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Previous Episodes (Season 22)
September 7 - Season Fun-ale / Place Bets Now! / Push or Flush (1)

September 14 - Calendar Boys / Roleplay / Push or Flush (2)

September 21 - Chico & Gordon's Economic Stimulus / Pineapple / Good News, Bad News

September 28 - Just Men! / Saywha? / Extreme Gameover

October 5 - Falling / 15 Shades of Wrong / This, That or the Other (1)

October 12 - It's Kind of a Big Deal / Watch or Record / This, That or the Other (2)

October 19 - Gone Hollyhood / Deserted Island / Five Good Reasons

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 22.7
October 26

Gordon: This is Gordon Pepper, and we have some reasons to celebrate this week.
Jason: Oh yeah.
Gordon: #1. Though we went past it, this is the 7th Aniversdary show.
Chico: *confettis*
Jason: *streamers*
Gordon: #2. This is our Halloween show!
Jason: oooh scary....:)
Chico: BOO!
Gordon: What is everyone dressed up as this week?
Chico: I'm an Iron Chef.
Jason: I'm the "Big Box" from LMAD.
Gordon: I'm a penny case.
Jason: You would be :)
Chico: Open your case!
Gordon: You really want me to do that in public?
Chico: ...Good point. But there's one thing I REALLY WANT TO OPEN...From somewhere in America, the Tricks, Treats, and a Little Birthday Music edition of WLTI... is.... ON!
Jason: WOO HOO!
Gordon: We'll get to a week's worth of weirdness, but let's open the show. We celebrate with our special guest this week, Mr. Jason Block.
Jason: As always, thanks for letting me in on the madness.
Chico: No problem. Speaking of madness...Gordon, what are we starting withå?
Gordon: We start with the madness that is Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader.
Chico: That's always maddening.
Jason: What we got?
Gordon: In the primetime version, it took us a few seasons to finally get a million dollar winner. It doesn't take us nearly that long to get a top winner in the Syndie Version.
Chico: So we have a...

Chico: ... divided by 4.
Gordon: Elizabeth Miller gets all 10 preliminary questions firht, and goes for the Bonus Question. This is worth $250,000....Subject: World History.

Question: In 1804, an Army composed primarily of former slaves defeated their colonial masters to form what modern Caribbean country?

Chico: I got your answer here. It's simple. "What is Haiti?"
Jason: He's right. It's Haiti.
Gordon: I thought this was very easy for $250,000. And yes, it's Haiti. Elizabeth gets it, and boom, $250,000 goes in her pocket.
Jason: Congrats to her.
Gordon: Now in the NYC area, there are 3 new episodes that aired that day. In all 3, the player gets to at least $25,000. The other 2 episodes, the player drops out.
Chico: Wow. Nice.
Jason: Smart people.
Chico: So we have a trifecta of perfect runs.
Gordon: The next day, we have 3 people...who ALL wipe out and only receive the $250 gift credit card.
Jason: That's a trick, not a treat.
Chico: That's a rock.
Gordon: So that's sort of eerie. And sad. Now I'm sure you're wondering what I'm doing dressed as a penny case, right?
Jason: Yeah, why?
Chico: Aside from hiding the goods... =p
Gordon: Ha. Well, Cherise Matthews gets the goods, the hard way. She is the first player in Syndicated Deal or No Deal history to walk off with a penny.
Jason: Oh man. That is so not the MVP award.
Chico: Awww. And after she worked so hard at avoiding the bad stuff, too...
Gordon: Big Bored, please?

Penny For Your Thoughts?

PENNY, $10, $100, $300, $50,000, $100,000
OFFER: $21,000


PENNY, $10, $100, $300
OFFER: $50

Gordon: Now Chico, You remember our friend Heather McKee, the Pig Farmer who walked off with a penny in the prime time version, right?
Chico: Right. That was one of the classic DOND episodes.
Gordon: She went tilt after picking off both big cases and then just played it out.
Jason: Of course.
Chico: Eww.
Gordon: We have another eerie similarity. Here's your board:

PENNY, $10, $100, $300, $50,000, $100,000
OFFER: $21,000

Jason: You keep going here.
Chico: Hmm... yeah, you still have a really good board. I mean, unless the unthinkable happens.
Gordon: Its only good if you avoid the Top 2 amounts.
Chico: Which is just a 1 in 30 shot against.
Gordon: Cherise...doesn't. So that...turns into this:

PENNY, $10, $100, $300,
OFFER: $50

Jason: Then you HAVE to play it out there. Unfortunately, you are done.
Chico: Can't do any worse, can you?
Gordon: Sure. you could to $49.99 worse. We get down to the end, which is this:

PENNY, $300.
OFFER: $150.

Chico: TAKE THE OFFER. You can't do any worse...actually, yeah you can. But still... you take the offer now.
Gordon: Cherise doesn't take the offer, and she gets a penny for her thoughts.
Jason: That's painful
Gordon: Ironically, during the show, Cherise, during Halloween week, talks about being a 'Warrior', who won't be scared.
Chico: You scurred yet?
Jason: I am. The Banker can be scary.
Gordon: This would be the same warrior who'd rush through a wall only to see that there's a door on the side that could be used instead.
Chico: Heh. So did that hurt enough for you?
Gordon: Not yet. Because we have this week...a DEJA VU MOMENT!

Chico: We have a graphic for everything, don't we? =p
Gordon: Yes
Jason: Didn't we see that before?
Gordon: Maybe. Ann Leinvert is a bee, and she's buzzing on Friday with this board.

PENNY, $10, $50, $200, $400, $75,000
OFFER: $10,000

Chico: Have to play it.
Gordon: You play it, which she does - but she finds the Landmine, Boom.
Chico: Ew.
Jason: Game over.

PENNY, $10, $200, $400,
OFFER: $150

Gordon: Look familiar?
Chico: Yep.
Gordon: Hey look, it's another $150 offer. And Ann, like Cherise, has the penny case. BUT this time, Ann takes the $150, giving her a profit of $149.99.
Jason: Yay.
Chico: But that wasn't the only deja vu moment this week, was it
Gordon: No it wasn't. This was a strange week. Who's up for Deja Vu...questions?
Chico: Me!
Jason: Me too!

Chico: We have a graphic for everything, don't we? =p
Gordon: Yes
Jason: Didn't we see that before?
Gordon: Maybe. On Tuesday night, Wheel of Fortune offered as a Prize, a Caribbean Cruise.
Chico: Nice
Gordon: It gets picked up...and lost. Total waste so far: $8,641
Chico: Aww.
Jason: Sad.
Gordon: Also on Tuesday, we had a question on 5th Grader for Joshua Green. The question: Spell 'Caribbean'.
Chico: C-A-R-I-B-B-E-A-N Cake.
Jason: Easy Peasy.
Gordon: Or you could just look up a few lines :P
Chico: True.
Gordon: Josh spells it 'Carriebeane'.
Chico: Sounds tasty. I guess.
Jason: Yummy beans, but wrong.
Chico: Beans... Heh.
Gordon: He gets bailed out by the Save, but he needed it later on in the game when he gets a question wrong which costs him $7,500.
Chico: No beans for him.
Gordon: Total so far: $16,141. Finally, on Let's Make a Deal, Donna can win a trip tp The Caribbean. Her task: Spell Caribbean. Have we seen this before?
Jason: Um...yes :)
Chico: I told you, dude. C-A-R-I-B-B-E-A-N.
Gordon: Her Guess: 'Carbrbain'
Jason: oops.
Chico: Looks like a combination of carburetor and brain.
Gordon: She left her brain by the carburetor. Total cost of the Trip: $3,590. Total cost of everything: $19,641.
Jason: That a lot of beach.
Gordon: So those are people who are not using their heads. But now lets get into Brain games of a different type.
Jason: Let's.
Chico: Okay folks. Who here likes science?
Gordon: I like science
Jason: Well....kind of.
Chico: Who here likes the abuse of science?
Gordon: Me!
Jason: I like when science can be made fun.
Chico: Who here likes science for fun and profit?
Jason: Pick me! Pick me!
Chico: Enter Head Games, Science Channel's new series that shows you science, then asks you about it.
Jason: The host: Greg Proops.
Chico: See a clip, get asked about it. It's like History IQ's stepbrother. Only with Greg Proops, so he's infinitely hipper.
Jason: After three clips you get asked about the videos themselves. After three rounds, the top two advance to "Under The Microscope". In the Bonus round the "microscope" goes to three scientific figures. Greg asks a question and you have to figure out who he is talking about.
Chico: You have to guess which one applies to two clues. Player with the most money at the end gets to keep it all.
Jason: The Good: Love the question material and the clips ARE fun.
Chico: Very fun.
Jason: Definitely play along material.
Chico: And what makes them even more fun? You're learning stuff, and you don't even know it. Diabolically evil.
Jason: Which is a) a great companion show to "Catch It, Keep It", and b) BEGS for a kids version to be made.
Chico: As for the package itself, the game is very well thought out, it coheres, it has a nice flow to it.
Gordon: Well it's fun, sort of. I do like the material, but I like the presentation of the material better. Its fun to play along.
Chico: Some may think The Bad: Greg Proops is somewhat miscast here. I think he makes things go at a steady clip and doesn't make things boring.
Jason: I think he is INCREDIBLY miscast here. He is ALWAYS going for the dirty joke. Once is good. 10 times, way too much.
Chico: Again, that may not be your taste. Me, I know of his work. I know that's what he does.
Gordon: I actually like Greg Proops a lot. I'm a fan of his comedy. I don't think the problem lies with him as much as it lies with the writers trying to be too hip and sexy. You don't always need every question to be sexy in a science show.
Chico: Agreed. Science itself is very sexy.
Jason: That's true.
Gordon: It can be. The other issue I have with the show is that with a show like this, even if you don't know the answer, there should be enough clues to help you figure it out. You don't get a lot of that on this show. In the prediction questions, you either know it, or you don't. There's not enough info there for you to make an educated guess. I'd like to see more questions where they leave hints for you to get the answer without knowing the material. It would help the play-at-home factor.
Chico: So the whole multiple choice thing isn't enough for you?
Gordon: No, it's not. In certain how's like this and 5th Grader, multiple choice is an excuse for 'We know you won't know it or figure it out, so here's a 1 in 3 chance for you to luck into the answer.' I'd like to see questions that allow you to think (especially since this is an academic show) to reason into the answer instead of using Lets Make a Deal technique to get a good score.
Chico: That would be the "Monty Hall Problem".
Jason: And not just true/false
Gordon: Right, Jay. And most of the time in this show, you can't rationalize 1 or 2 of the choices out. Again, you either know it or you're guessing. I want the writers to give me questions that I can figure out logically reason out choices.
Chico: So what would you say about the whole package.

HEAD GAMES - Science
B- B B B

Jason: It's a solid package that I like. But Proops is way miscast here. Grade: B.
Gordon: I like the package as a whole. It's a fun show and I learn from it. I just want the questions and structure to be worked on harder and the hipness to not be worked on as hard. B-.
Chico: I think it's a good science show cleverly disguised as a game show. There are some things that need tweaking, but nothing that a little time can't fix. B.
Gordon: Yes. Russell Swan, however, needs some fixing. He'll be able to do it in a hospital as we get one of the scariest moments in Survivor history.
Chico: Let's set the stage here. The challenge involves a lot of rolling. Russell does just that... a lot of rolling. It looks as if it really tuckers him out.
Jason: They set it up as he was not feeling good BEFORE the challenge.
Gordon: He was feeling a lot worse after the challenge - a challenge they had to stop because Russell was slipping in and out of consciousness.
Chico: Yep. He was actually doing WORSE than Mike Borassi was earlier in the series. The decision was to pull Russell out of the game IMMEDIATELY.
Jason: But the way Jeff had promoted it...this WASN'T the worst moment for a contestant. It was the worst moment for HIM.
Jason: Oh yeah. When you see a contestant go THUD, it's not pretty. It's damn scary.
Gordon: You don't want to see contestant go down and go boom.
Chico: Oh yeah. But later on that day, Jeff notified both tribes that Russell would not return to the game and that Tribal was cancelled.
Jason: I would have given both tribes a pizza pie myself. Sort of a goodwill gesture, but thats me.
Chico: Yeah. But it's one of those moments when you watch a season of Survivor, you see someone like Russell Hantz attempt to connive and swindle their way to the million, and you forget for a moment this is real. this is about survival.
Gordon: It's a real show. The situations are real. The interactions are real. And there was real emotion when Russell didn't want out.
Jason: He was BEGGING to stay. And then he went THUD again. He had to be pulled then.
Chico: Rarely do I see an episode of Survivor and feel what they're feeling. I felt Russell then.
Jason: This is where "reality" TV gets real, in the way we like to see it.
Chico: Agreed. This is raw reality at its finest, and though we hate it when it happens, the way it was handled... couldn't have been better.
Gordon: Yes. It's good to see that some reality shows out there do have a heart. Other shows have very hungry stomachs that need to be fed. Since this is Trick or Treat, it's only fitting that we showcase a food show.
Chico: I'm hungry, damn it!
Jason: Me too!
Gordon: The show is Top Chef. The theme: Restaurant Wars!
Chico: Wee!
Jason: Woot.
Gordon: Now the restaurant Wars has been a common series staple on Top Chef. Sometimes it's been executed well. Sometimes it's been executed so poorly that the teams have had to show up the week after and do it again.
Chico: And I'm guessing this week... based on what I saw... the former.
Gordon: This season was a treat. One restaurant was so well done, that they were deemed 'The Best Restaurant in the History of Restaurant Wars'.
Jason: That's pretty damn cool after 6 seasons.
Chico: Alright. I have menus, folks. I hope you're hungry.
Gordon: I am. Big Board please?

Restaurant Wars: Episode 9 - A Mission to Revolt

- MISSION: No dessert.
- REVOLT: TWO desserts.

Chico: We call this one Restaurant Wars Episode 9: A Mission to Revolt. I'm not George Lucas. I've accepted that.
Gordon: Aw.
Chico: Now... Team Mission...

Brown Butter Trout with Hazelnuts and Braised Endive
Alaskan halibut
Lamb with carrot jam
Glazed pork belly,
and ... no dessert.

Gordon: No dessert?
Chico: No dessert.
Gordon: That's not good.
Jason: I cant even do the Trout. No dessert?
Chico: Meanwhile, Team Revolt...

Arctic Char
Pressed chicken with calamari noodles
Short rib & steak
Cod with billi bi
Chocolate ganache with spearmint ice cream
Pear pithivier with vanilla ice cream.

Chico: Now you tell me. Which menu sounds the most appetizing? Not that I need to ask.
Gordon: Team Revolt. Easy.
Jason: Team Revolt. By a longshot.
Chico: BY. A. MILE. Team Mission's menu... what the hell man? No dessert?
Jason: So was Team Mission's Mission...impossible? :)
Chico: .... BOO! (throws chocolate ganache at Jason)
Jason: Hey! That's a waste of ganache!
Chico: As a result, Michael wins the elimination challenge and $10,000. Laurine... wins a trip back to the Frisco Bay.
Gordon: She can work on her dessert making skills there.
Chico: Really... no dessert? Are you mad? I mean... Dinner itself... three courses. Starter, Main, ... HELLO, DESSERT!
Gordon: The hamsters have made a delicious dessert.
Chico: Hopefully not of their leavings. That would just be wrong.
Jason: I have seen the kitty litter cake way too many times.
Gordon: You don't want pellet pudding?
Jason: No. Oh no.
Chico: Gosh. even the thought of it...
Gordon: Anyhoo, the menu is cheese cocktail, with salmon mousse, finished off with some fruit salad.
Chico: That's a lot better.
Jason: Much.
Gordon: And a side order of Brain Footage. Roll that Beautiful Brain Footage.

(Doug: Live, local, and latebreaking... From the four corners of the globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, and now here's Gordon Pepper, Chico Alexander, and the award-winning Brainvision News Team)

Chico: Thank you, Doug. First up... Let's go to the greenlight. Gordon, you're going to love this. Now... I know how much you love Carnie Wilson.
Gordon: I think she's a decent host.
Chico: You just think she's a doll and a darling and all that, right? And she's actually grown into her role as mistress of Newlyweds for GSN, right?
Gordon: Right.

GSN has greenlit a new reality show around her life. It's called "Carnie Wilson: Unstapled."

(slaps head)
Chico: It'll follow her adventures on the set, also at home, also around her entrepreneurial ventures...And... Uh, I can't do this anymore. GSN... NO!
Gordon: Now I don't mind Carnie Wilson as much as Chico does, apparently. I think the only reason why this came to pass is because it's a ridiculously cheap show to make.
Chico: BAD!
Jason: She isn't a compelling enough a personality to follow around. Aren't you still the GAME SHOW NETWORK? Can't we have more GAME SHOWS? Instead of...well...THIS?
Chico: We tried the whole diversification thing before. It didn't work. This entire pickup signifies everything wrong with GSN today. There's no real game show element to it.
Gordon: It annoys me that GSN is spending the money on things like this and Big Saturday Night and are not instead focusing on....oh I don't know...good games or game show incarnations? Catch 21: HIT. Newlywed Game: Hit. This is what your audience wants. Now go make some more remakes.
Jason: Or try new properties that might work. DO something. Embrace who you are.
Chico: You are a network .... that shows game shows. Stop denying who you are! This is who you are...This is what you do. Not that other (^_^)!
Gordon: I have a Business End matter for you.
Jason: Who gets the bat?
Gordon: You want to talk about Eerie?
Chico: I'm scared.

We have 'allegedly' a person meeting with CBS to discuss involvement in either 'The Amazing Race' or a Celebrity Version of 'Survivor'. Said person, according to Gosselin

Jason: Oh no!
Chico: Follow-up! Jon will not be a part of any TAR season any time soon, thank god. According to E!Online. "Jon is not doing Amazing Race or any other reality show. No Divorced Dads Club, nothing. He is focused on his personal life and the matters at hand." This according to his lawyer
Jason: Sounds good.
Gordon: I have my own retort on that, and I'll save it for something later. Right now, we have a Datebook.
Chico: Gotcha.
Jason: Who you got?

This weekend, we get seasons 2 of I Want to Work for Diddy and For The Love of Ray-J. So basically, we get some Diddy, and some Doody.

Chico: Ha.
Jason: Pretty much

Friday is Halloween. TPIR and Feud will have their annual spooktaculars.

I am looking forward to TPIR's Halloween show.
Chico: I always look forward to that.
Gordon: Should be fun.
Chico: You want to talk about fun? Let's load up.
Gordon: Weeee

Press Your Luck. Out Tuesday. Wii, PC, and DS. You will get it.

Gordon: No I won't, because some GSNN Editor already told me I'm getting it as a birthday present. :)
Jason: LOL
Chico: Can you wait until I get paid?
Gordon: Of course.
Chico: ALSO...

Game Show Congress is on once again. November 13-16. Registration is open at

Gordon: This is the best game show convention on the market. Go.
Jason: Honorees: Geoff Edwards and Allen Ludden.
Gordon: It would be amazing to see Geoff Edwards in person.
Chico: I know. He's good people.
Jason: The man with boxes way before Howie.
Gordon: And I'd love to see a remake of Treasure Hunt.
Chico: I'd totally be behind that.
Jason: I would too.
Gordon: Are you behind dumb moves made by dumb people?
Chico: No.
Jason: Not at all.
Chico: I'd like to kick them in the behind.

Are YOU Smarter than...Mika, who is nice enough to let the Globetrotters ahead of them, and ensuring their elimination on The Amazing Race.

Jason: Ouch.
Chico: That's nice... Buh bye.

Jason: This is a RACE.
Chico: This is a game. The point of the game is to win. Need we say more?
Jason: Not really.
Gordon: It's on The Amazing Race. Mika and Canaan know they are fighting the Globetrotters to avoid elimination. The task: slide down a water slide into a tank with sharks, then swim to the exit.
Chico: Mika was scurred.
Gordon: This is actually an attraction at an amusement park, so #1, the sharks aren't in the same cage and #2, no one is going to get killed doing it.
Chico: So they really should've known better
Gordon: Mike and Canaan get their first. Mika won't do the course. 30 minutes later, the Globetrotters show up, which gives Mika 2 minutes to do it. She still won't. The Globetrotters do. They surpass the couple. Mika winds up not doing it at all when they arrive at the Pit Stop. They get penalized 2 hours for not doing the challenge, but it's academic because they are Phil-liminated.
Chico: Right. And now you know the rest of the story... Buh bye.
Jason: See Ya.
Gordon: And here's some more.

Are YOU Smarter than...Adam Jasinski, who apparently used his $500,000 that he won on Big Brother to fund a Drug Smuggling Operation. And yes, he got caught this week.

Jason: Dumb. Ass. 2,000 pills? Seriously?
Chico: Go figure.
Jason: He is facing a 20 year sentence and a 1 million fine.
Gordon: Now Adam will be living in a different type of house. Not just The Big Brother house, but The Big House, with many more fascinating houseguests.
Chico: All I have to say is this... when someone says "Bubba, please go to the diary room"... sit down. Sit down hard.
Jason: Oh man.
Chico: And that's just for starters.
Gordon: And now for the Haterade.
Jason: Got my glass at the ready.
Chico: In honor of National Haterade Appreciation Day
Gordon: And I brought someone as a guest to help celebrate.

Jason: It is his week after all.
Chico: Yay.
Gordon: Cause you can't have a good birthday party without zombies. That's what I say. Or a good Halloween party.
Chico: ... or soemthin'.
Jason: Make sure they don't eat the cake though.

Remember Glam God? No one else does, which is why the only fashion and make-up on the schedule this week is going to be used to decorate Augustus and the rest of the zombies.

Jason: Zombies and make up...ok :)
Chico: I guess Vivica's better off hanging out with cougars. Rowr.
Gordon: Meow. Can she start looking around the world?
Chico: Yes she can. We're going to Ireland this week.

TV3 and Endemol are bringing Deal or No Deal to the Emerald Isle.

Jason: Always wanted to go. what's up on the Emerald Isle. Nice.
Chico: Very. Still some old fuel left in the workhorse. Still some money to be made.
Gordon: Very true. Now who wants some old media hoes?
Jason: I do :)
Chico: (plays "Pimpin' All Over the World")

In this week's Media Ho Report, Kelly Osbourne goes to the hospital with a leg injury, Jillian Michaels gets her own TV series, Lance and Keri (Amazing Race) get married...

Chico: Awwwwwwwbarf.
Jason: Yeah...that's going to go well.

Kim Kardashian judges Next Top Model as a guest judge, Yul Kwon is appointed to an FCC post, and Jason and Molly, from The Bachelor (Chico's faaaaaaavorite show) gets engaged! Isn't that great, Chico?

Chico: Good for them. Maybe they'll stay off my TV.
Gordon: Doubt it.
Jason: Nope. Don't think so.
Gordon: But none of them are your hoes of the week.
Jason: Who are they?
Gordon: I have 7 hoes for you.
Chico: Seven?
Gordon: John McCain, Vanessa Williams, Jane Lynch, Shaquille O'Neal, Joe Mantegna, Robin Roberts and Cookie Monster will all be asking questions to Millionaire contestants during...guess when kids?
Jason: During or sweeps week?
Gordon: November during sweeps is right! Amazing you'd figure that out.
Chico: And that's just... wow, next week, isn't it?
Jason: I think it starts soon yes.
Gordon: Next week starts November. And Those...Are your Hoes.
Chico: And with that, it's time to close out Brainvision. Jason, if you would please.
Jason: (shutting down)
Chico: Okay, still to come, we make these costumes make sense by playing Buen Trato! But first... we try to make sense out of PR spinmasters. This is WLTI. You give us 22 minutes, we'll give you 22 scares. BOO!
Jason: AH! Don't do that!
Chico: Okay... I wont...BOO!
Jason: AH!
Gordon: Only 20 to go...

(Brainvision has been brought to you by Pupperoni! It's something you can see on The Price is Right every day! Pupperoni! Dogs love it!)