows are doing. With a report on that, here's Chico Alexander with Chico's Syndie Report.

Chico: Thanks, Gordon. My name's Chico, and this is my syndie report. All numbers come courtesy of Broadcasting & Cable. 
Gordon: We already touched on TPIR, which scored 3.9 million viewers. That's a very nice number.
Chico: True. Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader opened up with a 0.9 on its premiere day. It was kinda depressing, but on par with what was on that same time last year. Since then, it ballooned up to a 1.5, which is a good thing.
Jason: Word of mouth is good.
Chico: Last year's king of games, Deal or No Deal, actually tied with Family Feud at a flat 1.2 (Feud increased 9% from the week prior). So say what you will about the erratic scheduling... the Bullseye round... the rounds sorta ballooning on the Big Board...
Gordon: How did Millionaire do?
Chico: They're up 5% from last week to a 2.3
Jason: Up is good.
Gordon: a 2.3 is ok. What should be concerning is that for them, that's a very low number for a show that's used to 2.8-3.5. Feud is usually 1.5-1.9. DOND broke 2.0 a few times last season
Chico: Correct. Might be a settling pattern that viewers are down across the board.
Gordon: What do you got for Jeopardy / Wheel?
Chico: Mr. & Mrs. Biggins...  Wheel scored a 6.5, 8% up from the last week. Jeopardy! scored a 5.2, 6% up.
Jason: New shows mean higher ratings.
Chico: That's right. We'll see how this patterns out the rest of the season.
Gordon: With 6.5 and a 5.2, those shows aren't going anywhere, which is great news for game show fans.
Chico: Yep. While I keep waiting for the phone to ring...Jeopardy casting coordinators... please?
Jason: Begging isn't a good look LOL
Gordon: Are you waiting for Tom DeLay to win Dancing with the Stars? Cause if you are, keep waiting.
Chico: Anyway, speaking of most popular shows on TV... let's look at the most popular show on TV right now.. We rarely talk about Dancing with the Stars except for the end, but this week was a rather odd week.

Chico: Okay, let's talk injuries. We've all had them. What's the best thing for the healing process?
Jason: Rest.
Chico: Especially... oh, foot injuries. Rest is correct. Stay off of it. Enter Tom "Twinkletoes" DeLay.
Brian: I bet someone didn't heed the advice.
Chico: You bet correctly, Brian. Tom DeLay had a fracture in one of his feet... then he went on to dance on Monday's show... fractured BOTH of his feet. I could make a bad GOP joke, but Jason's here, so I'll refrain from it.
Jason: Ha. Though he was voted to pass on
Chico: He really was. But ultimately he decided to withdraw from the competition.
Jason: Which was a good move.
Chico: the better move would've just been to not compete. I mean, there's no shame in saying, "Hey, I'm banged up". Instead, you compete on a 90% keel and it just doesn't look right. And remember... Tom didn't look like the pro hoofer to begin with. He was NOT going to win.
Jason: Nope.
Gordon: And neither was Debi Mazar. However, she was eliminated the more conventional way - via America, as she was sent packing.
Jason: No fan base and bad dancing = bye bye
Chico: Seems to work hand in hand.
Gordon: Once again, Michael Irvin gets bailed out.
Jason: Michael is the bad dancer going forth
Chico: Yep. So we go from someone who's just hungry for food... to someone who's hungry for a win... Let's wild out.

Chico: This week began somewhat interesting... a host-less challenge. The tribes arrived at Challenge Beach and Jeff was nowhere to be found. They eventually got the challenge on their own.
Gordon: This was surprisingly civilized. It could have been a very interesting challenge to see how people act when the 'Teacher' wasn't around to see if the students were behaving.
Chico: It just worked. I have to say, second only to the Amazing Racers, that Survivor players are the smartest in reality TV.
Gordon: This could have been unorganized chaos, but sense and sensibility took over.
Chico: As it usually does.
Gordon: I'd be interested to see if they did the same thing for individual immunity to see if they are just as civilized.
Jason: I don't think so LOL
Chico: Nope.
Gordon: THAT I'd like to see.
Chico: Speaking of immunity. you know the Foa Foa have never won a challenge this season for immunity?
Gordon: I'm sensing foreshadowing here.
Jason: That is true.
Chico: They would win this one. And I believe Gordon called the Tribal Council ouster. Because Yasmin was voted out.
Gordon: I did, didn't I? It makes sense to me.
Jason: Attitude + no work = bye bye
Chico: Simple.
Jason: But the more interesting one is now who is leader
Chico: Couldn't have written it out any simpler.
Gordon: First of all, she's annoying. Second of all, she's annoying and who went to the other side, so she may have made some connections over there. You don't want that person on your tribe.
Jason: Because Russell S asked for Monica to be voted out. And the tribe said otherwise.
Chico: That is correct. We had a little bit of an activity that allowed a couple of folks from your tribe to "see how the other half lives".
Gordon: Yes. You don't want a defection. So goodbye, Yasmin. If I'm Monica, I need to be worried.
Chico: Did she make any enemies? Did she get in the way? Is she just not gelling with the rest of the tribe? Because in the end, Survivor is a social game. And if there is a powerful force in the Foa Foa... then who are going to listen to, that force...or the person who can't (and won't) do anything?
Gordon: True. Meanwhile, the hamsters just voted out Drew the Bookworm.
Jason: Why?
Gordon: He came in last in the immunity team run. Even Hans the pig beat him
Chico: He's a bookworm! what do you expect?
Jason: Well....
Gordon: There's no reading competition on the island.
Jason: That makes sense
Chico: Right. Oh well. Is there a news competition?
Gordon: There is. Roll That Beautiful Brain Footage

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thanks, Doug. Gordon, what's first?
Gordon: First up - a book of dates.
Chico: Yay.
Jason: Let's hear it.

This Monday: Catch 21 and The Newlywed Game. October 13th is the new season of Chopped, and October 17th gives us Head Games.

Brian: Got GSN and Food Network, but no Science Channel.
Chico: Sorry.
Gordon: It's a very active week of gaming.
Jason: Very. DVR Overload
Chico: Four great (potentially) games. I gotta clean out my box.
Gordon: Before we do that, let me give you a greenlight.
Chico: Alright.

Mark Burnett has a show about Fantasy Island. Yes, you can be the new Mr. O'Roarke, as we look for the person who can make people's fantasies come true the best.

Gordon: Oprah's Big Give, anyone?
Chico: Yeah, no thanks.
Brian: No thanks either.
Gordon: The show got very good ratings. This could be a surprise hit
Jason: It could.
Chico: Meanwhile, I'm going to grab my trusty baseball bat, which this week... is a ... bone?
Brian: Huh?
Chico: I guess this means it's time for a visit from our favorite undead recurring character...
Jason: Oh no. Not him.
Brian: I'm afraid so.
Chico: YES! HIM!

Jason: AH! I mean...I...tolerate...Augustus, but....EW.

In possibly the final purge of the Big Saturday Night debacle of this summer, 20Q and the Money List are like two balls flying by the seat of A-Rod's mighty swing.... GONE.

Chico: Replacing them are reruns of Family Feud and 1 vs. 100 respectively.
Jason: Not a surprise here.
Gordon: I sort of remember saying that neither of them would get a season 2. Both of you insisted they would. Care to repent?
Chico: I will.
Jason: I won't.
Chico: I had no idea that GSN was still capable of (^_^)ing on a good thing. I thought they learned their lesson when they cancelled Lingo.
Jason: These were decent shows that got screwed by BSN.
Gordon: Its not GSN's fault on this. They just weren't good shows. And certainly not The Rich List Redux.
Chico: I will say this... Money List did last longer than its predecessor show... And one more time for old time's sake... Gordon? Say it with me now... "The Money List".
Gordon: The Money Dump
Chico: ... Close enough.
Gordon: And I call it what it is - The Rich List, which made no one rich. I have a stupid list, though.
Chico: Gotcha. Lets hear it

Are YOU Smarter than...all of the people on 5th Grader that needs to go back to remedial geography.

Chico: Zanzibar! Northern Rhodesia! Moldova!
Gordon: This is fairly comical. Big Bored, please?
Chico: New Jersey!

These Aren't Countries

- Singapore: Not a Country
- Massachusetts: Not a Country... or a City
- Virginia: Not a City
- Moon: Not a Planet
- Russia: Not a Continent
- Israel: Not a City

Gordon: Subject: These aren't countries.
Brian: Are those cities?
Gordon: First of all: SINGAPORE IS NOT A COUNTRY
Chico: Actually... yeah, it is.
Gordon: It's actually a sovereign city-state.
Chico: Ah. Details.
Gordon: There are 3 Sovereign City-States in the world.
Chico: Vatican City.
Gordon: That's 1.
Jason: Singapore
Gordon: That's 2
Jason: Monaco
Gordon: That's 3
Chico: Okay then.
Gordon: Here on WLTI, we love to spread the knowledge.
Jason: We do.
Gordon: But here's some more.
Chico: Nope. It's a commonwealth.
Jason: Not at all.
Jason: Nope.
Brian: It's a state.
Chico: Virginia is ALSO a commonwealth.
Jason: That it is. It's a satellite.
Chico: No. It's a Federation.
Gordon: and finally...
Jason: That is a country.
Chico: Right.
Gordon: These silly answers cost contestants over $50,000 this week.
Jason: Ouch.
Brian: Damn.
Chico: That's a lot of maps.
Gordon: Can anyone locate the Haterade?
Jason: Right here in the fridge. You need it?
Brian: Is it a big bottle?
Chico: next to the purple stuff.
Gordon: Here it is!

Maksim Chmerkovskiy, after being booted from Dancing With The Stars, is glad he's booted, because he doesn't have to do anything with former fiancé Karina Smirnoff anymore. That includes going back to the show or coming back for any future episodes. 'I Feel completely betrayed. I'm done'.

Jason: Whoa.
Chico: Talk about excising a cancerous cyst of a former relationship. Maks doesn't waste any time.
Brian: I think Maks had one too many sour grapes.
Gordon: He accuses Smirnoff and Aaron Carter of doing some extra-curricular dancing.
Jason: Wow.
Chico: Ha. That means they've been getting it on.
Gordon: I'm guessing Maks may want to get fully loaded right about now.
Jason: Hic. Yes.
Chico: Yep. And this is for you... Gordon? Press. Your. Luck.
Gordon: I got one more word for you. MAC. (Drools)

It hasn't been on the air in new eps since 2003 (and I'm kinda saddened by that)... but now it's on the DS and the Wii... and the PC.

Chico: And... you're already leaving the computer to go get it aren't you
Brian: For me, not yet.
Gordon: According to the press release, it's ALSO for the Mac. (Drools)
Chico: Nice, isn't it?
Gordon: (leaves computer)
Chico: I know what I'm getting Gordon for his birthday. If you come back, I'll get it for you.
Gordon: (returns) Ok. :)
Jason: Me too lol
Chico: But first, I'm going to get him a big red couch. It folds.
Gordon: Thanks for the comfy couch
Chico: No prob. Now to fill it.

Chopped begins a new season on Tuesday. Want to be a part of it? Go to for more information.

Gordon: That's a good way to fill it. Here's another way:

Do you have good eye-hand coordination? Do you think that coordination can win you a lot of money? Then go here:

And a third:

Millionaire Matchmaker has been renewed! If you want to date a millionaire, go here:

Gordon: Finally...


This show asks the question, can you throw the biggest, baddest party on the planet? Can you outdance, outparty, and outhink the competition???? For the chance at winning $100,000, are you able to pull together the world's hottest party?

Jason: I don't see many brains on this one lol
Chico: This looks familiar. I believe this might be either a ripoff or a second season of an E! show.
Gordon: I see Media Hoes though - do you?
Jason: I do. There are a lot each week.
Chico: (Plays "Pimpin All Over the World")

In this week's Media Ho Report, Drew Carey changes his Twitter handle (or he tries to), Shaq gets sued by ANOTHER group who think they stole his idea (or they try to), Idol Gives Back returns, something we all know Jason Block loves (or he tries to)....

Jason: Yeah well. (grumble)

Jeff Foxworthy plays Wichita, Carey and Bob Barker give to charity. Heidi Strobel (Survivor Amazon) gives birth to a baby, Simon Cowell gets hit with the flu, and Rod Blagojevich may be an Apprentice player.

Gordon: But none of them are the ho of the week.,
Jason: Who is it?
Gordon: We found out exactly who the Donald wants potential bachelors to have a merger with. It's...OMAROSA.
Jason: Ah lol
Gordon: And those...are your hoes.
Chico: And finally... let's go global to... Oh, who's up for Finland?
Brian: Yes.
Gordon: Ya

They brought "Rescuing Santa" to MIPCOM and the producers of the Amazing Race optioned for it.

Chico: The show itself is something attuned to the kid in all of us. Santa's kidnapped, and you have to go to the Arctic Circle to save him and, thus, save Christmas. Though you subout Finnish Lapland for the Arctic Circle.
Jason: Got it.
Chico: Seems like something infinitely more creative and entertaining than Clash of the Choirs.
Gordon: It's more creative. Will the producers tie him up over some angry maids a milking?
Jason: On the 8th day lol
Chico: That .... is a possibility...
Gordon: And that's Brainvision. Shut it down.
Chico: Next up, we're going back to MIPCOM to see if anyone will buy our homegrown junk.  But first, what's next, Gordon?
Gordon: First, with the new shows coming in, we need to see what your VCR habits are going to be like. You're reading WLTI. You give us 22 minutes, we'll give you 22 deals that feature money and zonks.
Jason: I don't want the Chili
Chico: Fine. You can't have it. Give me the chili.

(Brainvision has been brought to you by Slopped. Top chefs have to make the new recipes for BrainSurge slime. What slime is the tastiest? May the best slop win!)